corporate fund started the year with a net asset value of $15.70. by year-end, its nav equaled $13.70. the fund paid year-end distributions of income and capital gains of $3.50. required: what was the rate of return to an investor in the fund? (round your answer to 2 decimal places.)


Answer 1

The fund's rate of return to investors is 9.55%.

Debt mutual fund schemes known as "Corporate Bond Funds" invest at least 80% of their assets in highly rated corporate bonds that have a high level of safety. These funds invest largely in non-convertible debentures or corporate bonds with ratings of AA+ and above.

A return on investment is a profit. It includes any variation in the investment's value as well as any cash flows that the investor receives as a result of the investment.

Rate of Return = (Year-end NAV - Beginning NAV + Income and capital gains) / Beginning NAV

rate of return = (13.7 - 15.7 + 3.5) / 15.7

Rate of return = (17.2 - 15.7) / 15.7

Rate of Return = 1.5 / 15.7 = 0.0955

Therefore, the Rate of return = 9.55%

To know more about Corporate Funds, refer to this link:


Related Questions

what measures or metrics do companies use to assess success when designing and implementing a marketing strategy?


These metrics include sales growth and revenue, lead cost, conversion rate, customer lifetime value, return on marketing investment, and more. By accelerating activities that are proven to be more valuable, marketers are now able to target their marketing more successfully thanks to enhanced tracking techniques.

By utilising marketing tactics, businesses can focus their limited resources on the most promising opportunities to increase sales and achieve a competitive advantage. In the 1970s and 1980s, strategic marketing emerged as a separate field of study, building on strategic management. Using resources and skills within a company, marketing strategy emphasises the role of marketing as a conduit between a company and its clients in order to acquire a competitive advantage. The phrases "strategic" and "managerial" marketing are used to differentiate "two phases with different goals and based on different conceptual tools." Strategic marketing refers to the process of choosing strategies to improve a company's competitive position while taking into account the opportunities and challenges given by the competitive environment.

Learn more about marketing from


following the dictates of an economic philosophy known as mercantilism, aimed at protecting its own manufacturers, spain did what?


Spain restricted trade, outlawed manufacturing, suppressed local industry and handicrafts, hindered the formation of towns, and forbade civilians from selling to soldiers in accordance with the demands of the mercantilism economic theory designed to protect its own manufacturers.

The goal of mercantilism is to lower imports while raising exports in a given economy. It promotes colonialism, taxes, and subsidies for commercial goods in order to achieve this. The plan includes initiatives to increase cash reserves through a favourable trade balance, particularly for finished goods, and it aims to reduce or eliminate any potential current account surplus. In the past, such actions frequently provoked wars and colonial expansion. Mercantilist theory varies in complexity from author to author and has become more complex over time. It promotes economic regulation by the government in order to bolster state authority at the expense of rival national powers. There were almost always high taxes, especially on manufactured goods.

Learn more about mercantilism from


ethan buys a video game on sale. if the video game usually costs $39.99, and it was on sale for 20% off, how much did ethan pay? round to the nearest cent.


Ethan paid $31.99 for the video game on sale.

How to calculate the discount?

To calculate the discount that Ethan obtained in the price of his video game, we do the following operations:

We divide the total price by one hundred and multiply the result by the discount, in this case 20.

$39,99 ÷ 100 = $0,3999

$0,3999 × 20 = $7,998

Subsequently, we subtract the result of the previous operation (value of the discount) from the total value of the video game.

$39,99 - $7,998 = $31,992

According to the above, the value that Ethan paid for the video game was $31,992

Learn more about discounts in:


question content areafor accounting purposes, stated value is treated the same way as par value. true false


The given statement is true.

Par Value. Otherwise called the presumptive worth of the security, the par value is the amount of cash that the enterprise vows to pay at the bond's termination.

Performance and accountability reporting (PAR) is the method involved with compiling and documenting factors that evaluate an association's accomplishments, proficiency and adherence to financial plan, comparing genuine outcomes against recently expressed objectives.

