what architectural elements (located on the southern and northern corners of the enclosure) of the great mosque in damascus are the earliest in the islamic world?


Answer 1

This investment produced a masterpiece of architecture with marble and mosaic accents that genuinely inspired awe. One of the world's oldest still-standing congregational mosques is the Great Mosque of Damascus.

One of the world's oldest still-standing congregational mosques is the Great Mosque of Damascus. After being influenced by the model of the pre-existing Byzantine domes in the Ottoman architecture, Islamic architecture adopted the dome as one of its fundamental elements. Onion domes, Beehive domes, Braced domes, Coved domes, Compound domes, Crossed-Arch domes, Ellipsoidal domes, Geodesic dome, etc. are a few examples of different types of domes.

To learn more about Great Mosque of Damascus please click on below link



Related Questions

which of the following describes the importance of timbuktu in the fourteenth century? a. it was a commercial center in southern india that connected arab and chinese trade. b. it was a commercial center in west africa that provided the majority of spices to arabia and europe. c. it was a commercial center in southern india that was a way station for traveling buddhist monks. d. it was a commercial center in west africa that was an intellectual center for muslim scholars.


Answer: B. It was a commercial center in west africa that was an intellectual center for muslim scholars.

A method of treating mental disorders *
O realism
O surrealism
O abstract
O psychoanalysis



All of the following are true about the political consequences of the Kansas-Nebraska Act EXCEPTa. Motivated the creation of the Republican Partyb. Energized a new generation of politicians, including Abraham Lincolnc. Led to a miniature war in Kansasd. Resulted in the assault of a southern Senator


The assault of a southern Senator.Regarding the political effects of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the following statement is untrue: A new generation of politicians, including Abraham Lincoln, were inspired.The correct option is True.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act, which was passed in 1854, can be viewed as a piece of legislation that resulted in the compromise of Missouri, the creation of two new territories, and the establishment of popular sovereignty.This action led to a small-scale conflict in Kansas as well as the assassination of a southern senator.Stephen A. Douglas introduced the Kansas-Nebraska.

Act, which was passed into law in 1854 and gave landowners the option of deciding whether or not to permit slavery in their state.The southern senators rejected the bill that Stephen A. Douglas proposed to organise Nebraska's territory and bring it under civil government. Douglas made the proposal to establish two territories in Kansas and Nebraska in order to get the support of the senators from the South.

To know more about kansas Nebraska visit:



How is The Crucible historically inaccurate?


Answer: The play The Crucible by Arthur Miller is not historically accurate due to the change of characters such as ages, jobs, and events. This is done to make the play more interesting and to keep the audience engaged.

Which of these is considered a civic responsibility rather than an obligation?

Obeying the law

Paying taxes


Registering for Selective Service


I think it voting would be it

All of the following resulted from the growth of the atlantic slave trade in africa except.



All of the following resulted from the growth of the Atlantic slave trade in Africa except the exclusion of Africa from the emerging global market.

who was the first president to decorate the official white house christmas tree?


Benjamin Harrison was the first president to decorate the official white house Christmas tree

Who was Benjamin Harrison?

From 1889 to 1893, Benjamin Harrison served as the 23rd President of the United States. He was elected after running one of the first "front-porch" campaigns by giving brief addresses to visiting delegations in Indianapolis.

e belonged to the Virginian Harrison dynasty; he was the great-grandson of founding father Benjamin Harrison V and the grandson of William Henry Harrison, the ninth president.

Read more on Christmas here: https://brainly.com/question/25861763


The Virginia Plan contained the main features of the federal government
today, including
A) a bill of rights.
B) government departments.
C) income taxes.
D) three separate branches.





The Virginia Plan called for 3 branches, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.

How did the collapse of communism affect former Soviet republics in Central Asia?


Answer: The collapse transformed the 15 republics of that union into dependent states with many capabilities to survive

How does the collection of multiple accounts of the night of president lincoln's assassination contribute to the central idea of the article?.


The article illustrate the unanimous national feeling that the loss of Lincoln will be tragic for the country after the night of president Lincoln's assassination.

What is the history of the assassination of President Lincoln?

On the night of April 14, 1865, famous actor and Confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth assassinated President Abraham Lincoln at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C. The attack came just five days after Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered a large army at his courthouse in Appomattox, Virginia, effectively ending the Civil War.

John Wilkes Booth was a Maryland native born in 1838 into a family of noted actors. Booth would eventually take the stage himself, appearing in 1855 in Shakespeare’s Richard III in Baltimore.

