The circulatory and lymphatic systems are examples of what type of system?
closed systems
open systems


Answer 1

Answer: I think it's closed


Answer 2

Its Closed


i just did the test thats how I know

Related Questions

How are amniocentesis and spinal taps similar?
O Both involve withdrawal of fluids for testing
Both are treatments for viral infections.
Both involve taking images of body regions.
Both are treatments for nervous system disorders.



Both involve withdrawal of fluids for testing

language Arts punctuation mark​


It’s easy behind art

Punctuation is necessary to help making sentences very clear. there are many punctuation like commas ans apostrophe


What is an AED?
O A. A machine that can unblock arteries that are causing heart attack
B. An artificial heart that can be inserted in place of a damaged
natural heart
C. A machine that breathes for patients who cannot breathe on their
O D. A machine that detects electrical problems with the heart and
administers a corrective electrical impulse


The answer would be D

Suggest a strategy that Big Strawberries might use in the following scenario to rebuild consumer trust after a recall of a shipment.

Big Strawberries had a recall of its produce last year due to concerns of contamination.



Big should ne honest about what happened. informed consumers of any plan that will be enforced in the future to avoid. and, it should offer a discount on the produce or offer a free token.

List all the stages of sleep and the significance of each.​



Stages Type of Sleep Other Names Normal Length

Stage 1 NREM N1 1-5 minutes

Stage 2 NREM N2 10-60 minutes

Stage 3 NREM N3, Slow-Wave Sleep (SWS), Delta Sleep, Deep Sleep 20-40 minutes

Stage 4 REM REM Sleep 10-60 minutes

Everyone gets hurt at one time or another during their lifetime. What joint and/or muscle injuries have you experienced? What caused your injury? How did you heal/recover? Do you have to take any precautions now to avoid reinjuring yourself?



I once Strained some tendons in my neck while lifting weights with bad form,

It was bad form that caused my injury. and I healed it by resting and Icing my neck for the next couple of days.

A 59-year-old African American female is admitted at midnight with a diagnosis of Chest Pain. She complains of a squeezing type pain across her chest and into her left jaw area. Although she cannot remember exactly when the pain began, she does remember having indigestion and being nauseas after dinner the night before, around 7:30 p.m. Vital signs are: Blood Pressure-200/110; Pulse-128 beats per minute; Respirations- 26 per minute; Temperature-99.8; Saturation of Oxygen-86% on room air; pain level 9/10. During your initial assessment, she is rubbing her mid-chest, grimacing and is diaphoretic. The pain has been occurring intermittently throughout the evening and night. Her color is pale except around her lips which are bluish. Cardiac auscultation reveals a rapid regular rhythm. She has never had this pain before. Lungs sounds are crackles in both bases with clear upper lobes. She is afraid she is going to die. Per standing orders, a nurse administers Nitroglycerine 0.4mg sublingually; applies cardiac electrodes for continuous cardiac monitoring; obtains an electrocardiogram; places a peripheral intravenous catheter with saline lock; positions patient in low Fowlers.

On assessment one hour later, vital signs are Blood Pressure-180/95; Pulse-108 beats per minute; Respirations- 22 per minute; Temperature-99.0; Saturation of Oxygen-90% on 2 liters per minute; Pain level 8/10. She says her chest pain hasn’t changed. Heart and lung sounds are unchanged. Color is pale without previous blue changes. EKG displays ST elevation in leads II, III, and AVF. The MD has decided not to perform a cardiac catherization, and has admitted the patient to the ICU with a cardiology consult.

a. Is the type of pain this patient is having typical or atypical of cardiac type of chest pain?
b. What other types of pain would indicate a cardiac type problem but would not be specifically in the chest area?
c. Describe how women often present with cardiac problems and how they are different from men.
d. What health history information would the nurse assess for this patient?
e. What abnormals are present in the patient's vital signs (first set)?


the answer is C because she’s sick

Why do we need to have balanced diet



so not fat



A balanced diet provides your body with all of the nutrients needed for everyday life. Those that do not have a balanced diet are prone to diseases, infection, and will often have poor performance.


My answer is self-explanatory; this is not plagiarized.

which of the following has the longest shelf in the freezer

*frozen fish*

*frozen beef*

*frozen poultry*

*frozen pork*


frozen pork can be stored for 4-12 months frozen


frozen fish


per ED2022

The correct answer is frozen fish. Frozen uncooked fish lasts indefinitely but loses texture and flavor.

i left the school? that is good for me?


Maybe who knows really


If your an adult it shouldn't be too much of a problem. There are plenty of professions that don't require a college degree, assuming you are college age. If not- then probly not the best idea.


The oldest and most direct lineage to Freudian therapy is known as ________ therapy.

a dissociative
b psychoanalytic
c humanist/positive
d client-centered


Psychoanalytic therapy

The oldest and most direct lineage to Freudian therapy is known as psychoanalytic therapy.

What is Freud's psychoanalytic therapy ?

It is a form of therapy which is talk based and the basis of this therapy is on the theories of psychoanalysis.

Psychoanalysis is  described as a set of  the psychological theories along with the methods of therapy that are  founded by Sigmund Freud. Psychoanalysis mentions around the belief where everyone has  various unconscious thoughts, desires and memories.

Psychoanalysis that is also called as the talk therapy is a kind of treatment that is  based upon the theories of Sigmund Freud who is also called the father of psychoanalysis. He  developed the treatment ideally for patients who were not   responding to the psychological and  medical treatments that were  available during his time.

