Calculate the [OH−] of each aqueous solution with the following [H3O+].baking soda, 1.7×10−8M


Answer 1


The [OH−] is 5.88x10^-7M.


1st) It is necessary to calculate the pH of the solution using the pH formula and replacing the concentration of H3O+:

[tex]\begin{gathered} pH=-log\left[H_3O+\right] \\ pH=-log(1.7×10−8) \\ pH=7.77 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we know that the pH is 7.77.

2nd) Now we can calculate the pOH of the solution using the relation between pH and pOH:

[tex]\begin{gathered} pH+pOH=14 \\ 7.77+pOH=14 \\ pOH=14-7.77 \\ pOH=6.23 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we know that the pOH of the solution is 6.23.

3rd) Finally, we can calculate the [OH−] using the pOH formula and replacing the value of pOH:

[tex]\begin{gathered} pOH=-log\left[OH−\right] \\ 6.23=-log\left[OH−\right] \\ 10^{(-6.23)}=\left[OH−\right] \\ 5.88*10^{-7}=\left[OH−\right] \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the [OH−] is 5.88x10^-7M.

Related Questions

What is the net ionic equation for the reaction between HCL(aq) and NaHCO3(aq)


We have to write the net ionic equation for the reaction between HCl and NaHCO₃.

The molecular equation will show us the products of this equation.

Molecular equation:

HCl (aq) + NaHCO₃ (aq) ------> NaCl (aq) + CO₂ (g) + H₂O (l)

Now we can split this compounds into their ions to get the total ionic equation:

Total ionic equation:

H+ (aq) + Cl- (aq) + Na+ (aq) + HCO3- (aq) ----> Na+ (aq) + Cl- (aq) + CO₂ (g) + H₂O (l)

And finally we can identify the spectator ions. The ones that we have on both sides, they are Na+ and Cl-. We can cancel them out.

Net ionic equation:

H+ (aq) + HCO3- (aq) ----> CO₂ (g) + H₂O (l)

Answer: H+ (aq) + HCO3- (aq) ----> CO₂ (g) + H₂O (l)

QUESTION 16What is the empirical formula that corresponds to a compound that contains 57.69% C, 11.54% H, and 30.77% O by mass?O C5H1202O C2.5H6OC3H1202O C58H12031С6HO3






57.69% C, 11.54% H, and 30.77% O by mass,


Mass of carbon = 0.5769 g

Mass of Hydrogen = 0.1154 g

Mass of Oxygen = 0.3077 g

We know:

Molar masses of:-

C = 12.0107 g/mol

H = 1.00794 g/mol

O = 15.999 g/mol

Required: Empirical formula


Step 1: Calculate the number of moles of the 3 atoms

C : 0.5769 g/12.0107 g/mol = 0.04826 mol

H : 0.1154 g/1.00794 g/mol = 0.1145 mol

O : 0.3077 g/15.999 g/mol = 0.0192

Step 2: Divide the moles by the lowest number of moles

In this case divide by 0.0192

C: 2.5

H: 6


Step 3: multiply by 2 to remove a decimal

C: 5

H: 12


Therefore the answer is: C5H12O2

Naming compoundsPb3(AsO4)4



Lead (IV) Arsenate


The compound consists of two elements which are; Lead and Arsenic, and oxygen

Combination off oxygen and Arsenic gives Arsenate

The name of the compound is Lead (VI) Arsenate

Give an example of heat energy out vs. heat energy in during chemical reaction


An exothermic reaction is a reaction that releases energy. One example of this type of reaction is burning gas in a gas oven.

An endothermic reaction is a reaction that absorbs energy. One example of this type of reaction is

You are given a bulb, one metre copper wire, a switch and a battery. How could you use them to distinguish the samples of metals and non-metals? Write the usefulness of this test in distinguishing metals and non-metals.​


With the given materials following  experiment can be done

Electrical conductivity test:

Metals are good conductors of electricity, therefore when you join metals with a battery, wire, and bulb, you get a bulb.

