As a condition of being allowed to apply for a job with able industries, colton is asked to waive his right to object to workplace searches. After signing the waiver, he is offered a job, and he accepts it. Sometime later, he is subjected to a search. If colton seeks legal redress on the grounds that the search violated his privacy rights, his employer:.


Answer 1

It will be unable to successfully assert the waiver as a defense because it was given by Charles prior to his job offer. Option (c) is correct.

There are circumstances in the workplace where an employer might infringe on an employee's right to privacy. For instance, the Fourth Amendment's ban on unjustified search and seizure may be far stricter for a public employer than for a private employer where the latter is also permitted some discretion.

Employee consent should be necessary whenever an employer has to conduct a workplace search, especially if the search is not conducted in a public area. You don't have the right to bring your entirely personal ideas into the workplace in a way that makes the employer more liable if your employer hires someone you don't like but you decide to stay with the employer. Employees' right to privacy would be violated in direct proportion to any searches conducted without their authorization. Charles may file a lawsuit since he first agreed to waive his right to object to workplace searches before receiving a job offer.

To learn more about workplace searches, refer:


Correct Question:

As a condition of being allowed to apply for a job with Good Hands Industries, Charles is asked to waive his right to object to workplace searches. After signing the waiver, he is offered a job, and he accepts it. Sometime later, he is subjected to a search. If Charles seeks legal redress on the grounds that the search violated his privacy rights, his employer:_________-

A. will be unable to successfully assert the waiver as a defense because it was not given voluntarily.

B. will be unable to successfully assert the waiver as a defense because Charles did not grant it intentionally.

C. will be unable to successfully assert the waiver as a defense because it was given by Charles prior to his job offer.

D. will be able to successfully assert the waiver as a defense because it was given in exchange for valuable consideration.

Related Questions

What do we call any business that has productive activities in two or more countries?


Any company that does profitable business in two or more nations is considered a multinational enterprise (MNE).

How would you define activities?

An occupation is something you carry out or simply the act of carrying out. If it rains, you may either prepare some indoor activities or just keep an eye on your gerbils as they play in their cage. The majority of the time, when you place an adjective like an or perhaps the before action, you are alluding to a particular occurrence.

What defines job activities?

A work is just a collection of related tasks that are carried out collectively across several jobs. You will be questioned on a variety of professional endeavors and also how those relate to the position you currently hold.

To know more about Activities visit:


How do you identify pathos?


Pathos are identified by their emotional nature.

Pathos, often known as the appeal to emotion, is a literary device used to persuade readers by deliberately arousing particular feelings in them to produce the desired emotional response.

Authors choose their words carefully, employ meaningful terminology, and employ instances and narratives that arouse feelings. A variety of emotions, such as empathy, rage, irritation, or even humor, can be desired by authors.

To appeal to the audience's sense of reason or logic is to use logos, often known as the appeal to logic. Using facts and figures as well as making clear, logical connections between concepts, the author employs logos. Another tactic is to build a logical argument by using literal and historical analogies.

To know more about pathos:


What was the most popular consumer attraction of the 1920s ?


Automobiles came to represent the new consumer culture society that developed in the 1920s. In 1919, there were only 10 million cars on American roads. By 1929, more than 27 million.

What do you think about society?

society, collective noun a group of people who formally band together to pursue goals that could be religious, humanitarian, cultural, academic, political, patriotic, or some other. a neighborhood or community of individuals who live next to one another.

What impact does society have on our lives?

The term "society" refers to relationships. Men are social creatures who exhibit this social nature by forming and dissolving groups that control and direct their behavior in a number of ways. For a person to lead a full life, society is a necessity. It both releases.

To know more about society visit:


creosote inc. operates a plant—a "major source"—that emits hazardous air pollutants for which the environmental protection agency has set maximum levels of emission. the plant does not use equipment to reduce its emissions. under the clean air act, this is most likely


Creosote Inc. operates a plant a "major source" that emits hazardous air pollutants that exceed the Environmental Protection Agency's maximum emission levels. The plant does not use any equipment to reduce emissions. Most likely, this is a violation of the Clean Air Act.

The Clean Air Act (CAA) is a comprehensive federal law that governs both stationary and mobile sources of air pollution. Among other things, this law gives the EPA the authority to establish National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) to protect public health and welfare and to regulate hazardous air pollutant emissions.

