A company that owed $2,000 paid early and got a $40 discount. What fraction of the amount owed was the discount? (Express As Fraction)


Answer 1

In order to find the fraction of the amount that the discount represents, we just need to divide the discount amount by the total value:


Now, to simplify this fraction, we can divide the numerator and denominator by 40:


So the discount is 1/50 of the value paid.

Related Questions

1. A fruit punch recipe contains 8 ounces of pineapple juice and makes enough punch for 20 servings. If150 servings need to be prepared for a party, how many ounces of pineapple juice are needed?Let x =Proportion:Solution:2. Zach can read 7 pages of a book in 5 minutes. At this rate, how long will it take him to read the entire175 page book?Let x =Proportion:Solution:


Let x be the number of ounces.

A fruit punch recipe contains 8 ounces of pineapple juice and makes enough punch for 20 servings: Proportion:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{\text{xoz}}{150servings}=\frac{8oz}{20\text{servings}} \\ \\ \frac{x}{150}=\frac{8}{20} \\ \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]



3 7/9 + 4 10/12 I need help


Given the fraction 3 7/9 + 4 10/12

Add the numbers first

3 + 4 = 7

Then the fractions

7/9 + 10/12

The lowest common multiple of 12 and 9 ( the denominators) is 36

Divide the denominators by 36 and multiply the result with the numerators

(7*4 + 10 * 3)/36

= (28 + 30)/36

= 58/36

= 29/18

= 1 11/18

Add this to the sum of the wholes munbers done earlier

= 7 + 1 11/18

=8 11/18

The value of the surface area (in square centimeters) of the cone is equal to the value of the volume (in cubic centimeters) of the cone. The formula for the surface area S of the cone S=piR2+piRL where R id the radius and the base and L is slant higher find the hight of the cone



to find the height of the cone, we can simply use pythagorean theorem here since we know two sides of the triangle formed

using pythagorean theorem,

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^2=y^2+z^2 \\ 15^2=y^2+6^2 \\ 225=y^2+36 \\ \text{collect like terms } \\ y^2=225-36 \\ y^2=189 \\ \text{take square roots of both sides} \\ y=\sqrt[]{189} \\ y=13.747\approx13.75 \end{gathered}[/tex]

from the calculations above, the height of the cone is 13.75cm

You roll a six-sided die. What is the probability that it is an odd number or greater than three? Round your answer to the nearest thousandth. The probability is about


the total possible outcome of a die is 6

n(T) = 6

the sample space {1,2,3,4,5,6}

the odd numbers are {1,3,5}

thus n(O) = 3

numbers greater than 3 are {4,5,6}

thus n(>3) = 3

the probability of getting an odd number or a number greater than 3

is Pr(O) U Pr(>3)

[tex]\begin{gathered} Pr\text{ (O) = }\frac{n(O)}{n(T)}=\frac{3}{6}=\frac{1}{2} \\ Pr(>3)\text{ = }\frac{n(>3)}{n(T)}=\text{ }\frac{3}{6}=\frac{1}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

[tex]\begin{gathered} Pr\text{ (O U >3) = Pr(O) + Pr(>3)} \\ \text{ = }\frac{1}{2}\text{ + }\frac{1}{2}\text{ = 1} \end{gathered}[/tex]

the probabilty of that it is an odd number or a number greater than 3 is 1.000 (nearest thousandth)

A car was valued at $27,000 in the year 1992. The value depreciated to $15,000 by the year 2000,A) What was the annual rate of change between 1992 and 2000?Round the rate of decrease to 4 decimal places.B) What is the correct answer to part A written in percentage form?%T-C) Assume that the car value continues to drop by the same percentage. What will the value be in the year2004value - $Round to the nearest 50 dollars,


If a car is valued at $27,000 in the year 1992

The value of the car depreciated to $15,000 by year 2000

The formula for the annual rate change is given below as,



[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\text{ \$15,000} \\ P=\text{ \$27,000} \\ t=8\text{years (between 1992 and 2000)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

a) Substitute the values into the formula above,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 15000=27000(1-r)^8 \\ \frac{15000}{27000}=(1-r)^8 \\ \frac{5}{9}=(1-r)^8 \\ \sqrt[8]{\frac{5}{9}}^{}=1-r \\ r=1-0.9292 \\ r=0.0708 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the annual rate of change, r, is 0.0708 (4 decimal places)

b) The percentage form of the annual rate of change is,

[tex]=0.0708\times100\text{\% = 7.08\%}[/tex]

