Compute the periodic interest rate, as a decimal, given a nominal interest rate and compounding period. Round your answers to four decimal places. a. 2.49%, quarterly Periodic Interest Rate (as a decimal) = b.9.74%, weekly Periodic Interest Rate (as a decimal) = c. 4.85%, annually Periodic Interest Rate (as a decimal) =


Answer 1

The periodic interest rate is 7.82% given nominal interest rate and compounding period.

What is periodic interest rate?

A periodic interest rate is a rate that can be imposed on a loan or realised on an investment over a predetermined time frame. Although interest compounds more frequently than once a year, lenders typically quote interest rates on an annual basis. Divided by the quantity of compounding periods, the periodic interest rate is equal to the yearly interest rate. Mortgage interest is accrued or compounded on a monthly basis. In the case of a mortgage with an 8% annual interest rate, the periodic interest rate used to determine the amount of interest charged in any given month is equal to 0.08 divided by 12, or 0.0067 or 0.67%. A monthly interest charge of 0.67% would be added to the mortgage loan's outstanding principal.

To learn more about periodic interest rate, visit:


Related Questions

nimit was reimbursed in 2021 by his insurance company for a medical expense that he had previously deducted on his 2020 schedule a (form 1040), itemized deductions. what is the tax treatment of the recovered medical expense, in any?


The amount recovered should be included in income on the 2021 tax return is the correct statement.

Taxes are mandatory contributions levied on individuals or corporations by a central authority entity—whether nearby, regional, or countrywide. Tax sales finance government sports, such as public works and offerings consisting of roads and schools, or applications consisting of Social Safety and Medicare.

It derives from the Latin taxable which means 'to evaluate. earlier than that, English used the associated phrase 'project', derived from old French. For a while, 'project' and 'tax' have been each in no unusual use, the primary requiring labor, the second one money.

Learn more about taxes


the starting point for preparing the operating activities section using the indirect method is .multiple choice question.ending cash balancenet incomecurrent liabilitiescurrent assets


The starting point for preparing the operating activities section using the indirect method is net income.

Sales less cost of goods sold, selling, general and administrative costs, operating costs, depreciation, interest, taxes, and other costs are computed as net income (NI), also known as net earnings. Investors can use this figure to determine how much a company's revenue exceeds its costs. This figure is a measure of a company's profitability and may be found on the income statement.

NI is the remaining amount after taxes and other deductions have been subtracted from gross income, which is the individual's total income or pre-tax income. To determine their taxable income, which is the amount used by the Internal Revenue Service to compute income tax, taxpayers deduct expenses from their gross income. The discrepancy between a person's taxable income and income tax.

To know more about net income click here,


if an american woman purchases a pair of shoes in a local shoe store made by an american owned company located in italy, what would happen to consumption and gdp as a result?


If an American woman purchases a pair of shoes in a local shoe store, it would increase Consumption and GDP.

What is GDP?

GDP is a monetary measure of the market value of all the final goods and services produced and sold in a specific period by countries. Due to its complex and subjective nature, this measure is often revised before being considered a reliable indicator.

GDP per capita does not, however, reflect differences in the cost of living and the inflation rates of the countries. Therefore, using a basis of GDP per capita at purchasing power parity may be more useful when comparing living standards between nations, while nominal GDP is more useful when comparing national economies on the international market.  

The ratio of GDP to the total population of the region is the per capita GDP.

Learn more about GDP, here:


Rachel has drafted a plan for her firm that explicitly analyzes the marketing and advertising situation, identifies the objectives of the advertising campaign, clarifies a specific strategy for accomplishing those objectives, and indicates how the firm can assess whether the campaign was successful. this subsection of the firm’s overall marketing plan is called its?


Selecting your advertising aim is the first stage in developing a new campaign. You will receive guidance in selecting your goals once you have decided on this purpose.

What are the many types of marketing?

The 4ps are a "marketing" that includes four crucial elements for selling a product or service product, pricing, location, and promotion. When businesses create strategies or marketing plans for reaching their target audience, they frequently consider the four Ps.

What is an effective marketing example?

In a summary, it is an effort to make customers aware of a business's offers, which could include both physical products available for purchase and services rendered. Advertising on television, on posters at the end of the road, and in magazines are common examples of marketing in action.

To know more about marketing visit:


why do you think setting aside money in your savings and looking for scholarships is a good ""preparation"" step before applying for financial aid?


