who or what exerts the least influence on the national security policies of the united states of america?


Answer 1

Public Opinion exerts the least influence on the national security policies of the United States.

Who shapes foreign policy?

A nation's foreign policy is influenced by its political structures and modes of governing. In a democracy, a nation's foreign policy is influenced by both popular opinion and the means of political representation. Additionally, it is thought that democratic nations are less prone to engage in armed confrontation with one another.

Who are the main actors in international affairs?

The president's name must be used in the formulation and execution of all foreign policy decisions. The secretaries of State, Defense, and Treasury, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (particularly the chair), and the director of the Central Intelligence Agency are the main decision-makers in the bureaucracy when it comes to foreign policy.

To know more about national security, visit:



Related Questions

In general, _____ tends to give rise to a strong sense of purpose, values, morals, and ethics.


In general, spirituality tends to give rise to a strong sense of purpose, values, morals, and ethics.

As represented by the founders and sacred scriptures of the world's religions, spirituality has traditionally been understood as a religious process of re-formation that "aims to reclaim the original shape of man." This process is centred on "the image of God." The phrase's meaning was expanded to include mental aspects of life during the Late Middle Ages from its original use in early Christianity, which described a life focused on the Holy Spirit. In the modern era, the phrase has expanded to encompass a larger range of experiences, embracing a variety of esoteric and religious traditions in addition to other religious traditions.

To know more about spirituality :



The ____________ theory of motivation has been criticized because it is based on circular reasoning.


Its circular reasoning foundation has led to criticism of the drive-reduction theory of motivation.

What is drive-reduction theory?

A significant theory of motivation in the tradition of behaviorist learning theory is the drive reduction theory, which was created by Clark Hull in 1943. The motivation that develops out of a psychological or physiological need is referred to as "drive."

It serves as an internal stimulant that encourages someone to satisfy their drive. It has also been described as an innate process that drives people to act in a way that will help them achieve their desired goal or end state.

It asserts that organisms are driven to weaken their urges to preserve homeostasis.

Learn more about the drive-reduction theory, from:



which of the following works to create resource dependence? group of answer choices expert power, legitimate power, personal power importance, scarcity, substitutability context, availability, demand necessity, completeness, responsibility


Expert power, legitimate power, personal power works to create resource dependence.

Personal authority belongs to the individual and is not dependent on the position a manager holds inside an organisation. Personal power is a powerful tool for managers to utilise when attempting to influence subordinates due to factors like personality and specialised knowledge.

Employees who report to powerful managers develop loyalty to them. Referent power and expert power are the two major pillars of personal authority. Through their specialised knowledge, expertise, or abilities pertaining to the work the subordinates must execute, a manager might use their legitimate power to influence the behaviours of subordinates.

Being an expert sends a strong message to workers that the boss understands what they are doing and can offer the guidance required for the subordinates to achieve their own success.

To know more about Personal power visit:



Which of thee argument might be ued by omeone who upport trict campaign finance law?


Someone who endorses strict campaign finance laws may use the argument that corporations and labor unions wield too much power.

A 1971 law that restricts campaign financing for federal elections The law requires candidates and their political committees to disclose who gives them money and how they spend it. The law also governs public financing of presidential elections. Companies or corporations, as well as labor unions, support strict campaign finance laws because they wield too much power in the finance laws.

Learn more on finance laws -



the privacy protection act allows law enforcement agencies: a. to seize books and newspapers that threaten first amendment rights b. to seize materials from electronic publishers as long as fourth amendment requirements are met c. both a and b d. none of the above


The  privacy protection act allows law enforcement agencies is that  to seize books and newspapers that threaten first amendment rights.

Hence, option A is correct.

Governments, public or private organizations, or other people may gather personally identifiable information, personal healthcare information, and financial information about individuals. Privacy law is the body of law that deals with the regulation, storing, and use of this information.

Individuals are protected by the Privacy Act in three main ways. Individuals are given the following rights: the right to see personal data, subject to Privacy Act exclusions; the right to ask for changes to be made to any records that are not accurate, timely, relevant, or comprehensive.