Picture result for what is par value in accounting

It is determined by subtracting retained earnings from all out value. peruse more at par = par value * number of shares issued. Extra paid-in capital. It is the profit an organization gets when it gives the stock without precedent for the open market.

Par value is the expressed presumptive worth of a bond. It is typically set at $1,000, which is the face sum at which the issuing element will reclaim the bond endorsement on the development date. The par value is likewise the sum whereupon the substance ascertains the interest that it owes to investors

to know more about accounting click here:


which racing organization saw its television ratings increase 28% over 2021 to a season average of 1.2 million viewers?


The racing organization which saw its television ratings increase 28% over 2021 to a season average of 1.2 million viewers is F1

What was the 2021 record of Formula 1 (F1)?

Formula 1 (F1) breaks record for TV audience size in USA. The media network combined viewership across the ESPN, ESPN2 and ABC channels and for calculating its figures, which was a 28% increase on the previous record set last year of 949,000 viewers on average per race.

Therefore, the racing organization which saw its television ratings increase 28% over 2021 to a season average of 1.2 million viewers is F1.

learn more about racing organization:


see the income and benefits information for a wage earner in an antipoverty program in the table below. if the wage earner chooses to work additional hours, what will be the impact on total income under a phased-out approach?


The interaction of labor supply and demand on the market determines wage rates. The business will hire as much labor as its marginal labor cost equals its marginal labor revenue output.

The interaction of labor supply and demand on the market determines wage rates. The business will hire as much labor as its marginal labor cost equals its marginal labor revenue output. The definition of a wage rate is the amount paid to employees. It is one of the major topics covered in human resource studies. It depends on two things: either the amount of production hours or productivity at work. This field of research is called wage rate economics. Wage rates quantify the fundamental compensation for each unit of output or of time.

Contrarily, in a wage system, a person is paid according to the current wage rate, which is subject to change.

Know more about demand here:


A stomach-lining epithelial cell dividing more than twice a day and a liver cell dividing every year or two. Which cell is likely to be in g0 phase and why?.



Stomach lining epithelial cell


The stomach-lining epithelial cell is likely to be in G0 phase because it is dividing more than twice a day, indicating that it is not in the cell cycle. The liver cell is likely to be in G1 phase because it is dividing every year or two, indicating that it is in the cell cycle.

if the fed wanted to expand the money supply as part of an antirecession strategy, it could


If the FED wants to expand the supply of money as part of an antirecession strategy it could drop as a result of decreased investment caused by an increase in interest rates.

Money in circulation, including cash, coins, and account balances, is collectively referred to as the "money supply." The money supply is typically understood to be a collection of secure assets that individuals, businesses, and governments can use to make payments or hold as short-term investments.

The country's safe, adaptable, and stable monetary and financial system is provided by the Federal Reserve, the country's central bank. Regarding. the Fed

To learn more about the money supply


machinery purchased for $68,400 by bramble co. in 2016 was originally estimated to have a life of 8 years with a salvage value of $4,560 at the end of that time. depreciation has been entered for 5 years on this basis. in 2021, it is determined that the total estimated life should be 10 years with a salvage value of $5.130 at the end of that time. assume straight-line depreciation. (a) prepare the entry to correct the prior years' depreciation, if necessary.


No entry will be required in the case of the prior years' depreciation.

What is a Journal entry?

A journal entry seems to be the act of recording any transactions, whether one that is commercial or not. An accounting diary that displays the debit, as well as credit positions of a corporation, lists occurrences. Multiple observations, that are all either a charge or a credit, may be included in the journal entry.

The corporation is not obligated to approve any entries changing the depreciation amount from the prior year when the amortization is switched. This will spare you from having to prepare the previous year's accounting information to account for the adjustment. The approach is merely implemented and continued in subsequent years.

Learn more about Journal entries, here:


experts report a new online information source for successful job seekers. what is this recently emerged online job source?


LinkedIn is where you should spend the majority of your time when looking for a new digital job.

LinkedIn enables you to build your professional brand, interact with your network, and share your experience, skills, and qualifications with potential employers. A well-written resume can be just as important to a job seeker as this. While you're searching for a new position, LinkedIn is "where you ought to invest the greater part of your energy," says Dream vocation mentor Jena Viviano Dunay.

