baler co. prepared its statement of cash flows at year-end using the direct method. the following amounts were used in the computation of cash flows from operating activities: beginning inventory $200,000 ending inventory 150,000 cost of good sold 1,200,000 beginning accounts payable 300,000 ending accounts payable 200,000 what amount should baler report as cash paid to suppliers for inventory purchases?


Answer 1

B. Baler report the $1,250,000 as cash paid to suppliers for inventory purchases.

How is the cost of goods sold calculated?

The cost of goods sold (COGS) is calculated by subtracting the value of inventory held at the end of the study period from the value of inventory at the beginning of the study period, adding the cost of any new inventory purchased during the covered period, and taking the value of inventory.

We know that the cost of goods sold is the sum of the opening inventory, annual purchases, and closing inventory.

Now, adding the values above, we have $200,000 + Purchases - $150,000 = $1,200,000; Purchases = $1,200,000 + $150,000 - $200,000 = $1,150,000;

cash paid to suppliers for inventory purchases is $300,000 + $1,150,000 - $200,000 = $1,250,000.

Learn more about cost of goods sold here:


Related Questions

lyndale, incorporated's sales are $513,000 and $360,000 during the current and prior years, respectively. the percentage change is:


The percentage change  Lyndale, Inc.'s with the given sales is 42.5%

How do you calculate sales growth in percentage?

Revenue change during a predetermined time period is gauged by sales growth. A business's positive or negative rate of growth can be seen by comparing its revenue between two fiscal quarters. A stock's price change over time, stated as a percentage, is a common application of percentage change in finance. To determine it, deduct the current period's net sales from the prior period's net sales. Then subtract the outcome from the prior period's net sales. The percent increase in sales is obtained by multiplying the result by 100.


Sales of current year = $513,000

Sales of previous year = $360,000

So percentage change is

=[($513,000 − $360,000) ÷ $360,000] × 100 = 42.5%

To learn more about percentage change, visit:


Which one of the following is NOT an example of a seller offering signals of quality? A. Chau asks customers to write reviews of her manicures on a website for local businesses. B. Hui Er proofreads her job application and cover letter four times to make sure it shows that she is careful about details. C. Mak offers a money back guarantee on his product lD. an's Auto Body Shop offers a warranty on its work


The correct option is A. Chau asks customers to write reviews of her manicures on a website for local businesses.

Why may a product's quality be a selling point for a seller?

Because providing a lengthy guarantee for low-quality products is more expensive than providing one for high-quality ones, it enables the producer to set its products apart from those of inferior quality. Offering guarantees or warranties is one method a business can communicate the high caliber of its goods. A company will lose money if it provides a warranty for a subpar product. On the other hand, customer buying signals are the behaviors customers exhibit when they're considering buying a solution to address an issue. To make the most of their prospecting time, sales teams can employ customer buying signals to sort out true leads from a field of prospects.

To know more about customer buying signals, visit:


identify the five components that comprise pension expense briefly explain the nature of each component


The five components that comprise pension expense are Service cost, Interest cost, Actual return on plan assets, Amortization of past services and Gains and losses.

Pension expense is the amount of money that a company sets aside each year to fund its pension obligations. The expense is calculated using a number of factors, including the number of employees covered by the pension plan, the expected rate of return on investments, and the estimated lifespan of the employees.

Pension expense is a critical component of a company's financial planning, as it can have a significant impact on the company's bottom line. For this reason, companies must carefully consider all of the factors that go into calculating pension expense.

To know more about pension, click here.


target marketing is a business strategy that focuses a firm's marketing efforts toward a potentially profitable segment of a larger market. target marketing is a business strategy that focuses a firm's marketing efforts toward a potentially profitable segment of a larger market. false true


It is appropriate to mention the fact that target marketing is a business strategy that focuses a firm's marketing efforts toward a potentially profitable segment of a larger market. Therefore, the statement given above is true.

Target marketing can be referred to or considered as the practice of marketing the products of an organization in the market to the target audience or the most potential customers. This can be done through advertisements, and surveys. Target marketing is also identified among the most effective practices to improve and increase the profitability in the industry.

Learn more about target marketing here:


a single man with two small children has been told by a real estate professional that homes for sale in a condominium complex are available only to married couples with no children. which statement is true?


