Both the brain and spinal cord are protected by ____.


Answer 1

The brain and the spinal cord are protected by a three layered connective tissue that cn be found between the organs and the bones that surrounds them. The name of this structure is meninges.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

Both the brain and spinal cord are protected by meninges

Related Questions

2. Protists are able to make their own food through photosynthesis.TrueFalse


This question must be approached carefully, protists as a kingdom include protozoans and algae, from this the only ones that do photosynthesis are algae, therefore if we talk of protists as kingdom we can say that is true if we talk of protists as protozoans is false.

The offspring of mating between true-breeding individuals is known as the:parental generation.primary generation.F1 generation.F2 generation.


The correct answer is "parental generation", since this inter-breeding refers to pure races/genotypes, that potentially could generate any genotype combination.

What occurs when a clonal production of a diploid egg is activated, but not fertilized by the presence of sperm?A) GynogeneisisB) ParthenogenesisC) RegenerationD) Hybridization


The asexual reproduction or clonal production, of a diploid egg that is activated but not fertilized by the prescence of sperm is a proccess called parthenogenesis (optionB).

What is the naturally occurring variation in the genetic information on a segment of DNA among individuals?A) PolymorphismB) Genetic variationC) MutationD) Morphism


Naturally occurring variation in the genetic information on a segment of DNA among individuals is referred to as mutation. When a cell divides and produce a copy of DNA, mutation can sometime happen when the copied DNA is not perfect. This slight change from the model DNA is called as mutation.

Answer - Option C - Mutation

Which type of rock contains fossils? Select the correct answer.(1 point)

1. igneous rock
2. metamorphic, sedimentary, and igneous rock
3. metamorphic rock
4. sedimentary rock



The fourth correct answer is that sedimentary rock is where fossils are most frequently found.

What are fossils ?

The preserved remnants of animals and plants that were submerged in sediments like sand and mud beneath ancient seas, lakes, and rivers are known as fossils. Any preserved sign of life that really is typically older than 10,000 years is considered a fossil. Any surviving remains, impression, or evidence of a once-living thing from such a previous geological epoch is referred to as a fossil. Examples include fossilized bones, shells, exoskeletons, animal or microbe imprints in stone, amber-preserved artifacts, hairs, petrified woods, oil, coal, and DNA traces.

What are 3 ways fossils are formed and who found the first fossil ?

According to State of New York Geological Survey, fossils are made through a variety of various chemical and physical processes. Whole-body fossils can be formed by freezing, drying, and encasing in tar or resin to preserve bodily tissues. The first dinosaurs bone was reportedly found in 1677 by Robert Plot, who initially thought it belonged to a huge human. The first geology professor at Oxford University, William Buckland, was the one who first accurately recognized a dinosaur fossil as such.


Sedimentary Rocks: Rocks that are produced from previously existing rocks or fragments of once-living organisms are known as sedimentary rocks. They emerge from deposits that amass on the Earth's surface. Identifiable bedding or layering is typically present in sedimentary rocks.

To know more about Fossil visit:



D) sedimentary rock

Which two major parts of the earth system does this photo most clearly show


The two major parts of the earth system that this photo most clearly shows are the lithosphere and hydrosphere.

What are the major earth systems?

Earth systems refer to the various systems of the earth that compose the earth.

The major earth systems are as follows:

Lithosphere - this is the hard layer of the earth which includes the earth's crust such as deserts, mountains, etc.

Hydrosphere - this is the earth system that is composed of water such as the oceans, rivers, streams, etc.

Atmosphere - this is the earth's system that is composed of the layers of gases above the earth's crust.

Learn more about lithosphere and hydrosphere at:


Answer: Geosphere and Hydrosphere


Pueraria Lobato is what type of species?A. A nonnative speciesB. A keystone speciesC. An indicator species


Pueraria Lobato, also known as kudzu, is a vine that occurs in the USA. This is an invasive species, so it is not from the U.S.. Therefore, it is a nonnative species.

