Do this ill give 100 pts plss and if your not gonna do it dont awnser at all

Actually this time

Do This Ill Give 100 Pts Plss And If Your Not Gonna Do It Dont Awnser At AllActually This Time


Answer 1

The Silk Road was important because it helped to generate trade and commerce between a number of different kingdoms and empires.

I try my best

Answer 2
Yeah that’s 100% right

Related Questions

what are the differences between a recessive phenotype and a dominant genotype


Dominant traits are always expressed when the connected allele is dominant, even if only one copy of the dominant trait exists. Recessive traits are expressed only if both the connected alleles are recessive.

Answer: What is the difference between dominant and recessive traits? Dominant traits are always expressed when the connected allele is dominant, even if only one copy of the dominant trait exists. Recessive traits are expressed only if both the connected alleles are recessive


Which of the following is correct?

A) Protists live in wet environments.

B) Protists are all heterotrophs.

C) Protists are all autotrophs

D) Protists are all multicellular.



A}Protists live in wet environments


This is because of their breathing

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Which two organisms share the greatest number of derived characteristics?



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I hope you found it so helpful

Create your family tree

Help me with this question please I’m close to getting a 100 please


The answer to your biology question would be bird Y
Bird Y because its beak is more slender so it can fit inside of flowers easier just like humming birds! ^>^

When tulips bloom, they are attempting to pollinate using the process of meiosis. Which part of the tulip do you think is related to meiosis? Why would the tulip need to undergo meiosis?




hope my ans helps

pls give brainliest to my answer

be sure to follow me

stay safe

have a good day




i dont srrryyyy


i would say the second answer bc the others dont make sense to the question but im not to sure

Very hot magma rises toward the surface because it is less dense. The magma
as it cools, and
back toward the

form in the mantle where hot magma keeps rising.
then cools and sinks again

The movement of magma under the crust applies
to tectonic plates

Rising hot magma pushes up on the crust, causing it to break and allowing
to form
happens where magma moving sideways and lava
forming new crust pushes plates in opposite directions.

Oceanic trenches form where denser oceanic crust is pushed under lighter
crust. The subducted plate begins to melt as it moves
into the mantie





What is the question?

What is a natural resource? Give 3 examples.



Oil, coal, natural gas,


natural gas, oil, coal

Who is the father of genetics? Please mention 4 contributions he made for Genetics.
30 points!!!!



Gregor Mendel



Gregor Mendel


Mendel's Experiments: The Study of Pea Plants & Inheritance. Gregor Mendel was a 19th-century pioneer of genetics who today is remembered almost entirely for two things: being a monk and relentlessly studying different traits of pea plants.

A trait that is helpful to a species will become more common in that species over time. This is called ___________.
Group of answer choices

A. genetic variation

B. transition

C. overproduction

D. selection


The answer to this would be A. Hope this helps!!!!
A. genetic variation

Using the description in the scenario below, list all energy transformations that are provided.
Franchesca is preparing for her morning ride on her bicycle. She first eats a light meal, then rides her bike for 30 minutes.





4 that’s really it 4 hopefully u enjoy :))


Which statement explains what happens at the water table?

Water rises to a place above the surface where people can collect it and use it for drinking water.
Materials such as clay or granite prevent water from seeping into the ground at the water table.
A boundary forms between an area filled with water and an area with both moisture and air.
Water from rivers, lakes, and streams seeps into the ground and saturates it to reach the water table.



D. Water from rivers, lakes, and streams seeps into the ground and saturates it to reach the water table.


No time, the first three do not make sense or are wrong

The answer to this C

Which statements describe vascular tissue? Check all that apply.

a)The primary purpose of vascular tissue is to support the plant and help it stand upright.
b)Phloem carries food made during photosynthesis to other parts of the plant.
c)Phloem contains the chloroplasts.
d)Xylem moves water and nutrients throughout the plant.
e)Xylem is the protective, waxy layer on a plant that prevents water loss.



a, b, and d are the correct answers



b and d


What is a solar system and what planet are included in it?


Answer:The Solar System is the Sun and all the objects that orbit around it.

There are eight planets in the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.


Answer: Our solar system consists of our star, the Sun, and everything bound to it by gravity - the planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, and just in case dwarf planets such as Pluto, dozens of moons and millions of asteroids, comets and meteoroids.

