A person who scored highly on agreeableness would MOST likely:


Answer 1

person who scored highly on agreeableness would MOST likely: be very cooperative.

What is agreeableness?

Agreeableness is a personality trait manifesting by the itself in individually behavioral characteristics of that are perceived as kind, sympathetic, cooperative, warm, and considerate.

person who scored highly on agreeableness would MOST likely: be Very cooperative. A person who scores high on extraversion by it would MOST likely: be very cooperative.

agreeableness brainly expert verify answer-



Related Questions

Shrimp for seafood salad is cooked on October 13th and cooled to 41 F (5 C) or below Cold pasteurized crab meat is added to the cooked shrimp on October 15th, combined with chilled mayonnaise and spices, plated on beds of lettuce, and placed in the cooler for banquet service on October 16th What is the use-by date for leftover panned seafood salad?


The use-by data for leftover panned seafood salad is October 19th. The correct option is b.

What is cooking factors?

The best way to chill food is to make it smaller. To do this, divide large food containers into smaller ones or shallow pans. Food cooling techniques include a bath in ice water.

Time and temperature are frequently likely to blame for spoiling your picnic. Bacteria are invited when food is left in the temperature risk zone for longer than two hours, even salad. That period of time is shortened to one hour if the temperature exceeds 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

Therefore, the correct option is b. October 19th

To learn more about salad, refer to the link:



The question is incomplete. Your most probably complete question is given below:

a.  October 13th

b. October 19th

c.  October 20th

d.  October 15th

Which of the following statements about emotional abuse is NOT true?
A. It is the most difficult form of child abuse and neglect to identify
B. It may result in developmental delay
C. It does not need to be reported
D. It includes extreme or bizarre forms of punishment


Note that from the list provided the option that is NOT TRUE about emotional abuse is: "It does not need to be reported" (Option C)

What is emotional abuse?

Emotional abuse is the use of emotions to dominate another person in order to criticize, embarrass, ridicule, blame, or otherwise exploit them. While dating and marital relationships are the most prevalent, mental or emotional abuse may occur in any connection, including acquaintances, family members, and coworkers.

In any case, emotional abuse may erode your self-esteem and cause you to question your views and reality. Finally, you may feel imprisoned. Emotionally abused persons are frequently too damaged to stay in the relationship, but they are also too terrified to leave. So the cycle continues unless something is done.

Learn more about Emotional Abuse:

If beverage sales are $25,600 and beverage costs are $7,5000, the beverage cost percentage is


The percentage of beverage cost is  17.99%

What is percentage?

A value or ratio that may be stated as a fraction of 100 is referred to as a percentage in mathematics. If we need to calculate a percentage of a number, we should divide it by its entirety and then multiply it by 100. The proportion therefore refers to a component per hundred. Per 100 is what the word percent means.

Given that the cost of beverage is $25.30.

There is a 8% tax.

Therefore the tax on $25.30 is $25.30×8% = $2.024

The cost of  beverage with tax is $(25.30 + 2.024) = $27.324.

given is $(32. 24 - 27.324) = $4.916

The percentage of beverage cost is

= (4.916/ 27.324) × 100

= 17.99%

To learn more  cost percentage refer



Determine which of the utility-maximization-assumptions has been violated
In deciding which of two equally priced bicycles to buy, Clara purchases the one that she likes less


Rational utility-maximization-assumptions has been violated in deciding which of two equally priced bicycles to buy when Clara purchases the one that she likes less.

What is Rational utility-maximization assumptions?

It proposes a utility function that assesses the extent to which an individual's (aggregate) goals are met as a result of their activities. The rational actor choose the action that maximizes utility from alternatives presented. Individual decision making in economics is governed by utility theory. The learner must comprehend an intuitive explanation for each of the following assumptions: completeness, monotonicity, mix-is-better, and rationality (also called transitivity). Utility theory's four fundamental assumptions are that a consumer may rank any number of supplied alternatives, that higher overall utility is always better than less, that a mix of goods is better than a set of one item, and that customers are rational decision makers.


When Clara buys the least desirable of two equally expensive bicycles, she violates rational utility-maximization assumptions.

To know more about Rational utility-maximization assumptions,



Identify which of these types of sampling isâ used: random,â systematic, convenience,â stratified, or cluster.
A large company wants to administer a satisfaction survey to its current customers. Using their customerâ database, the company randomly selects 60 customers and asks them about their level of satisfaction with the company.


