Anything that an agent obtains by virtue of an agency relationship is his or hers to keep. T/F


Answer 1

True, Anything that an agent obtains by virtue of an agency relationship is his or hers to keep . Constructive trust: Anything that an agent obtains by virtue of the employment or agency relationship belongs to the principal.

A positive believe is an equitable remedy imposed with the aid of a courtroom to take advantage of a celebration that has been legally emptied of its rights thanks to both a person getting or conserving legal ownership that they must not possess due to unjust enrichment or interference or because of a breach of fiduciary duty, that's inter causative with unjust enrichment and/or assets interference. it can be a sort of implied believe.

positive trusts are compulsory by means of the operation of law. they're additionally said as inexplicit trusts. they may be now not situation to formality requirements. in contrast to an resulting consider, which also arises by using the operation of regulation, an involuntary accept as true with doesn't offer effects to the imputed/presumed aim of the parties.

Learn more about Agency Relationships here:


Related Questions

true or false: online review websites like yelp and tripadvisor should not be used for conducting reputation management.


The answer is true. Although Ye-lp is widely regarded as the best review site, especially for local company promotion, it is not the only one available.

Alternatives to Ye-lp include Goo-gle company Profile, Face-book Page reviews, An-gi, the Better Business Bur-eau, Consumer Affairs, and Four-square. Ye-lp is one of the best review web-sites for promoting local companies. review may enhance your business by addressing customer commentsnew customers by being on Ye-lp. You may create a Ye-lp listing for your company and reply to unfavorable comments. You may use online reviews to select what to buy or which business to hire.

To learn more about company, click here.


A fixed budget, also known as a static budget, has resources allocated on a single estimate of costs. that budget amount ______.


A fixed budget, also known as a static budget, has resources allocated on a single estimate of costs. that budget amount _ dashboard.

A static budget is a finances that makes use of expected quantities for a given duration prior to the length starting. The precise element of a static finances is that it does no longer trade regardless of devi Static price range  .

The budget is ready for handiest one degree of production quantity. additionally called a grasp finances. bendy price range - a summarized price range that could without difficulty be computed for numerous distinct manufacturing volume tiers. Separates variable prices from fixed charges.

A static budget version is most useful when a company has quite predictable income and costs that are not predicted to alternate a good deal through the budgeting length (inclusive of in a monopoly situation). In these conditions, a static price range is quite useful for tracking how properly a business is doing towards expectations.

Learn more about static budget here:


in regards to when you can begin collecting benefits, what is the age in which your monthly benefit will be the highest?


You can begin receiving blessings as early as age 62 the age wherein your monthly benefit might be the highest.

The required details about monthly benefits is mentioned in below paragraph.

An accumulated monthly benefit is the greenback quantity that an worker can anticipate to get hold of as a pension gain after retiring. The accumulated monthly benefitis primarily based totally mainly at the worker's years of provider and profits history.The phrase “at the identical profits report” does now no longer always imply the profits report of the beneficiary. A lady beneficiary won't have had an profits report, however were entitled to monthly benefit at the spouse's profits reportThe Social Security Administration (SSA) will decide your payment primarily based totally in your lifetime common profits earlier than you have become disabled. Your gain quantity might be calculated the use of your blanketed profits. These are your profits at jobs in which your organization took cash from your wages for Social Security or FICA.

To learn about monthly benefit visit here.


a situation in which one party has an incentive to shirk their responsibility because the costs will fall to the other party is known as .


A situation in which one party has the incentive to shirk their responsibility because the costs will fall to the other party is known as a moral hazard.

What is a moral hazard?

Moral hazard is a term used in economics, finance, and insurance to describe a situation where one party has more information than another and is more likely to take risks due to a lack of accountability. It is a concept that describes how people can behave differently when they are not held personally accountable for the consequences of their actions.

Moral hazard occurs because the party that is shirking their responsibility does not have to bear the full costs of their behavior. Instead, the costs are shifted onto the other party, which provides them with an incentive to shirk their responsibility. This can be seen in situations where one party has insurance against a certain risk, such as car insurance. The insured party may be more likely to take risks they wouldn't otherwise take because they know the costs will be covered by the insurance company.

It can be concluded that a situation in which one party has the incentive to shirk their responsibility because the costs will fall to the other party is known as a moral hazard.

