Charles Demuth, Charles Sheeler, and Elsie Driggs were all exponents of this school of painting. Precisionism. Duchamps' ______ were ordinary manufactured


Answer 1

Precisionism- This school of painting was practiced by Charles Demuth, Charles Sheeler, and Elsie Driggs, among others. Charles Sheeler created Precisionism.

The works of Lewis Hine and Charles Sheeler are illustrations of precisionism or documentary photography. It has the ability to portray American industrial locations and robust machinery. B and C are therefore true.

The 19th century's social reformers and photographers were Lewis Hine and Charles Sheeler. The paintings and images contain the artwork.

Lewis Hine has been working to make children's living and working conditions better. He has been depicting images of youngsters employed in factories and mills.

The photographer and painter Charles Sheeler has been concentrating on the smokestacks from factories and the turbine engines. Sheeler's discovery of an art form is precisionism. The creative process has enabled  to bring modernization to the US.

To know more about precisionism:


Correct question:

Charles Demuth, Charles Sheeler, and Elsie Driggs were all exponents of this school of painting.

Related Questions

How did Sparta educate their children?




Spartan children were placed in a military-style education program. At the age of 7, Spartan boys were removed from their parents' homes and began the “agoge,” a state-sponsored training regimen designed to mold them into skilled warriors and moral citizens.

Taking action against king john, the pope excommunicated the ___ and banned all church services in england.


The pope took action against Kings, excommunicating him and prohibiting all worship services in England.

Ban example, what is it?

To restrict someone from utilizing something is to state that it is not permitted to do so. That book was longtime school policy. All public buildings in the city have a smoking prohibition. A decade ago, the substance was outlawed. Cell phone use is not permitted inside the restaurant.

What is a sentence example of banning?

Boyd had a motive for keeping me out of the room, now and I have one of my own. She was given the contract by Aysgarth in 1963 to create the now-famous sculpture, which I was able to get removed from the Cathedral graveyard. Such bias is unacceptable.

To know more about banned visit:


What were the main reasons for the First World War * 1 point?


The First World War, sometimes known as WWI or WW1, was an international conflict that raged in Europe from July 28, 1914, to November 11, 1918.

The July Crisis began on June 28, 1914, when Bosnian Serb Yugoslav nationalist Gavrilo Princip killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo. On July 23, in response, Austria-Hungary gave Serbia a deadline. Serbia's response did not appease the Austrians, and the two entered a state of war. Much of Europe was enmeshed in a web of alliances due to the bilateral Balkan conflict. By July 1914, the major European countries had split into the Triple Entente, which included France, Russia, and Britain, and the Triple Alliance, which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. Italy was able to avoid the war until April 1915 when it joined the Allied Powers as a result of the Triple Alliance's solely defensive nature.

learn more about  First World War here:


Why did the US want to neutral?


The United States quickly declared its neutrality when war broke out in Europe. The United States must be "impartial in conception as much as in action," according to President Woodrow Wilson.

Following Germany's sinking of the Lusitania in May 1915, which resulted in the deaths of over 1,200 people, including 128 Americans, public opinion started to turn away from neutrality. Germany momentarily scaled back its submarine attacks on passenger and merchant marine ships in the Atlantic as a result of significant U.S. responses. By 1915, a new Preparedness Movement had emerged, particularly in Eastern towns, asserting that the United States needed to swiftly develop powerful naval and ground troops for defensive purposes. Theodore Roosevelt, a former president, and other interventionists gathered to influence public opinion. "Preparation for war does not always prevent war, just as a city's fire service does not always stop a fire from starting.

learn more about United States here:


Why did European countrie believe exploring Prather part of the world would help them become more powerful


Answer:They could find new resources, claim new land, and establish other colonies around the world which were good for trade and econmic development


my mind

when the united states dropped atomic bombs on nagasaki and hiroshima how did japan respond?


When the United States dropped atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima The Japanese administration said that it would accept the conditions of the Allied surrender set forth in the Potsdam Declaration.

What was Potsdam Declaration?

On July 26, 1945, the United States, Great Britain, and China released the Potsdam Declaration, demanding Japan's unconditional surrender. Near the end of World War II, the declaration was made at the Potsdam Conference.

