Sometimes your friends will have suggestions that are just not good ideas. Give an example of a situation when you would need to refuse to do something and the language that you would use to communicate “no.” Then explain why a refusal is better than a negotiation in this circumstance.


Answer 1

The answers include the following below:

An example of a situation when you would need to refuse to do something is when told to steal. The language that was used to communicate “no" was by being reluctant ad avoiding him/her.Refusal is better than a negotiation in this circumstance because a person may risk jail term or death if anything goes wrong.

What is Communication?

This is referred to as the process in which information is exchanged through various types of means such as speaking, sign language etc.

It is best to stay away from criminal activities such as stealing as the culprit may spend the rest of his/her life in jail and the appropriate language to say no to it is reluctance and avoiding such individual. Thus is therefore the reason why a refusal is better than a negotiation in this circumstance.

Read more about Communication here


Related Questions

psychological stress is the sense that challenges and demands surpass one’s current capacities, resources, and energies. which of these statements about stress are accurate and which are not?


Psychological stress is the sense that challenges and demands surpass one’s current capacities, resources, and energies.


-Obligations and expectations that threaten social identity and our connection to others are particularly likely to lead to it.

It is accompanied by the release of the stress hormone, cortisol, into the bloodstream.


-It results only from negative situations such as economic hardships and conflicts with others.

-it is invariably leads to ill health.

Stress is defined as an emotion of pressure and strain in psychology.  An example of a psychological pain is stress. Small degrees of stress may be advantageous since they can enhance motivation, physical performance, and environmental response. But excessive stress can also worsen a pre-existing ailment and raise the risk of heart attacks, ulcers, strokes, and mental problems like depression. The source of stress can be internal perceptions that make someone feel anxious or other unfavorable feelings about a situation, such as pressure, discomfort, etc., which they then label stressful. Stress can also be external and related to the environment.Stress is a general reaction. It is neutral; the degree of the reaction varies. Everything depends on the individual's context and how they interpret the circumstances. Stress is "the generic (i.e., common) result of any demand upon the body, be the effect mental or physical," according to Hans Selye.  This contains the common and medical definitions of stress, which both refer to physical and psychological demands. Because a stressor is intrinsically neutral, it might result in either distress or eustress. Individual variations and reactions are what cause either distress or eustress.

To know more about psychological stress visit:

Which two body systems are most affected when a person is participating in a long jump?.


The muscular system and skeletal system work together closely to make movement possible.

An organ system is a biological system made up of a group of organs that work together to perform one or more functions. Each organ has a specific role in the plant or animal body and is made up of different tissues.

His nine major organ systems in the human body are the skin system, musculoskeletal system, respiratory system, circulatory system, digestive system, excretory system, nervous system, endocrine system, and reproductive system.

These organs function in coordinated ways to create multiple organ systems. Of these 78 organs, 5 are believed to be essential for survival. These include the heart, brain, kidneys, liver, and lungs.

Learn more about body systems here:-


The maximum blood pressure in the upper arm of a healthy person is about 120 mmhg. If a vertical tube open to the atmosphere is connected to the vein in the arm of the person, determine how high the blood will rise in the tube. Take the density of the blood to be 1040 kg/m3.


The blood will high rise upto 1.55 m the can be calculated by using the given entities.

The calculation of pressure in terms of height blood that rises in the capillary can be calculated as follows:

The gauge pressure is 120 mm Hg.

P blood= P atm+ P gh(Hg)+=P atm + Pgh_blood

p h_Hg=p h_blood


h_blood=1.55 m

The perpendicular pressure in line with unit area, or the strain at a factor inside a restricted fluid.

Thus, the height of the blood that will rise in a capillary is 1.55 m.

To learn more about blood check the link below:


What happens if you have enough sleep?


Get ill less frequently. Maintain a healthy weight. Reduce your chances of developing significant health issues such as diabetes and heart disease. Reduce your tension and boost your mood.

Sleep enhances cognitive performance, emotions, and health. Not obtaining enough quality sleep on a regular basis increases the risk of a variety of illnesses and disorders.

These include anything from heart disease and stroke to obesity and dementia.

