Why is mashed potato healthy?


Answer 1

Mashed potatoes are beneficial to your health because they are a rich source of potassium.

Potatoes also provide fiber, vitamins, and minerals in addition to carbs. They contain a lot of vitamin C, an antioxidant. Because the vitamin C in potatoes warded against scurvy, they were a life-saving food supply in earlier times.

Because they provide a plentiful source of potassium, mashed potatoes are good for your health. According to the NYU Langone Medical Center, 622 milligrams of potassium, or 13% of your daily required consumption, are present in one cup of mashed potatoes. Even though potatoes are a starchy food that is often easy to digest, mashing them into a puree helps break down the fibers, making them even easier to digest. Additionally, they offer vital nutrients including potassium, which balances electrolytes.

To know more about Potatoes, refer to this link:



Related Questions

What are all the love symbols?


Love symbols include :

* Heart

* Roses.

* The Menat.

* Swans and doves.

* Maple leaves.

* Celtic love symbols.

* The Claddagh Ring.

Love is an intense, deep affection for another man or woman. Love is also a manner to sense this intense affection for someone. Love can also discuss with a robust like for something or to love something lots.

Our golden rule for love is: “Do unto others as they might have you do unto them.” rather than treating our partner as we would really like to be dealt with, we want to deal with them as they want to be dealt with.

In that spirit, we have one more wrong gender assumption you can throw out. Contrary to popular perception, girls don't fall in love quickly.

Learn more about Love here:-https://brainly.com/question/18906002


How do you keep an open mind in a relationship?


To keep an open mind speak your truth, act, don’t react, respect yourself & others, be flexible, and temper expectations.

If you have any desire to expand your chance of finding an unshakable accomplice, you should initially become unshakable yourself. This implies opening your heart and talking about your reality while dating. Rather than behaving as well as possible and concealing the genuine you, share your preferences, abhorrences, and requirements with expected accomplices. As opposed to responding to every last subtlety of dating that annoys you (his inclination to blabber about his work, requesting that you split the beware of the principal date, calling excessively much of the time, and so forth) make a move to make a sound and lenient outlook. In the event that you need a marvelous dating and relationship future, regard is an unquestionable necessity! What's more, everything begins with you. The way to tell individuals the best way to treat you begins with how you treat yourself.

To learn more about relationships,



Compare Monster by Walter Dean Myers with The Tell-Tale heart. How does each text develop the concept of truth and how is truth reality and perception shown in Monster. WRITE AN ESSAY!



In both Monster by Walter Dean Myers and The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe, the concept of truth is explored in different ways. Both texts deal with complex issues of reality and perception, and both use narrative techniques to challenge the reader's understanding of truth. However, the ways in which these texts develop the concept of truth and its relationship to reality and perception are quite different.

Monster is a novel that tells the story of Steve Harmon, a young man who is on trial for murder. Throughout the novel, Steve struggles to come to terms with his own innocence and guilt, and to make sense of the events that led to the crime. As the trial progresses, Steve grapples with conflicting accounts of what happened, and must navigate a complex web of lies, half-truths, and conflicting evidence. The novel uses a unique narrative structure, with Steve's journal entries, trial transcripts, and screenplay-style scenes, to explore the different perspectives and interpretations of the events.

In contrast, The Tell-Tale Heart is a short story that tells the tale of a narrator who commits murder and then tries to convince the reader of his sanity. The story is told from the perspective of the narrator, who is obsessed with the old man's eye and kills him in order to rid himself of the "evil eye". The narrator then tries to convince the reader of his innocence, insisting that he is not mad and that he killed the old man for a rational reason. However, as the story progresses, the narrator's obsession and madness become increasingly apparent, and the reader is left to question the truth of the narrator's claims.

In both texts, the concept of truth is developed in relation to reality and perception. In Monster, Steve's perception of reality is influenced


What has happened to Huck's father and does Huck believe the story told?


Huck and Jim discover Huck's father's body in the book, shot in the back, in a floating house on the river, but the killer is never identified.

What is the summary of the novel Huck and Jim?

