c. How many families receive public assistance (Temporary Assistance to
Needy Families grants, food stamps, heating fuel assistance, etc.) in Carbon County Pennsylvanian


Answer 1
You tell meee :)))))))))))))) LOL

Related Questions

How do fossils provide information of Earth's history?
A. Fossils provide evidence of rock types that existed in the past.
B. Fossils are used to calculate Earth's age.
C. Fossils provide information on what type of weather existed in the past.
D. Fossils are preserved physical evidence of ancient life.


Well the anwser to this is D

According to the Declaration Of Independence, only the president can give the government the power to rule?

True or False ?


The answer is false

I think I’m right

What was a main purpose of the mission system?
A. to convert American Indians to Christianity
B. to convert Spanish colonists to Protestantism
C. to convert Spanish colonists to Catholicism
D. to convert American Indians to Puritanism


Answer: A. to convert American Indians to Christianity


The Mission system was a Spanish endeavor as they attempted to spread Christianity (Catholicism to be precise) to American Indians as they believed it to be their duty as Christians and also because it would make colonialization easier.

They set up many missions in the U.S. and trained American Indians there in the tenets of Christianity as well as practical vocations such as farming.




How was segregation similar to slavery?

A. They were both racist systems that discriminated against African Americans
B. They were both established in the United States Constitution
C. They both ended after the U.S. Civil War
D. They both ended during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and ‘60s





Because in slavery there was mostly racisem (sorry i cant spell) ;-;

I hope this helps! <3

According to the Supreme Court ruling in the court case of Engel v. Vitale, 1962, it is unconstitutional for public schools to
force students to recite an official prayer.
enforce truancy laws on students over 18.
allow and use corporal punishment practices.
require female students to attend gym class.



In Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962), the Supreme Court ruled that school-sponsored prayer in public schools violated the establishment clause of the First Amendment.


Does it matter who ended slavery?





It would matter because it depends on the type of guy who ended it

did this help? :D




Yes it matters because a random person could go around trying to take credit for something they didn't do.

What did industrialized nations want from non-industrialized nations?



Countries wanted to do it because it is able to make them lots of money. Industrialization created a good economy because it creates many jobs and they can sell their goods to other countries.What does a country need to successfully achieve Industrialization? A country needs creative freedom, natural resources, labor force, government policies, and transportation. No government over site sometimes. If there are not enough workers than they would get people to work as there slaves from different places.


this could possibly help




h battle of Galveston I took the test and got it right

its h

Battle of Galvestion

help quickly please! i'll mark brainliest



It drew them because they wanted to be rich and when they heard there was gold and silver in the West, everyone came. ... They would create towns called mining towns where they would live and look for silver and gold.


I hope that this helped you :D


To enforce laws & punish criminals

please help me i need this to help my grade





How did the Emancipation Proclamation affect slaves?



The Emancipation Proclamation confirmed their insistence that the war for the Union must become a war for freedom. It added moral force to the Union cause and strengthened the Union both militarily and politically.


It also effectively destroyed slavery as the Union armies advanced south and conquered the entire Confederacy. The Emancipation Proclamation also allowed for the enrollment of freed slaves into the United States military. During the war nearly 200,000 blacks, most of them ex-slaves, joined the Union Army.

The lines of constant pressure shown on the surface pressure diagram are called ___
pressure lines
stationary lines



pressure lines


Isobars are found ONLY on surface charts. They most commonly connect lines of equal pressure in the units of millibars. High pressure isobars generally occurs with isobars above 1010 mb while low pressure isobars occur with lower than 1010 millibars.

Answer: isobars . Because I got it write on my lesson

The Book Uncle Tom's Cabin This book shows people



It shows the horrors of slaves' lives.


Is this what you're looking for?

please help me! it's late and my gf will get mad if I'm awake for any longer



Demand for buffalo hides increased in the East, and open ranges where buffalo grazed were destroyed by settlements.


What does NBT stand for?
? in Life orientation

Pead the artrarf hand our​


National benchmark test

Which phrase best describes due process?

1a system used to make laws
2a system used to ensure fair justice
3a system used to conduct fair elections
4a system used to amend the Constitution


3a or 4a welcome my boy:)


its 2a


Due process

Due process is the legal requirement that the state must respect all legal rights that are owed to a person. Due process balances the power of law of the land and protects the individual person from it.

What historical event partially inspired the United States government to begin collecting individual taxes? A. the signing of the Declaration of Independence B. World War I C. World War II D. the abolishment of slavery


the signing of the Declaration of Independence

the signing of the Declaration of Independence

Give two beliefs that Sunni muslims have about ashura



For Shi’a Muslims all over the world, this is a special but extremely sad day on which they focus solely on commemorating the death of Husayn in battle.


i hope iy helps

Why was President Jefferson upset when France regained Louisiana from Spain?



France suddenly posed a potential threat to America.



When France had set out to conquer Europe, Spain transferred Louisiana, Jefferson was afraid that they would stop the US expansion.


Hope this helped!

Read the excerpt, and then use the drop-
down menus to answer the questions.
In what year did Israel declare itself an
independent nation?
What importance does Israel hold for
Jewish people?
The Land of Israel was the birthplace of the Jewish
people. Here their spiritual, religious and political
identity was shaped. Here they first attained to
statehood, created cultural values of national and
universal significance and gave to the world the eternal
Book of Books. After being forcibly exiled from their land,
the people kept faith with it throughout their Dispersion
and never ceased to pray and hope for their return to it
and for the restoration in it of their political freedom.
Impelled by this historic and traditional attachment,
Jews strove in every successive generation to re-establish
themselves in their ancient homeland. In recent decades
they returned in their masses. Pioneers, defiant
returnees, and defenders, they made deserts bloom,
revived the Hebrew language, built villages and towns,
and created a thriving community controlling its own
economy and culture, loving peace but knowing how to
defend itself, bringing the blessings of progress to all the
What recognized the right of Jewish people
to establish themselves in a homeland?



