How does the author develop her ideas in the text?

How Does The Author Develop Her Ideas In The Text?


Answer 1
explanation hope tis hleps :)

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sort out any logistical details relating to their evacuation. Families have different dynamics, but if you are trying to convince someone to leave, make sure first that they have the resources to do so. Offer a place for them and their pets to stay that makes the evacuation more feasible. Help connect them with transportation, a sheltering location, and other supplies they might need.


Some suggestions:
• Who was Fitzgerald?
• What was his writing background?
How did he meet Zelda? Tell me about her.
How would you describe their love and marriage?
Did they live the American Dream? Why or why not?


- Fitzgerald was an American novelist essayist screenwriter and short story writer he was known for his novels depicting the flamboyance in excess of the jazz age

What is the object that Romeo looks through to see her for the first time?​


Answer: Technically a mask lol, but I"m sure if not a mask then a telescope of some sort, mate :)


Choose the best revision for each run-on sentence

4. The city council would not increase the budget for the new bridge they asked the engineers to reduce costs.
A. The city council would not increase the budget for the new bridge; instead, they asked the engineers to reduce costs.
B. The city council would not increase the budget for the new bridge, they asked the engineers to reduce costs.
C. The city council would not increase the budget for the new bridge, yet they asked the engineers to reduce costs.

5. Shrimp eggs can survive for more than a year in desert sand then rainwater causes them to hatch.
A. Shrimp eggs can survive for more than a year in desert sand; however, then rainwater causes them to hatch.
B. Shrimp eggs can survive for more than a year in desert sand, then rainwater causes them to hatch.
C. Shrimp eggs can survive for more than a year in desert sand, and then rainwater causes them to hatch



I believe 4 is A and 5 is B. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Read Part 1 of the story about Franklin family plans.Complete the text with “II,be,been or have”



1.u have found the ans







the complete subject of the following sentences is ,and the complete predicate is ​



what sentence?


Which sentence??? I think it cut off

Fall of the House of Usher, excerpt
By Edgar Allan Poe

Upon my entrance, Usher rose from a sofa on which he had been lying at full length, and greeted me with a vivacious warmth which had much in it, I at first thought, of an overdone cordiality—of the constrained effort of the ennuyé1 man of the world. A glance, however, at his countenance convinced me of his perfect sincerity. We sat down; and for some moments, while he spoke not, I gazed upon him with a feeling half of pity, half of awe. Surely, man had never before so terribly altered, in so brief a period, as had Roderick Usher! It was with difficulty that I could bring myself to admit the identity of the wan being before me with the companion of my early boyhood. Yet the character of his face had been at all times remarkable. A cadaverousness of complexion; an eye large, liquid, and luminous beyond comparison; lips somewhat thin and very pallid, but of a surpassingly beautiful curve; a nose of a delicate Hebrew model, but with a breadth of nostril unusual in similar formations; a finely moulded chin, speaking, in its want of prominence, of a want of moral energy; hair of a more than web-like softness and tenuity;—these features, with an inordinate expansion above the regions of the temple, made up altogether a countenance not easily to be forgotten. And now in the mere exaggeration of the prevailing character of these features, and of the expression they were wont to convey, lay so much of change that I doubted to whom I spoke. The now ghastly pallor of the skin, and the now miraculous lustre of the eye, above all things startled and even awed me. The silken hair, too, had been suffered to grow all unheeded, and as, in its wild gossamer texture, it floated rather than fell about the face, I could not, even with effort, connect its Arabesque expression with any idea of simple humanity.

In the manner of my friend I was at once struck with an incoherence—an inconsistency; and I soon found this to arise from a series of feeble and futile struggles to overcome an habitual trepidancy—an excessive nervous agitation. For something of this nature I had indeed been prepared, no less by his letter, than by reminiscences of certain boyish traits, and by conclusions deduced from his peculiar physical conformation and temperament. His action was alternately vivacious and sullen. His voice varied rapidly from a tremulous indecision to that species of energetic concision—that abrupt, weighty, unhurried, and hollow-sounding enunciation—that leaden, self-balanced and perfectly modulated guttural utterance.