To know more about moral hazards, click this link:


the marketing team wants the simulated environment to provide a fully immersive experience that will expose drivers to a variety of driving conditions and challenges. what kind of technology is best suited to this purpose?


The kind of technology that best suited to this purpose is VR (virtual reality). It simulates interaction in a real-world setting by using computer-generated, three-dimensional graphics.

Pose tracking and 3D near-eye displays are used in virtual reality (VR) to provide users an immersive sense of a virtual world. Virtual reality has applications in business, education (such as medical or military training), and entertainment (especially video games) (such as virtual meetings). While standards are continually shifting due to the industry's infancy, other different sorts of VR-style technologies include augmented reality and mixed reality, which are also known as extended reality or XR .

To provide lifelike visuals, sounds, and other sensations that mimic a user's physical presence in a virtual world, current standard virtual reality systems either use virtual reality headsets or multi-projected environments.

Know more about virtual reality here:


a company purchased property for $100,000. the property included a building, a parking lot, and land. the building was appraised at $61,000; the land at $45,800, and the parking lot at $18,200. land should be recorded in the accounting records with an allocated cost of:


Answer: 36640


samantha is beginning her final year of college and is beginning her job search. what should she do first?


Samantha would analyze her interests and goals and evaluate her qualifications before beginning her job search as she is starting her final year of college.

Writing your resume is the first step in the job search process. Use only respectable, well-known websites to upload your resume online. Social networking platforms shouldn't be used by job searchers to network or look for employment prospects. For each position you are applying for, you should create a specific resume.

Contacting friends, colleagues, and other acquaintances in order to network with them about potential prospects. The benefit of looking online is that you suddenly find yourself in a considerably larger pool.

Learn more about jobs here


g a company's board of directors votes to declare a cash dividend of $1.40 per share of common stock. the company has 28,000 shares authorized, 23,000 issued, and 22,500 shares outstanding. the total amount of the cash dividend is:


The correct answer to the given question about company's cash dividend is option a) $31,500.

Calculation of the amount:

Cash dividend = Outstanding shares × Cash dividend per share

                        = 22, 500 × 1.40

                        = 31, 500

the distribution of capital or cash made accessible to stockholders as a result of current or previous company profitability.

Cash dividends are given out in cash, as opposed to stock dividends or other types of value. The majority of brokers provide you the choice of taking dividends as cash or reinvesting them. a common practice for firms to pay regular cash dividends to stockholders in the form of returns of capital; typically, these payments take place once per quarter, however other stocks may do so monthly, annually, or semiannually.


a company's board of directors votes to declare a cash dividend of $1.40 per share of common stock. the company has 28,000 shares authorized, 23,000 issued, and 22,500 shares outstanding. the total amount of the cash dividend is:

a. $31,500.

b. $38,200.

c. $39,200.

d. $63,700.

e. $32,200.

To learn more about Cash dividend click here


why are decision trees useful to managers who plan business strategies? decision trees explain the level of concentration in an industry. using a decision tree always leads to a dominant strategy. decision trees provide a systematic way of thinking through the implications of a strategy. decision trees can be used to increase the amount of product differentiation; this enables managers to charge higher prices for their products.


Decision trees useful to managers who plan business strategy because Decision trees offer a methodical approach to considering the effects of a plan.

Why are decision-making trees helpful in business?

Decision trees assist firms in sorting through options to identify the best results for their businesses. Businesses utilize decision trees, according to CFO Selections, to lay out all potential outcomes and answers, which can help them make educated decisions on issues like downsizing or expanding.

How are decision trees used by managers?

A decision tree analysis exercise in project management will make it simple for project leaders to compare various courses of action against one another and assess the risks, chances of success, and potential advantages of each.

To learn more about Business Strategy here:


when revenue is greater than total expenses, resulting in a net income, the income summary account has a:_____.


When revenue is greater than total expenses, resulting in a net income, the income summary account has a credit balance.

What is the definition of revenue?

In accounting, revenue refers the total amount of income generated by the sale of goods or services related to the company's primary operations.

Here we need to find the term that the revenue is greater than total expenses, resulting in a net income, the income summary account.

In order to find the term, we must know the definition of the following term

Expenses - the operational cost that is paid to earn business revenues

Income - the money you receive regularly as payment for your work or as interest on money you have saved

Based on these definition we have identified that the revenue is greater than the expenses, then the summary account has credit balance in it.

