account c has a 3.9 % apr compounded daily ( 365 times per year). determine the account value's growth factor and percent change per compounding period.


Answer 1


Step-by-step explanation:

The compound interest period rate is P = Po(1±r/t)n(t)


r = .039

t = 365

The daily rate in this situation is = .039/365

The factor for 1 compounding period for a year = (1+(.039/365))365 = 1.039768317

The growth factor is = 3.9768317%

Answer 2

The accounts value's growth factor is 1.0000107227, and the percent change per compounding period is 0.107227%.

What is the growth factor?

The account value's growth factor is the factor by which the account value increases each compounding period. It is given by the formula:

[tex]$growth factor$ = (1 + APR /{$compounding frequency$}) ^ {($compounding frequency$ / $period$)}[/tex]

In this case, the APR is 3.9%, the compounding frequency is 365 times per year (daily), and the period is one year. Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

growth factor = (1 + 0.039 / 365) ^ (365 / 1) = 1.0000107227

The percent change per compounding period is the amount by which the account value increases each compounding period, expressed as a percentage. It is given by the formula:

percent change = (growth factor - 1) * 100

Plugging the value of the growth factor that we calculated earlier into this formula, we get:

percent change = (1.0000107227 - 1) * 100 = 0.107227%

Therefore, the account value's growth factor is 1.0000107227, and the percent change per compounding period is 0.107227%.

To learn more about the growth factor, visit:


Related Questions

If a right angle is bisected, the resulting angles will always be acute angles.


Answer: True.

Step-by-step explanation:

        First, a right angle will always be equal to 90 degrees.

        Next, bisecting an angle means cutting it into two parts.

        Since the resulting two angles will always be less than 90 degrees, they will always be acute angles. The answer to this question is true.

What expression is equivalent to 5(x+3)



5x + 15

Step-by-step explanation:

5(x + 3) ← multiply each term in the parenthesis by 5

= 5x + 15


"5x+15" is an expression equivalent to "5(x+3)".

Step-by-step explanation:

If we expand this factorization, the resulting expression is equivalent to the original expression. This is how you expand it:

1. Write the expression.


2. Apply the distributive property of multiplication.

Check the attached image.

[tex](5)(x)+(5)(3)=\\ \\5x+15[/tex]

3. Conclude.

5x+15 is an expression equivalent to 5(x+3).

what number must be added to complete the square in the expression x^2+1.8x


The number that must be added to complete the square in the expression is 0.9².

What is an expression?

An expression is a way of writing a statement with more than two variables or numbers with operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Example: 2 + 3x + 4y = 7 is an expression.

We have,

x² + 1.8x

The complete square is given as,

(a + b)² = a² + 2ab + b²


x² + 2 x 0.9(x) + 0.9²

(x + 0.9)²


0.9² completes the square in the expression.

Learn more about expressions here:


Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the linear function that meets these conditions. Don't use decimals in your equation.
Goes through the points (3. -1) and (5, -4).


The slope intercept form is y= ( -3/2 ) x + 7/2

What is slope ?

A line's steepness is determined by its slope. In mathematics, slope is determined by "rise over run" (change in y divided by change in x).

(x1,y1)= (3. -1) and (x2,y2)= (5, -4)

slope intercept form:

y=mx+b , m=slope, b = constant

m= (y2-y1) /( x2-x1) = (-4-(-1)) / ( 5-3) =  -3/2

line equation:


Substitute the values

y-(-1)=( -3/2 ) (x-3)

y+1=( -3/2 ) x + 9/2

y= ( -3/2 ) x + 9/2 - 1

y= ( -3/2 ) x + 7/2

Thus, the slope intercept form is y= ( -3/2 ) x + 7/2

To learn more about the slope from the given link


Find the value of each variable.



Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of exterior angles in a quadrilateral is always 360 degrees.

So, 2x+x+4x+3x=10x=360

Soling for x, we get x=36 degrees.

It the triangies below are sımılar. It so, state the reason and write the sımılarity statement.
Note: For scale factor, go from top to bottom.
Δ Q R S_____
Similar due to SSS and a scale factor of 3.5. Triangle QRS is similar to triangle TUV.
Similar to due SAS and a scale factor of 0.29. Triangle QRS is similar to triangle TUV.
Similar due to AA. Triangle QRS is similar to triangle VUT.
Similar due to SSS and a scale factor of $0.29$. Triangle QRS is similar to triangle VUT.


