Conflict is destructive if you refuse to examine what the other person is saying
True or false


Answer 1




Conflict can be described as any event that causes disagreement, usually leading to physical altercation between two or more people.

Conflict is usually caused by misunderstanding between two (or more) people and can be resolved by dialogue.

Therefore, Conflict is destructive if you refuse to examine what the other person is saying

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Can someone tell me the answers because I really need help


(1 1/2) (6 5/8) (1 11/14) (9 7/12) (3 11/20)

My answer
Hannah ruined her cake because she couldn't
sugar from salt.



what's your question exactly?



do you mean fill in the blanks if yes answer (differentiate)

Please help. I don’t get it.



I'd say B. It doesn't say that well builders study the wells.


Pls help will mark brainliest
Which of the following sentences correctly uses a hyphen?
A. The close up snapshot was perfect in black and white.
B. Jump start your day with a big glass of water.
C. The hand-painted doll was worth thousands of dollars.
D. He knew he had a dead end job the first day he showed up for





The hand-painted doll was worth thousands of dollars


1.) Which of the following is an example of person versus self conflict?

A- the character deals with her own neuroses and self- doubt.

B- a girl struggles against a scary witch

C- a pig fights for his survival in a world where people eat pigs

D- the protagonist contends with marlin ( a big fish ).

2) characterization refers to how the characters in a story are...

A- related to one another.

B- represented by a symbol

C- interpreted by the reader.

D- developed by the author.

3) the best definition of an internal conflict is..

A- an interaction with the setting and other characters

B- a troubling event taking place within two locations

C- a conflict occurring between two or more characters.

D- a problem that happens within a character.

4) which of the following is an example of internal conflict ?

A- Bobby fighting with his brother over sharing a ball.

B- Bobby struggling to stay warm during a football game

C- Bobby decided wether or not to tell his parents that he broke the lamp.


1.) A
Those are the answers

Which sentence uses a comma or commas correctly?

I need chicken lettuce guacamole, tortillas, and cheese to make my taco.

Violets, roses, lilacs, and tulips bloomed in Robbie’s garden.

Buddy delivered cupcakes, eclairs, cannolis, and, cookies.

It can be difficult to know when to use commas semicolons, or dashes.



it is the second one




Violets, roses, lilacs, and tulips bloomed in Robbie's garden.


I got this answer because if you look at the placing of commas it sounds better to say aloud then to pause when you're not supposed to.

What was Billy's reaction when he saw the seaman? What did he call the seaman?



When Billy saw the seaman, he gasped and was visibly shocked to see the man in front of him.

The captain called the seaman "Black Dog".


Robert Louis Stevenson's "Treasure Island" revolves around the character of Jim Hawkins and his adventures sailing around, looking for treasure. This treasure was buried by an evil pirate, Captain Flint, and focuses on the greed of humans in getting that treasure for themselves, even at the cost of other people's lives.

Billy is the 'captain' who had arrived at Jim Hawkins' family inn and has been staying there secluded in his own world and not interacting much with others. So, when the seaman called out to him, he seemed shocked to see that man in front of him. The narrator describes:

The captain spun round on his heel and fronted us; all the brown had gone out of his face, and even his nose was blue; he had the look of a man who sees a ghost, or the evil one, or something worse, if anything can be; and upon my word, I felt sorry to see him all in a moment turn so old and sick.

This change in his appearance was due to the seaman whom Bill called "Black Dog", who had been an ex-partner of the captain and was there looking for the map to the hidden treasure.






To clarify something is to make something easier for something else to understand, not to complicate it.

which word has a similar denotation to the word thrifty but a more negative connotation?
a. economical
b. stingy
c. cost-conscious
d. prudent


i believe it’s b stingy

list down Human Acts and
Acts of Man​


it is human acts













clean house

man acts


Answer:Looking, Seeing, Dreaming, Day Dreaming, Hearing, Listening, Walking, Sleepwalking


ESSAY: SHORT STORY REWRITE Imagine yourself in any one of the three stories you have just read. You may take the place of one of the existing characters, or you can simply insert yourself into the story. What would have been different if you were the character or if you were there? OBJECTIVES Write a 250-word story. Instructions: Choose any one of the stories, following the major events that take place in them, but change the actions and characters in the story. For example, what would you have differently if you were in Della's position? Or how would you have defeated General Zaroff? Write a story of at least 250 words.


We can rewrite "The Gift of the Magi" from Della's perspective and change her actions so that she and her husband will not choose the wrong gifts for each other.

What can we do in Della's position?

This question requires you to write a story as if you were one of the characters. Let's work with the short story "The Gift of the Magi," where Della and her husband Jim end up buying Christmas gifts that the other cannot wear.