The correct answer is A. A nonnative species

Complete each statement by choosing the correct answer from the drop-down menu. can develop when a person has elevated levels of glucose in the blood. can occur when the body is exposed to extremely cold temperatures for a long time. can occur when the body is exposed to extremely hot temperatures for a long time.


Diabetes can result from elevated levels of glucose in blood. Hypothermia can be observed when the body is subjected to extreme cold temperatures for a long duration. Hyperthermia can occur when the body is exposed to extreme high temperatures for a long time.

Diabetes is caused due to increased levels of glucose in the blood. It is a medical condition that is usually associated with the deficiency or improper functioning of the Insulin hormone.

Hypothermia is a condition which develops from exposure to extremely low temperatures, i.e. below 95.0 °F, for a long period of time. Its symptoms may vary according to the temperature. Severe hypothermia can be fatal. Hyperthermia is the opposite condition, where the body temperature remains elevated abnormally for a long time.

To learn more about Diabetes here


Select the correct answer.The reaction mature for PCR is missing the enzyme Tans polymerase. Which step of PC would this affect?A. extraction of DNAB. denaturation of DNAC. binding of primerD. preservation of DNAE. elongation



the polymerase enzyme is used in translation

E. elongation

What are the principles of the cell theory?


Cell theory states that all organisms are made of cells, that they are the basic structure of all organisms, and that each cell is made of a preexistent cell.

These three statements are the principles of the cell theory.

what causes separation of DNA bands during electrophoresis?


The electrophoresis technique allows the separation of DNA bands based on two characteristics: the size of the DNA fragments, and the charges of the DNA fragments, although other variables may intervene as well, such as the conformation of the molecules and the components used to make the gel and the buffers.

Sodium ions are pumped from inside the cell across the membrane to outside the cell, where the concentration of sodium is higher. This describesQuestion 75 options:facilitated diffusionactive transportsimple diffusionosmosis


The types of transport can be classified into two groups: passive transport and active transport.

What is the FIRST thing one should do when reading the Nutrition Facts table:Look at the ingredients list and determine if it is the best option for you. Look at the specific amount of food listed and compare it to how much you actually eat. Look at the caloric content and determine if it meets your nutritional goals. Look at the percentage daily values and determine if it meets your nutritional goals.


According to FDA, there are four areas to look out for. These areas are (1) the serving information or serving size, (2) calories or amount per serving, (3) nutrients, and (4) the % daily value.

Serving information or serving size is the first you look up. It tells you the average amount a person c

Briefly explain the primary roles of NADH and FADH2 in cellular respiration.


NADH is the Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide e FADH2 is the Flavin adenine nucleotide, both of them are high energy electron carriers. They are reponsible for transporting electrons generated in Glycolises and Krebs Cycle to the Electron Transport Chain, creating ATP.The difference between them is that a NADH molecule produces 3 ATP molecules while a FADH2 molecule produces 2 ATP molecules.

Which of the following
materials are being
transported in and out of the
cell through its cell
A. energy and water
B. waste and nutrients this
C. DNA and mitochondria


B. waste and nutrients

PLEASE I BEG YOU In fruit flies, wild type (+) wings are dominant to vestigial wings (v). An F1 generation is produced that has a phenotypic ratio of 1 wild type: 1 vestigial. Of the P generation, the male had vestigial wings and the female had wild type wings. What were the genotypes of the P generation and the F1 generation?


Assuming the shape of wings is coded by a diallelic gene expressing complete dominance, in the proposed cross the parental genotypes are vv and +v. And the progeny genotypes are vv and +v.

What is complete dominance?

In genes that express complete dominance, one of the alleles completely hides the expression of the other allele in heterozygous individuals.

In these cases, even when the individual is carrying both alleles, the expressed phenotype is the dominant one.

In fruit flies,

wild type (+) wings are dominant vestigial wings (v) are recessive

In the cross,

male had vestigial wings, vvfemale had wild type wings, ++ or +vF1 phenotypic ratio 1:1

Half of the progeny expressed vestigial wings and the other half expressed the wild type.

We know the male could only transmit the recessive allele.