To know more about Revenue here.


an international investor begins with 20,000 british pound and converts it to $32,000 in u.s. currency because the exchange rate is $1.60. in one month, the exchange rate for the british pound decreases to $1.50, and the investor is able to convert the $32,000 back to 21,333 pounds, earning a profit of 1,333 british pounds. if the exchange rate had decreased to $1.25, what would the conversion had been in british pounds?


The dollar has increased in value while the British pound has decreased when the investor converts back from one currency to the other. As a consequence, you will make back more money than you put in. He will receive £24,000.

The relative cost of one currency stated in terms of another currency is known as an exchange rate (or group of currencies). The exchange rate is a significant economic determinant for nations with active international commerce, like Australia.

Exchange rate = Dollar amount / Pound amount

1.5 = 30000/20000

We can convert a dollar amount into pounds when the exchange rate is 1.25 and the dollar amount is $30,000.

30,000/Pound amount = 1.25

Pound amount = 30,000/1.25

= 24,000

To learn more about exchange rates


plume has sales of $1.62 million with costs of goods sold equal to 78 percent of sales. the average inventory is $369,000, accounts payable average $438,000, and receivables average $147,000. how long is the cash cycle? multiple choice 13.19 days 13.30 days 17.29 days 7.54 days 11.77 days


A) 13.19 days is the cash cycle.

It's also known as the "cash conversion cycle," and it's the period of time between buying the raw materials for a product and getting paid for it. Additionally, it works well as a liquidity indicator.

COGS= (78%*1.62) =$12,63,600.

Days Inventory outstanding = (Average inventory/COGS) *365 = (369000/12,63,600) *365

Days sales outstanding = (Accounts receivables/sales) *365 = (147000/16,20,000) *365 Days payables outstanding = (Average payables/COGS) *365 = (438000/12,63,600) *365

Thus, the cash cycle is equal to Days Inventory outstanding + Days sales outstanding-Days payables.

How is the cash cycle calculated?

Cash Change Cycle = DIO + DSO - DPO

Where: Days Inventory Outstanding is spelled DIO. Days Sales Outstanding is abbreviated as DSO. Days Payable Outstanding is abbreviated as DPO.

To learn more about cash conversion cycle here


the free cash flow to the firm is reported as $405 million. the interest expense to the firm is $76 million. if the tax rate is 35% and the net debt of the firm increased by $50, what is the free cash flow to the equity holders of the firm?


The company's existing shareholders receive $405.6 million in free cash flow.

What formula is used to determine a company's free cash flow?

Net sales minus (operating costs plus taxes) minus operational capital investments equals free cash flow. Initial expenditure in operational productive capacity minus total net revenue after taxation equals free cash flow.

When the growth rate is lower than the needed yield can the steady dividend discount model (DDM) be utilized.

The predicted depreciation expense and dividend growth of an inventory items, when added together, equals the stock's needed investment return if the stock is properly and effectively valued.

To know more about (DDM) click here


The chinese economy maintained its trend of positive growth, even throughout the covid-19 pandemic.
a. True
b. False


The chines' economy maintained its trend of positive growth, even throughout the covid-19 pandemic True.

Is the Chinese economy actually expanding?

Since then, it has expanded incredibly quickly. China has experienced one of the major economies' greatest continuous expansions in history, with average annual growth rates of 6.7% since 2012.

How did the economy do during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Nearly all major economies saw historically large losses in output as a result of the pandemic. The United States' economy shrank by 8.9 percent in the second quarter of 2020, the most since more than 70 years (figure 3-3). (BEA 2021c).

To Know more about pandemic


What are the 3 biggest expenses in the federal budget?


The U.S. government has burned through $406.37 billion in monetary year 2023 to guarantee the prosperity of individuals of the US.

The federal government consumes cash on various items, tasks, and organizations to help the American public and pay income caused from getting. In financial year (FY) 2022, the public authority consumed $6.27 trillion, which was more than it accumulated (pay), achieving a lack.

Federal Government most expenditure is on -

Government DebtSocial SecurityMedicareOther Health CareNational DefenseVeterans BenefitsSafety Net ProgramsEducationInfrastructureSalaries and Wages

Know more about Federal Govt Monetary Policy -


the concept of the prisoner's dilemma is applicable only when considering the illegal behavior that firms in a non-competitive market may pursue. a. true b. false


The concept of the prisoner's dilemma is applicable only when considering the illegal behavior that firms in a non-competitive market may pursue: false.

