Calculate the number of moles of NaOH contained in 250. mL of a 0.05M solution?


Answer 1


0.0125 moles of NaOH are present


Molarity, M, is an unit of concentration widely used in chemistry. Is defined as the ratio between moles of solute (In this case, NaOH) and liters of solution.

250.0mL are = 0.250L of solution. As the molarity of the solution is 0.05M = 0.05moles / 1L, the moles present are:

0.250L * (0.05moles / 1L) =

0.0125 moles of NaOH are present

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.When sodium atoms (Na) and chlorine atoms (Cl) join to make sodium chloride, or table salt, they form an ionic bond. Using this information, which pair of elements is most likely to form an ionic bond?

potassium (K) and fluorine (F)
aluminum (Al) and aluminum (Al)
sulfur (S) and oxygen (O)
calcium (Ca) and neon (Ne)



potassium (K) and fluorine (F)


Potassium is an alkali metal just like sodium and fluorine is a halogen just like chlorine. A metal and nonmetal will often join to form an ionic compound.

Aluminum, if it was going to bond to itself, would be a metallic bond.

Sulfur and oxygen are both nonmetals and would form a covalent bond.

Calcium would not bond with neon as neon is a noble gas.


A) potassium (K) and fluorine (F)


got it right on time for learning :)

How many moles of MgO are produced if 0.37 moles of O2 react with excess of Mg?



yez so the answer is mg 1.0


The excess reactant is present in an amount that is greater than required. The amount of MgO that is produced in the reaction is 0.74 moles.

What is an excess reactant?

An excess reactant is that reantant thatis present in an amount that is more than required.

Now we are told that the magnessium is the reactant in excess so we have to use the amount of oxygen.

The reaction is: 2Mg + O2 ---->2MgO

1 mole of O2 produces 2 mole of MgO

0.37 moles of O2 produces 0.37 moles  * 2 moles/1 mole

= 0.74 moles

Learn more about excess reactant:

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An example of elevation is a plane flying at 36,000 feet above the ground. An example of elevation is a pope being raised to the position of saint. An example of elevation is a ballet dancer leaping three feet in the air. ... At 8,850 m (29,028 ft), the summit of Mount Everest is the highest elevation on Earth.


please mark me brainly!

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The answer the the question is 22

why is atomic radi measured using the nuclues from 2 of the same atoms



Atomic radii is measured using the distance between nucleus of 2 atoms rather than the distance between the nucleus and outermost shell because:

- There is no clear/sharp boundary of the orbital. This is why it is called an electron cloud.

- Also, the exact location of the electron is not known. What is known is the probability of finding the electron there.

Due to this, it is not possible to measure the atomic radii precisely. That's why the distance between the nucleus of two atoms is used.

Waste water from nuclear power plants is generally



waste water from nuclear power plant is

generally very harmful for our environment

and for everyone

hope it will help

What volume of a 0.100 M AgNO3 solution is required to completely react with the CaCl2 in 3.00 L of a 0.100 M CaCl2 solution? The balanced chemical equation is: 2 JUpper A g upper N upper 0 subscript 3 plus upper C a upper C l subscript 2 right arrow 2 upper A g upper C l plus upper C a (upper N upper O subscript 3) subscript 2. L AgNO3



6.00 LAgNO3


Got it right on Edge. :)







I dont know what the answer is


The answer is c because a acid when an acid is dissolved in water, the balance between hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions is shifted. Now there are more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions in the solution. This kind of solution is acidic.

A student pushes a box with a force of 20 N to the right and another student pushes the box with a force of 5 N to the left.

What is the net force and direction in which the box moved?


The net force is 15 and the box moves to the right

The net force acting on the box is 15 N which is the difference of the two acting forces and the  box shifts to the right in the direction in which greater amount of force is applied.

What is force?

Force is defined as a cause which is capable of changing the motion of an object. It can cause an object which has mass to change it's velocity. It is also simply a push or a pull . It has both magnitude as well as direction.Hence, it is a vector quantity.

It has SI units of Newton and is represented by'F'.Newton's second law states that force which acts on an object is equal to momentum which changes with time. If mass of object is constant, acceleration is directly proportional to net force acting on an object.

The concepts which related to force are thrust and torque .Thrust increases the velocity of an object and torque produces change in rotational speed of an object.

Learn more about force,here:


Think of the of the body that we need in order to do things like walk, run etc. What systems are these? How do they work together so you can do these activities?



I dont get this


Name the 3 steps involved in the treatment of polluted water? class 7​



The processes involved in removing the contaminants include physical processes such as settling and filtration, chemical processes such as disinfection and coagulation, and biological processes such as slow sand filtration

It late, I need help quick



what is late ? there is no attachment ?