Starting around 2021, LinkedIn has 760 million clients — 40% of them are getting to it consistently. In a world where virtual influence now rules, LinkedIn has emerged as one of the most popular networking platforms for professionals. LinkedIn is now the most popular social media platform for digital, creative, and marketing professionals to use for a variety of purposes, including building one's personal brand and locating the next best career opportunity.

To know more about LinkedIn, visit:-


Does a genuine free market require restrictions on the ability of predator multinationals to create monopolies?


Technically, no constraints of any type are necessary for a true free market. However, there is a strong possibility of a monopoly developing when multinational corporations exploit this position to expand their markets.

Do monopolies exist in a free market?

Monopolies are forbidden in free-market economies as they limit customer alternatives and impede competition. Antitrust laws are in existence in the US to prevent monopolies, guaranteeing that one company cannot dominate a market and take advantage of its dominance to take advantage of its customers.

What does it mean that predatory multinationals can establish monopolies?

In a true free market, predator multinationals are unable to establish monopolies. Government assistance and interference are necessary for predatory behavior and monopoly power, proving that the market is not free.

To know more about monopoly visit:-


Which one of the following is a primary component of an internal control system? O Monitoring O Chain of command Financial pressure O Physical controls O Bonding


The primary component of an internal control system is physical controls. The 5 primary elements of an inside system square measure (1) management atmosphere, (2) risk assessment, (3) management activities, (4) data and communication, and (5) observation.

Opportunity isn't a primary part of an inside management system; it's one among the 3 elements of the fraud triangle. When instrumentality, inventories, securities, money and different assets square measure secured physically. this could occur through the employment of locks, safes, or different environmental controls. Access is restricted to those magisterially to handle them.

One of the internal control system activities is segregation of duties. completely different people ought to be accountable for authorizing transactions, recording transactions, having custody of assets, and performing arts comparisons/reconciliations.

To learn more about internal control system, visit here


information on four investment proposals is given below: investment proposal a b c d investment required $ (280,000 ) $ (140,000 ) $ (50,000 ) $ (780,000 ) present value of cash inflows 393,900 192,800 78,100 1,038,100 net present value $ 113,900 $ 52,800 $ 28,100 $ 258,100 life of the project 5 years 7 years 6 years 6 years required: 1. compute the project profitability index for each investment proposal. (round your answers to 2 decimal places.) 2. rank the proposals in terms of preference.


1. The project profitability index for each investment proposal is as follows:

Project A = 1.41Project B = 1.38Project C = 1.56Project D = 1.33.

2. The ranking of the proposals using their profitability indexes is as follows:

Project C = 1.56Project A = 1.41Project B = 1.38Project D = 1.33.

What is the profitability index?

The profitability index (or profit investment ratio or value investment ratio) shows the ratio of the investment's payoff and the investment cost.

There are two methods for computing the profitability index.   One method is the net present value added to the initial cost and divided by the initial investment.

The second method is computing the profitability index as the quotient of the present value of future cash flows and the initial investment cost.

Projects                                    A                   B                  C               D

Investment required        $(280,000)  $(140,000)  $(50,000)  $(780,000) Present value cash inflows 393,900      192,800        78,100     1,038,100 Net present value               $113,900     $52,800     $28,100     $258,100 Life of the project                 5 years       7 years       6 years        6 years

Profitability index = Present value cash inflows/Investment required

Project A = 1.4068 ($393,900/$280,000)

Project B = 1.3771 ($192,800/$140,000)

Project C = 1.5620 ($78,100/$50,000)

Project D = 1.3309 ($1,038,100/$780,000)

Thus, the ranking of the projects based on their profitability indexes shows that Project C has the highest index despite producing the lowest net present value.

Learn more about the profitability index at


A person based in japan buys shares of general motors through the new york stock exchange. this is an example of?


General Electric shares are purchased through the Stock Exchange of New York by a man based in Japan. Transnational investment looks like this.

