calculate the energy in joules released by the fusion of a 1.25 -kg mixture of deuterium and tritium, which produces helium. there are equal numbers of deuterium and tritium nuclei in the mixture.


Answer 1

4.2 × 10^14 J will be the energy released by the fusion of a 1.25 -kg mixture of deuterium and tritium, which produces helium.

Emitted energy in the reaction will be

E = (1876.136 + 2809.45) (3728.42 +939.565)

E =017.6 Mev

Now total atomic bar weight A = (2+3) = 5 grams

total no of atoms = 2Na

for 1-25 kg

= (2Na/5)X1250

= (2x6.023×10^23/5)*1250

= 3.0115×10^26

In Joules released energy in fusion a 1.25kg mixture of denterium and trilium will be

Q = 2.65 × 10^33 × 1-6 × 10^-19 J

   = 4.2 × 10^14 J

the energy released by the fusion deuterium and tritium is 4.2 × 10^14 J.

the complete question is:

The atomic masses of deuterium and tritium are 2.014102 u and 3.016049 u respectively. Calculate the energy in joules released by the fusion of a 1.25 -kg mixture of deuterium and tritium, which produces helium. There are equal numbers of deuterium and tritium nuclei in the mixture

learn more about denterium here


Related Questions

1. in a few sentences define each of the three main classes of isomers below. configurational isomers can be further classified as either enantiomers or diastereomers and should also be discussed. your descriptions should enable your peers to quickly and easily compare and contrast the differences between the different classes of isomers. a. constitutional isomers (or structural isomers) b. conformational isomers c. configurational isomers(or stereoisomers) i. enantiomers ii. diastereomers


Configurational isomers are stereoisomers that can't be transformed into each other via rotating the molecule around a single bond. those configurational isomers may be found in kinds such as geometrical isomers and optical isomers.

Enantiomers are pairs of compounds with precisely equal connectivity however contrary to three-dimensional shapes. Enantiomers aren't the same as every different; one enantiomer can not be superimposed on the alternative. Enantiomers reflect images of every different.

Diastereomers are a kind of stereoisomer. Diastereomers are described as non-mirror pictures, non-same stereoisomers. hence, they arise whilst two or greater stereoisomers of a compound have specific configurations at one or greater of the equal stereocenters and aren't replicate pics of every different

Learn more about configurational isomers here:-


Mass has to do with how many particles
of matter are in something. Something
with more particles of matter will have...


The law of definite proportions agrees with Dalton atomic theory.

What is Dalton atomic theory?

It state that all matters is made of very tiny particles called atom. atoms are individual particles which can not be created or be destroyed in a chemical reactions. Atoms of given elements are identical in mass and chemical properties. Atoms of

different elements have different masses and chemical properties.

The law of definite proportions also known as proust's law ,state that a chemical compound contain the same proportion of elements by mass.this law is one of the stoichiometry .

Thus ,

This is the reason why it is agrees with dalton atomic theory.

To know more about Dalton atomic theory click-


Ammonia produced from the Haber process is responsible for feeding over a quarter of
the world’s population. Using this reaction equation, answer the question below.

N₂ + 3H₂ ⇒ 2NH₃

1. If you had 3 moles of N2 and an excess of H2, how many moles of NH3 would be produced?

2. How many moles of N2 are needed to react completely with 12 moles of H2?

3. If you had 30 molecules of H2 and an excess of N2, how many molecules of NH3 would be produced?


1. 2 moles of nitrogen reacting with an excess of hydrogen will produce moles of ammonia6 moles  [tex]NH_3[/tex].

2. The number of moles of nitrogen needed to completely react with 12 moles of hydrogen is 4 moles.

3. 30 molecules of hydrogen reacting with an excess of nitrogen will produce 20 molecules of ammonia.

Stoichiometric problem

The balanced equation of the reaction between hydrogen and nitrogen to produce ammonia is as follows:

[tex]N_2 + 3H_2 -- > 2NH_3[/tex]

This means that the mole ratio of [tex]N_2[/tex] to [tex]H_2[/tex] to [tex]NH_3[/tex] is 1:3:2.

If there are 3 moles of [tex]N_2[/tex] an excess of [tex]H_2[/tex]. The mole ratio of [tex]N_2[/tex] to [tex]NH_3[/tex] is 1:2. This means that for every 1 mole  [tex]N_2[/tex] that reacts, 2 moles of  [tex]NH_3[/tex] are produced.

