although not limited by the nec®, if a 15-amp residential circuit is to be loaded only up to its rating, how many outlets can be put on the 120-volt circuit if the outlets are rated at 120 va per outlet?


Answer 1

A 20-ampere branch circuit cannot be used to power 20-ampere outlets, only 15-ampere outlets. Either 15- or 20-amp receptacles can be powered by a 20-amp circuit. Receptacles connected to a branch circuit with a 30 amp rating must have a 30 amp rating.

What outlets can be put on the 120-volt circuit?

On a 20-ampere, 120-volt breaker, a maximum of 13 outlets are permitted. These outlets can be 15-ampere, 20-ampere, or any combination of the two in accordance with Tables 210.21(B)(3) and 210.24.

Therefore, Either 40- or 50-amp receptacles can be powered by a 40-amp branch circuit.

Learn more about circuit here:


Related Questions

the __________ method is a framework for operationalizing a firm’s strategic plan by focusing on measurable outcomes based on dimensions of a firm’s performance.


The balanced scorecard method is a framework for operationalizing a firm’s strategic plan by focusing on measurable outcomes based on dimensions of a firm’s performance.

What is balanced scorecard?

The balanced scorecard is a management system whose aim is to translate an organization's strategic objectives into a set of performance objectives which are, in turn, measured, monitored, and amended where necessary to ensure that the organization's strategic objectives are met.

The balanced scorecard can monitor the strategic decisions taken by the company based on pre-set indicators and which must penetrate through at least four aspects – financial, customer, internal processes and learning & growth.

One of the key points of the balanced scorecard is expanding the prospect's performance evaluation which so far has always been very focused on financial aspects

Learn more about balanced scorecard


write a function that, given the compressed representation of an image, reconstructs it approximately by multiplying out the truncated svd.


The following function gives the compressed representation of an image and reconstructs it approximately by multiplying out


I have attached an image with the code

What is an SVD?

A matrix's Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is a factorization of the matrix into three matrices. It possesses some intriguing algebraic properties and provides important geometrical and theoretical insights into linear transformations. It has some important applications in data science as well. So the SVD function will help in reconstructing and multiplying out the image, it also helps in factorizing the matrix so what it does is it compresses the matrix into three matix

Hence to conclude the above program gives the singular value decomposition by multiplying out the truncated svd

To know more on svd follow this link:


an insulated diffuser receives argon gas at 300 k and 100 kpa, flowing in with a velocity of 250 m/s. the exit velocity is 25 m/s. determine the exit temperature of the gas.


Argon gas enters an insulated diffuser at 300 k and 100 kpa and flows in at a speed of 250 m/s. the gas's exit temperature is 359.5 K when the exit velocity is 25 m/s.

m₁ = me & assume no heat transfe

Energy Eq.

he+1/2 Ve² = hi + 1/2 Vi²

he = hi - 1/2 Ve²+ 1/2 Vi²

he-hi≈Cp (Te-Ti)

= 1/2 (Vi² - Ve² ) = ( 250² – 25² )

=30937.5 J/kg = 30.938 kJ/kg

Specific heats for ideal gases are


Cp = 0.52 kJ/kg K;

ΔT = 30.938/0.52 = 59.5

Te=359.5 K

Chemically speaking, argon is an element with the symbol Ar and atomic number 18. It belongs to the group 18 of the periodic table and is a noble gas. At 0.934%, argon is the third-most common gas in the atmosphere of the Earth (9340 ppmv). More than twice as much of it exists as water vapour.

Learn more about Argon here:


which unit process in a municipal wastewater treatment plant is most likely to consume the most energy and emit the most green house gases:


The process unit of a municipal wastewater treatment plant that is most likely to utilise the most energy and produce the most greenhouse emissions is activated sludge.

For the sake of clean water and public health, home sewage and wastewater must be collected and treated. It is one of the most significant causes of the overall high level of health that Americans experience. Sewers transport wastewater and sewage from residences, places of business, and industry to wastewater treatment facilities for processing before being released into bodies of water or land or recycled.

For discharges from municipal wastewater treatment plants to American waterways, NPDES licences set discharge limits and requirements. Resources for the needs of discharge include:

An overview of the municipal procedures used to treat household wastewater before releasing it into the country's waterways is provided in the primer on municipal wastewater treatment.