The researcher measures her stress level at 2 randomly selected times during each part of the day, she would be using the stratified sampling method.

What is population?

A population is the total group of individuals within a certain group, whether that group is a nation or a collection of individuals who share a specific characteristic. In statistics, the group of persons from which a statistical sample is drawn is referred to as a population.A population is the entire set of people in a group, whether that group is a country or a collection of people who share a certain trait. A population is the group of people from which a statistical sample is taken in statistics.

To learn more about population visit



What was the cork comprised of when Hooke looked at it through a microscope?


Robert Hooke discovered that cork was made up of numerous tiny units that he dubbed cells when he examined it with his primitive microscope.

The lowest unit of life is the cell. It is the lowest taxonomic level. Every cell originates from an earlier cell. Cells are thought to have been discovered by Robert Hooke. When he examined cork with his primitive microscope, he saw what he dubbed "cells"—box-like cavities. The microscope is a creation that assisted scientists in learning about cells. Why was the structure Hooke noticed in the cork dubbed cellular? ("small rooms").He gave them the name "cellular" because the cells' box-like design made him think of monks' monasteries.

Learn more about Cellular here:



Hooke saw box-shaped structures that he called cells within the cork that led to the development of cell theory.

How was cells discovered by Hooke?

When Hooke looked at a thin slice of cork through a microscope, he saw that it was made up of tiny, hollow structures that he called cells. He chose this name because they reminded him of the small rooms that monks lived in, which were also called cells. Hooke was the first person to use the term cell to describe the basic unit of life.

Hooke's discovery of cells was possible because he used a compound microscope, which had two lenses that magnified the image. He also prepared his own specimens by cutting very thin slices of cork and other materials. He published his observations in a book called Micrographia, which included detailed drawings of the cells and other microscopic objects he saw.

Learn more on cell theory here: https://brainly.com/question/3142190


Which response to influence entails endorsing the influence attempt and becoming an actively involved participant?
a. passive resistance
b. commitment
c. compliance
d. active resistance
e. loyalty


commitment is response to influence entails endorsing the influence attempt and becoming an actively involved participant.

What is commitment in human life?A commitment is a promise that binds you to adopt a viewpoint or follow a particular course of action. One of the most important success behaviors, in my opinion, is committing to accomplishing or supporting anything, whether in your personal or professional life.The ability to commit is what makes a promise come true. Your goals are openly expressed in your words, but your deeds speak louder than your words. Making time when there is none is what it entails. Coming through consistently, year after year after year.

To learn more about commitment refer,



A simple way to describe citizens' groups is that they are groups


A simple way to describe citizens' groups is that they are groups of people who share a common interest or concern and who try to influence public policy or social change.

What is a Citizen's group?

This is also known as interest group and it consists of people who share a common interest or concern and who try to influence public policy or social change.

Some examples of citizens' groups include the following below:

Environmental groups, such as Greenpeace club, which advocates for the protection of natural resources and environment.Human rights groups, such as Amnesty International Consumer groups etc.

Read more about citizens' groups here https://brainly.com/question/25656843


Investing in training, weapons, and equipment to strengthen military defense.  NGOs working for human rights, like Amnesty International group of consumers, etc.

Defence is a term that is frequently used to refer to a type of (also known as a military strategy that is done in order to delay rather than stop the advance of an opponent. It should be noted that ceding space in this case is believed to be the act of purchasing time and causing several further casualties. Citizens' organizations can be simply defined as associations of people who work to influence public policy or social change and who have a similar interest or concern.This is sometimes referred to as an interest group and is made up of people who work to influence public policy or social change and who have similar interests or concerns. The following are a few instances of citizen groups: Environmental organizations, like the Greenpeace Club, promote the preservation of the environment and natural resources. NGOs working for human rights, like Amnesty International group of consumers, etc.

Learn more about Defence here:



In eukaryotic cells, sequences of mRNA removed before translation are called:


In eukaryotic cells, sequences of mRNA removed before translation are called introns

What are introns?

An intron is a section of a gene that does not remain in the final, mature mRNA molecule after that gene is translated. Before the mature mRNA leaves the nucleus, these interstitial segments, known as introns, are cut out.

Exons are the remaining segments of the transcript that include the protein-coding sequences; they are joined to form the mature mRNA.

Therefore, Introns are the segments of mRNA in eukaryotic cells that are deleted prior to translation.

To learn more about introns, refer to the link:



In eukaryotic cells, sequences of mRNA removed before translation are called introns.