       1 mol  [tex]N_2[/tex] = 2 mol  [tex]NH_3[/tex]

       3 mol  [tex]N_2[/tex] = 3 x 2

                        = 6 moles  [tex]NH_3[/tex]

The mole ratio of [tex]N_2[/tex] and [tex]H_2[/tex] is 1:3.

        3 mol [tex]H_2[/tex] = 1 mol [tex]N_2[/tex]

        12 mol [tex]H_2[/tex] = 12 x 1/3

                          = 4 moles [tex]N_2[/tex]

The mole ratio of [tex]H_2[/tex] and  [tex]NH_3[/tex] is 3:2.

         3 mol [tex]H_2[/tex] = 2 mol  [tex]NH_3[/tex]

        30 mol  [tex]H_2[/tex] = 30 x 2/3

                           = 20 moles [tex]NH_3[/tex]

In other words, the problem is solved from the balanced equation of the reaction.

More from stoichiometric problems can be found here:


the following initial rate data are for the reaction of hypochlorite ion with iodide ion in 1 m aqueous hydroxide solution: experiment , m , m initial rate, 1 0.00381 0.00794 2 0.00381 0.0159 3 0.00762 0.00794 4 0.00762 0.0159 complete the rate law for this reaction in the box below. use the form , where '1' is understood for or and concentrations taken to the zero power do not appear.Don't enter 1 for m or n Rate = From these data, the rate constant is M-1s-1. Submit Answer.


The rate law in general form for this reaction is:

rate = k[A]^m x [B]^n

and we want to determine m and n.

Notice the experiments conducted involved verifying the concentration of one of the reactants while keeping the other constant. By comparing two experiments in this way and noticing the effect on the reaction rate, one can deduce the order with respect to that reactant.

Take experiments 1 and 2 :

Doubling the concentration of OH⁻ while keeping (CH₃)₃CBr constant had  no effect on the initial rate.

This implies the order with respect to [OH⁻] is zero.

From experiments 1 and 3 we  see that doubling the [ (CH₃)₃CBr ] while keeping [OH-] the same doubles the initial rate.

We now have the orders of the two reactants, and the rate law will be:

rate = k [ (CH₃)₃CBr ] [ OH⁻]⁰  = k [ (CH₃)₃CBr ]

We could use another comparison to check our answer. For example comparing 3 and 4,  maintaining  [ (CH₃)₃CBr ]  constant and doubling  [ OH⁻] has no effect on the rate which confirms the order respect to  [ OH⁻]  is zero.

The rate constant we can determine it from any of the experiment by solving for k, for example from experiment 1:

7.14 x 10⁻³ M/s  = k x 0.626 M   ⇒ k = 0.011 s⁻¹

Therefore, the rate constant of the following reaction is 0.011 s⁻¹.

To know more about rate constant, refer:


Molecules of gas in the air absorb
light of shorter wavelengths in the
range of 450-495nm is an example


Molecules of gas in the air absorb light of shorter wavelengths in the range of 450-495nm is an example of quantitative data.

Quantitative data is defined as the data that can be counts in number or can be measured in numbers. There are two main types of quantitative data : discreate data and the continuous data. examples are age , date, distance , weight etc. so, the countable and measurable quantities in  numbers is quantitative data. Wavelength here is measured in numbers . so, wavelength is the quantitative data.

Thus, Molecules of gas in the air absorb light of shorter wavelengths in the range of 450-495nm is an example of quantitative data.

To learn more about Quantitative data here


The electron configuration of an element is 1s22s22p6. Will a bond form if an atom of this element moves towards an atom having seven valence electrons? Why or why not?



No it mostly likely would not because the first element(Neon) is already stable as it's outermost shell is completely filled


I'm not 100% sure about this because I know that some weird bonds do form in real life especially with the dative covalent

A student bends a paperclip rapidly back and forth. When he touches the point where he was bending the paperclip, he finds that its temperature has increased. why did it increase?


A student bends a paperclip rapidly back and forth when he touches the point where he was bending the paperclip, he finds that its temperature has increased because temprature goes up at the point of the bending

Temprature is the degree of hotness and coldness and here when student  bends a paperclip rapidly back and forth he touches the point where he was bending the paperclip then the temprature is increases because of temprature goes up at the point of the bending and molecule of clip start moving slower

Know more about temperature


The dog has a mass of 57kg and the boy has a mass of 48 kg. Who has more kinetic energy?