If you need an alarm clock to wake up, you're probably not getting enough sleep. You should be able to get up on your own at around the same time each day if you get enough sleep.

Of course, you may want to use an alarm clock just in case, so you don't forget.

Learn more about to sleep visit here;


A patient who has experienced previous jaw and face trauma now reports difficulty tasting with the tip of her tongue. which cranial nerve was likely damaged in that injury?


A patient who has experienced previous jaw and face trauma now reports difficulty tasting with the tip of her tongue. E) Facial nerve was likely damaged in that injury.

The facial nerves divide into branches and give rise to the chorda tympani, which is responsible for supplying the anterior two-thirds of the tongue with sensory information. And primarily at the very tip of the tongue. An injury to the facial nerve thereby changes the tongue sensations and flavors.

So the correct option is an option (E)  Facial nerve was likely damaged in that injury. All other options are not correct.

The complete question is attached.

You can also learn about facial nerves from the following question:


What is the ethical dilemma Maria would most likely face in this scenario? What would the unethical choice be in this dilemma? What should Maria do to handle this situation in the MOST ethical way?


1) The ethical dilemma Maria would most likely face in this scenario is whether or not to allow Jordan to join her recreational basketball team, despite the fact that he plays for a high school team.

2) The unethical choice would be to allow Jordan to join the team, as it would give him an unfair advantage over the other recreational players.

3) To handle this situation in the most ethical way, Maria should explain to Jordan that she wants to keep the team as a recreational basketball team and that she cannot allow him to join due to the fact that he plays for a high school team. She should also emphasize that she values his friendship and would love to have him join a different recreational team, or even coach her team if he wishes.

What is an Ethical Dilemma?

In philosophy, ethical dilemmas, also known as ethical paradoxes or moral dilemmas, are circumstances in which an agent is confronted with two competing moral criteria, neither of which takes precedence over the other.

A similar notion classifies ethical quandaries as circumstances in which every viable option is incorrect. Note that ethical dilemmas have the following characteristics:

Uncertainty regarding the outcomes.The rulebook is not applicable.There are no viable choices.Disagreement, with no time to reach an agreement.

Learn more about Ethical Dilemmas:

Full Question:

Maria is starting a recreational basketball team at her local gym. She is allowed to have 10 players per team and all players must be recreational players—they cannot join the team if they play for a select team or a high school team. Her best friend, Jordan, plays for the high school team but wants to join Maria’s team as well. Jordan would help make the team much better and would be a friendly and supportive teammate.

What is the ethical dilemma Maria would most likely face in this scenario? What would the unethical choice be in this dilemma? What should Maria do to handle this situation in the MOST ethical way?

if a patient is having trouble with periods of mania followed by depression, what medication might a psychiatrist prescribe?


If a patient is having trouble with periods of mania followed by depression, the medication that a  psychiatrist prescribe might include mood stabilizers such as: lithium (Lithobid), valproic acid (Depakene), divalproex sodium (Depakote).

Describe the term mania?

Mania is described as a condition in which you have a period of abnormally elevated, extreme changes in your mood or emotions, energy level or activity level.

This highly energized level of physical and mental activity and behavior must be a deviation  from an individuals normal self and is usually noticeable by others.

A psychiatrist might need to prescribe mood-stabilizing medication to control manic or hypomanic episodes.

Learn more about mania at:


Chronic inflammation condition consisting of distinct red or pink lesions covered with silver scaling. Not contagious, thought to be an auto immune disease.


Chronic inflammation condition consisting of distinct red or pink lesions covered with silver scaling. Not contagious, thought to be an auto immune disease. Granulomatous inflammation

The 4 cardinal symptoms of inflammation —redness (Latin rubor), warmth (calor), swelling (tumor), and ache (dolor)—have been defined in the 1st century advert by the Roman medical creator Aulus Cornelius Celsus. Redness is caused by the dilation of small blood vessels inside the area of damage.

There are  kinds:

Granuloma fashioned due to foreign body or T-cell mediated immune response is called as overseas frame granuloma, for instance, silicosis.Granuloma shaped because of continual contamination is named as infectious granuloma, as an example, tuberculosis and leprosy.