The option 1 "Similar due to SSS and a scale factor of 3.5. Triangle QRS is similar to triangle VUT." is correct.

In the given question, the triangles below are similar.

So, we have to state the reason and write the similarity statement.


(a) Similar due to SSS and a scale factor of 3.5. Triangle QRS is similar to triangle VUT.

(b) Similar to due SAS and a scale factor of 0.29. Triangle QRS is similar to triangle TUV.

(c) Similar due to AA. Triangle QRS is similar to triangle VUT.

(d) Similar due to SSS and a scale factor of $0.29$. Triangle QRS is similar to triangle VUT.

As we know that, the ratio of the scale of an original thing to a new object that is a representation of it but of a different size is known as a scale factor.

Since the both triangle area similar so using the SSS theorem;

Triangle QRS congruence to triangle VUT.


So QR/VU = 56/16; RS/UT = 70/20; SQ/TV = 98/28

QR/VU = RS/UT = SQ/TV = 3.5

Hence, ΔQRS≈ΔVUT using the SSS theorem with the scale factor of 3.5. So the option 1 "Similar due to SSS and a scale factor of 3.5. Triangle QRS is similar to triangle VUT." is correct.

To learn more about SSS theorem link is here


The actual weights of 10 sample “1 lb packages” of meat are found to be:

sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
weight 1.01 1.03 0.98 0.99 1.01 1.02 0.98 1.05 0.97 0.98
What is the mean of the actual weights?



The solution is Option A.

The mean of the actual weights of the samples is 1.002

What is Mean?

The mean value in a set of numbers is the middle value, calculated by dividing the total of all the values by the number of values.

Mean = Sum of Values / Number of Values

Given data ,

Let the mean of the observations be represented as M

Now , the value of mean M is calculated as

The number of samples be = 10

The weight of the samples can be given from set A

The value of set A is

Set A = { 1.01 , 1.03 , 0.98 , 0.99 , 1.01 , 1.02 , 0.98 , 1.05 , 0.97 , 0.98 }

The sum of the values of weights of set A is S

Sum S = 1.01 + 1.03 + 0.98 + 0.99 + 1.01 + 1.02 + 0.98 + 1.05 + 0.97 + 0.98

Sum of weights S = 10.02

Now , the mean of the weights is given by

Mean = Sum of Values / Number of Values

Mean = Sum of weights / Number of samples

Substituting the values in the equation , we get

Mean = 10.02 / 10

Mean M = 1.002

Therefore , the value of M is 1.002

Hence , The mean of the actual weights of the samples is 1.002

To learn more about mean click :


Find the volumes of the solids generated by revolving the regions bounded by the graphs of the equations about the given lines. y = x y = 0 x = 6 (a) X-axis (b) y-axis (c) x = 6 (d) x = 9 Find the volumes of the solids generated by revolving the regions bounded by the graphs of the equations about the given lines. y = 3x2 y = 0 x = 3 (a) y-axis (b) x-axis (c) y = 27 (d) X = 3 Find the volumes of the solids generated by revolving the regions bounded by the graphs of the equations about the given lines. y = x2 y = 6x - x2 (a) x-axis (b) y = 10


Using rule of volume integral , The answer of y=x, y-=0 and x=6 is [tex]216 \pi[/tex].

What do you mean by integration?

The process of combining smaller parts into a single, cohesive whole is known as integration.

What do you mean by volume integral?

A volume integral is a specific instance of multiple integrals and is used to denote an integral across a 3-dimensional domain in mathematics, notably multivariable calculus. In physics, volume integrals are crucial for many applications, such as calculating flux densities.

area covered by y=x y=0 and x=6 is [tex]\frac {1}{2} * 6 * 6[/tex]

=18 [tex]unit^{2}[/tex]

Perimeter covered by revolving the area about x-axis, y-axis , x=6 and x=9 is [tex]2*\pi *6[/tex]

=[tex]12 \pi[/tex]

Volume = [tex]18 * 12 \pi[/tex]

=[tex]216 \pi unit ^{3}[/tex]

To learn more about integration visit:

8.) write in standard form a line
perpendicular to
y=-1/3x +2
Passes through (9,-12)



-3x + y = -39

Step-by-step explanation:

If it is perpendicular to y=-1/3x+2, then the slope is positive 3. If it passes through (9, -12), then we can set up our equation:

y+12 / x-9 = 3. Simplifying, we have:

y=3x-39, which in standard form is:

-3x+y= -39

Hope this helps!