A non-competitive settlement manner that a person is of the same opinion now not to compete with their existing or former employer for a detailed time frame. A monopoly is a fantastic illustration of a non-competitive marketplace because, with the aid of definition, a monopolist is an organization that owns its personal market.

Competitive human beings do anything it takes to fulfill their desires to maintain popularity, prevailing in sports activities, board games, and even the lottery. these types of human beings are very confident in themselves and the regulation of attraction are key factors in having a triumphing mindset and doing higher than almost everybody else.

Learn more about non-competitive here:


what kind of decision making tool could help you develop a recommended sysstem for your firms website which has over 1 million visitors a month


A/B testing tool is to be used as a decision-making tool could that will help develop a recommended system for the firm's website which has over 1 million visitors a month.

What is an A/B testing tool?

An A/B testing tool is a powerful tool used to gain insights into the preferences of customers and optimize the design of websites and apps. It allows for the comparison of two versions of a product or user experience to measure which one performs better. The tool is used to measure and analyze the performance changes with different variations of the same product, enabling businesses to make informed decisions when it comes to optimizing the customer experience. A/B testing is an efficient way to quickly and accurately test a product and make decisions that can help increase customer engagement, satisfaction, and revenue.

The most effective decision-making tool for developing a recommended system for a website with over 1 million visitors a month would be an A/B testing tool. This would allow you to split-test different design elements, content, and functionality to determine which options lead to the most successful outcomes. Additionally, you could use analytics tools to measure and analyze user behavior on the website, to gain insights into how visitors interact with the site and what features they prefer.

It can be concluded that the A/B testing tool is to be used as a decision-making tool could that will help develop a recommended system for the firm's website which has over 1 million visitors a month.

To know more about the A/B testing tool, check this link:


what is the potential for losing money in the stock market if an individual keeps their money invested for one year?


It is estimated that both novice and experienced stock market investors alike lose up to 90% of their investment.

Why do 90% of traders experience a loss?

Trading too much, not conducting enough research, averaging your holdings, and relying too heavily on recommendations are some common mistakes made by intraday traders. Many day traders have suffered losses as a result of these errors. 90% of intraday traders experience financial losses.

Why you ought to stop trading?

You should stop trading right away if you find yourself in debt or unable to support your daily needs. This is a key indicator that it's time to stop trading. Unlike a job where you receive a defined salary each month, trading does not have a set reward.

To know more about stock market visit:-


which sections of information in his credit report should he pay particular attention to given his situation?


Incorrect or incomplete name, address, or phone number and such kinds of information in his credit report should he pay particular attention given his situation.

A credit score is accepted as true which permits one birthday party to offer money or assets to any other birthday celebration in which the second party does no longer reimburse the primary or immediately but promises either to repay or return those resources at a later date.

Open credit score, additionally called open-cease credit score, means that you may draw from the credit score again as you're making bills, like credit score cards or lines of credit. A closed credit score, also known as closed-quit credit score, method you observe for a hard and fast sum of money, obtain that money, and pay it returned in fixed payments.

A bank creates credit money while producing a bank deposit that may be a consequence of enjoying a mortgage settlement, extending an overdraft facility, or shopping property. Credit cash represents the overall sum of money that is owed to banks by means of debtors.

Learn more about credit here:-


question content area if a fixed asset, such as a computer, were purchased on january 1 for $1,586 with an estimated life of 5 years and a salvage or residual value of $132, the journal entry for monthly expense under straight-line depreciation is a. account debit credit accumulated depreciation 24.23 depreciation expense 24.23 b. account debit credit depreciation expense 24.23 accumulated depreciation 24.23 c. account debit credit accumulated depreciation 290.80 depreciation expense 290.80 d. account debit credit depreciation expense 290.80 accumulated depreciation 290.80


Account Debit Credit Depreciation costs 24.23 accumulated depreciation.

Explaining depreciation 

The term "depreciation" refers to an accounting technique used to spread out the expense of a tangible or physical asset over the course of its useful life. Depreciation shows how much of an asset's worth has been expended. By paying for assets over a predetermined length of time, it enables businesses to generate income from the assets they own.