Huck is reprimanded by Miss Watson the following day for wearing filthy clothes, but the Widow Douglas says nothing about it. Huck is told by Miss Watson that he may obtain anything he desires by praying. She forces Huck to pray over the following few days, and Huck is perplexed as to why the fishhooks he asks for in his prayers never appear.

Huck learns that Pap Finn, his father, has been discovered dead in the river at this point. The superstitious Huck does not think it is Pap and fears that the violent Pap may reappear because the body was floating on his back. The only adventure the Tom Sawyer Gang has is trying to rob a Sunday school picnic, so they split off.

To learn more about Huck and Jim visit:



What are 4 types of text features?


All the parts of a narrative or article that aren't the primary text body are referred to as text features. Table of contents, index, glossary, headers,  are a four types o of these.

About Text Features

All the parts of a narrative or article that aren't the primary text body are referred to as text features. These characteristics can be advantageous if they are succinct, pertinent to the material, and understandable, or they can be detrimental if they are badly structured, just marginally pertinent to the topic, or overly wordy. The patterns and structures that the author(s) employed to compose the text are referred to as the text's organisation. A text that is well-organized helps the reader by placing information in predictable places.

To know more about text features:



What was the world's largest automobile manufacturer by the 1920s?


The world's largest automobile manufacturer by the 1920s General Motors.

A car, by name auto, additionally known as motorcar or vehicle, is a generally 4-wheeled vehicle designed typically for passenger transportation and usually propelled via an internal-combustion engine with the use of unstable fuel.

Technically, a bike is not considered an automobile. The definition of a car is an avenue automobile that powers itself usually on four wheels which could convey a small number of passengers.

There are big kinds of motors in vehicles, for instance, vehicles, buses, trucks, motorcycles, and many others. A car is a self-propelled automobile that has a power source for its propulsion and is used to hold passengers and items on land, along with automobiles, buses, trucks, and many others.

Learn more about automobiles here:-https://brainly.com/question/17212957


What tasks would be examples of pre-preparation?


Examples of pre-preparation includes opening packages, measuring & cutting ingredients, getting ingredients & equipment out from wherever they're stored, & greasing baking pans.

Pre-preparation aims to do as much work ahead of time as feasible without sacrificing quality. This French expression, which translates to "put in position," emphasises that all materials should be gathered in the work area before preparation begins. By planning ahead, you can prepare more quickly and with fewer errors. Any area of the kitchen may be used for preparation. Food-borne diseases and cross-contamination result from improper food preparation. The chef and the members of the supporting team must use sterilised utensils or those that have been cleaned properly to prevent food-borne disease.

To know more about Pre-preparation:



What do you think is the possible benefits or impact of having a MOOC in our education system?


MOOCs give an opportunity to connect openly on a global scale, with global learners. The ability to experiment with pedagogical methods on a vast scale. MOOCs typically collect data on student behaviour, which can be mined, including data on motivation, online interaction, team collaboration, and learning habits

What effect does MOOC have on learners' access to education?

A suitable MOOC integration in higher education can help make better use of instructional time. On the other hand, they can also provide conventional students and lifelong learners with flexible learning opportunities. Repurposing MOOCs offered by other schools can make the educational offer more affordable.

Learn more about MOOC to visit this link



Are the gifts that Jim and Della give each other worth a lot of money? Explain.


Yes, the gifts that Jim and Della give each other worth a lot of money as Della sells her hair and Jim his gold watch.

What is the summary of The Gift of the MAGI?

A couple named Della and Jim strive to bring happiness to one another by buying gifts on Christmas in O. Henry's story "The Gift of the MAGI." Unfortunately, because of their extreme poverty, Della's gorgeous hair and Jim's gold watch are the only precious possessions they own. Della sells her hair since she doesn't have enough money to purchase Jim a present. Jim gets a chain for his watch from Della after she has gone shopping in numerous places. She wishes Jim would prefer him with short hair but is delighted that she was able to get him a gift. She feels sorry about her hair. When the opportunity arises to exchange gifts, Jim presents Della a little package. There were two pricey combs for Della's gorgeous, long hair inside the box. Despite her sadness, she is eager to deliver Jim the present she has for him. Della displays the chain and asks to see both the chain and the watch. Jim adds, "Della, let's put the gifts away, they have become too good for us right now," before placing his hands behind his back. To buy her the combs, he sold the watch. Despite losing their only two household valuables, they made an effort to make one another smile.

