Create either a simile, metaphor, or personification to change the sentence "I see a tree" into something more visual.


Answer 1

Change the sentence "I see a tree" into something more visual by making a simile is "a tree like a spiky rocket"

What is Figurative language?

Figurative language is mainly based on signs that the context of the sentence relates to some other concept, event, or scene by suggesting that the listener or the reader understands the thought.

When two items are compared using the words "as or like" in a sentence while describing an event, it is referred to as figurative speech or a simile.

The sentence, "I see a tree" changed into simile as "a tree like a spiky rocket"

Learn more about Figuartive language, here:


Related Questions

human rights in the middle east and north african region varies a great deal. which country is known for the most restrictive gender laws?


Yes, there is no country in the world that provides or has achieved complete gender equality when we talk about gender laws. Opportunities from all over the world for equal employment opportunities, education, etc. are not open to the idea that gender-based laws in Saudi Arabia are some of the toughest in the world.

Do human rights exist in the Middle East?

The legal and political development of international human rights law following the Second World War and its application to the Middle East have shaped human rights in the Middle East.

In the Middle East, why is there gender inequality?

Due to large disparities in per capita income, Arab countries' gender inequality is highly variable and exacerbated by polygamy and corruption. Policies that would reduce gender inequality, particularly those that would improve women's access to secondary and higher education, can be implemented by Arab nations.

Learn more about human rights law here:


Who was the leader in the Cherokee Uprising? please help


Answer: John Ross

Explanation: John Ross became principal chief of the Cherokee Nation in 1827, following the establishment of a government modeled on that of the United States.

Just in case you need it he was born October 3, 1790.


Which agency recommends that all pregnant women should be screened for common infections and treated if infected?.


Centers for Disease Control Prevention (CDC)  recommends that all pregnant women should be screened for common infections and treated if infected.

What is CDC?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the United States' national public health agency. It is a federal agency of the United States that reports to the Department of Health and Human Services and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. The agency's primary goal is to protect public health and safety by controlling and preventing disease, injury, and disability in the United States and around the world. The CDC focuses national attention on disease control and prevention research and implementation. It focuses on infectious disease, food-borne pathogens, environmental health, occupational safety and health, health promotion, injury prevention, and educational activities aimed at improving the health of Americans.

So, the required answer is CDC.

To learn more about CDC:


What did the student need to get a complete understanding of how the teacher felt?
All the information from the teacher
advice from other friends
more assumptions
Nothing. The teacher hates him, it's obvious, so he's never going to catch a break.



(1): You need to provide more information for people to be able to answer your question.

(2): If I had to choose, I would say a, All the information from the teacher.


(2) explanation: we know that it is not d, Nothing. The teacher hates him, it's obvious, so he's never going to catch a break, because teacher do not hate students without a reason. It cannot be C, more assumptions, because more assumptions are not going to help the student because they may not be true. B is a close answer, but you are more likely to understand how the teacher felt from All the information about the teacher, then from the student's friends.

Pls mark Brainliest with the crown

why do you think marriage is still so important to americans compared to their european counterparts?


Although family life in America has become less stable over the last several decades, the majority of the American population still agrees that marriage provides value to individuals and society

A population is a complete set organization of people, whether that institution contains a country or a collection of human beings with a commonplace characteristic. In information, a population is the pool of people from which a statistical sample is drawn for a take a look.

It may be a collection of individuals, gadgets, occasions, businesses, and so forth. you use populations to attract conclusions. figure 1: populace. An instance of a populace will be the complete scholar frame at a faculty. it'd comprise all the students who take a look at that school at the time of the statistics series.

Learn more about the population here:


you see a pedestrian with a white cane at the corner ready to cross the street. the person takes a step back and pulls his/her cane. you should:


You see a pedestrian with a white cane at the corner ready to cross the street. the person takes a step back and pulls his/her cane. you should: come to a complete stop.

What to do when you see a  pedestrian with a white cane?