For the purpose of assisting students in covering costs like as tuition, lodging and board, books, supplies, and transportation, the federal government provides a program known as federal student aid.

Your future plans and aspirations are just as crucial to proving your worth as your prior achievements were. Students who have the ability to excel or who desire to give back to their communities are supported by scholarship sponsors.

Students who receive scholarships are more likely to stay in school and earn their degrees on schedule by putting their studies first. Scholarship recipients worry about money less and more.

To know more about federal government visit:-


a fixed asset with a cost of $30,000 and accumulated depreciation of $28500 is sold for $3500 what is the amount of the gain or loss on disposal of the fixed asset


the amount of the gain or loss on disposal of the fixed asset is $2,000 gain.

In item-oriented programming, the dispose sample is a design pattern for resource control. in this sample, a resource is held via an object, and launched by using calling a traditional approach – commonly known as near, dispose, unfastened, release depending at the language – which releases any resources the object is preserving onto. Many programming languages offer language constructs to keep away from having to name the dispose approach explicitly in common conditions. The dispose pattern is often utilized in languages whose runtime environment have automated garbage collection (see motivation below).

Learn more about disposal here


bill and ellen sweatt plan to invest $2,500 a year in an educational ira for their granddaughter, sloane martin. they will make these deposits on january 2nd of each year. bill and ellen feel they can safely earn 8%. how much will be in this account on december 31 of the 18th year?


Future Annuity Value in the account of Bill and Allen sweat plan to invest = $101,115.66

The time value of money is founded on the idea that interest accrues through time, increasing the investment's future value. The amount invested, interest rate, length of time, frequency of compounding, and whether assets are made at the start or end of the period can all be used to determine the future worth of a periodic investment.

Either the Excel FV function or the formula for the future value of an annuity can be used to resolve this.

(1) Excel FV function:

Rate = 8%

Nper = 18

Pmt = -2,500

Type = 1 (Deposits are made AT THE BEGINNING OF THE PERIOD, so type is 1.)

(2) Formula for future annuity value:

P = periodic payment

r = rate per period

n = number of periods

Future value of an annuity due = P * {[(1 + r)n - 1] / r} * (1 + r)

Future Value = $2,500 * {[(1 + 8%) 18 - 1] / 8%} * (1 + 8%)

Therefore, the Future Value of an Annuity = $101,115.66

To know more about Future Value, refer to this link:


what concept recognizes the linkages within logistics systems that result from the interaction of their components?


The trade-off notion acknowledges the connections within logistics systems that come about as a result of the interaction of its parts.

A trade-off is a situational choice where one quality, quantity, or feature of a set or design is diminished or lost in exchange for gains in other areas. In plain English, a tradeoff occurs when one item gets better while another must go worse.Vessels can carry a few large items or many little ones, but must remove some items from a full container in order to accept any more. Limits are the outcome of many diverse reasons, including elementary physics, which lead to tradeoffs. For instance, a certain volume of objects can only fit into a certain space. The phrase "tradeoff" is frequently used to refer to various configurations of the same thing, such as resource allocation or tuning guitar strings to play a range of notes.

Learn more about trade-off  from


if, in response to an increase in the price of chocolate the quantity of chocolate demanded decreases, then economists would describe this as


If, in response to an increase in the price of chocolate the quantity of chocolate demanded decreases, then economists would describe this as a decrease in quantity demanded.

Economists have a look at the manufacturing and distribution of sources, items, and offerings via accumulating and studying facts, discovering traits, and evaluating economic problems.

A person with an economics degree will locate that they are employable in many regions, regardless of the specific industry that they'll paintings in. There is robust demand for graduates with understanding of economics during the global labor market.

An economist is a person who studies the reasoning behind choices humans make and is interested by the usage of facts to boost income, create better public policy or conduct research.

Learn more about economists here :


janice (63) shared a home all year with her son, antonio (41), and antonio's son, dante (23). they were all u.s. citizens, lived in the u.s. all year, and all had valid ssns valid for employment. janice and antonio worked full-time. dante was a part-time student during the year; he took one class at the local community college. he had no income. no one else lived in the home. janice had earned income and an adjusted gross income of $23,459. she had no foreign income or investment income. antonio had earned income and an adjusted gross income of $32,500. he had no foreign income or investment income. who, if anyone, is eligible to claim and receive the earned income credit?


Janice earned a living and had an adjusted gross income of $23459. Antonio has made $32,500. So, Either Janice or Antonio but not both is eligible to claim and receive the earned income credit.