Yes, the gifts that Jim and Della give each other worth a lot of money as Della sells her hair and Jim his gold watch.

To know more about this story, visit:



what was the relationship between the black death and the great/western schism of 1378–1417?


Answer: The Great Schism occurred in the Catholic Church from 1378 until 1417. The Black Death (1347-1351) disrupted much of the economy and trade occurring in Europe and people entered into a period of depression, confusion, and misery.


is winning more important than giving your best effort



The most important thing is to understand that while winning always is preferred and more enjoyable.


hoped this helped:)

Is this a survey or?

When using a bottom to top shelving order what determines the best placement of food?


Minimum internal cooking temperature of food is the best option when using a bottom to top shelving order which determines the best placement of food.

About Food

Food is any substance consumed by an organism for nutritional support. Food is usually of plant, animal, or fungal origin, and contains essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals. The substance is ingested by an organism and assimilated by the organism's cells to provide energy, maintain life, or stimulate growth. Different species of animals have different feeding behaviours that satisfy the needs of their unique metabolisms, often evolved to fill a specific ecological niche within specific geographical contexts.

To know more about food:



what is it called when the sequence of questions on a poll influences responses?



ordering effects


How is also popular Korean music known?


Thanks to a very structured, well-organized production system, K-pop has emerged as the global face of South Korea.

Korean music, or the Korean peninsula, where a strong indigenous heritage has been impacted by the Chinese and the Mongols, is the art of mixing vocal or instrumental sounds for beauty of form or emotional expression. K pop singers are typically trained and supervised by managers or agents for years at a time before recording their first song, in contrast to youthful western pop stars who frequently become renowned in a short amount of time. These young performers receive extensive training, never lasting less than a year, making them accomplished entertainers by the time they make their debut. In 2012, Psy's "Gangnam Style" dominated the country. With its catchy lyrics, distinctive dance motions, and hilariously absurd video, it has a similar musical structure to past hits. But social media was another crucial component that contributed to its success.

To learn more about production please click on below link



What is global village According to McLuhan?


According to McLuhan, the phrase "global village" refers to the idea that, because of the employment of new media technologies, individuals from all over the world are interconnected.

According to Marshall McLuhan, the "global village" refers to how technology has made the world feel smaller. Everywhere and whenever they are, people may exchange, communicate, and obtain information. However, this annotative method of connection is affectionate toward people, whether they are good or terrible.

Nearly 30 years before the internet was invented, he made a forecast about the global village that centered on the idea of an interconnected culture bringing together new tribes of people from all over the world. McLuhan thought that the world was moving from an oral and written to an electronic age.

To learn more about global village, visit the link below:



What is it called when the sequence of questions on a poll influences responses?



Question order bias, or "order effects bias"


2. The poem "How We Spend Our Time in the Army" ends with these sentences: "We were in love. There was a war on." Side by side, what do these two statements suggest about the author's purpose? (Reread the full poem on the last slide of the Comparing Themes lesson).


The sentence makes reference to meaningful interaction with enemy soldiers, as shown by the poem "How We Spend Our Time in the Army."

What did this poem's major theme consist of?

Theme is the opposite half of the coin. The poem's lesson or message is known as its theme. Does the poem make any comments about life or the nature of people? The topic would be that message, and a poem, even one as brief as "We Real Cool," may have more than one theme.

The poem's subject matter depicts Army personnel's daily lives and how they spend their time there.

We were aware that they were probably dozing off in their beds, writing home about nothing, or working by lamplight, and that they also get up early and listen to every moment.

The remark thus implies that there may be significant interaction with enemy soldiers.

To know more about the poem "How We Spend Our Time in the Army" , click here



One of the most important aspects of a speech conclusion is to help your audience realize that the speech is about to end. T/F


Yes it is true, making your audience aware that the speech is about to stop is one of the most crucial components of a conclusion.

What feature of a speech is most crucial?

The single most crucial element of speech preparation and performance is knowing your audience. In order to understand your audience's attitudes, beliefs, and values, do a psychological analysis of them.