You can rewrite the story as if you were Della. Rather than going out and selling her hair, she could go and see Jim where he works. They could talk and decide that, taking their financial situation into consideration, it is better not to spend any money on gifts at all.

By doing so, their suffering and final decision would be prevented, and the couple would still be happy, since they love each other so much.

Learn more about "The Gift of the Magi" here:


For this question , you will need to refer to both sources A and B.
Compare how the two writers convey their different attitudes to manners and politeness.
In your answer, you should:
● comparetheirdifferentattitudes
● comparethemethodstheyusetoconveytheirattitudes ● supportyourideaswithquotationsfrombothtexts.
Source A - 19th century etiquette guide Source B - 21st century newspaper article
The way you behave when out in society is paramount. It is essential that you show the highest level of social refinement possible. For example, if someone offers you their hand, take it. Always remove your hat when entering a building. Be punctual to all social events to which you are invited.
Anyone who’s ever taken a ride on the London Underground will know that there are some real nuisances out there. All too often, I’ve seen people refusing to give their seat up to an elderly passenger. I mean, it’s just common courtesy, isn’t it? Is it really so difficult to just be a little more civil towards other people?



yes i do not know what u r speaking


a chip of glass ruby how old is jimmy​




this question make no sense
jimmy is old how ruby glass of chip a

What is the author's argument?



National Service Finished After Highschool Communities


i did it


1. national service

2. finished high school

3. communities

Explanation: i did it on i-ready and got it right.

which of the following is a strong thesis statement
A. a healthy diet is important because it increase energy ,prevents illness and promotes well-being in all people
B.A healthy diet is important
C. people should include wight servings of fruits and vegetables in their deit
D. bananas areone of the most nutritious food on earth​


A. A healthy diet is important because it increases energy, prevents illness and promotes well being in all people.

Invisible fields, like a magnetic field, can still exert forces on other objects.
true or false?





plsssss mark me brainliest I need one more

Why is hierarchical congruence important in successful startegy?​



When the inputs, strategies and organizational structure fit well or are congruent with the desired outputs, the organization operates effectively. An analysis with the congruence model makes it easier to understand how the organization works and to reach this goal.

2. Unit security orders should contain the following:
Check ALL that apply and click Submit.
instructions on handling classified materials
the location of secure rooms
duty lockup
the date of issue and amendments
visitor procedures





just did it

which dance is famous in gujurat​





Garba is a form of dance which originates from the state of Gujarat in India. The name is derived from the Sanskrit term Garbha ("womb") and Deep ("a small earthenware lamp"). Many traditional garbas are performed around centrally lit lamp or a picture or statue of the Goddess Shakti.

Answer: Garbha dance is famous in gujurat

The United States participates in an economy that has the following characteristics: economic freedom, competition, economic incentives,
limited government influence, and private ownership. What type of economy does this BEST describe?
OA gift economy
market economy
OC. laissez-faire economy
socialist economy



It's D and good Luck!!!!


This type of economy is best described as market economy.

What is an economy?

An economy is a region where products and services are produced, traded, distributed, and consumed by various agents.

A market economy is characterized by private competition, property, freedom, self-interest, and minimal government involvement. Thus, the given example is of market economy.

Hence, the correct option is B.

To learn more about economy here


what would be a metaphor and a simile for The old man stumbled​



The main difference between a simile and metaphor is that a simile uses the words "like" or "as" to draw a comparison and a metaphor simply states the comparison without using "like" or "as". An example of a simile is: She is as innocent as an angel. An example of a metaphor is: She is an angel.


hope makatulong


"The old man stumbled like a broken record, his grin a grainy tune"


A Simile, by dictionary definition, is a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing, whereas a Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. For example:

"Her heart is like gold"

"Her heart is gold"

Here, the former is a simile, and the latter is a metaphor. In the first one, we are comparing the girl's heart to gold, and in the second, we state that her heart is gold.

Taking the original sentence: "The old man stumbled".

And then my answer sentence: "The old man stumbled like a broken record, his gravely grin a grainy tune".

Here, the words "...stumbled like a broken record" is the token simile. We can see this with the key words "like and as"

The metaphor in the sentence is the way I described his smile. Comparing it to an object or thing that can't literally make sense—the grainy tunes of an old record player.

— Hope this helps!! Brainliest appreciated ♥

Which excerpt from "Ain't I a Woman?" is the best example of logos?
Well, children, where there is so much racket there must be something out of kilter.
If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back , and get it right side up again!
[“Intellect,” someone whispers.] That’s it, honey. What’s that got to do with women’s rights or negroes’ rights?
I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother’s grief, none but Jesus heard me!



C, [“Intellect,” someone whispers.] That’s it, honey. What’s that got to do with women’s rights or negroes’ rights?