Hence, the percentage form of the annual rate of change is 7.08%

c) If the car value continues to drop from 1992 to 2004, t = 12 years

The value of the car in the year 2004 will be,

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=P(1-r)^t \\ \text{Where P = \$27000} \\ t=12years \\ r=0.0708 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substituting the values into the formula above,

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=27000(1-0.0708)^{12} \\ A=27000(0.9292)^{12} \\ A=27000(0.4143)=\text{\$11186.1} \\ A=\text{\$111}90\text{ (nearest \$50)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the value in the year 2004 is $11190 (nearest $50)

what is the volume in cubic in of a cylinder with the height of 17 in and a base radius of 18in to the nearest tenth place


The volume V of a cylinder with radius r is the area of the base B (circle) times the height h . That is:

[tex]V=r^2\pi h[/tex]

In our case, we have that r = 8 in and h= 17 in. Then, we have that the volume of the cylinder would be

[tex]V=r^2\pi h=(8)^2\pi(17)\text{ = }1088\pi\text{ }\approx3418,05[/tex]

Then, we can conclude that the volume of the cylinder would be

3418,05 in^3

a hot air balloon ascended to a height of 35 meters 2 minutes after launch after some time the ballons altitude began to change by -3¼ meters every 9 minutes to avoid a tree the hot air ballon flew up by 5½ meters what is the new altitude of the hot air balloon


Our objective for this case is find the final altitude for this problem

The first distance is x1=35 m after 2 min =120 sec

The second distance is :

[tex]x_2=-\frac{13}{4}\frac{m}{mi}\cdot9\min =-\frac{117}{4}m[/tex]

Then flight up:


Then the final altitude would be:


And replacing we got:


And after we operate we got:


The circle below has center P.The point (x, y) is on the circle as shown.12-(a) Find the following.1110-unitsRadius: 0Center: 0987Value of a:(Choose one)(x,y)351Value of b:(Choose one)4a32(b) Use the Pythagorean Theorem to write an equationrelating the side lengths of the right triangle. Writeyour answer in terms of x and y (with no otherletters)+



Center of the circle = P

Let's determine the following:

a) Radius.

Here, the radius of the circle is the hypotenuse of the triangle.

Therefore, the radius of the circle is 3 units

b) Center:

To find the point at the center of the circle, let's locate the point P on the graph.

On the graph, the point P is at (x, y) ==> (9, 4)

Therefore, the center (h, k) is (9, 4)

c) Value of a:

To find the value of a, let's first find the value of b.

Value of b = 6 - 4 = 2

Apply Pythagorean Theorem to find the value of a:



c is the hypotenuse = 3

b = 2

Thus, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3^2=a^2+2^2 \\ \\ 9=a^2+4 \\ \\ \text{Subtract 4 from both sides:} \\ 9-4=a^2+4-4 \\ \\ 5=a^2 \\ \\ \text{Take the square root of both sides:} \\ \sqrt[]{5}=\sqrt[]{a^2} \\ \\ 2.2=a \\ \\ a=2.2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the value of a is 2.2 units

d) Value of b.

The value of b is 2 units


• Radius: , 3 units


• Center: , (9, 4)


• Value of a = , 2.2 units


• Value of b = , 2 units

Joe jogged at 8mph. At this speed, how far can he get in 35 minutes?


We are required to find distance while we are given the speed and the time.

Distance is given as:

[tex]d=s\times t[/tex]


d = distance

s = speed = 8 miles per hour

t = time = 35 minutes


Distance covered in 35 minutes is 4.67 miles

The answer is 4.68 miles since 8 miles per hour so u divide that to find out 35 minutes which is 4.68

Pls pls mark me as brainiest


Find a49 of the sequence 70,63, 56, 49, .


The 49th term of the Arithmetic Progression is -266.

The given sequence is 70,63, 56, 49,..

The given sequence is in Arithmetic Progression,


a = first term = 70,

d = common difference = 63 - 70 = -7

The general term of Arithmetic Progression is given by

[tex]a_{n} = a +(n-1)d[/tex]

Now, for n =49, the term of A.P. will be

[tex]a_{49}[/tex] = 70 + (49 -1)*(-7)

     = 70 + 48*(-7)

     = 70 - 336

     = - 266

Hence, The 49th term of the Arithmetic Progression is -266.

