Can you please help me out with a question


Answer 1

As you can see in the given figure, there are two intersecting chords inside the circle.

Recall that the "Intersecting Chords Theorem" is given by

[tex]AE\cdot EC=BE\cdot DE[/tex]

For the given case, we have

AE = 7

BE = 6

EC = 9

Let us substitute these values into the above equation and solve for DE

[tex]\begin{gathered} AE\cdot EC=BE\cdot DE \\ 7\cdot9=6\cdot DE \\ 63=6\cdot DE \\ \frac{63}{6}=DE \\ 10.5=DE \\ DE=10.5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the length of DE is 10.5 units.

Related Questions

Write an inequality to match the statement.The difference of a number x and 7 is less than or equal to the sum of the same number x and 5


The difference of a number x and 7 is less than or equal to the sum of the same number x and 5​

The difference means subtraction.

A number is x

Less than or equal is represented with the symbol ≤


The difference of a number x and 7


is less than or equal to the sum of the same number x and 5​

≤ x+5


x-7≤ x+5

a laptop has listed of a price of 548.98 before tax. If the sales tax rate is 8.75%, find the total cost of the laptop with sales taxes included round to nearest cent


we have to add to the original price the tax part. So we get


Find a standard deviation of the binomial for which N = 420 and P = 0.90. Answer choices 37.86.153786.2


The standard deviation σ is given by:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sigma=\sqrt{np(1-p)} \\ \text{ Where} \\ p=\text{ the probability of success} \\ n=\text{ number of trials} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substitute n = 420 and p = 0.90 into the formula:


Hence the correct answer is 6.15

Second Choice

Triangle JKL is rotated 270° counterclockwise about the origin to form triangle J'K'L'. What is the y-coordinate of point J'? y 6 5 4 K 3 2. 1 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 1 2 3 4 0 -1 6 Jo -2 3 4 -5 L -6 Type the answer in the box.


Rotation of 270° ,counterclockwise

Find center point of triangle

JK = √ 9^2 +5^2

. = √ 106

JL = √9^2 + 3^2

. = √90

KL = 8

Then now find point J'

Distance from J to origin = JO = √4^2+2^2 =√20

Angle is arctan (2/4) = 26.56°

Then new coordinates J' are

Angle 270+26.56 = 296.56°

From origin trace a line perpendicular to JO


y = √20• Cos 26°

y = 4



Step-by-step explanation:

good luck kiddos :)

Mixture of 40 liters of paint is 25% red tint, 30% yellow tint and 45% water. Five liters of red tint and five liters of yellow tint are added to the original mixture. What is the percent of water in this new mixture?


Step 1

25% of 40 litres is;

[tex]\frac{25}{100}\times40=10\text{ litres of red tint}[/tex]

Step 2

30% of 40 litres;

[tex]\frac{30}{100}\times40=\text{ 12 litres of yellow tint}[/tex]

Step 3

45% of 40 litres;

[tex]\frac{45}{100}\times40=18\text{ litres}[/tex]

Step 4

5 liters of red tint are added and 5 liters of yellow tint are added to the original mixtures

[tex]\begin{gathered} 10\text{ +5=15 litres of red tint} \\ 12+5=17\text{ liters of yellow tint} \\ 18\text{ liters of water} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer; What is the percent of water in this new mixture?

[tex]\begin{gathered} Total=15+17+18=50\text{ liters} \\ \frac{18}{50}\times100=36\text{\%} \end{gathered}[/tex]