Learn more about inflammation here:


This report showed that racial and ethnic minorities receive lower-quality health care than Caucasians, even when insurance status, income, age, and severity of conditions are comparable


The report that showed that racial and ethnic minorities receive lower-quality health care than Caucasians, even when insurance status, income, age, and severity of conditions are comparable is Unequal Treatment: confronting racial and ethnic disparities in health care.

Unequal Treatment: confronting racial and ethnic disparities in health care. is a report that illustrates access to health care and other types of issues that arise from differing socioeconomic conditions. As there is an increasing amount of evidence that even after such differences are accounted for, race and ethnicity remain significant predictors of the quality of health care received. In Unequal Treatment, a panel of experts have documented this evidence and examined the way persons of color experience the health care environment. It offers recommendations for improvements in medical care financing, allocation of care, availability of language translation, community-based care, and other arenas. It highlights the potential of cross-cultural education to improve provider-patient communication and ways to integrate cross-cultural learning within the health professions.

Learn more about Health care:


what are two things that worry you about living on your own? what are two things that you‘re excited about?


The two things that worry you about living on your own are lonliness and high costing.

No matter what proportion you relish living alone, you'll feel lonliness from time to time. These feelings may come back up round the times of day you come with seeing folks. If you and your previous roommates typically all came from work on an equivalent time, coming back home to an empty house may well be rough.

“The main reason why it is so high costing to living on your own is as a result of there are a great deal of fastened prices related to living in an exceedingly property,” Says money planner Liz Koh. “If you are paying a mortgage or rent, that price are going to be there despite what percentage folks sleep in the property.

To learn more about lonliness here


the united states health care system is the most expensive in the world on a per capita basis and it achieves the best health outcomes


In terms of cost per person, the US healthcare system is the most expensive in the world, but it also has the best health outcomes. It's true.

The American healthcare system is the most expensive in the world. Normally, a general practitioner's visit costs $190, or roughly €170. A hospital stay can result in bills that reach the tens of thousands or even the hundreds of thousands of dollars. The US healthcare system is complicated, and the market determines the majority of costs. In addition to high, unregulated prescription drug costs and healthcare worker earnings that are higher than in other western nations, hospital care makes for 31% of the nation's healthcare expenditures.

The United States spends more per person on healthcare than other developed countries. Political, economic, and social factors vary from country to country, and these factors all affect how much a country will spend on healthcare. As a result, the quantity of resources allotted for healthcare varies per country. Obamacare's implementation increased the number of Americans with health insurance. It does not exist in the United States because no one has ever voted for a government that was willing to provide universal healthcare.

Learn more about health care visit :


Correct Question:

The united states health care system is the most expensive in the world on a per capita basis and it achieves the best health outcomes. True or False.

Why it is important to know yourself first before engaging into different kind of exercises or workout program?


It is important to know about oneself before starting any kind of exercise or workout program because it determines the kind of exercises needed, the initial stamina body has and the body kind one aims to achieve.

For beginning with workout, proper trainers are needed to guide the person. Pre workout sessions or warm ups are the steps to start with exercises. Preparing one's body for exercises can help reduce the risk of injury, gradually increases the heart rate, and may help reduce muscle soreness. Good shoes and easy and comfortable wear are also important because it may proper movement of body. Workouts are meant to enhance the flexibility, strength and reduce or increase body weight. Proper diet also plays a crucial role in workouts.

Learn more about workout at:


you are a public health official investigating an outbreak of salmonella. to detect current cases you choose to examine patients blood for the ____________ antibody class


As a representative of public health, you are looking into a salmonella outbreak. You decide to check the IgM antibody class in patients' blood to identify current cases.

What are the four signs of salmonella?

Salmonella infections are gastrointestinal illnesses brought on by the salmonella bacterium. Salmonella infections can cause diarrhea, fever, cramping in the stomach 12 to 72 hours after exposure, chills, headache, nausea, and vomiting.

What causes salmonella to exist?