To read more about Arithmetic Progression, visit


Solve the right triangle with a= 1.42 and b=17.1 . Round off the results according to the table below



[tex]\begin{gathered} c=17.159 \\ A=4.747\text{\operatorname{\degree}} \\ B=85.253\operatorname{\degree} \end{gathered}[/tex]



Step 1

c) to find the measure of the hypotenuse we can use the Pythagorean theorem, it states that the sum of the squares on the legs of a right triangle is equal to the square on the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle)


Step 1

a) Let

[tex]\begin{gathered} a=1.42 \\ b=17.1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

b) now, replace and solve for c

[tex]\begin{gathered} a^2+b^2=c^2 \\ 1.42^2+17.1^2=c^2 \\ 294.4264=c^2 \\ c=\sqrt{294.4264} \\ c=17.15885 \\ rounded \\ c=17.159 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 2

angle A

to solve for angle A we can use tan function, so

[tex]tan\theta=\frac{opposite\text{ side}}{adjacent\text{ side}}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} tan\text{ A=}\frac{a}{b} \\ tanA=\frac{1.42}{17.1} \\ A=\tan^{-1}(\frac{1.42}{17.1}) \\ A=4.747\text{ \degree} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 3

for angle B we can use tan function


[tex]\begin{gathered} opposit\text{ side=b} \\ adjacent\text{ side=a} \end{gathered}[/tex]

replace and solve for angle B

[tex]\begin{gathered} tan\text{ B=}\frac{b}{a} \\ tanB=\frac{17.1}{1.42} \\ B=\tan^{-1}(\frac{17.1}{1.42}) \\ B=85.252\text{ \degree} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

I hope this helps you

Find the upper quartile of the first ten natural numbers.





The first ten natural numbers are:


To find the upper quartile, separate the numbers into two halves:

• Lower Half: 1,2,3,4,5


• Upper Half: 6,7,8,9,10

The upper quartile is the number in the middle of the upper half.

The number in the middle of the upper half = 8

Therefore, the upper quartile of the first ten natural numbers is 8.

In what they call “Year Zero," a group of 26 people started a settlement. Every yearthe population changes as babies are born, people move in, and people move out.Generally, the population increases by an average of 2.6 people a year.At the same time, a nearby established community discovered that their populationcould be described by the following function, where f(x) is the population, inpeople, and x is the time, in years, from "year zero."f(x) = -5.3x + 256Part AUsing your knowledge of functions, explain specifically why both communities' waysof expressing their populations represent functions. Provide evidence to supportyour answerPart BAnalyze the functions and compare the populations for the two communities overtime by describing in detail under what conditions one community's population isgreater than the other's population. Provide evidence to support your answer.



In the first paragraph,

It is given that a group of 26 people started a settlement and the population increased by an average of 2.6 people a year.

We can represent the population function as ;

g(x) = 26 + 2.6 x

Where x denotes the number of years and g(x) is the population after some certain years.

At a nearby community, it was discovered that the population can be written as;

f(x) = -5.3x + 256

Part A.

The population can be expressed as a function because the population at a particular time depends on the number of years x.

Specifically, it can be represented as a linear function because the rate at which the population increases per year is constant.

Part B.

Equating the functions

-5.3x + 256 = 26 + 2.6x

=> 5.3x + 2.6x = 256 - 26

=> 7.9x = 230

=> x = 29

Therefore, if the number of years is less than 29

The population of the first community will be less than the population of the second community

If the number of years is greater than 29

The population of the first community will be greater than the population of the second community

The set of all nunbers, including all rational and irrational number?


Rational numbers are type of real numbers that can be represented as a simple fraction. Rational numbers can be formed by dividing 2 integers, Rational number can be represented in this form x/y. Where y is not equal to zero.

Example of rational numbers are as follows


George is a salesperson in a jewelry store and earns $100 per week, plus 10% of his weekly sales. If George makes $425 in one week , what are his sales for that week? $5,250$4,250$4,000$3,250


Since George earns $100 per week plus 10% of his weekly sales

Assume that his weekly sales are $x

Then he earns 100 + 10% of x

Since he makes $425 in a week, then

[tex]\begin{gathered} 100+\frac{10}{100}\times x=425 \\ 100+0.1x=425 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Subtract 100 from both sides

[tex]\begin{gathered} 100-100+0.1x=425-100 \\ 0.1x=325 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Divide both sides by 0.1

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{0.1x}{0.1}=\frac{325}{0.1} \\ x=3250 \end{gathered}[/tex]

His sales for that week are $3250

The answer is D

solve the system of linear equations by elimination x+2y=13 -x+y=5


To solve the system

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+2y=13 \\ -x+y=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

we add the two equations to get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+2y=13 \\ -x+y=5 \\ --------------_{} \\ 0+3y=18 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Dividing both sides by 3 gives


with the value of y in hand, we now put it in -x + y = 5 to get


subtracting 6 from both sides gives


Hence, the solution to the system is

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=1 \\ y=6. \end{gathered}[/tex]

Eleanor had an average daily balance of $250.82 in her chargeaccount. She paid 1.7% interest on that amount. Compute her financecharge.a. $254.58b. $.13c. $37.63d. $4.26


For an daily balance of P in her charge account and an interest paid at a rate of r, her finance charge is given by the expression:

F = r*P

For r = 1.7% and P = $250.82, we have:

F = 0.017*250.82

F = $4.26

Answer: d

A manufacturer knows that their items have a normally distributed length, with a mean of 6.1 inches, and standard deviation of 0.5 inches.If one item is chosen at random, what is the probability that it is less than 6 inches long? (Give answer to 4 decimal places.)