find the volume for the spear shown to The Right. Use 3.14 for pi sphere is 5.8


Semicircle perimeter is 5.8 m


2π • R + 2R = 5.8

R = 5.8/(2π + 2) = 0.7 meters

Now find Volume

Volume V = (4/3)•π•R^3

V= (4/3)•π•(0.7^3) = 1.438 cubic meters

V=. 1.438 m^3

Evaluate the input/output table for the expression x - 9.Хy-101


x - 9

when x = -1

out put is -1 -9 = -10

when x = 0

Output is 0-9 = -9

when x = 1

output = 1-9 = -8

x y

-1 -10

0 -9

1 -8

Solve the quadratic equation by completing the square.4a²- 48a +52 = 0a= _,_





[tex]\begin{gathered} 4a^2-48a+52=0 \\ So\text{ divide both sides by 4} \\ \frac{4a^2}{4}-\frac{48a}{4}+\frac{52}{4}=0 \\ which\text{ gives } \\ a^2-12a+13=0 \\ Keep\text{ a on LHS} \\ a^2-12a=-13 \\ Take\text{ the half of coefficient of a and square it} \\ (-\frac{12}{2})^2=36 \\ \\ rewrite\text{ as perfect square} \\ \\ (a-6)^2=-13+36 \\ (a-6)^2=23 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

[tex]\begin{gathered} a-6=\pm\sqrt{23} \\ a=6\pm\sqrt{23} \end{gathered}[/tex]

[tex]\begin{gathered} a=10.79583\text{ ,}a=1.20416 \\ or \\ a=6+\sqrt{23},\:a=6-\sqrt{23}\quad \\ \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Keico is selling rattle tickets to raise money for the sancol band. The odds againet winning a prize in the raffleare 121. What is the probability of winning a prize? Express your anewer as a decimal. if necessary, round youranower to the nearest thousandth.0 130 0.923O 0.083O 0.0777



The odds against winning a prize in the raffle are 12:1

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Probability of winning a prize=}\frac{1}{13} \\ \text{Probability of winning a prize=}0.077 \end{gathered}[/tex]

0.077 is the probability of winning a prize.

Eli and her sister are buying a present for their father. They want to buy him a tie that sings jingle bells. The Thai which is regularly $35 is on sale for 40% off because it is after the winter holidays. The girls will split the cost evenly and their mother gave them $15 to help with the cost of the tie. If the tax is 8%, how much will Eli and her sister each have to spend on their father's tie?




The regular cost of the tie = $35

There is a sale for 40% off.

[tex]\text{Discount}=40\%\text{ of \$35}=\frac{40}{100}\times35=14[/tex]

Thus, the price after the discount will be:


Next, the tax is 8%.

[tex]\text{Tax}=8\%\text{ of 21=}\frac{8}{100}\times21=\$1.68[/tex]

Therefore, the total price at which the tie is purchased will be:


Since their mother gave them $15 to help with the cost of the tie, subtract 15.


This amount, $7.68 is the split between Eli and her sister.


1Convert without rounding:8into a decimal (no need to show work)Τ Τ Τ ΤParagraphVArialV3 (12pt)V


Given: the fraction 1/8.

Objective is to convert this fraction in to decimal.


Answer: 0.125

A floor tile is 2 feet wide. Convert the width to inches.



- The conversion from feet to inches is given below:


- We are told that the tile is 2ft wide. Thus, we can convert the width to inches using the above conversion as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{12\text{ in}}{1\text{ ft}}=\frac{x\text{ in}}{2\text{ ft}} \\ \\ \text{ Multiply both sides by 2} \\ x=\frac{12\times2}{1} \\ \\ \therefore x=24inches \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final Answer

The answer is 24 inches

Which lists all of the x-intercepts of the graphed function? A. (0,6)B. (1,0) and (2,0)C. (1,0), (2, 0), and (-3,0)D. (1,0), (2,0), (-3, 0), and (0, 6)


From the graph, the points at which the curve touch the x-axis is the intercepts on x

looking at the graph, the curve cut through the x axis at points -3, 1 and 2

hence the points will be

(-3, 0), (1, 0) and (2, 0)

Thus, the correct option is C;

(1, 0), (2, 0) and (-3, 0)

Convert the Cartesian equation x^2 + y^2 + 3y = 0 to a polar equation.r^2 = -3 sin θr = √3 sin θr = -3 sin θ



From the question


This becomes


In polar,

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^2+y^2=r^2 \\ \\ \text{and } \\ \\ y=r\sin \theta \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, this becomes

[tex]\begin{gathered} r^2+3r\sin \theta=0 \\ \\ \frac{r^2}{r}=\frac{-3r\sin \theta}{r} \\ \\ r=-3\sin \theta \end{gathered}[/tex]

I know the answer to fill i is -24 but how do I simplify ??