Which three major stock exchanges are there?

As of October 2022, the NY Stock Exchange has the biggest equity market capitalisation in the world, with little over 22.1 trillion USD. The Ibm, as Shanghai Stock Exchange and indeed the Euronext were the next three markets.

Who works in the stock market?

A stock trader, also known as an equity trader, share trader, or share dealer, is a person or business that deals in equity securities and tries to make money by buying and selling such assets. Investors, agents, hedging professionals, arbitrageurs, speculators, etc.

To know more about stock exchange visit:


claire’s catering is providing food for a major social event next saturday. because claire’s does not have enough employees to fully staff the event, the manager should implement talent management to recruit enough workers for the event. True/False


The correct statement is : Claire catering already has personnel however extra personnel are needed for the special order comes which is the social event. Entity may additionally outsource or taken employees on contract or day by day wage for the occasion. If he recruit everlasting personnel, after this occasion they may sit idle. Selection personnel on settlement foundation or each day wage may be recommended for Claire catering

Given statement is false.

The selection process refers to the stairs concerned in deciding on a person who has the right qualifications to fill a modern or future process commencing.

Recruitment is the general method of figuring out, sourcing, screening, shortlisting, and interviewing applicants for jobs inside an corporation. Recruitment is also the strategies worried in choosing people for unpaid roles.

The selection process commonly begins with the preliminary interview; applicants complete the employment utility. They progress thru selection assessments, employment interviews, and reference and background assessments.

Learn more about selection here :


Janice is in the market for a new smartphone when she sees an ad online touting the new features of the latest samsung model. she had not thought about buying a samsung and doesn’t know how much it costs, but the ad made her want to research this type of smartphone further. what feature of advertising does her response exemplify?


As Janice wants to research more about the Samsung model that she saw in an online ad, her response exemplifies impersonality feature of advertising.

In the field of business, an impersonality feature of advertising can be described as a type of advertising strategy where the advertiser is not in direct or face-to-face contact with the customers or potential buyers.

In the above scenario, as Janice is not face-to-face with the advertiser of the Samsung model ad, hence this advertising exemplifies her response as impersonality advertising. Impersonality advertising is better able to lure customers to buy a product.

To learn more about advertising, click here:


the government's role in a developing country is important during the country's development process because a. building social overhead capital cannot be taken on by the private sector. b. building infrastructure is a huge project that only the government can undertake. c. many social projects are associated with the free-rider problem, which minimizes the rate of return to the private sector. d. all of these


Option  d. all of these is the correct option as the government's role in a developing country  is important during the country's development process.

How come a nation is referred to as developing?

A developed country, often known as an industrialized country, has a sophisticated economy that is typically gauged by the GDP and/or the average annual income of its citizens. The industrial and service sectors of developed nations are varied and have state-of-the-art technical infrastructure.

What is a developing nation?

A developing country, often known as a less developed country or an emerging market, has a lower GDP than developed countries and a less developed and sophisticated economy.

To know more about developing country visit:


According to the elaboration likelihood model, the two main determinants of a listener’s willingness to engage in elaborating on the message are __________and _________.
a. channel and sender
b. motivation and ability
c. hostility versus neutrality
d. attitude and attractiveness


According to the elaboration likelihood model, the two main determinants of a listener’s willingness to engage in elaborating on the message are motivation and ability.

In the elaboration likelihood model, what are the two paths?

The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) proposes two persuasion paths: the primary path and the periphery path. Elaboration is the mental activity that occurs in reaction to a marketing message and is determined by MOA, which stands for motivation, opportunity, and ability. The central and peripheral pathways are the two main routes that play a role in delivering a convincing message, according to the Elaboration Likelihood model. The elaboration likelihood model anticipates that attitude changes along the periphery path will be weaker than those along the center route. The concept provides a framework for determining how best to convince someone. It is feasible to use both the primary and peripheral routes of persuasion simultaneously.

To know more about Elaboration Likelihood Model visit:


umpqua defines other financial institutions that perform banking services as their competitors. therefore they take a/an ___________ of its competition.