Blind people must always be given the right of way by drivers. Vehicles must come to a complete stop when a pedestrian is crossing a roadway or highway while being guided by a dog or carrying a white cane (or a white cane with a red tip).

On crosswalks, all pedestrians have the right-of-way and are free to choose their own crossing time. The majority of the time, when a blind person steps away from a crosswalk with their cane and indicates they do not intend to cross, you are free to continue.

Read more on pedestrian here:


which type of validity is a professional judgment about whether an instrument actually measures what it is supposed to measure?


Validity of a construct. Construct validity makes it simple to determine whether a given measurement tool accurately captures the phenomenon being measured.

How do you demonstrate professional judgement?

A professional has to be ready to defend their choices with a solid, scientific justification. Choosing whether to use a method like zero-based budgeting in any area of an organization is one example that comes to mind. A different one might be determining the justification of a performance comparator decision. Alternatively, one might weigh the risks of bringing AI to marketing against the risks of doing nothing.

What is a professional judgement issue and how it is judged?

A decision made in such a professional setting is referred to as a professional judgment. It might be theoretical or real-world. More specifically, the evidence or pertinent considerations are gathered through professional knowledge and abilities, and the uncertainty is a result of the professional environment.

You need to be knowledgeable about your subject in order of being professional. You must be capable of communicating solutions as well as have grasp of and insight into pertinent difficulties in your area. You can have a positive outlook and be an expert in your profession.

To know more about Professional Judgement visit:


i cant see the answer that does not help me



What answer are you looking for?


It contains a lot of matter.It cannot be accurately measured.

What was Roosevelt's proposed approach to combinations


President Theodore Roosevelt proposed that large corporations (especially monopolies) that were efficient and crucial to American prosperity, particularly those doing instate business should not be broken up but are to be managed by the government.

What is Roosevelt's proposed combination?

President Roosevelt was against banning monopolies but instead proposed that the federal government should assume the right to supervise and regulate them.

Roosevelt views combinations in the industry as the outcome of crucial economic laws that cannot be nullified by political legislation. All attempts to prohibit all combinations have been greatly unsuccessful.

According to him, the best way to handle such combinations is by entirely controlling them in the interest of the public. The right of supervision should be exercised with caution but it should exist, so that it may be invoked if the need arises.

Thus, Roosevelt proposed that large corporations should not be broken up, instead they should be under the government's supervision and regulation.

Find out more about Roosevelt's proposal at


Traffic congestion is a common example of a negative externality. In principle, it should be possible for drivers to negotiate the right to drive at particular times, thereby compensating those who would prefer not to drive at peak times and solving the externality. The most likely reason these negotiations do not occur is that:.


The most common reason behind the failure of negotiation with the drivers can be the transaction costs involved in finding and connecting the numerous interested parties would be prohibitive.

What is traffic congestion?

Slower speeds, longer travel times, and higher vehicular queuing are the hallmarks of the transport condition known as traffic congestion. Since the 1950s, the amount of traffic on metropolitan road networks has significantly expanded. Congestion occurs when transportation demand is high enough that interactions between cars slow down the flow of traffic. Although any mode of transportation may experience congestion, the focus of this article will be on traffic congestion on public roads for cars.

The populace should use public transportation as often as feasible, or the government should improve the facilities for it by the needs of the people. To reduce the number of automobiles on the road, everyone should avoid amassing superfluous collections of vehicles, or else adopt carpooling and vehicle sharing.