A single man with two small children has been told by a real estate professional that homes for sale in a condominium complex are available only to married couples with no children. The man may file a complaint alleging discrimination on the basis of familial status. This statement is true.

Real estate is a type of real property since it is an item that you own that is affixed to a plot of ground. Any resources found on the ground, such as water or minerals, can be exploited for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes. For example, single-family homes, condominiums, cooperatives, duplexes, townhouses, and multifamily buildings can be used.

Real estate is among the top investment possibilities because of its minimal risk and high potential return. As property prices increase over time, it acts as an inflation safety net. In addition to owning a permanent abode, income generation is among the most crucial factors for horizontal property investors.

The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

A single man with two small children has been told by a real estate professional that homes for sale in a condominium complex are available only to married couples with no children. Which statement is TRUE?

A. Because a single parent family can be disruptive if the parent provides little supervision of the children, the condominium is permitted to discriminate against the family under the principle of rational basis

B. Condominium complexes are exempt from the fair housing laws and can therefore restrict children

C. The man may file a complaint alleging discrimination on the basis of familial status

D. Restrictive covenants in a condominium take precedence over the fair housing laws

To know more about Real Estate here


prisoner's dilemma games imply that cooperative behavior between two people or two firms always breaks down. but reality teaches us that people and firms often cooperate successfully to achieve their goals. why do the results from prisoner's dilemma games fail to predict real-world results? the prisoner's dilemma does not apply to most situations that are repeated over and over. prisoner's dilemma games predict the behavior of people and firms that engage in illegal activity; most people and firms do not resort to illegal activity. prisoner's dilemma games do not permit people or firms from reneging on agreements, which often occurs in real-word situations. most real-world situations involve more than two people or firms; the prisoner's dilemma is only applicable to situations that involve two parties.


(A) consequences in Real-world outcomes cannot be predicted by prisoner dilemma games as Most scenarios that occur repeatedly do not fit this dilemma.

People who always have the incentive to make choices that are detrimental to the group as a whole are said to be in a "prisoner's dilemma."

The prisoner's dilemma is influenced by a number of economic factors.

People discover that betraying the group results in larger benefits than cooperating in the classic dilemma of the prisoner.

In the prisoner's dilemma, two parties are separated and unable to interact with one another, forcing them to choose whether or not to cooperate. The greatest gain is realized for each side when both decide to work together.

To learn more about Prisoner’s dilemma, Click here:


our economists have redone their calculations. they now estimate citizens in our country have an mpc of 0.90. we can fix the problem by decreasing gdp by $450. how much should we decrease government spending?


The government spending should be decreased by $4.5

Gross domestic product (GDP) refers to the total market value of goods and services that is produced in a country's during a period of time

Given the above information, since the MPC is 0.90 and the change in GDP is $450,

The change in the government spending will then be:

$450 = 1  / (1 - 0.90) × ∆G

$450 = 1 / 0.01 × ∆G

$450 = 100 × ∆G

∆G = $450/100

∆G = $4.5

The government spending should be decreased by $4.5

Learn more about GDP calculation -


b. two years from now, the ytm on your bond has increased by 2 percent, and you decide to sell. what price will your bond sell for? (do not round intermediate calculations. round your answer to 2 decimal places.)


The bond will sell for $1,160.17

Face value (FV) = 1000

Coupon rate = 8.00%

Number of compounding periods per year = 1

Interest per period (PMT) = 80.00

Number of years to maturity = 14

Number of compounding periods till maturity (NPER) = 14

The market rate of return/Required rate of return = 6.25%

The market rate of return/Required rate of return per period (RATE) = 6.25%

Bond price = PV(RATE,NPER,PMT,FV)

Bond price = $1,160.17

= PV(6.25%,14,80,1000)*-1

Therefore, the bond will sell for $1,160.17.

To learn more about sales and commerce,


hich statement best describes a capitalistic nation? multiple choice most or all of the factors of production and distribution are privately owned and operated for a profit. the nation-state owns most of the factors of production and distribution, and makes central decisions with respect to the distribution of resources. the nation-state practices state capitalism. it prefers to maintain ownership of certain industries. the political system endorses several hundred entitlement programs. business taxes support these programs that are restricted to the unemployed.