[tex]a^{-24\text{ }}=\frac{1}{a^{24}}[/tex]

The first expression es the simplified expression using the property of negative exponents.

Fill in the following values for a 45-45-90 triangle Leg Leg Hypotenuse 5 А B C С D 32 Fill in the following values for a 30-60-90 triangle Short Leg Long Leg Hypotenuse 6 E H 20 G


First Part 45-45-90 Triangle

first triangle

where the two angles different to 90° are same, the measure of the legsof the triangle are the same



and to calculate B or the hypotenuse we use pythagoras


where a and b are legs and h the hypotenuse


[tex]\begin{gathered} 5^2+5^2=h^2 \\ 25+25=h^2 \\ 50=h^2 \\ h=\sqrt[]{50} \\ h=5\sqrt[]{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

the hypotenuse or B is


Second triangle

legs of the triangle have the same value then if we apply pythagoras


and replace the legs with the same value(a)

[tex]\begin{gathered} a^2+a^2=h^2 \\ 2a^2=h^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

we can replace the hypotenuse and solve a

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2a^2=(3\sqrt[]{2})^2 \\ 2a^2=18 \\ a^2=\frac{18}{2} \\ \\ a=\sqrt[]{9} \\ a=3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

value of each leg is 3 units, then


Second part 30-60-90 triangle

First triangle

we use trigonometric ratios to solve, for example I can use tangent for the angle 60 to find E

[tex]\tan (\alpha)=\frac{O}{A}[/tex]

where alpha is the angle, O the oppiste side of the angle and A the adjacet side of the angle

using angle 60°

[tex]\begin{gathered} \tan (60)=\frac{E}{6} \\ \\ E=6\tan (60) \\ \\ E=6\sqrt[]{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

now using sine we calculate F or the hypotenuse

[tex]\sin (\alpha)=\frac{O}{H}[/tex]

where alpha is the angle, O the opposite side from the angle and H the hypotenuse

using angle 60°

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sin (60)=\frac{E}{F} \\ \\ F=\frac{E}{\sin (60)} \\ \\ F=\frac{6\sqrt[]{3}}{\sin (60)} \\ \\ F=12 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Second triangle

we use sine with 60° to find H

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sin (\alpha)=\frac{O}{h} \\ \\ \sin (60)=\frac{H}{20} \\ \\ H=20\sin (60) \\ H=10\sqrt[]{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

use cosine with 60° to find G

[tex]\begin{gathered} \cos (\alpha)=\frac{A}{h} \\ \\ \cos (60)=\frac{G}{20} \\ \\ G=20\cos (60) \\ \\ G=10 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final Values

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=5 \\ B=5\sqrt[]{2} \\ C=3 \\ D=3 \\ E=6\sqrt[]{3} \\ F=12 \\ G=10 \\ H=10\sqrt[]{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Which expression is a factor of 9r2 – 4r + 1? F3r-1 Gr 1 H 9741 3 There are no real factors.


There are no real factors

Here, we want to factorize the given expression

To check if there are real factors, we will need to get the determinant

mathematically, we have this as;


where a is 9, b is -4 and c is 1

Substituting these values;

[tex]D=(-4)^2-4(9)(1)\text{ = 16-36 = -20}[/tex]

As we can see, the value of the determinant is negative

Whenever the determinant value is negative, there are no real roots

2) A scuba diver descends to a location that is -12 1/3 m relative to sea level. He then descends another 8 1/4 M. What is the scuba divers final location relative to sea level.