Learn more about Wastewater here:


One of the most efficient heat engines ever built is a coal-fired steam turbine in the Ohio River valley, operating between 1870 0 C and 430 0 C. (a) What is its maximum theoretical efficiency? (b) The actual efficiency of the engine is 42.0%. How much mechanical power does the engine deliver if it absorbs 1.40×10 5 J of energy each second from its hot reservoir?


The engine's mechanical output is 88 * 104 W, and its theoretical maximum efficiency is 67.2%.

What benefits do coal-fired systems offer?

It's a dependable fuel; coal is a predictable, reliable, and dependable fuel as compared to solar or wind power. Despite not being at the vanguard of the country's energy output, it may offer a priceless backup service and a very dependable fuel for home stoves.


(a). The efficiency of a Carnot cycle linked with the same two reservoirs, as determined by Equation, is the appropriate level efficiency of this engine.


Substitute numerical values:


= 0.672 = 67.2%

(b). Equation provides the engine's output power.

[tex]$\mathrm{P}=\frac{\mathrm{W}_{\text {eng }}}{\Delta \mathrm{t}}$[/tex]

Substitute for   [tex]$W_{\text {en }}$[/tex]  from Equation :

[tex]$\mathrm{P}=\frac{\mathrm{c}\left|\mathrm{Q}_{\mathrm{h}}\right|}{\Delta \mathrm{t}}$[/tex]

Substitute numerical values:

P = (0.42) (1.4 * 10⁵) / 1

  = 88 * 10⁴ W

To know more about Coal-fired visit:


With respect to expanding opportunities for ICT environmental contributions, what term is associated with the issues such as LEED Certified Buildings, Smart Motors, and Industrial Robots?


Nowadays, you can link practically all of your home's appliances to a single device and operate it from anywhere. A better use of time is made possible through productivity apps.

What  opportunities for ICT environmental contributions?

The most pressing climatic concerns facing the globe can be addressed with the use of ICTs, which can also help with the transition to a circular economy that is much needed.

Access to biometric gadgets, food management software, and exercise routines easily leads to improved health. Communication with friends and family is simpler and less expensive.

Therefore,  Additionally, they can be employed to keep track of, lesson, and adjust to climate change.

Learn more about ICT here:


An ice skater is gliding horizontally across the ice with an initial velocity of +6.94 m/s. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the ice and the skate blades is 0.0801, and air resistance is negligible. How much time elapses before her velocity is reduced to +2.92 m/s?


The time elapses before her velocity is reduced to +2.92 m/s is 5.5 seconds.

How to calculate time elapses?

v = the initial velocity = 6.94 m/s

v0 = the reduced velocity = 2.92 m/s

μ =  the coefficient of kinetic friction = 0.0801

g = the gravity = 9.8 m/s^2 (assumed)

First we calculate the acceleration of the ice skater with this formula,

a = μ*g

= 0.0801 * 9.8 = 0.78498 m/s^2

Then, from basic formula about velocity, acceleration, and time which is,

a = (v-v0)/t

We can change the formula to calculate time. So,

t = (v-v0)/a

= (6.94-2.92)/0.78498

= 5.5 s

Thus, time needed to reduce velocity to +2.92 m/s is 5.5 seconds.

Learn more about acceleration here:


a liquid with a viscosity of 1.381 x 10-3 kg/ m s flows through a horizontal stainless steel pipe that is 25 m long and has a diameter of 2 cm. the liquid flows with a volumetric flow rate of 0.006 m3 /s. what is the pressure drop and head loss in the pipe? how much pumping power must be added to the flow to overcome the pressure loss?


The Darcy-Weisbach equation is used to determine the pressure drop in circular pipes: When Re2300, the flow is seen as laminar. The friction factor f in a laminar flow is computed using the formula f=64/Re.

The frictional loss in the hydro pipeline is known as the pipe head loss, and it is stated as a percentage of the available head. Water traveling through a pipe faces pressure loss due to friction, just like any viscous fluid does. The relationship between pressure drop and flow rate is reciprocal. The pressure drop increases with flow rate through a constriction. On the other hand, the pressure decrease is proportional to the flow rated.

Learn more about rated here-


a w8x67 is used as a column. the weak axis is braced 35 ft from the bottom and the bottom end condition is fixed in all directions. the top is pinned in all directions and weak axis bracing is pinned. find the critical load of buckling and the critical stress of buckling. total length


The critical buckling load is the highest axial force that a column can withstand before buckling.