Which of the following contributes significantly to a speech's conclusion?

Signaling the end of the speech, returning to the attention-getter, encouraging audience participation, summarizing the important themes, and making a closing statement are all elements of a conclusion.

To know more about the speech visit :-



Is mandated reporter training required in Illinois?


This online course's objective is to assist all Illinois Mandated Reporters in understanding their crucial responsibility in protecting children by identifying and disclosing suspicious activity.

Each mandatory reporter is required to report that they have completed the required training to their employer and, when appropriate, their licensing or certification board. The required reporter is required to keep completion records.

Additionally, such instruction must be given more frequently—at least three times every three years starting three months after the mandatory reporter first acts in a professional or official role (every 6 years for medical personnel who work with children).

It is your social responsibility to call the hotline if you suspect abuse or neglect. Moreover, state law demands that most professionals in social work, health care, education, and law enforcement report any suspicion of abuse or neglect. They are referred to as Mandated Reporters.

To learn more about Mandated  please click on below link



Ways to Use Semicolons Write example sentences for the following. 2 sentences each pls. -This is super easy but i just dont want to do it lol-
Before a conjunction verb:
Join two independent clauses:
Before a transitional expression


We use semicolons to indicate that the two clauses being connected by them have a certain relationship, a connection of ideas, as seen below:

Before a conjunctive adverb: Gina wanted to stay and fight; however, Todd thought it was better for them to run away.Join two independent clauses: I did not appreciate the way he talked to me; I left without saying a word.Before a transitional expression: Erica wanted to come with us; nevertheless, she stayed behind to take care of John.

The use of semicolons

Semicolons are a tricky kind of punctuation, but their use can be made simpler when we understand that they must be employed to connect ideas and clauses that are somehow related. For example:

Semicolons can be used to separate long items on a list.They can be used to join independent clauses that do not have a conjunction between them.Semicolons can also be employed before conjunctive adverbs and transitional words.

For instance, semicolons may often appear before the following words, which can be both a conjunctive adverb or a transitional word:

In addition


With that in mind, we conclude the examples written above correctly employ semicolons.

Learn more about semicolons here:



How do you describe distance and displacement?


A scalar quantity known as distance measures "how much ground an object has traversed" while moving. An object's total change in position is referred to as displacement, a vector variable that measures "how far out of place an object is."

What are some examples of the differences between distance and displacement?

Distance is the length of any path connecting any two places. When measured along the shortest path between any two points, displacement is the direct distance between them. The direction is ignored when calculating distance. The direction is accounted for in the displacement calculation.

Why are separation and displacement significant?

Displacement is required to determine an object's ultimate position since it provides more information than just the distance from the initial position. and the overall direction of travel. Since displacement is a vector quantity, average velocity, another vector quantity, must be determined using displacement rather than distance.

Know more about distance:


What is significant about Ralph's response to his encounter with the boar?


He thinks he appears sloppy, and it bothers him that he is growing accustomed to the dirt. The passage validates his desire to return to civilized society.

What is "Lord of the Flies" about?

Lord of the Flies delves into humanity's dark side, the savagery that lurks beneath even the most civilized people.

This novel was written by William Golding as a tragic parody of children's adventure stories, illustrating humanity's inherent evil nature.

He considers himself sloppy, and it bothers him that he is becoming accustomed to the dirt.

The passage confirms his desire to rejoin civilized society. Ralph, on the other hand, notices the same signs of decay in the other boys and realizes, with a heavy heart, that "he didn't mind;" it was "normal."

Thus, this is the significant about Ralph's response to his encounter with the boar.

For more details regarding "Lord of the Flies", visit:



Can you improve a cars turning radius?


Change to a different wheel with more offset, trim down the existing spacers/make our own to give more angle but not so much that the tires catch anything, or install wheel spacers.

The turning radius is the radius of the smallest circle a vehicle can make with the guidance at complete lock. it's miles a characteristic of the wheelbase, the front tire width, and the perspective of the front wheels may be urged, but there are a number of things that play into how automakers pick those dimensions.