To know more about Privacy Protection here



once a college professor, dr. jackson has lived a life of writing, teaching, and community service. dr. jackson's generativity means that she is likely to achieve erikson's final life challenge, which is:


Once a college professor, dr. Jackson has lived a life of writing, teaching, and community service. dr. Jackson's generativity means that she is likely to achieve Erikson's final life challenge, which is: integrity versus despair.

When people look back on their lives at the integrity versus despair stage, they either feel fulfilled by a life well lived or filled with regret and despair over a life poorly lived.

At this point, accepting one's entire life and looking back on it with gratitude are the most crucial events.

Erikson says that acquiring a feeling of integrity entails accepting oneself completely and accepting death.

To know more about Integrity here



grant is planning a study for his second-year project in college. he plans to collect data on dreams, asking college students to write down as much as they can remember about a recent dream they had. as he designs the study, grant needs to consider that the ability to remember dreams is dependent on:


As he designs the study, grant needs to consider that the ability to remember dreams is dependent on the length of time since the dream.

Approaches used to learn are called study skills or study methods. A variety of abilities known as "study skills" deal with organising and assimilating new material, remembering information, or handling evaluations. They are distinct methods that can be mastered quickly and used in all or the majority of academic subjects. More broadly, any ability that improves a person's capacity to learn, memorise, and recall knowledge that helps them pass exams can be referred to as a study skill. Examples include time management and motivating strategies. Mnemonics, which help people remember lists of information, efficient note-taking, effective reading, and concentration skills are a few examples.

learn more about study here



Episodes of overwhelming anxiety that last for several minutes with physical symptoms such as shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat is most characteristic of?


Episodes of overwhelming anxiety lasting several minutes with physical symptoms such as shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat are more characteristic of a panic attack.

What is a panic attack?

It corresponds to a situation where the individual has an emotional response to a particular event or situation, generating anxiety attacks that generate physical and intense symptoms, such as tachycardia, sweating and fear of going crazy.

Therefore, an individual who experiences such crises should seek medical assistance to identify the best treatment for the situation, helping the individual to have greater control over such crises and better quality of life.

Find out more about panic attack on:



the u.s. supreme court enabled which government practices to continue in its ruling in plessy v. ferguson?


The infamously discriminatory Plessy v. Ferguson decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1896, which permitted the application of discriminatory laws by state and municipal governments, is referenced in the expression "separate but equal."

What does the Supreme Court do?

Even though the Supreme Court has the authority to hear appeals on any legal matter, it frequently declines to conduct trials. As opposed to this, it's indeed up to the Supreme Court to decide what a legislation means, whether it relates to a specific set of facts, or how it should be interpreted. The highest court in the court system is usually the supreme court. Other names for these courts are apex court, high court of appeal, or courts of last resort. A supreme court's decisions cannot often be appealed to another court.

What's the main power of the Supreme Court and who makes up the Supreme Court?

Judicial review, or the Court's capacity to declare a legislative or executive act to be in violation of the Constitution, is the most well-known power of the Supreme Court. However, this power is not contained in the Constitution's text. In Marbury v. Madison, the court articulated this theory (1803).

The Supreme Court currently consists of nine justices: the Chief Justice, eight Associate Justices, and one Associate Justice. 104 Associate Justices have served on the Court throughout its existence, with The Honorable John G. Roberts, Jr. serving as its 17th Chief Justice.

To know more about Supreme Court visit:



habakkuk prophesied in judah after the babylonian invasion and warned that the lord sent the babylonians to punish his people. t or f


Habakkuk prophesied in judah after the babylonian invasion and warned that the lord sent the babylonians to punish his people is the true statement.

It is true that following the Babylonian invasion, the prophet Habakkuk foretold in Judah that the Lord had sent the Babylonians to chastise his people. The prophet Habakkuk questions the justice of the Lord and inquires as to why he permits the Babylonians to oppress his people in the book of Habakkuk. In response, the Lord informs Habakkuk that he is using the Babylonians as a means of chastisement for the transgressions committed by the people of Judah. The Lord then commands Habakkuk to have faith in him and wait patiently for the punishment to be carried out.

Learn more about Habakkuk at https://brainly.com/question/17149886


Which type of mobility relates to status differences between generations of the same family?


