Need Help ASAP quickly please.

What does involvement and the location of the UN headquarters tell us about the U.S. role in world affairs


Answer 1
The United States is one of the United Nations' most important stakeholders. The UN was created at the initiative of the US after World War II. Washington provides the largest financial contribution to the UN's overall budget. The US hosts the UN's headquarters in New York.
Answer 2


The United States is one of the United Nations' most important stakeholders. The UN was created at the initiative of the US after World War II. Washington provides the largest financial contribution to the UN's overall budget. The US hosts the UN's headquarters in New York.


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What was America's argument for separating from Great Britain? ​



After the French and Indian war the colonists didnt see reason to have to house people fighting. They also started taxing them which essentially led them to start fighting for independence.


Use the list to answer the question.
• Governor of Georgia
• Reduced the power of the governor's office
• Established Department of Corrections and abolished chain
• Supported Georgia constitutional amendment to change voting
age from 21 to 18
Which of the following would be the BEST title for the list?
A. Political Achievements of Ellis Arnall
B. Political Achievements of Eugene Talmadge
c. Political Achievements of William Hartsfield
D. Political Achievements of Maynard Jackson




From the above sentences, the best title for the list is "Political Achievements of Ellis Arnall". The correct option is (A).

What do you mean by Political Achievements of Ellis Arnall?

Ellis Gibbs Arnall, an American politician who presided as Georgia's 69th governor from 1943 to 1947, died on December 13, 1992, in March 20, 1907.

Arnall succeeded in getting rid of the poll tax, ratifying a new state constitution in 1945, and establishing a merit-pay system for public employees.

More than two decades before the 26th Amendment to the United States Constitution made that change nationwide, he was successful in lowering the voting age to eighteen. Thus, Georgia became the first state to offer 18-year-olds the right to vote.

Therefore, from the above sentences, the best title for the list is "Political Achievements of Ellis Arnall".

To know more about the Ellis Arnall, visit:


!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE>>>I DONT WANT TO FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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to small to seeeeeeeee yea yea yea


When cases cannot be decided by statute, judges rely on
A. administrative law.
C. constitutional law.
B. case law.
D. precedent.


Answer:  Precedent

Explanation:  Hope this help

When cases cannot be decided by statute, judges rely on precedent. So, the correct option is D.

What is Law?

Law is defined as the set of rules which are created and enforced by social or governmental institutions to regulate behavior, with its exact definition being the subject of a long debate that has to be considered between the science and the art of jurisprudence.

Law is defined as the discipline and profession concerned with the customs, practices and rules of conduct of a community which are considered binding by the community. The enforcement of the body of rules is through a controlling authority.

In a multi-judge Court, the Judges are bound by precedents and procedure.

Thus, when cases cannot be decided by statute, judges rely on precedent. So, the correct option is D.

Learn more about Law, here:


What is pro-slavery?


Answer:Proslavery is an ideology that perceives slavery as a positive good or an otherwise morally acceptable institution.



Proslavery is an ideology that perceives slavery as a positive good or an otherwise morally acceptable institution


What tactic did the allies use repeatedly to defeat the Japanese



Leapfrogging was a military strategy employed by the Allies in the Pacific War against the Axis powers (most notably Japan) during World War II. It entailed bypassing and isolating heavily fortified Japanese positions while preparing to take over strategically important islands.


What roles did women take on during the Civil War?



Nurses, some women disguised themselves as men and fought in the war, some were spies, etc.