Leaders of the Allies met in Potsdam, Germany, two months after Germany's capitulation to talk about peace agreements and other topics.

The war, however, continued in the Pacific theater because Japan remained committed to fighting even if the European theater of the War had concluded.

In order to define the terms of Japan's surrender and issue dire warnings if the country did not lay down its weapons, U.S. President Harry S. Truman, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Chinese Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek drafted a declaration.

Soviet leader Joseph Stalin was not included in the ultimatum because his country had not yet declared war on Japan.

Learn more on Potsdam Declaration at:


How do secondary sources help historians understand the past?

A) They describe events as if they were happening right now.
B) They help historians make connections between different historical events.
C) They allow historians to re-create an event to fix social problems of the past.
D) They remove the need for eyewitness accounts by summarizing information about the past.


In the given case, They help historians make connections between different historical events.

Hence, option B is correct.

What is the role of Historians?

Historians can do research and draw conclusions about the past with the aid of primary and secondary sources. The most fundamental and recent account of the past is found in primary sources. Books, letters, video data, databases, etc. are all examples of sources. The interpretation that comes after primary materials is known as secondary sources. Using primary sources and data, historians conduct analyses and research. The writers who did not physically see the events in the past have written about and presented them. These sources aid historians in connecting disparate events and providing interpretations of them.

To know more about Historians here



(B) They help historians make connections between different historical events.


What do you think was Bryan’s purpose in writing and delivering this speech? How did emotional appeal help Bryan achieve this goal?


The purpose of Bryan while writing and delivering the speech was to persuade supporters and threaten opponents by using historical and religious elements.


Bryan was in support of currency reform for which he persuaded and inspire people to support his idea through his speech. The speech was designed using appealing phrases and words to make people agree with his opinion.


It showed that Bryan believed that currency reform was necessary.

It was designed to inspire Bryan’s supporters.

It was designed to persuade and intimidate Bryan’s opponents.

It used historical and religious references.

It included words and phrases designed to appeal to people’s emotions.


How did the us aid the allied powers in ww1 prior the our entry ?


Answer: At the beggining of the war the United States remained neutral. They joined the war because of Germany's attacks on merchacnt and passenger ships. They helped to aid the allies by providing weapons and soldiers to fight.


What was the major
economic problem for
Postwar America?


Answer: The country's main economic concern in the immediate postwar years was inflation. The president worried that a sudden end to price and wage controls would result in a dramatic rise in prices.


What did natives call New York?


New York is known locally as Manahatta. The island's original occupants, the Lenape, gave it the name Manahatta, which translates to "hill island." Fruits, nuts, birds, and other animals were aplenty in Manahatta, which was rich in natural resources.

The sea was teeming with seals, whales, and dolphins, and there was no shortage of seafood or shellfish.

Later, Manhattan was the location of the Dutch city of New Amsterdam and the Manhattan borough of present-day New York City. According to a widely accepted account, Minuit paid $24 in trinkets to purchase Manhattan.

The Lenape people were violently uprooted from their country over a 400-year period as a result of European settler colonialism, according to the New York City Commission on Human Rights, which recognizes the territory that is now politically known as New York City as their ancestral home.

To learn more about New York


the american revolution was largely fought over policies levied by the british government which sought to tax imports and supplies to the colonies. t or f


True, Colonists' resistance to British attempts to increase British power and extract repayment from the colonies for the crown's defense during the French and Indian War was a major factor in sparking the American Revolution (1754–63).

The American Revolution, also known as the United States War of Independence or the American Revolutionary War (1775–83), was an uprising in which 13 of Britain's North American colonies declared their political independence and went on to become the United States of America.

British attempts to exercise greater influence over colonial affairs after long adhering to a policy of salutary neglect led to more than a decade of escalating estrangement between the British crown and a substantial and prominent portion of its North American colonies, which led to war.

To know more about the American Revolution:


how did the civil rights and black power movements of the 1950s and 1960s represent a continuation of the urgent demands made by black americans since reconstruction?


Black Power became a symbol for the call for more immediate and violent action to challenge American white supremacy by the late 1960s. The majority of these concepts were informed by Malcolm X's critique of Martin Luther King Jr.