Learn more about the assassination of President Lincoln https://brainly.com/question/13721688


“I believe that the time has come for us to declare war on Britain. The British Royal Navy has been impressing our sailors on the high seas. Moreover, they have no right to be in North America. Canada is ours for the taking!”

Whose point of view is most likely expressed in this speech?


“I believe that the time has come for us to declare war on Britain. The British Royal Navy has been impressing our sailors on the high seas. Moreover, they have no right to be in North America. Canada is ours for the taking!” A war hawk in the senate before the war of 1812 is the most likely person

What is war hawk ?

Generally, In the realm of politics, someone is said to be a war hawk, or just a hawk, if they are in favor of going to war or continuing to intensify an ongoing conflict rather than finding alternative solutions. Doves are considered to be the antithesis of war hawks.

They were largely younger politicians from the West and the South and were given the moniker "War Hawks." These politicians came from their respective regions. This tiny group of Jeffersonian Republicans, who were led by Henry Clay, the newly elected Speaker of the House, advocated for a military conflict as a means of redressing American concerns.

The naval fighting force of the United Kingdom is known as the Royal Navy. Although early medieval English and Scottish rulers made use of vessels, the first major naval battles were fought during the Hundred Years' War against France. These battles were the first of their kind on a significant scale.

Read more about  war hawk



What were the 3 goals of Prohibition?


To protect people and families from the "scourge of intoxication," Prohibition was put into place.

But it also had unforeseen effects, such as an increase in organised crime linked to the illicit manufacturing and sale of alcohol, a rise in smuggling, and a decrease in tax revenue.

3 goals of Prohibition were:

1) To eradicate intoxication and the mistreatment of family members and others that results from it.

2) Eliminate saloons, which were hotbeds of prostitution, gambling, and other vices.

3) Prevent workplace accidents and absenteeism caused by intoxication.

To learn more about Prohibition, refer:



Which statement best illustrates the theme of location?



This theme answers the question “Where is it located?” Location refers to the position of something on the Earth's surface. Absolute and relative locations are two ways of describing the positions and distributions of people and places on the Earth's surface.

Chiang kai-shek became leader of china’s_____party after the warlord period.


Chiang Kai-Shek became leader of China’s Nationalist party after the warlord period.

Who is Chiang Kai-Shek?

Chiang Kai-shek (October 31, 1887 – April 5, 1975), also known as Chiang Chung-cheng and Jiang Jieshi, was a Chinese Communist politician, revolutionary, and military leader who served as leader of the Republic of China (ROC) from 1928 until his death in 1975 – until 1949 in mainland China and then in Taiwan. Born in Chekiang (Zhejiang) Province, Chiang was a member of the Kuomintang (KMT), and a lieutenant of Sun Yat-sen in the revolution to overthrow the Beiyang government and reunify China. After his rule was limited to Taiwan following his defeat to Mao Zedong in the Chinese Civil War, he continued to lead the ROC government in exile.

Learn more about Chiang Kai-Shek https://brainly.com/question/29724061


Answer: nationlist


Which of the following groups have been discriminated against in the past?
O women
O disabled citizens
O LGBTQ citizens
O all of the above



All of the above


All of the above is the answer to your question

A county planner prepares the following table showing population trends in three local towns. The first column gives the name of the town. The second column gives the population as of the last census. The third column gives the estimated increase or decrease in population since that census, expressed as a percentage of the previous population.
a. Choose one of these towns. Use the second and third columns to write two expressions showing the current estimated population of the town in terms of x, y, or z.
b. For whichever town you chose in part (a), let the census population be 6,742 people. Based on the percentage change for that town, calculate the estimated current population, rounding to the nearest whole number if needed. Be sure to show your work.


The mathematical expressions that would express the variations would be: current population = x - (x/100*2) , current population = y + (y/100+5). Additionally, the current estimated population of Pleasantville would be 6,607.

What is a mathematical expression?

A mathematical expression is a term that refers to a sequence of characters that is intended to express a general relationship between the terms expressed in the formula. Some expressions include characters such as x, y, or z, to express unknown or replaceable values. In accordance with the above, the expressions for Pleasantville and Amity Center are:

current population = x - (x/100*2).

current population = y + (y/100+5).

What would the population projection for Pleasantville be if the census were 6,742?

According to Pleasantville's mathematical expression, the population of this city would be:

6,742 - (6,742/100*2)6,742 - 134.846,607.166,607

Learn more about mathematical expressions in: https://brainly.com/question/1703934



a. For the town of "Springfield," the current estimated population is x*1.01 and x+z.

b. Using the given information, the current estimated population of Springfield is 6,742*1.01=6,814.82 people, which rounds to 6,815 people

Answers to BJU Press The American Republic Chapter 11 Activity 2? If you have answer key.


