Which of the following does NOT describe a way in which alcohol influences sexual
lowers inhibitions
promotes safe behaviors
compromises moral standards


Answer 1




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Place the steps of the DECIDE Model into the correct order:
= Consider all of your options and possible consequences of each
= Evaluate the outcome
= Determine your conflict and/or situation
= Identify your choice by using your values and other positive influences
= Educate yourself and examine your options
= Decide on the healthiest option


Determine educate consider identify decide evaluate

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
It is important to know what makes up a healthy diet so that you can eat right for a healthy life. What do you think makes up a healthy diet?
Importance of a Healthy Diet
To build up a healthy plate, select foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and
protein. Added sugar and fats can
Increase the unwanted
In the body. Your calorie requirement will depend on your age, gender, height, weight, and level of
physical activity.


Answer: lean and calories


help plz kinda urgent

How does the
excretory system remove wastes from the
blood of the circulatory system?


Wast materials from the body tissues are filtered out from the blood as it flows through the kidneys. The waste material then leaves the body in the form of urine.

The average person should consume anywhere between 9-12 grams of salt per day to stay healthy. * 1 point True False



False false salseee


An adult should consume about 6g a day no more and a child woukd have to eat even less

False, you should only have an average of about 2 grams of sodium a day.


2,300 mg is 2.3 g(divide mg by 1000 to get g)

In which of the following states was pickle ball created? In pickle ball


I hope this helped
Should be Washington

Select the correct answer.
Which career is currently a growing field in nursing?

A. Teaching

B.Health Care


D.Public Health


B. Health care is currently growing

The _____ of a food is the percent of a nutrient that is found in a food.
wich one
Daily Value Media Nutrition Facts



Daily Value is the answer, as nutrition fact is too broad.




Explain why Physical School is better than Virtual School. Give at least five sentences about why this is true.



Physical school is better than virtual school, because you get the actual teachers. The work could also be explained better because your not on a computer. And, you can do the actual physical activities. The teacher would also be right there so if you have any question then you can ask the teacher. With virtual school, you need to either call or email your teacher.


If your going to use this, then can you please try to put it in your own words??

Becky is entering her freshman year of high-school. she is very shy and uncomfortable with herself. Her parents fear that she will have trouble making friends and socializing because of her low self esteem. Wrote a paragraph explaining what steps Becky could take to improve her self esteem and have a positive, productive freshman year.​




Low self-esteem is something that most people suffer from especially teenagers. Low self-esteem can be improved in many ways but it takes time and dedication. You can start by setting goals for yourself and for your future. Having a goal will give you something to pursue. Step out of your comfort zone, we all have one and it keeps us from progressing so force yourself to talk to people and get to know more people. Lastly, stop taking everything personally. Most people with low self-esteem tend to overthink every little comment that people make and usually attribute all the bad comments to them, this is not true and is your mind simply putting you down, fight it and remember that those comments are not directed towards you and the ones that are say more about the individual who said it and their problems.

2. Which statement about the ovaries is TRUE?


what are the statements?
Where is the statements?

The human body is made up of several systems. The mouth, esophagus, and stomach are all parts of which system?



The hollow organs that make up the GI tract are the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus.



i agree with the other person


which disease is caused by a virus
a. tetanus
d. zika
c. lyme disease
d. ring worm


The only option that is caused by a virus is the second one, Zika.

Which disease is caused by a virus?

From the given options, we know that Tetanus is caused by a bacteria called Clostridium tetani, same for the case of Lyme which is is caused by a bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi.

Ring worm is caused by a fungal infection (fungi).

The remaining oiption is b, Zika, which is the name of a virus of the single stranded family Flaviviridae, so this is the correct option.

Learn more about virus at:



what parts of the respiratory system are affected by the common cold





A cold is an infection of the upper respiratory system. This just means it can affect the nose, throat, and sinuses. A cold virus gets inside your body and makes you sick. The rhinovirus (say: rye-no-VYE-rus) is the most common cold virus, but more than 200 viruses can cause colds.

A cold affects the nose throat and sinuses. Which can cause bad headaches due to everything happening within that area

Explain the digestion of food in the body system please



This process involves the mixing of food and breaking it down into small molecules this begins in the mouth and ends in the small intestines.


As food passes through the GI tract, it mixes with digestive juices, causing large molecules of food to break down into smaller molecules. The body then absorbs these smaller molecules through the walls of the small intestine into the bloodstream, which delivers them to the rest of the body.

Which statement is true about smokeless and chewing tobacco? They will not harm you. They are not smoked. They do not contain nicotine. They are not addictive.



