According to the normative view of science, what should scientists leave at the laboratory door? a. historical forces b. life stresses c. personal value


Answer 1

According to the normative view of science scientists should leave personal values at the laboratory door.

What do you value personally?

Your ability to differentiate between "good" and "bad" in your neighborhood, society, or culture depends on your own values. They are the behaviors that you consider to be the best examples, such as integrity and patience. You undoubtedly live by certain guiding principles that affect how you make decisions, establish goals, and behave in general.

What are the top 5 values in a person?

What five values stand out? Every individual has a certain set of values that serve as their compass in daily life. Integrity, accountability, diligence, persistence, and sobriety are five of the most prevalent and well-known virtues.

To know more about personal values visit:


Related Questions

What is the importance of contrast in culture among multicultural organizations?.


The importance of contrast in culture among multicultural organizations is that aids in greater creativity and innovation.

A multicultural organization is a type of organization which has a diverse workforce that includes people from different backgrounds across all departments and provides them with equal opportunity for input and advancement within the company. The significance of contrast in culture in multicultural organization is that it helps achieve greater creativity and innovation within the organization that can help the work team understand each other and also to achieve growth of the organization. The variety of point of view and diverse thought processes offered by diverse individuals leads to enhanced creativity and innovation which ultimately results in increased productivity.

Learn more about Multicultural organization:


the ____________ theory of motivation has been criticized because it is based on circular reasoning.


The drive-reduction theory of motivation has come under fire for having a circular reasoning base.

Drive-reduction theory:

The drive reduction hypothesis, developed by Clark Hull in 1943, is a crucial theory of motivation in the lineage of behaviorist learning theory. Drive is the term used to describe a cause that arises from a physiological or mental need.

It is a motivator from within that pushes someone to fulfill their drive. It has also been said to be an inbuilt process that prompts people to take actions that would advance their intended end result or objective.

It claims that organisms are compelled to weaken their motivations to maintain homeostasis.

To know more about Drive-reduction theory visit:


What was the voting percentage in 2012?


With an emphasis on the voting trends by race and Hispanic origin, this research analyzes the increasingly varied American population, specifically for presidential elections since 1996.

In recent presidential elections, the overall vote rate has varied from a low of 58.4 percent of the population in 1996 to a high of almost 64.0 percent in both 2004 and 2008.The overall voter turnout in 2012 was 61.8 percent. This research offers a deeper understanding of the socioeconomic and demographic issues that have influenced recent American elections by looking at these overall changes by race and Hispanic origin. The statistics in this report come from the November 2012 Current Population Survey CPS Voting and Registration Supplement, which surveys.

learn more about voting percentage here:


which primary emotion is most closely related to joy? group of answer choices anticipation surprise anger fear


Anticipation is primary emotion is most closely related to joy

A feeling of pleasure or anxiety in anticipation of an anticipated event is called anticipation. Fear, anxiety, hope, and trust are all examples of anticipatory feelings. If the anticipated event does not occur, disappointment (in the case of a positive event) or relief (in the case of a negative event) follow.

Anticipation is excitement, eager anticipation that something you know will happen. A person who has just proposed marriage longs for a positive response. Anticipation can be nervous anticipation, like when a birthday party is waiting for Elmer to come.

To know more about anticipation visit


going beyond the text, what challenges were or might have been faced by a government in which the national government is designed to be weak?


The Articles of Confederation comprised the United States’ first constitution, lasting from 1776 until 1789. The Articles established a weak central government and placed most powers in the hands of the states.

It should come as no surprise that when the former colonial rulers eventually had the opportunity to establish their own government as the new United States, they were primarily concerned with preventing abuses they had seen to have been committed by an overly-powerful authority. The Articles of Confederation was their first constitution. It enabled the states to keep almost all of their governmental authority by tying them together in a loose "league of friendship." The nation's founders failed to endow the federal government with sufficient power to address the problems confronting a young nation because they were preoccupied with preventing the government from gaining too much power.

To know more about Articles of Confederation :


Public architecture in the form of pyramids, platforms, and plazas can be traced back before about 5,000 years ago in south america.
a. True
b. False


It is a true statement that public architecture in the form of pyramids, platforms, and plazas can be traced back before about 5,000 years ago in south america. The Option A is correct.

What is the history of public architecture in America?