Salmonella, a bacterium that causes salmonellosis, is found in the intestines of all animals, including birds. Salmonella are typically spread to people by consuming food that has been contaminated with animal excrement. The number of salmonellosis cases recorded in the US each year is around 40,000.

To know more about salmonella visit;


How many calories burned cycling 30 minutes?


Calories burned cycling 30 minutes: For a 125-pound individual, a 30-minute hard stationary bike workout burns about 315 calories, for a 155-pound person, 378 calories, and for a 185-pound person, 441 calories. You'll burn even more calories if you weigh more than that.

Cycling often burns less calories per hour than swimming does. Although swimming doesn't need you to bear your weight, it is a full-body workout. Additionally, as water better transfers heat, heat is lost faster. Your body is compelled to produce greater heat as a result, burning calories. The most calories seem to be burned while running, then cycling, and then swimming. In spite of this, the length and intensity of your activity have a significant impact on how many calories you burn. The METs rise to 9.8 if you swim freestyle laps rapidly and vigorously. A 150-pound person would burn about 410 calories an hour while swimming idly, but 682 calories an hour while swimming laps vigorously. A 150-lb person may burn 682 calories per hour while bicycling at a speed between 14 and 15.9 mph, and this number increases to 1,091 at 20 mph.

Learn more about Cycling here


a dieter who visualizes politely declining whipped cream for a piece of pecan pie and eating just three bites is engaging in _____.


A dieter who visualizes politely declining whipped cream for a piece of pecan pie and eating just three bites is engaging in relapse rehearsal.

The Relapse rehearsal Stage is that the sixth stage of amendment within the Transtheoretical Model and represents the time during a person's treatment wherever they need slipped back to previous habits and came to use. Relapse is claimed to happen once individuals lose sight of their recovery.

Pecan pie is historically created with an honest quantity syrup and/or refined sugar, that solely contributes sugar and calories. Once again, your crust are often a giant supply of fat, particularly artery-clogging saturated fat. though pecans have several healthy attributes, a lot of doesn't suggest it's healthier.

To learn more about dieter here


John’s physician said that he might be suffering from chikungunya fever, an emerging disease that once was limited to asia, africa, and europe, but is now making appearances in the caribbean and the united states. how did john most likely get infected?


John most likely got infected with chikungunya fever through the bite of an infected mosquito.

Chikungunya fever is a viral disease that is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected mosquitoes. The mosquitoes that transmit this disease, primarily Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, are found in many parts of the world, including Asia, Africa, Europe, the Caribbean, and the United States. When an infected mosquito bites a person, the virus is transmitted through the mosquito's saliva and enters the person's bloodstream, causing the person to develop symptoms of chikungunya fever.

There is currently no specific treatment for this disease, and the best way to prevent infection is to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes.

Learn more about Chikungunya here:


Question 2 (2 points) How many people with schizophrenia suffer from delusions? D 1 in 3 4 out of 5 1 out of 100 50% Question 3 (2 points)​


Delusions are extremely common in schizophrenia, occurring in more than 90% of those who have the disorder.

What do you mean by schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior that impairs daily functioning, and can be disabling.

Moreover, there are five types of symptoms characteristic of schizophrenia: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized behavior, and the so-called “negative” symptoms.

Hence, there's no single test for schizophrenia and the condition is usually diagnosed after assessment by a specialist in mental health.

Learn more about Schizophrenia:


IGNORE WRITING! can someone help me solve this crossword puzzle?




fun 3.

The amount of time a client spends in psychotherapy is determined by the client’s needs as well as his or her ________.


The amount of time client spend in psychotherapy is determined by the client's needs and his or her personal goal

What is psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is a general term for treating mental health problems by talking with a psychiatrist, psychologist or other mental health provider. During psychotherapy, we learn about our condition and our moods, feelings, thoughts and behaviors.

Psychotherapy can also be defined as a session with a psychologist to discuss mental stress and trouble in which a client is going through.

A client tends to spend more time in psychotherapy but this time spend depends on the personal goal and needs of the client.

This shows that the client directly determines the time he or she will spend in the psychotherapy depending on his personal goals and his personal need.

learn more about psychotherapy from


at which stage of the general adaptation syndrome does the body attempts to repair any damage and return to a condition of stability and equilibrium?