They are not smoked......


i would have to say the answer is they are not addictive


honestly tobacco well this type almost involve all these things now one thing i would have to say due to it not having bunch of nicotine it would be as crazy additive as the regular tobacco. but smokeless  and chewing/edible tobacco can cause a significant amount of problems such as increase in heart rate, high blood pressure irregular heart beat and mouth sores and these are just some of the highly effective side effects of this in a everyday life so i say stop now to save your self and to help other come over tobacco

1.Why do pregnant women needs to guard their duet?​


Eating a nutritious diet during pregnancy is linked to good brain development and a healthy birth weight, and can reduce the risk of many birth defects. A balanced diet will also reduce the risks of anemia, as well as other unpleasant pregnancy symptoms such as fatigue and morning sickness.


to have a healthy pregnancy


how much water do have to drink everyday?



So how much fluid does the average, healthy adult living in a temperate climate need?


The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men. About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women.

9. Give an example of rotation.
1 point
Your answer


An example of rotation is the earth's orbit around the sun.


strumming a guitar.hitting a nail with a hammer. walking.

Hope it helps

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

Washing eggs is unnecessary and may reduce safety and quality.
O True
O False


False, because many eggs can hold harmful bacteria such as salmonella
True It let’s dirt in the shell

risk-taking behaviors could lead to aggressive driving.
Oa) no
Ob) decreased
Oc) increased


C. Increased !!!! Hope it helped

Risk-taking behaviors could lead to increased aggressive driving. Therefore option C is correct.

Risk-taking behaviors are known to be associated with aggressive driving.

When individuals engage in risky behaviors such as speeding, tailgating, or running red lights, they are more likely to exhibit aggressive driving behaviors, such as honking, yelling, or engaging in aggressive maneuvers on the road.

Risk-taking behaviors disregard safety and increase the likelihood of conflicts and accidents on the road.

Therefore, it can be concluded that risk-taking behaviors contribute to an increase in aggressive driving, highlighting the potential dangers and negative consequences associated with such behaviors.

Know more about aggressive driving:



you solve more complex problem.
A. physical


B. Mental
I guess this is right
Your answer should be B. Mental .

What is tracking or ability grouping? How is this practice used in schools?



Tracking groups are formed as pupils are clustered according to their skills so that they can be learned together. This technique is used in classrooms to avoid holding back fast learners when they need to be retaught anything.


Hope this helps!

Please mark me as Brainlinieast.

Exercise does not help you lose fat because it increases your hunger and encourages
you to overeat?
True or false





Explain how aerobic exercises directly impact your body; and your fitness levels.



Fitness including cardiorespiratory fitness and endurance regular aerobic exercise improves your cardiovascular fitness by increasing your capacity to use oxygen. it does this by increasing your heart's capacity to send blood and hence oxygen to the muscles.


Hope this helped Mark BRAINLEST!!!

Two doctors are having lunch together in the Physician Dining Room at Random Community Hospital. As they eat they talk about the man with the terrible butt abscesses that they recently treated. They joke about how bad they smelled and about the fact that the juice that squirted out when they punctured one of the abscesses hit the nurse right in the face. Is this a HIPAA violation? Why or why not?​



They joke about how bad they smelled and about the fact that the juice that squirted out when they punctured one of the abscesses hit the nurse right in the face. Answer: They did NOT violate HIPAA. why not because,although it was certainly not in the best taste or appropriate to do so.

Okjjjjju go h u no i hii and the coped of

What part of the immune system is the "key fighter of foreign particles?"





Different types of leucocytes as macrophages, neutrophils are the "key fighter of foreign particles.

if the radius of cylinder is doubled its volume will be​



The volume of a cylinder is expressed as:

Volume = πr²h

where r is the radius of the base and h is the height of the cylinder. If the r is doubled then,

Volume = π(2r)²h

Volume = 4πr²h

The volume is four times as much the original volume.

If a cell is more positively charged than it is when resting, it is said to be ________.



said to be depolarized.


Which of these organs can produce female reproductive hormones?

A. Fallopian tube (oviduct)
B. Vagina
D. Uterus





Hope this helps!

the answer is c. Ovary

4. Which statement about the ovaries is TRUE?
A. Unlike testes, the ovaries produce only eggs, but not sex hormones.
B. At birth, the ovaries contain all the eggs a woman will every produce.
C. In an adult woman, the ovaries are about the size of chicken eggs.
D. On average, the ovaries produce millions of eggs each month.


Answer is B

(I believe that's the answer, sorry its too late to even help!)

At birth, the ovaries contain all the eggs a woman will every produce.

Females are not capable of making new eggs and in fact, there is a continuous decline in the total number of eggs each month.

What are ovaries?One of a pair of female glands in which the eggs form and the female hormones estrogen and progesterone are made. These hormones play an important role in female traits such as breast development, body shape, and body hair.What are the functions of ovaries?They produce and store eggs also called ovum and make hormones that control menstrual cycle and pregnancy. During ovulation, one of  ovaries releases an egg.

Hence, B option is correct.

To know more about ovaries here



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