ERETZ-ISRAEL [(Hebrew) - the Land of Israel, Palestine] was the birthplace of the Jewish people. Here their spiritual, religious and political identity was shaped. Here they first attained to statehood, created cultural values of national and universal significance and gave to the world the eternal Book of Books.


What do you think is the primary reason why the Unionid mussel population declined whenever there is a dramatic increase in the Zebra mussel population?



When the Zebra arrived they ate all the food so the Unionid mussels declined as they died from the lack of food. Causing the Zebra Zebra numbers to increase and Unionid numbers to decline.

Please select the 4 types of disc used in disc golf. Be sure to select 4.
Mid-Range (Middy)
Slice Disc
Fade Disc
Distance Driver
Short-Range Disc
Fairway Driver
Heavy Spin Disc



mid- range (middy), distance driver ,putter , fairway driver


sorry im late, but these are correct because yeah i took the test or whatever

What did Winthrop mean by the phrase we shall be as a city upon a hill


Winthrop warned his fellow Puritans that their new community would be "as a city upon a hill, the eyes of all people are upon us", meaning, if the Puritans failed to uphold their covenant with God, then their sins and errors would be exposed for all the world to see: "So that if we shall deal falsely with our God in ..


Which event led to the creation of the Articles of Confederation?

A) The passing of the Coercive Acts
B) The American Revolution
C) The passage of the Northwest Ordinance
D) The death of George Washington



The answer is B.


The American Revolution

will mark brainliest
down below



fun fact: i am sooo cool✋

1. A relationship in which one species benefits while the other receives neither benefit nor harm.
a. competition
b. commensalism
c. parasitism
d. mutualism
e. endoparasites
f. ectoparasites
g. predation
h. food web
i. food chain
j. ecological relationship

2. One species benefits and individuals of the other species are harmed.
a. competition
b. commensalism
c. parasitism
d. mutualism
e. endoparasites
f. ectoparasites
g. predation
h. food web
i. food chain
j. ecological relationship

3. Parasite that live inside the host body.
a. competition
b. commensalism
c. parasitism
d. mutualism
e. endoparasites
f. ectoparasites
g. predation
h. food web
i. food chain
j. ecological relationship

4. Parasite that live outside the host body.
a. competition
b. commensalism
c. parasitism
d. mutualism
e. endoparasites
f. ectoparasites
g. predation
h. food web
i. food chain
j. ecological relationship

5. The pursuit, capture, and killing animals for food.
a. competition
b. commensalism
c. parasitism
d. mutualism
e. endoparasites
f. ectoparasites
g. predation
h. food web
i. food chain
j. ecological relationship

6. A simple model used to show how matter and energy move through an ecosystem.
a. competition
b. commensalism
c. parasitism
d. mutualism
e. endoparasites
f. ectoparasite
g. predation
h. food web
i. food chain
j. ecological information

7. Two organisms compete for same resources.
a. competition
b. commensalism
c. parasitism
d. mutualism
e. endoparasites
f. ectoparasites
g. predation
h. food web
i. food chain
j. ecological relationship

8. The interaction among organisms in a ecosystem.
a. competition
b. commensalism
c. parasitism
d. mutualism
e. endoparasites
f. ectoparasites
g. predation
h. food web
i. food chain
j. ecological relationship

9. Interaction between organisms where both species benefit from the relationship.
a. competition
b. commensalism
c. parasitism
d. mutualism
e. endoparasites
f. ectoparasites
g. predation
h. food web
i. food chain
j. ecological relationship

10. Model that shows all the possible feeding relationships at each trophic level in a community.
a. competition
b. commensalism
c. parasitism
d. mutualism
e. endoparasites
f. endoparasites
g. predation
h. food web
i. food chain
j. ecological relationship



1 b commensalism

2 c parasitism

3 endoparasites

4 ectoparasites

5 g predation

6 I food chain

7 a competition

8 j ecological relationship

9 d mutualism

10 h food web

what the environmental resources​



An environmental resource is any material, service, or information from the environment that is valuable to society. This can refer to anything that people find useful in their environs, or surroundings. ... Some resources are renewable, or infinite, and some are non-renewable, or finite.

What step should you take first when drawing a conclusion?

A. First, you should consider all the facts and anything you know about them.
B. First, you should come to a conclusion about what the facts mean.
C. First, you should write down the facts and details from the text.
D. First, you should research the author to get to know her style.





C! can you put me as the brainliest thank you

A government controlled by a small group of people ___________.
A. Autocratic B. Federal Oligarchic D. Democratic


Answer: Oligarchy

Explanation: A government in which a small group of people hold power.

How to tell your parents that you want to change religion?

i want to be Christian
but my parents always disagree my opinion
i trust Jesus
i pray to Jesus and those prays is granted!!!
I'm not lying he's granted my wishes
yesterday i want storm, a rainy day, that happened after i pray to Jesus

even though Jesus came into my dreams
my parents could say "that isn't Jesus, that's satan who came into your dream" just believe in Islam

dude i like huh? i want freedom!!

please help me
i can't even be close to Jesus :'(

even now i'm in Islam
but i still believe in Jesus


i’m a Christian and i understand your struggle but Jesus is not a wishing well for wanting something like a storm lol, your prayers will be answered yes, but you asking for a storm and it happening might be a coincidence, but yes God can do crazy things for you. But i’m sorry for what’s going on, maybe try talking to a family member that might be Christian or a friend, your parents might not accept it at first but it’s honestly your decision in the end between you and God. As long as you still respect your parents and their religion.
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