Umpqua defines other financial institutions performing banking services as their competitors. therefore they take advantage of its competition.

Firms or sellers compete for customers' business in a market in order to attain a certain commercial goal, such as maximizing earnings, sales, or market share. In this context, the word rivalry is frequently employed to describe competitiveness. It is also described as a situation in which several business organizations compete for the acquisition of commodities that are limited by a number of market factors.

It is not uncommon for financial institutions, such as banks, to compete with one another for customers. In a competitive market, these institutions may offer a variety of services and products, such as loans, investment products, and checking and savings accounts, in an effort to attract and retain customers. In some cases, institutions may also offer competitive interest rates or other benefits in order to gain an advantage over their competitors.

Read more about competitive advantage on:


avoidable costs are costs that cannot be eliminated by choosing one action over another. group startstrue or falsetrue, unselectedfalse, unselected


Expenses that cannot be avoided by selecting one course of action over another are known as avoidable costs. is accurate.

A cost is the value of money used to manufacture an item or offer a service but which is now unavailable for use in manufacturing, research, retail, or accounting. When calculating an acquisition cost, the sum of the acquisition's costs is taken into account. In this instance, money is the input used to obtain the item. This acquisition cost may include both additional transaction expenses incurred by the acquirer over and beyond the price given to the producer, as well as the cost of production as borne by the original producer. Typically, there is a profit margin added to the price over the cost of production.

Learn more about  costs from


This is financial assistance from the government to encourage the production of or the purchase of a good.


This is financial assistance from the government to encourage the production of or the purchase of a good is called as Subsidy.

An industry may get financial assistance from the government in the form of incentives or subsidies, usually with the aim of furthering economic and social goals. The term "subsidy" can apply to any type of aid, including that given by NGOs or as implicit subsidies, even though it is often given by the government. Subsidies come in a variety of forms, both direct and indirect.

A subsidy for consumption is one that assistance consumer behavior. The governments of developing nations are more likely to subsidize necessities like food, water, power, and education because they believe that everyone should have access to these necessities, no matter how poor they may be. Subsidies to producers or consumers are the most prominent kind of subsidies.

The complete question is, "This is financial assistance from the government to encourage the production of or the purchase of a good is called as _______ ."

Learn more about Subsidy here:


1. compute contribution margin per machine hour for (a) acoustic guitars and (b) electric guitars. 2. determine the most profitable sales mix for the company. 3. compute the month's total contribution margin for the most profitable sales mix.


Contribution is the range of profits final in the end direct costs had been subtracted from sales. This the rest is the quantity available to pay for any constant charges that an enterprise incurs in the course of a reporting duration. Any excess contribution over fixed prices equals the profit earned.

it's far an accounting term that allows enterprise proprietors and executives to music product profitability. The contribution margin is essential to recognize as it indicates how a whole lot of a product's revenue is to be had to cover constant costs and make a contribution to the company's earnings. The difference, therefore, between contribution and earnings is that contribution shows the distinction between the income fee and variable costs for unique products. This then contributes to the constant charges and is going towards the profit of the business.

To learn more about Contribution visit here:


Complete Question:

Tableau DA 10-3: Mini-Case, Analyzing sales mix strategies LO P3

Tyler Guitars makes acoustic and electric guitars. It is struggling to determine the profitability of each guitar and decide on which guitar to focus its sales efforts on. Tyler currently has a capacity of 352 machine hours per month. The Tableau Dashboard shows data from the recent month.

1. Compute the contribution margin per machine hour for (a) acoustic guitars and (b) electric guitars.

2. Assume the maximum demand for acoustic guitars is 131 units (not 200 units). How many units of each type of guitar should the company produce?

3. Determine the month’s total contribution margin from the sales mix in part 2.

which factors below are environmental factors that may affect how international projects are implemented?


Factors below are environmental factors that may affect how international projects are implemented Economic, Security, Legal/political

The diversity of cultural, regulatory, social, geographical, reporting, and infrastructure distinguishes international projects from domestic ones. International project best practices must be understood by project managers. There are important considerations to be made regarding political, legal, and communication issues. Additionally, the majority of international project managers possess unique abilities and skills.