The majority of people who work but do not make a significant salary can take advantage of the earned income credit (EIC), a refundable tax benefit. The EIC's goal is to lessen taxpayers' tax burdens and increase the income of working families whose salaries are below the filing status maximums. AGI Limits and Earned Income

There must be earned income for you to be eligible for this credit.

You must fulfill the relationship, age, residency, and joint return requirements if you have a qualified kid. The entire year, Janice (63), her son Antonio (41), and Antonio's son resided in this home together. Janice earned a living and had an adjusted gross income of $23459. She had no investments or income from abroad. Antonio has made $32,500.

So, Either Janice or Antonio but not both is eligible to claim and receive the earned income credit.

To learn more about gross income link is here


what defines the specifications for product/output of the project and is key for managing expectations, controlling scope, and completing other planning efforts?


Project requirements document defines the specifications for product/output of the project and is key for managing expectations, controlling scope, and completing other planning efforts.

We have, to a certain extent, developed a firm belief in "Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation" since the introduction of Agile methodologies. Everything you need to know to make a template for a successful requirements document. Create templates for all kinds of requirements, including software, simple, and functional ones.

Genuinely enough, as a matter of fact I can educate you that Spry approaches to working bring regarding more achievement per unit of work than Cascade at any point made due. However, as previously stated, working Agile does not necessitate the absence of documentation.

The efforts to document (Requirements, Design, and Solution) are optimized in Agile to the point where you should ideally only spend the minimum amount of time necessary to document at any given time. However, you do devote time to documentation.

To know more about Project requirements document visit


when done correctly, what is the relationship between the present worth of an alternative calculated using a then-current approach and the present worth of the alternative calculated using a constant-worth approach? constant-worth pw is higher because it uses a lower discount rate. cannot be determined without knowing the cash flows and inflation rate. then-current pw is higher because it uses inflated dollars. they are equal.


The relationship between the present worth of an alternative calculated using the percentage of interest or dividends earned on an investment is known as the rate of return a return is the amount of profit.

An investor makes on an investment over a certain amount of time in financial accounting.In essence, a gain or a loss on an investment can be represented by the rate of return, which is commonly expressed as a percentage of the investment's starting expenditures. As a result, a positive rate of return on an investment over a given time period simply signifies that an investor is making a profit (gains), whereas a negative rate of return on an investment over a given time period shows that the investor is losing money.then-current pw is higher because it uses inflated dollars. they are equal.

To know more about Investment visit:


gould design has $1,000 face value bonds outstanding with 17 years to maturity, a coupon rate of 5 percent, semiannual interest payments, and a current price of $987.78. what is the aftertax cost of debt if the tax rate is 21 percent?


The after-tax cost of debt is 21.26% when the tax rate is 21% of gould design.

The cost of debt is the actual interest rate a business pays on its debts, including bonds and loans. The term can refer to either the before-tax cost of debt, or the after-tax cost of debt, which is the cost of debt for the business before taxes are taken into consideration. Because interest costs are tax deductible, there is a significant difference between the cost of debt before and after taxes  cost of debt. The capital structure of a corporation, which also contains equity, includes debt as one component. The capital structure of a company is concerned with how it finances its overall operations and expansion via various funding sources, some of which may be debt in the form of bonds or loans.

To learn more about cost of debt click here


to ensure a taxpayer meets the due diligence requirements for the earned income credit (eic), what are the four due diligence requirements?


The Four Steps of Due Diligence- Complete Form 8867 and submit it. Tax Regulation § 1.6695-2(b)(1) Determine the credits. Tax Regulation § 1.6695-2(b)(2) ... \knowledge. Section 1.6695-2(b)(3) of the Treas. Reg. Recordkeeping for three years.

Due Diligence Requires Four Conditions: Complete Form 8867, Paid Preparer's Due Diligence Checklist, and attach it to your return. Make sure any advantage stated is backed up by data. Ask the taxpayer the right questions. Keep records for three years. Due diligence is the process of vetting potential business partners (DD). The due diligence process is an organized way to carefully examine each area of a company and is an essential part of any large transaction like mergers and acquisitions. a checklist for doing your homework. Investors are required to perform due diligence prior to entering into any agreements or contracts with third parties. This checklist aims to outline the due diligence process that potential investors will use when considering an investment in your business.