A capitalist economy allows for the private ownership and control of capital assets like mines, factories, and railroads as well as the purchase of labor for monetary wages, accumulation of capital profits for private owners and price-based distribution of resources between competing uses (see "Supply and Demand").

What word best sums up a capitalist?

A capitalist is a person who supports capitalism, a system of privately owned, profit-oriented enterprises. A capitalist may believe in free enterprise and that anyone can become wealthy via hard effort and intelligence.

What quality best defines a capitalist country?

A capitalist society's most essential components include private property, private control of the means of production, capital accumulation, and competition.

To know more about capitalist economy visit:-


jones expects an immediate investment of $57,466 to return $10,000 annually for eight years, with the first payment to be received one year from now. what rate of interest must jones earn? (pv of


The rate of interest that Jones must earn to arrange the complete amount is 12%.

What is interest?

Interest is the sum that is paid by a borrower or deposit-taking financial institution to a lender or depositor at a specified rate over and above the principal amount (the amount borrowed) in the domains of finance and economics. In contrast to profit, interest is paid to a lender, whereas profit is paid to the owner of an asset, investment, or company. The rate of interest is calculated as the total interest paid or received over a given time period divided by the total principal borrowed or lent. When compound interest is used, interest is accumulated on both the principal and any previous interest. The mathematical investigation of this phenomena created the number e, which represents the exponential growth of debt as a whole.

We will find Net present Value at the two random rates to find rate of return.

n = 8

r = 10%

{eq}Net \ Present \ Value = -Initial \ Cash \ Outlay

Rate of interest= 12%

To learn more about interest, visit:


business intelligence (bi) systems do which of the following? select one: a. analyze current and past activities b. predict future events c. record and process transactions d. a and b e. a, b, and c


Option (D) a nd b is correct : In order to address various information needs, a wide range of data analysis applications are combined in business intelligence. Most are supported by both standard business intelligence systems and self-service business intelligence tools.

Business intelligence (BI) is a technology-driven method for data analysis and information delivery that aids managers, employees, and executives in making wise business decisions. In order to make the analytics results available to business users for operational decision-making and strategic planning, organizations collect data from internal IT systems and external sources, prepare it for analysis, run queries against the data, and create data visualizations, business intelligence dashboards, and reports.

Better business decisions that help enterprises boost revenue, boost operational effectiveness, and gain a competitive edge over rival companies are the ultimate goal of business intelligence projects. In order to accomplish that, business intelligence combines analytics, reporting, and data management technologies with a number of different data management and analysis approaches.

To know more about business intelligence:


What is the biggest expense in life?


The cost of having to take care of a child

umpqua defines other financial institutions that perform banking services as their competitors. therefore they take a/an ___________ of its competition.


Umpqua defines other financial institutions that perform banking services as their competitors. therefore they take a/an  competitive performance  of its competition.

The maximum commonplace kinds of monetary establishments are industrial banks, funding banks, insurance corporations, and brokerage firms. these entities offer a wide variety of services and products for character and business clients which include deposits, loans, investments, and foreign exchange.

The definition of a monetary institution commonly describes an status quo that completes and facilitates financial transactions, along with loans, mortgages, and deposits. financial institutions are a place wherein purchasers can correctly manage profits and increase economic footing.

Economic institutions help intermediate financial transactions between humans saving and those spending money. offerings that monetary institutions may also offer consist of deposit accounts, loans, investments, insurance rules, and overseas foreign exchange.

Learn more about financial institutions here:


Cash inflows and outflows involving stockholders and creditors are classified on the statement of cash flows as _ activities.


The match of the  cash activity is a putting away action cash inflow, outpouring, or neither on the articulation of incomes is given underneath

acquisition of property (O for substantial resource)acquisition of copyright (O for immaterial resource)offer of property (I for substantial resource)issuance of stock (not act)offer of copyright (I for theoretical)

How do cash flows work?

The net measure of endless cash reciprocals coming into and leaving a business is alluded to as income. Cash spent and cash got reflected inflows and surges, separately.

In this way, one can say that the operating exercises, investment exercises, and funding exercises make up the three classifications of income. Cash-related overall gain exercises are remembered for working exercises.