Compared to domestic project managers, these managers have different expectations. They need to leave their homes, leave their families and companions, learn and communicate in an unknown dialect, submit to an alternate culture and regulations, and experience broad travel.

Lawful and Political: Expatriates must work within the host nation's laws and regulations. A project's execution is influenced by a nation's political stability.Economic: The organization can determine a nation's level of development based on its gross national product (GDP). Monetary steadiness means quite a bit to project achievement. A solid risk management strategy must be in place whenever the project faces risks.Security: Today, terrorist attacks on a global scale are common. Another problem is crime. When a project is being implemented in a different country, risk management also plays a crucial role here. Project managers occasionally encounter security-related ethical issues. Bribery and corruption are the two most prevalent ethical issues. Security precautionary measures should be set up to guard representatives.

To know more about international projects visit


rihanna company is considering purchasing new equipment for $379,200. it is expected that the equipment will produce net annual cash flows of $48,000 over its 10-year useful life. annual depreciation will be $37,920. compute the cash payback period


 The Cash Payback Period = 7.9 Years.

A company is a prison entity shaped by means of a group of individuals to engage in and function as a commercial enterprise—business or business—organization. A company may be organized in various ways for tax and monetary legal responsibility functions depending on the company law of its jurisdiction.

There are 3 not unusual varieties of companies—sole proprietorship, partnership, and business enterprise—and each comes with its very own set of blessings and downsides.

Typically recognized forms of agencies like, private agencies and Public agencies are defined based totally on a number of individuals (shareholders). In any company, besides OPC, the membership can be held by way of any man or woman or even a frame corporate.

Learn more about the company here:-


on march 31, 2022, saltbrush, incorporated retired $10,000,000 of bonds, which have an unamortized discount of $500,000, by paying bondholders $9,850,000. what is the amount of the gain or loss on the retirement of the bonds?


Saltbrush loss pertains to the fact that it needed a lot more cash ($210,000) to pay off the obligation than was the debt's carrying value ($200,000 - $5,800 = $194,200).

Bringing the accounting for interest up to date is the first stage in accounting for this bond retirement.

Interest Expense (debit): 2,200

Bonds Payable Discount (credit): 200

Interest Due: $2000 (on credit).

The difference between the current carrying value and the money used can then be recorded as a loss (debit) or gain, and the real bond retirement can then be reported (credit).

Bonds Payable: $200,000 (debit).

Interest Due: $2000 (debit).

15,800 in loss on retirement of bonds

Bonds Payable Discount (credit): 5,800

Credit (cash): 212,000

Saltbrush loss relates to the fact that it needed a lot more cash ($210,000) to pay off the loan than was the debt's carrying value ($200,000 - $5,800 = $194,200).

Know more about bond here:


on january 1, 2022, jason company issued $5 million of 10-year bonds at a 10% coupon interest rate to be paid annually. the following present value factors have been provided: time period interest pv of $1 pv of a $1 annuity 10 10% 0.386 6.140 10 8% 0.463 6.710 10 12% 0.322 5.650 calculate the issuance price if the market rate of interest is 12%.


The bond issuance price for Jason company if the market interest is 12% is $4,435,000 (C).

To calculate the bond issuance price, we have to know 2 things first:

Present value of the bond maturity value Present value of the bond interest payments

From the casse, we know that:

Bond value = $5,000,000

T = 10 years

Coupon interest rate = 10%

Market interest rate = 12%

The present value factors table is attached below.

Present value of the bond maturity value can be calculated by multiplying the bond value with PV of $1 at the market interest rate:

Present value of the bond maturity value = ($5,000,000 x 0.322)

Present value of the bond maturity value = $1,610,000

Present value of the bond interest payments is calculated by multiplying the bond interest at its coupon rate with PV of $1 annuity at the market interest rate:

Present value of the bond interest payments = ($5,000,000 x 10%) x 5.65

Present value of the bond interest payments = $4,435,000

Focus that the 10% coupon rate is only used for calculating the interest payment of the bond. The present value factor used for calculating the issuance price of the bond refers to the 12% market interest rate data.