Learn more about diligence from


refer to scenario 35-2. suppose that the flosserland department of finance has run a public relations campaign claiming it will reduce inflation to 12.5% but that it actually leaves inflation at 25%. suppose that the public had expected that the department of finance would reduce inflation, but only to 20%. then a. unemployment falls, but it would have fallen more if people had been expecting 12.5% inflation. b. unemployment rises, but it would have risen more if people had been expecting 12.5% inflation. c. unemployment rises, but it would have risen more if people had been expecting 22% inflation. d. unemployment falls, but it would have fallen more if people had been expecting 22% inflation.


The result of the public relations campaign by the Flosserland Department of Finance, would be that a. unemployment falls, but it would have fallen more if people had been expecting 12.5% inflation.

How does inflation affect unemployment ?

When there is a high rate of inflation in an economy, people will not buy as many goods and services which means that companies will not be as profitable and will produce less goods and services . As a result, there would be less need for employees and labor and so the unemployment rate would rise.

Now, if the Flosserland Department of Finance claimed that they reduced inflation, this means that people will be more tempted to buy goods and servcies thereby leading to a fall in unemployment. However, if the nation of Flosserland did not think inflation had dropped by much, their spending will be less and unemployment will fall by less.

Find out more on inflation at


what is the formula for modified duration? macaulay duration divided by 1 plus yield to maturity. macaulay duration times 1 plus the change in the interest rate. macaulay duration times 1 plus yield to maturity. macaulay duration divided by 1 plus the change in the interest rate.


Option A is correct, the Formula for modified duration Macaulay duration divided by 1 plus yield to maturity.

Modified duration is a system that expresses the measurable alternate inside the cost of protection in reaction to the exchange in interest prices. modified duration follows the concept that hobby rates and bond costs move in contrary directions. This formulation is used to determine the impact that a one hundred-foundation-factor (1%) alternate in interest fees could have on the price of a bond.

The period of a financial asset that includes fixed coin flows, such as a bond, is the weighted average of the times until those constant cash flows are received. when the price of an asset is considered as a characteristic of yield, duration additionally measures the price sensitivity to yield, the fee of trade of charge with recognition to yield, or the share change in price for a parallel shift in yields.

To learn more about Modified Duration visit here:


liquidity preference theory is most relevant to the a. long run and supposes that the interest rate adjusts to bring money supply and money demand into balance. b. long run and supposes that the price level adjusts to bring money supply and money demand into balance. c. short run and supposes that the interest rate adjusts to bring money supply and money demand into balance. d. short run and supposes that the price level adjusts to bring money supply and money demand into balance.


The liquidity preference theory is most relevant to the short run and supposes that the interest rate adjusts to bring money supply and money demand into balance. The Option C is correct.

What is liquidity preference theory?

In economics, the Liquidity Preference Theory means the economic model that suggests that an investor should demand a higher interest rate or premium on securities with long-term maturities that carry a greater risk because most investors prefer cash or other highly liquid holdings.

The theory suggests that investors demand progressively higher premiums on medium and long-term securities as opposed to a short-term securities. According to this theory which was developed by John Maynard Keynes, in support of his idea that the demand for liquidity, he holds that speculative power and liquid investments are easier to cash in for full value.

Read more about liquidity preference theory


garfield owns and operate a retail shoe store. garfield contracts with wholesaler to buy 1,200 pairs of running shoes at $25 per pair. when the shoes arrive, the boxes are torn and there is battery acid on some of them. some but not all of the shoes are damaged. garfield and wholesaler reach an agreement by telephone. in exchange for a 15% discount, garfield agrees to accept the shoes as-is. garfield promptly pays the reduced amount. one week later, wholesaler changes his mind and sues garfield for the remaining 15%. who wins?


Garfield makes a wholesale purchase of 1,200 pairs of running shoes at a cost of $25 per pair, but the shoes arrive broken. Who wins the lawsuit is stated below.

Who is the winner here?

Garfield prevails in this instance of broken shoes because the wholesaler initially agreed to exchange them but afterwards refused, breaking the terms of the agreement.

What exactly was the deal?

An agreement is a sign of two or more people's consent to one another. It occurs through an offer and an acceptance and represents a coming together of the minds with a shared goal. Garfield decides to accept the shoes "as-is" in exchange for a 15% discount from the wholesaler after getting a few of the damaged shoes, and Garfield swiftly pays the discounted sum.

To  know more about lawsuit visit:


what does rom stand for? revenue or money reflux of markets return on marketing respect of materials


The process of attributing profit and revenue growth to the effects of marketing initiatives is known as marketing ROI or ROM.