The history of architecture traces back to the changes in architecture through various traditions, regions, overarching stylistic trends, and dates. The beginnings of these traditions is thought to be humans satisfying the very basic need of shelter and protection.

An example is the platform mounds and plazas which have a 5000-year-long history in the eastern United States but are often viewed through the lens of late prehistoric and early historic understandings of mound use. The trends in architecture were influenced by technological innovations, particularly in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.

Read more about architecture


psychodynamic theories, the oldest of the explanations for paranoid personality disorder, trace the pattern to:


Psychodynamic theories, the oldest of the explanations for paranoid personality disorder, trace the pattern to demanding parents, particularly distant, rigid fathers and overcontrolling, rejecting mothers.

Freud originally developed psychodynamic theory as a theory of personality. Numerous thinkers have contributed to it over the years as it has undergone tremendous change. Freud thought that childhood experiences, unconsciously occurring intrapsychic processes, and interpersonal patterns could all be used to explain human behaviour. Psychodynamic theory's general definition is that people's actions are caused by factors that are unconscious to them. The psychodynamic theory, sometimes referred to as psychoanalytic psychotherapy, aids patients in comprehending their feelings and unconscious behavioural patterns. Clients have a better understanding of themselves and learn how to make better decisions for themselves by discussing these feelings and behaviours with a social worker.

To know more about Psychodynamic theories:


today one standard system, devised by the american psychiatric association, has emerged in the united states; most professionals use it to diagnose and classify abnormal behavior. this is:


These days one trendy machine, devised by means of the Yankee psychiatric affiliation, has emerged within the  USA maximum number of experts use it to diagnose and classify extraordinary conduct this is DSM-IV-TR.

Psychiatry is the medical specialty dedicated to the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of intellectual problems. these include numerous maladaptations related to temper, behavior, cognition, and perceptions. See the word list of psychiatry

The Diagnostic and Statistical manual of intellectual problems, fourth edition, text revision (DSM-IV-TR) (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2000) is a compendium of intellectual problems, a list of the criteria used to diagnose them, and an in-depth machine for his or her definition, employer, and class.

Learn  more about psychiatry here

#SPJ 4

Today one standard system, devised by the American psychiatric association, has emerged in the united states; most professionals use it to diagnose and classify abnormal behavior. this is: DSM-IV-TR

The association has to do with matters which are collective, whether in a proper group just like the national Basketball association, or just two matters that are related, just like the association among dogs and parks. Any time human beings or things are connected, there are institutions.

Affiliation refers to the connection between a couple of items. It refers to how objects are related to every different and the way they may be used to each different's capability. Composition and aggregation are two varieties of affiliation. those 4 varieties of associations-overall performance, sociable, symbolic (or ideological), and efficient-are quite distinct species of the social corporation, and each represents an awesome shape of social integration.

Learn more about association here:


during which of piaget's stages does a person develop an awareness that things continue to exist when not seen?


Sensorimotor stage a person develop an awareness that things continue to exist when not seen.

During the last phase of the sensorimotor stage, early representational thought begins to take shape. At this stage of development, object permanence or object constancy the knowledge that objects persist even when they are not visible is a crucial skill, according to Piaget. Children can start giving names and words to objects once they understand that they are separate, distinct entities with an existence of their own independent of individual perception. It could be a professional or social connection. It increases the principal's prospective business opportunities by enabling them to, if you like, be in multiple places at once.

To know more about  Sensorimotor stage:


psychoanalysts using the technique of____association tell patients to say aloud whatever comes to mind, regardless of its apparent irrelevance or senselessness.


Psychoanalysts using the technique of free association tell patients to say aloud whatever comes to mind, regardless of its apparent irrelevance or senselessness.

Who are Psychoanalysts?

Generally, Psychoanalysts put a significant amount of weight on a person's formative years, particularly their youth. The goal of a psychoanalyst in treatment is to induce transference, which is the process by which patients recreate the conflicts they experienced as children by projecting their sentiments of love, reliance, and rage onto the analyst.

The mind has been freed from the confines of sensory reality as a result of humanity's ability to generate what seems to be an infinite number of thoughts and tales. We transcend the tangible world by imagining, inventing, and creating, and we get closer to a world of potentialities as a result. There is no doubt that psychoanalysis has a place in modern society!

When doing psychoanalysis with their patients, psychotherapists who use the free association approach instruct their patients to verbalize anything comes to mind, regardless of whether or not it seems relevant or makes sense.