What is mRNA?

mRNA, or messenger RNA, is a type of RNA that carries the genetic information from DNA to the ribosomes, where it is used to direct the synthesis of proteins. However, not all of the information in mRNA is needed for protein synthesis. In eukaryotic cells, the mRNA is initially transcribed as a long molecule called pre-mRNA, which contains both coding and non-coding regions. The coding regions are called exons, and the non-coding regions are called introns.

Before the pre-mRNA can be translated into a protein, it has to undergo a process called splicing, in which the introns are removed and the exons are joined together. This produces a mature mRNA that only contains the information needed for protein synthesis. The splicing process is carried out by a complex of proteins and RNA molecules called the spliceosome, which recognizes specific sequences at the boundaries of the introns and exons and cuts and joins the pre-mRNA accordingly.

The splicing process is important for several reasons. First, it allows the removal of non-functional or harmful sequences from the mRNA. Second, it increases the diversity of proteins that can be produced from a single gene, by allowing different combinations of exons to be joined together. This is called alternative splicing, and it is estimated that more than 90% of human genes undergo some form of alternative splicing. Third, it regulates the expression of genes, by affecting the stability, transport, and interactions of the mRNA with other molecules.

Learn more about introns at: https://brainly.com/question/1978467


Which one of these groups is an example of a citizens' group?


The National Organization for Women. To investigate and study gender equality, women's empowerment, and current laws pertaining to women in order to propose recommendations and monitor those improvements.

A feminist group in the United States is called the National Organization for Women (NOW). It is a legitimate 501(c)(4) social welfare organization that was established in 1966. There are 550 chapters of the organization spread across all 50 states and in Washington, D.C. With almost 500,000 members, it is the biggest feminist organization in the country. One of the most prominent liberal feminist groups in the US, NOW primarily advocates for gender equality within the current political system. NOW works to end violence against women and promote racial justice, economic justice, reproductive rights, and rights for LGBTQIA+ people. Since our organization's establishment in 1966, NOW has worked to advance feminist values, drive societal change, end discrimination, and secure and defend the equal rights of all women and girls in all spheres of social, political, and economic life. Since our organization's establishment in 1966, NOW has worked to advance feminist values, drive societal change, end discrimination, and secure and defend the equal rights of all women and girls in all spheres of social, political, and economic life.

Learn more about National Organization for Women here



Common marketing research problem is collecting new unnecessarily when there is plenty of free and inexpensive info available that may be helpful


Common marketing research problem is collecting primary data new unnecessarily when there is plenty of free and inexpensive info available that may be helpful.

What is the most accurate way to define market research?

Market research, commonly referred to as "marketing research," is the procedure used to assess the viability of a new service or product by conducting research with prospective customers.

Which four forms of marketing research are there?

The four most popular methods of market research are surveys, interviews, focus groups, and customer observation.

What are instances of market research?

When a company phones a current client to inquire about their satisfaction with a product they recently bought, that is an example of an interview in the context of market research.

                Marketers are able to conduct interviews with subjects at their homes, on the street, in their workplaces, or in market research facilities.

Learn more about market research



Which of the following is essential in any formal treatment setting for bringing hope, encouragement, and clinical skill to the interaction?
a) Believing that people can and do recover from mental illnesses like anxiety, traumatic stress, and substance use
b) Telling clients that you believe in their recovery even if you don't
c) Level of education and formal training that you offer
d) Offering communication surrounding cultural norms and expectations about recovery, along with where they can strengthen their skills to meet these expectations


Treatment and Diagnosis A person's personal needs must also be taken into account when providing treatment, which may also involve behavioral therapies and medication.

What are the recovery model's five main pillars?

Ingredients for recovery Hope. Identity. Connection to others and helpful partnerships. creation of constructive coping mechanisms and useful internal models. empowerment and setting up a safe foundation.

Which four elements make up the treatment plan?

What format should a substance abuse treatment plan have? Identifying the issue statements, setting goals, defining objectives to achieve those goals, and designing treatments are the four processes that must be taken in order to create an effective substance abuse treatment plan.

To know more about formal treatment visit :-



The essential option that has to be carried out in formal treatment setting for bringing hope, encouragement, and clinical skill to the interaction is  Believing that people can and do recover from mental illnesses like anxiety, traumatic stress, and substance use. Option A

What is a formal treatment setting?