To learn more about Traffic Congestion, click here:


6:48 1 LTE < Notes 1. Clinicians (psychologists and psychiatrists) are more likely to make diagnoses that are unreliable when they have: A. been trained as psychologists and not as psychiatrists. B. not paid attention to all the diagnostic criteria in the DSM. C. paid attention to a lot of information about the client D. diagnosed clients showing signs of psychosis and social withdrawal. 2. Jerry believes that the terrorist group Al Qaeda is monitoring his every thought, seeking to divide his personality into units that it can control. Jerry further believes that God has ordered him to go on a secret mission to prevent the terrorists from listening to his or other people's thoughts. For a preliminary hypothesis of how Jerry should be diagnosed, which disorder description BEST fits his symptoms? A. A phobia, because Jerry has delusions that have caused his fear B. Dissociative identity disorder, because Jerry seems to have a split personality C. Schizophrenia, because of Jerry's apparent psychosis and delusions


1) When they have not paid attention to all the diagnostic criteria in the DSM.2)Schizophrenia disorder description BEST fits his symptom, Since  His apparent psychosis and delusions. Correct option is 1(b) & 2(c).

For individuals with myositis and their doctors, getting an appropriate diagnosis may sometimes be a time-consuming and difficult procedure. Myositis diseases are uncommon, complicated, and include signs that might be comparable to those of other illnesses. Their causes are also poorly understood. As a result, there isn't a single antibody test that can quickly identify any of the myositis variants. In such cases, doctors frequently use diagnostic criteria to make a diagnosis. The management of each patient is guided by a specific collection of indications, symptoms, and tests known as diagnostic criteria.

Learn more about Diagnostic criteria here:


one difference between qualitative and quantitative research is that: group of answer choices quantitative researchers develop deep relationships with their participants. quantitative researchers state hypothesis prior to beginning the study. qualitative researchers manipulate the research context. qualitative researchers rely on objective analysis of the data.


The difference between Qualitative and Quantitative is that quantitative researchers state hypothesis prior to beginning of study.

During a research work it is  important to use a data collection method  and this data collection could be either Quantitative data collection or Qualitative data collection

Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is expressed in numbers and graphs. It is used to test or confirm theories, experiment and assumptions. This type of research can be used to establish generalizable facts about a topic.

Common quantitative methods include experiments, observations recorded as numbers, and surveys with closed-ended questions, hypothesis

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is expressed in words. It is used to understand concepts, thoughts or experiences. This type of research helps you to have in-depth insights on topics that you don't really understand

Common  example of qualitative methods include interviews with open-ended questions ,questionnaire, your observations described in words, and literature reviews.

Learn more about Quantitative and Qualitative Research


in somalia, refugees often sacrificed their own safety in efforts to help others. this behavior refutes a basic premise of which theory of motivation? group of answer choices


In Somalia, refugees often sacrificed their own safety in efforts to help others. This behavior refutes a basic premise of Maslow’s theory of motivation. Correct answer: C.

What does Maslow's theory consist of?

Maslow's theory consists of a hierarchy of needs, which are organized into five levels:


According to Maslow, individuals must satisfy each need in turn, starting with the most basic physiological needs and progressing to the more complex needs at the top of the hierarchy. Once all of the needs in a given level have been satisfied, individuals can move on to satisfy the needs in the next level.

In Somalia, refugees often sacrificed their own safety in efforts to help others. This behavior refutes a basic premise of ________ theory of motivation.

A) The incentive

B) Drive-reduction

C) Maslow’s

D) Cognitive

Learn more about Maslow's theory:


household partnerships in which an unmarried couple lives together in a committed, sexually intimate relationship and is granted the same rights and benefits as those accorded to married heterosexual couples formally defines a(n)


Household partnerships in which an unmarried couple lives together in a committed, sexually intimate relationship and is granted the same rights and benefits as those accorded to married heterosexual couples formally define a Domestic partnership.

An unmarried couple is what form of marriage?

Domestic partnerships are relationships in which an unmarried couple cohabitates in a committed, sexually intimate manner and is given some of the same rights and privileges as married heterosexual couples. Relationships, where both partners are employed, are referred to as dual-earner marriages.

What term does the US Census Bureau use to describe couples who cohabit?

When speaking of people who cohabit, the U.S. Census Bureau interchangeably uses the words cohabiting partner and domestic partner. Children who live with cohabiting couples have more years of formal education than children who live with married parents.

