Aunt Harriet never meant to say any of this when Elizabeth Ann could hear, but the little girl’s ears were as sharp as little girls’ ears always are, and long before she was nine, she knew all about the opinion Aunt Harriet had of the Putney's. She did not know, to be sure, what “chores” were, but she took it confidently from Aunt Harriet’s voice that they were something very, very dreadful.Immersive Reader
(10 Points)

First Person

3rd Person Omniscient

3rd Person Limited

3rd Person Objective


Answer 1


B). 3rd Person Omniscient


In the given excerpt, the author has employed a 'third-person omniscient' point of view as the readers have knowledge about the thoughts, feelings, as well as, emotions of every character(Aunt Harriet, Elizabeth Ann). The descriptions displaying that Elizabeth knew what Aunt Harriet thinks about Putney while Aunt Harriet did not mean to say so. Thus, the readers are able to know what every character goes through. Thus, option B is the correct answer.

Related Questions

What type of figurative language is being used in the sentence? ​


Answer: Idiom

Explanation: “Let the cat out of the bag” is an example of an idiom as Eli didn’t actually let a cat out of a bag.

example of compound ideas​



Compound ideas, although derived from experience, are formed by the mind by combining simple ideas, so the mind acquires an active role in the production of such compound ideas (such as ideas of beauty, gratitude, universe, etc.).


The understanding selects several ideas, gathers and associates them and ends up synthesizing them into a compound idea of a higher level than the original ones.

The most abstract, more elaborate ideas such as the notion of beauty, eternity, infinity, etc. They are compound ideas (this always according to Locke who was the creator of the differentiation between simple ideas and complex ideas).

An example is the game of billiards: if I hit a billiard ball with the stick, I transmit energy to it, then the ball moves. In other words, a cause (hitting the billiard ball with the stick) is followed by an effect (the billiard ball moves).

Your dog has puppies, and you need to find adoptive families for them. You invite a few friends over to meet the puppies, secretly hoping they'll fall in love with them. Even though you're not using words, you're using a strategy for argumentation. Which one are you using? Explain your answer in a sentence or two.



I would try and persuade them. the reason for this if I can tell them all the benefits and make it sound good then they are more likely to take the puppies home

In Pressure is a privilege story why the writer used chronological order to tell about women in sports?


The author used chronological order to show how things have evolved through history

Deductive reason is the process of inferring general principles or rules from specific facts.
OA. True


The answer is True and u meant or right

why volcanic eruption more predictable than earthquake. explain why ​



Volcanoes: Generally speaking, scientists can predict with a relatively good degree of certainty when a volcano will erupt. This is because most volcanoes follow a regular pattern of increasing seismic activity as the eruption approaches, usually in the form of small earthquakes.

This is my 4th time asking, please I give up on Brainly if this isn't answered. I work hard on earning my points, I ask a question and people who can't answer, answer it with something foolish, Can someone PLZ actually ANSWER ME!!! IS brainly even useful anymore!!!! Answer if you know only PLZ!!!!!! I really Need help here.

From Wordsworth's poem, "Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey"
Discuss at least three organizational patterns in Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey that either contribute or detract from the tone

If you have a question plz ask it in the question box!!!! I need answers AHHHH.


Answer: I think that the overall pattern of organization that Wordsworth is presenting proves to be effective in achieving the desired tone in the poem.  It is evident that Wordsworth wants to create a tone of reflection that understands the present through the past and can catapult these recollections to help form some vision of the future.  Wordsworth's tone is indicative of the idea that "the child is the father of the man," and this is brought out in the structure of the poem.  The first part reflects on how time has passed since Wordsworth visited the location.  In his reflection of the present, Wordsworth then structures the poem to go over his past and understand what the past represented in describing the location and his interaction with it.  In the midst of discussing the impact of the landscape and his persona within it to the person he is today, thereby again linking past and present together.  After a section in which the present is discussed and then the past, Wordsworth now structures the poem to combine both together. The final two parts of the poem deal with Dorothy, and the hope that Wordsworth places in her being.  In discussing Dorothy, Wordsworth again visits the structure of being able to link past and present together, but the final part of the poem offers a prayer for Dorothy.  In doing so, Wordsworth is able to take past and present and project them into the future.  The structure of the poem becomes critical in establishing the tone of being able to revere the past in the construction of who we are and who we hope to be.