Formal care is provided by qualified experts. Think of conventional drug and alcohol treatment facilities. To address substance misuse, the majority of formal treatment settings will employ evidence-based treatments, which means that their efforts will be supported by trustworthy and extensive research.

A written document that details the suggested goals, strategy, and therapeutic techniques is referred to as a treatment plan in the context of mental health. You and your therapist will utilize it to guide the actions to be taken in treating whatever it is you're working on.

Read more on formal treatment here:https://brainly.com/question/28275027


A monopolist follows the same _____ rule as a firm in a competitive market: produce until marginal cost equals marginal revenue, but the monopoly firm must decide what price to charge. As prices go _____, the monopolist gains more customers. At the same time, this _____ the revenue from each individual customer, including the existing ones. However, up to a certain point the increased sales volume _____ the revenue loss from the price decrease.


1. Maximizing profit 2. lowers 3. down 4. exceeds

How do monopolies stack up against markets with the competition?

In a monopolistic market, there is only one company that has complete market control and sets the prices and levels of supply for goods and services. In contrast to a monopolistic market, which is made up of just one firm, a perfectly competitive market is made up of numerous firms.

Is the price set by a monopolist equal to the marginal cost?

In a monopoly, the price is set higher than the marginal cost, and the company makes a profit. In an equilibrium where perfect competition exists, a good's supply and price are both economically advantageous.

To know more about Monopolist here:



In eukaryotic cells, promoter consensus sequences are recognized by accessory proteins that recruit a specific RNA polymerase.
Which of the types of accessory proteins serve this purpose?


General transcription factors are the supporting proteins that enable eukaryotic cells to detect promoter consensus sequences.

Promoter consensus sequence: what is it?

A DNA, RNA, or protein sequence known as a consensus sequence is an alignment of related sequences. The most frequent nucleotide(s) or amino acid residue(s) at each place serve as a standard by which the consensus sequence of the related sequences can be identified.

Which transcription factors are there?

Proteins called transcription factors bind to DNA-regulatory sequences (enhancers and silencers), which are typically found 5 upstream of target genes and regulate the rate of gene transcription. With the identification of numerous transcription factors, it appears that a sizable fraction of the human genome codes for them.

To learn more about transcription visit:



Nurse caring for a client who has dementia. What interventions should be taken to minimize risk for injury?


To minimize risk for injury the nurse should, use a bed exit alarm system; the nurse should identify that the client who has dementia requires assistance when exiting their bed and might be unable to remember to ask for help.

What is dementia?

The term "dementia" refers to a general term for cognitive decline that is severe enough to significantly impair daily functioning, including memory, language, problem-solving, and other cognitive abilities. The leading factor in dementia is Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's disease is one of many specific medical conditions that fall under the umbrella term "dementia," which is used to describe a variety of related conditions. Brain abnormalities are the root cause of the disorders collectively referred to as "dementia."

Cognitive abilities, also known as thinking skills, begin to deteriorate as a result of these changes, and the impairment can be severe enough to affect daily functioning and independence. They also have an impact on relationships, behavior, and feelings.

Learn more about dementia



Cash can take many forms. From the lists of items below, choose the one which includes only items that would be defined as cash.
Multiple choice question.
(A)Coins, accounts receivables, checks
(B)Checks, money orders, supplies
(C)Coins, checks, money orders
(D)Checks, coins, accounts payable


The only items that would be defined as cash from the given list is:

Coins, checks, money orders.

What is money orders?

A money order is a document, typically issued by a government agency or financial institution, that enables the named payee to obtain cash on demand. When it comes to the ability to stop payment, a money order works very similarly to a check.

People without access to a traditional checking account frequently use money orders because they can be easily converted to cash and are widely accepted. Most institutions will sell you these items for a small service charge; they are an acceptable method of repayment for modest personal and business debts.

Traveler's checks, also known as money orders, were first issued by American Express in 1882.

Learn more about money orders



Based on the graph, which technology was developed most recently?


We can see here that based on the graph, the technology that was developed most recently is the smartphone. The graph shows that the smartphone was introduced in 2007, while the other technologies were introduced in earlier years.

What is the graph all about?

The graph compares the adoption rates of four different technologies: the radio, the television, the personal computer, and the smartphone. The adoption rate is the percentage of households in the United States that own or use a certain technology. The graph shows how the adoption rate changes over time, from the year of introduction to 2015.