Similarly, if nonmetals are poor electrical conductors, they may not ignite the bulb when attached to a wire and a battery.

Generally, the above method can be used to identify metals and non-metals. But there are some exceptions also,. Graphite, an allotrope of non-metal carbon, is a good conductor of electricity.

Learn more about Metals and their properties;

The periodic chart has many different types of elements. Some elements are metals, some are nonmetals, and yet others are metalloids. Therefore, by electrical conductivity test, we can detect metal and non metal.

What is metal ?

Metals are hard, conduct electricity, are ductile, lustrous, and malleable materials.

Since metals have free electrons that's why they can conduct electricity.  Since atoms in metals are very closely packed in a definite crystal solid. It is not brittle that is it can not be broken down easily.

Metals carry electricity well, therefore when you combine metals with a battery, wire, and bulb, you get a light. Similarly, if nonmetals are poor electrical conductors, when connected to a wire and a battery, they may not light the bulb.

Therefore, by electrical conductivity test, we can detect metal and non metal.

Learn more about the metals, here:


Match the reaction to the type that best describes it.NaBr + KF → NaF+ KB?Combination2Cu + MnCl2 →Mn + 2Cuci?DecompositionC + 2H2 → CH4?Single replacementCO2 + O2 + c?Double replacement



[tex]\begin{gathered} a:\text{ Double Displacement} \\ b:\text{ Single Replacement} \\ c:\text{ Combination} \\ d:\text{ Decomposition} \end{gathered}[/tex]


Here, we want to get the type of reactions listed

We proceed to evaluate the reactions one after the other:

a) This is a double replacement reaction. It usually occurs when molecules exchange ions in the course of their reaction leading to replacement in a molecule by an ion or a group of ions in the other molecule

b) This is a single replacement reaction which in other words could be referred to as a displacement reaction. This occurs usually when a metallic solid reacts with a solution of the salt of less reactive metal

c) This is a combination reaction. It is usually useful in the laboratory and industrial synthesis of some molecules

d) This is a decomposition reaction. It occurs when a particular molecule splits into the constituent molecules that make it up

With all the steps please:A solution is prepared by dissolving 166.0 g of potassium iodide, Kl, in water to a total volume of 1,000 mL. Calculate the molarity of this solution.



Molarity, or concentration in amount of matter (mol/L), is the ratio between the amount of matter in the solute (n) and the volume of the solution in liters (V): M = n/V

Here we have:

m = 166 g of KI (solute)

V = 1000 mL = 1L (solution)

So we need to transform 166 g of KI into moles. We use the following formula:

n = m/MM

MM of KI is 166 g/mol

n = 166/166

n = 1 mol


M = 1/1

M = 1 mol/L

Answer: M = 1 mol/L

Which of the following is a measure of the amount of space that an object occupies?MassVolumeDensityWeight


Step 1 - Understanding the definition of each term

Mass: it measures the amount of matter of a body

Volume: it measures the space occupied by a body

Density: it's the mass divided by the volume

Weight: it is an indirect measure of the mass, since it also includes the action of gravity

Step 2 - Answering the exercise

As we can see, the definition that fits what is being asked is volume.

Answer: volume

What is the molarity of a solution that contains 98 g of H2SO4 in 0.05 L of solution?



20 mol/L



Mass of H₂SO₄ = 98 g

Volume = 0.05 L

From the Periodic Table; Atomic mass (H = 1.0 g, O = 16.0 g, S = 32.0 g)

What to find:

Molarity of the solution.

Step-by-step solution

Step 1: Convert the given mass of 98 g to mole.