Read the following line from the text:

The now ghastly pallor of the skin, and the now miraculous lustre of the eye, above all things startled and even awed me.

What does the author mean by startled and even awed in this sentence? (5 points)

Surprised and distressed
Angered and enraged
Offended and insulted
Pleased and comforted



Surprised and distressed


The excerpt shown above shows the reaction of the narrator to seeing the state in which Usher was in, which was completely different from what the narrator remembered and in addition, it was an ugly, uncomfortable appearance that left the narrator startled and awed, that is, he left him with a sense of anguish and surprise to see Usher in that state.

"Fall of the House of Usher" is a short story written by Edgar Alan Poe. In this short story we get to know the moment when the narrator decides to visit his friend, Usher, and when he arrives at the house he finds himself in a dark, mysterious and terrifying place that emits an evil and frightening atmosphere, just like Usher himself.


Surprised and distressed


Hope this helps

A) Which killer is worse, The Landlady or the narrator in Tell Tale Heart?
B) Is the landlady a killer or is this a misunderstanding?



it's definitely a..I think? but Im pretty sure it's A

write a short reflection to
explain what you learned
about your conflict
resolution skills.​



When handled in an unhealthy manner, it can cause irreparable rifts, resentments, and break-ups. But when conflict is resolved in a healthy way, it increases your understanding of the other person, builds trust, and strengthens your relationships.

convert in indirect speech...........ramu said, '' where is it located?''​​






can you answer this please
1. from the letter, we know that
A. sheila was lost
B. cindy met sheila and her friends
C. Rose could meet sheila on her holidays
D. Sheila didn't want to meet Rose
E. Rose hated to meet Sheila with Cindy
2. Please, let me know when your plans are DEFINITE...
The DEFINITE word has similar in meaning to
A. right
B. fuzzy
c. sharp
d. insure
e. certain
3. The word "cheers" can be replaced with
A. regards
b. yours sincerely
c. dear
d. hopefully
e. lots of love​



1. C. Rose could meet sheila on her holidays.

2. E. Certain.

3. E. Lots of love.


1. From the letter, we know that Rose could meet sheila on her holidays because she's aware that there is a possibility that Sheila would be in town again during the next holiday.

2. Please, let me know when your plans are DEFINITE...

The DEFINITE word is similar in meaning to certain. Both words simply means for an event or a thing to be sure, positive and based on facts.

3. The word "cheers" can be replaced with lots of love​. Cheers is a word that is typically used to express a strong emotion of happiness, love and joy.

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The chapter is separated into two sections. Which statement best explains the structural connection between the
two sections?
The first section establishes pesticide toxicity; then, the second section analyzes problematic factors with its use.
The argument begins by comparing pesticides to radiation and builds on this comparison to criticize farmers for
using them.
The first section focuses on establishing ethos while the second section moves on to appeal to logos and pathos.
The sections are organized chronologically, reflecting the way humans have sped up the clock on Earth's demise.


Answer: A. The first section establishes pesticide toxicity; then, the second section analyzes problematic factors with its use.




A on edge


Edge 2021

In “wilderness”,what do the animals the speaker says he has inside him represent?

A. his ancestors

B.aspects of his human nature

C.the wild,unpredictable world

D.the early origins of humankind




Aspects of his human nature

Hope done for the question. Do mark me as brainliest.

timothy euology^^ due tommrow


Answer: basically what the other person did off of

For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. 7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.

I. Introduction

In this passage of Scripture, the Apostle Paul was writing to Timothy, his son in the faith. This man who wrote most of the New Testament ended his writings with a letter to his son in the faith. He tells him in this letter that he is about to die.

Paul expected to die. He knew it was coming soon. Some deaths that we face are not expected. This makes these times very difficult. But I believe today in Jesus Christ. I believe in His Word. I believe that in a time like this, the Word of God will speak to us and bring us comfort and direction.