Next, we would add both present values to find the bond issue price:

Bond issue price = PV of the bond maturity value + PV of the bond interest payments

Bond issue price = $1,610,000 + $2,825,000

Bond issue price = $4,435,000

Learn more about Bond Issuance here:


Complete Question:

On january 1, 2022, jason company issued $5 million of 10-year bonds at a 10% coupon interest rate to be paid annually. the following present value factors have been provided:

(Refer to the table attached below)

Calculate the issuance price if the market rate of interest is 12%

a. $4,427,000

b. $4,477,500

c. $4,435,000

d. $5,000,000

a proposed new investment has projected sales of $529,000. variable costs are 43 percent of sales, and fixed costs are $128,000; depreciation is $49,500. prepare a pro forma income statement assuming a tax rate of 23 percent. what is the projected net income? (input all amounts as positive values. do not round intermediate calculations.)


Estimating your projected earnings entails calculating your internet income, which is your gross income minus running expenses.

This may additionally be introduced in the shape of an income statement. Your profits assertion will include quantities for revenue, fee of items sold, gross profit, and operating expenses

How do you calculate projected income?

Calculate projected income

You can discover your projected income by way of multiplying your complete estimated sales through how a lot you cost for each object you sell: Projected income = estimated income rate of every product or service.

For the individual, internet profits is the money you actually get from your paycheck each month as a substitute than the gross amount you get paid earlier than payroll deductions.

Learn more about projected net income here:

budgeting and saving math quiz question 5 of 10: you moved within a short walking distance to work and you no longer need to spend the $20 per week budgeted for bus fare. considering this, what is your new weekly budget surplus if your previous surplus was $175?


New weekly budget surplus is $195.

Earlier the weekly budget surplus was $175
Since he is saving $20 everyday so now the new suplus would be
Old + new

Weekly budget surplus= The interest rate is calculated using the interest rate formula and is expressed as a percentage of the principle amount. It is the fee that the lender or bank charges the borrower for using its resources or funds for a given period of time. The formula for calculating interest rates is Interest Rate = (Simple Interest 100)/(Principal Time).
When the proposed revenues exceed the projected expenditures, a budget surplus results. Total government revenue minus total government expenditures equals a budget surplus.

For more information on weekly budget surplus visit:

the use of wellness programs and consumer-directed health plans in an organization reflects its objective of controlling the cost of health care benefits. group startstrue or false


The use of wellness programs and consumer-directed health plans in an organization reflects its objective of controlling the cost of health care benefits is True.

What is use of wellness programs?A wellness programme is an all-encompassing health campaign that aims to maintain or enhance wellbeing through a healthy diet, regular exercise, stress reduction, and sickness avoidance. Smoking cessation, weight reduction education, exercise challenges, counselling, and many other initiatives aimed at improving a person's general health can all be included in wellness programmes. In the past, primary care doctors and insurance providers offered wellness programmes. However, it has become more common for businesses to create wellness programmes for their staff.Workplace wellness initiatives not only combat the rising number of unwell workers but also lower medical expenses and insurance premiums. Employers can disseminate information in a variety of ways, including through bulletin boards, wellness movies, booklets, and health-related quizzes.

To learn more about Wellness Program refer to:


if the economy is on the outside of the production possibilities frontier with an inflation rate of 3%, which might be a response of the federal open market committee (fomc)


If an economy is operating on its production possibilities frontier, it must produce less of one good if it produces more of another.

What is production possibilities frontier?

The production possibility frontier (PPF) is a curve on a graph that depicts the potential output of two goods whose production is dependent on the same limited resource. Another name for the PPF is the production possibility curve.

Opportunity cost in the production of commodities is what is lost when resources are diverted from one product to another. A curve on a graph depicts the quantity that can be generated to its maximum.

The production possibility frontier (PPF), which depicts situations that are impractical given the available resources, is above the curve.

The PPF illustrates that a rise in one commodity's production can only occur when the output of the other commodity falls.