The social movement known as Black Power was sparked by the lack of safety and independence that could be found in African American communities that had been "redlined." Bookstores, food cooperatives, farms, media, printing presses, schools, clinics, and ambulance services were formed by Black Power militants. The Black Power Revolution in Trinidad and Tobago is one example of the movement's global influence.  The movement was started by Malcolm X's murder in 1965, which was followed by the urban riots of 1964 and 1965. The Black Panther Party (BPP), among other new organisations, rose to prominence as a supporter of Black Power ideologies that ranged from the acceptance of socialism by some factions of the movement to black nationalism.

To learn more about Black Power please click on below link


Who named New York City?


In 1664, the British seized New Amsterdam from the Dutch and gave it a new name: New York City.

The city was the epicenter of anti-British action in the 1760s and 1770s. For instance, after the British Parliament approved the Stamp Act in 1765, New Yorkers protested by closing their shops and burning an effigy of the royal governor. The British attempted to take control of the city almost as soon as the Revolutionary War started because of its strategic importance.

New York City was conquered by the British in August 1776, despite the best efforts of George Washington's Continental Army in Brooklyn and Harlem Heights. Up until 1783, it was a British military outpost. After the battle, the city swiftly rebounded, and by 1810, it had become one of the most significant ports in the country.

To learn more about New York City, visit the link below:


many black men were arrested on a minor or trumped-up charge, convicted, imprisoned, and then hired out to a planter or corporation for forced labor. what was this called?


In the South, many black men were arrested for misdemeanors or trumped up charges and, when faced with staggering fines and court fees, were forced to work.

This is how it worked. Black men and sometimes women and children were arrested and convicted of crimes listed in the Black Codes, they state. Many black men were arrested for these misdemeanors or on trumped up charges. then forced. In the South, many black men were arrested for misdemeanors or trumped up charges and, when faced with staggering fines and court costs, were forced to work. Under this modern regime of slavery, thousands of people of color, often on trumped-up charges or for crimes that in a civilized way involved forced labor by a poor worker because of debt bondage in which black men, imprisoned and unable to pay, they were criminals.

To  learn more about misdemeanors please click on below link.


what president believed that american individualism would get them through the depression?


President Hoover's believed that american individualism would get them through the depression.

President Hoover was particularly ill-equipped to handle the Great Depression's crisis because of his ardent belief in American individualism, which he upheld despite unprecedented economic conditions. He fiercely opposed government involvement, believing it would lead to the decline of the greatness of America.

His early approach, which included urging people to choose their own pathways to recovery and looking for voluntary business actions to boost the economy, was ineffective in halting the Depression's spread. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), which aimed to increase public trust in financial institutions by assuring that they were on firm footing, was one of the federal relief programmes that Hoover ultimately created. He signed the Emergency Relief Act after this policy failed to significantly assist the poor, allowing the RFC .

To know more about President Hoover's visit:


Native Americans and U.S. settlers struggled for land during the early 1800s. U.S. citizens slowly pushed Native Americans off their traditional lands. They fought wars, such as the Seminole War, for control of Louisiana. Native Americans lost these struggles and were pushed farther and farther west.

Which statement corrects a mistake in Veena's essay?

Native Americans usually gave up their lands voluntarily.
The Seminole War was fought over control of Florida.
Most Native Americans moved south, rather than west.
U.S. citizens had little interest in Native American lands.


Based on the Essay, the statement that corrects the mistake in Veena's essay is “the Seminole War was fought over control of Florida". The Option B is correct.

What was the Seminole wars?

In U.S., the Seminole wars also were known as the Florida Wars, which were a series of three conflicts between Seminole, native American tribe and the US army.

The 1st Seminole War started because some American Settlers were migrating south into the Seminole territory. The Second war started because of the Treaty of Payne’s Landing that required Indians to give up their Florida lands in three years and move west. The Third War started when conflicts over land arose between whites and some Seminoles that remained in Florida.

Read more about Seminole wars


When was the Department of Homeland Security formed after?


Answer: The act was drafted in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks in 2001, when defending the United States against terrorist attacks and responding to large-scale emergencies had rapidly emerged as top priorities for the government.