-26 m

Step-by-step explanation:

you take away 8 1/4 from original

17) Determine if the number is rational (R) or irrational (I)


Given the number:


You can identify that there is a line about the first four decimal digits. That indicates that is a Repeating Decimal or Recurring Decimals.

Repeating Decimals are defined as those numbers whose decimal part becomes periodic.

By definition, Rational Numbers are those numbers that can be written as a simple fraction whose numerator and denominator are both integers.

By definition, Repeating Decimals are Rational Numbers.

Hence, the answer is: It is a Rational Number.

N5 pointsSketch the graph of the piecewise function below. Make sure your graph is cle-4,4% -3f(x) = -x + 3, - 3 341 Dra5


We are asked to plot the piecewise function given by:

SO we notice two points where the function graph is going to change:

x = -3 , and x = 3

We plot it in pieces :

Notice the endpoints of the different segments as "solid dots" or "empty dots" depending on the retrictions of the domain as given in the instructions.

divide 406 by -14 A) -29B) -34C) 34D) 44


[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{406}{-14} \\ 14=2\cdot7 \\ \frac{406}{-2\cdot7}=-29 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

The correct answer is -29 (option A)

Coordinate R (1,5) S (6,-1) and T (1,-4) are connected to form ∆ RST if ∆ RST is congruent to ∆ RWT what are the coordinates of W


The triangles are similar, then ratio of corresponding sides of triangle are equal. The ratio of corresponding sides of two triangle RST and triangle RWT is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{RS}{RW}=\frac{RT}{RT} \\ \frac{RS}{RW}=1 \\ RS=RW \end{gathered}[/tex]

Determine the length of side RS.

[tex]\begin{gathered} RS=\sqrt[]{(1-6)^2+(5+1)^2} \\ =\sqrt[]{25+36} \\ =\sqrt[]{61} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the distance between point RW is also equal to square root 61.

For option (-4,2),

[tex]\begin{gathered} RW=\sqrt[]{(-4-1)^2+(5-2)} \\ =\sqrt[]{25+9} \\ =\sqrt[]{36} \end{gathered}[/tex]

For o(-6,-1),

[tex]\begin{gathered} RW=\sqrt[]{(-6-1)^2+(5+1)^2} \\ =\sqrt[]{49+36} \\ =\sqrt[]{85} \end{gathered}[/tex]

For (-4,-1),

[tex]\begin{gathered} RW=\sqrt[]{(1+4)^2+(5+1)^2} \\ =\sqrt[]{25+36} \\ =\sqrt[]{61} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So coordinate of point W is (-4,-1) as it give same distance of RS and RW.

Answer: (-4,-1)

Is the ordered pair (3,-4) a solution to : 5x-2y=17




Set x=3 and solve for y, as shown below

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=3 \\ \Rightarrow5*3-2y=17 \\ \Rightarrow15-2y=17 \\ \Rightarrow-2y=2 \\ \Rightarrow y=-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, a solution to the equation is the ordered pair (3,-1).

(3,-4) cannot be a solution to the equation.

Not sure how to figure this out.Options:A. 49 square feet B. 7 square feet. C. 28 square feet. D.14 square feet


According to the information given in the exercise, the pen for his rabbit is square and each side is 7 feet long.

You know that the formula for calculating the area of a square is:


Where "s" is the length of each side of the square.

In this case:


Then, you need to substitute this length into the formula and then evaluate, in order to find the area. You get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=(7ft)^2 \\ A=49ft^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the answer is: Option A.

If a population isa sample of the population could be



To identify which of the statements given properly depicts the population and the sample.


In statistics and research processes, a population ideally refers to the entire group that we want to study and reach conclusions about. It can best be described as all-inclusive.

On the other hand, a sample is a portion taken out of an entire population for the purpose of studies or research and the appropriate data is collected from these.

We shall now examine the options given one after the other.