Learn more about dual-earner marriages here:-


Domestic partnerships are formal relationships between unmarried couples who live together and share a common household. Domestic partners are entitled to benefits such as hospital visits and the right to survivorship.

What is Domestic Partnership:

An unrelated, unmarried person who commits to living with an employer in an intimate relationship but is not legally recognized as a spouse by the state where they both reside is referred to as a domestic partner. The partnership consists of two individuals, who may be of the same gender or not.

The term "spousal equivalent" is also used in some state legislation and employer-sponsored health plans to denote a partnership that can offer the same level of emotional, physical, and financial commitment as a legally recognized marriage does. Domestic partnerships must be registered in some places, like California, in order to receive some family law protections.

Domestic partnership: A couple's committed, marriage-like partnership that is recognized legally or personally. Prior to the 20th century, heterosexual couples who opted not to get married but lived in a relationship similar to that of a married couple were typically referred to as domestic partners.

While a domestic partnership is not the same as marriage, it offers some of the same advantages. Although some governments refer to the institution as a "civil union," different cities and states have different definitions of what constitutes a domestic partnership or civil union. The broad overview of domestic partnerships, with a focus on benefits and registration, is provided here.

Learn more about Domestic partnership:


Why is the election of senators held every six years but the election cycle for representatives is only two years


Unlike members of the House of Representatives, senators represent the entire state, which has a much larger population. Six years gives them more time to work on behalf of the constituents they represent.

The majority party in the House of Representatives has great influence over the creation of chamber rules and the scheduling of bills for discussion and voting. Most of the time, House rules will restrict debate to allow for the passage of significant legislation in a single legislative business day. Although the majority in the Senate has the authority to decide when different bills are brought to the floor for a vote, one Senator can prevent legislation from being brought to the floor for a vote.

The majority and minority must work together to establish the procedures for debate on legislation since the Senate does not adjourn until 60 senators support a cloture resolution approving a measure for consideration. In accordance with this system, the Senate floor can be used to discuss legislation for up to two weeks.

Learn more about Congress here:


"But if slaves were allowed to redeem themselves progressively, by purchasing one day of the week after another, as they can in the Spanish colonies, habits of industry would be gradually formed, and enterprise would be stimulated, by their successful efforts to acquire a little property. And if they afterward worked better as free laborers than they now do as slaves, it would surely benefit their masters as well as themselves …

But the slave holders try to stop all the efforts of benevolence, by vociferous complaints about infringing upon their property; and justice is so subordinate to self-interest, that the unrighteous claim is silently allowed, and even openly supported, by those who ought to blush for themselves, as Christians and as republicans."—Lydia Maria Child, from Propositions Defining Slavery and Emancipation, 1833

The arguments in this passage best represent the ideas of
small Southern landowners
antebellum reformers
Jacksonian Democrats


Answer: antebellum reformers


How and why would the end products of photosynthesis be changed if a plant had a mutation that eliminated its photosystem ii complex?.


The end products of photosynthesis be changed if a plant had a mutation that eliminated its photosystem ii complex as knocking out photosystem II would eliminate the production of oxygen and ATP during photosynthesis.

The sun produces a great deal of electromagnetic radiation (solar energy in a spectrum from very short gamma rays to very long radio waves). Only a very small portion of this energy, which we refer to as "visible light," can be seen by humans. Waves are used to describe the way solar energy moves. By measuring a wave's wavelength—the space between its successive crest points—scientists can ascertain the energy of a wave (shorter wavelengths are more powerful than longer wavelengths). As a result, a single wave is measured between two positions that are close to one another, such as the crest and trough of the wave.

To know more about wavelength, click here:


believing that it would not be helpful, a therapist refuses to use the dsm-5 or any other diagnostic system. one problem that we may expect for this therapist is that it may be difficult to


One problem that we may look for this therapist is that it may be hard to apply what has been studied from treating other patients with similar problems.

What is DSM-5 ?