[tex]\begin{gathered} Mean=6.1 \\ Standard\text{ deviation=0.5} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} Z-score=\frac{x-mean}{standard\text{ deviation}}=\frac{6-6.1}{0.5}=-0.2 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

The normal curve is given below.

Using statistical table, the probability is given as;


probability experiment4.4 Given that a spinner lands on a prime number, find the probability that the arrow will land on an odd number.


To determine the probability of an event to occur, the formula is:

[tex]P(x)=\frac{noof\text{ favorable outcomes}}{no.\text{ of total possible outcomes}}[/tex]

In the spinner, there are 6 possible outcomes. The arrow can either point from 1 to 6.

4.1. In the spinner, there are 3 prime numbers. These are 2, 3, and 5. Hence, there are 3 favorable outcomes if we want to have a prime number as a result after the spin. The probability of that happening will be:


The probability of spinning a prime number is 1/2 or 0.5 or 50%.

4.2. We have already mentioned that there are 3 prime numbers (2, 3, 5). For odd numbers, we also have 3 and these are 1, 3, and 5. Combining the two, we get {1, 2, 3, 5} as either prime or odd numbers. As we can see, there are 4 favorable outcomes. Therefore, the probability is:


The probability of spinning a prime number or an odd number is 2/3.

4.3. We have already mentioned that there are 3 prime numbers (2, 3, 5). For multiple of 3, we only have {3, 6}. Since the given operation is AND, that means, we have to find the intersection or what's common of both data. As we can see, only {3} is common. This means, only 3 is both a prime number and a multiple of 3. There is only 1 favorable outcome. The probability is:


The probability of spinning a prime number and a multiple of 3 is 1/6.

4.4. If it has been already given that the number lands on a prime number, this means that we only have 3 choices or 3 possible outcomes. It's either 2, 3, or 5. Out of the 3 prime numbers, there are only 2 odd numbers and these are 3 and 5. Hence, the probability is:

[tex]P(x)=2\text{ out of 3}=\frac{2}{3}[/tex]

Given that a spinner lands on a prime number, the probability of spinning an odd number is 2/3.



The vertex form equation is y = (x-3)^2 - 14

The equation y = x^2-6x+5 is really the equation y = 1x^2-6x+5. It is in the form y = ax^2 + bx + c where

a = 1

b = -6

c = 5

We will use 'a' and 'b' in the formula below

h = -b/(2a)

h = -(-6)/(2*(1))

h = 6/(2)

h = 3

The h refers to the x coordinate of the vertex. Since we know the x coordinate of the vertex (is 3), we can use it to find the y coordinate of the vertex

Simply plug x = 3 into the original equation

y = x^2 - 6x + 5

y = -(3)^2 - 6(3) + 5

y = (9) - 6(3) + 5

y = +9-18+5

y = -4

This is the k value, so k = -4.

In summary so far, we have a = -1, h = 3 and k = -4. Plug all this into the vertex form below

y = a(x-h)^2 + k

y = 1(x-3)^2 -4

y = (x-3)^2 - 14

Therefore the vertex form equation is y = (x-3)^2 - 14

To learn more about parabola refer here



how do you solve this problem?3 7/3+2 5/6=





In order to add the mixed numbers given, we first convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions.



The number 3 can be rewritten as


which helps us rewrite our mixed fraction as


adding the numerators gives






the number 2 can be rewritten as


therefore, the mixed number becomes




Now with mixed numbers rewritten as improper fractions, we are ready to add


rewriting 16/3 as 16/3 * 2/2 gives


therefore, we have


and now we just add the denominators to get




which is our answer!

hi. can you help me with number 16? I am unsure how to do the math here.



The distance between parallel celling and the floor is 10 ft.

The locus points are equidistant from the ceiling and the floor.


We need to find the distance between the locus plane and both the ceiling and the floor.


The locus of the points consists of the plane parallel to the floor and ceilings.

The locus plane is the midpoint of the distance between floor and ceilings since the locus points are equidistant from c

The mid-value of 10 feet is 5 feet.