Learn more about Cash:


if a local store publishes a misleading advertisement, which organization could best help you resolve the situation?


Food and drug administration (FDA) resolves the situation if a local store publishes a misleading advertisement.

FDA is an organization which is responsible for the protection of public health by ensuring the quality of food products. This organization prevents the manufacturing and sales of the food products that has adulteration in food products.

FDA is responsible to implement the provisions of "Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Drugs (Price Control) Order, 2013." While implementing the provisions under this Act, FDA controls the price, manufacturing, and sales of food products and drugs that has adulteration and harmful for the health.

To know more about FDA here


matteo drove his car 400 miles in 2021 to perform volunteer work. he did not keep records of the actual cost for gas or oil. how much can he deduct as a charitable contribution on his schedule a (form 1040), itemized deductions?


In 2021, if you traveled 4 000 miles in your Matteo for IRS-approved business objectives, multiply that distance by $0.56 each mile.  You’ll be able to Tax Return deduct $224.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations for doing so are rigorous. If you use your vehicle for business or certain other activities, such as traveling for medical treatment or charitable activity, you may be eligible to deduct your costs for tax purposes. When the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) went into effect in 2018, several things changed. Learn how to choose a mileage method, what documentation you need, and how to claim the deduction on your tax return according to IRS regulations. It's easier to deduct your mileage when you use the regular mileage rate. Instead of using your real expenses, it is dependent on the number of miles you drive. You record the number of miles you travel for IRS-approved reasons .

Learn more about Tax Return from


softball training company has a current ratio of 0.70 to 1, based on current assets of $4.55 million and current liabilities of $6.50 million. 1. how, if at all, will a $700,000 cash purchase of inventory affect the current ratio? 2. how, if at all, will a $700,000 purchase of inventory on account affect the current ratio?


Yes, a  $700,000 purchase of inventory on account affects the current ratio.

1. If the softball training company makes a $700,000 cash purchase of inventory, it will increase the current assets by $700,000 and the current ratio will increase to 0.77 to 1 (4.55 + 0.7 = 5.25 million/ 6.5 million).

2. If the softball training company makes a $700,000 purchase of inventory on account, it will increase both the current assets and current liabilities by $700,000 and the current ratio will remain unchanged at 0.70 to 1 (4.55 + 0.7 = 5.25 million/ 6.50 + 0.7 = 7.2 million).

For more questions like Inventory click the link below:


as a result a criminal court proceeding, the seizure of money, negotiable instruments, securities, property, or other things of value that was derived from or was used to facilitate a crime or criminal activity is known as:


As a result a criminal court proceeding, of money, negotiable instruments, securities, property, or other things of value derived from or used to facilitate a crime or criminal activity is known as Criminal Forfeiture.

A legal action brought in personam—against the defendant—and containing a notice of the intention to forfeit property in a criminal indictment. Forfeiture is a component of the defendant's sentence and requires a criminal conviction. Criminal forfeiture is only applicable to the defendant's property interests, including any money received from their illicit behavior. The property implicated in the specific counts on which the offender is found guilty is typically the only thing subject to confiscation under criminal law. The forfeiture of a specific item of property named in the indictment, a sum of money as a money judgment, or other property as substitute property may be ordered by the court as part of the punishment process. By a preponderance of the evidence, the government must prove that there was a necessary link between the asset and the offense that led to the conviction. A separate, ancillary action is started to determine any third-party ownership rights in the property the government wants to forfeit once a preliminary order of forfeiture is made.

Learn more about Forfeiture, here


roaster company issued bonds with detachable stock warrants. each warrant granted an option to buy one share of $40 par value common stock for $75 per share. five hundred warrants were originally issued, and $4,000 was appropriately credited to warrants. if 90% of these warrants are exercised when the market price of the common stock is $85 per share, how much should be credited to capital in excess of par on this transaction?


If roaster company issued bonds with detachable stock warrants. each warrant granted an option to buy one share of $40 par value common stock for $75 per share. The amount that should  be credited to capital in excess of par on this transaction is: $19,350.

How to find the capital in excess of par ?

Since the  90% of the warrants are exercised, 450 shares will be issued at $75 per share.