If y varies directly as xand z, and y=4 when x=6 and z=1, find y when x=7 and z=4


If y varies directly as x and z, and y=4 when x=6 and z=1, then value of y will be 56/3 when x=7 and z=4.

Define direct proportionality.

One kind of proportionality relationship is the direct proportion. When two values are in direct proportion, one value rises when the other rises and vice versa when one value falls. A proportionate relationship is represented by the symbol. When one of the variables is a multiple of the other, there is a direct proportion between the two. For instance, 1 cm equals 10 mm. The multiplier for converting cm to mm is always 10. Petrol prices and foreign exchange rates are determined using a direct proportion.


We know that y fluctuates in direct proportion to x and z.

We are aware that the form of the equation y = kx for two quantities that are directly proportional is, where k is the proportionality constant.

Because y directly varies as x and z, our equation would be y = kxz

Additionally, it is stated that and y = 4, x = 6 and z = 1. Let's define the proportionality constant as follows:

4 = k × 6 × 1

4 = k ×6

k = 2/3

y = 2/3 × x ×z

Substituting value of x by k = 2/3 , x = 7 and z = 4

y = 2/3 × 7 × 4

y = 56/3

If y varies directly as x and z, and y=4 when x=6 and z=1, then value of y will be 56/3 when x=7 and z=4.

To learn more about direct proportionality, visit:


y = ab
a = 5 x 108, b = 9 × 107
Work out the value of y
Give your answer in standard form


The answer is 520020.

(-3x - 7) + (4x + 7) =


Answer: x

Step-by-step explanation:


than because the 7's cancel each other out it would become

-3x+4x which would be equal to x

Michael just retired, and has $740,000 to invest. A very safe Certificate of Deposit (CD) account pays 1.5%, while a riskier bond fund pays 8.5% in interest. Michael figures he needs $22,000 a year in interest to live on. How much should he invest in each account to make enough interest while minimizing his risk?

$ __ at 1.5%

$ __ at 8.5% (Round answers to the nearest dollar.)


The amount invested in the account that pays 1.5% interest is $584,285.71.

The amount invested in the account that pays 8.5% interest is $155,714.29.

How much was invested in each account?

The system of equations that represent the information in the question is:

x + y = 740,000 equation 1

0.015x + 0.085y = 22,000 equation 2


x = amount invested in the certificate of deposity = amount invested in the bond

In order to determine the values, the elimination method would be used.

Multiply equation 1 by 0.015

0.015x + 0.015y = 11,100 equation 3

Subtract equation 3 from equation 2

0.070y = 10,900

Divide both sides of the equation by 0.070

y = 10,900 / 0.07

y = 155,714.29

Subtract 155,714.29  from $740,000

x = 740,000 - 155,714.29

x = 584,285.71

To learn more about system of equations, please check:


2. What is the measure of one interior angle of a regular Decagon?
O 180
O 160



the correct answer is 144

Step-by-step explanation:

Hence, the measure of each interior angle is 144∘.

hope this helps


Step-by-step explanation:

each exterior angle=360/n=360/10=36°

each interior angle=180-36=144°

Can a triangle be formed with side lengths 3, 9, 17? Explain. No, because 3 + 9 < 17 Yes, because 3 + 9 > 17 No, because 17 − 3 < 9 Yes, because 17 − 9 < 3


A triangle cannot be formed with side lengths 3, 9, 17 because A. No, because 3 + 9 < 17

How to illustrate the triangle?

In geometry, a triangle is a polygon with three sides, three edges, and three vertices. The main characteristic of a triangle is that the sum of its internal angles is 180 degrees.

This is referred to as the triangle's angle sum property. It should be noted that any two sides of a triangle must have a sum of lengths greater than the third side.

In this instance, the result of multiplying 3 by 9 equals 12, which is less than 17. Therefore, choice A is the right one.

Learn more about triangles on:


what is the best name for this shape? use the drop-down menus to explain your answer


We can say that the given Quadrilateral is Parallelogram

What is Parallelogram?

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with two parallel sides (and therefore opposite angles equal). A rhombus is a quadrilateral with equal sides, while a rectangle is a parallelogram with all right angles.