Alongside the growth of capitalist economies came the industrial revolution.

How were the factories in the Industrial Revolution and impact of new inventions in agriculture?

The United States' massive industrial plant and output boom in the late 19th century is likely what makes it most famous. The machine-based mass production of products was the driving force behind these enormous gains. Employees were subjected to hazardous working conditions, which included claustrophobic workspaces with limited ventilation, machine-related injuries, and toxic exposure to heavy metals, dust, and solvents.

Farmers have been able to enhance agricultural produce yields thanks to technological advancements in agriculture that have improved farmland productivity. It offers a considerable benefit and significantly improves the price, output, income, and return rate of all kinds of crops.

The Jacksonian era saw an expansion of American influence in the Pacific. To secure international economic opportunities and resolve unresolved damage claims, the President's agents negotiated a number of treaties.

To learn more about industrial revolution, visit:



The complete question is:

The American Republic Chapter 11 Activity 2:

Describe the rise of factories in the Industrial Revolution.

Assess the impact of new inventions in agriculture.

Analyze the expansion of the sea  trade during the Jacksonian era

How might this historical context help to explain why there were so many slave traders in chester?.


The Slave trade in Chester was on the outside due to the high demand for slave labor around this area to work in colonies

Slave dealers in Chester thus were encouraged by the huge presence of buyers as the literal environment explains. This thus proves how the demand for slaves was high at this area, especially, in U.S. history the business or practice of capturing, transporting, dealing , and buying enslaved African people for profit previous to the American Civil War.

Who served from the slave trade?

Dealers weren't the only bones to benefit from America's internal slave trade. Slave possessors in the Upper South served because they entered cash for the people they vended. Slave possessors in the Lower South served because the people they bought were forced to labor in the immensely productive cotton and sugar fields.

To learn more about Slave trade, click here:



the marshall plan provided_____assistance to help countries in postwar europe rebuild.


The marshall plan provided economic assistance to help countries in postwar Europe rebuild.

The Marshall Plan was a United States-sponsored program that aimed to rehabilitate the economies of 17 Western and Southern European nations in order to provide stable circumstances for democratic institutions to endure in the aftermath of World War II. The European Recovery Programme is what it was formally known as.

George Marshall, the secretary of state of the United States, outlined it in a speech at Harvard University in 1947 with the goal of helping European nations that had been devastated by the war.

Therefore, the Marshall Plan offered economic support to postwar European countries.

To know more about the marshall plan, visit:



What evidence did the historian William H. McNeill use to support the claim that “the potato led to empire?”


Historian William H. McNeill has argued , the potato led to empire: “By feeding rapidly growing populations. The potatoes permitted a handful of European nations to assert dominion over most of the world between 1750 and 1950.”

What is a potato?

The potato is a root vegetable that is indigenous to the Americas and is a starchy tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum. The plant belongs to the nightshade family Solanaceae and is a perennial. The potato was once thought to have been independently domesticated by Native Americans in several different areas, but later genetic investigations revealed a single origin, in the region of today's extreme northwestern Bolivia and southern Peru.

Many researchers believe that the potato’s arrival in northern Europe spelled an end to famine there.  The potato, in other words, fueled the rise of the West.

Therefore, potato was an important factor that helped the populations.

To learn more about potato, click here:



Who are the "Four million persons" to whom Stevens refers?



Four million persons have just been freed from a condition of dependence. These are people who, through no fault of their own, have no knowledge of business and do not even have the simplest elements of education.

16. Mission forts became part of the rallying cry for war with what country in the 1830's?​



i think it was Mexico


I could be wrong but i don't understand the question completely and that was he answer i got with what I understood

Place these major moments from civil rights history in order from earliest to most recent !


Major moments from civil rights history in order from earliest to most recent is 1954 to 1965

The civil rights movement in the United States was prominent in the late 1940s. By 1948, President Truman signed Executive Order 9981. Truman declared equal treatment and opportunity for all in the military regardless of race or color.

1954 – Brown v. Board of Education

Largest lawsuit in US history.

1955 - Montgomery Bus Boycott

Rosa Parks - As one of the most famous figures to come out of the civil rights movement, she played a pivotal role in that momentous event. .

Martin Luther King Jr. - Civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. led the bus boycott in Montgomery.

1957 – Little Rock Desegregation His Racist Showdown in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Little Rock Central High School - Black students protesting admission to this Arkansas school.