DSM-5 stands for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), is the 2013 update to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the taxonomic and testing tool which is issued by the American Psychiatric Association (APA).

PET scans of the brain are utilized to mark or highlight tumors and diseased tissue, show blood flow, and estimate cellular and/or tissue metabolism. PET scans can be utilised to evaluate people who have epilepsy or certain memory disorders, and to show brain changes following injury.

Learn more about the DSM-5 here:


Polls have found that inflation is consistently a top issue for voters across the country. What was the overall u. S. Inflation rate in september, compared with a year before?.


Voters' top concerns in this year's midterm elections are rising prices, which rank above issues like abortion, crime, and upholding democracy.

What was the total inflation rate in the US in September compared to the same month last year?

According to the September consumer price index report, inflation reached 8.2%. The pace of price increases is still at multi-decade highs, hurting many households, and the annual U.S. inflation rate was little altered last month, coming in at 8.2% y/y compared to 8.3% in August.

What did the poll serve to determine?

Finding out how a population feels about a topic or candidate is the goal of a poll. Social scientists and statisticians are frequently used by polling organizations and news organizations to create precise and error-free surveys.

To know more about Inflation rate in september visit:-


Which of the following is the main aim of the WHO?
A. to build a healthy world
B. to help prevent depressions
C. to raise levels of technology
D. to develop and improve the problem of food scarcity ​


Option A is correct.

The main aim of WHO is to improve the health of world by improving the food quality, providing genuine medicines etc.

What does nationalism means can someone explain it to me but please use your own words




Nationalism is an ideology and movement that promotes the interests of a particular nation, especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation's sovereignty over its homeland.

Question 1 of 10
When he founded the colony of Georgia, James Oglethorpe mainly had
in mind.
O A trade
OB. defense
OC. manufacturing
OD. charity





Who believed the exodus showed god's power? responses egyptians egyptians hebrews hebrews both.



It was the Hebrews who believed the Exodus showed God's power. The Egyptians did not read or follow the Bible.


Answer: hebrews

Explanation: i got ✨ 100 percent ✨ on the k12 quiz.

Where do you think your moral outlook came from? what influenced your ideas of right and wrong? what motivations might those who promulgatelinks to an external site. those morals have, either good or bad, and does this make them any less true? why or why not? what objective support/ evidence do you have for saying that those morals are true? how might nietzsche and make respond to your answers to these questions?


Our moral sense is inbuilt to some extent. Unfairness can be recognized by infants as early as two. However, the majority of our moral sensibility is a result of our upbringing and surroundings. As soon as we are born, our surroundings influence how we perceive morality through interactions with our family, friends, and culture.

How is your moral behavior influenced by your culture?

Moral evaluations and conduct are extremely culture-sensitive. People from diverse cultural backgrounds or with varying degrees of multicultural experience may have very varied understandings and constructions of the same moral dilemmas.

Ethics are built on our values and serve as the benchmark for what is good and wrong. Making a moral decision is a requirement of ethics, yet it's not always simple. It takes bravery to act ethically, and it must be practiced.

To know more about moral behavior, refer:


From the perspective of a corrupt government, disappearances provide which of the following benefits?
O No reason need be provided for the arrest
O The government does not have to provide an attorney or a trial
Fear spreads throughout the society, often promoting compliance
All of the above



All of the above, though some governments may favor one reason over the other.

Ruth has been helping a professor with research where they have people perform a boring task and give them either $1 or $20 to lie and tell someone the task is interesting, which recreates earlier research. The participants who were only paid $1 rating the task as more interesting than the participants who were paid much more. What is the experiment ruth is helping with testing?.


In this research where the participants who were only paid $1 rating the task as more interesting than the participants who were paid much more, here, the experiment that Ruth is helping with testing is known as a Cognitive dissonance.

What is the meaning of Cognitive dissonance?

In psychology, a cognitive dissonance refers to the discomfort a person feels when their behavior does not align with their values or beliefs. This kind of discomfort can also occur when a person holds two contradictory beliefs at the same time.