Typically no if it's a dedicated race car they normally have plenty much less lock so a bigger flip radius. The steering is normally lots quicker, moving the guidance wheel makes the wheels turn in addition to a road automobile.

Learn more about cars turning radius here:-https://brainly.in/question/46630274


Defined by miles as ""a requirement of the activities of one subunit that is affected by the activities of other subunits"" is a _________.


Defined by Miles as "a requirement of the activities of one subunit that is affected by the activities of other subunits" is a contingency.

What is a contingency?

А contingency is а potentiаl occurrence of а negаtive event in the future, such аs аn economic recession, nаturаl disаster, frаudulent аctivity, terrorist аttаck, or а pаndemic

In аddition to the control of criticаl resources, subunits cаn аlso аttаin power by gаining control over аctivities thаt аre needed by others to complete their tаsks. These criticаl аctivities hаve been cаlled strаtegic contingencies. А contingency is defined by Miles аs "а requirement of the аctivities of one subunit thаt is аffected by the аctivities of other subunits." А contingency becomes strаtegic when it hаs the potentiаl to аlter the bаlаnce of interunit or interdepаrtmentаl power in such а wаy thаt interdependencies аmong the vаrious units аre chаnged.

Your question is incomplete, but most probably your full options were

a. system

b. independence

c. goal

d. contingency

e. strategy

Thus, the correct answer is D.

For more information about contingency refer to the link:



What mental illness does the narrator in the raven have?


The narrator could be suffering from schizophrenia, a mental illness that prevents a person from understanding reality as it should be. Delusions, hallucinations, sadness, hearing voices, anger, paranoia, and other symptoms might be present. The raven is a hallucination in the poem.

The two signs indicate he has disorganised schizophrenia. The narrator's disordered speech and behaviour are indicative of this condition. Because of this condition, the narrator murders, dismembers, and dumps the elderly man before confessing to the crime.

In Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven," the narrator suffers from insanity and is plagued by the bird's presence.

To know more about Edgar Allan Poe:



How does BTS influence the youth today?



BTS influences today's youth by showing how from any age, you can accomplish your dreams. Even if this sounds cringe, its an answer.


what is the name of the famous black college in washington, d.c. where dr. charles drew taught medicine?


It is Howard University

On June 3, 1904, Charles Richard Drew was born in Washington, DC. He was an African-American surgeon and researcher who founded the nation's first significant blood bank and educated a generation of black doctors at Howard University. Richard, his father, was the only non-white member of the Carpet, Linoleum, and Soft-Tile Layers Union and a carpet layer as well as its financial secretary.

Drew's prospects for a medical education were limited by the racial segregation of the time before the Civil Rights Movement. Most African Americans who wanted to become doctors received their training at black institutions like the Howard University College of Medicine in Washington, DC, or Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee.

Some prestigious medical schools, like Harvard, occasionally accept a few non-white students. Drew tried out for Howard but was rejected because he didn't have enough Amherst English credits. He was admitted to Harvard, but they wanted to delay his enrollment until the next year. Drew didn't want to wait and submitted an application to the Montréal-based McGill University Faculty of Medicine, which had a reputation for superior minority treatment.

Learn more about Charles Richard Drew here: https://brainly.com/question/18077975



People say that children love to learn and that they want to know things; however, I will give young people information everyday that directly applies to their life, but most blatantly ignore it.

Do people want what's best for them, or do they want what is easy to do?
Fully explain your answer with logic, evidence, or anecdote.




There are different people in the world were all different were not the same most people care but don't show it most people care and show they want what's best but don't feel like doing it give them a break for a while.

What’s the setting of the flowers by Alice walker


Answer: The setting of Flowers by Alice Walker is Post civil war, american south on a farm.


I really hope this helps out. PLEASE MARK BRAINLEST.

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. Read the excerpt. Then choose the correct words to complete the sentences that follow. Prime minister robert walpole helped make the office what it is today. He is also remembered for maintaining britons' confidence through a series of financial setbacks involving risky overseas investments. Walpole also kept the peace as the day's rival political parties, the whigs and the tories, argued over the direction of the country. The were mainly conservative and pro-nobility. The were more liberal and often sided with the rising middle class.



1st blank is Tories. 2nd blank is Whigs.


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