For people asking for the questions


What is the density of a sample with a mass of 5250g and a volume of 4.5mL






density= 5250/4.5


i need help with this guys


I have no idea I’m answering this because I need to ask more questions

What is the pH of a solution with a (H+] = 0.80 M? *Please round your answer to the appropriate number of significant figures. Your answer can be in standard notatic "e" in place of x10.*​



The pH of a solution with a (H+] = 0.80 M is [tex]9.6 e^{-2}[/tex]


As we know

pH = -[log H+]

Substituting the value of H+ ion concentration in the above equation, we get -

pH = -log [0.80]

pH [tex]= -[-0.096] = 0.096 = 9.6 e^{-2}[/tex]

How is the Methane on Titan similar to water on Earth?


Both in the phase of a liquid & has similar qualities like both molecules.
Saturn's largest moon Titan is the only world in our solar system besides Earth known to have bodies of liquid on its surface. ... It's now known that Titan's hydrologic cycle is surprisingly similar to Earth's, with one big exception: the liquid on Titan is liquid methane/ethane instead of water, due to the extreme cold.

Which of the following statements is true?


the answer is the third one


it just is I think

what physical properties does radium have



Radium is silvery, lustrous, soft, intensely radioactive. It readily oxidizes on exposure to air, turning from almost pure white to black. Radium is luminescent, corrodes in water to form radium hydroxide. Although is the heaviest member of the alkaline-earth group it is the most volatile..

In an experiment, students were instructed to equally heat a sample of soil and a sample of water with heat lamps and then measure the temperature of each sample every minute for five minutes. The results are shown in the table.Which of the following predictions is BEST supported by the data?




D. i had this on my science test!!!




yup its D

1. Plants that perform photosynthesis convert sun (solar) energy to
food energy.





one reason is because plants need sunlight and water because it is their source of food

The mass of a single gold atom is 3.27X10^-22 grams. How many gold Adams with there be in 57.8 mg of gold.



18 * 10^19 atoms


We must first convert 57.8 mg to grams.

If 1000 mg = 1g

  57.8 mg = 57.8/1000 = 57.8 * 10^-3 g


If 1 gold atom has a mass of 3.27X10^-22 grams

x gold atoms have a mass of 57.8 * 10^-3 g

x = 57.8 * 10^-3 g/3.27X10^-22 g

x = 18 * 10^19 atoms

(Help would be greatly appreciated, chemistry is not my strong suit) How many moles of NaCl are present in a solution with a molarity of 8.59M and 125mL of a solution?
1. 1.07g
2. 62.7mol
3. 1.07mol
4. 62.7g


Molarity is a unit of concentration defined as the number of moles of solute (the substance being dissolved) per volume of solution (the solvent in which all the solute is dissolved). Mathematically, molarity is expressed as

[tex]M = \frac{\text{ mol solute}}{\text{ L solution}}[/tex].

In this question, we are given the molarity and the volume of a solution of NaCl. We can use this information to calculate the number of moles of NaCl present in the solution. Rearranging the equation to solve for moles of solute, we multiply the molarity by the volume of the solution (the units for volume must be in liters, so 125 mL is expressed as the equivalent 0.125 L):

[tex](8.59 \text{ M})(0.125 \text{ L}) = 1.07 \text{ moles of NaCl}.[/tex]

The question asks for the number of moles of NaCl in this solution, so number 3 would be correct.

3) Find the mass, in grams, of 5.08 mol Ca(NO3)2





Use the mole=mass/mr equation (rearrange this to find mass)

Mr= 164

So, 5.08 x 164 = 833.12g

The mass in grams of 5.08 mol Ca(NO3)2 is =833.12g

What is a mole?

The mole is the amount of substance of a gadget which includes as many standard entities as there are atoms in zero.012 kilogram of carbon 12;

Molecular mass of Ca(NO3)2 = 40+(14+48)*2


                                                = 164 g

1 mole of Ca(NO3)2 = 164 g

5.08 mole of = 5.08*164g


Learn more about mole here:-


What mass of iron is formed when 240 g of iron(III) oxide reacts completely with carbon monoxide?



168 g


[tex]Fe_{2}O_{3} + 3 CO >>> 2 Fe + 3CO_{2}[/tex]


First we need to figure out what is the formula mass (Mr) of Fe2O3 (Iron(III) oxide).

The atomic mass of Fe=56, O=16

Mr= 56+56+16+16+16=160 g/mol

We can now figure out the moles of the iron:

240/160 = 1.5 mol

Then we need to find the ratio to make Fe.

In the reaction, we know that 1 mole of Fe2O3 can make 2 moles of Fe. So 1.5 moles of Fe2O3 can make 3 moles of Fe.

And then we need to find the mass of the Fe.