For all the years I knew my grandma, she could barely see. Grandma was legally blind, and yet she knew, by feel, the location of every dish in her kitchen and every work of literature on the bookcase in the living room.
I remember especially the bird-like way she peered at things. I'd bring her a copy of my latest school picture, and she'd hold the photo an inch or two from her face, tilt her head to one side, and inspect it before saying, "Very pretty." I used to think she was just being polite, that she really couldn't see me in the picture. But then she'd add, "That pin you're wearing was your mother's." How did she see that little blur on my jacket? The things she could see never failed to amaze me.
Watching television with Grandma, I never failed to learn something. Usually it was the complicated plot twist of one of her favorite soap operas—The Guiding Light or As the World Turns. We grandkids would curl up on the big couch while Grandma pulled up a footstool and planted herself right next to the TV, elbows on her knees, to watch the screen. At the commercial break, she'd explain who was marrying whom and who was in the hospital and who had recently come back from the dead. She seemed to have no trouble identifying the characters whom she could barely see. Whether or not she could bring them into sharp focus, they were as real to her as her giggling grandkids.
For a treat, we'd sometimes pile into our grandparent's black car for a drive around town: my grandfather at the wheel, my long-legged older brother in the front seat, and Grandma sandwiched between me and my little brother in the back—but sitting so far forward she was practically in the front. I'd imagined all she could see was a blur of images rushing past, yet she could always tell when Grandpa had missed a turn or forgotten to turn on his headlights. Returning home, Grandma would wave at the boy who mowed their lawn and point out the new fruit on the plum tree in their yard.
In later years, when I visited from college, Grandma would always be waiting when I pulled up in my old orange car (that's admittedly hard to miss, no matter how bad one's vision). She'd greet me with a bear hug. Then she'd surprise me, every time, with what she could see. Holding my face in her hands, she'd turn my head from side to side and announce, "You got your hair cut!" as if I had won the lottery and forgotten to tell her. I began to wonder if we rely on our eyes too much—if maybe, with our perfect sight, we're actually missing the details my grandma and her poor vision never failed to catch.

This story makes the reader think about what we can and cannot see. What question does the author ask us to think about at the end?
Do people with perfect vision miss out on the details of life?
Was life just a blur of images racing past our eyes?
Could Grandma see the things she said she could see?
Do blind people enjoy life more than people who can see?


i think you should give us more points for this but its c Explanation:




What’s the central idea of the chapter 15 of the giver. Make it 5 sentences long pleaseeeee!!!!!THANKS!!!


where is the passage bc if i would’ve seen it i had the answer

Using a non restrictive element rewrite the sentence. George Washington was America's first president.



The first president of America was George Washington in 1789.


I need Help ASAP PlZ It's missing!!!!

Which three groups of sentences best use a variety of sentence patterns to convey meaning and the relationship between ideas?





by teaching me to swing dance, my friend impressed me a lot.......


Everything but answer B.

Explanation: i took the k12 unit test or english and got it right

In a research report, the writer _____.

A) states opinions about current events

B) lists fictional books as sources

C) wants to entertain or persuade the reader

D) supplies supporting facts and details



Your answer is D) Supplies supporting facts and details.


Choose the best revision for each run-on sentence.

1. Roosters begin to crow at dawn they seem to act as a natural alarm clock for the other animals.

A. Roosters begin to crow at dawn; they seem to act as a natural alarm clock for the other animals.
B. Roosters begin to crow at dawn, they seem to act as a natural alarm clock for the other animals.
C. Roosters begin to crow at dawn, but they seem to act as a natural alarm clock for the other animals.



C sounds right to me since it makes the most sense


B. Roosters begin to crow at dawn, they seem to act as a natural alarm clock for the other animals.

1000 word story make it good



“It’s beautiful. May I touch it?” His hand hovering over the outstretched wing, one eyebrow raised questioningly.