The body attempts to repair any damage and return to a condition of stability and equilibrium during the third stage of the general adaptation syndrome, known as the "Resistance" stage.

Restoring Balance and Stability During the Resistance Stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome

The third stage of the general adaptation syndrome is known as the "Resistance" stage. During this stage, the body attempts to repair any damage done by the stressor and regain homeostasis. This stage is characterized by the body’s attempt to resist and repair the damage caused by the stressor.

The body attempts to restore a state of stability and equilibrium by repairing any damage caused by the stressor. The body also attempts to conserve energy and resources in order to better recover and resist further stressors. During this stage, the body may also attempt to adapt to the stressor in order to better protect itself from future stressors. Ultimately, the goal of this stage is to restore the body to a state of balance and stability so that it can return to functioning normally.

Learn more about the General Adaptation Syndrome:


What is the fastest healing part of the body?


The fastest healing part of the body are muscles and tendons while fibrous tissues takes longer time to heal.

Muscles and tendons commonly heal the fastest. These components of the frame get better greater fast way to an enough blood supply. The circulatory gadget gives muscular tissues with lots of vitamins and oxygen wished for healing. Fibrous connective tissues like ligaments and tendons in addition to bones, cartilage, and nerves have a tendency to take the longest to heal. Although a few sufferers who've a diseased component in their liver eliminated are not able to regrow the tissue and become wanting a transplant. Liver can be healed itself.

To learn more about healing check the link below:


What is difference between aerobic and anaerobic swimming?


In an effort to improve cardiovascular fitness, an aerobic swim set could comprise prolonged swimming at a comfortable rate, followed by brief rests. Short intervals of 25 to 100 seconds at 90 to 95 percent of maximum heart rate could be used in an anaerobic swim session, with lengthier rest periods.

Swimming can increase your mood and lower stress levels to improve your mental wellbeing in addition to your physical health. Compared to other workouts like running or football, exercising in the water puts less stress on your joints. In recreational and competitive swimming, the body is propelled through the water using a combination of arm and leg actions as well as its inherent buoyancy. Swimming is a well-liked all-around body builder that is especially beneficial in treatment and as exercise for people with physical disabilities. Burning calories effectively involves swimming. When swimming laps at a slow or moderate speed, a swimmer weighing 160 pounds burns about 423 calories per hour. At a faster rate, the same person may swim for an hour and burn up to 715 calories.

Learn more about swimming here


What is the longest anyone has stayed awake?


As per recent research, the longest time a individual has long past with out sleep is eleven days and 25 minutes.

This led to substantial declines in his concentration, motivation, perception, and higher-stage intellectual processes. The longest time a individual has long past with out sleep is eleven days and 25 minutes. The international file turned into set by an American 17-year-vintage Randy Gardner in 1963. It's not unusual place to overlook 24 hours of sleep. It additionally may not reason principal fitness problems, however you may anticipate to experience worn-out and “off.”

To learn more about sleep check the link below:


What happens when the demand for a good is inelastic?


When the demand for a specific good is inelastic, it means that the demand for that good/ item remains constant even with changes in economic factors.

An inelastic demand refers to one in which the change in quantity demanded due to a change in price is significantly small and the curve drawn between price of the product and quantity of item is close to one. It results in comparatively less overall revenue earned from the item due to the lower price and no change in demand. Generally, the necessity goods have inelastic demand. Here, the total revenue and price move in the same direction in the graph and it is steeper in nature.

Learn more about inelastic demand at:


Why is it important to know the proper way of conducting physical activities and exercises?


Exercise execution is vital, and if you do it correctly, it will be simpler to concentrate on other training variables like tempo, rep schemes, etc. as we adjust them. Focusing on the other elements of your training program will be simple after excellent execution has been established.

An accurate assessment will assist you in setting the proper objectives, identifying potential ailments, and evaluating the success of your fitness regimen. The body tires quickly when joints and muscles are stressed as a result of intense exercise. Injury can be avoided by using the right gym equipment. The body receives a more effective and secure workout when the motion's route is controlled and the amount of force is matched to the muscle strength.