Buckling occurs along the horizontal axis for which the column's moment of inertia is lowest. The critical buckling load of a long column with pinned ends is predicted by the Euler column formula. The Euler formula is P cr = 2 E I L 2 where L is the column's length, I is the moment of inertia, and E is the modulus of elasticity in (force/length2). In order to access a formation, deviated wellbores that veer away from the vertical at an angle are frequently drilled using directional drilling.

Learn more about load here-


ase certification is being discussed. technician a says there are eight basic automobile technician certification areas. technician b says you must pass all eight to become an ase master technician. who is correct?


It denotes the technician National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence certification.

Since its founding in 1972, the non-profit organization known as ASE has been regarded as the minimum level of quality for auto technician. Its goal is to safeguard automobile owners and deliver the peace of mind that consumers anticipate when they bring their car to a repair. Nearly every facet of the automotive repair and service industry is covered by the 58 ASE certification examinations. expands work possibilities. For auto mechanics, having an Automotive Service Excellence certification may lead to more job prospects. Candidates who possess an ASE accreditation can demonstrate to companies that they possess the knowledge and abilities necessary to efficiently inspect and fix automobiles.

Learn more about technician here-


water power corporation wants to begin operations that include the discharge of waste into navigable waters. under the clean water act, the company must install certain equipmentWater Power Corporation wants to begin operations that include the discharge of waste into navigable waters. Under the Clean Water Act, the company must install certain equipment
a. with all deliberate speed after beginning operations.
b. before beginning operations.
c. only on a voluntary basis.
d. only if a regulatory agency challenges the discharge.


Water Power Corporation wants to begin operations that include the discharge of waste into navigable waters. Under the Clean Water Act, the company must install before certain equipment beginning operations.

What is Clean Water Act?

The Clean Water Act (CWA) regulates the discharge of pollutants into U.S. waters and establishes the groundwork for regulating surface water quality standards. The foundations of the CWA were enacted in 1948 and called the Federal Clean Water Act, but the act was significantly reorganized and expanded in 1972. The Clean Water Act became the common name of the Act after the 1972 amendment.

Under CWA, EPA implements pollution control programs, including setting effluent standards for industry. EPA has also made national water quality standard recommendations for surface water contaminants.

Learn more about Clean Water Act


when a unit load is secured to a pallet, it is more difficult for pilferage to take place. true false


Answer: True


When a unit load is secured to a pallet, it is more difficult for pilferage to take place. This is because the unit load is more securely attached to the pallet, making it more difficult for someone to remove items without being noticed. Additionally, securing a unit load to a pallet can also make it easier to transport and handle, which can further reduce the risk of pilferage.


It is TRUE.


When a unit load is secured to a pallet, it is more difficult for pilferage to take place.

which of the following are python scripts classified as intrusion prevention software that provide dynamic rule sets to automate the rules iptables use to filter network traffic? (choose two.)


DenyHosts and Faill2ban

DenyHosts and Faill2ban are two Python Scripts that are lassified as intrusion prevention software that provide dynamic rule sets to automate the rules iptables use to filter network traffic.

What are Python Scripts?

A Python script is a set of commands in a file that can be run like a program. The file can, of course, contain functions and import various modules, but the idea is that it will be run or executed from the command line or within a Python interactive shell to perform a specific task.

Typically, a script will begin with a set of function definitions, followed by the main program, which may call the functions.

To learn more about Python Scripts, visit:


When operating an information security department, which of these vendor-provided capabilities might benefit your program at no cost? (CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY)-Run products using a free Proof-of-Concept test period-Introduction to peers struggling to solve similar problems-Development of network diagrams-Perform risk assessments


Note that when operating an information security department, the vendor-provided capabilities that might benefit your program at no cost is: "Introduction to peers struggling to solve similar problems" (Option B).

What is an Information Security Department?

The Information Security Department is in charge of guarding against unauthorized parties gaining access to sensitive information.

The organization-wide information security policies, guidelines, and processes must be implemented and maintained by the information security department.

They should promote security awareness and make sure that everyone is aware of their responsibilities for upholding security.

The head of the department will receive free counsel by speaking with colleagues who are working to tackle comparable issues in online communities.

Learn more about Information Security Department:

what were the key issues that led to the collapse of the skywalk in the duncan v missouri board of architects case


The key issue that led to the collapse of skywalk in Duncan v Missouri is the failure of fourth floor box beam hanger rod connection.This incident risks a lot of death and a huge insurance claim for accident survival.

