What did Charlie Chaplin mean by “Dictators free themselves, but they enslave the people”.?

Please answer I'm giving lots of points!!!


Answer 1

Answer:Dictators can be free, but their subjects remain enslaved


Answer 2
Dictators live their lives the way that is most comfortable for them, but often push down several other people to get there. The most popular dictators in history also have a tendency for violence and imprisonment/enslaving those they see as below them. They do everything and abuse their power to make sure they are free and above other people, while those of a smaller status or being is left with nothing and has to fight everyday just to survive. They give themselves everything, and give their people nothing.

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Francis Gary Powers


hope this helps :)

True or False: Annexation is the formal joining of one political region to another.







Which of the following was not an impact of industrialization on the War



Industrialization is the social and economic transformation of society from an agrarian to an industrial economy. From about 1760 to 1840, the United States underwent industrialization, a period better known as the Industrial Revolution. During this time, labor and processes traditionally performed by hand were replaced by new machines that could perform tasks more efficiently.

the French in New France and the settlers at Jamestown had interactions with which group of people?



Native Indians


The settlers in New France and Jamestown had interacted with native American (Algonquian people). They developed a good relationship with the Native Indians and traded with them. Trade was crucial for survival, French traders took furs pelts from Natives and gave goods like textiles and weapons.

Jamestown became the first permanent English settlement in America, founded in 1607. Native Indians were eager to help them in settling in the New World.

Does anybody know who duke lupsha is???
If u do then tell me where he is living right now. Lol, I am duke lupsha. just tell me where I live and I will mark BRAINLIEST PLUS 100 POINTS GUYS.



Phoenix, Arizona


Totally did not look at the comments!!!!!

30 Points!!! Help!! Brainliest! (if correct)

During the New Deal,
A. The government got bigger
B. Taxes went down
C. Government spending decreased
D. Charities went out of business


Your answer is:

A) The government got bigger



Someone help me plsss!!!!



The awnser is B!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Explain the Compromise of 1850 (include what is says about slavery in California, slavery in new territories and slavery in
Washington DC).
California is a free state; slavery is allowed in the new territories; slave trade is allowed in Washington DC
New terriorites have no limits on slavery; slave trade is illegal in Washington DC; California is a slave state.
Slave trade illegal in Washington DC; California is a free state; no limits on slavery in the new territories
No slavery or slave trade in Washington DC; new territories can allow slavery; California will decide slavery by
popular sovereignty vote.



I think the answer would be C


Corinth and Athens are in:
O Judea
O Africa
O Achaia


Achaia is the answer
Achaia I think. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

why where is the steam engine and has the spinning jenny become so important to the Industrial Revolution​



Second, the Spinning Jenny had a large impact on the world during the Industrial Revolution was because as “a small machine and cheap to construct,”the Spinning Jenny could be mass produced and used "on a manufacturing factory scale" instead of just in workers homes. If cloth could be made in factories then there would be much less work.


The question below refers to the selection "When the Negro was in Vogue." Which of the following is not a black celebrity mentioned in this essay?
a. Ethel Waters
c. Duke Ellington
b. Claude McKay
d. Will Smith


I think Will Smith. The period “When the Negro was in Vogue” is 1920.

Why do you think education and equal rights become importanr issues during the Industrial Revolution?



People required education and training to work in industries. And this education must be different than convectional education. They had to work in factories and operate machineries and work long hours, so proper education and training become important.

Moreover, there was a divide between industrialist class and the working class. Often the industrial class exploited the working class by paying them low wages and made them work long hours. This further widened the gap. Therefore equal rights become important.

Citizens do have choices, but if their choices conflict with their duties, the government imposes consequences.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided


help me 0-0 plz





PLZZZZZZ HELP ME 3. What are the benefits of living in a permanent settlement vs. a nomadic settlement? include at least three benefits for EACH. Please consider the following when answering:
- Did man have better control of his food source after he learned to farm?

- When man settled, do you think they had better homes?

- Do you think man accumulated more belongings (remember he used to have to carry everything he owned)?

- Do you think he would have modified his environment to make it better ( i.e.., irrigation ditches or wall)



One of the most obvious advantages is being able to grow and harvest crops on land as a result of agriculture, rather than relying on natural landscapes to provide. Another is safety and security — you do not have to traverse potentially dangerous routes and can defend your land from your home. Finally, urban cultural centers are not possible when moving from place to place as you have to take everything with you. Permanent settlement allows advanced civilizations to develop.


under the Articles of Confederation how many votes did each state get in Congress​



Each state gets atleast one vote.