Explanation: I HOPE THIS HELPS U OUT!!!!!!!


Which of the below best describes the function of the respiratory system?

To circulate nutrients and gases throughout the body.

To bring oxygen into the body and to remove carbon dioxide from the body.

To break down food to glucose molecules that the cells can use.

(This is 7th grade science)


Answer: To bring oxygen into the body and to remove carbon dioxide from the body.

Explanation: For me it's obvious to know that it's to bring oxygen, is because if you don't know, respire means to breathe, and the lungs are part of the respiratory system. To bring oxygen into the body and to remove carbon dioxide from the body.


It is B to bring oxygen into the body.

List the differences between the hearts of vertebrates that live in water and the hearts of vertebrates that live on land. List the similarities.


Answer: All vertebrates have circulatory systems based on a common plan, and so vertebrate systems show much less variety than do those of invertebrates. Although it is impossible to trace the evolution of the circulatory system by using fossils (because blood vessels do not fossilize as do bones and teeth), it is possible to theorize on its evolution by studying different groups of vertebrates and their developing embryos. Many of the variations from the common plan are related to the different requirements of living in water and on land.


Since all the vertebrae‘s are in different environments they have to adapt to there surrounding so a cougar won’t have a heart in the same place as a fish

Use the scenario below to answer the following question

Jerimiah and Nicko were discussing how well a vehicle uses its energy. They add a gallon of gasoline to the vehicle and observe the vehicle as their friend drives it in a circle around them. Jerimiah and Nicko hear the sound of the running engine, feel heat coming off of the exhaust and off the engine, and can see the vehicle move around them. After doing calculations they realize the vehicle did not travel nearly as far as they thought it would when it used the gallon of gasoline. Jerimiah claims that the energy must have been destroyed during its use, which is why they both heard the engine noises and felt the heat coming off. Nicko claims that the energy could not have been destroyed, but cannot determine what happened to all of the energy.

What can Nicko say that will explain why the energy was not destroyed during their test?



Nicko: So guys, i'm doing some crazy things with my test today, so the energy wasn't destroyed

Teacher: Why?

Friends: Yeah why loser

Nicko: Because we add a galon of gasoline to the vehicle and observe the vehicle as our friend drive it in a circle around us

Friends: Shut up lose-

Teacher: Guys shut up, Nicko.. can you explain more detail?

Nicko: After doing calculations we realize the vehicle did not travel nearly as far as our thought it would when it used the gallon of gasoline.

Teacher: What's your opinion about that Nicko?

Nicko: I claims that the energy could not have been destroyed, but cannot determine what happened to all of the energy.

Bob: It's my turn

Teacher: Nicko, you can go home now.

Nicko: Thank you teacher!

Teacher: *smile

Bob: Bye Nick!

Nicko: Bye Bob! Good Luck!

Bob: You too!

Unfortunately Nicko going to home with those all pain because of bully

Bully: Yo Nicko

Nicko: ...

Bully: where's your money?

Nicko: I don't have money

Bully: *Punch Nicko

Nicko: *Ughh

Bully: *founds money

Nicko: Nooo, Don't :'(

Bully: Lies, this is your money, bye loser.

Nicko: Ughh my body

Then his mom called his teacher and leave from that school


Green beans tomatoes potatoes ;p

( Help me please and thank you )


It’s A because the warm is harming the roots hope this helps

Which are responses to internal stimuli? Check all that apply.

A child has a fever of 101°F.
A chipmunk runs from a predator.
An owl sleeps in a tree.
A dog pants on a hot day.
A snake moves to a sunny rock to get warm.


One two and four !!

what are the differences between the animal and plant cells? mj fan



cell wall


plant cells have a cell wall and animals do not


the difference about animal  and plants cell is A plant cell contains a large, singular vacuole that is used for storage and maintaining the shape of the cell. In contrast, animal cells have many, smaller vacuoles. Plant cells have a cell wall, as well as a cell membrane. ... Animal cells simply have a cell membrane, but no cell wall.


Which of the below best describes the function of the respiratory system?

To circulate nutrients and gases throughout the body.

To bring oxygen into the body and to remove carbon dioxide from the body.

To break down food to glucose molecules that the cells can use.