When visiting Malahat SkyWalk, which offers 360-degree views of inlets, fjords, and mountains, you can't help but experience a natural high and develop a closer relationship with nature.

The vistas, accessibility, adventure alternatives, and unique ways to experience nature make the Malahat SkyWalk worthwhile. You'll undoubtedly heave a sigh of relief when entering the attraction, just like I did. There is something about being surrounded by Douglas fir trees that puts everything in a new light. Both children and adults may let off steam here while simply reviving their senses. The SkyWalk is located on territory owned by the Malahat Nation, which was historically a gathering place for the Coast Salish People.

Learn more about Skywalk here:


T/F. from the definition of a resultant force, the sum of moments due to individual particle weight about any point is different from the moment due to the resultant weight located at g.


A resultant force, the sum of moments due to individual particle weight about any point is different from the moment due to the resultant weight located at g.----- True

How do you find the resultant moment of force?

The resultant force acting on an object is the sum of all vertical components of force and the sum of all horizontal components of force. The resulting pair is the sum of the moments of force about any point in the plane and the sum of all pairs in the system.

What is meant by moment of force about a point?

A moment of force is a measure of the tendency of an object to rotate about a particular point or axis. This is different from the tendency of an object to move or move in the direction of the force.

Learn more about resultant force :


One situation that can make a measurement with a laser inaccurate is measuring to a: ________


One situation that can make a measurement with a laser inaccurate is measuring to a heavy reflective surface

What is reflective surface?

Reflective surfaces or ground-primarily based totally albedo modification (GBAM) is a sun radiation control technique of improving the Earth's albedo (the cappotential to mirror the visible, infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths of the sun, lowering warmth switch to the floor). The IPCC defined this technique as "whitening roofs, adjustments in land use control (e.g., no-until farming), alternate of albedo at a bigger scale (masking glaciers or deserts with reflective sheeting and adjustments in ocean albedo)."

The maximum famous kind of reflective floor is a kind of roof referred to as the "cool roof". While cool roofs are commonly related to white roofs, they arrive in a lot of hues and substances and are to be had for each industrial and home buildings.

Learn more about reflective surface


How do you calculate wire capacity?


Add the peak motor current (A), the number 1.25, and the cable's overall length to the conductor material's resistance (•m) (m). The voltage drop from the power supply to the motor is divided by the result.

Ampacity is the greatest continuous current a conductor can carry while in use without going above its temperature rating. Amperes, or "amps," are used to measure current.

Ampacity is the greatest continuous current a conductor can carry while in use without going above its temperature rating. Amperes, or "amps," are used to measure current. To prevent the wire from overheating, you must utilise the proper size wire for the current (load) required of the circuit.

The kind and quantity of electrical devices connected to a circuit define the conductor's ampacity requirements. A general-purpose home circuit is typically built for 20 amps. It's possible that lighting circuits are just 15 amps rated.

Learn more about Conductor here:


Fluid flows past the two-dimensional bar shown. The pressures on the ends of the bar are as shown and the average shear stress on the top and bottom of the bar is avg. The drag due to pressure is equal to viscous effects width = h 】Oh Determine (a) ravg in terms of the dynamic pressure pu2 (Ans:Tavg 0.06 pu2) (b) the drag coefficient of the bar. (Ans: CD = 2.40)


The average shear stress, Tavg, is equal to 0.06 pu2., Solving for the drag coefficient of the bar, CD, yields: 2.40.

What is shear stress?
An object experiences deformation whenever an external force acts upon it. if the force's direction is parallel to the object's plane. Along that plane, there will be a deformation. The object in this instance is under shear or tangential stress. It happens so when force vector components that are perpendicular to the material's cross-sectional area. The force vectors for normal/longitudinal stress will be parallel to the cross-sectional area that it affects.

(a) The average shear stress, Tavg, is equal to the dynamic pressure pu2 divided by the width of the bar, h. Therefore,
Tavg = pu2/h
Rearranging for the dynamic pressure pu2 yields:
pu2 = Tavg h
Substituting the given value of Tavg as 0.06 pu2 gives:
pu2 = 0.06 pu2 x h
Solving for h yields:
h = pu2/0.06 pu2
Therefore, the average shear stress, Tavg, is equal to 0.06 pu2.