Explanation :

Monthly Depreciation Expense under straight line method :

= (Cost - salvage value) ÷ life of asset × 1/12

= (1,586 - 132) ÷ 5 × 1/12

= 290.8 × 1/12

= 24.23

Journal entry

Account tittle                                                                  Debit Credit

Depreciation Expense                                                   24.23   Accumulated Depreciation                                                      24.23

To know more about Depreciation visit:


The money or other benefits lost when pursuing a particular course of action instead of a mutually-exclusive alternative.
a. True
b. False


The money or other benefits lost when pursuing a particular course of action instead of a mutually-exclusive alternative is true.

Which definition of money fits the bill?

Money is any tangible item that is typically accepted as payment for goods and services as well as the repayment of debts in a specific nation or socioeconomic setting. As a unit of account, a store of value, a medium of exchange, and occasionally a standard of deferred payment, money serves four primary purposes.

What did money mean in its inception?

Etymology. Money, sometimes known as monnaie, is a derivative of the Latin word moneta, which means "currency." The Juno temple atop Capitoline, one of Rome's seven hills, is thought to be where the Latin word first appeared.

To know more about Money visit:


plastic packaging tends to be cheaper, more versatile, and more consumer-friendly than paper packaging. true false


The assertion is accurate. Paper packaging typically costs more, is less flexible, and is less consumer-friendly than plastic packaging.

In order to be more environmentally friendly, many businesses are deciding to use paper packaging rather than plastic packaging, especially with the new plastic tax set to go into effect in 2022. But using paper instead has its own environmental drawbacks.

For instance, the production of cardboard uses a lot of water, produces emissions, and, if it is not obtained responsibly, may contribute to deforestation. Additionally, recycling is challenging if it has been polluted by food or other trash.

Plastics were accidentally created in 1907, but they gained popularity in the 1950s after high-density polyethylene was developed. Fossil fuels, which are obviously a non-renewable source, are used to make plastics. Since feedstock for the production of plastics accounts for an estimated 4% of global oil production, plastic is seen as a poor material in terms of sustainability and renewable resources.

The issue is that because plastic offers so many benefits in modern life, it might be impossible to totally eliminate it.

To  know more about consumer click here,


the management team decided it would be more productive to build the foreign subsidiary from scratch than to try to change the culture that existed in the companies available to acquire. the team is planning a blank . multiple choice question. greenfield venture franchise turnkey operation licensing agreement


The management team decided that building the overseas subsidiary from the ground up would be more advantageous than attempting to alter the culture of the companies that were up for acquisition. The group is preparing to create a new, wholly owned subsidiary.

From a capital investment perspective, creating a wholly owned subsidiary is typically the most expensive way to serve a foreign market. The whole capital expenses and hazards of establishing international operations must be borne by the companies undertaking this. One reason acquisitions fail is overpaying for the assets of the acquired company. The key benefit of greenfield investment is that it allows the corporation a lot more flexibility in creating the type of subsidiary company it desires. Three fundamental choices must be made by a company considering international expansion: which markets to enter, when to enter those markets, and on what scale.

Learn more about management from


according to worden, which physical, emotional, and financial adjustments are necessary for the bereaved to restructure and redefine life after a loss?


According to worden,The physical, emotional, and financial adjustments are necessary for the bereaved to restructure and redefine life after a loss are Restructuring financial responsibilities, Removing the deceased's clothes and personal items, finding other avenues of support and companionship.

Worden contends that for the bereaved to reframe life after a loss, financial adjustment—such as reorganizing the financial responsibilities—is required.

Worden contends that for the bereaved to redefine life after a loss, physical modification, such as removing the deceased's clothes from the house, is required.

Worden contends that in order for the bereaved to redefine their lives following a loss, they must seek out alternative forms of companionship and support.

Grief, which is the common reaction to loss, affects everyone. Since death is unavoidable, we will inevitably lose significant people in our lives. The grieving process is therefore common and natural. Even though it is unpleasant, the intense emotions that come with grief are a necessary part of the process that aids in our healing.

Learn more about Grief here


which scenario is an example of an industry in monopolistic competition? farmers grow navel oranges throughout the united states. sprint, at


Farmers grow navel oranges all over the United States is an example of a sector in monopolistic competition.

What is monopolistic competition?

When a large number of businesses provide rival goods or services that are comparable but imperfect alternatives, monopolistic competition exists.

A monopolistic competitive industry has minimal entry requirements, and decisions made by any one firm do not immediately affect those of its rivals.

Some of the common examples the industry of restaurants, Inns and bars, retailing with a broad focus, consumer products like hair treatments etc.