The formula to determine the mole is given by:

[tex]\text{mole }=\frac{Mass}{Molar\text{ mass}}[/tex]

Molar mass of H₂SO₄ = (2 x 1.0 g) + 32.0 g + (4 x 16.0 g) = 98 g/mol

So mole is

[tex]\text{Mole }=\frac{98\text{ g}}{98\text{ g/mol}}=1.0\text{ mol}[/tex]

Step 2: Determine the molarity

The molarity formula is given by:

[tex]\text{Molarity }=\frac{Mole}{Volume\text{ in L}}=\frac{1.0\text{ mol}}{0.05\text{ L}}=20\text{ mol/L}[/tex]

Lead is listed below zinc in the activity series.

What will most likely happen when zinc particles are placed in lead nitrate solution? (1 point)
Zinc lead will form.
Oxygen will evolve.
No reaction will occur.
Zinc nitrate will form.


zinc nitrate and solid lead most likely happen when zinc particles are placed in lead nitrate solution

[tex]Pb(NO_3)_2aq.+Zn(s)= Zn(NO_3)_2(aq.)+Pb(s)[/tex]

Without the chemical element zinc (Zn), which is one of the most extensively used metals and is a member of Group 12 (IIb, or the zinc group) of the periodic table, life would not be possible. Zinc has important business implications.

The average amount of zinc in the Earth's crust per tonne is 65 grams (2.3 ounces), which is a little more than copper. Nearly all of the world's zinc ore is composed of the principal zinc mineral sphalerite and its oxidation byproducts, smithsonite and hemimorphite. Australia, New Zealand, and the US are said to have discovered native zinc resources. China, Australia, and Peru are the top three producers of zinc in the beginning of the twenty-first century.

To know more about  zinc visit:


List the following aqueous solutions in order of increasing melting point. (The lastthree are all assumed to dissociate completely into ions in water.)(a) 0.1 m sugar(b) 0.1 m NaCl(c) 0.08 m CaCl2(d) 0.04 m Na2SO4



0.1M sugar < 0.1 M NaCl < 0.08M CaCl2 < 0.04 M Na2SO4​


First we must understand that the higher thecnoncentration of a compound, the lower the melting point. This shows that 0.04 m Na2SO4​ will have highest melting point followed by 0.08 M CaCl2

Since 0.1M of sBgar and 0.1M of NaCl have the same molarity, we will determine the effect of solute and ionic bonding between compound on melting point. Since common salt (NaCl) is made up of stronger ionic bonds, it will have higher melting point than sugar.

The increasing order of their melting point wile be 0.1M sugar < 0.1 M NaCl < 0.08M CaCl2 < 0.04 M Na2SO4​

A sample of 63.6 grams of copper completely reacted with oxygen to form 71.6 grams of a copper oxide product. How many grams of oxygen must have reacted?


Let us first illustrate the reaction of Copper and Oxygen

• 2Cu +O2 → 2CuO

ratioon > 2 : 1

step 1 : determine moles of Cu and O2 .

(i) Moles Cu = mass Cu/Molar Mass Cu

= 63.6 g/ 63.546g/mol

=1.001 mol

(ii) moles O2 = mass Oxygen/Molar Mass Oxygen

= 71.6/32

= 2.238mol

Step 2 :

Experimental moles of Cu : O2

1.001moles : 2.238moles

take note that excess reactant is O2 and limiting reactant is Cu

Therefore moles of Oxygen that reacted = 1/2 moles of Cu

= 1/2 * 1.001 = 0.5moles

Mass of Oxygen reacted =0.5* 32 (oxygen Molar mass)


This means that 16.01 grams of Oxygen reacted , this value is not in the options provi

.calculate amount of heat required to rais the temperature of 50 g og copper by 70 K? (specific heat of copper is 0.385 J/g.K.