The graph shows that the radio was introduced in 1920 and reached a peak adoption rate of about 95% in 1950. The television was introduced in 1946 and reached a peak adoption rate of about 99% in 2000. The personal computer was introduced in 1975 and reached a peak adoption rate of about 85% in 2010. The smartphone was introduced in 2007 and reached an adoption rate of about 75% in 2015.

The graph also shows that the smartphone had the fastest adoption rate among the four technologies. It took only eight years for the smartphone to reach 75% of households, while it took 30 years for the radio, 54 years for the television, and 35 years for the personal computer to reach the same level. This suggests that the smartphone is a more innovative and desirable technology than the others, or that it benefits from the existing infrastructure and networks of the previous technologies.

Learn more about technology on https://brainly.com/question/25110079


By creating three independent and equal branches of the federal government, the U.S. Constitution limited the federal government's power.


The U.S. Constitution's Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 is referred to as the "Commerce Clause," and it grants Congress the authority "to regulate commerce with foreign nations, among the several states, and with the Indian tribes."

What is Commerce Clause?Significant and ongoing debate about the distribution of power between the federal government and the states has resulted from Congress's repeated use of the Commerce Clause as justification for exercising legislative authority over state and citizen actions. In the past, the Commerce Clause was seen as both a grant of power to Congress and a limitation on the power of the States to regulate themselves.Due to the lack of a clear definition of "commerce" in the Constitution, there is much disagreement over the authority that Congress is granted under section 8, clause 3. Some contend that word just refers to trade or exchange, while others assert that the Constitution's framers intended to express more widely social and commercial interactions between inhabitants of various states.

To Learn more About Commerce Clause refer To:



Which of these is not part of the cardiac conduction system?
A. the sinoatrial (SA) node
B. the tendinous cords (TC)
C. the atrioventricular (AV) node
D. the atrioventricular (AV) bundle (bundle of His)
E. the Purkinje fibers


The tendinous cords (TC) is not the part of the cardiac conduction system.

What is cardiac conduction system?

The heart conduction system is the network of nodes, cells and signals that controls your heartbeat. Each time your heart beats, electrical signals travel through your heart. These signals cause different parts of your heart to expand and contract.. This group of muscle cells is called the cardiac conduction system. This pathway is made up of 5 elements; the Sino-atrial (SA) node, the Atrio-ventricular (AV) node, the bundle of his, the left and right bundle branches and the Purkinje fibers.

What is tendinous cords(TC)?

The tendinous cords (chordae tendineae), are inelastic cords of fibrous connective tissue that connect papillary muscles to the tricuspid valve and the mitral valve in the heart.

Learn more about cardiac conduction system: https://brainly.com/question/18983307


What is meant by performance oriented training?


Performance-oriented training is designed to help employees increase productivity, accuracy and competency in their job role.

What is Performance-oriented training?
Performance-oriented training
is a type of training that focuses on enhancing the performance of an individual by improving their skills and abilities. It is designed to help them increase their productivity and performance in their current job or a new one. Performance-oriented training focuses on the individual's specific needs, strengths, and weaknesses. It is tailored to their job and the specific tasks they must complete. It may include both theoretical and practical instruction, depending on the job. Performance-oriented training may also include hands-on work experience, mentoring, and feedback from supervisors. The overall goal of performance-oriented training is to provide individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to perform their job successfully.

It focuses on measurable objectives and results, and often includes goal setting, feedback, and recognition for accomplishments. It is used to develop specific skills, increase knowledge, and improve performance in a certain area. This type of training gives employees the tools they need to do their job better and more efficiently.

To learn more about Performance-oriented training

Performance-oriented training is a type of training that focuses on the outcomes or results of the learning process, rather than the inputs or activities.

What is the goal of performance-oriented training?

Performance-oriented training aims to improve the skills, knowledge, and attitudes of the learners that are relevant and applicable to their work or tasks.

Performance oriented training also evaluates the effectiveness of the training by measuring the changes in the learners' performance, behavior, or productivity.

Some characteristics of performance-oriented training are:

It is based on a clear and specific analysis of the performance gaps or needs of the learners and the organization.

It is aligned with the goals and objectives of the learners and the organization.

It is designed and delivered using appropriate methods, strategies, and resources that suit the learners' preferences, abilities, and contexts.

It is supported by feedback, coaching, and reinforcement to ensure the transfer and retention of learning.

It is monitored and assessed using valid and reliable criteria and indicators that reflect the desired performance outcomes.

Some examples of performance-oriented training are:

A customer service training that teaches the employees how to handle different types of customer complaints and queries, and evaluates their performance using customer satisfaction ratings and feedback.