(A) Registered state voters randomly collected for a poll; all citizens of the state. This represents SAMPLE and POPULATION

(B) All professional football players; all professional athletes. This represents POPULATION and POPULATION

(C) All customers at a shopping mall; people who purchased shoes. This represents POPULATION and SAMPLE.

(D) Passengers with window seats; all passengers on an airplane. This represents SAMPLE and POPULATION.


Therefore, the correct answer is OPTION C.

"If a population is all customers at a shopping mall, a sample of the population could be peole who purchased shoes.

Use the given information to create the equation for the rational function. The function is written in factored form to help you see how the given information shapes our equation. If the leading coefficient is not an integer enter the value as a fraction.Vertical asymptote at x=-1, double zero at x=2, y-intercept at (0,2).The numerator is: Answer (x-Answer )(x-Answer )The denominator is: (x+Answer )



• Vertical asymptote at : x = -1


• Double zero at: x = 2


• y-intercept at: (0, 2)

Let's create the equation for the rational function using the given properties.

Since the vertical asymptote is at x = -1, to find the deominator of the equation, equate the vertical asymptote to zero.

Add 1 to both sides:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+1=-1+1 \\ x+1=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the denominator of the function is ==> x + 1

Since it has a double zero at x = 2, we have the factors:


We now have the equation:


Also, the y-intercept is at: (0, 2)

To find the value o a, substitute 2 for y and 0 for x then evaluate:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2=\frac{a(0-2)(0-2)}{0+1} \\ \\ 2=\frac{a(-2)(-2)}{1} \\ \\ 4a=2 \\ \\ a=\frac{2}{4} \\ \\ a=\frac{1}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the rational function is:



[tex]y=\frac{\frac{1}{2}(x-2)(x-2)}{x+1}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Numerator: }\frac{1}{2}(x-2)(x-2) \\ \\ \\ \text{Denominator: (x + 1)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

What are the new coordinates of the point (-2,1) after undergoing the transformation?


Given the following rule of a transformation:

[tex]P(x,y)\rightarrow P^{\prime}(x+2,2y)[/tex]

We will find the new coordinates of the point (-2,1) after undergoing the transformation.


So, the answer will be the last option (0, 2)

What is the missing step in this proof?A.Statement: 24 25, and 21 23.Reason: Alternate Interior Angles TheoremB.Statement: DÈ is parallel to AC.Reason: AB is a transversal cutting De and AC.C.Statement: 2124, and 23 25.Reason: Alternate Interior Angles TheoremD.Statement: 2124, and 23 25.Reason: 21 and 24, and 23 and 25 are pairs of supplementary angles.



Option C is correct.


The alternate interior angles theorem explains that when two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, the alternate interior angles are congruent.

Hope this Helps!!!

determine whether the triangle with the given side lengths is a right triangle4 ,7, 11


For the a triangle to be a right angle triangle, the length of the three sides must form a pythagorean triple. This means that if we apply pythagoras theorem, the square of the length of the longest side must equal the sum of the squares of the length of the other sides. This means that

11^2 must be equal to 4^2 + 7^2

11^ = 121

4^2 + 7^2 = 16 + 49 = 65

Since they are not equal, then the triangle with the given sides, 4, 7, 11 cannot form a right angle triangle.

Hi, I need help with this problem please. No explanations/steps required. Just need the final answer


To simplify the expression we fist need to express each trigonometric function in terms of sines and cosines; to do this we need to remember that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sec x=\frac{1}{\cos x} \\ \csc x=\frac{1}{\sin x} \end{gathered}[/tex]

With this in mind we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{\csc x}{\sec x}=\frac{\frac{1}{\sin x}}{\frac{1}{\cos x}} \\ =\frac{\cos x}{\sin x} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Finally we need to remember that:

[tex]\cot x=\frac{\cos x}{\sin x}[/tex]

Therefore, we have that:

[tex]\frac{\csc x}{\sec x}=\cot x[/tex]

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