By funding and conducting research, as well as developing and enforcing environmental regulations, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) protects people and the environment from significant health risks.

To learn more about Clean Air Act, please refer:


What type of arrangement, if any, would avoid double taxation for the Wally and Sally's endeavor?


After a corporation is established, its owners may petition the IRS to treat it as a S corporation for taxation purposes. S corporations offer the same benefits of restricting liability as C businesses, but they avoid double taxation by paying out earnings directly to shareholders.

These treaties frequently include provisions for information sharing to prevent tax evasion, such as when someone claims tax exemption in one country based on non-residence there but fails to declare that income as foreign income in the other; or when someone claims local tax relief on a fictitious foreign tax deduction at source. The practice of collecting taxes from two or more jurisdictions on the same amount of money (in the case of income taxes), property (in the case of capital taxes), or business transaction is known as double taxation (in the case of sales taxes). Double liability can be reduced in a number of ways, such as by exempting foreign-source income from tax, exempting it from tax if tax had already been paid on it in another jurisdiction, or if the income is above a threshold to exclude tax haven jurisdictions, or by fully taxing the foreign-source income but giving a credit for taxes paid on the income in the foreign jurisdiction. Tax treaties, which specify guidelines to prevent double taxation, are agreements that jurisdictions can make with other nations. These treaties frequently include provisions for information sharing to prevent tax evasion, such as when someone claims tax exemption in one country based on non-residence there but fails to declare that income as foreign income in the other; or when someone claims local tax relief on a fictitious foreign tax deduction at source.

Learn more about double taxation here


here for the other 100 may



Lincoln memorial.


That’s the Lincoln Memorial it’s apparently 100 maybe it’s a abbreviation for it.


thanks brainly?


An agent must keep confidential any information acquired through an agency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the agency ends.



an agent must keep confidential any information acquired through an agency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the agency ends. t or f


How is the language used in the Declaration of Independence?


Although "The Declaration of Independence" is written in formal language that sounds dated today, the overall idea is still clear.

It has been disputed for a long time whether gaining independence differs from a revolution, and the issue of using force to establish sovereignty has come up frequently in discussions. [3] In general, revolutions merely seek to redistribute power, with or without a component of emancipation, like in the case of democratization inside a state, which as such may remain unmodified.

Independence is a state in which a person, a group of people, a country, or a state has the ability to govern themselves and, typically, to exercise sovereignty over their territory. Being a dependent territory is the exact reverse of independence. A country or nation's independence day is observed to mark the moment when it is free from all types of foreign colonialism and may develop independently of other countries.

Learn more about Independence here


Who helps the president make foreign policy decisions?


The Senate serves a special purpose in terms of foreign policy for the United States. The president has the authority to negotiate treaties under the Constitution, but before the president can sign them, the Senate must grant its two-thirds consent.

The President's top foreign policy advisor is the Secretary of State, who was chosen by the President with the Senate's advice and permission. The State Department and the American Foreign Service carry out the President's foreign policies under the Secretary's direction.

According to the Constitution, both the Executive Branch and Congress are in charge of determining American foreign policy. The Department of State is the major U.S. foreign affairs agency within the Executive Branch, and the Secretary of State serves as the President's top foreign policy advisor.

To learn more about foreign policy


What are examples of short term and long term financial goals?


Examples Of Short-Term Financial Goals are, assess your current money state, establish an emergency fund, put the right insurance in place,

Some Examples of Long term goals are acquire a new job, achieve promotion, develop a career plan.

A financial goal is a scientifically defined economic milestone which you plan to gain or attain. Economic desires contain incomes, saving, making an investment and spending in proportions that match your short-term, medium-term or long-time period plans.

A monetary purpose is a target to purpose for while dealing with your money. It may contain saving, spending, incomes, or even making an investment. creating a list of monetary desires is crucial to creating a finances.

Learn more about financial goals here:-


What does the First Amendment state Americans have the right to do ?


Initially, the First Amendment, like the rest of the Bill of Rights, only limited what the federal government could do and did not impose any obligations on the states. There were individual bills of rights in most state constitutions.

The Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which was adopted in 1868, forbade states from depriving citizens of their "liberty" without first following "due process." Since that time, the U.S. Supreme Court has steadily extended the majority of the Bill of Rights to state governments by using the due process provision. Particularly from the 1920s to the 1940s, the Supreme Court gave the states equal protection under all First Amendment provisions.