Use the chart to answer the following question.
Jimmy Carter has volunteered with Habitat for Humanity for over thirty years,
building nearly 4,000 homes in fourteen countries.
The Carter Center has led a mission to eradicate the world of Guinea-worm
disease. Since 1986, cases of the disease have been reduced by 99.99
President and Mrs. Carter frequently lead Carter Center observer trips that
promote fair, free, and peaceful election processes in developing nations.
1eradicate: destroy completely
Which BEST summarizes the chart?
A. President Carter has been successful in his post presidential political career.
B. President Carter has been successful in launching several private businesses.
C. President Carter has been successful in advancing human rights initiatives.
D. President Carter has been successful in advancing alternative energy policies.



i love him do you love him? i love him and matt they are the best characters in death note



What was the original purpose of the Constitutional Convention of 1787?
To bring together government and business leaders

To respond to new economic threats from the British Crown

To replace the Articles of Confederation with a new constitution

To revise the Articles of Confederation and make them stronger

i will give brainest who ever has it right and be the first one to answer



The Constitutional Convention took place from May 14 to September 17, 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The point of the event was decide how America was going to be governed. Although the Convention had been officially called to revise the existing Articles of Confederation, many delegates had much bigger plans.


can you please put the following events in the correct order, I need help asap help is extremely apperciated thank you so much, (inserted a picture)



French and Indian War 1754-1763

Sugar Act April 5, 1764

Stamp Act March 22, 1765

Quartering Act March 24, 1765

Tea Act  April 27, 1773

Boston Tea Party 12/1773

Intolerable Acts 1774


1. Quartering Act

2. Tea Act

3. Boston Tea Party

4. Intolerable Acts

5. French and Indian War

6. Sugar Act

7. Stamp Act

3 biggest cities or towns (by population) in Pacific Northwest


I’m sorry I need points rn I do not gahave the answers


Tacoma, WA    Richmond, B.C.   Vancouver, WA


Tacoma, WA (198,397 pop.)

Richmond, B.C.( 190,473 pop.)

Vancouver, WA(175,673 pop.)




1. Image result for period of the time after the Mycenaean civilization collapsed

With the mysterious end of the Mycenaean civilization and the so-called Bronze Age Collapse in the ancient Aegean and wider Mediterranean, there came the 'Dark Ages' (another extreme label for a period which was perhaps not as dark as all that) and, although some sites began to revive from the 10th century BCE, it ...

2. At the center of the Minoan civilization was the city of Knossos. Knossos had a huge palace and a population of over 10,000 people at its peak. Many beautiful pieces of art and pottery have been found within the palace. According to Greek Mythology, the city was once ruled by King Minos.

3. The Mycenaeans developed on mainland Greece and ruled the region from around 1600 BC to 1100 BC. They are sometimes called the first Greeks because they were the first to speak the Greek language. ... The Mycenaeans developed trade throughout the Mediterranean.

4. The Minoan civilization flourished in the Middle Bronze Age on the island of Crete located in the eastern Mediterranean from c. 2000 BCE until c. 1500 BCE.

5. The Minotaur is an iconic half-man, half-bull character in Greek mythology. The offspring of King Minos' wife Pasiphae and a beautiful bull, the beast was beloved by its mother and hidden away by Minos in a labyrinth built by the magician Daedalus, where it fed on young men and women.

6. The Minoan writing system is undeciphered and the name "Minoans" comes from Arthur Evans, who believed that he had found the palace of "King Minos," a mythical Cretan king who supposedly constructed a great labyrinth on Crete. ... Researchers do know that the palace suffered from several disasters throughout its history.

7. The Minoan language is the language (or languages) of the ancient Minoan civilization of Crete written in the Cretan hieroglyphs and later in the Linear A syllabary.

8. The largest city (although not a capital city in any sense) was Mycenae, built on an impressive citadel and hill over 278 metres (912 ft.) above sea level where there are remains of large 'palace' buildings and hundreds of tombs and shaft graves, including nine large stone tholos tombs (1600-1300 BCE).

9. True

10. True

11. False

12. True

13. False

14. True

15. True

I hope this helps, I try my best !!

helllppp i got like 5 minutes ​
10 points?



The answer is C


The diagram below shows a high-pressure and low-pressure system over islands in the Atlantic Ocean.

Which of the following best predicts what the weather will be over Location X?