If there are individuals expressing the recessive phenotype among the progeny, it means that the female is heterozygous and it transmitted a dominant and a recessive allele.

If the female was homozygous dominant, the whole progeny would be heterozygous and would express the dominant phenotype.

Cross: male with vestigial wings and female with wild type wings

Parentals) vv     x     +v

Gametes)  v   v        +   v

Punnett square)       v        v

                         +     +v      +v

                         v      vv     vv


1/2 = 50% of the progeny is heterozygous and expresses the wild type wings.1/2 = 50% of the progeny is homozygous recessive and expresses vestigial wings.

Genotype of the P generation

vv  ⇒  male+v  ⇒  female

Genotype of the F1 generation

vv  +v  

You can learn more about complete dominance at


Does Kudzu help with soil erosion in the environment Explain why or why not



The correct answer is:

Yes, Kudzu helps prevent erosion.


Kudzu is a leafy vine that can prevent soil erosion. This is due to its wide leaves and strong root system that prevents soil erosion. In fact, Kudzu exhibits a symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which may help explain their successful growth on heavily eroded sites. The kudzu cover prevents soil erosion because produces a high density of organic matter and this slows down the speed of rainwater. Also, Kudzu maintains soil moisture and prevents runoff even on steep slopes.

Which interaction is positive?a. Parasitismb. Predationc. Herbivoryd. Competitione. Mutualism


The interaction that is positive is Mutualism because two organisms are working together instead of fighting or eating one another.

Select 3 that apply.The purpose of placenta is to: Select all that apply.pass along oxygenfeed the growing embryoremove wastefeed the larvapass along nitrogen


The placenta is an organ developed in the uterus during pregnancy, it works as an endocrine gland, secreting hormones, and also provides oxygen, and nutrients to the baby.

In the bind point between the placenta and the uterus begins the umbilical cord.

also has a filter function that allows the movement of certain particles.

From the options given

• pass along oxygen --> ,is true


• feed the growing embryo-->, is true

• remove waste -->, is true


• feed the larva--> ,is false


• pass along nitrogen--> ,is true, but mainly as nutrients.

The answer is to pass along oxygen, feed the growing embryo, and remove waste

Photosynthesis is to chloroplasts as cell respiration is toPhotosynthesis is to chloroplasts as cell respiration is tocytoplasmglucosegolgi bodymitochondria


Photosynthesis is the process in which the chloroplasts transform the energy from sunlight into biochemical energy and store it in ATP molecules.

Cell respiration is the process in which biochemical energy is synthesized by the mitochondria.

The correct answer is "mitochondria"

Is this accurate? It is my response for a short summary about the impact of Kudzu on nonnative regions If not , what could be reworded? The kudzu-invaded ecosystem will lead to a significant loss in the variety of flora and fauna within it. As previously mentioned, kudzu disrupts and threatens the biodiversity in ecosystems by spreading over any primary producers that are in its way and obstructing any sunlight from what it covers. A sustainable ecosystem isn’t complete without grasses, trees, plants, and other organisms, this means that a kudzu-invaded ecosystem will NOT flourish by any circumstance.


No, this is not accurate. It could be reworded as Recent studies have revealed that kudzu's effects are more problematic than previously believed.

Fast-growing invasive plants like kudzu outcompete anything from native grasses to fully developed trees by blocking the sunlight needed for photosynthetic activity.

Because it suffocates other plants and trees under a canopy of leaves, taking all the sunshine and trapping other species in its shade, kudzu is very terrible for the ecosystems that it invades.

Due to its aggressive nature, kudzu has a variety of negative ecological effects, such as shading out native plants in forest understories, changing the chemistry of soil by fixing nitrogen, and reducing native biodiversity.

To learn more about Kudzu visit:


Non-vascular plants are limited in size for all of the following reasons EXCEPT theyA)have no xylem to carry water.B)have no phloem to store sugars.C)have tiny seeds that can only travel short distances.D)must have moisture for their sperm to swim to the egg of other plants.