The Dog


The more mass something has the more kinetic energy it has in it.

a rocket fuel, hydrazine, is produced by a reaction of cl2 with excess naoh and nh3. a.) how many grams of hydrazine can be produced from 1.00 kg of cl2?


A rocket fuel, hydrazine, is produced by a reaction of cl2 with excess naoh and nh3. a.) 473 g of hydrazine can be produced from 1.00 kg of cl2

N2H 4 is created when 1 mole of ClNH 2 reacts.

ClNH 2 has a molar mass of 35.5+14+2=51.5 g/mol.

N2H 4 has a molar mass of 2(14)+4=32 g/mol.

As a result, 32 g of N2H 4 is created from 51.5 g of ClNH 2.

As a result, when 1000 g of ClNH2 reacts, 321000/51.5 = 621.36 g of N2H 4 is produced.

Only 473 g of N2H4 are produced, though.

As a result, the reaction's percentage yield is 473 100/ 621.36=76.12%.

For more information on percentage yield kindly visit to


A gas has a temperature of 34.9 degrees C and a volume of 70.0 L. If the temperature increases to 86.8 degreesC , what is its final volume ?



Its final volume is 81.8 L



Initial temperature, T₁ = 34.9°C = (34.9 + 273.15 K) = 308.05 K

Initial volume, V₁ = 70.0 L

Final temperature, T₂ = 86.8°C = ( 86.8 + 273.15 K) = 359.95 K

What to find:

The final volume at 86.8°C.

Step-by-step solution:

The final volume, V₂ can be calculated using Charle's law formula below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{V_1}{T_1}=\frac{V_2}{T_2} \\ \\ \Rightarrow V_2=\frac{V_1T_2}{T_1} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Putting the values of the given parameters into the formula, we have

[tex]V_2=\frac{70.0L\times359.95K}{308.05K}=81.8\text{ }L[/tex]

Hence, if the temperature of the gas increases to 86.8 degrees C, its final volume is 81.8 L


81.8 L


Ideal gas law:

PV = nR T

V =   nR/P  * T       since nr and P are constant , this becomes

V = k T          where k is a proportionality constant ====> then:  V/T = k


V1/T1 = V2/T2      ( NOTE : T must be in K)

V2 = T2 ( V1/T1) =  ( 86.8 + 273.15) ( 70.0) /(34.9 + 273.15) = 81.8 L

a student performs an experiment where gas is collected over water in an upside down graduated cylinder. if the atmospheric pressure is 733 mmhg and the level of water in the graduated cylinder is 14.4 cm higher than the level of the water exposed to the atmosphere, what is the total pressure of gases inside the graduated cylinder?


total pressure of gases inside the graduated cylinder will be equals to the sum of atmospheric pressure and Pressure change inside the glass.

Atmospheric pressure = 733 mm of Hg

Pressure change inside the glass = dgh

where d is the density of gas i.e. 1000 kg per meter cube

g is acceleration due to gravity i.e. 9.8 meter per second square

h is the  level of water in the graduated cylinder i.e. 14.4 cm = 0.144m

Pressure change inside the glass = dgh

Pressure change inside the glass = (1000)(9.8)(0.144)

Pressure change inside the glass = 1411.2 Pa

Pressure change inside the glass = 10.584 mm of Hg

Total pressure = 733 + 10.584 = 743.584 mm of Hg

To know more about Pressure:


True or False: A neutrally charged atom has an equal number of protons and electrons.








A neutral atom must have an equal amount of protons as electrons.  

Investigate the effect of the concentration of the disodium thiosulfate solution on the rate of the process
Na2S2O3 + H2SO4 = Na2SO4 + SO2 + H2O + S.
Prepare a control sample by adding 1 cm^3 of sulfuric acid solution to 3 cm^3 of Na2S2O3 solution. Pay attention to the upcoming changes.
Pour 1 cm^3, 2 cm^3 and 3 cm^3 of Na2S2O3 solution into three test tubes respectively. Using a pipette (or syringe), add 2 cm^3 of water to the first tube, and 1 cm^3 of water to the second. Thus you get three solutions of equal volume and different concentration.
To each of the tubes successively add 1 cm^3 of sulfuric acid solution and note the time for the solution to darken from the sulfur released during the reaction. Record the results of each experiment in the table.
Graphically represent the relationship between the reaction time and the concentration of Na2S2O3 (∆t = f1(c)).
Represent the graphical dependence 1/∆t = f2(c).
Based on the graphs, draw a conclusion about the effect of concentration on the rate of the reaction.​