To learn more about Exercise follow the below link:


Consult two or three books or websites designed to help parents
identify and understand their child's personality. What emphasis do
they place on genetic factors, shared environmental factors, and
nonshared environmental factors in shaping personality? To what
extent are their claims consistent with evidence from behavior-
genetic studies? Have they considered alternative explanations and
avoided confusing correlation with causation? Explain.


Genetics has a greater influence on our personality than our parents. The study of which genes are associated with which personality traits is known as molecular genetics. The nonshared environmental effects, which are largely unknown environmental influences, have the greatest impact on personality.

What is genetics?

Genetics is the scientific study of genes and heredity—how certain characteristics or characteristics are passed down from parents to offspring as a result of changes in DNA sequence. A gene is a segment of DNA that contains instructions for constructing one or more molecules that aid in the functioning of the body.

Environmental factors frequently influence traits that are not influenced by genes. But not all the time. The environment can alter the DNA sequence or activity level of a gene. Either of these effects can alter the proteins produced by a gene, thereby influencing traits.

Personality is influenced by both genetics and environment. When it comes to behavioral outcomes, twin studies have found that genetics play a larger role than parental influences, but non-shared environmental factors play an even bigger role.

Learn more about genetics on:


An electromagnetic wave of wavelength 435nm is traveling in vacuum in the −z-direction. The electric field has amplitude 2.70×10−3V/m and is parallel to the x-axis.
Please answer the following part C correctly and show all steps.


The energy of the electromagnetic wave is 1.4 × 10⁷.

Electromagnetic waves fluctuate from mechanical waves in that they do not require a medium to propagate. this means that electromagnetic waves can tour now not most effective through air and solid materials, but also thru the vacuum of space.


The amplitude of the electric field is = 2.70 ×10⁻³ V/m

wavelength is = 435 nm

K =2π/λ

  =  2×3.141 / 435nm

  = 1.4 × 10⁷ J

Electromagnetic radiation includes waves of the electromagnetic discipline, which propagate thru an area and deliver momentum and electromagnetic radiant energy. It includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays.

Electromagnetic waves are shaped while an electric-powered discipline (which is shown in pink arrows) couples with a magnetic field (that's proven in blue arrows). Magnetic and electric fields of an electromagnetic wave are perpendicular to each different and to the direction of the wave.

Learn more about Electromagnetic waves here


Is swimming aerobic or aerobic exercise?


For persons with the majority of arthritis kinds, swimming is an excellent cardio activity. It can lessen the strain on your joints and help you stay injury-free. It is also a wise decision if you suffer from low back pain. Warm water can be really relaxing.

Because it keeps your heart rate up while easing some of the impact stress on your body, swimming is a wonderful all-around sport. strengthens the muscles, the heart, and the endurance. keeps your heart and lungs healthy and your weight at a healthy level. Swimming is undoubtedly a cardiac exercise, according to him. Cardio is defined as an activity that raises your heart rate and causes your body to use more oxygen.

Learn more about cardiac exercise,


What age is a toddler?


Children between the ages of one and three are referred to as toddlers by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Some people believe that when your kid turns one, they are automatically advanced to toddlerhood.

Although four-year-olds are often more mature than two- or three-year-olds, they are still young children and can occasionally be challenging to raise. They are, in some ways, much more obstinate than they were when they were younger, and their language abilities make them better prepared to dispute even the most little issues. Three unique life stages immediately spring to mind when we discuss the idea of life stages: childhood, adulthood, and old age.

To know more about age.


If an offensive player loses their flag prior to receiving the ball, what would be the referees call?.


In the match of volleyball, when an offensive player loses their flag prior to receiving the ball, the referee calls the player to be eligible to receive a pass, but cannot run after the catch. Thus, option D is correct.

The volleyball has been the game that has been originated in Holyoke by William Morgan. The game has been based on the pass of the ball across the net with the use of front hand.

The game has been played with flags and penalties, where there has been a  pass to the offensive player when he loses a flag prior to receiving the ball. Thus, option D is correct.

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