Why wa the brutal Sheriff Jim Clark valuable to Dr. King and the Civil Right Movement while the more retrained Police Chief of Albany, Georgia, Laurie Pritchet, who ordered hi officer to arret demontrator gently and without hurting them, a danger to the Civil Right Movement?


The brutal Sheriff Jim Clark valuable to Dr. King and the Civil Right Movement while the more retrained Police Chief of Albany, Georgia, Laurie Pritchet, because  defused the movement by claiming to sympathize with its goals and launching a strategy of non-violent, mass arrests.

Laurie Pritchet who ordered his officer to arrest demonstrator gently and without hurting them, a danger to the Civil Right Movement .The leaders of the Civil Rights Movement are trying to decide whether to make Selma the main focus of their efforts.

The protest came off several years of frustration in Albany, Georgia, and desperately needed a transformative success if the push for voting rights was to succeed. The police commissioner of Birmingham, Alabama, whose tactics a year earlier had led to horrendous images of fire hoses and dogs attacking civil rights protesters

Jim Clark, the Sheriff of Dallas County, Alabama, deploy less violent methods by taking up the strategy of Albany police chief Laurie Pritchett had frustrated and defused the civil right movement by claiming to sympathize with its goals and launching a strategy of non-violent or

mass arrests.

Leran more about Civil Right Movement click the link here:


in the crisis, when paine compares the colonies' relationship with britain to the chains of slavery, what emotion does he hope to persuade his readers to feel?


In the crisis, when Paine com-pares the colonies' relation-ship with Britain to the chains of sla-very, the emotion that he hopes to per-suade his readers to feel is anger.

What is the message of the crisis by Thomas Paine?

He want-ed to give the feel-ing that the British were not only un-just in their acts on on the colo-nies. Rather, it was person-ally against the colonists. Alleg-iance to the British, he claim-ed, would make less of a person. Paine prom-oted the Ameri-can cause, not necess-arily a war.

Thomas Paine was an Eng-land-born political philo-sopher and writer who supported revolution-ary causes in America and Eu-rope.

To know more about Paine click below:


what argument did the turkish ambassador make against the use of the term genocide to describe the deaths of armenians from 1915 to 1916?


The mass murder of Armenians 100 years ago has been referred to as "genocide," but the Turkish government refuses to use that term. This stance has drawn criticism and outrage.

Jeffrey Brown speaks with soner cagaptay of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and Hrach Gregorian of American University to get two viewpoints on the past and current significance.I believe that the Armenians were viewed as being unreliable in general.

And even before that, in 1908, the young Turks began a Turkification campaign. Additionally, the Armenians were seen as a danger to Turkish security and identity. Additionally, the community was to be eradicated from the nation. Despite ongoing debate among historians, Turkey has defied calls for it to recognise the 1915–16 massacres as genocide. There were several reports of Turkish atrocities performed against Armenians at the time.

To learn more about genocide please click on below link


Marking as brainiest!!

Topic : Indian nationalist movements begin

Answering the three multiple choice questions:



In 1905, Bengal was divided into Hindu and Muslim sections.


Hope this helps:)

what does the narrative of the life of frederick douglass, an american slave demonstrate about slavery in america? after reading the narrative, did you find that it reaffirmed or contradicted common perceptions of slavery? please explain


In 1835, he chose to get away and to be free. He assembles different captives to design the break. After much thought, they choose to stick to the script and break it. The arrangement comprises utilizing a kayak to cruise up the Chesapeake Stream to get toward the North shore. In any case, the arrangement didn't figure out well since somebody deceived them.

What is Departure?

Get away from means to take off.

What is Kayak?

A light, restricted boat with pointed closes and no fall impelled with an oar or oars.

The defining moment in their existence of Douglas came when he had an actual battle with Brood. In the battle, Group surrendered which caused Douglas to understand his probability.

Learn more about frederick douglass:


One of America’s most well-known twentieth-century authors is __________, who wrote the novel Invisible Man.
Roscoe Dunjee
Melvin Tolson
Raymond Gary
Ralph Ellison


One of America’s most well-known twentieth-century authors is __________, who wrote the novel Invisible Man.