1960 - Sit-in Action

Sit-in Action - The basis for the Sit-in Action was created by a student who "sits" on the food counter.

1961 - Freedom Drive

Civil Rights Movement and Freedom Drive.

Freedom Riders - The Congress for Racial Equality arranged for this by placing black and white volunteers side by side on buses and other public transportation.

To learn more about civil rights here:



What did nations such as Germany, France, and the United States have abundant supplies of that enabled them to catch up with Great Britain quickly?


The resource that Germany, France, and the United States had in abundance that allowed them to catch up with Great Britain quickly was Coal.

What was the importance of coal ?

The British Industrial Revolution was ruled by coal. It served as a reliable fuel for dependably converting iron ore into iron as coke. The iconic bridge over the River Severn at Ironbridge Gorge was constructed in 1781 using inexpensive iron. And from it, the machinery used in the new factories of the industrial era was constructed.

In the nineteenth century, the coal industry served as a significant pillar for American industrialization. For steam engines, furnaces, and forges all over the United States, coal served as an affordable and effective fuel supply.

The British however, were not the only ones who had coal. The nations of Germany, France, and the United States had such massive reserves of coal that they were able to apply it to their industries and catch up with Great Britain, with Germany and the United States overtaking her.

Find out more on coal at https://brainly.com/question/24675983


food labels are designed to help consumers make informed choices. since 1990, what has the food label included?


The nutrition label must specify the amount of salt, fat, sugar, carbohydrates, proteins, and calories (in kcal and kilojoules) in 100g (or 100 ml) of product.

Where did food originate?

Our earliest predecessors simply cooked meats, grains, and vegetables as recently as 1.5 million years ago. As soon as 9600 BC, some of the first civilizations, such as Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt, used straightforward methods of food preservation, such as drying, burning, and salting.

Why has history regarded food with such esteem?

Food may tell us a lot about a society's history and present, including what people consumed and how their produced food, often under difficult circumstances. A lot of significant historical occurrences, such as sugar's "employment," have been influenced by shifting gastronomic preferences.

To know more about food visit:



why were jewish refugees on the ocean liner st. louis turned away while trying to enter the united states in 1939?


The 937 passengers were almost all Jewish refugees. Cuba's government refused to allow the ship to land. The United States and Canada were unwilling to admit the passengers. The St.

Henry Villard was an investor who helped build the

Columbia Basin Canal.
Northern Pacific Railway.
first transcontinental railroad.
first gasoline-powered tractor.



first transcontinental railroad.


Which is the example of how the rule of Charlemagne impacted Western Europe. (7.29)
A. It led to the fall of the Western Roman Empire and cemented the power of the Eastern Roman
B. It weakened the economy of Western Europe and led to a successful invasion by the Mongols.
C. It united much of Western Europe into one empire and increased the influence of the Catholic
D. It weakened the role of the Catholic Church and led to a period known as the Warring States.


Note that the example of how the rule of Charlemagne impacted Western Europe is: " It united much of Western Europe into one empire and increased the influence of the Catholic Church." (Option C).

How did the above increase the influence of the church?

It is to be noted that He (Charlemagne) spread Christianity across Northern Europe and helped to combine Germanic, Roman, and Christian cultures. He also established powerful, efficient regimes. Later monarchs looked to his example to strengthen their own kingdoms.

Charlemagne was an 8th-century Frankish ruler who achieved virtually mythological status in the West. He was responsible, among other things, for uniting most of Europe under his sword-wielding rule, for aiding in the restoration of the Empire of the West and becoming first ever emperor, and for facilitating an intellectual and cultural renaissance, the repercussions of which were felt in Europe and around the world afterward.

Learn more about Charlemagne:

Who of the following developed compact and affordable synthesizers by the 1960s? who did not?


The people that developed the compact and affordable synthesizers by the 1960s are: Robert Moog and Don Buchla

I was unable to get the complete question so as to help with the second part of the question.

What were the synthesizers that were made in 1960s?

More tiny synthesizers were created in the 1960s, starting with the Moog (see image) and quickly followed by the Buchla and Syn-Ket, the latter of which was about the size of an upright piano.

One of the first bands to use the synthesizer in pop music was the Monkees, who used it extensively on their 1967 album Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn & Jones Ltd.

Don Buchla and Alan R. Pearlman were also forerunners of the contemporary synthesizer in addition to Robert Moog. When the first Moog synthesizers were introduced, Buchla's 100 Series synthesizers—which were also debuted at the same time—used pressure-sensitive touch plates to control their modules.

Throughout his life, Moog developed two businesses that produce electronic musical instruments.