Answer: yes but im not 100 percent sure


Copper was one of the earliest metals used by humans, because it can be prepared from a wide variety of copper minerals, such as cuprite (cu2o), chalcocite (cu2s), and malachite [cu2co3(oh)2]. Balance the following reactions for converting these minerals into copper metal. Place a coefficient in each gray box.


2 Cu₂O(s) + C(s) → 4Cu(s) + CO₂(g)2Cu₂O(s) + Cu₂S(s) → 6Cu(s) + SO₂(g) Cu₂CO₃(OH)₂(s) → 2 CuO(s) + CO₂(g) + H₂O(g)

Will be the balanced chemical reaction.

A chemical reaction is a procedure that causes one group of chemical components to change chemically into another.  Chemical reactions, which can frequently be described by a chemical equation, traditionally include changes that only involve the positions of electrons in the formation and dissolution of chemical bonds between atoms, with no change to the nuclei (no change to the elements present). The study of chemical reactions involving unstable and radioactive elements, where both electronic and nuclear changes may take place, is known as nuclear chemistry.

To know more about chemical reaction, click here,


explain how the direction of electron flow in a voltaic cell is consistent with what you would predict from the activity series


In voltaic cells, electrons flow from the negative electrode (anode) to the positive electrode (cathode).

Electrons are moved from one species to another in redox reactions. When a reaction occurs spontaneously, energy is released that can be put to good use. The process must be divided into the oxidation reaction and the reduction reaction in order to capture this energy. A wire is used to move the electrons from one side of the reactions to the other after they have been placed into two separate containers. A voltaic/galvanic cell is produced as a result.

To know more about voltaic/galvanic cell, visit;


27.A full bag of trash is placed in a trash compactor. After compacting, which of the following properties of the bag of trash have changed?1. Mass2. Volume3. DensitySelect one:a. 1 onlyb. 1 and 2 onlyc. 2 and 3 onlyd. 2 only



option D


When a full bag of trash is placed in a compactor, the compactor will compress the bag so as to allow more trash to fill in. This is done by increasing the capacity of the trash.

Therefore, the volume of the trash bag will changed

Hence, the correct answer is option D

I’m not a picky eater; plants or animals are just fine for me! What am I?

The answer that I need starts with an H? Im confused


The answer is Homo sapiens. Homo sapiens is a genus of animals that are omnivorous. To be omnivorous means to be able to eat a plant-based AND animal-based diet. Ther are other kinds of omnivores, however, since the key term must start with H, this makes the above the right answer.

What other kinds of animals are omnivorous?

Bears, birds, dogs, raccoons, foxes, some insects, and even humans are examples of omnivores. Predators are creatures that hunt other animals, whereas prey are animals that are hunted.

As adults, frogs and toads are carnivores, devouring insects and occasionally small animals. They are herbivores as tadpoles, consuming algae and decomposing materials.

Learn more about Homo Sapiens:

witch substance exhibits metallic bonding in the solid state




When in a solid state, the substances that exhibit metallic bonding include metals, metal alloys, and some metalloid elements. Metals always form metallic bonds when bonding to other metal atoms.

What are electrolytes and why are they important? (1 pt)

Unit 4 lesson 4-6


Minerals with an electric charge called electrolytes are found in your body. They can be found in various bodily fluids such as urine, tissues, and blood.

Why are electrolytes important?

Our body contains electrolytes, which are minerals with an electric charge. Our blood, urine, tissues, and other bodily fluids all contain them.

Electrolytes are crucial because they aid in:

Ensuring that our body is adequately hydrated.Maintain a pH balance in our body.Transfer nutrition to our cells.Clear our cells of wastes.Make sure our heart, brain, muscles, and nerves all function properly.

The many electrolytes include sodium, calcium, potassium, chloride, phosphate, and magnesium. They come from the foods we consume and the liquids we drink.

The body's electrolyte levels might get too high or too low when the body's water balance changes. The amount of water we consume and lose should be equal. If something throws off this equilibrium, we can be dehydrated or have too much water on our body (overhydration).