The light in Gregory’s eyes dimmed slightly. He wasn’t going to buy. People never asked to touch if they were going to buy, they waited till they got it home and then they stroked and caressed in privacy. They only asked to touch an object if they knew they’d never see it again, and wanted to fix the experience in their minds.

“Sure,” he said, “go ahead.”

The man’s fingers swept lightly over the bird’s wing, tracing the lines of the inner vane, the outer vane, the primary and secondary remiges. He stroked down the thorax, right down to the spindly, gnarled legs on which it perched.

“It’s extraordinary,” he said, “it’s just so…”

“Lifelike?” offered Gregory.

“Lifelike. The lightness of the feathers. The tension in the legs. Even the shine in the eye. It’s a stunning piece of work. You should be very proud.”

Gregory smiled, but said nothing. He turned his attention back to the piece he was working on: a sparrowhawk, its outstretched form just beginning to emerge from the block of lime clamped to his workbench. He laid down the adze he’d been using to shape the upper curve of the beak, and switched to a riffler to begin on the fine detail.

“You really seem to have a feel for these birds’ anatomy.”

Gregory nodded. “Yes, I know how they’re put together. The bones, the muscles, the tendons. You can’t carve a bird unless you really understand how they work, how the underlying structure connects everything together.”

“So delicate,” he said, stroking the wing feathers. “But these claws, this sharp beak… birds of prey are vicious too, right?”

Gregory looked up. “Vicious? Only out of necessity. Animals kill only to eat.”

“Really?” The man started to smile. “Have you seen a cat with a mouse? A fox slaughtering chickens? I’d argue that the prime motivation for random acts of evil is not survival, but mischief.”

The man wandered around the crowded workshop, letting his fingers brush lightly over the array of eagles, falcons, kestrels and hawks. “And you only do birds?”

” ‘Only’?” queried Gregory. “That’s like saying to Puccini, ‘You only write operas?’ A bird isn’t just a bird. Every bird is different. I ‘only’ carve birds, yes. Birds are my life. My fingers translate flight into wood.”

“And I bet you’d love to be able to fly, right?”

Gregory laid down his tools and studied the man for the first time. In his early 60s, hair thinning, a slight paunch. Round horn rimmed glasses that made him look like he’d walked out of a wartime movie.

“Seriously? I’d give a year of my life for five minutes’ flight. Like a bird, not in a contraption. I’ve been up in planes, microlights, balloons. I’ve even been strapped to a hangglider and jumped off a cliff. But that’s not real flight. It’s a cheap imitation. I’d give anything to experience what it’s like to fly like an eagle.”

“Anything?” The man leaning closer, dropping his voice to a whisper.


“In that case, I might just be able to help you.”

The man stepped forward, stretched out his arms, and gently placed his upturned hands beneath Gregory’s elbows. Then, with surprising force, he gave a strong, hard shove upwards. Gregory felt himself being thrust into the air, crashing through the flimsy wooden roof of the workshop. In a couple of seconds he was hundreds of feet up, looking down at his distant workshop and the upturned face of the man gazing up at him, smiling broadly.

As he started to tumble back to earth, Gregory reflexively spread his limbs to slow himself down — and found he had sprouted a vast pair of feathered wings. He glided for a while, caught a thermal, and found himself flying up once more.

Gingerly at first, he tried flapping the wings, and discovered that his powerful new shoulder muscles were able to lift him even higher. He could feel each tendon pulling him aloft, could sense the wind rushing through each feather, could gauge with unnerving precision the air currents that would raise him up or drag him down.

For several minutes Gregory swooped and climbed, flapped and glided, probing each new experience and mentally logging the process. This was how it felt to bank into a breeze; this was what it was like to rise on a current of warm air, effortlessly lifting into the sky as each thermal carried him upwards. This was how it felt to plummet, to check, to rise again. He could feel each muscle, each tendon, pulling and reacting to the infinitely variable densities of the medium of the air. In five minutes he’d gained more insight into the workings of avian anatomy than in twenty years studying textbooks.

What effect does the structure of events have on the reader? How would the effect change if the negative outcomes had been avoided?