Journal entry

Debit Cash $33,750

[( 500 warrants × .90) × $75 per share]

( 450 shares × $75 per share)

Debit Warrants 3,600

(90% × $4,000)

Credit Common stock at par $18,000

(450 shares × $40 par)

Credit Capital in excess of par $19,350

($33,750 + $3,600 - $18,000)

Therefore the capital in excess of par  is the amount of $19,350.

Learn more about capital in excess of par  here:


tox bond 7.55 yields 11%. the bond traded at a low of 71.25 and closed today at 71.625 0.75. the closing price yesterday was:


TOX bond 7.55 yields 11%. The bond traded at a low of 71.25 and closed today at 71.625 + 0.75. The closing price yesterday was today's Price +/- Adjustment 71.625 - 0.75=70.875.

What is a bond?

A bond refers to a fixed-income instrument that represents a loan made by an investor to a borrower typically corporate or governmental. A bond could be thought of as an I.O.U. between the lender and borrower which includes the details of the loan and its payments. Bonds are used by companies, municipalities, states, and sovereign governments to finance projects and operations.

Owners of bonds are debtholders, or creditors, of the issuer.

Learn more about bond, here:


holding other factors constant, the interest-rate risk of a coupon bond is higher when the bond's a. term to maturity is lower. b. coupon rate is higher. c. yield to maturity is lower. d. current yield is higher.


The correct answer to the given question of Coupon bond is option) a, b, c and d. All of the option are the correct answer.

A coupon bond's interest-rate risk is increased by shorter period to maturity, higher coupon rate, lower yield to maturity, and higher current yield.

A rise in the current rates for new debt instruments might result in investment losses, which is what interest rate risk refers to. For instance, if interest rates increase, a bond's or another fixed-income investment's value in the secondary market will decrease. The length of a bond refers to how much its price changes when interest rates vary.

By purchasing bonds with various maturities, interest rate risk can be mitigated. Fixed-income assets can also be hedged via interest rate swaps, options, or other interest rate derivatives.

To learn more about interest rate risk click here


a. if a producer tries to sell oranges at a price of $0.80 per pound, what will be the quantity demanded and quantity supplied at this price?


110 pounds of oranges and the quantity demanded will be 80 pounds of oranges will be the quantity demanded and quantity supplied at this price.

What is price?A price is the amount of fee or repayment given via way of means of one celebration to some other in go back for items or services. In a few situations, the price of manufacturing has a distinct name. If the product is a "good" with inside the industrial exchange, the price for this product will in all likelihood be referred to as its "charge". Price is the quantity of cash that needs to be paid to gather a given product. Insofar as the quantity humans are organized to pay for a product represents its value, charge is likewise a degree of value. Price is the quantity that purchasers could be inclined to pay for a product. Marketers should hyperlink the charge to the product's actual and perceived value, even as additionally thinking about deliver costs, seasonal discounts, competitors' prices, and retail markup.

To learn more about price from the given link :


an increase in the inventory turnover rate must increase the cash cycle. group of answer choices true false


The cash cycle must lengthen as the inventory turnover rate rises. collection of options for answers is false.

The period of time between buying the raw materials needed to create a product and receiving payment from sales is sometimes referred to as the cash conversion cycle. It also works well as a liquidity indicator: how simple is it to convert unfinished goods into cash? The benchmark for this statistic, according to APCQ's benchmark research, is typically between 30 and 45 days, even though you should aim for a lower cash-to-cash cycle time. The number of days that pass between (1) acquiring materials or inventory from a supplier and (2) receiving payment for the sale of the finished good is known as the cash-to-cash cycle time.

Learn more about cash cycle from


Stormer company reports the following amounts on its statement of cash flow: net cash provided by operating activities of $28,000; net cash used in investing activities of $10,000 and net cash used in financing activities of $12,000. If the beginning cash balance is $5,000, what is the ending cash balance?.


If Stormer company reports the following amounts on its statement of cash flow: net cash provided by operating activities of $28,000. The ending cash balance is $11,000.

How to find the ending cash balance?

First step is to find the cash flow

Cash flow = net cash provided by operating activities -net cash used in financing activities

Cash flow = $28,000- $12,000

Cash flow = $16,000

Now let find the ending cash balance

Ending cash balance =  (Cash flow - net cash used in investing activities) + Beginning cash balance

Ending cash balance = ($16,000-$10,000)  + $5,000

Ending cash balance  = $6,000 + $5,000

Ending cash balance = $11,000

Therefore the ending cash balance is the amount of $11,000.