To determine the heat required (Q) to increase the temperature of a substance we can apply the following equation:

[tex]Q=mCp\Delta T[/tex]


m is the mass of the substance, 50g

Cp is the specific heat of the substance, 0.386J/g.K

deltaT is the temperature difference, 70K

Now, we have the values we need to calculate the heat required, we replace the known data into the equation:


The heat required to raise the temperature of 50 g of copper by 70 K will be 1347.5J

Calculate the molarity of a solution made by adding 150.0 mL of water to 85.00 mL of a 0.157 M solution



0.089 M



Total volume = 150 ml + 85 ml = 235ml

0.157(.085 L) = M2(.235L)

M2 = 0.05678723404 or 0.057 M

For a 4s orbital ,what are the possible values of n, l and ml.


In order to know the values of the quantum numbers n, l and ml for al s4 orbital we go to a quantum table:

And as we can see to de 4s orbital correspond only the values:




Need help with chemistry 52.3 g of metal at a temperature of 126.2°C are placed in 71.2 g of water which abs an into Al temperature of 24.5°C. The final temperature of the metal and water is 35.5°C. What is the specific heat of the metal in units of J/g°C? Use 4.184 J/g°C for this problem?



The specific heat of the metal is 0.69 J/g°C.


The given information from the exercise is:

• Metal,:

- Mass (massmetal): 52.3g

- Initial temperature (Tinitialmetal): 126.2°C

- Final temperature (Tfinalmetal): 35.5°C

• Water,:

- Mass (masswater):71.2g

- Initial temperature (Tinitialwater): 24.5°C

- Final temperature (Tfinalwater): 35.5°C

1st) It is necesary to write the Heat formula for both materials, the metal and water. In the case of water, we can solve the formula, because we have all the nedeed information:

• Metal,:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Q_m=m_{metal}*c_{metal}*(T_{fmetal}-T_{imetal}) \\ Q_m=52.3g*c_{metal}*(35.5_\degree C-126.2\degree C) \\ Q_m=-4,743.61g\degree C*c_{metal} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} Q_w=m_{water}*c_{water}*(T_{fwater}-T_{\imaginaryI water}) \\ Q_w=71.2g*4.184\frac{J}{g\degree C}*(35.5\degree C-24.5\degree C) \\ Q_w=3,276.9J \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the heat absorbed by the water is 3,276.9 J.

2nd) In the end both materials reach the equilibrium temperature, because the heat released by the piece of metal is absorbed by the water, this is represented as:


Finally, we have to replace the heat of the metal equation (Qm) and the heat of water (Qw) to calculate the specific heat of the metal:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -Q_{m}=Q_{w} \\ -(-4,743.61g)\degree C*c_{metal}=3,276.9J \\ 4,743.61g\degree C*c_{metal}=3,276.9J \\ c_{metal}=\frac{3,276.9J}{4,743.61g\degree C} \\ c_{metal}=0.69\frac{J}{g\degree C} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the specific heat of the metal is 0.69 J/g°C.

Select the structure that correspondsto the name:pentanoic acidA. CH3CH₂CH₂CH₂COOHB.C. bothCOOH



C. both


Structures in option A and option B both corresponds to the name: pentanoic acid.

The correct answer is C. both

Arrange in order of increasing ionization energy. (Use the appropriate <, =, or > symbol to separate substances in the list.)



The 3 elements are As, Ga, and Se.

Please, look at the next picture:

According to the 2 pictures above, the right arrangement will be:

Ga < As < Se

Ga has the lowest ionization energy and Se has the highest ionization energy.

Answer: Ga < As < Se

Finish the following equations and list whether they will occur need one product to be insoluble. CuSO4 + Na2CO3 -->



The reaction will occur.



The given chemical reaction is a double displacement reaction. In this reaction, the compoiunds will react to produce two different compounds.

The balanced form of the reaction is expressed as:

[tex]CuSO_4+Na_2CO_3\rightarrow Na_2SO_4+CuCO_3[/tex]

You can see that the reaction of cupper(II)sulphate and sodium carbonate produces sodium sulphate and copper(II)carbonate

Since most carbonate compounds are insoluble, hence the reaction will occur

The Haber Process is performed: __N₂ + __H₂__NH,If I start with 35.0 grams of N₂ and 45.0 grams of H₂, how many grams of NH, are produced? HowMuch excess is left over?