Therefore, actions by the federal, state, and municipal governments are now covered by the First Amendment. All departments of the First Amendment government, including legislators, courts, juries, and executive officers and agencies, are likewise covered by the First Amendment. Included in this are public education systems, public university systems, and public employers.

Learn more about First Amendment here


What happens in Act 3 Scene 3 Hamlet?


Claudius wants to send Hamlet to England right away, but Polonius informs him that he intends to listen in on their conversation. In order to do that, he leaves. Claudius admits his wrongdoing and makes an effort to ask for forgiveness.

Act 3's Scene 3 and 4 of Hamlet involve internal strife. Hamlet begins by watching Claudius from a distance as he enters the confessional room. Hamlet had intended to murder Claudius at this point, but changed his mind and decided to wait. Hamlet realizes that by killing Claudius while the king is seeking forgiveness for his misdeeds, he will put an end to the king's life just as his soul is being sent to paradise.

Learn more about Hamlet here:


Which best describes how Tinker versus Des Moines expanded protected speech under the First Amendment?


The decision affirmed the protection of all political speech best describes how Tinker versus Des Moines expanded protected speech under the First Amendment.

The First amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, meeting, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from each selling one faith over others and additionally proscribing an individual's non secular practices.

The 5 freedoms it protects: speech, religion, press, meeting, and the right to petition the authorities. collectively, those five assured freedoms make the people of the USA of America the freest within the world.

The primary change guarantees you the proper to assume your own mind, speak your own critiques, and study and write what you want.

Learn more about  First amendment here:-


A corporation is a legal entity chartered by the state, with a separate and distinct existence from its owners.
a. True
b. False


True, the corporation is an legal entity with a separate existence from it's own owners that has been granted a state charter.

What exactly is a legal entity?

A legal entity is a company or organization that has legal rights and responsibilities, such as paying taxes. It is a company that is capable of entering into contracts as a supplier or a vendor and that is also capable of suing or being sued in court.

What distinguishes a legal entity?

The unique number that the California Department of State gives to a limited company at the moment of registration. A seven decimal with a C at the start is a corporation entity number. An entity number for a llc or limited partners has 12 digits and no first letter.

To know more about legal entity visit:


What limitations are put on your freedom of speech in schools?


You have freedom to express yourself in school by speaking up, handing out flyers, signing petitions, , don't interfere with academics, break any rules are unrelated to message you're trying to convey.

How does a petition work?

A petition is an appeal for action, usually directed towards a prominent figure or organization. The request is placed on behalf of the entire group, and members of the group sign their names or otherwise indicate their approval of the request.

One who is eligible to petition?

Anyone, whether a person or a group may submit a petition. A petition speaks on behalf of the general public, a specific organization, or a segment of the general public. A law created by the Parliament may be contested in the petition on a number of legal grounds.

To know more about freedom visit:


Which is the correct MLA format for a parenthetical citation of this article?


You must enclose the author's last name and the page number in parentheses when using parenthetical citations in MLA format. Use the first few words of the title or webpage if there is no author.

How should I cite this book in parentheses using the MLA style?

The author's last name and the page number from which the quotation or paraphrase is extracted are used in MLA in-text citations, for instance: (Smith 163). Do not include a page number in the parenthetical citation if the source does not utilize page numbers: (Smith).

What does an MLA parenthetical citation look like?

The author's last name and a page number are used in parentheses in MLA format; for instance: (Field 122). You must cite the source when using a direct quotation in a sentence.

To know more about parenthetical citation, visit:


What is the power of cabinet members?


The Cabinet, which was established by Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution, has the responsibility of advising the President on any matter relevant to the responsibilities of each member's individual office.

The Cabinet has a history that extends back to the early days of the Presidency. The Cabinet, which was established by Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, has the responsibility of advising the President on any matter relevant to the responsibilities of each member's individual office.

The Vice President, the Secretaries of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury, and Veterans Affairs, as well as the Attorney General, make up the Cabinet.

Know more about Commerce here:


one of the strongest foreign policy tools possessed by the president are executive agreements.


According to question, All ambassadorial appointments, which are made at the president's discretion, require the advise and permission of the Senate.

According to the American Constitution, the President "shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to establish Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present approve" (Article II, section 2). Treaties are binding agreements that are incorporated into international law.