A. Roscoe Dunjee

B. Melvin Tolson

C. Raymond Gary

D. Ralph Ellison

During the Progressive Era, what was the goal of creating the various forms of direct democracy?
O to grant women the right to vote
to give more power to businesses
O to put an end to labor unions
O to give citizens more say in government


Option D is your answer

why were jewish refugees on the ocean liner st. louis turned away while trying to enter the united states in 1939?


About 900 Jewish people had attempted to escape Nazi Germany on the MS St. Louis. But the ship was turned away by the U.S. because of immigration restrictions.

What clarified the hesitance of the US for acknowledge Jewish exiles?

The U.S. Government Dismissed A huge number of Jewish Exiles, Expecting That They Were Nazi Covert operatives. In the mid year of 1942, the SS Drottningholm set forth conveying many frantic Jewish displaced people, in transit to New York City from Sweden.

What occurred with the St. Louis?

Louis evacuees disappeared to Switzerland. However, there were other people who had gotten back to Europe on that critical boat who at last met a grievous end in death camps. A portion of the 907 travelers on board the St. Louis showing up in Belgium subsequent to being denied passage into Cuba and the U.S.

What has been going on with the travelers on the journey of the doomed?

As they cheer and applaud at the news, references uncover the destinies of a portion of the principal characters, proposing that more than 600 of the 937 travelers, who didn't resettle in that frame of mind in the other European countries, at last were extradited and were killed in Nazi death camps.

Learn more about St. Louis here:


Which two people crossed the bridge together from New York to Brooklyn on opening day?


President Chester A. Arthur was present and crossed the bridge to greet Brooklyn Mayor Seth Low with New York Mayor Franklin Edson.

There was a big celebration when the Bridge was finished in 1883. The first person to use the Bridge was Emily Roebling, who rode in an open carriage while toting a winged rooster as a sign of victory.

The majority of the resentment toward the delays and costs was alleviated by seeing the finished bridge, and the city's businesses all shut down to celebrate its opening. President Chester A. Arthur was present and crossed the bridge to greet Brooklyn Mayor Seth Low with New York Mayor Franklin Edson. The ceremony employed 14 tons of fireworks.

To learn more about Brooklyn Bridge, visit the link below:


What made France's colonial ventures in the New World different from that of Spain, Portugal, and England?

They were able to have completely harmonious relations with the Native Americans.
They were never able to find a profitable commodity to trade.
They only set up small trading outposts and had comparatively fewer settlers.
There was never a religious component to their colonization efforts.


The French were different in their colonial ventures because  they were able to have completely harmonious relations with the native Americans. the first option is the correct answer.

The French colonial ventures

Through Champlain's efforts, France, unlike other imperial powers, fostered particularly positive relationships with aboriginal peoples as they moved westward. He discovered that establishing good relations with the locals was crucial for prosperous trade. Champlain traveled to the Mississippi River after exploring the Great Lakes and Hudson Bay. The Hurons and Algonquians formed an alliance with the French, and Champlain even volunteered to fight for them against their adversaries, the Iroquois.

The French established vast trading networks throughout New France in order to build colonial outposts that were primarily motivated by commercial interests. They had to rely on local hunters to gather furs, particularly beaver pelts, and trade them for French commodities like glass beads.

learn more on the French colonial ventures here


Answer: The answer is C

Explanation: i did the test and gt it right

True or False. Men, women, and children worked long hours in difficult and dangerous conditions.





This is true because in germany men women and children would have bells  when to go to work and kids would die at a very young age working.

what did the religious revivalism, the temperance movement, benevolent activities, and whig politics all do


The Second Great Awakening was a series of religious revivals that took place at the beginning of the nineteenth century.

It fundamentally altered the religious landscape of the country. Revivalist preachers rode horses to spread the word of spiritual and moral rebirth to as many people as they could. People from metropolitan areas, rural farmlands, and frontier regions all came to religious revivals and camp gatherings where evangelical conversion was accompanied by strong physical and emotional fervor.

The capitalist revolution, the spread of the West, and the immigration of people from Europe all posed challenges to established hierarchies, and evangelicalism offered a balance of excitement and order. In the United States, revivals spread like wildfire, increasing church attendance, giving rise to new Christian denominations, and spurring social change.

Learn more about Second Great Awakening here


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