We must first balance the equation, we have two atoms of nitrogen and hydrogen in the reactants, so we must put the coefficient 2 on the side of the products to balance the equation. The balanced equation of the reaction will be:


Now, to find the grams of NH that will be produced, we will follow these steps:

1. We find the moles of N2 and H2 by dividing the grams by the molar mass of each element.

Molar Mass N2=28.0g/mol

Molar Mass H2=2.0g/mol

2. By stoichiometry we find out which is the limiting reactant, we see that for each mole of H2 one mole of N2 reacts, therefore, the limiting reactant will be the one with the least number of moles. The other reactant will be the excess reactant

3. We find the moles of NH using the limiting reactant.

4. We find the grams of NH by multiplying the moles by the molar mass of NH.

5. We find how much of the excess reactant is left by subtracting the initial moles minus the reacting moles.

Let's proceed with the calculations

1. Moles of N2 and H2

[tex]\begin{gathered} molH_2=givengH_2\times\frac{1molH_2}{MolarMassgH_2} \\ molH_2=45.0gH_2\times\frac{1molH_2}{2.0gH_2}=22.5molH_2 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} molN_2=givengN_2\times\frac{1molN_2}{MolarMassgN_2} \\ molN_2=35.0gN_2\times\frac{1molN_2}{28.0gN_2}=1.25molN_2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

2. Limiting reactant

We see that there are 22.5 moles of H2 and 1.25 moles of N2. The ratio N2 to H2 is 1/1, therefore, the limiting reactant will be the one with fewer moles, since it will be consumed faster. Therefore, the limiting reactant is nitrogen.

3. Moles of NH

The ratio NH to N2(Limiting reactant) is 2/1, therefore the moles of NH produced will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} molNH=givenmolN_2\times\frac{2molNH}{1molN_2} \\ molNH=1.25molN_2\times\frac{2molNH}{1molN_{2}}=2.5molNH \end{gathered}[/tex]

4. Mass of NH

[tex]\begin{gathered} MassNH=givenmolNH\times\frac{MolarMass,gNH}{1molNH} \\ MassNH=2.5molNH\times\frac{286gNH}{1molNH}=15.0gNH \end{gathered}[/tex]

5. Excess of H2

[tex]\begin{gathered} molH_2(LeftOver)=molH_2initial-molH_2react \\ molH_2(LeftOver)=22.5H_2-1.25molhH_2=21.25molH_2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The mass of H2 left over will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} MassH_2=21.25molH_2\times\frac{MolarMass,gH_2}{1mol} \\ MassH_2=21.25molH_2\times\frac{2.0gH_2}{1molH_2}=42.5gH_2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: 15.0 grams of NH will be produced and the excess will be 42.5g of H2

How many grams of FeSO4 (molar mass = 151.9 g/mol) are present in a 200.0 mL sample of a 0.250 M solution? Enter your answer with 3 significant figures and do not include the unit





The formula for calculating the molarity of a solution is expressed as;


Given the following parameters

molarity of solution = 0.250M

volume of sample = 200mL

Substitute to determine the mole of the solute

[tex]\begin{gathered} mole\text{ of }FeSO_4=molarity\times volume \\ mole\text{ of }FeSO_4=\frac{0.250mol}{L}\times0.2L \\ mole\text{ of }FeSO_4=0.05moles \end{gathered}[/tex]

Determine the required mass of FesO4

[tex]\begin{gathered} Mass\text{ of FeSO}_4=mole\times molar\text{ mass} \\ Mass\text{ of FeSO}_4=0.05\times151.9 \\ Mass\text{ of FeSO}_4=7.595grams \\ Mass\text{ of FeSO}_4=7.60grams \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence the mass of FeSO4 is 7.60grams