A sales training that teaches the salespeople how to use effective communication and persuasion techniques, and evaluates their performance using sales volume and revenue data.

A leadership training that teaches the managers how to motivate and empower their teams, and evaluates their performance using team performance and engagement metrics.

Learn more about performance-oriented training at: https://brainly.com/question/29829952


Suppose the expected value for a mass is exactly one kilogram. A lab group checked the mass and made the following measurements:
2.01 kg, 2.02 kg, 1.99 kg, 1.97 kg
Which answer choice BEST describes these measurements?


Inaccurate and precise best describes the measurements of the expected value for a mass checked by a lab group.

What distinguishes accuracy from precision?

A value's accuracy refers to how closely it matches its actual value. How near an arrow comes to the bull's-eye center is one illustration. The repeatability of a measurement is referred to as precision. The two ways to assess observational error are accuracy and precision.

Precision measures how closely two measurements are to one another, whereas accuracy measures how closely two sets of measurements are to their true values. In other words, precision is a description of random errors and a gauge of statistical variability. Both precision and accuracy can be used to gauge outcomes. Accuracy gauges how closely outcomes match the real or known value. While precision assesses how closely related outcomes are to one another.

To learn more about statistical variability, visit:



The option that best describes these measurements is inaccurate and precise. Option B

What is the meaning of accuracy in measurement?

The capacity of an instrument to measure an accurate value is known as accuracy. In other words, it refers to how closely the measured value resembles a reference or genuine value. Small readings can be taken to determine accuracy. The calculation's inaccuracy is decreased by the little reading. The system's accuracy is categorized in the manner listed below.

Point accuracy refers to an instrument's precision just at a certain point on its scale. This accuracy reveals nothing on the instrument's overall accuracy.

Read more on accuracy and precision here: https://brainly.com/question/5792909


Suppose the expected value for a mass is exactly one kilogram. A lab group checked the mass and made the following measurements:

2.01 kg, 2.02 kg, 1.99 kg, 1.97 kg

Which answer choice BEST describes these measurements?

A. accurate and precise

B. inaccurate and precise

C. accurate and imprecise

D. inaccurate and imprecise

What are the major components of Quazi experimental design research?


Non-equivalent group design and Time-series design are the major components of Quasi experimental design research.

What are the major components of Quasi experimental design research?In  quasi-experimental research, individuals are not randomly assigned to conditions or ordering of conditions, instead, an independent variable is controlled. When researchers are unable to adhere to the rules of conventional experimental design, they utilize this method and is a research application of probability.The two major components are Non-equivalent group design and Time-series design.

1. Non-equivalent group design:

Study participants were not assigned in a random manner. The experimental group (EG) and the control group (CG) (comparison group) are made as equal as feasible using a matching process.

2. Time-series design:

Examine a sequence of observations on a few variables at various periods in time using this  design method. Consider looking at historical data of mortality  for infant mortality  to determine whether the number of deaths are rising, falling, or stable.

To learn more about probability , refer:



Quasi-experimental design is a type of research that aims to compare the effects of an intervention or a treatment on a group of participants, but without using random assignment.

What is Quasi-experimental design?

Quasi-experimental design is often used when it is not feasible or ethical to randomly assign participants to different conditions, such as in natural settings, educational settings, or social programs.

The major components of quasi-experimental design are:

A comparison group: This is a group of participants that is similar to the intervention group, but does not receive the intervention or receives a different intervention.

A pretest and a posttest: These are measurements of the outcome variable that are taken before and after the intervention, for both the intervention group and the comparison group.

A statistical analysis: This is a method of testing the hypothesis that the intervention group and the comparison group have different outcomes, and estimating the magnitude and direction of the difference.

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Which lymphatic trunks empty into the cisterna chyli?
ininal and lumbar trunks
right lymphatic duct and thoracic duct
right and left bronchomediastinal trunks
subclavian and jugular trunks


The lymphatic trunks empty into the cisterna chyli are : Intestinal and

 lumbar trunks

What is lymphatic trunks?A lymphatic trunk is any large lymph vessel formed by the confluence of several efferent lymph vessels. There are four pairs of lymph trunks, each with a right and left half, as well as one unpaired trunk: The jugular lymph trunks in the neck drain lymph fluid from the cervical lymph nodes.The cisterna chyli is an important lymphatic landmark that receives lymph from the right and left lumbar trunks, the intestinal trunk, and some of the lower intercostal vessels. The pelvis, kidneys, adrenals, and most of the abdominal wall send lymph to the lumbar trunks.Small lymphatic vessels connect to form larger tributaries known as lymphatic trunks that drain large areas.