Learn more about ending cash balance here:


deep earth extraction inc. operates a facility near estuary bay. discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in
a. penalties and damages
b. penalties only.
c. damages only.
d. none of the choices.


Deep earth extraction inc. operates a facility near estuary bay. Discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in penalties and damages. The correct answer is a.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in its attempt to protect the United States water and its biodiversity from chemical and biological pollutants passed a Clean Water Act that strictly prohibits the discharging of toxic pollutants and waste into the United States water. The waste water from the facility must first be treated and the maximum allowable toxic dump is highly regulated to minimize the damages caused by the toxic pollutants. Any violation to the Clean Water Act shall carry penalties of maximum fine of US$ 250,000 and imprisonment.

To learn more about the Clean Water Act visit:


if the direct materials price variance is $500 favorable, and the direct materials quantity variance is $250 unfavorable, the journal entry will include a:


Debit to Direct Materials Price Variance for $500 , Credit to Direct Materials Quantity Variance for $250


The journal entry for the direct materials price variance and quantity variance will include a debit to the Cost of Goods Sold account for $250 and a credit to the Cost of Goods Sold account for $500. The journal entry will be structured as follows: Debit: Cost of Goods Sold: $250Credit: Cost of Goods Sold: $500This entry records the direct materials price variance of $500 favorable, and the direct materials quantity variance of $250 unfavorable. The $500 credit to Cost of Goods Sold represents the savings from the favorable price variance, while the $250 debit to Cost of Goods Sold represents the additional cost incurred from the unfavorable quantity variance. The overall result of the two variances is a net savings of $250, which is shown by the difference between the debit and credit entries.

To learn more about the direct materials price variance refer to:


What are 3 examples of discretionary spending in the federal budget?


Three instances of discretionary spending in the federal budget include mergers and acquisitions, real estate, and stocks.

The federal budget is a detailed plan for all governmental spending in the country. To release the funds that support all government activities, it must be approved by Congress and signed by the president.

Among many other things, the federal budget is where pay for government employees and contractors, agricultural subsidies, and military equipment purchases are paid for. Three instances of discretionary spending in the federal budget include mergers and acquisitions, real estate, and stocks.

A fiscal year, or the year for which the budget is named, starting on October 1 and ending on September 30 of the following year is used to create the budget.

Learn more about federal budget here


Cervantes recently offered 60,000 new shares of stock for sale. The underwriters sold a total of 73,400 shares to the public at a price of
per share. The additional 13,400 shares were purchased in accordance with which one of the following? a) Red herring provision b) Post issue agreement c) Green shoe provision d) Quiet provision e) Lockup ogreement


C) A greenshoe choice is an over-distribution choice. It is a clause in an underwriting agreement that gives the underwriter the right to sell investors more shares than the issuer had originally planned to sell in the event that demand for a security issue proves to be higher than anticipated in the context of an initial public offering (IPO).

With an example, what is the green shoe option?

The underwriters, for instance, have the option to exercise their greenshoe option and sell 1.15 million shares if a company decides to sell one million shares to the public. The underwriters can buy back 15% of the shares once they are priced and can be traded publicly.

What is a Greenshoe Choice?

A greenshoe option gives the group of investment banks that back an initial public offering (IPO) the ability to buy and sell 15% more shares at the same offering price than the issuing company planned to sell at first.

To learn more about greenshoe choice here


The __________ method is a framework for operationalizing a firm’s strategic plan by focusing on measurable outcomes based on dimensions of a firm’s performance.


The balanced scorecard is a management technique designed to convert an organization's strategic goals into a list of organisational performance objectives.

They then assessed these objectives, followed up on, and modified as needed to make sure they achieved the strategic goals. Using a balanced scorecard A framework of four main areas or viewpoints for strategy implementation, including financial, customer, internal business, and innovation and learning, forms the basis of the balanced scorecard. In order to operationalize a company's strategic plan, the balanced scorecard method focuses on measurable financial, business process, customer, and learning and growth outcomes of firm performance. Decisions that are handled procedurally and are repeated and routine are called structured decisions.

