When Christopher Columbus came to the Americas, he randomly chose 3 chickens from Spain to bring along. These 3 chickens were the only chickens to breed
in the Americas for hundreds of years. Which term below does this BEST represent?
A. Natural Selection
B. Bottleneck Effect
C. Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium
D. Founder's Effect


Answer 1



Related Questions

How can students in the photograph use the net to sample the invertebrates in the river.


Answer and Explanation:

Macroinvertebrate communities show spatial and temporal variability. Many taxons have more affinity for one specific type of habitat.

There are two principal sampling techniques. Qualitative and cuantitave. Qualitative techniques provide data about the river richness and the relationship between the different taxonomic group's abundance. They allow the obtention of the most representative and abundant taxons, estimates their densities, biomass, and calculates the diversity indexes for each sampling site by period. Nets are needed to sample.

Every possible microhabitat must be sampled. The use of the different sampling elements depends on the substrate.

Hard-substrated sites, such as rocks or wood and organic matter, are sampled using a Surber net. The net is placed counter-current. The substrate must be moved and removed up to 10-15 cm deep, checking that animals and the thin sediment lie on the net. Samplings must be done from downstream to the upstream direction, taking replicates per substrate. Invertebrates must be washed on a strainer. Finally, place each of the samples in a plastic bottle, fixate the material with formaldehyde 4% and take it to the lab for its taxonomic identification.  

A certain dominant gene is located on the X chromosome. A father will transmit the Gene and the resulting condition to:


His offspring more specifically if he has a daughter since it’s an X chromosome

HELP PLEASE!!!!!! :)



A . 10 is the population density in pond a B .20 is the population density in pond b C . pond b is the larger Population density

what are the two biggest planets on earth



️ ️


Which of the following is evidence of Continental Drift?

Shape of the continents
Distribution of fossils
Distribution of geological features
All of these
None of these



All of these


All of these


If you put all of the continents together, they fit like a puzzle. If you look at mountains and match these when they are put together, mountains will be in similar places. The fossils found in Antarctica were fossils from warm climates. That could only be if all continents used to be one!

Question 5
The diagram below shows a population of mice over time.
Population After
One Month
Next Generation
Which of the following statements is supported by the information in the diagram?
The light mice are poorly adapted to survive in any environment. Because of this, fe
The dark mice all have identical genes. Because of this, the dark mice were more li


Answer: its c btw :)


Your from Ms Cunningham class, I know :) I CAUGHT U

what are Consumers that only eat dead organisms
O carnivore
O omnivore
O scavengers


Answer is: Carnivore help this helps

Are there any parts of the human body that get oxygen directly from the air and not from the blood?


other then the lungs no all of the body parts get oxygen from blood cells

please be my bsf and help me answer this



photosystems :)





Which situation contributes most to the development of soil?

migration of animals across land

building up of snow in very cold areas

lava flowing across the ground after volcanic eruptions

breaking down of rock by wind, water, and ice


The answer is D
Hope this helps

What is the function of erythrocytes?
What is the term for all the components of the blood?
What is blood?



1. The main physiological role of red blood cells (RBCs), or erythrocytes is to transport of gases (O2, CO2) from the lung to the tissues and to maintain systemic acid/base equilibria. In addition, RBCs are well equipped with antioxidant systems, which essentially contribute to their function and integrity.

2. In humans, it includes plasma (the liquid portion), blood cells (which come in both red and white varieties), and cell fragments called platelets. Plasma is the main component of blood and consists mostly of water, with proteins, ions, nutrients, and wastes mixed in.

3.Blood is a body fluid in humans and other animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells.

hope it will help u

What is the atomic number of sodium?



the atomic number of sodium is 11

11 is the atomic number of sodium

how is the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) transferred from generation to generation.



maternal mtDNA


While nothing but the haploid nucleus remains of the sperm during fertilisation, the ovum still has its mitochondria and other organelles. Mitochondria are capable of division and will divide according to cell's needs.

So it is the maternal mtDNa that gets passed on. Spontaneous mutations can happen at any point ofcourse and get passed on in the same way.

A human cell that has 46 chromosomes would have __ daughter cells that each have __ chromosomes after mitosis.



2 daughter cells, 46 chromosomes


Mitosis is reproduction of somatic cells, or body cells. It's end product will always be 2 daughter cells, each identical to one another, therefore meaning, it will also have the same number of chromosomes!

Answer: one daughter cells and each have 23

Explanation: mitosis is the first then meiosis

plz help will mark brainliest if correct! If the sum of all chemical reactions taking place in an ecosystem results in an overall change in free energy of −9732 kJ, which of the following best describes the impact this will have on the ecosystem?

The amount of energy available to do work will increase.
The ecosystem will move away from equilibrium.
The energy given off as heat to the surroundings will decrease.
The entropy of the ecosystem will increase.



I think the entropy of the ecosystem will increase.

What figurative term is "merry hell"?






Pretty sure oxymoron since all the other ones do not describe it



The answer you are looking for is A

If a decision was made to convert forest to agriculture, which would be an
example of a negative trade-off based on this decision?
A increase land for crops
B increase erosion of soil
C increase timber for logging
D increase land for livestock





Because the roots of the tree were what where controling the erosion

Hope this helps :))


B 100% on edge:))))))))))) :>

Which phase of cell division is shown?

Exploring mitosis.

anaphase II

telophase I

prophase I of meiosis

telophase II



im assuming its the same question i had, i took the quiz and the answer was telophase I  


like i said i took the k12 quiz and got 100%

The phase shown here is anaphase. the correct option is A.