I think in this passage we see some things that will help us today deal with this death we are facing.

II. Paul’s Departure- vs. 6

Paul said, “the time of my departure is at hand. That word “departure is very interesting. Understanding that word will help us understand death.

A. It was a Nautical Term-

This word was used by sailors to speak of untying a ship so that it could sail. Have you ever watched a ship go over the horizon. You see it slip out of sight, but in truth that ship is still sailing even though you can’t see it. You see when a ship leaves a harbor, it will soon be entering another harbor. On this side we say goodbye, on the other side someone is saying hello!

B. It was Military Term

This word was used by the military to refer to taking down your tent in order to move to another place. The last words of Robert E. Lee were “Strike the tents.” That is just what death is, a folding up of the earthly tent in order to make a journey elsewhere.

C. It was an Agricultural Term-The word “departure” to a farmer meant the time of day when he would take the yoke off the back of his farm animals. When he laid that burden off its back, they used the word departure to describe it.

Like a ship, our loved one today is sailing toward another port. Like a camper, they have folded up their tent, like a beast of burden, they have laid off their heavy burdens.

III. Paul’s Declaration- vs. 7

A. I have fought a good fight

Life at times can be a fight! There are many battles on this side of heaven. A big key to success in the fight of life is to never quit! Our loved one has had a quite a fight through life. They learned the lesson of perserverance!

B. I have finished the race

He finished the assignment given to him by God. Speak of the tasks that the loved one completed. This was an athletic term. Paul had finished the course set before them.

C. I have kept the faith

Speak of the faithfulness of the departed loved one. We must be faithful until the end.

IV. Paul’s Destination- vs. 8

A. A Place of Revelation

At the destination point is Jesus Christ. I believe when a Christian dies, he closes his eyes in death on this side, and opens them to behold the face of Jesus on the other side! Let us remember what the Bible says about the death of a Christian.

Ps 116:15

15 Precious in the sight of the LORD

Is the death of His saints.

B. A Place of Reward

Paul said that there was laid up for him a crown of righteousness. God will reward each of his children based on their works when they arrive in heaven.

C. A Place of Reckoning

Paul called Jesus, the Righteous Judge. We will all one day give account for the lives we have lived. You don’t have to be old to die. You don’t have to be sick to die. You have to be ready to die.

V. Conclusion

A young child was diagnosed with a terminal disease. The parents knew that he would die soon. The child as well knew that his death would be soon. One night he was sitting in his mother’s lap watching television with her. He looked up into her eyes and said, “Mommy does it hurt to die?” The young mother was overcome with grief and had to leave the room for a moment to gather her emotions. She stood in the bathroom and prayed, “God what can I tell him?” She felt that the Lord gave her a word for him. She went back into the room and said, “Honey do you remember how so many times you have fallen asleep in front of the television and then the next morning you wake up in your room? Well I will tell you what happens. When you go to sleep your father comes in and with his strong arms he picks you up and carries you into your room. And then the next thing you know you wake up in your room. Well death is just like that. When you die, you fall asleep and Jesus Christ gathers you up in His strong arms and carries you to heaven. And then you wake up in another room!”

Diamond is one of the__ minerals.

(A) hardest
(C) hard





Diamond is the hardest mineral



we use superlative degree if there is the in the sentence

Zerbie's mom is upset that they are not turning in homework on time, so for every assignment Zerdie
fails to submit on time Zerbie's mom takes away 10 minutes of online time. Changing Zerbie's
behavior involves a
O negative reinforcement
O positive reinforcement
O punishment
O extinction


Positive reinforcements

What is the best place for this sentence if it is added to
the paragraph?
O before sentence 1
O between sentences 2 and 3
O between sentences 3 and 4
O after sentence 4


Between sentences 2 and 3

The given sentence best suits sentences 2 and 3. Thus, option B is the correct option.