It effects the reader because the tone in the story can effect their emotions and certain words can have a different effect. The reader becomes more upset and negative when reading about negative things. The reader would feel more positive if the book talked about more positive things because of the same reasons it would effect someone in a negative way; certain tones and words

What is My favorite color don't answer if u don't know it






dhwasldajskdwas dljliash


How does the poet use a literary device in line 12?

0 Flashback is used to tell the reader about previous storms.

O Foreshadowing is used to clue the reader about the brutality of the storm.

0 Alliteration is used to imitate the sound of the waves.

Onomatopoeia is used to give intensity to the action of the waves.​



what and where is line 12?

What according to McWhirter, is the attitude of people towards unemployed people? (Refer to the story –What You Do is What You Are)



People consider unemployed people worthless.


According to McWhirter, people usually show different attitude towards unemployed people. He says that people of society consider unemployed people worthless and useless human beings who don't have the right to be respected by others in the society which is a bad perception because they are also humans and have a self-respect and in my opinion every human must be respected.

CAN YOU PLZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME ON THIS ESSAY ITS ABOUT ( Write about a daily routine (getting ready for school, what you do after school or on weekends )



here hehe


I always wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning then I wash my face and brush my teeth. After that, I do some exercises then I put my clothes on and prepare my school bag. Next, I have my breakfast and wait for the school bus. At 8 o'clock I go to school and start my first class then I go to the second class. Than third. Than fourth, Than fifth, Than sixth, than lastly 7th. I go home, do my homework, finish it. Go outside play basketball with friends.  Go home. Watch TV. Than go on my phone to answer questions on brainly!

I need help fast please


This is what I found on safari......... Trail of Tears, in U.S. history, the forced relocation during the 1830s of Eastern Woodlands Indians of the Southeast region of the United States (including Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminole, among other nations) to Indian Territory west of the Mississippi River. ...

what does the word maternal mean in the paragrapph



in general the word  maternal would mean Definition of maternal. 1 : of, relating to, belonging to, or characteristic of a mother : motherly maternal love maternal instincts. 2a : related through a mother his maternal aunt. b : inherited or derived from the female parent maternal genes.


hope this helps for better information try putting the paragraph :))))

The word maternal means people, character, or things related or belong to the mother or meter side. For example, maternal uncle.

What is the meaning of maternal?

Maternal word is used to describe the feelings, actions, characters which are related to a mother.

Maternal love, actions, or maternal relations, are some example of maternal words.

Thus, the word maternal means people, character, or things related or belong to the mother or meter side. For example, maternal uncle.

Learn more about maternal


Which of the following choices fixes the capitalization or punctuation errors in the following sentence?

Sirius Black had to wear a polka-dotted shirt to the party; Also, he had to find his matching purple pants.

Question options:

Sirius Black had to wear a polka-dotted shirt to the party, also he had to find his matching purple pants.

Sirius Black had to wear a polka-dotted shirt to the part: also he had to find his matching purple pants.

Sirius Black had to wear a polka-dotted shirt to the party. Also, he had to find his matching purple pants.



Sirius Black had to wear a polka-dotted shirt to the party. Also, he had to find his matching purple pants.

^^^^This one is correct

(also imagine S.B in such an attire-fellow Potterhead here!)

Sirius Black had to wear a polka-dotted shirt to the party. Also, he had to find his matching purple pants is the choice that fixes the capitalization or punctuation errors in the following sentence.

What do you mean by Punctuation?

Punctuation may be defined as the use of full stop, comma, brackets, inverted commas, etc to separate a sentence and clarifies its meaning in an understandable way.

After completing one sentence, try to relate with the second with the help of the word "also" followed by a comma to understand the meaning of a sentence in a more defined way.

Therefore, the correct option for this question is mentioned above.

To learn more about Punctuation errors, refer to the link:


How does the Capitol force the remaining players together? *hunger games *

This is due today I need help


In the first book, the Capitol forces the last players together by draining the river/stream which forces them to go to the lake near the cornucopia if they want access to water.    

Quesu- How did the child feel when his
first demand was not fulfilled.