Know more about The balanced scorecard at:


larry owned and lived in a home for five years before marrying darlene. larry and darlene lived in the home for one year before selling it at a $600,000 gain. larry was the sole owner of the residence until it was sold. larry sold the home so they could move down the street into a newly constructed home. what is the maximum amount of gain that larry and darlene may exclude?


The maximum amount of gain that Larry and Darlene may exclude, given the number of years they stayed in the home before selling it, is $ 250, 000.

How to find the amount to exclude ?

When selling a home, there are several ways to reduce the tax that you have to pay on the gain received from the sale of the house. One of them is the Two Year Use test.

The Two Year Use Test allows the owners to exclude all of the gain from the sale of the house if they stayed in the house for at least to years. Larry and Darlene did not stay in the house together for more than a year and so they will not qualify for this exemption.

Another exemption that applies is a $ 250, 000 exemption given to home owners. Any gain made on the sale of a house that is below $ 250, 000 is not to be taxed so Darlene and Larry will be able to exclude $ 250, 000 from the sale of the home.

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for a given molecule, when the molecule deviates from its non-ideal geometry, the non-ideal geometry is lower in energy than the ideal geometry which intervention would the nurse expect to perform as the initual step in the medical mangement of severe pancreatitis individuals whoa re not only antisocial but also manipulative, superficially charming, impulsive, and indifferent to the feelings of others, are known as what? the effective tax rate an individual pays is a way the government (and the individual) understand the taxes paid. how is the effective tax rate calculated? Is there a link between sentences and social class? Between sentences and race? persuasive speech i need help which gate in the rup methodology expands on the agreed-upon details of the system, including the ability to provide an architecture to support and build it? group of answer choices transition. construction. inception. elaboration. Life on Earth likely evolved from a common ancestor that existed approximately 3.5 billion years ago. Which of these is evidence that all life on Earth shares common features? Select ALL that apply.ResponsesA All life on Earth has DNA as the molecule of heredity.All life on Earth has DNA as the molecule of heredity.B All life on Earth is made up of cells with a rigid cell wall.All life on Earth is made up of cells with a rigid cell wall.C All life on Earth performs transcription and translation in a similar fashion.All life on Earth performs transcription and translation in a similar fashion.D All life on Earth contains mitochondria for cellular energy.All life on Earth contains mitochondria for cellular energy.E All life on Earth has cells surrounded by membranes. A company manufactures and sells cell phone cases. The revenue obtained by selling a cases is given by theformulaR = 2.8x -0.01xSolve the equation below to find the number of cell phone cases they must sell to receive $192 in revenue.192 = 2.8x 0.01xThey need to sell__ or __ cases to make $192 in revenue. kaitlin wants to earn a real rate of interest of at least 4 percent and she is expecting inflation to be exactly 3 percent. what is the lowest nominal interest rate that kaitlin would be willing to accept from her local bank? What is the hardest personality type to live in? queues are frequently used by network devices such as routers. discuss how a router might use a queue and whether they are likely to use priority queues and why or why not? describe the construction of a recombinant plasmid containing the gene for luciferase and the insertion of the plasmid into a bacterial cell by placing the steps in order. Cashews cost $63.00 per 5 pound bag. How much would a 2 pound bag of cashews cost? Answer questions 1-4 by selecting only from the three answer choices to the left of each question Drag the correct answer to the right of each question Notch is a receptor protein displayed on the surface of certain cells in developing fruit fly embryos. Notch's ligand is a membrane-bound protein called Delta that is displayed on the surface of adjacent cells. When Notch is activated by its ligand, the intracellular tail of the Notch protein becomes separated from the rest of the protein. This allows the intracellular tail to move to the cell's nucleus and alter the expression of specific genes.Which of the following statements best explains Delta's role in regulating cell communication through the Notch signaling pathway? what is the additive inverse of -17-25 psychoanalysts using the technique of association tell patients to say aloud whatever comes to mind, regardless of its apparent irrelevance or senselessness. t or f in addition to growth and waste production what else does herbivore a's body do with the food it ingests Buying rental property is an investment option that carries a higher risk than some other options. However, the returns can be good. Assume you have purchased a single-family home that you intend to rent for $850 per month. You will have the following expenses: