An Internet service has a monthly access fee of $24.95 and a connection fee of $0.25 per hour. The function y=0.25x+24.95 represents the total cost y of Internet use for x hours. If Bonnie uses the Internet for 7 hours and Billy uses the Internet for 4 hours, how much more did Bonnie spend for Internet access than Billy?


Answer 1


The answer is $26.7

Step-by-step explanation:yes

Related Questions

only need help on 38 please


Answer: D

Step-by-step explanation:

simplify 3a - 4b - 6a +b​


[tex]\huge\text{Hey there!}[/tex]

[tex]\large\text{3a - 4b - 6a + b}[/tex]

[tex]\large\textsf{COMBINE the LIKE TERMS}[/tex]

[tex]\large\text{\underline{(3a - 6a)} + (\bf -4b + b)}[/tex]

[tex]\large\text{\underline{3a - 6a = \bf -3a}}[/tex]

[tex]\large\text{\bf -4b + b = \bf \underline{-3b}}[/tex]

[tex]\large\text{= \bf -3a - 3b}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\boxed{\large\text{Answer: \huge \bf -3a - 3b }}}\huge\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\large\textsf{Good luck on your assignment and enjoy your day!}[/tex]


A circle that has a center at the point (3, -2) with a radius of 6. Write an equation for the circle.



(x – 3)^2+ (y +2)^2 = 36

Step-by-step explanation:

Given data

The formula for the equation of a circle is (x – h)2+ (y – k)2 = r^2,

where (h, k) represents the coordinates of the center of the circle



r= 6


(x – 3)^2+ (y – (-2))^2 = 6^2

(x – 3)^2+ (y +2)^2 = 36

Hence the expression for the equation of the circle is

(x – 3)^2+ (y +2)^2 = 36



The answer is 60. If you count the cubes one the white side you can see there are 20. You can also see the it has a depth of 3 on the grey side. So 20 times 3 is 60.


5 x 4 x 3 = 60

Step-by-step explanation:

Do - H x L x W

H is 5

L is 4

W is 3

A rectangle has an area of 75.2m
One of the sides is 0.8m in length.
Work out the perimeter of the




Step-by-step explanation:

Aera is : length *width

75.2 = 0.8 * x then x =94

Perimeter is : length + width =94 +0.8

Solve the equation
x^2 = -8x-7
by factoring



x= -1,-7                

Step by step:


x = -7 and -1

Step-by-step explanation:

Move the right side of the equation over to the left;

x^2+8x+7 = 0; Factor

(x+7)(x+1)=0 ; Solve for x;

x = -7 and -1

Consider the arithmetic sequence 10,12,14,16 if n is an integer, which of these functions generate the sequence?



The arithmetic sequence is:

10, 12, 14, 16, ...

To find:

The function that generates the given sequence if n is an integer.


We have,

10, 12, 14, 16, ...

Here, the first term is 10 and the common difference is:




The nth term of an arithmetic sequence is:


Where, a is the first term, d is the common difference and [tex]n\geq 1[/tex].

Putting [tex]a=10,d=2[/tex] in the above formula, we get




Therefore, the function [tex]a_n=8+2n, n\geq 1[/tex] generates the sequence.

What’s the quotient of 5,045 divided by 23




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

Charlie is flying a kite one afternoon and steps on the end of the string to have his
hands free to take a picture. The string is 135 feet long and forms a 68-degree angle
with the ground. How high is his kite at this time? Round to the nearest foot, and
enter the number only.



roubd it to 20 and you will get 679.90

Median of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20


................... the median is 10.5



Step-by-step explanation:

Find the two middle numbers, add them together and divide them by two if it is an even number. For odd numbers, your median will be the middle number.

Yolo I still need help with this math problem



#25 x=80

#26 x=100

#27 x=75

#28 x=90

Step-by-step explanation:

Write the equation of the line in fully simplified slope-intercept form



[tex]y=-\frac{3}{4} x+3[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Slope-intercept form: [tex]y=mx+c[/tex]. where m is the slope of the line and c is where the line meets the y-axis.

From the graph:

[tex]c=3[/tex], we can clearly see that the line crosses the y-axis at (0,3)

Let's get two points from the graph to find m.

Point 1: (0,3)

Point 2: (4,0)

[tex]m = \frac{dy}{dx}[/tex], where dy is the difference in y and dx is the difference in x.

Therefore, we can put our points into that equation.

[tex]\frac{3-0}{0-4} = -\frac{3}{4}[/tex]

So, now we have m and c, we can rewrite the equation [tex]y=mx+c[/tex] with our values.

This gives us: [tex]y=-\frac{3}{4} x+3[/tex]

Use a permutation expression to solve.
In a race of 43 people, how many different ways can the runners place in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd?




Step-by-step explanation:

Permutations = [tex]_np_r=\frac{n!}{(n-r)!}[/tex]

where r = choice of things from a set ( in this case the 3 places ) so r = 3

and n = amount of things ( in this case the 43 people ) so n = 43

We then plug in the values of n and r in the permutations formula

[tex]\frac{43!}{(43-3)!} =74046[/tex]

Hence the answer is 74046

20 minutes before 3 in the afternoon is written as _:__p.m.​



2:40 p.m.

Step-by-step explanation:

It would be 2:40 fashoooi

Translate algebraic words to symbols.
Six times y divided by x squared
A. 6y - X2
B. 6y + 2x
C. (6 + y)/2x
D. 6y/x2




Step-by-step explanation:


D. 6y/x²

Step-by-step explanation:

6×y= 6y

x squared =x²



Answer: A

Step-by-step explanation:

what is 6 divided by 1/4




Step-by-step explanation:

6 / 1 / 4 =

6 x 4 =



6 divided by 1/4 is 24

Step-by-step explanation:

Unit 6 similar triangles homework 5



1) x = 12

2) x = 23.1

3) x = 19

4) x = 16

5) x = 8

6) x = 17

Step-by-step explanation:

Comparing the sides of each triangle, we have;

1) [tex]\frac{32}{32 + x}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{24}{33}[/tex]

Cross multiply to get,

(32 + x) * 24 = 32 * 33

768 + 24x =1056

24x = 1056 - 768

24x = 288

x = 12

2) [tex]\frac{14}{34}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{x}{33 + x}[/tex]

cross multiply to have;

34x = 14 (33 + x)

34x = 462 + 14x

20x = 462

x = 23.1

3) [tex]\frac{20}{36}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{30}{x + 35}[/tex]

cross multiply to have;

36 * 30 = 20(x + 35)

1080 = 20x + 700

1080 - 700 = 20x

380 = 20x

x = 19

4) [tex]\frac{22.5}{42.5}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{2x - 5}{3x + 3}[/tex]

cross multiply to have;

42.5(2x - 5) = 22.5(3x + 3)

85x - 212.5 = 67.5x + 67.5

collect like terms

85x - 67.5x = 67.5 + 212.5

17.5x = 280

x = 16

5) [tex]\frac{2x + 4}{2x + 8}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{x + 7}{x + 10}[/tex]

cross multiply to have;

(2x + 8)(x + 7) = (2x + 4)(x + 10)

2[tex]x^{2}[/tex] + 14x + 8x + 56 = 2[tex]x^{2}[/tex] + 20x + 4x + 40

2[tex]x^{2}[/tex] + 22x + 56 = 2[tex]x^{2}[/tex] + 24x + 40

collect like terms to have;

22x - 24x = 40 - 56

-2x = -16

x = 8

6) [tex]\frac{28}{82}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{2x + 8}{7x + 4}[/tex]

cross multiply to have;

82(2x + 8) = 28(7x + 4)

164x + 656 = 196x + 112

164x - 196x = 112 - 656

-32x = -544

x = 17

The value of x in all the options can be determined by using the arithmetic operations. The calculations are given below.


Given :

Two side lengths of a triangle are (x + 32) and 33.

According to the similar triangles property:


SImplify the above expression in order to determine the value of 'x'.

768 + 24x = 1056

24x = 288

x = 12


Given :

Two side lengths of a triangle are 34 and (x + 33).

According to the similar triangles property:


SImplify the above expression in order to determine the value of 'x'.

34x = 462 + 14x

20x = 462

x = 23.1


Given :

Two side lengths of a triangle are 36 and (x + 35).

According to the similar triangles property:


SImplify the above expression in order to determine the value of 'x'.

1080 = 20x + 700

20x = 380

x = 19


Given :

Two side lengths of a triangle are (3x + 3) and 42.5.

According to the similar triangles property:


SImplify the above expression in order to determine the value of 'x'.

85x - 212.5 = 67.5x + 67.5

17.5x = 280

x = 16


Given :

Two side lengths of a triangle are (2x + 8) and (x + 10).

According to the similar triangles property:

[tex]\dfrac{2x + 4}{2x+8}=\dfrac{x+7}{x+10}[/tex]

SImplify the above expression in order to determine the value of 'x'.

(2x + 8)(x + 7) = (2x + 4)(x + 10)


16 = 2x

x = 8


Given :

Two side lengths of a triangle are 82 and (7x + 4).

According to the similar triangles property:


SImplify the above expression in order to determine the value of 'x'.

28(7x + 4) = (2x + 8)82

32x = 544

x = 17

For more information, refer to the link given below:

How do I solve this problem?


i’m not all the way sure but you add up all of the odd numbers that are in between 30 and 54

hope this helped



6x84= 504

The picture is too big so you're not going to get the full explanation ok




6c^2 + c

Step-by-step explanation:

8^2 - 2c^2= 6c^2

6c-5c = c

i need help solving this



y= - 2/3x + 3

Answer: D


Can someone please help me figure out this problem. Thanks




Step-by-step explanation:

-2.1-.6=-1.5 / -1 1/2

Use the following sequence to complete the sentence below.
8, -1, -10, -19

The sequence is (a geometric/arithmetic sequence) and has a (common difference/common ratio) of ________


Answer:not sure what u talking about

Step-by-step explanation:


Since the ratios are constant, the sequence is geometric. The common ratio is –1. Since the ratios are constant, the sequence is geometric.

I know the answer can someone just help me explain it???


Step-by-step explanation:

It is Graph B. We can do this by checking the points. The equation given is d = 5t^2, where d technically is the y-coordinate and t is the x-coordinate. On Graph B, two obvious points are (1, 5) and (2, 20). We can check these points to see if they fit the equation.

(1,5): d = 5t^2

5 = 5(1)^2

5 = 5*1

5 = 5, so this point is correct.

(2, 20): = d = 5t^2

20 = 5(2)^2

20 = 5*4

20 = 20, so this point is correct.

We know that Graph A is incorrect because it doesn't follow the equation. The line goes through (1, 5), which we already know is correct, (2, 10), (3, 15), and (4, 20). We already figured out that (2, 20) is correct so (2,10) can't be correct. (3, 15) and (4, 20) are also incorrect but in this case, we only need to find one incorrect coordinate to validate our answer. Thus, as Graph A is wrong, Graph B is right.

In the right triangle shown,






m∠V=60°m, angle, V, equals, 60, degree and





UV=18U, V, equals, 18.














How long is







Step-by-step explanation:

Marquel can eat 7 Oreos in 2 minutes. How many Oreos can he eat in 6 minutes?



21 Oreos

Step-by-step explanation:

2 × 3 = 6

7 × 3 = 21

hope this helps

I bought 10 shirts. Some were R4 and some were R4,50. If the total cost was R43,50. How many of each type did I buy?



Step-by-step explanation:


Given dimensions of the rectangular sheet

Length = 28 cm

Breadth =22 cm

If the sheet is rolled to form a cylinder then the length becomes height and breadth becomes circumference of the base of a cylinder.

So Height of the cylinder (h)= 28 cm

Circumference of the base of a cylinder

Evaluate f(−3) for f(x)=2x2−x+5.


Answer: -4

Step-by-step explanation:

2(-3)*2-(-3)+5= -4

Five boys namely, Abel, Ben, Carlo, Dave and Elmer made a race. They all started at 7:10 in the morning. Abel finished the race at 7:18 a.M., Ben at 7:32 a.M., Carlo at 7:38 a.M., Dave at 7:42 a.M. And Elmer at 7: 52 a.M. About how many minutes did Abel finished the race?



8 minutes

Step-by-step explanation:

minutes Abel completed the race = time finished - time started

7:18 - 7:10 = 8 minutes

when asher looks at the data he says that both Mrs. Jamisos class and Mr. Zimmermann's class has data that is skewed rigjt. Do you agree ir disagree



can you please give more info

Step-by-step explanation:

Agree: when Asher looks at the data, he says that both Mrs. Jamisos class and Mr. Zimmermann's class has data that is skewed right.

What is a histogram?

It is defined as the numerical data representation in the graph with the help of a bar without space. The histogram gives an idea about the data's approximate distribution.

We know on the left side skewed histogram has more data on the right and on the left side, there are fewer data. It is also called a negatively skewed histogram.

On the right side skewed histogram, there is fewer data on the right side and more data on the left side. It is also called a positive histogram.

As we can see in the histogram of Mrs. Jamisos class and Mr. Zimmermann's class, there is fewer data on the right side, hence it is right side skewed.

Thus, agree: when Asher looks at the data, he says that both Mrs. Jamisos class and Mr. Zimmermann's class has data that is skewed right.

Learn more about the histogram here:


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