The president is the commander in chief. He has the power to appoint ambassadors, sign treaties, and make executive agreements.

To know more about foreign policy visit :


in this video, we use the law of conservation of energy. for the systems we consider,


in this video, we use the law of conservation of energy. for the systems we consider, the initial total energy of the system equals the final total energy of the system.

Hence, option C is correct

Similar to this, according to the rule of conservation of energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed. For instance, kinetic energy is converted to potential energy when a toy vehicle is rolled down a ramp and collides with a wall.The first law of thermodynamics, generally known as the law of conservation of energy, asserts that the energy of a closed system must remain constant; it cannot increase or decrease without external involvement.

To know more about Energy here


in this video, we use the law of conservation of energy. for the systems we consider,

1. kinetic energy

2. Potential energy

3. total energy

4. None of the above

What is genetic codominance?


When it comes to genetics, codominance is a sort of inheritance in which two alternative expressions of the same gene result in distinct features in one individual.

The genetics codominance of people is illustrated by those with type AB blood. Because IA and IB are codominant and will consequently be expressed simultaneously, a person inheriting both of them will have type AB blood. Codominance, as opposed to partial dominance, is the simultaneous expression of both parents' traits in a single child organism .Incomplete dominance is caused by a cross in which each genetically unique parental contribution produces offspring with a middle-range phenotype. Semi-dominance and partial dominance are other names for incomplete dominance. Mendel did not describe partial dominance, only dominance.

Learn more about genetic from


How did Wilson justify the war to Congress during one of his famous speeches ?


In his speech earlier than a unique consultation of Congress, Wilson, as traditional, took the moral excessive floor and declared that now not handiest had us's rights as a neutral been violated however that “the arena have to be made safe for democracy.”

After coverage of neutrality on the outbreak of global battle I, Wilson led the usa into struggle for you to “make the sector safe for democracy.”

Wilson's inspiration known as for the positive Allies to set unselfish peace terms with the vanquished crucial Powers of worldwide warfare I, along with freedom of the seas, the recuperation of territories conquered at some stage in the conflict and the proper to countrywide self-dedication in such contentious regions because of the Balkans.

Learn more about Congress here:


If a principal's instructions are not clearly stated, an agent can fulfill the duty of obedience by acting in good faith and in a reasonable manner.T/F



If a principal's instructions are not clearly stated, an agent can fulfill the duty of obedience by acting in good faith and in a reasonable manner.T/F


What is the jury decision making process?


Jury decision process is the official decision for  justification to the prosecutor. When jury makes a decision then it is called a verdict that is to be reported to the court.

All jury decision should deliberate and vote on each issue to be decided in the case. When it is time to count votes it is the duty of jury to  see that this is done properly or not. In a civil case the judge will tell you how many jury must agree in order to reach a verdict.

Variables that include demographic information on jurors, personal characteristics of trial participants, influence of trial publicity on jurors, juror satisfaction with the verdict and dynamics of the deliberate process.

Learn more about jury decision making click the link here:


Type the correct answer in the box. Spell all words correctly. Complete the sentence with the correct word. In the united states, the 401(k) plan or individual retirement account is a defined plan.


A defined contribution plan, often known as a cash or deferred arrangement, is a 401(k) plan. Employees have the option to elect not to receive a portion of their pay, which is instead put into the 401(k) plan on their behalf and before taxes. The employer may occasionally match these donations.

While both programs offer retirement income, they are each administered differently. An example of an employer retirement account is a 401K. An individual retirement account, or IRA, is one. A standard 401(k) is a type of retirement savings plan that enables employees to put money aside for retirement, invest that money, and postpone paying income taxes on that money and its gains until after they retire.

A qualifying profit-sharing plan's 401(k) element enables employees to set aside a percentage of their salaries for personal accounts. Elective salary deferrals are not considered taxable income for the employee (except for designated Roth deferrals). Employers may make deposits into their employees' accounts.

To learn more about 401(k) plan, refer:


Correct Question:

In the united states, the 401(k) plan or individual retirement account is a defined plan for what.

scott peterson was convicted by a jury of murdering his wife and unborn son. therefore, he must have actually committed these crimes.


Scott peterson changed into convicted through a jury of murdering his spouse and unborn son. therefore, he should have genuinely devoted those crimes. Inductive, strong.