To learn more about lymphatic trunk refer to :



Structures comprised of endothelial cells separated by flaplike minivalves that are opened as fluid accumulates in peripheral tissue describes
thoracic duct.
lymph nodes.
lymph capillaries.
cisterna chyli.
blood capillaries.


Lymph capillaries are structures made up of endothelial cells separated by flaplike minivalves that open as fluid accumulates in peripheral tissue.

What is lymph capillaries?Lymphatic capillaries are tiny vessels that collect and filter fluid from the cells and tissues of your body. They aid in the maintenance of blood pressure and volume, as well as the prevention of fluid buildup.Lymph capillaries can be found in every part of the body except the bone marrow, the central nervous system, and tissues that lack blood vessels, such as the epidermis. Endothelium forms the wall of the lymph capillary, and simple squamous cells overlap to form a simple one-way valve.Excess interstitial fluid and proteins are collected by lymph capillaries and returned to the venous blood. The fluid is referred to as lymph after it enters the lymph capillaries.The lymph capillaries drain into larger vessels, which then connect to the right and left subclavian veins.

To learn more about lymph capillaries refer to :



The demand curve for a typical good has a(n)
A negative slope because some consumers switch to other goods as the price rises
B negative slope because consumer incomes fall as the price of the good rises
C negative slope because the good has less snob appeal as its price falls
D inverse slope because as the price goes up, the good has more profitability


The demand curve for a typical good has  negative slope because some consumers switch to other goods as the price of the good rises.

What Is the Demand Curve?

The demand curve is a graphical depiction of the connection between the cost of a commodity or service and the amount demanded over a specific time period.

                      The price will often be shown on the left vertical axis in a representation, and the amount needed will typically be shown on the horizontal axis.

What causes a demand curve?

According to the demand schedule, the demand curve is derived. The demand schedule details the precise number of units of an item or service that will be bought at various price points.

                          It is significant to remember that when the price falls, the quantity demanded rises.

Learn more about  Demand Curve



Three Major Credit Bureaus that Report Credit Score


Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion are some of these organizations. Financial troubles are being felt by many people as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.

What increases credit score?

A history of the on installments, low credit card balances, a variety of credit card and bank cards, older accounts payable, and few credit inquiries are all factors that raise your credit score.

What won't lower your credit score?

Generally speaking, switching from a credit card to a debit card won't affect your credit history or ratings. When you make a purchase using a credit card, you are effectively borrowing money that you'll need to pay back later. You can have access to money that is already in the account by using a debit card. No borrowing is necessary.

To know more about Credit score visit:



The three major credit bureaus that report credit scores are Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.

What are credit scores?They are numeric summaries.This is data about how a person or company has managed its debt and credit obligations.They are data and history of payments, types, queries, and credit.They are concepts that initiate lesser or greater credibility of the client.

Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion are private companies that collect and analyze information about the credit history and behavior of consumers and businesses. They use different methods and sources to gather and store the data, so the credit scores they report may vary slightly.

Credit bureaus provide credit reports and scores to lenders, creditors, landlords, employers, and other entities that need to assess the credit risk or reliability of a potential borrower, tenant, employee, or partner. They also provide credit reports and scores to consumers and businesses who want to monitor their credit health and dispute any errors or fraud.

Learn more about credit agencies:



At any given time, you occupy a number of statuses. These are your:


You frequently hold several different statuses at once. You now have status set. A role set is the behavioral component of a person's societal status, whereas a status set describes the position a person occupies in society.

A person's collection of social statuses is known as their status set. One can be a daughter, wife, mother, student, employee, churchgoer, and citizen, among other titles. Robert K. Merton first used the phrase "status set" in 1957. He distinguished clearly between a "role set" and a "status set." According to Merton, a society's status set is its collection of statuses, whereas its role set is its collection of roles. When a person's statuses have both positive and bad effects on them, that circumstance is called status inconsistency. A person's collection of social statuses is known as their status set. One can be a daughter, wife, mother, student, employee, churchgoer, and citizen, among other titles.

Learn more about status set here



At any given time, you occupy a number of statuses. These are your social positions in society.

What is Status?

A status is a social category that defines a person's role or identity in relation to others. For example, some statuses that you might have are student, daughter, friend, employee, etc.