Organizations can gauge the extent to which marketing initiatives, whether taken as a whole or on a campaign-by-campaign basis, contribute to revenue growth by measuring return on marketing investment. For ongoing and upcoming campaigns and projects, marketing budget allocation is typically justified using marketing ROI.

A 5:1 ratio is often considered the industry standard for marketing ROI, with a 10:1 ratio being deemed extraordinary. Anything below a 2:1 ratio is seen as unprofitable because businesses frequently break even with their expenditures and returns due to the high expenses of production and distribution.

Learn more about marketing ROI here


when operating cash flows are calculated using the indirect method, if accounts receivable balance increased, then the change is ______.


If the accounts receivable balance decreased when operational cash flows are computed using the indirect method, the difference is added to net income since more money was collected than was earned during the period.

How are cash flows affected by changes in accounts receivable?

Customers paying out their credit balances as AR falls bring in more revenue for your company. The reduction in the AR will be offset by an increase in net earnings. Just to be clear, on the cash flow statement, a rise in receivables indicates a decrease in cash, and a fall in it indicates an increase.

When the investment in accounts receivable is higher, there is less cash available to cover financial outflows like paying bills. The annual sales volume and the accounts receivable balance from the prior year are typically accurate enough to be used in the analysis and management of your cash flow.

Learn more about indirect method:


if a club made a gross profit of $0.25 for each candy bar it sold, how many candy bars did the club sell?


The club's gross income would have climbed by 20% if it had sold 80 additional candy bars.

What is gross income?

Gross income, also referred to as gross pay on a paycheck, is the total of a person's earnings before taxes or other deductions. This includes income from all sources, not only labour, and is not limited to income received in cash; it also includes income received in the form of goods or services.

The terms gross income, gross margin, and gross profit have the same meanings for enterprises. A company's gross income is calculated on the income statement as total revenue less cost of goods sold (COGS).

People may also be required to disclose their gross income when applying for a loan.

Businesses usually utilize gross income rather than net income to evaluate the performance of each of their various products.

To learn more on gross income from the link:


what two construction associations offer voluntary certification programs for construction managers? group of answer choices american institute of constructors (aic) american institute of builders (aib) construction management association of america (cmaa) associated school of construction (asc)


American institute of constructors (AIC) and construction management association of America (CMAA) are the two institutes that offer voluntary certification programs for construction managers. Therefore, the options A and C hold true.

Construction managers can be referred to or considered as the professionals who are responsible for fulfilling the managerial duties and functions related to a project that involves construction activities. They need to get certified before being able to practice under the delegation of the name, as such.

Learn more about Construction managers here:


What are the characteristics of command economies?


The characteristics of command economies In a command economy, a significant. The government decides everything economically. The land is either owned by the government or a group of people and the production process. It is independent of supply-side economics.

Demand for that role in a market structure.The government is in control of the pricing of goods and services. The government makes all decisions for finances in the country, such as hourly rate of pay for workers. The government may even assign people the jobs. Since hourly rate of pay is regulated, also tending to be just enough to survive, people will tend to try and break the rules, such as sell stuff on the black market to make more money. The state has absolute power over all resources. The command economy has state-owned entities as well as privately-owned entities that are controlled by the state. People in power, such as politicians, give orders to buyers, sellers, and investors.

To know more about Command economies visit:


sales are $2.52 million in 2020, $2.62 million in 2021, and $2.42 million in 2022. what is the percentage change from 2020 to 2021? what is the percentage change from 2021 to 2022? be sure to indicate whether the percentage change is an increase or a decrease. (round your answers to 1 decimal place.)


The percentage change in sales from the year 2021 to 2022 is 4.0% increase where sales are $2.52 million in 2020, $2.62 million in 2021, and $2.42 million in 2022.

let given data,

sales in 2020 = $2.52 million

sales in 2021 = $2.62 million

sales in 2022 = $2.42 million

percentage change in sales = (current year sales - base year sales) /

                                                    base year sales x 100

                                               = 2021 sales - 2020 sales / 2020 sales x 100

                                               = 2.62million - 2.52million / 2.52 x 100

                                               = 0.1million/ 2.52million x 100

                                               = 0.040 x 100

                                               = 4.0%

learn more about percentage change here


Companies often use more than one capital budgeting method to determine which capital investment to make.t/f


Companies often use more than one capital budgeting method to determine which capital investment to make. It is TRUE.