In essence, the cognitive dissonance is not a disease or illness but t is a psychological phenomenon that can happen to anyone.

Read more about cognitive dissonance


how might family members of an alcoholic who demonstrate an over-involvement with the alcoholic and obsessive attempts to control the alcoholic's behavior be labeled?


How might family members of an alcoholic who demonstrate an over-involvement with the alcoholic and obsessive attempts to control the alcoholic's behavior be labeled as Codependent.

What is a codependent man?

Therefore, manipulation, emotional abuse, verbal intimidation, and violence are common ways for men to exhibit their codependency. Therefore, males and their partners often ignore the underlying psychological condition and instead pay attention to acts that have an aggressive, powerful, or controlling quality.

Codependent behavior: what is it?

Codependent individuals design their entire lives to appease the enabler or other person in their lives. Codependent relationships, in its most basic form, occur when one partner requires the other, who in turn needs to be needed.

To know more about Codependent visit:


resolve conflicts swiftly and effectively. are less likely to share information with each other. are less sensitive to each other's needs. have an external locus of control. are less motivated to maintain their membership.


Almost every aspect of life occasionally calls for the application of successful conflict resolution techniques.

Conflicts are struggles that can occur when there is a direct difference of opinion or interest, so it's critical to know how to handle and settle them.A peaceful resolution to a dispute between opposing parties that leaves all sides somewhat happy is known as conflict resolution . Sometimes the person who settles a dispute is a third party or mediator, while other times it may be a party to the dispute who uses an objective eye to find a resolution.

LEARN MORE ABOUT conflict resolution HERE:


leaders who stem from the dynamics and processes that unfold within and amongst a group of individuals as they work on the achievement of a collective goal are called:


Emergent leaders are those who emerge from the dynamics and interactions that take place within and among a group of people as they work toward the accomplishment of a common objective.

What is emerging leadership?

Emergent leadership is when a group member assumes control over the group over time through interactions with the group as opposed to being formally recognized or elected as the leader. Additionally, it provides team members the discretion to reach decisions that defy the traditional hierarchical structure of a company.

What are the roles of ordained and lay leaders?

An emergent leader maintains the status quo whereas a prescribed leader provides innovative ideas but runs the risk of alienating the group. Some of the traits stated below should be possessed by the leader as well: dynamism; appeal.

To know more about Emergent leadership visit:


Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
When European settlers first came to North America, the American Indians viewed them
. The population of the American Indians began to decline drastically soon after the arrival of European settlers. The most significant cause for this decline was


When European settlers first came to North America, the American Indians viewed them as trading partners. The population of the American Indians began to decline drastically soon after the arrival of European settlers. The most significant cause for this decline was the spread of contagious diseases from settlers.

American Indians participated in commerce and joint cooperation with Europeans. They forged military alliances with European nations to attack other European powers with their domestic friends.

Native Americans were slaughtered by white colonists and later by government armies of newly formed states. Native Americans also assaulted and killed European settlers.

Because of this, Native Americans were regularly slain while conducting forced labor. Internal turmoil and slaughter also claimed the lives of Native Americans.

As a result, when European settlers first arrived in North America, American Indians saw them as trade partners. The population of American Indians began to fall dramatically shortly after European immigrants arrived. The introduction of dangerous illnesses from settlers was the most major reason of this loss.

Learn more about European Settlers here:


When European settlers first came to North America, the American Indians viewed them as trading partners. The population of the American Indians began to decline drastically soon after the arrival of European settlers. The most significant cause for this decline was the spread of contagious diseases from settlers.

In the 1600s, European settlers began to move into North America. At first, they mainly settled along the East Coast. But eventually, they began moving westward into the interior of the continent.

This westward movement was helped by the development of new technologies, such as the steamboat and the railroad. The settlers brought with them their own cultures and customs.

To know more about European settlers, click here.


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