Social mobility relates to status differences between generations of the same family.

Social mobility is the movement of individuals, families, households or other categories of people within or between social strata in a society. It is a change in social status relative to one's current social location within a given society. This movement occurs between layers or tiers in an open system of social stratification. Open stratification systems are those in which at least some value is given to achieved status characteristics in a society.

The movement can be in a downward or upward direction. Markers for social mobility such as education and class, are used to predict, discuss and learn more about an individual or a group's mobility in society. Social mobility relates to status differences between generations of the same family.

To know more about Social mobility visit:



jeff is late to work one morning, so he drives over the speed limit through a school zone. as a result, he gets pulled over by a police officer and receives a ticket. this scenario is an instance of


Jeff is late to work one morning, so he drives over the speed limit through a school zone. as a result, he gets pulled over by a police officer and receives a ticket. this scenario is an instance of punishment.

Two forms of effects are reinforcement and punishment. As one of the maximum essential standards of conduct analysis, the manner of reinforcement involves a result that will increase the destiny probability of the conduct it follows.

Such conduct extrude takes place over the years following on the spot reinforcement. Humans effect the bodily surroundings in lots of ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like those have induced weather extrude, soil erosion, terrible air quality, and undrinkable water.

The surroundings can facilitate or discourage interactions amongst people (and the following advantages of social support). For example, an inviting area with cushty chairs and privateness can inspire a own circle of relatives to live and go to with a patient. The surroundings can impact peoples' conduct and motivation to act.

Learn more about Jeff here:



barbara promised amy to look after her dog while she was on vacation. that night, barbara forgot to close the gate to the dog's yard. the dog escaped and never came back. barbara's failure to close the gate is an example of:


The dog escaped and never came back. Barbara's failure to close the gate is an example of negligence.

A failure to exercise the required and/or ethically mandated care that is anticipated to be exercised under specific circumstances is referred to as negligence. In the area of tort law known as negligence, damage is created by failing to take action as a kind of carelessness, potentially with mitigating factors. The fundamental idea behind negligence is that individuals should use reasonable caution when acting, taking into consideration any potential harm they may unavoidably do to others or property.

A person who experiences loss as a result of another party's negligence may be able to file a lawsuit to recover damages. Physical pain, property damage, mental sickness, or financial loss are all examples of this type of loss.

learn more about negligence here



robert is in an argument with his friend. he is about to say something mean but realizes that this will likely hurt his friend's feelings. robert decides not to say anything nasty. this moment of insight could be thought of as:


The Correct answer is option b) Conscious Awareness. The behaviour offered by Robert with reference to his friends' arguments here can be referred to as Conscious Awareness.

The attempt to not hurt his friends feelings by Robert is highly needed and appreciated and called Awareness of one’s conscience. The actual definition is: The mind is both awake and aware of its surroundings when it is in conscious awareness, which is a dual state of being. A mind can be consciously aware, but it cannot be aware without also being conscious, as in the classic example of a square being always a rectangle.

Learn more about Concious Awareness here:



Complete Question:

robert is in an argument with his friend. he is about to say something mean but realizes that this will likely hurt his friend's feelings. robert decides not to say anything nasty. this moment of insight could be thought of as:

a)Social Awareness

b)Conscious Awareness

c)Organizational Awareness

sam has decided to implement an od effort in his division to change the​ attitudes, stereotypes, and perceptions that several of the units have of each other. he wants to focus the training on the differences among the units. what type of od effort is sam​ implementing?


The type of OD that Sam implements is intergroup development.

Dimensions of Inter-Group Relations

Inter-group relations have various dimensions. For example about the relationship between the majority and the minority. This can be explained by various dimensions, such as history, demography, attitudes, institutions, social movements, or collective behavior.

The study from the perspective of the historical dimension is directed at the problem of the growth and development of inter-group relations. When was the first contact between white and black racial groups made? How did this contact develop into a relationship of domination and even slavery?

Through the attitude dimension, we examine the attitudes of members of a group towards other groups. For example about how the attitude of Chinese people towards native people, and vice versa? Discussion on this matter will focus on the existence of stereotypes or prejudices between groups.