The required details about jury is mentioned in below paragraph.

A jury is a sworn frame of human beings convened to pay attention proof and render an unbiased verdict formally submitted to them through a court, or to set a penalty or judgment. Juries advanced in England at some stage in the Middle Ages and are an indicator of the English not unusualplace regulation system.

The jury fulfils a completely essential feature withinside the criminal system. You are entitled to be attempted through jury except the alleged offence is a minor one or one this is being attempted withinside the Special Criminal Court. However, a jury isn't always required in each criminal case. There might be a jury in a few civil instances along with defamation and attack instances. However, for almost all of civil instances along with non-public accidents moves and own circle of relatives regulation instances, there's no jury - it's miles the judge who comes to a decision the outcome.

To learn about jury visit here.


What is the approval of the Constitution called?


The procedure for ratification of the Constitution as outlined in that document sparked a great deal of public discussion in the States.

What exactly does ratification mean?

the formal approval or sanctioning of anything (such as an treaty or amendment) through the act or the procedure of ratification. Although slavery was technically abolished in the U.s with the adoption of the thirteenth Amendment in 1865, certain people continued to be held as slaves after slavery was declared to have abolished in New Jersey around 1804.

What criteria must be met for ratification?

A resolution adopted by the Legislatures is used for ratification. The State Legislatures' approval of an amended Bill is subject to no set time restriction. However, before the amendment Bill is introduced, the resolutions approving the proposed alteration must be passed.

To know more about ratification visit:


which of the following is probaly the most impooratant single facto pistively correlated to a high degree of political participation


The voter registration process is perhaps the one factor that has the most positive correlation to high levels of political engagement.

Which of the following best describes political participation?

Any activity that aims to influence or support public authorities or policy is referred to as political engagement. Examples include registering to vote, signing petitions, joining interest organizations, campaigning for office, demonstrating, and writing emails to elected authorities.

What makes you think that political engagement is crucial?

Youth can aims to train their entitlement, obligations, but also responsibilities as residents through a scope of engagement, which can be the foundation for there own transition to adulthood, according to research on the importance of political participation as well as civic engagement in youth development.

To know more about political participation visit:


Why was the Tinker v Des Moines case significant to public schools?


The Supreme Court ruled that armbands did constitute symbolic expression and that students' First Amendment rights are not violated when they enter school grounds.

What is the First Amendment imply?

The First Constitution allows the right to freedom of religion, expression, assembling, and, yes, petitioning. It forbids Congress from promoting one religion over another or from imposing restrictions on someone's right to follow their religion.

Why does the First Amendment have such sway?

Religion, speech, the press, the power to petition and the freedom to assemble are five important social values that are protected by the First Amendment of our Constitution. Our unshakeable adherence to these ideals has endured challenging conflicts throughout our existence and has been a pillar of our democracy.

To know more about First Amendment visit:


Which of the following types of discrimination has widespread effects within an organization because it is based on processes and policies? a.Intentional b.Unintentional c.Individual d.institutional


Institutional discrimination is based on processes and policies within an organization that create an unequal balance of power and resources, and it has widespread effects because it affects all members of the organization.

Exploring Institutional Discrimination

Institutional discrimination is based on processes and policies within an organization that create an unequal balance of power and resources, and it has widespread effects because it affects all members of the organization. Unintentional and individual discrimination are based on individual behaviors, while intentional discrimination is based on a conscious decision to discriminate.

Learn more about Institutional discrimination at:


What is the tone of the speech Ain't IA Woman?


The speech in Ain't IA Woman has a strong, angry tone. Physical symptoms of rage include higher blood pressure, an accelerated heart rate.

Physical symptoms of rage include higher blood pressure, an accelerated heart rate, and a rise in the hormones noradrenaline and adrenaline.  According to some, anger activates a portion of the fight-or-flight response.  When a person makes the deliberate decision to act in order to instantly stop the threatening conduct of another outside force, anger becomes the prevailing sensation behaviorally, cognitively, and physiologically. Old Norse term for fury served as the inspiration for the English word.

Many negative emotional and physical effects of anger can be seen. The outward manifestations of rage include facial expressions, body language, physiological reactions, and even aggressive behavior in public. A full frown to the inward angling of the eyebrows are examples of different facial emotions.

Learn more about angry here


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