A technique for calculating the financial feasibility of a capital investment over its lifetime is capital budgeting. Capital budgeting, in contrast to several other forms of investment analysis, places more emphasis on cash flows than profits.

One of the most often used capital budgeting strategies is the net present value strategy, which enables organizations and individuals to pinpoint and prioritize their most lucrative projects or investments. The net present value approach also aids in the simultaneous selection of one or more projects.

To know more about capital budgeting method:


use the following data from mayonnaise manufacturing co. to identify the revenues from sales of finished goods for the year.


In mayonnaise manufacturing, egg yolk is used as an emulsifier at a stage usually among 4% and 8%. Water makes up the non-stop phase of the method at five-15% with various other additives for taste including salt, sugar.

The classic way to make mayonnaise calls for a whisk, steel bowl, sturdy fingers and patience! as an alternative, to prepare homemade mayonnaise, I suggest the usage of a mixer. We also can use a blender, but the end result might be a stiffer and less fluffy sauce.

Whilst some culinary historians have a look at that a mayonnaise-like aggregate of olive oil and egg become fed on by way of historical Egyptians and Romans, the mayonnaise that we recognize today—an emulsion of oil, egg and lemon juice and/or vinegar, plus seasonings—become advanced by means of one of the notable chefs of France.

On the coronary heart of the debate is the definition of mayonnaise. in step with the FDA, mayonnaise is defined as a aggregate of vegetable oil, vinegar, egg yolk, and lemon juice. Hampton Creek, however, created a line of "simply Mayo" products which are eggless and produced from vegetation as a substitute.

Learn more about mayonnaise manufacturing here


According to o*net, what is another name used for financial analysts? provisional officer credit products officer wealth advisor certified financial planner (cfp)


D) According to ONET, another name is used for financial analysts' certified financial planners (CFP).

A Certified Financial Planner (CFP) is a professional designation granted by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards to those who have completed a series of educational requirements, passed an exam, and met other ethical and experience requirements.

CFPs are trained to provide advice on a variety of financial topics, including investments, retirement planning, estate planning, insurance, and tax planning. Financial Analysts and Certified Financial Planners are often considered interchangeable, as both provide similar services.

Therefore, the correct answer is D) Certified Financial Planner (CFP).

For more questions like Certified Financial Planner click the link below:



credit products officer



which is the most appropriate financial statement to use to determine if a company obtained financing during a year by issuing debt or equity securities?


Statement of cash flow is the most appropriate financial statement to use to determine if a company obtained financing during a year by issuing debt or equity securities.

What do you mean by Cash flow?

A cash flow statement lists all of the cash and cash equivalents that come into and go out of a business. A company's cash management, especially how successfully it earns cash, is highlighted by the CFS. The balance sheet and income statement are enhanced by this financial statement. The statement's main objective is to give pertinent details regarding the agency's cash revenues and cash payments over a specific time period. The operating section of the cash flow statement concludes with net cash provided (used) by operating activities, regardless of whether the direct method is applied or the indirect method. The cash flow statement's most significant line item is this one.working capital flow.investing incoming cash.funding the financial flow.

To know more about cash here


for a natural monopolist, throughout the range of market demand. a. average cost increases b. there exist diseconomies of scale c. average cost remains constant d. marginal cost exceeds average cost


For a natural monopolist, throughout the range of market demand. average cost increases.

As Irving Fisher explained, a monopoly is an uncompetitive market that creates a situation in which a particular person or firm is the sole supplier of a particular thing.

A monopolist is a person, group or company that controls and controls the market for a particular good or service. This lack of competition and lack of alternative goods and services means that monopolists are powerful enough to charge high prices in the market. are best known for their historical importance and are Andrew Carnegie's Steel Company (now US Steel), John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company, and the American Tobacco Company.

Learn more about monopolist


Why is responsible service of alcohol important for both staff and the customer?


An essential step in preventing not just driving but also all other -related accidents and is the responsible serving of by on-site establishments. People's judgment deteriorates as they get .

It in lowering the possibility of related issues developing on or near licensed properties. A variety of are used in responsible service to stop people from getting . It might be as easy as providing free food and , or it can include adding more security staff. a solid reputation, more customer , less property damage, fewer possible legal issues, less police calls, stronger employee morale, which results in increased productivity, and lower staff turnover. trained in the Responsible Service of (RSA) program work with licensees to ensure that guests at their licensed establishment appropriately and are not given if they are too .

To learn more about judgment click the link below:


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