The social movement dimension will explain the efforts of a group to break free from domination by other groups. For example the women's liberation movement (Women's Liberation Movement), the movement of radical black people -Black Panthers- in the United States, and so on.

These studies can be applied to discuss the relationship between the majority and minorities as mentioned earlier, agesm, racism and racism, sexism, and so on.

The following discussion will describe in some detail the dimensions of inter-group relations, namely (1) the historical dimension, (2) the attitude dimension, (3) the social movement dimension, (4) the institutional dimension, and (4) the behavioral or behavioral dimension. collective.

Learn more about intergroup relationship at https://brainly.com/question/28452186.


in the aftermath of rosa parks's arrest for refusing to give her bus seat to a white rider, a yearlong bus boycott took place in what city?


In the aftermath of rosa parks's arrest for refusing to give her bus seat to a white rider, a yearlong bus boycott took place in Montgomery, Alabama.

Montgomery is the capital town of Alabama. The black granite Civil Rights Memorial and adjoining exhibition middle commemorate the Civil Rights movement. Martin Luther King, Jr. preached on the Dexter avenue Baptist Church, a hub for the Bernard Law Montgomery bus boycott. close by is the domed, 1850s Alabama country Capitol.

Integrated December three, 1819, Sir Bernard Law has a protracted and interesting records. once home to the first White residence of the Confederacy, Bernard Law Montgomery grew to turn out to be the center of the Civil Rights motion, substantially the Montgomery Bus Boycotts.

From the Creek Indian relics to the Civil struggle-generation buildings to the most well-known of Civil Rights landmarks, Bernard Law Montgomery is a historian's dream, and one of the exceptional places within the us of a to research of the united states's growth.

Learn more about Montgomery here : https://brainly.com/question/10515770


What led Henry Ford's success as an entrepreneur Brainly?


Henry Ford, an American businessman and business tycoon who founded the Ford Motor Company and was a key proponent of the assembly line method of mass manufacturing,

Henry Ford lived from July 30, 1863, to April 7, 1947. He transformed the vehicle from a costly luxury into an affordable mode of transportation, which had a significant impact on the 20th century's landscape, by developing the first car that middle-class Americans could purchase.His invention of the Ford Model T vehicle transformed both American manufacturing and transportation. He rose to become one of the richest and most well-known people in the world as the owner of Ford Motor Company. "Fordism" is credited to him.

learn more about Henry Ford   here:



Answer: uh B i think


describe the pivotal events that occurred in the 1960s that contributed to the current popularity of experimental cognitive psychology.


Known as the father of cognitive psychology, Neisser revolutionized the discipline by challenging behaviorist theory and endeavoring to discover how the mind thinks and works. He was particularly interested in memory and perception.

Cognitive Psychology is the technology of the way we suppose. it's involved with our inner mental tactics such as interest, notion, reminiscence, motion-making plans, and language. each of those components are pivotal in forming who we are and how we behave. Cognitive psychology involves the look at thoughts and how human beings think. Examples of factors studied in this area are interest span, reminiscence, reasoning, and different capabilities and actions of the mind which can be visible as a complex mental method. The concept of studying itself is also an example of cognition.

Cognitive psychology is based totally on assumptions: (1) Human cognition can at the least in precept be absolutely found out by the medical technique, that is, man or woman components of intellectual strategies can be recognized and understood, and (2) internal mental strategies can be defined in terms of rules or algorithms.

Learn more about cognitive psychology here: https://brainly.com/question/12011520


people who think of conflict as a threat to interpersonal and community harmony are likely to use _____ and take a nonresistant response like avoidance or dealing with the conflict indirectly.


People who think of conflict as a threat to interpersonal and community harmony are likely to use pacifism and take a nonresistant response like avoidance or dealing with the conflict indirectly.

Pacifism, the principled competition to war and violence as a way of settling disputes. Pacifism might also entail the perception that the waging of warfare by a country and the participation in war by an individual are in reality wrong, under any instances.

Pacifism is the idea that non violent instead of violent or belligerent relations have to govern human sex and that arbitration, give up, or migration should be used to solve disputes.