Since, the given Quadrilateral has all the opposite angles equal

and we do not know weather the opposite sides are equal or not it is closest to assume that the given Quadrilateral is Parallelogram

To learn more ab out Parallelogram from the given link


Suppose you purchased an annuity for $12,083 offering annual income of $1,193 based on a 6.1% interest rate. For how many years would the annuity provide you with payments? Your answer should be expressed in years rounded to the 2nd place to the right of the decimal point


For 10.75 years I'll receive an amount of $1,193 for an annuity of $12,083.

What is simple interest?

Simple interest is often a predetermined percentage of the principle amount borrowed or lent paid or received over a specific time period.

We know simple interest (SI) is given by SI = (p×r×t)/100, where

p = principle, r = rate in percentage, and t = time in years.

A principle of $12,083 with 6.1% interest rate becomes $(12,083×1.061)

= $12,820.063.

∴ The no. of years the annuity provides you with payments of $1,193 is

= (12,820.063/1193).

= 10.75 years Or 10 years 9 months.

learn more about simple interests here :


If i purchase 25 candy bars priced at 3/$1.00,how much do I owe you


Every three candy bars cost a dollar.

Divide 25 by three.  


Patrick is making a metal box as part of a sculpture. He
wants to know how much metal is needed to make a box
with the dimensions shown.
4 m
What is the surface area of the box?
OA. 26 square meters
OB. 52 square meters
OC. 40 square meters
D. 24 square meters



The surface area of the box is 52 square meters. To calculate the surface area of a rectangular box, we need to find the area of each face and then add them together. In this case, the box has six faces, each with a different length and width. The top, bottom, and side faces are all rectangular, while the front and back faces are also rectangular but have a different size.

To find the surface area of the box, we can start by finding the area of the top and bottom faces. The top and bottom faces are both 2 meters by 4 meters, so the area of each face is 2 * 4 = 8 square meters. Therefore, the total area of the top and bottom faces is 8 * 2 = 16 square meters.

Next, we can find the area of the front and back faces. The front and back faces are both 3 meters by 2 meters, so the area of each face is 3 * 2 = 6 square meters. Therefore, the total area of the front and back faces is 6 * 2 = 12 square meters.

Finally, we can find the area of the side faces. The side faces are both 3 meters by 2 meters, so the area of each face is 3 * 2 = 6 square meters. Therefore, the total area of the side faces is 6 * 2 = 12 square meters.

To find the total surface area of the box, we need to add the areas of the top, bottom, front, back, and side faces together.

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: 52 square meters

Step-by-step explanation:

at first just off of the top of my head i thought it would be 26.

Given the values of the linear functions f(x) and g(x) in the tables, what is (f-g)(-1)? A. 5 B. 7 C. 12 D. -2


The value of the given composite function f(g(x)) at x = -1 is that f(g(-1)) will be 6.2.

What is a function?

A certain kind of relationship called a function binds inputs to essentially one output.

The machine will only accept specified inputs, described as the function's domain, and will potentially produce one output for each input.

As per the given function f(x) and g(x) are linear functions.

Take (-6,6) and (-1,5)

The equation will be as follows,

f(x) - 6 = (5 - 6)/(-1 + 6)(x + 6)

f(x) - 6 = -x/5 - 6/5

f(x) = -x/5 - 6/5 + 6

f(x) = -x/5 + (- 6 + 30)/5

f(x) = -x/5 + 24/5

Take (-6,-12) and (-1,-7)

g(x) + 12 = (-7 + 12)/(-1 + 6)(x + 6)

g(x) + 12 = x + 6

g(x) = x - 6

Now, f(g(x)) = -(x - 6)/5 + 24/5

f(g(-1)) = -(-1 - 6)/5 + 24/5

f(g(-1)) = 7/5 + 24/5 = 6.2

Hence "At x = -1, the value of the composite function f(g(x)) is that f(g(-1)) will be equal to 6.2.".

For more about the function,


which expression is equivalent to 9^-4?

A. -9^4

B. 9^4

C. 1/9^-4

D. 1/9^4




Step-by-step explanation:

as a negative exponent always means 1/..., D is the correct answer.

9^-4 = 1/(9^4)

that is the precise definition of a negative exponent.

geometry! please help gracias!


The equation of the conic represents a circle with an area of 36π square units.

What kind of conic does a quadratic equation represent?