Thus farmers growing navel oranges is an example of monopolistic competition.

Learn more about monopolistic competition refer


suppose that in a given country, the line of best fit approximates the phillips curve shown here. next year, you expect gdp to be equal to potential gdp. what is your forecast for unexpected inflation?


Unexpected inflation is inflation that is higher or lower than expected. Unexpected inflation affects the business cycle. It makes information about market prices less meaningful to economic agents. Over the years, unexpected inflation has affected jobs, investment and profits.

Expected Inflation is the rate of inflation expected by economic agents. It's something they already factor into their financial decisions. Unexpected inflation is the surprise component of inflation that people don't factor into prices, costs, etc., and is nominally relatively fixed," Spratt said. And among the losers are some workers whose wages are not seeing inflation match.

Real estate traditionally performs well during periods of high inflation, as property values ​​can rise. This means landlords can charge more rent, which will increase their income and help them cope with rising inflation.

Learn more about Unexpected inflation here


tariq is a franchisee with a chain of regional hotdog shops. he was doing well until several other franchisees got in trouble over cleanliness issues and were forced to close their shops. soon afterward, tariq's business declined and was also forced to close. this is an example of


Tariq is a franchisee with a chain of regional hotdog shops. he was doing well until several other franchisees got in trouble over cleanliness issues and were forced to close their shops. soon afterward, tariq's business declined and was also forced to close. this is an example of coattail effect. Correct option is (c).

Management by exception refers to reviewing the results of a company and presenting the issues to the management only if they represent big differences from the expected results. An economic shakeout at work refers to the situation in which an industry consolidates and businesses are eliminated by the competition. The coattail effect refers to the situation in which a franchisee is taken out of business as a consequence of the failure of other franchisees.

The law of diminishing returns refers to a situation in which adding more factors of production generates smaller increases the output. According to this, this is an example of the coattail effect as Tariq's business was forced to close as a consequence of what happened with the other franchisees that had to close their businesses.

To know more about Coattail effect visit:


Complete question: Tariq is a franchisee with a chain of regional hotdog shops. He was doing well until several other franchisees got in trouble over cleanliness issues and were forced to close their shops. soon afterward, Tariq's business declined and was also forced to close. This is an example of:

A. management by exception.

B. an economic shakeout at work.

C. the coattail effect.

D. the law of diminishing returns.

he total asset market value of general motors (gm) is $10 billion. gm has an equity market value (market capitalization) of $7 billion of equity. what are the weights in equity and debt that are used for calculating the wacc, respectively? group of answer choices 0.7, 0.3 0.6, 0.4 0.2, 0.8 0.3, 0.7


Option a is correct. The weights in equity and debt that are used for calculating the WACC are 0.7, 0.3 respectively.

Calculating the equity and debt weights that are utilized to get the WACC, respectively

computation of equity weights

Weights in equity = $7,000,000/$10,000,000

Equity weights = 0.70

As a result, the equity weights will be 0.70.

Estimation of debt

Debt = ($10,000,000 - $7,000,000) / ($10,000,000)

Debt = $3,000,000/10,000,000

Debt= 0.30

As a result, 0.30 will be the debt used to calculate the WACC.

Know more about Equity here:


What are the benefits of having two main political parties?


The advantages of a two political party system are that they tend to be less extreme, support policies that appeal to a broader segment of the population, and generally more stable.

Having two main political parties works as a motivation for ne of the parties to work honestly for the people who have chosen them. A two-party system has the benefit of ensuring that the two major parties in power have a broad platform that speaks for the general populace.

There is potential for a wide variety of political positions within both of the two parties due to their size. This implies that within each party, there can be a few marginally differing political stances on certain issues.

To learn more about political party refer here:


what is the second process in planning a project schedule? group of answer choices defining milestones. defining activities. estimating activity resources. sequencing activities.


Sequencing activities is the second process in planning a project schedule.

The process of figuring out and logging connections between project activities is known as sequencing activities.

This method has the advantage of establishing a logical order for the project team's work, which will enhance productivity.

Sequencing can be carried out manually, automatically, or via project management software.

As a first step before releasing the schedule baseline, the sequence activities method focuses on transforming the project activities from a list to a graphic.

A Network Diagram is a crucial outcome of the sequence activities process. The network diagram of a project shows the interrelationships between activities with bolts and displays the activities in boxes with activity ID.

To know more about project here


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