The water balance can be thrown off by a number of factors, including some medications, nausea, diarrhea, perspiration, and liver or kidney issues.

We can regulate the imbalance with the aid of treatment. Additionally, the cause of the imbalance must be determined and addressed.

To learn more about electrolytes from the given link


One of the most important chemical reactions is the haber process, in which n2 and h2 are converted to ammonia which is used in the production of fertilizers. Consider that you have just produced 170 g of nh3 in a 50. 0 l tank at 400. 0 c. What was the total pressure of the gases that reacted to produce this ammonia?.


The total pressure of the gases that reacted to produce ammonia is 22 Pa.

Considering the following balanced equation of the Haber process;

N₂(g) + 3 H₂(g) ----> 2 NH₃(l)

According to the balanced equation, 34.0 g of NH₃ are produced by 1 mol of N₂ as the molar mass of NH₃ is 17g/mol

Now calculating for 170 g of NH₃ as follows;

170g NH₃  × ( 1 mol N₂ / 34 g of NH₃) = 5 mol N₂

Similarly; According to the balanced equation, 34.0 g of NH₃ are produced by 3 moles of H₂, therefore calculating for 170 g of NH₃ as follows;

170g NH₃  × ( 3 mol H₂ / 34 g of NH₃) = 15 mol H₂

The total gaseous moles before the reaction were;

5.00 mol + 15.0 mol = 20.0 mol.

Now we can determine the total pressure (P) by using the ideal gas equation.

P.V = n.R.T


V is the volume (50.0 L)

n is the number of moles (20.0 mol)

R is the ideal gas constant (0.08206atm.L/mol.K)

T is the absolute temperature (400.0 + 273.15 = 673.2K)

P = n.R.T / V

P = (20.0 mol × 0.08206atm.L/mol.K × 673.2K) / 50 L

P = 22 atm

To learn more about total pressure; click here:


What measuring tool would you use to measure the area of a
football field? Taking into account the tool you just chose, to what
decimal place would you record your answer? (make up some
numbers that represent the dimensions of the field and use them to
explain your answer)


Measuring tool would you use to measure the area of a football field is used a tender wheel

If you need to measure much longer lengths for example the length of a football pitch then you could use a trundle wheel then you use it by pushing the wheel along the ground and it clicks every time it measures one meter and to measure the football field area then

Area = length×breadth

Area = 90m×45m

Area = 4.05m²

Know more about area


what is the number of sigma and pi bonds in C2H4O2??


There are 7 sigma  bonds and 1 pi bond in  C2H4O2.

What are sigma  bonds?

Sigma bonds are known as the strongest type of covalent chemical bond which are formed by head-on overlapping between atomic orbitals. Sigma bond is most simply defined for diatomic molecules using the language and tools of symmetry groups.

There are some parameters in determining sigma bonds and they include the following:

Number of bonds Number of bonds in double bondShape of the moleculenumber of bonds in triple bonded atom

Learn more about sigma bonds at:


Question 4
Calculate the average atomic mass of the fictional element "X" by using the
information in the table below:
Abundance (%)
Atomic Mass


The average atomic number will be 1616.29.

The Average Atomic Mass =  (Mass of Isotope 1 x Fractional Abundance of Isotope 1) + (Mass of Isotope 2 x Fractional Abundance of Isotope 2)+ (Mass of Isotope 3x Fractional Abundance of Isotope 3)





Abundance (%)




Atomic Mass




Average Atomic mass= (15.9949x99.76)+(16.9991x0.04)+(17.9992x0.20)


Therefore, average atomic mass of the fictional element "X" is 1616.29

To know more about Atomic mass do visit


pls answer question will mark brainliset tyty question is in the picvture





exotic species, took this last week.

If the contact area between two objects is
getting warm, what might you conclude?


Answer: The end result is thermal equilibrium.

Explanation: When two objects are touching for a specific period of time heat [thermal energy] always moves from a warmer substance to a cooler substance. In your case we have two objects of unknown temperature. The temperature between those objects is transferred/ conducted. Eventually, the heat conduction between two objects of unknown temperature results in the achievement of thermal equilibrium.