Me podrías dar más información para ayudarte!?

how can i say " so this shows how persons passion can leave an impression on other people How can i say this in different words help please​


well, I guess it depends on what are you talking about.

are you referring to the impact that doing what you like with passion can affect other people's perspectives?

then you can say something like

"therefore, the passion shown by a person can affect or impact their perspectives, and even their motivation to achieve certain goals."

Essy about friendship​


You don’t need them they aren’t nothing and won’t even be with you the rest of your life. People come and go and some leave a mark good or bad. Moral of the story friends are non existent most are fake...backstabbers.

           Friendship is the most expensive and beautiful gift one can give someone. As time passes by, lots of people will walk past, but only some stay with you forever, and those friendships will stick by one’s side through thick and thin. Lucky are those people with friends that can be trusted and wish to stay forever.

        A person acquainted with diverse people in their life might be a part of a vast friend circle, but they would depend on just one or maximum two people whom they trust to their personal space and emotions. That bond created with those special people is true friendship. There are two basic types of friendships one develops- good friends and best friends. An authentic and special bond friendship grows with the true or best friend who makes life easier and happier.

        The most crucial part of friendships is the judgment-free relationship. In a true friendship bond, a person is free of any gripping fears of judgment and can complete themselves. It makes the person feel accepted and loved. True friendship is the reason for people to stay strong in life with the assurance that their best friend is for them. A life devoid of friendship is an incomplete puzzle to keep one happy. A few have families and friends while some have lost their families, but, are backed up by friendships. Sometimes, one’s friendship becomes family. Thus, sharing a true friendship bond is a rarity.

         Friendship holds significant stature in life as it teaches unforgettable life lessons. Some valuable lessons that will change your life, how to love others apart from family, how to behave in front of people or friends. Friendships never create bad times; instead, give one the best memories to live upon. Friendships teach you to understand and trust people. Real friends will constantly motivate and cheer; sometimes, they will even direct you the paths and save you. However, one should know how to differentiate between toxic and beneficial friendships.

         Similarly, friendship teaches the importance of loyalty and reliability. There is no greater feeling in the world than a loyal, trustworthy friend by your side. However, friendship isn’t a one-way path, to experience loyalty and trust; one needs to return the mutual feelings to complete the circle of friendship. Moreover, friendships build a strong relationship bond and aids to grow. For instance, despite fights and arguments, friends set the differences aside and come back together. This teaches patience and develops a strong bond.

        Therefore, friendships are real-life connections. Real friends help each other during tough times and the difficult phases of life. They are only life-savers during a rough period, but also the best timely-advisers. True friends are the most assets of life who share the space of sorrow, happiness, and pain. They are the filler breaks of the monotonous life.

Which answer best fits what the acronym "HDEC" stands for?



High-Density Epidermal Cells


there's no options so this is what I know it as?

These are different choices: HDEC Hyundai Engineering and Construction (various locations)
HDEC Howard Dean Education Center (Springfield, VT)
HDEC Holocaust Documentation and Education Center Inc.
HDEC High-Density Epidermal Cells

what is the phrasal verb of break into​



to begin running suddenly


to begin running suddenly; to begin running quicker than before When he saw the cops, he took to running. Her horse started to trot. to unlock and use everything saved for an emergency They had no choice but to hack into the emergency food supply.

Select all the correct answers.
Read this passage about junk food and advertising. Which two sentences together give the best description of the passage?

Experts in children’s health say that junk food companies spend billions of dollars on ads for kids. These experts say that the only way to prevent kids from eating large amounts of unhealthy food is to strengthen laws that control advertisers. Some countries have already taken steps to protect children from such advertisements. For example, Sweden does not allow fast-food companies to make ads for children under 12.

A)Experts say that stricter laws are needed to stop junk food ads aimed at kids and prevent kids from eating too much junk food.
B)Many governments find it hard to control advertising and are writing stricter laws to control such advertisements.
C)Some countries, such as Sweden, have now made laws to control ads aimed at children.
D)The advertisements aimed at kids have always been strictly controlled by governments.


Answer: A D


large, elaborate structure; imposing building








I think that's the answer, sorry if its not

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