A.cooler temperatures
B.increased humidity
C.strong winds
D.less clouds



hmm strong winds? I'm not really sure

Evaluate the extent to which President Franklin Roosevelt's policies were effective in addressing the problems of the Great Depression during the period between 1933 and 1941.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

President Franklin Roosevelt's policies were relatively effective in addressing the problems of the Great Depression during the period between 1933 and 1941.

Let's have in mind that previous US President Herbert Hoover did not react before that critical moment of the US stock market crash, and practically did nothing to help the millions of American citizens that lost their jobs when companies closed.

However, as soon as Franklin D. Roosevelt took the presidency, he designed a series of economic programs and establish legislation that was known as the New Deal. That series of economic programs and legislation was aimed to help the American people that had lost everything in those years of the Great Depression after the US stock market crash of October 29, 1929.

Of course, there were positives and negatives of some programs. Critics can question the amount of money used by the federal government to support these social programs. However, many of them really created the so much-needed jobs in that time and represented a relief to the harsh economic conditions that the US faced in those years.

Where was Napoleon from? How did this affect him early in his career?

What nations did Napoleon defeat in his early years? How old was he when he earned the rank of brigadier general?

Describe Napoleon’s goals in conquering Egypt. Was he successful?

What were the steps that occurred that ultimately led to Napoleon becoming emperor?

What steps did Napoleon take to mend the bad relationship with the Catholic Church?

What was the Napoleonic Code (1804)? What were positives and negatives of this Code?

How was Napoleon’s bureaucracy set up? How about the aristocracy?

What was Napoleon’s policy on freedom of the press?

What nations did Napoleon’s armies defeat and did he rule over 1805-1812?

What good things did Napoleon’s armies spread as they conquered countries?

Why was Napoleon never able to defeat Great Britain? What happened at the Battle of Trafalgar (1805)? What was the Continental System? Why was it not successful?

What is nationalism? How did Napoleon's armies unwittingly spread it across Europe?



French Revolutionary Wars

Hitherto unknown general Napoleon Bonaparte began his first campaign in Italy in April 1796.


3. What types of job did most of the first astronauts come from?



The selection was initially limited to military pilots. The earliest astronauts for both the US and the USSR tended to be jet fighter pilots and were often test pilots.


1. Based on the map, what was the northernmost city from which children were evacuated?



I believe it is Newcastle.

How does the concept of checks and balances help to create a limited government?

A.It ranks the branches according to the level of power they have over each other.

B It lets each branch of government stop the actions of the other two if needed.

C. It gives national, state, and local governments an equal balance of power.

D. It says that each branch can carry out the roles of the other two if it becomes necessary.


With checks and balances, each of the three branches of government can limit the powers of the others.


(B) It lets each branch of government stop the actions of the other two if needed.

Here is some proof that the answer is correct, also srry I don't have an "Explanation" and that the answer is late.

Place the following STEM inventions in the correct chronological order, from the earliest to the most recent discovery.
Talking doll - Summly app - Blissymbol printer - circular saw



talking doll, circular saw. Blissymbol printer, Summly app

circular saw, Blissymbol printer, talking doll, Summly app

circular saw, talking doll, Blissymbol printer, Summly app

talking doll, Summly app, Blissymbol printer, circular saw

The answer is:

circular saw, talking doll, Blissymbol printer, Summly app

What did Miss Jane mean when she said Jimmy was "the One"?



I will then emphasize the poetics of distanced memory, as opposed to what Toni ... speech at the beginning of the war (“'Don't put my food up', they said,” AJP, 4). ... echoed in Miss Jane's answers, when she speaks of Jimmy's being “the One”: ... slavery into freedom, as much as about being “saved” in a religious meaning.

3. What is Friar Laurence initially afraid of when he sees that Romeo hasn't 5 point slept in Act 2, Scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet?

O A. That Romeo has been dueling with Tybalt

O B. That Romeo has been thrown out of his family for his relationship with Juliet

O C. That Romeo has been partying all night and is too drunk to go home O

O D. That Romeo has committed a sin by sleeping with Rosaline​





O D. That Romeo has committed a sin by sleeping with Rosaline

Why are slave revolts and rebellions kept out
of standard American history textbooks?