The excerpt from "Ain't I a Woman?" that is the best example of logos is: C. [“Intellect,” someone whispers.] That’s it, honey. What’s that got to do with women’s rights or negroes’ rights?

What is Logos?

Logos refers to logical reasoning supported by facts and evidence.

In this speech by Sojourner Truth, she asks a question about intelligence -a requirement that was needed to attain equality and tries to reason on the importance of this requirement.

In this instance, Truth applies reasoning which is equal to logos.

Learn more about logos here:

“Wipe your hand across your mouth, and laugh;/The worlds revolve like ancient women/Gathering fuel in vacant lots.”

Which of these best describes this excerpt from T.S. Eliot’s “Preludes”?
A. It is an example of sprung rhythm.
B. It is an example of iambic pentameter.
C. It is an example of dialect poetry.
D. It is an example of free verse.





Read it out loud. there should be a beat

The word are best described in the excerpt as it is an example of iambic pentameter.

What is iambic pentameter?

Iambic pentameter is a type of metric line used in traditional English poetry and verse drama. The term describes the rhythm, or meter, established by the words in that line; rhythm is measured in small groups of syllables called "feet". "Iambic" refers to the type of foot used, here the iamb, which in English indicates an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable (as in a-bove). "Pentameter" indicates a line of five "feet".

Iambic pentameter is the most common meter in English poetry. It was first introduced into English by Chaucer in 14th century on the basis of French and Italian models. It is used in several major English poetic forms, including blank verse, the heroic couplet, and some of the traditionally rhymed stanza forms. William Shakespeare famously used iambic pentameter in his plays and sonnets.

Learn more about iambic pentameter,here:


Which is the best description of the author’s word choice and the way in which it supports the argument?

A. The author uses figurative language to create a clear picture.
B. The author uses figurative language to simplify complex ideas.
C. The author uses precise, formal language to explain and connect ideas clearly.
D. The author uses precise, formal language to interest and entertain the reader.

i need it in 5 mins!! Please hellpp





The best description of the author’s word choice and the way in which it supports the argument is the author uses figurative language to simplify complex ideas. Thus option (b) is correct.

Who is an author?

An author is a person who writes books, articles, or any other type of written work that is published or intended to be published. Authors may work in a variety of genres, such as fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama, or journalism.

They may write for various purposes, such as to entertain, inform, educate, persuade, or inspire their readers. Being an author typically involves a significant amount of research, planning, writing, editing, and revising.

The author uses figurative language to simplify complex ideas is the best description of the author’s word choice and the way in which it supports the argument. Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about author here:


Taking all of these examples together, the reader can assume that van Gogh appeals more to working men because he didn’t pretend he was better than them. What type of characterization would this be considered?




I believe its implicit


Because Implicit characterization is when you let reader’s infer a character’s traits from his or her appearance, actions or speech.

Which word in this sentence is a linking verb?
Ryan feels sad that he lost his watch, and he hopes that I will help him find it.
A. feels
B. lost
C. hopes
D. will help



feels is the linking verb


Imagine you are being recognized at an awards banquet. You are sitting at the head table
with many other distinguished guests. Why will knowledge of proper table manners make
you more comfortable in this situation?


because proper Table manners are respectful especially in a public place. And its The proper thing to do. someone’s that being respectful, makes things less awkward And more comfortable

who taught her such things into passive voice​



By whom was she taught such things?


An active voice is when the subject performs the action/ verb whereas a passive voice is where the verb acts upon the subject. And the verbs are changed accordingly.

In the given sentence "Who taught her such things?", the word "who" is the subject which is changed to "by whom". And since the verb "taught" is the second form and third form of the same verb "teach", there will be no change in it.

Therefore, the final sentence in passive voice will be

By whom was she taught such things?

What would be a good rebuttal for this counterclaim. Don't write nonsense pls

Counterclaim: Teenagers should not be forced to volunteer in order to graduate.
Rebuttal: ?



While forced is a strong word, teenagers should be forced to volunteer in different environments so that they can be ready for real world oppertunities. So that when they are off on their own, they can use their experiences in resumes as well as to count as community service hours for specific colleges. these experiences can broaden their scope of people, and cause them to be more sympathetic and caring towards people.


You can reword that in any way you like, but I hope it helps :)

Can you answer this question for me please
1.what can you see in the picture?
2. What do you think the artist is trying to tell us in the painting?
3. Describe the artist character in three words


1. I see man one that creates and destroys surrounded by there thoughts and amazed by the wonder of the world . 2. The artist is trying to tell us that mans mind is a complex thing and that we often get surround by our thought and our ideas good or bad which is why I think they chose Dark and light shades to show good from bad and to show the persons mind or what kind of energy they put out as a human being. 3. Confused, amazed, frightened.
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