Non-vascular plants do not possess xylem or phloem because they do not have water-conducting tissue. They cannot carry water and absorb directly by means of their leaflike scale. So that fertilization will occur in a vascular plant, the sperm must swim in a drop of water from antheridium to an egg in an archegonium.

Answer - Option C - have tiny seeds that can only travel short distances

They also do not possess seeds. They possess roots to be able to absorb water and minerals.

I’m stuck on this part and I’m not sure if it’s just me being stressed out but I just can quiet understand. someone help pleaseeeee


Hybrid organisms are considered as heterozygous.

The phenotypes of the cross of two heterozygous black mice are shown above. BB and Bb have black fur. bb which is considered as recessive have white fur. Homozygous recessive only show the recessive phenotype.

Cross a P generation, LlBb with llbb. Assume the following F1 generation:LlBb: 480Llbb: 20llBb: 20llbb: 480How far apart are L and B?


L and B are 4 unites apart. Considering the cross, they are only 4% of the recombinant types.

Discuss risk factors, and steps that may be taken to decrease risk factors for breast cancer, colon and rectal cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and skin cancer.


Breast cancer is a multifactorial disease so the risk factors can be varied. However, the main factors are gender and age, since most breast cancers are detected in women over 50 years of age. Other risk factors that cannot be avoided include genetic mutations in genes such as BRCA1 and 2, having early menstruation and late menopause, as there is exposure to hormones for a longer time, having relatives with breast cancer and having received radiotherapy.

It should be noted that there are also risk factors that can be avoided. These include taking hormone treatments, not exercising, being overweight, drinking alcohol and getting pregnant for the first time after the age of 30. Fortunately, these factors can be reduced by exercising, eating a healthy diet, and receiving reproductive and hormonal counseling from a physician.

10. A mutation in the DNA that produced the strand of messenger RNA shown below produced a newstrand of mutant messenger RNA.UGACUGCAGCUUIf the mutation was a deletion of the first base pair in the second codon, which of the following sequenceswould represent the resulting mutant messenger RNA?A. UACUGCAGCUUB. UGAUGCAGCUUC. UCUGCAGCUUD. UGAGCAGCUU


mRNA of the mutated DNA: UGACUGCAGCUU (in bold is the second codon)

If the mRNA has a mutation by a deletion on the first base pair of the second codon, the sequence produced will be UGA-UGC-AGC-UU. The second codon is originally CUG but with the deletion, C is left out.


i don’t understand how to set up the model, could anyone help


Part 1. Photosynthesis is a means to transform light energy from the sun to stored chemical energy. This is done by converting CO2 that enters into the leaves of a plant with the addition of H2O to form sugar and O2. O2 is released as the by-product of photosynthesis. Sugar is where the chemical energy is stored.

This is the chemical equation of photosynthesis:

6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2

how many ATP produced during fermentation?a_38 ATPb_36ATPc_2ATP


So as you say, ATP is a molecule involved in energy generation. This molecule, Adenosine Triphospate is a nucleotide comformed by a nitrogenous base (adenosine), and by a pentose sugar, and in fermentation is carried out by glucolisis due to the absent of oxygen, producing only 2 molecules of this ATP.

Which trait is commonly found in both of these two groups: chondrichthyans (cartilaginous fishes) and osteichthyans (bony fishes).


Jaws are common between chondrichthyans or cartilaginous fishes and Osteichthyes .

Cartilaginous fishes have skeletons composed  of cartilage while bony fish have a skeleton composed of bone. Cartilaginous fish are grouped under the class Chondrichthyes and all bony fish fall under the superclass Osteichthyes.

Chondrichthyes are jawed vertebrates they also have paired fins , scales, and chambered heart. Osteichthyes or bony fishes, which have structure primarily composed of tissue and jaws are also present .

To learn more about Osteichthyes , here


4.Why are some organisms modified with CRISPR technology not considered transgenic?


Some organisms modified with CRISPR technology are not considered transgenic because the CRISPR genes do not become part of the genome of the organism that is being modified, being only a vehicle of the information and not a new gene for the organism.

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