Pacifists will frequently refuse to serve within the army. And some refuse to guide political and social structures that promote battle by means of, as an example, withholding their taxes. Pacifists were related to quietistic withdrawal from political existence or even outright anarchism.

Learn more about pacifism here : https://brainly.com/question/1990169


matt is a researcher who believes that verbal, spatial, and reasoning abilities are all the result of a single psychological phenomenon. whose work would he most likely admire?


He would mostly admire the work of Charles Spearman's.

Who is Charles Spearman?

Factor analysis, a statistical method for condensing and interpreting data, was popularized by Charles Spearman. He was the first psychologist to apply mathematical models to the study and interpretation of the complexity of the human mind. He was an English psychologist who developed the idea of general intelligence, or more formally the g factor, through which he characterized intelligence as a cognitive skill that can be quantified. He conducted a study to support this idea using the method of factor analysis, from which he deduced that higher IQ individuals performed well on a variety of mental aptitude tests, whereas individuals with lower IQ levels did not adequately perform on all of these tests.

Because of Charles Spearman theory and phenomena matt admire the work of Spearman.

Know more about Charles Spearman visit:



Each of the following events result in a tax payment. which is an example of an indirect tax?a. Jimmy buys his fiancé an engagement ring at a local jewelry store.b. Sara inherits her grandfather's home and property upon his death.c. Mr. Smith's hardware store earned its biggest profit this year to date.d. Mrs. Jones saves each year for the property taxes owed on her horse farm.


a. Jimmy buys his fiancé an engagement ring at a local jewelry store is an example of an indirect tax.

An indirect tax is one that is collected and paid to the government by one party in the supply chain, such as a manufacturer or retailer, but is then passed on to the customer as part of the cost of the commodity or service.

The final recipient of the tax is the consumer, who pays extra for the good. By comparing indirect taxes to direct taxes, one may define indirect taxes. Taxation on a person or an entity that is ultimately covered by another person is known as an indirect tax.

The tax will subsequently be sent to the government by the organization that collects it. However, with direct taxes, the target of the government's attention is the person who pays the tax right away.

To know more about indirect tax:



Netflix focuses on innovation and high individual employee performance. Netflix pursues a differentiation strategy and employees have a significant portion of their pay at risk. t O F


False: Netflix values individual employee performance and innovation. Netflix's differentiation strategy puts a significant portion of its employees' pay at risk.

Does Netflix employ a strategy for differentiation?

Differentiation: While Netflix's primary strategy for gaining a competitive advantage is cost leadership, the company also employs differentiation in its operations. Differentiation is a broad strategy that entails developing the online business and its products in various ways that distinguish them from the competition.

What is Netflix's fundamental advancement methodology?

Through product and process innovations, Netflix's innovation strategy focuses on maximizing its competitive advantage. The new features aim to make the Netflix streaming service more accessible and of high quality for the majority of customers.

To learn more about Differentiation here



what does the open self of the johari window repreent? a. those parts of yourself that neither you nor others know. b. all the knowledge you have of yourself but keep secret from others. c. information about yourself that others know but that you do not know. d. information about yourself that you and others know


D) The information about yourself that you and others are aware of is represented by the open self in the Johari window.

Open: The term "open" or "arena" refers to the window's first pane. The actions, behaviors, and information that the individual and those around them are aware of are represented in this quadrant. Through the individual's communication and exchanges with others, this information becomes public.

Self-awareness and self-communication can be better explained and communicated with the help of the Johari Window model. There are four sections to the window: open, unidentified, concealed, and blind.

There are four combinations represented by the four quadrants, or window panes, of the Johari window:

Space Open: Known to you and others, respectively.Missing Link: Obscure to yourself - Known to other people. ...Secret Area: Known only to you, but not to others.Unknown Region: You and others are unaware of it.

To learn more about Johari window here



Of these influences, which appears to be the initial source of gender segregation?
establishment of gender constancy
peer pressure
differences in behavioral styles and interests
parent and teacher efforts


A)establishment of gender constancy appears to be the initial source of gender segregation.

What are gender roles?

A gender role, often referred to as a sex role, is a social role that includes a variety of attitudes and actions that are typically regarded as proper, appropriate, or desirable for a person based on that person's sex. Though there are exceptions and variances, gender roles are typically predicated on ideas of what masculinity and femininity are, respectively.