Learn more about psychoanalytic therapy at :


add six bytes, 20H, 35H, 45H, 15H, 25H, 10H and save the result in one byte SUM.​





guys help I’m
Very nervous and I’m overthinking because tomorrow I have to take a test at school but I normally do online school any tips?? I’m very nervuous and i feel sick when I’m nervous and I feel like throwing up any tips please help!



Bro I can understand your situation be calm and cool and have confidence on yourself first that you can do anything without any nervousness:)


yes sure


first calm down and be hopefull that you will do best

do practice and be confident not over one

keep faith that no one is intelligence than you

I know you'll do the best

What is the procedure called that opens up the victim's airway before rescue breathing.


Answer: Open the airway using the head-tilt, chin-lift maneuver. Pinch the nostrils shut for mouth-to-mouth breathing and cover the person's mouth with yours, making a seal. Give the first rescue breath, lasting one second, and watch to see if the chest rises.


If I vape and take a drug test, would I test negative or positive?



I think it just depends on what they are testing for.




c) What constructs, prototypes, and scripts seem to operate in how jim and his parent think
about university life and being a student? ​



“Prototypes, personal constructs, stereotypes, and scripts are cognitive schemata that we use to organize our perceptions of people and phenomena” (Wood, 2012, p.66). I seen in the video that Jim knows that he is actually going to need to study a lot harder and more to bring his grade up to make his dad happy.


What do you generally see in a family when both parents are working?

A)They are unable to afford a high school education for their children
B)They are able to attend social functions with their children
C)They do not easily give in to their children's tantrums.
D)They may have difficulty devoting enough time to their children



D They may have difficulty devoting enough time to ther children


What are two examples of someone who requires a licensure?



teachers, and  land surveyors,


To obtain a license you must demonstrate that you meet state standards for that career.

Help me please thank you


the answer is muscles !
the correct answer is muscles

Which health care career do you think would require the most education and why?




Physicians and surgeons have some of the toughest educational criteria of any health profession. A bachelor's degree, a four-year medical school degree, and 3-7 years in internship or residency programs are the minimum requirements.

Can something wrong with the gallbladder, liver or lymph nodes cause something that looks like dermatitis on my stomach?



I don't think so but if there is something that looks out of the ordinary go to the hospital


Dermatitis on organs does not sound good, you should really find another hospital to visit. This could be a very serious issues

Which of the following is an example of aerobic activity?
OA. Cross-country skiing
OC. Yoga
None of the above



A. Cross-country skiing


this makes you breathe the hardest and move more  while the others are stationary

The answer to this should be cross country skiing

- Short-term use of alcohol involves which type of damage to the body? (1 point)
O cirrhosis of the liver
O fatty deposit in the heart
O hangover symptoms
O recurring diarrhea



im not sure but i think its A. cirrhosis of the liver


What is the function of the spleen?
Manufacture blood
Produce blood clotting materials
replace worn out blood cells
remove worn out blood cells


Answer:  Removes worn-out blood cells


The spleen removes worn out blood cells.

How do i ask a stranger to have fun ​


Just do it lol life is short


Give them ice cream


Giving a stranger ice cream will want them to play with you

magbigay ng pakiramdam Ng nalilibugan.
Pls guys pahelp Grabe yung tanong Hahaha​


cb bgbhddgbnjjutfb hbdtyhb bbfdffv

The FitnessGram PACER Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The test is used to measure a student's aerobic capacity as part of the FitnessGram assessment. Students run back and forth as many times as they can, each lap signaled by a beep sound.

There are some limiting factors that will completely prevent you from exercising regularly.









Physical disablities and illnesses can prevent somebody from excersizing regularly.

Eva owns a dog. She is on a diet, and she eats xylitol-sweetened snacks. What precaution should she take so that her dog is not affected by
ОА. .
She should give only a small portion of her snacks to the dog.
She should mix her snacks in a soft drink for the dog.
She should mix a few pieces of her snacks in the dog's feed.
OD. She should prevent the dog from eating any of her snacks.
O E. She should give the dog water after sharing the snacks.


The correct answer is D. She should prevent the dog from eating any of her snacks.


Xylitol is a chemical compound also known as birch sugar that is used to sweeten some products such as gum and candy, ice cream, chocolates, unsweetened peanut butter, among others. One of the main characteristics of this compound is that it does not stimulate the release of insulin from the pancreas in humans. However, in dogs, it does not have the same effect, since when dogs eat something that contains xylitol, it is absorbed more quickly into the bloodstream and can cause a powerful release of insulin from the pancreas causing a rapid decrease in sugar level in the blood. According to the above, the correct answer is D. She should prevent the dog from eating any of her snacks since her dog's life is in danger if he ingests Xylitol-sweetened.


She should prevent the dog from eating any of her snacks


xylitol-sweetened foods will cause hypoglycemia, seizures, liver failure or even death in dogs with the smallest amounts.

What do ice crystals and meat signify



Ice crystals and meat signify that it is frozen, a bunch of water molecules within the food form to keep the meat hydrated. Ice crystals in meat signify that it is frozen, a bunch of water molecules within the food form to keep the meat hydrated.

All cells need oxygen to function properly. Which body systems need to coordinate to make sure cells receive oxygen?


The circulatory system delivers oxygen and nutrients to cells.
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