A sentence is a fundamental unit of language that expresses a complete thought. It is a group of words that contains a subject and a predicate, which includes a verb. A well-formed sentence follows grammatical rules and conveys meaning. It can be a simple statement, a question, a command, or an exclamation.

A sentence typically begins with a capital letter and ends with a punctuation mark, such as a period, question mark, or exclamation point. Sentences allow us to communicate ideas, convey information, express emotions, and engage in meaningful conversations. They form the building blocks of written and spoken language, enabling effective communication and expression.

Learn more about sentences here:


What is another word tributaries



It's a source of water flowing into another larger area of water


Which of the following sentences has
a Nonessential clause?
A. Every student who passed the test can go to recess.
B. All runners who are eligible for this race line up
C. New reporters, which are actually quite a few,
should report to the registration desk.
D. The swimmer who won the Olympic Gold Medal was
Michael Phelps.



i think the answer is C


(actually i'm not sure about the answer)

Evaluate the statements below and select the statement with a negative connotation.

The experts must decide how to proceed.

The most effective option is being voted upon.

The bureaucrats decided for the people.

They sought only justice for their loss.

This isn't a question but be free to take the points I guess-.-

just want to tell the ppl who have the same test that The real answer is C




The answer is C because C represents me and me represents C so the answer is C





3. What is ironic about Douglass finally being a free man?

A. Douglass makes many friends, even though he left his friends when he escaped.

B. Douglass encounters men who hunt fugitive slaves, making it difficult for him to enjoy
his freedom.

C. Douglass must continue working as a caulker just as he did as a slave.

D. Upon entering into freedom, Douglass does not feel he is a free man.


Answer:The answer is D


At the end of Scene 1, Macbeth has a long soliloquy. What does he think he sees and how would you characterize his state of mind?



He see is borderline mentally unstable. He feels guilty about killing Duncan.


what technique is most clearly being used to influence the reader in the following sentence? the manager's car was stolen.three policemen were at the scene of the crime when it happened.​



Unwarranted implication


A warrant is a word that police use to state a case, but in your situation they have no clue and are still searching to a result of unwarranted implication.


unwarranted implication


Out of the 3 who is better Juice WRLD, XXXTentacion, or Billie Eilish



Juice wrld...... perioddd



if i had to put them in order

1: Juice wrld

2: xxxtentacion

3: Billie

Oral topics please,please be appropriate



Friends are important for everyone-What do you think about it?

Tell something about the history of your hometown.

What are your plans for the future?

What are your favorite free time activities?

What do you do to protect the environment?

Tell something about the dangers of nature.

What do you prefer - living in a city or in the country?

Tell something about the risks of drugs.

***Just a few ideas, hope this helps!***

Which sentence lacks parallel structure? A) I listened to music as I sat in line at the bank. B) Antonio and I enjoyed a relaxing dinner and a romantic movie. C) Sam and Charlie watered the plants, pruned the rose bushes, and mowed the lawn. D) There are three ways into the apartment building: the back door, the front door, or you could go through the second story fire escape.






They should have never used :

Poem task help complete



my support through rough times

my life as they help me through it

like a family member but i got to choose them

hope this helps!


Which is a simple sentence?

A. The audition for the part of Dracula will begin in jest a few minutes.

B. You can wipe up your spill with some paper towels, or you can use a sponge on the counter.



A is a simple sentence cause it has no commas and etc

What assumptions do we make about others?
Please respond in a paragraph.



We tend to make assumptions about others based on their appearance, their economic status, their characteristics, and their experiences. For example, if someone conducts themselves in an authoritative way, one might make the assumption that they are confident. This is assuming that they are one way, when in actuality, they may be another. In general, as a society, making assumptions is quite common. If a person can afford luxurious items, I might make the assumption that they are wealthy. However, we can also make assumptions about the issues we face in our lives. For instance, if an individual is struggling to obtain a well-paying job, they may make the assumption that others are to blame for their hardships. Ultimately, assumptions are made to simplify our understanding of things.

I hope this helps! :)

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