(b) The drag coefficient of the bar, CD, is equal to the drag force (Fd) divided by the dynamic pressure (pu2) times the area (A) of the bar. Therefore,
CD = Fd/(pu2 x A)
Rearranging for Fd yields:
Fd = CD x pu2 x A
Substituting the given values for CD, pu2, and A gives:
Fd = 2.40 x pu2 x (h x L)
Solving for the drag coefficient of the bar, CD, yields:
CD = Fd/(pu2 x A) = 2.40

To learn more about shear stress

using the what-if function in excel to make a decision is considered a type of __________.


Using the 'what-if' function in MS Excel to make a decision is said to be a type of forecast and scenario model.

In MS Excel, the 'what-if' function allows altering the values in cells to check how those changes affect the results. When in Excel the 'what-if' function is used to check to see different results of decisions based on various values of the input, it is considered to be a type of forecast and scenario model.  

The forecast and scenario model represents a strategic process for businesses used to plan several potential decision results. These scenarios are forecasted on the basis of visible risks and supposed uncertainties existing in a set of plausible situations. In simple terms, it can be stated that the forecast and scenario model assists to model multiple 'what-if' circumstances to be prepared for the future.

You can learn more about MS Excel at


What are 3 factors that influence gene expression?


Expressivity can be impacted by a number of elements, such as genetic make-up, exposure to dangerous substances, other environmental effects, and age.

The environment, comprising the external environment in which an organism is placed or develops as well as the organism's internal environment, which includes metallic elements like its hormones and metabolism, can affect genes are expressed in an organism. Transcription factors are proteins involved in the process of turning, or transcribing, DNA into RNA. A large variety of proteins—aside from RNA polymerase—called transcription factors start and control how genes are transcribed.

Learn more about metallic elements here-


How strong is a 1/2 wire rope?


Wire rope, 1/2" This diameter of rope can be relied upon to deliver the high degree of performance you want, with break strengths ranging between 10.3 tonnes (26,600 lbs) and 14.6 tonnes (29,200 lbs).

For a variety of rigging applications, it is a reliable option. It turns out that steel cable-equipped winches have a very little margin of safety. Why is that so? The recreational pulling sector is unregulated, in contrast to the lifting sector. As a result, winch makers often use steel wires with minimum breaking strengths that are quite near to the maximum winch capabilities. Due to the overhead risks, the hoisting sector needs a 5:1 safety factor. The industry for pulling does not. The safety factor of many steel-equipped winches is really less than 1.5!

Consider the typical 5/16 steel cable that is included on the majority of winches up to 10K capacity.

Learn more about Strength here:


How is SWL of wire sling calculated?


Square the diameter of the wire rope, then multiply by 8 to determine the SWL of the wire sling.

The diameter of the rope must be squared and multiplied by 8 kgs to yield the SWL. Thankfully, the majority of wire rope suppliers will provide you this estimate. Depending on the wire rope's diameter and weight, the safe working load will vary.

For many years, the concept of Safe Working Load (SWL), particularly in relation to equipment that carries loads, has served as the cornerstone of engineering. A "safe" load that could be lifted or carried was traditionally thought to be the minimal breaking load of a component divided by an adequate safety factor.

All industries in Australia employed Safe Working Load (SWL) for cranes, hoists, and winches, and regulation made reference to it.

Learn more about Wire here:


.Tech A says that unitized hubs have a wheel nut with a higher installation torque than
serviceable wheel bearings. Tech B says that unitized hubs have the proper bearing end
play designed into the assembly once they are torqued properly. Who is correct?
a. Tech A
Tech B
Both a and b
Neither a and d


Tech A says that unitized hubs have a wheel nut with a higher installation torque than serviceable wheel bearings. Tech B says that unitized hubs have the proper bearing end play designed into the assembly once they are torqued properly is Option C: Both a and b

Describe a wheel bearing?

When compared to manually adjusted, PreSet, or LMS hub assemblies, unitized hub assemblies often require a lot more assembly torque and special spindle nut systems.

Therefore, An essential component of the wheel assembly that connects the wheel to the axle is a wheel bearing. A metal ring is used to hold a group of steel balls (also known as ball bearings) or taper (also known as tapered bearings) together. It permits the wheel to spin easily and with little resistance.