In this problem we find the equation of the conic in general form, on which we need to determine what kind of conic it represents. This can be done by finding the standard form of the equation by means of algebra properties, using a strategy known as completing the square. The quadratic equation in general form is described by the quadratic equations of the form:

A · x² + B · y² + C · x + D · y + E · x · y + F = 0

Now we proceed to find the standard form of the equation. First, write the equation in standard form:

x² + y² - 3 · x + 6 · y = 7 · x + 2

x² + y² - 10 · x + 6 · y - 2 = 0

Second, complete the square:

(x² - 10 · x + 25) + (y² + 6 · y + 9) = 2 + 25 + 9

(x - 5)² + (y + 3)² = 36

The standard form of the quadratic equation indicates the equation of a circle with a diameter of 12 units and a center at (h, k) = (5, - 3). The area of the circle is calculated below:

A = 0.25π · D²

Where D is the diameter of the circle, in units.

A = 0.25π · 12²

A = 36π

To learn more on conics:


How many x-intercepts does the graph of the function y= 3x^2 - 6x + 5 have?


Assuming the parabola is in A^2+Bx+C=0, you can determine how many x-intercepts a function has by doing b^2-4ac. If it’s positive, there are two. If it’s 0, there is 1. If it’s negative, there are none.
Therefore there are 0 X-intercepts

Question 6
Drew works for a retail store marking items for sale. The selling price he lists includes the store's cost for the item and which of the following?



I'm not sure exactly me myself

In the diagram, b || c. Find the value of y


Using the corresponding angle theorem, the value of y is 36 degree.

In the given question, b||c.

We have to find the value of y.

Given: b||c

Find: Value of y

Let x be the value of side angle of (2y+34) degree.

So, using the corresponding angle theorem

x = 74 degree

As we know that the sum of straight line is 180 degree.

So 2y+34+x = 180

Now putting the value of x


After simplifying


Subtract 108 on both side, we get


Divide by 2 on both side, we get


Hence, the value of y is 36 degree.

To learn more about Corresponding Angle Theorem link is here


look at circle m

what is the value of x


The answer to this Question based on circles is 9

What is circle?

A circle is a two-dimensional geometric shape defined by a set of points equidistant from its center. It is the set of all points in a plane that are the same distance from a given point, called the center. A circle is a special type of ellipse, and all circles are similar. It is one of the most fundamental shapes in geometry, and is used in art, architecture, engineering, and many other disciplines. The circumference of a circle is the length of its perimeter, which is determined by its radius. A circle's area is the space enclosed by its circumference, and is equal to the value of pi multiplied by the square of the radius.

In the given Circle
Lets us denotes the 2 chords by AB and CD and let their intersecting point be E
Then from property of intersecting chords in circle we can write
(AE)(BE) = (CE)(DE)
4x = 36
x = 9

Hence proved

To learn more about Circles:


Find the value of x in the triangle.



Step-by-step explanation:

180 = x + 50 +50

180 = x + 100

x + 100 = 180

x = 80

80 is the value of x.

PLEASE HELP!!! I will mark BRAINLIST!!!!!!!



Step-by-step explanation:

FIrst add the sides then subtract the top and then mutilpy it by 2

View in which one or more faces of the object are not perpendicular to the rest of the faces, so their projection planes are not parallel but inclined.​


We can say that the view in which one or more faces of the object are not perpendicular to the rest of the faces, but are inclined projections, are the auxiliary views.

¿What are auxiliary views?

Initially, we must know that the views of an object or body are orthogonal projections associated with it.

In this sense, auxiliary views are a type of view that are characterized by arising from a change in projection plane, they are usually used when highly complex parts or objects must be represented.

¡Hope this helped!

Use a graphing calculator to find an equation of the line of best fit for the data. Round the slope to the nearest tenth and the y -intercept to the nearest integer.

A table listing pairs of x and y values.

X values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Y values: -8, -5, -2, -1, -1, 2, 5, 8.


The equation of the line in slope-intercept form is y = 3x - 11.

What are lines and their slopes?

We know lines have various types of equations, the general type is

Ax + By + c = 0, and the equation of a line in slope-intercept form is

y = mx + b.

Where slope = m and b = y-intercept.

the slope is the rate of change of the y-axis with respect to the x-axis and the y-intercept is the (0,b) where the line intersects the y-axis at x = 0.

We know slope(m) = (y₂ - y₁)/(x₂ - x₁).

∴ Slope(m) = (- 5 + 8)/(1 - 0) = 3.

So, y = mx + b can be written as - 5 = 3(2) + b ⇒ b = - 11.

So, The required line is y = 3x - 11.

learn more about lines and slopes here :


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