While certain aspects of these gendered norms may be universal across countries, others may vary depending on the culture. In addition, a person's race or ethnicity has an impact on how gender roles (or perceived gender roles) are perceived.

The attire a person chooses to wear, the career they pick, the personal relationships they enter, and how they behave in those relationships are all frequently influenced by gender roles.

To know more about gender roles, visit:



professor winters is studying the development of adolescent relationships between girls. she conducts much of her research by sitting in the bleachers at basketball games and during pep rallies watching the interaction between the teenagers. which research method is professor winters employing? professor winters is studying the development of adolescent relationships between girls. she conducts much of her research by sitting in the bleachers at basketball games and during pep rallies watching the interaction between the teenagers. which research method is professor winters employing? replication the case study experimentation naturalistic observation the survey


Professor Winters is studying the development of adolescent relationships between girls. She conducts much of her research by sitting in the bleachers at basketball games and during pep rallies watching the interaction between the teenagers. Naturalistic observation research method is Professor Winters employing.

What is naturalistic observation?

A qualitative research technique called "naturalistic observation" involves seeing your research subjects' actions in actual environments and documenting them. A naturalistic observation should not have any factors that have been influenced or interfered with. Naturalistic observation can be compared to intentional "people watching."

We employ naturalistic observation for what purpose?

The ability to see a subject up close and in their natural environment is one benefit of naturalistic observation. The approach gives researchers an up-close look at social interaction and may enable them to pick up on details that they might have missed in a lab environment.

To know more about naturalistic observation visit:



Ramone draws pictures of workers on construction sites, highlighting the danger of the work and the invisibility of these workers after the nice buildings are finished. What activity is Ramone engaging in?
A. conscious consumerism
B. satirizing business
C. socially conscious artmaking
D. business practices



The Answer is C: socially conscious artmaking


I just took the test

In what year did napoleon seize control of the government and assume dictatorial powers?


The 1799 year Napoleon seize control of the government and assume dictatorial powers.

The same battalion promotes Napoleon Bonaparte to second lieutenant-colonel. - From April 8–11, 1792, active involvement in fighting in Ajaccio. Napoleon travels to Paris on May 28 to defend himself against the charge that he was one of those who instigated unrest at Ajaccio. Napoleon led the French army into Egypt in 1798, quickly capturing Cairo and Alexandria. As First Consul from 1799 to 1804, then as Emperor of the French from 1804 to 1814 and once more in 1815, he served as the de facto president of the French Republic.

Napoleon Bonaparte executed a coup d'état on November 9, 1799, destroying the Directory and declaring himself France's "first consul," as discontent with their rule reached a fever pitch.

Learn more about Napolean Bonaparte here: https://brainly.com/question/361806


what is the method of control where actions of subunits are directed by a system of rules and procedures? multiple choice question. personal cultural output bureaucratic


Control through a system of rules and procedures that directs the actions of subunits  is bureaucratic

So option  (D) is the correct option for the given question

the mechanism for co ordinating sub units is

Centralization and


A subunit is predefined operating environment through which the system coordinates.

To know more about subunits click on the link below:



Edward Forbes:
is called the "Father of Oceanography"
incorrectly believed life did not exist below 300 fathoms made many important contributions to oceanographic study
all of the above



D is the answer because _____________ is always the one to do it


Answer: The answer is D... i got 100% on my quiz


which theory suggests that the reason people help others is to make themselves feel better?


The negative state relief model proposes that people occasionally assist in order to improve their own feelings.

We can use assisting others as a positive mood booster to feel happy whenever we are feeling down. We have learned via socialisation that assisting might act as a secondary reinforcement to lift our spirits. Helping behaviours are driven by one's egoistic desires according to the negative state alleviation paradigm. The hedonistic aspect of helping behaviour was exposed, and the negative relief model was reinforced, in Manucia's 1979 study. The findings demonstrated that sorrowful respondents helped more when they thought their mood could be altered. The findings confirmed the negative state alleviation paradigm as well as the egoistic nature of helping behaviours.

To know more about negative state relief model:



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