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An outline can help you organize your message by making sure that all of your main points are well developed.a. Trueb. False Paul and Chris work at a car shop. It takes Paul 30 minutes to change the tire, andit takes Chris 30 minutes to change the tires. If they work at their own rates,approximately how long would it take them to change the tires of one car.a. 35 minb. 10 minc. 20 mind. 15 min. We have you organized with 15 packing tips specific to cold-season wanderings. to combat dry winter air on planes, we recommend including all of the following except ___________ in your carry-on. What magnetic field strength will allow the electrons to pass through without being deflected? assume that the magnetic field is confined to the region between the electrodes. What effect did yellow journalism have on the American public's view of the rebellion in Cuba? Read the writing prompt.People have different perspectives on the federalminimum wage. Over the years since it was developedin 1938, the federal minimum wage has fluctuated dueto various economic policies. Write a research-basedinformative essay to inform readers about the maineconomic policies that have affected the federalminimum wage since its establishment. Use evidencefrom your sources to inform an audience of your peersabout the topic.What should be the main purpose of an essay basedon the writing prompt?O to investigate the different opinions that people haveon the federal minimum wageO to explain how laws have influenced the federalminimum wage through the yearsO to persuade readers to engage in the debate overthe federal minimum wageO to analyze how conditions in the 1930s led to thecreation of the federal minimum wage your package will arrive later than expected, but is still on its way. it is currently in transit to the next facility. Which are examples of sole proprietorships? check all that apply. Lawyers working for a corporationdoctors in a partnershipindependent workersfranchise restaurants in a partnershiptax preparer working his own businessfreelance writers. What the answers to this question What does Napoleon do in Chapter 6 of Animal Farm? the government orders every factory to adopt a new technology, which reduces carbon-dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. large fish contain toxins from the smaller fish they eat. the increase in toxins from smaller fish to larger fish is called . PTI Literacy Device Identification (9 honors) Musician christine mcvie has died at 79. which rock band was she a longtime member of? I will give you 70 points I need this in 5 minsWhat is the difference between a Pyramid Scheme and a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) company? a. A pyamid scheme is legal whereas a MLM company is illegal b. A pyramid scheme does not sell a product whereas a MLM company does c. A pyramid scheme sells an actual product whereas a MLM company does notd. There is no difference between a pyramid scheme and a MLMQuestion 2 (1 point)What is a "pump and dump" scam?a. A scheme which pools investors money together but only a small percentage of the pool is actually investedb. A scheme that attempts to boost the price of a stock through recommendations based on false or misleading statementsc. A scheme where an investor collects your money for investment but never actually makes a purchase and instead keeps the money for themselvesd. A scheme that attempts to beat the overall market's return by investing in high-cost index fundsQuestion 3 (1 point)What is phishing? aPhishing is a business model that recruits members via a promise of payments or services. bPhishing is a fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and financial information via electronic communication. cPhishing is a fraudulent attempt to take over or delete your presence on social media. dPhishing is a fraudulent attempt to deposit funds into an FDIC insured bank account for later use.Question 4 (1 point)You receive a call from a company that tells you that there is a problem with your order or account. What should you do?a. Answer any questions they have and allow them to fix the issueb. Hang up and call the official number of the companyQuestion 5 (1 point)You should be careful anytime you scan a QR code. True FalseQuestion 6 (1 point)If you are scammed and pay someone money, you should contact your bank immediately and try to reverse the charge. True FalseI will give you 70 points I need this in 5 mins a town has a population of 5000 and grows at 4% every year. what will be the population after 7 years, to the near test whole number? Select all that applyWhich of the following accounts would be considered an asset? (Check all that apply.)Multiple select question.(A)Supplies(B)Accounts payable(C)Cash(D)Common Stock(E)Building(F)Accounts receivable Energy used by the body to perform muscular contractions is called adenosine diphosphate, or adp.a. Trueb. False which citation format is correct if a student is quoting from an article entitled ""we the people"" that is published on a website and has no author information? jane works in the maintenance department, which supports the production department and the research department. jane's wages are an example of which type expenses? (check all that apply.)