(This is 7th grade science)



To bring oxygen into the body and to remove carbon dioxide from the body.


B: to bring oxygen into the body

Please help me with this


The first question is Bb The second one is bb
The phenotype of the first question is (Bb)
The phenotype of the second question is (bb)

In your own words, describe the difference between the movement of particles in liquids and the movement of particles in gases.


Answer:The particles of a gas move quickly and have enough energy to spread apart from one another. They take the shape of their container, because they have indefinite shape and indefinite volume.


Gas’s particles have a lot more space between them allowing less friction than fluids due to being more compact

Choose an animal which you are particularly interested in learning more about. Spend some time learning about the kinds of food the animal eats, how it protects itself, where it lives, and how it finds shelter. Write a report about your animal’s niche and include a description of all the different aspects of niches that you can find.


Do lions they’d be easier to do

Some species can reproduce sexually or asexually. In which two situations is sexual reproduction advantageous?
A. When no individuals of the same species are available for mating

B. When many individuals of the same species are available for

C. When the individuals live in a stable environment in which they

D. When the individuals live in an environment that suddenly


Hey love! <3


The two correct answers to this question are C. When the individuals live in a stable environment in which they thrive and D. When the individuals live in an environment that suddenly changes.


For species to adapt to their environments their youth must evolve and make changes. In a situation where two parents engage in sexual reproduction their child with have unique adapted traits from the two hosts while asexual reproduction creates a new organism identical to the host, making it useless in a changing environment.

Hope this helps! (•⊙ω⊙•) Sincerely, Kelsey from Brainly

~ #LearnWithBrainly ~

The two correct answers are A and B

As rain seeps into the soil and becomes groundwater, it can travel into the saturated zone and become part of
A. the ocean.
B. a pond.
C. an aquifer.
D. surface runoff.


I think it’s B, a pond

All of the following are important environmental problems in Latin American cities, except __________.
water scarcity
air pollution
waste disposal

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



It’s going to be c cause of the transportation
I would have to say C: Transportation

Which statement best describes the human respiratory system? A) It is composed of a network of moist passageways that permit air to flow from the external environment to the lungs. B) Each cell of the human body is in direct contact with the external environment, and gas exchange occurs by diffusion. C) The external body surface is kept moist to allow for gas exchange. D) Gases diffuse across membranes on both the external and internal surfaces of the body.



A) It is composed of a network of moist passageways that permit air to flow from the external environment to the lungs.


The correct statement that describes the RESPIRATORY SYSTEM of human being is option A which states that, It is composed of a network of moist passageways that permit air to flow from the external environment to the lungs.

The sequence of processes leading to the release of energy in living cells is called respiration. The most complex respiratory system is found in mammals ( human beings). This involves the following:

the intake and absorption of oxygen from the surrounding environment; the transport of oxygen to the individual cells in the body; andusing oxygen to release energy (as Adenosine triphosphate) from energy-rich substances.

Because human beings are exposed to the atmosphere and have dry body coverings. Gaseous exchange cannot occur through their body surfaces, instead they possess respiratory structures to being dry air in contact with moist surfaces within their bodies. These structures includes:

the trachea andthe lungs ( where bronchi and alveoli are located)

TRACHEA or the wind pipe channels the air to the lungs. At the thorax, the trachea into two forming the right and left BRONCHI.

The alveoli is where the gaseous exchange takes place. Tiny blood vessels, called capillaries, are closely wrapped around the outside of the alveoli. This enables oxygen to diffuse across the walls of the alveoli into the blood.

Therefore the correct option that describes the RESPIRATORY SYSTEM of human being is A which states that It is composed of a network of moist passageways that permit air to flow from the external environment to the lungs.

Option B is WRONG because human beings are not unicellular organisms like Amoeba where their gaseous exchange organs are cell membrane or body surfaces.

Option C and D are equally wrong because human beings are not simple animals like amphibians that involves in cutaneous (skin) respiration.

Learn more here:

I Need help on this video please.



c or the third one...

Hope it helps you..

Yeah I think it is C

Where is the 1% of Earth’s liquid freshwater located?

A) Oceans
B) Rivers, aquifers, lakes and groundwater
C) Glaciers
D) None of the above


The anwser of d I’m sure of it
answer: i think it’s d
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