Read more on the synthesizer here:https://brainly.com/question/29416885


what are the major components of john locke's political philosophy and how did they influence thomas jefferson in the writing of the declaration of independence?


Natural rights, the consent of the governed, and limited government are the three main tenets of John Locke's political theory. In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson wrote, "life, liberty,

John Locke FRS, also known as the "founder of liberalism," was an English philosopher and physician who lived from 29 August 1632 to 28 October 1704. He is recognized as one of the most significant intellectuals of the Enlightenment. [ Locke is similarly significant to the social contract idea as one of the pioneering British empiricists in the Francis Baconian vein. His contributions had a significant impact on the growth of political philosophy and epistemology. His ideas had an impact on many Scottish Enlightenment philosophers,

Learn more about John Locke here:



Natural rights, the consent of the governed, and limited government are the three main tenets of John Locke's political theory. In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson wrote, "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," which was influenced by Locke's views on "life, liberty, and property."

John Locke is considered one of the greatest philosophers of all time and his ideas on Politics, Economics and Education influenced many great minds, including Thomas Jefferson, great American revolutionary leader and third president of the USA. Locke's views on "life, liberty and property" directly influenced Jefferson's "declaration of Independence" where he wrote "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".

To know more about the declaration of independence, click here https://brainly.com/question/14578050?referrer=searchResults


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illustrate the first three levels of the apriori algorithm (set sizes 1, 2 and 3) for support threshold of 3 transactions, by identifying candidate sets and calculating their support. what are the maximal frequent sets discovered in the first 3 levels? PLWASE HELP ILL GIVE BRAINLG day 4 50 pts From Georgia OKeeffe by Joan Didion 6 Some women fight and others do not. Like so many successful guerrillas in the war between the sexes, Georgia OKeeffe seems to have been equipped early with an immutable sense of who she was and a fairly clear understanding that she would be required to prove it. On the surface her upbringing was conventional. 7 She was a child on the Wisconsin prairie who played with china dolls and painted watercolors with cloudy skies because sunlight was too hard to paint and, with her brother and sisters, listened every night to her mother read stories of the Wild West, of Texas, of Kit Carson and Billy the Kid. She told adults that she wanted to be an artist and was embarrassed when they asked what kind of artist she wanted to be: she had no idea what kind. She had no idea what artists did. She had never seen a picture that interested her, other than a pen-and-ink Maid of Athens in one of her mothers books, some Mother Goose illustrations printed on cloth, a tablet cover that showed a little girl with pink roses, and the painting of Arabs on horseback that hung in her grandmothers parlor. At thirteen, in a Dominican convent, she was mortified when the sister corrected her drawing. At Chatham Episcopal Institute in Virginia she painted lilacs and sneaked time alone to walk out to where she could see the line of the Blue Ridge Mountains on the horizon. At the Art Institute in Chicago she was shocked by the presence of live models and wanted to abandon anatomy lessons. At the Art Students League in New York one of her fellow students advised her that, since he would be a great painter and she would end up teaching painting in a girls school, any work of hers was less important than modeling for him. Another painted over her work to show her how the Impressionists did trees. She had not before heard how the Impressionists did trees and she did not much care. The sentence Georgia OKeeffe seems to have been equipped early with an immutable sense of who she was and a fairly clear understanding that she would be required to prove it develops the authors purpose by: A. providing an additional example of what life was like for her growing up B. showing that she doubted herself at times when she was challenged by men C. revealing that she always pushed forward because she was afraid of failure D. reinforcing the idea that she was a passionate and defiant person Biographical information in paragraph 7 reinforces the idea that the authors purpose is A. to persuade. B. to entertain. C. to inform. D. none of the above. Which evidence from paragraph 7 best supports the authors perspective that Georgia OKeeffe was not affected by the opinions of others? A. She was a child on the Wisconsin prairie who played with china dolls and painted watercolors with cloudy skies . . . B. She had never seen a picture that interested her, other than a pen-and-ink Maid of Athens in one of her mothers books . . . C. At Chatham Episcopal Institute in Virginia she painted lilacs and sneaked time alone to walk out to where she could see the line of the Blue Ridge Mountains . . . D. She had not before heard how the Impressionists did trees and she did not much care. Graph a triangle ABC and perform a translation of (x + 4, y - 3) to create triangle A'B'C'.1. Describe the transformation using words. Make sure you refer to the characteristicsand the coordinates.2. Draw a line through points A and A' and through points B and B'. What do younotice about the lines you drew? Do you think you would notice the samecharacteristics if you drew another line through points C and C'? How do you know? 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