Which solution has the highest boiling point?A. 0.1 m CH4N₂OB. 0.06 m HCIC. 0.05 m CaCl2D. 0.04 m (NH4)3PO4E. 0.07 m NaCl



D. 0.04 m (NH4)3PO4


Boiling point elevation depends on the solvent, of course, but we're assuming water, and upon the concentration of the solute and how many particles into which the solute breaks. Colligative properties like boiling point elevation, depend on the total number of particles in solution. The solvent used here is water. So elevation in boiling point will be above a boiling point of water for all solutions.

ΔT= i x Kb x m,

Where i = van Hoff's factor, Kb = boiling point elevation constant of water = 0.512, m = molality

Higher ΔT will have a higher boiling point.

For 0.1 m CH4N₂O,

i = 1

ΔT = 1 x 0.512 x 0.1 = 0.0512

For 0.06 m HCI;

i = 2

ΔT = 2 x 0.512 x 0.06 = 0.06144

For 0.05 m CaCl2

i = 3

ΔT = 3 x 0.512 x 0.05 = 0.0768

For 0.04 m (NH4)3PO4;

i = 4

ΔT = 4 x 0.512 x 0.04 = 0.08192

For 0.07 m NaCl

i = 2

ΔT = 2 x 0.512 x 0.07 = 0.07168

0.04 m (NH4)3PO4 has the highest ΔT.

Therefore, the solution that has the highest boiling point would be D. 0.04 m (NH4)3PO4.

4. __H2SO4 + __Cr(OH)3 --> __Cr2(SO4)3 + __H2OYou have 4 moles of H2SO4. How many moles of H2O are produced?


The number of moles of H2O produced when 4 moles of H2SO4 are there is 8 moles of H2O

The reaction is  __H2SO4 + __Cr(OH)3 --> __Cr2(SO4)3 + __H2O. The reaction is as follows;

2Cr(OH)3 + 3H2SO4 → Cr2(SO4)3 + 6H2O

3 moles of H2SO4 produces 6 moles of H2O

1 mole of H2SO4 produces 2 moles of H2O

4 moles of H2SO4 produces 8 moles of H2O

The unitary method is the method used to find the value of a single unit using the value.The number of moles is the given mass by molecular mass.n=m/Mn,m,M is the number of moles, given mass, molecular mass respectively

To learn more about moles visit:


estion 21 of 30hat types of bonds and atoms are in the molecule shown below?HH1H-C-C=C-C-H||||HHHHOA. Single bonds, double bonds, carbon atoms, and hydrogen atomSingle bonds double bonds and only carbon atoms


According to the given picture, in the molecules there are single bonds, double bonds, carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms. It means that the correct answer is A.

What is the frequency of light having a wavelength of 843 nm?Speed of light 3.00x10^8



Frequency and wavelength are inversely proportional to each other. The equation that relates them is:

f = c/λ

Where f is the frequency, λ is the wavelength and c is the speed of light.

f = ? λ = 843 nm c = 3.00 * 10^8 m/s

Before we replace these values into the formula we have to convert the wavelength from nm to m.

1 m = 1 * 10^9 nm

λ = 843 nm = 843 nm * 1 m/(1 * 10^9 nm)

λ = 8.43 *10^(-7) m

Finally we can replace the values into the equation and get the answer to our problem.

f = c/λ

f = (3.00 * 10^8 m/s)/( 8.43 *10^(-7) m)

f = 3.56 * 10^14 1/s

f = 3.56 * 10^14 Hz

Answer: the frequency of the light is 3.56 * 10^14 Hz

) What is the most notable difference between particles in the solid phase and the liquid phase?​


Answer: Particles in the solid phase are tightly compact and they vibrate, while particles in the liquid phase move freely, randomly, and with more room to move


Calculate the mass of 124.50 cm³ of titanium (density = 4.540 g/cm³).
Give your answer to four significant figures



Mass of titanium having density 4.540 g/cm³) is 565.2g

What are significant figures?

