Where was Washington's Farewell Address delivered?


Answer 1


he wrote it near the end of his second term of presidency before retiring to his home at Mount vernon in Virginia. presented on newspaper article September 17 (1796)

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what does khrushchev accuse kennedy of using to get what he wants?


answer b on edge got it right


a: starting a war



John's second Epistle was sent to Diotrephes.


False johns second Epistle was sent to the elect lady and her children addressed to "the elect lady and her children" and closes with the words, "The children of thy elect sister greet thee." The person addressed is commended for her piety, and is warned against false teachers.

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Hawaii was purchased from Russia is true or false?


i think it’s true lol
false. in 1867 the Alaska territory was purchased from Russia. but i don’t think Hawaii was.

What were crops grown for profit called?



A cash crop or profit crop


both are the same thing

Answer: cashcrop


 Describe one situation in which you think each kind of law offers protection.
1.Driving laws:
2.Property laws:
3.Marriage or divorce laws:
4.Food and drug safety laws:
5.Licensing laws:
6.Regulation laws:
7.Broadcasting laws:



driving law


incase of an accident, driving law offers protection by seeing to it that the one in the wrong takes care of the billings for the one in the right incased injured .

i hope this helps

In the spring of 1953,how many Americans returned home from Korea in coffins?


By Spring of 1953, nearly 50,000 Americans had returned home

Which of the following was NOT a reason the US went to war with Spain?
A. gain access to raw materials like sugar
B. establish new places to sell goods
C. the sinking of the Lusitania
D. help the Cuban people escape harsh treatment by the Spanish


The answer I believe is B

What I do know is, war was declared because they wanted to help the cubans gain their independence from spain and their ship mysteriously sunk.

Hope this helps!

What was the main motivation for this policy proposed by President Nixon


Answer: the second one

The correct answer i believe is the second choice

How are Yellow dog contracts, Knights of Labor, Samuel Gompers, and the
Homestead Strike related?



Both the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and the Knights of Labor (KOL) were influential in their respective sectors.


AFL defended the rights of skilled workers and had more 4 million members by 1920. On the other hand, KOL defended the rights of both skilled and unskilled workers and had 700,000 members by 1886.

question 4. The Civil Rights movement changed from peaceful and passive to more violent for what reason?



itz blurry-


For each of the following, choose the revolution best described by the statement.
This revolution was successful due to the cooperation between upper and lower classes.
The French Revolution
The American Revolution


Answer: b


does anyone know what caused the southern secession



Many maintain that the primary cause of the war was the Southern states' desire to preserve the institution of slavery. Others minimize slavery and point to other factors, such as taxation or the principle of States' Rights. Two major themes emerge in these documents: slavery and states' rights.

Answer:Many maintain that the primary cause of the war was the Southern states' desire to preserve the institution of slavery. Others minimize slavery and point to other factors, such as taxation or the principle of States' Rights. ... Two major themes emerge in these documents: slavery and states' rights.

Explanation:Many maintain that the primary cause of the war was the Southern states' desire to preserve the institution of slavery. Others minimize slavery and point to other factors, such as taxation or the principle of States' Rights. ... Two major themes emerge in these documents: slavery and states' rights.

Please help me please I need this Identify Cause and Effect As European power spread, so did European ideas. Reread the
paragraph under "Political Changes." What European ideas led to colonial resistance?


The causes of the spread of the European power were economic, political, and religious motives. European ideas led to colonial resistance through the need to protect the tradition arose.

What are the outcomes of European imperialism?

Imperialism had a negative impact on the colonies. Native culture and industries were decimated under alien domination. Local artisan industries were wiped out by imported items. Colonial powers prevented colonies from building industries by exploiting them as suppliers of raw resources and consumers for manufactured goods.

Three major elements drove Europe's imperialist thrust into Africa: economic, political, and social. It arose in the nineteenth century in response to the collapse of the slave trade's profitability, its prohibition and repression, and the rise of the European capitalist Industrial Revolution.

As a result, Economic, political, and religious factors all contributed to the development of European influence. The impulse to safeguard the tradition led to colonial resistance as a result of European notions.

Learn more about European here:



Are you willing to... elect to all offices of Honor, Profit, or Trust,
none but native born citizens of America, of this country to the
exclusion of all foreigners . . . ?
—Examiner’s questions for admittance to the Know-Nothing Party,

Which inference about the Know-Nothing Party is supported by the excerpt above?
F Its members blamed Irish immigrants for taking away jobs.
G The party encouraged western migration of settlers.
H Its members opposed enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act in the Northeast.
J The party was in favor of universal suffrage.



I think its H. Its members opposed enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act in the Northeast




1896-1920 How did Americans change over this period of
time? How were American the same?



The history of the United States from 1865 until 1918 covers the Reconstruction Era, the Gilded Age, and the Progressive Era, and includes the rise of industrialization and the resulting surge of immigration in the United States. This article focuses on political, economic, and diplomatic history.