3×56=168 g.

Hence 168g of the iron is made after the reaction.

How many lone pairs does this molecule have?



Just 1 i.e., Option B.

Because except for top of the molecule, all other sides are filled with a letter meaning there is one free space.




H .  +  H .   ----->  H:H            {":" represents a covalent bond, that is, a shared pair of electrons}

A Lewis structure is a convention used to represent the covalent bonding in a molecule.   Dots or lines are used to represent

valence electrons (electrons available for bonding).  The Lewis structure for the hydrogen molecule is as follows.

     H:H  or  H-H

A bonding pair is an electron pair shared between two atoms.

A nonbonding pair (lone pair, unshared pair) is a pair of electrons that remains on one atom and is not shared.

Increasing the amount of current flowing through a wire strengthens
what? *
O magnetic field
O polarity
O electromagnetism



Increasing the current would strengthen the


A horse weighs 240 kg. If its running at a speed of 18 m/s, what's the linear momentum of the horse


Answer: The answer is 4320


I got the answer correct

Which of the following statement is wrong?
A)Leaves can make food when there is sunlight

B)Stamen will develop into a fruit

C)Stem helps in the conduction of water

D)Plants need air, water and sunlight to grow



C) Stem helps in the conduction of water


It's the xylem and phloem present in the vascular bundles of stems that conduct water and minerals across the plant. Stems bear flowers and fruits in a position that facilitates the processes of pollination, fertilization, and dispersion of seeds. So, stem doesn't help in the conduction of water.


the person above is correct


jjecjjeccejec hello good day?

explain the laws of universal graviation?



Newton's law of universal gravitation is usually stated as that every particle attracts every other particle in the universe with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers.

1. The pressure of a gas is 100.0 kPa and its volume is 500.0 ml. If the volume increases to 1,000.0 ml, what is the new pressure of the gas?

2. If a gas at 25.0 °C occupies 3.60 liters at a pressure of 10 kPa, what will be its volume at a pressure of 25 kPa?

3. When the pressure on a gas increases three times, by how much will the volume increase or decrease?

4. Boyle's Law deals what quantities?



1) The new pressure of the gas is 500 kilopascals.

2) The final volume is 1.44 liters.

3) Volume will decrease by approximately 67 %.

4) The Boyle's Laws deals with pressures and volumes.


1) From the Equation of State for Ideal Gases we construct the following relationship:

[tex]\frac{P_{2}}{P_{1}} = \frac{V_{1}}{V_{2}}[/tex] (1)


[tex]P_{1}, P_{2}[/tex] - Initial and final pressure, measured in kPa.

[tex]V_{1}, V_{2}[/tex] - Initial and final pressure, measured in mililiters.

If we know that [tex]P_{1} = 100\,kPa[/tex], [tex]V_{1} = 500\,mL[/tex] and [tex]V_{2} = 1000\,mL[/tex], then the new pressure of the gas is:

[tex]P_{2} = P_{1}\cdot \left(\frac{V_{1}}{V_{2}} \right)[/tex]

[tex]P_{2} = 500\,kPa[/tex]

The new pressure of the gas is 500 kilopascals.

2) Let suppose that gas experiments an isothermal process. From the Equation of State for Ideal Gases we construct the following relationship:

[tex]\frac{P_{2}}{P_{1}} = \frac{V_{1}}{V_{2}}[/tex] (1)


[tex]P_{1}, P_{2}[/tex] - Initial and final pressure, measured in kPa.

[tex]V_{1}, V_{2}[/tex] - Initial and final pressure, measured in mililiters.

If we know that [tex]V_{1} = 3.60\,L[/tex], [tex]P_{1} = 10\,kPa[/tex] and [tex]P_{2} = 25\,kPa[/tex] then the new volume of the gas is:

[tex]V_{2} = V_{1}\cdot \left(\frac{P_{1}}{P_{2}} \right)[/tex]

[tex]V_{2} = 1.44\,L[/tex]

The final volume is 1.44 liters.

3) From the Equation of State for Ideal Gases we construct the following relationship:

[tex]\frac{P_{2}}{P_{1}} = \frac{V_{1}}{V_{2}}[/tex] (1)


[tex]P_{1}, P_{2}[/tex] - Initial and final pressure, measured in kPa.

[tex]V_{1}, V_{2}[/tex] - Initial and final pressure, measured in mililiters.

If we know that [tex]\frac{P_{2}}{P_{1}} = 3[/tex], then the volume ratio is:

[tex]\frac{V_{1}}{V_{2}} = 3[/tex]

[tex]\frac{V_{2}}{V_{1}} = \frac{1}{3}[/tex]

Volume will decrease by approximately 67 %.

4) The Boyle's Laws deals with pressures and volumes.

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