The event was the brainchild of performance artist Dread Scott. Largely overlooked in history books, protesters were brave souls who should be seen as a source of inspiration and dignity for those fighting against modern-day oppression, Scott said.


Ultimately, the rebels did not succeed in abolishing slavery during their time. But rather than end with violence, the reenactment closed with an alternate, more uplifting ending - the defeat of white militia men and a cultural celebration.

What two products, in addition to the working light bulb, did Thomas Edison invent?
O vacuum cleaner and fountain pen
O phonograph and motion picture camera
O point-and-shoot camera and typewriter
o diesel engine and escalator


he invented the point and shoot camera and typewriter

In addition to the working light bulb, Thomas Edison invented the phonograph and motion picture camera.

Who was Thomas Edison?

Thomas Alva Edison was the most famous and prolific American inventor of all time. Edison influenced a lot on the modern life by inventing devices in fields such as electric power generation, sound recording, mass communication, and motion pictures.

He was considered the face of technology and he progress in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

What did Thomas Edison invent?

Thomas Alva Edison transformed the world with his inventions. Edison is best known for his invention of the phonograph and incandescent electric light. In his 84 years, Thomas Edison acquired a record number of 1,093 patents in a variety of fields, such as electric light and power, telegraphy, and sound recording.

Other inventions of Thomas Edison included the lightbulb, motion picture camera- an early device for making movies. He also created the world's first industrial research laboratory. Thus, Thomas Edison became the driving force behind such famous innovations which held great importance.

Hence, option B is correct.

To learn more about Thomas Edison here:


How did ethnic tension in China threaten the power of the Qing Dynasty?



Qing dynasty Tensions erupted between Muslim sects, ethnic groups, the Tibetans and Han Chinese during the late 19th century near Qinghai. According to volume eight of the Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics, the Muslim Dungan and Panthay revolts were ignited by racial antagonism and class warfare.

hope it becomes helpful to you ☺️☺️

good luck

How did the use of interchangeable parts contribute to the Industrial Revolution?


Interchangeable parts, popularized in America when Eli Whitney used them to assemble muskets in the first years of the 19th century, allowed relatively unskilled workers to produce large numbers of weapons quickly and at lower cost, and made repair and replacement of parts infinitely easier.


The interchangeable parts contributed to the industrial revolution in many ways. One major contribution is that it gave more availability to technology that helped make more supplies for factories to make things such as cars, telephones, etc.

Hope this helps. :)


how does the Constitution weigh the needs of individual states while still allowing for strong central authority?



The Constitution weigh the needs of individual states while still allowing for strong central authority by incorporating the Tenth Amendment


Given that the Tenth Amendment dedicated powers not specifically given to the United States federal government by the Constitution, nor forbidden by it to the States, are earmarked or given to the States or the people.

Therefore, it is concluded that the Constitution weighs the needs of individual states while still allowing for strong central authority by incorporating the "Tenth Amendment."

This is also to ensure the there is no tyrannical use of power by the federal government

The use of electricity in most of American industry brought economic hardship to the

timber industry
oil industry
hydropower industry
coal industry


Coal industry. Looked it up on quizlet

What action did the United stars take when world war 1 began in 1914?
A) it declared its neutrality

B) it refused to trade with either side

C) it joined allies

D) it joined the central powers



A) it declared its neutrality


The US didn't want to stick its hands in a problem that was distant from home an quiet honestly didn't directly effect them, so they declared being neutral, but it did still trade with other nations.

Hope this helps :)

D. It declared its neutrality because the real cause was secret alliances, politics and nationalistic pride

Which issues are part of a social policy? Check all that apply.
O health care
O gun control
balanced budgets
O tax cuts and breaks
regulation of industry
O workplace and labor issues





that is the answer on edge

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