This period of rapid economic growth and soaring prosperity in the North and the West (but not in the South) saw the U.S. become the world's dominant economic, industrial, and agricultural power. The average annual income (after inflation) of non-farm workers grew by 75% from 1865 to 1900, and then grew another 33% by 1918.[1]

With a decisive victory in 1865 over Southern secessionists in the Civil War, the United States became a united and powerful nation with a strong national government. Reconstruction brought the end of legalized slavery plus citizenship for the former slaves, but their new-found political power was rolled back within a decade, and they became second-class citizens under a "Jim Crow" system of deeply pervasive segregation that would stand for the next 80–90 years. Politically, during the Third Party System and Fourth Party System the nation was mostly dominated by Republicans (except for two Democratic presidents). After 1900 and the assassination of President William McKinley, the Progressive Era brought political, business, and social reforms (e.g., new roles for and government expansion of education, higher status for women, a curtailment of corporate excesses, and modernization of many areas of government and society). The Progressives worked through new middle-class organizations to fight against the corruption and behind-the-scenes power of entrenched, state political party organizations and big-city "machines"


Pick witch part u want hope it helps

Who would have most likely NOT supported the Freedmen's Bureau?
A western farmer.
A newly freed slave.
A former slave owner.
A northern abolitionist.





because their opposites

Your answer would be A.

Have a good day !

What is Asoka Maurya, of the Mauryan Empire, most known for?​


Ashoka the Great (r. 268-232 BCE) was the third king of the Mauryan Empire (322-185 BCE) best known for his renunciation of war, development of the concept of dhamma (pious social conduct), and promotion of Buddhism as well as his effective reign of a nearly pan-Indian political entity.

According to the 19th-century concept of manifest destiny, who should possess the North American continent? *


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options for this question we can say the following.

According to the 19th-century concept of manifest destiny, who should possess the North American continent?

Answer: the United States.

United States President James F. Polk took Manifested Destiny as a flag for his administration and follow through with this idea that was God's will to expand and control the North American territory in order to instill democracy and Capitalism in the territory.

This belief system was the cause of international conflict as was the case of the Mexican-American War in which the United States received the territories of California, Arizona, and New Mexico, after its victory over the Mexican Army.

I need to someone to give me an idea about what to write my currents events on. It has to be about something that went on recently like something you saw on the news ( make sure it school friendly) you can look at the picture if you don’t understand what I’m asking.



I think some good topics for a current events essay would be the C ovid vaccine or Biden's stimulus checks.

How did the government respond to to economic problems after the F&I War?



The economic problems faced by the Congress deeply touched the lives of most Americans in the 1780s. The war had disrupted much of the American economy. On the high seas the BRITISH NAVY had great superiority and destroyed most American ships, crippling the flow of trade. On land, where both armies regularly stole from local farms in order to find food, farmers suffered tremendously.

What would be most common for the owner of a bonanza farm?
O A. Moving on to more productive land
O B. Getting machinery on credit
C. Paying full price to railroads for shipping
O D. Growing food for local sale


OA. Moving on to more productive land

Which of these is NOT described in the U.S. Constitution?



I need to see the options to answer this question





how did the Soviet Union come to be?


The Soviet Union came to be when they firstly defeated the Czar's troops, and then consolidated their state by signing a peace treaty with Germany (effectively ending the second front of World War I), and suppressing any uprising by non-communist groups.


The Nazi party most strongly appealed to the German people because it

was founded by former soldiers.
blamed others for losing the war.
provided arms to the young people.
developed a strong militia and army.



hi! the answer is b.



B. Blamed other for losing the war


What is the capital of iowa



Des Moines


The capital of Iowa is Des Moines!

Trust me it’s right!

Explain all of the forces acting on a ball rolling on a table? (Be sure to think of all four direction)


Answer: One of them is gravitational force, gravity will pull the ball downward, and frictional force produces energy, which makes the ball go in a rolling motion.

Hope this helps, god bless :)

The question says :
According to document A, State how silk was made in china


China bred special moths to produce the quality silk they wanted the cocoons are steamed to kill the growing moth inside the cocoons are rinsed in hot water to loosen the threads women would unwind the cocoons and then combine six or so fibers into silk threads

Essay about George Washington


George Washington

George Washington was the first person of the United States of America to hold the office of president. George Washington was an American by blood and by heart. Being a leader of such a country is not easy, as it requires hard work and confidence. Washington had to endure many hardships but he met many challenges. With no one to follow as a role model, George Washington served this country for many years. George Washington was born a leader and grew up good-mannered and for this he became the first ever president of the United States of America.

George Washington was born on February 22, 1732, in Westmoreland County, Virginia to Augustine and Mary Bell Washington. George Washington did not become the president in one day. He grew up with discipline and became a part of the militia. There was a story written -historians aren't sure if the tale is valid or not- about when George Washington, as a young boy chopped down a tree, specifically a cherry tree. In the tale, young George Washington told the truth about why the cherry tree had fallen. Mainly, the story was written to show how George Washington was truthful. As George Washington grew up he copied over 100 rules to follow. These rules helped develop George Washington's astonishing behavior and it helped him to calm his nerves. In George Washington's free time he hunted animals and acted as if he was a soldier similar to his half-brother, Lawrence. George Washington was also very built making him an excellent wrestler. His childhood and his character affected the life he would live greatly

why were people supporting the british troops in colonies?



Colonists who opposed independence from Britain were known as Loyalists. Most Patriots supported independence because they felt that recent British laws on the American Colonies violated their rights as British citizens.


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