Learn more about wheel bearings from

R-134a at 320 kPa and 40 C undergoes an isothermal process in a closed system until its quality is 45 percent. determine how much work and heat transfer are required per mass.


The system's temperature is maintained constant using an isothermal process, which is a type of thermodynamic process. Thermal equilibrium is maintained because heat is introduced or removed from the system so gradually.

What heat transfer required per mass in isothermal process?

Any isothermal process must have zero change in internal energy since the change in internal energy depends on the change in temperature, which is zero for all isothermal processes.

Since the temperature is kept constant, the energy change is zero (U=0). Thus, the work that the ideal gas does on its surroundings is equal to the heat that the gas absorbs.

Therefore, In a closed system, refrigerant-134a undergoes an isothermal procedure at 320 kPa and 40 °C until its quality reaches 45%. Determine the effort and heat transfer needed on a per-unit-mass basis. 2: 40.6 kJ/kg and 130 kJ/kg.

Learn more about isothermal process here:


500 shares at $2.80 1000 shares at $1.90 average cost per share?


The average cost per share is $0.0031 per share

How do we calculate average cost per share?

To calculate the average cost, divide the total purchase amount by the number of shares purchased to figure the average cost per share.

The average cost share method is commonly used by investors for mutual fund tax reporting.

Therefore average cost per share = Total cost/ total share owned.For example, an investor that has $1000in an investment and owns 500 shares would have an average cost basis of $2 i.e ($10,00 / 500).

Similarly,The total cost =$ 2.80+ $1.90 = $4.70

The total share owned = 500+ 1000 = 1500

average cost = 4.70/1500 = $0.0031 per share.

Therefore the average cost per share is $0.0031 per share.

learn more about average cost per share from


what is rhebajbje????????????????


This word rhebajbje is not a word according to me and the internet if you search "Define rhebajbje".

what are the differences between stiffness (i.e., elastic modulus) and resistance to fracture (i.e., fracture toughness) values at room temperature for metals, ceramics, and polymers? which group of materials is higher or lower for which property? explain.


Stiffness, or elastic modulus, is a measure of how resistant a material is to elastic deformation when a force is applied. It is generally higher for metals than for polymers and ceramics.

Resistance to fracture, or fracture toughness, is a measure of how resistant a material is to fracture or breakage when a force is applied. Generally, ceramics are higher than metals and polymers in terms of resistance to fracture. Polymers are the lowest of the three in terms of both stiffness and resistance to fracture.

In general, metals have the highest stiffness, and ceramics have the highest resistance to fracture, while polymers are lower for both properties. This is because metals are usually composed of strong metallic bonds, which help them resist deformation, while ceramics are usually composed of strong ionic bonds, which help them resist fracture. Polymers, on the other hand, are usually composed of weaker covalent bonds, which make them less resistant to both deformation and fracture.

For more questions like Stiffness click the link below:


how does the velocity of streamflow change where a stream channel becomes wider but the discharge remains constant?


The velocity drops when a stream channel widens while the discharge stays constant.

The water in a stream moves at a certain speed. Distance and time are units (e.g., metres per second or feet per second). The stream's velocity is highest midstream, discharge close to the surface, and slowest along the bed and banks of the stream because of friction.

The ratio of cross-sectional area to wetted perimeter is known as the hydraulic radius, or HR or simply R. The cross-sectional area is equal to the width times the depth (W * D) for a hypothetical stream with a rectangular cross section (a stream with a flat bottom and vertical sides). The wetted perimeter for the same hypothetical stream would be calculated as follows: W + 2D = Depth + Width + Depth.

Learn more about Discharge here:


Which of the following RAID volume types provide fault tolerance in the event of a single storage device failure? (choose all that apply.)
a. striping b. striping with parity c. mirroring d. JBOD


the following RAID volume types provide fault tolerance in the event of a single storage device failure is b. striping with parity and c. mirroring

What is RAID?

RAID, or "Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks", is a technique that combines multiple disks instead of using a single disk to improve performance, data redundancy, or both. The term was coined in 1987 by David Patterson, Garth A. Gibson, and Randy Katz at the University of California, Berkeley.

While data redundancy provides additional storage space, it also contributes to hard drive reliability. This means that if your hard drive fails, if the same data is also backed up on another hard drive, you can retrieve the data and continue working. On the other hand, without RAID technology, the loss of one disk can affect the entire data if the data is only spread across multiple disks.

Learn more about RAID


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