Some statuses are ascribed, meaning they are assigned to you at birth or involuntarily later in life. For example, your sex, race, ethnicity, and age are ascribed statuses. You do not choose them or change them easily.

Some statuses are achieved, meaning they are acquired through your own efforts, choices, or actions. For example, your education level, occupation, marital status, and hobbies are achieved statuses. You have some control over them and can change them over time.

Learn more about status here: https://brainly.com/question/25302313


A client has been diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes Mellitus When providing instructions on sharps disposal, the nurse should instruct the client to place the syringes in
1Bubble wrap/packaging wrap
2A garbage bag in the trash can
3A cardboard box with a firmly secured lid
4A plastic liquid detergent bottle with a screw-top lid


The correct option 4: A plastic liquid detergent bottle with a screw-top lid, is the place the syringes is disposed.

Explain the term type 1 Diabetes?

Diabetes type 1 is a chronic illness also referred to as juvenile diabetes and insulin-dependent diabetes.

The pancreas produces very minimal or no insulin in this situation. It is a hormone that the body utilizes to let glucose (sugar) into cells where it can be used to make energy.Although there is currently no known way to avoid type 1 diabetes, it can be successfully managed if you follow your doctor's advice for leading a healthy lifestyle. control of blood sugar. obtaining routine medical examinations. obtaining guidance and information on diabetic self-management.

The majority of persons with type 1 diabetes are advised to have intensive insulin therapy, while some may still benefit from more straightforward insulin regimens. Intensive insulin therapy — Intensive insulin therapy is the best option for maintaining "tight" or close to-normal blood sugar control.

Thus, the syringes are discarded in a plastic liquid detergent container with a screw-top lid.

To know more about the type 1 Diabetes, here



10. a community health nurse is educating a parent about the importance of hepatitis B
immunization. which of the following explanations should the nurse give the parent about
the disease?
1. one dose of the immunization gives children lifelong protection from hepatitis B
2. hepatitis B spreads easily among children through casual contact
3. many people who acquire acute hepatitis B develop chronic hepatitis
4. people who have had a hepatitis B infection still need the immunization


Many people who acquire acute hepatitis B develop chronic hepatitis. Hence, option (3) will be regarded as the relevant answer choice.

Give a brief account on Hepatitis B.

Hepatitis B is a serious liver infection brought on by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Hepatitis B is often an acute, or short-term, condition that lasts less than six months for most people. Others, however, get a chronic infection, which means it persists for a longer period of time. The condition cirrhosis, which permanently damages the liver, and liver cancer are all risks that are increased by chronic hepatitis B.

Despite having severe symptoms, the majority of persons with hepatitis B fully recover. Children and infants have a higher risk of developing a chronic hepatitis B infection. A persistent infection is what this is. A vaccine can be used to prevent hepatitis B, but once you have it there is no cure. If you are infected, following these guidelines can help stop the virus from infecting others.

To know more about, Hepatitis B, visit :



The nurse should educate them on how many people who acquire acute hepatitis B develop chronic hepatitis, hence the need for the immunization. The correct answer is option 3.

What is Hepatitis B?

A viral infection known as hepatitis B that affects the liver can result in catastrophic side effects such as cirrhosis, liver cancer, and liver failure. Contact with blood or other bodily fluids from an infected individual can spread hepatitis B. Sharing needles, engaging in unprotected intercourse, or having a mother who has hepatitis B are some common exposure routes.

People infected by hepatitis B will develop chronic hepatitis B, meaning the infection lasts longer than six months and can last for the rest of one's life. Hepatitis B that is chronic can harm the liver and raise the risk of liver cancer and mortality. As a result, it's critical to immunize children against hepatitis B as early as possible.

learn more about hepatitis B here https://brainly.com/question/20980613


Without data, marketing managers may make the same errors as their predecessors
a hard
b big


Without hard data, marketing managers may make the same errors as their predecessors.

What is hard data?

Hard data, also known as factual data, is information that has been confirmed and methodologically gathered from official or organizational sources that is corresponding and virtually independent in the methods it was measured. Hard data, also known as factual data, are solid and methodologically sound data derived from official or organizational statistics that are comparable and generally independent of the manner by which they were measured. Hard data refers to data created by equipment and applications such as phones, computers, sensors, smart meters, traffic monitoring systems, call detail records, and bank transaction records, among others.


Without hard data, marketing executives may repeat the same mistakes as their predecessors.

To know more about hard data,



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