What is anaphase?

Anaphase is the stage of mitosis that occurs after metaphase, during which replicated chromosomes are split and newly replicated chromosomes are moved to opposite poles of the cell.

The missing image is attached below.

The image is showing the split of chromosomes, so it is indicating anaphase of cell division.

Thus, the correct option is A.

For more details regarding anaphase, visit:



What structure encloses almost all bacteria? Do bacteria have a structure that encloses the genetic material?


first question - cell well
second question - bacteria do not have a membrane enclosed nucleus. the and of bacterial cells is found loose in the cytoplasm.

What causes Earth's seasons?


The tilt of its axis

As a human advances in age, their nervous system cells rarely divide. Which stage of the cell cycle are those cells in?

A. metaphase
B. telophase
C. interphase
D. cytokinesis
E. mitosis
F. metaphase



i think E mitosis


1. Many plants get energy from sunlight. 2. heterotroph get energy by eating other organisms.
3. Water that flows over the surface of the ground is called Surface
4. assimilation is the process by which bacteria turn nitrogen gas int
5. Dead organisms that were buried may turn into oil after millions o
6. Carbon from this material reenters the atmosphere by.
7. Explain: If energy and matter cannot be destroyed, what happens organism is eaten? Goes to other organisms that eat the organism 8. What is the law of conservation of energy? I
9. What is the law of conservation mass?
10. What is at the top of a energy pyramid?
11. A locust would be a consumer.
12. Nitrogen flows from producers through levels of consumers
13. How does water from the atmosphere return to Earth's surface?
14. What would happen to the ecosystem if there were no nitrogen-fixin bacteria?​


Answer: All organisms need energy. ...

Autotrophs (producers) use energy directly from the sun or from chemicals to produce organic molecules. ...

Heterotrophs (consumers) obtain energy by consuming other organisms. ...

The flow of energy in an ecosystem can be represented with a food chain or food web

Explanation: A heterotroph is an organism that eats other plants or animals for energy and nutrients. The term stems from the Greek words hetero for “other” and trophe for “nourishment.” Organisms are characterized into two broad categories based upon how they obtain their energy and nutrients: autotrophs and heterotrophs. A consumer is an organism that eats other organisms or organic matter instead of producing its own nutrients or obtaining nutrients from inorganic sources. Consumers are also called heterotrophs, or other-feeders Producers

Producers: Producers are organisms that get their energy directly from the Sun. Their cells are able to turn sunlight into food through a process called photosynthesis. Organisms, such as humans, take in "substrates" such as glucose, in our food. During a process called respiration, we react 4these substrates with oxygen to give carbon dioxide and water; this takes place in the mitochondria of our cells.

In the Hershey Chase experiment components of bacteriophages were labeled with radioactive isotopes of sulfur and phosphorus What was
the Hershey-Chase evperiment designed to determine?





It was designed to determine whether the genetic material of the bacteriophage (a type of virus that infects bacteria) is made of DNA or protein.

What was  Hershey-Chase experiment?

The Hershey-Chase experiment, also known as the "Blender Experiment," was a classic experiment in molecular biology that was conducted in 1952 by Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase. It was designed to determine whether the genetic material of the bacteriophage (a type of virus that infects bacteria) is made of DNA or protein.

In the experiment, components of the bacteriophage were labeled with radioactive isotopes of sulfur and phosphorus. The labeled phages were then used to infect bacterial cells, and the cells were subjected to various treatments to separate the viral components from the bacterial components.

The results of the experiment showed that the genetic material of the bacteriophage was made of DNA, not protein. This was determined by the fact that the labeled DNA, but not the labeled protein, was able to enter the bacterial cells and infect them. This experiment provided strong evidence for the "central dogma" of molecular biology, which states that genetic information flows from DNA to protein, but not the other way around.

Learn more about Hershey-Chase experiment, here:



More than 2000 years ago, the Greek philosopher Aristotle classified
organisms into plants and animals,
He placed all animals into 3 groups:
• land dwellers
• water dwellers
• air dwellers
In addition, he placed all plants in 3 different groups based on differences in
their stems:
· shrubs
• trees
What was the most likely reason that this system eventually changed?
A)Aristotle's method was too specific.
B)Two thousand years ago, no one accepted classifying organisms into plants and animals.
C)Many organisms were placed in groups to which they had no real relationship with the other
members of the group.
D)All organisms containing chlorophyll belonged in the same kingdom.





C) Many organisms were placed in groups to which they had no real relationship with the other

Hope this helps!


the first one is to help u with the question


Answer: Linear would mean in a line, but it seems that all those graphs are just points soo


1. Why is it important to replicate DNA? ​



Here you go


The purpose of DNA replication is to produce two identical copies of a DNA molecule. This is essential for cell division during growth or repair of damaged tissues. DNA replication ensures that each new cell receives its own copy of the DNA.

Replication is essential because when a cell divides, the 2 new daughter cells must contain the same genetic information as the parent cell.



mimicry, letting off scents, camouflage, playing dead
hope this helps

Types of animal defense mechanisms


2.1 Startling the predator.

2.2 Pursuit-deterrent signals.

2.3 Playing dead.

2.4 Distraction.

2.5 Mimicry and aposematism.

2.6 Defensive structures.

Will mark brainliest!





A forensic team arrives at an arson scene. Investigators also lead a police dog into the building. What most likely is the dog's job at the scene?

To find any living survivors
To sniff out any flammable liquids
To check for illegal drugs
To take down a suspect


To sniff out any flammable liquids since it is an arson scene
I agree i would assume it’s to sniff out any flammable liquids
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