The locus plane is 5 feet from both the ceiling and the floor.

Final answer:

The locus plane is 5 feet from both the ceiling and the floor.

5g + h =g solve for g


You have the following equation:

5g + h = g

In order to solve for g, you first organize the previous equation, as follow:

5g + h = g substract g both sides and substract h both sides too

5g - g = -h

4g = -h dive by 4 both sides

g = -h/g

Then, the answer is g = -h/g

solve 74 make sure to define the limits based on asymptotes don't just solve for the asymptotes




Hello, I need help with this problem. Picture will be included . Thank youu!


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Given} \\ \frac{-7}{w}=\frac{\square}{4w^8} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Solve for the missing equivalent rational expressions

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{-7}{w}=\frac{\square}{4w^8} \\ \\ \text{Swap left and right side of equations} \\ \frac{\square}{4w^8}=\frac{-7}{w} \\ \\ \text{Multiply both sides by }4w^8\text{ to cancel out the denominator on the left side} \\ \frac{\square}{4w^8}=\frac{-7}{w} \\ \frac{\square}{4w^8}\cdot4w^8=\frac{-7}{w}\cdot4w^8 \\ \frac{\square}{\cancel{4w^8}}\cdot\cancel{4w^8}=\frac{-28w^8}{w} \\ \square=\frac{-28w^8}{w} \\ \\ \text{Simplify the right side of the equation} \\ \square=\frac{-28w^8}{w} \\ \square=-28w^{8-1} \\ \square=-28w^7 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Therefore,} \\ \frac{-7}{w}=\frac{-28w^7}{4w^8} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The stem-and-leaf plot shows student test scores. How many students score at least 17 points?Test ScoresStem Leaf0 681 5 5 7 8 992ooooKey: 17 = 17studentsPREV2125NEXTOOO$


We are given a data set in the form of a stem and leaf plot. This means that in the stem column we have the decimal digit and in the leaf column we have the units digits.

We are asked for the number of students that have scored at least 17, this means the number of students with a score that is greater or equal to 17. From the graph those scores are:


There are 8 students that scored at least 17.

Identify the graphs that represent a linear function. Check all that apply.On a coordinate plane, a line has a positive slope.On a coordinate plane, a curve opens down.On a coordinate plane, a graph decreases, increases, and then decreases again.On a coordinate plane, a line has a negative slope.


A linear function is represented by a straight line, that means the right answers are those graph with straight lines.

Therefore, the right graphs are the first and the last one.

• The first graph represents a linear function with a positive slope.


• The last graph represents a linear function with a negative slope.

First and last one.

uhh yeah its right i jus tried it

Cook-It rice cooker has a mean time before failure of 42 months with a standard deviation of 3 months, and the failure times are normally distributed. What should be the warranty period, in months, so that the manufacturer will not have more than 9% of the rice cookers returned? Round your answer down to the nearest whole number.



From the statement, we have a normal distribution with:

• variable X = time before failure,


• mean μ = 42 months,


• standard deviation σ = 3 months.

We want to know for how much time the manufacturer will not have more than 9% of the rice cookers returned. So this is equivalent to finding the value x such that the probability of failure is lower than 9%:

[tex]P(X\leq x)=9\%=0.09.[/tex]

We can compute this probability using the z-scores:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(Z\leq z)=0.09, \\ z=\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}\Rightarrow x=\mu+\sigma\cdot z=42+3\cdot z. \end{gathered}[/tex]

We have the following table for z-scores:

The entries in the table represent the area under the curve, i.e. the probability. We must look for the closest value to the probability of 0.09. From the table, we see that the closest value to this probability is 0.091:

For this value we see that we have the z-score:


Replacing this value in the equation for x from above, we get:


So we have found that for x = 37.98, we have:

[tex]P(X\leq x=37.98)=9\%=0.09.[/tex]

This means that by a time x = 37.98 months, only 9% of the cookers will fail have failed. So the manufacturer must set a warranty period of 38 months to not have more than 9% of the rice cookers returned.


The manufacturer must set a warranty period of 38 months to not have more than 9% of the rice cookers returned.

which of these answers are in standard for of the linear equation?



the standard linear equation can be written as

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+y=z \\ \text{where z = any variable} \end{gathered}[/tex]

in the question here, the options that corresponds to the answer here are

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3x+y=8 \\ x+4y=12 \\ 5x+24y=544 \end{gathered}[/tex]

134TIME REMAINING22:39Which statements about the diagram are true? Selectthree optionsDE+EF > DFD A DEF is an isosceles triangle5


Statements that are true:

DE + EF > DF

DEF is an scalene triangle

5 < DF < 13

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