Significant figures are those digits in a number that are meaningful in terms of precision and accuracy. The larger the number of significant figures obtained in a measurement, greater is the accuracy of the measurement and vice-versa

Rules for calculating significant figures:

When adding or subtracting, round the answer to the least number of decimal places

ex: 1.457 + 83.2 = 84.657 , rounds to 84.7

When multiplying or dividing , round the answer to the least number of significant figures

ex: 4.36 * 0.00013 = 0.0005668 , round to 0.00057

here, density = mass/ volume

mass = density * volume

= 4.540 * 124.50

= 565.23

Value of density has 4 significant figures and value of volume has 5 significant figures. so we choose density, since it has least significant figures and round to 4 digits.

We get, 565.2g as the mass of titanium

Learn more about significant figures at


if you have 3.2 moles of copper how many moles of sodium iodide are required Nal+Cu=Cul2+Na


Step 1 - "reading" the chemical equation

The given chemical equation is:


The proportion in moles for any chemical equation is given by the "bigger" numbers, those that come before the formula of the substances. We can use them to "read" what the equation is telling us:

1 mole of NaI react with 1 mole of Cu thus producing 1 mole of CuI2 and 1 mole of Na

Since the exercise has specifically asked us about the proportion between sodium iodide (NaI) and copper (Cu), we can simplify the statement to:

1 mole of NaI react with 1 mole of Cu

Therefore, we always need the same quantitie, in moles, of NaI and Cu for this reaction to occur completely.

Step 2 - Discovering how many moles of sodium iodide are required

Since the proportion between NaI and Cu, as we saw, is 1:1 in moles, whenever we use, let's say, x moles of Cu, we will need x moles of sodium iodide as well.

Therefore, the amount needed of sodium iodide would be exactly 3.2 moles.

The number of electrons in the L orbital of an element with atomic number 10 is?


The electronic distribution of the element is going to tell us how the electrons are distributed all across the atom.

There are some concepts to check:

Energy levels: They are numbered from 1 to 7 and correspond to the element period.

In each energy level, there are 4 sub energy levels: s, p, d, and f.

The quantic number l refers to the angular position of the angle that forms the element. The number of electrons present on this orbital is equal to the addition of the last energy level, in this case, 2.

The electronic configuration for this element is:

[tex]1s^2\text{ 2s}^2\text{ 2p}^6[/tex]

Then, the number of electrons in the last energy level is 8.

Solutions are:Group of answer choicesPure substancesHomogeneous mixturesHeterogeneous mixturesAlways water-based



Solutions are homogenous mixtures


A solution is a mixture that contains two or more substances in the right proportions.

Solution = solute + solvent

The solution is always a homogenous mixture because the substances are mixed in the right proportion