1. The
was the protest that
helped to spark the creation of the
A.civil Rights Act
B. Voting Rights Act
C. Selma Montgomery March
D.Montgomery Bus Boycotts





the ___ had an advantage when it came to carrying out the war operation during the revolution


Continental army is the correct answer

Which statement best describes how the Second Great Awakening differed from the First Great Awakening?

A) The first inspired a political revolution while the Second inspired social reform movements

B) The first supported the free expression of emotion during worship services; the second did not

C) The first urged followers to explore other religions; the second urged discrimination against other religions



A) The first inspired a political revolution while the Second inspired social reform movements


the answer is A


i took a quiz and got it right

Describe the features of sharks from the Cenozoic era.



Re-Upload this question and whatever you do, DO NOT CLICK THAT LINK.


The link is a virus.

Giving brainliest
Are Shinto and Confucianism a religion or a philosophy? How do you know?



Confucianism is a humanist religion that developed in response to Buddhism and Taoism and was based on the teachings of the philosopher Confucius who lived from 551-479 BCE. Much of the teaching is based on virtues and ways of living your life.


Early Christianity developed in which communities?
A Greek
B Jewish
С Buddhist


Christianity developed in Judea in the mid-first century CE, based first on the teachings of Jesus and later on the writings and missionary work of Paul of Tarsus. Originally, Christianity was a small, unorganized sect that promised personal salvation after death.

A what is a tactic where an army tries to capture a fort or town by surrounding it and preventing supplies from reaching it. Vicksburg is an example of this tactic.





siege - a military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or building, cutting off supplies, with the aim of compelling the surrender of those inside

which statement would ralph waldo Emerson most likely agree with?




Be less concerned about money and work.

Colombia's plains and coastal lowlands are ______.


The answer is warm !!!!!!!!

You are stumped on an important math test and you have the perfect opportunity to cheat without getting caught.
What do you do, and how do you explain your decision?

give me 3-5 sentences



UMMMM i cheat by going to the bathroom (saying MAY I) and asking people for the answers. I then go back (LIKE A BOSS), and answer the questions. If things go sideways like, if i cant go to the bathroom, i put my hands on my forehead while my eyes look for answers


Answer:I dont, I would not do this because how will you learn? Bad karma could come back to you. The kid your cheating off of could have it wrong him/her self.



LOLL im 5 it looks like a face





Imagine that you’re a Native American judge serving on a court in Indian Territory. A person suspected of committing a crime in the United States has fled to the territory. Would you hear the case? Would you order the accused to be sent back to the United States? Or would you ignore the case entirely? Explain and defend your answer in 50–100 words.





If I were a judge in Indian Territory, I would order the accused to be sent to Fort Smith for trial. Tribal courts have no real jurisdiction over people from the United States who have committed crimes. If the accused isn’t a tribal citizen, I can’t hear the case. But I also can’t simply ignore the case. To do so might endanger other people or the community. At Fort Smith, the person who committed the crime will face a fair trial and, if found guilty, a fair punishment.


Write two paragraphs about this please I’ll give brainliest :((

Do you feel that the first ten amendments of the United States still play a key role in our society today? Lately we have been discussing the debates between Jefferson and Hamilton over multiple things including the government's role in protecting individual rights. Today, some people believe certain rights should be protected by law while others should not. Explain why, or why not, we should still depend on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights the lead our government. Feel free to look up the Bill of Rights if you cannot remember.


The Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution. These amendments guarantee essential rights and civil liberties, such as the right to free speech and the right to bear arms, as well as reserving rights to the people and the states.

The Bill of Rights has its own fascinating story as a distinct historical document, drafted separately from the seven articles that form the body of the Constitution. But ever since the first 10 amendments were ratified in 1791, the Bill of Rights has also been an integral part of the Constitution.

Whiskey rebellion, was Washington a tyrant?


It forced President Washington to personally lead the United States militia westward to stop the rebels.

Who left a lasting legacy in philosophical thinking?





Aristotle was one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived and the first genuine scientist in history. He made pioneering contributions to all fields of philosophy and science, he invented the field of formal logic, and he identified the various scientific disciplines and explored their relationships to each other.

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