Answer: Thermal equilibrium

Explanation :Heat will transfer thermal energy from the object at higher temperature to the one at lower temperature until they both reach the same temperature. The objects are then in thermal equilibrium, and no further temperature changes will occur if they are isolated from other systems. The systems interact and change because their temperatures are different, and the changes stop once their temperatures are the same. Thermal equilibrium is established when two bodies are in thermal contact with each other—meaning heat transfer (i.e., the transfer of energy by heat) can occur between them. If two systems cannot freely exchange energy, they will not reach thermal equilibrium. (It is fortunate that empty space stands between Earth and the sun, because a state of thermal equilibrium with the sun would be too toasty for life on this planet!)

please help when ever it lets me give brainliest i will give it



it's sample c yh it is true

. what, if anything, would be different about the product of the reaction if you started with z-stilbene instead of e-stilbene?


Answer: Yes the product will be different. If we use z - stilebene we would obtain trans dibromide.


Just as you had started with a molecule with two phenyl substituents on the same side, the product has the configuration on each stereocenter the same as the other (R,R; S,S).

If you rotate the central

C-C bond by about 120∘ you can compare these more closely.

Had you started with (E)-stilbene instead of (Z)-stilbene, you would have gotten meso (1S, 2R) and meso (1R, 2S) isomers instead.

Ozone in the upper atmosphere (the ozone layer) absorbs light at around 220 nm. what is the frequency???



1.36x10^15 Hertz


The wavelength, λ, and frequency, ν, of light are described by the equation:

c = λν

where c is the speed of light (c = 3.0x10^8 m/s)

We are given the wavelength, λ, as 220nm

We'll need this in meters, not nanometers, nm.  

1nm = 10^-9m

(220nm)*(10^-9m/nm) = 2.20x10^-7m

v = c/λ

v = (3.0x10^8 m/s)/(2.20x10^-7m) = 1.36x10^15/s or Hertz  (1360 terahertz)

Where do convection currents happen?(1 point)

D.inner core

Which statement is correct about the movement of plates that sit on top of the mantle? (1 point)

A.They regularly move because of the convection currents of magma.

B.They never move because they are connected to Earth’s crust.

C.They never move because they are connected to mountains.

D.They regularly move because of the convection currents of oceans.

Which statement is correct about the flow of thermal energy inside Earth?(1 point)

A.Energy flow inside the mantle causes magma to sink deeper.

B.Energy flow inside the crust causes magma to rise.

C.Energy flow inside the crust causes magma to sink deeper.

D.Energy flow inside the mantle causes magma to rise.

Which is a result of boundary plates colliding or sliding past each other? (1 point)

A.valleys form

B.earthquakes occur

C.mountains form

D.volcanoes erupt


The convection currents happen in the mantle, option C.

The statement is correct about the movement of plates that sit on top of the mantle is option D.They regularly move because of the convection currents of oceans.

The statement that is correct about the flow of thermal energy inside Earth is optionB. Energy flow inside the crust causes magma to rise.

The result of boundary plates colliding or sliding past each other is option B. earthquakes occur

How can be the Convection currents described?

Convection currents can be identified in the Earth's mantle wherby the materials that are been heated which is the mantle material will be rising from deep inside the mantle, then the cooler mantle material will definitely sinks which will bring about the convection current.

It should be noted that the Transform boundaries which is as a result of the sliding of the plates   could results in shallow earthquakes.

Learn more about convection currents here:


Answer: Where do convection currents happen?

Responses= mantle

Which statement is correct about the movement of plates that sit on top of the mantle= They regularly move because of the convection currents of magma.

Which statement is correct about the flow of thermal energy inside Earth= Energy flow inside the mantle causes magma to rise.

Which is a result of boundary plates colliding or sliding past each other= earthquakes occur

Explanation: I took the test

1. You have 4 moles of NaCl. How many particles are present?


To calculate the molecules present in the given moles we will apply for Avogadro's number. Avogadro's number tells us that in one mole of any substance there are 6.022x10^23 molecules.

Therefore if we have 4 moles of NaCl we will have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} moleculesNaCl=GivenmolNaCl\times\frac{6.022\cdot10^{23}moleculesNaCl}{1molNaCl} \\ moleculesNaCl=4molNaCl\times\frac{6.022\cdot10^{23}moleculesNaCl}{1molNaCl} \\ moleculesNaCl=2\times10^{24}moleculesNaCl \end{gathered}[/tex]

In 4 moles of NaCl there are 2 x10^24 molecules

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