Hence, solutions are homogenous mixtures

Other Questions
The equations in elimination method are written in the standard form as - by = cax + by + c = 0Ax + By = Cax - by - c = 0 862+35= 73155= 8+2(1+122)^2= Find the area A of the polygon with the given vertices. A(-5,-2) , B(4,-2), C(4,-7), D(-5,-7)A= What businesses did Alexander McSween and Henry Tunstall start? A ballistic pendulum consists of a 1.25-kg block of wood that is hanging from the ceiling in such a way that when a bullet enters it, the blocks change in height can be recorded as it swings. A bullet having a mass of 6.25-grams and unknown velocity strikes the block and becomes imbedded in it. The impulse imparted to the block causes it to swing in such a way that its height increases by 7.15 cm.1. What was the change in potential energy of the block/bullet combo after the collision?2. What was the speed of the block/bullet combo immediately after the collision (and before it beganto swing)?3. What was the speed of the bullet before entering the block of wood? What are the examples of fair or unfair practices? in data How could a data analyst correct the unfair practices? An unstable nucleusA-increases its half-lifeB - emits energy when it decaysC- increases its nuclear mass by fissionD- expels all of its protons Concrete costs $105 per cubic yard. Plato is making a rectangular concrete garagefloor measuring 33 feet long by 15 feet wide by 6 inches thick. How much will theconcrete cost?A. $311850 B. $9.17C. $962.50D. $247.50 (2x+4-5x)-(-8x+2+x) is a what kind of polynomial Based on the information marked in the diagram, AABC and _DEF must becongruent.A. TrueB. False What is the probability of either event occurring when you spina spinner with the numbers 1 through 4 which are all evenlyrepresented?Event A: Spinning an odd numberEvent B: Spinning a 4 Acupressure is a healing art developed in China over five thousand years ago. Acupressurists believe that emotional imbalance causes pain, and that in many cases, pain is the bodys response to unresolved issues and events. By putting intense and focused pressure on a tight muscle, practitioners are able to release underlying pressure and tension. In addition to easing pain, some say it is it effective in relieving stress and helping people gain a better understanding of their own bodies. Heres what one patient wrote after his first acupressure treatment: I had pain and a limited range of motion in my left shoulder for two years. The pain was sharp, stabbing, and on a scale of pain was ten out of ten. It was impossible to lift my left arm, and at night my arm would just ache even while I was in bed. I tried medications and was even considering surgery. I began to feel improvement in my shoulder pain and had an increase in the range of motion in my arm seconds after getting the acupressure treatment. Even now, nine days later, my shoulder still feels much better. Im so happy that I have less pain.Which of the options below is the most effective conclusion to the essay?To sum up, acupressure is a type of treatment invented in China. It applies pressure to tense muscles to relieve pain, cure tension, and make people feel more comfortable with their body. It might not work for everyone but some people say it has helped them regain motion.Western medicine cant always cure pain. Many Americans report great results for pain and stress relief from acupressure. For people struggling with these conditions, acupressure might be a surprisingly effective answer to their problems.Before trying acupressure, the patient found it hard to shower, change his clothes, eat, reach for his wallet, close the car door, or even pet the dog. Afterwards, he was able to do these everyday tasks. It seems that acupressure can be help people who havent found relief from traditional western medicine.Western doctors only want to sell you pills and keep you coming back for more. Acupressure proves you dont need drugs, you only need to listen to your body. after being struck by the bullet, the disk rotates at 4.00 rad/srad/s . what is the horizontal velocity of the bullet just before it strikes the disk? ANSWER IMMEDIATELY PLEASE Identify the number of roots each polynomial has.Number one. 3x^4-2x^2+17x-4Number two. 12x^5+x^7-8+4x^2Number 3. 15+6x select 2 prepositional phrases. valerias thoughtful first-person essay about her maternal grandparents deserves and honerable mention in the personal- narrative competition. The value of x equals the number of cubic units in a box that is 4 units high, 4 units deep, and 4 units wide. Which equation can be used to determine the value of x?Math item stem image3x=644x=64x=4x3=4 12. Jayden sold 103 tickets for the school play. Student tickets cost $9 and adult tickets cost $14. Jayden's sales totaled $1127. How many adult tickets and how many student tickets did Jayden sell? (please have a good explanation and do not guess not part of the test) How did mining contribute to western migration in the 1800s?A.Many men became rich and brought their families, leading to bustling towns of successful small business owners.B.Most mining towns offered consistent and highly paid work, leading to steady population increases over time.C.Mining towns did well with little regulation from the government, leading to the establishment of more independent towns in the West.D.A few miners found gold and other valuable metals, leading many people to establish stores and other businesses near the newly rich. Question 4 Find the Area of the Shaded Region Below 5" Write the equation of the line that passes through the points (9,-1)(9,1) and (-7,4)(7,4). Put your answer in fully simplified form, unless it is a vertical or horizontal line.