Read more about Psychoanalysts


What is an example of an infinitive phrase in a sentence?


An infinitive is used with a modifier, object, complement, or actor to form an infinitive phrase.

There may be multiples of these, and not all of them need to be in the phrase. When used at the beginning of a sentence as an adverb, infinitive phrases simply need to be separated by a comma.

Affirmative action is a practice that originated in the United States during the Reconstruction Era (1863–1877). In the United States, the current policy was first implemented in the early 1960s as a means of addressing racial discrimination in the recruiting process. The idea was later expanded to address gender discrimination.

To know more about infinitive:


"Noise cancelling headphones" are a kind of headphones which decrease the amount of background noise that get into your ears when you wear them.
On what physical phenomena do these headphones depend on?


Noise cancelling headphones use active noise cancellation technology, which relies on the principles of destructive interference.

Exploring the Principles of Active Noise Cancellation Technology in Noise Cancelling Headphones

This technology involves the use of microphones to pick up background noise and then produce an "anti-noise" soundwave that is the exact opposite of the background noise. When the anti-noise soundwave and the background noise collide, they cancel each other out, resulting in a quieter listening experience.

Learn more about active noise cancellation technology at:


Of the following sources, which would be least relevant for interpreting changes to government policies during the reconstruction era?


The Fourteenth amendment would be the least relevant for interpreting changes to government policies during reconstruction era.

What was the reconstruction era?

Following the American Civil War (1861–1865) and continuing roughly until the Compromise of 1877, the Reconstruction era was a time in American history. Congress abolished slavery at this time, put a stop to Southern Confederate secession, and passed the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution, purportedly guaranteeing newly freed slaves (freedmen) the same civil rights as white people. After year of violent attacks on Black people in South, Congress federalized protection of civil rights in 1866, placed former secessionist states under American military control, and mandated that before former Confederate states could be readmitted to Union, they adopt protections for civil rights of freedmen.

To learn more about Constitution, visit:


she finds that there is no relationship between video assignment and depression scores. what might be to blame for this null effect?


There can be many criteria guiding the course of action in which the effect of Null Theory of Psychology can be identified

Null impact can be defined as  the study where it was discovered that the IV had no impact on the DV when the independent variable had no effect.

We advance thanks to null results. They prevent us from making the same mistakes again and help to choose the course of future research. In actuality, there is a lot we can learn from nothing. However, null results frequently do not appear in scholarly journals.

To know more about null effect here


led by singer and pianist chris martin, this british band has been one of the biggest hits to come from england in the past two decades. they have many hits, including viva la vida, fix you, paradise, and the scientist.


British singer-songwriter Christopher Anthony John Martin (born 2 March 1977) is Coldplay's lead singer, pianist, rhythm guitarist, and co-founder. He formed the band with Jonny Buckland, Guy Berryman, and Will Champion at University College London.

A Rush of Blood to the Head (2002), Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends (2008), and "Yellow" (2000) brought them worldwide renown. The band won seven Grammys and nine Brits. As of 2021, they sold over 100 million albums globally. Martin was on Debrett's 2017 UK Power List.

Martin met Jonny Buckland at University College London and formed a band with him as lead singer and as lead guitarist. Guy Berryman played bass while Will Champion drummed. They established Pectoralz in 1996. After Starfish, they were offered Coldplay by another band that no longer wanted it.

Since their 2000 first album Parachutes, the band has become internationally famous. Coldplay rose to stardom with Parachutes' "Yellow" at Number 4. They have released nine studio albums: Parachutes, A Rush of Blood to the Head, X&Y, Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends, Mylo Xyloto, Ghost Stories, A Head Full of Dreams, Everyday Life, and Music of the Spheres. Their EPs included Safety and The Blue Room.

To know more about British bands:


About 200 people had to be rescued from a floating ice chunk in which northern us state?



northern Minnesota


isaac enjoys a successful sales career. he is a go-getter, who rises early every morning to check his schedule and arrives at appointments ahead of time so he can get in the right mental frame of mind. which personal trait does isaac exhibit?


Isaac has enjoyed a successful sales career. He is a go-getter who wakes up early every morning, checks his schedule, shows up early, and puts himself in the right frame of mind for self-motivation.

Most definitions of self-motivation focus on finding the ability to do what one is supposed to do without the influence of other people or circumstances. Self-motivation means encouraging us to move forward toward our goals, even if we find it difficult.

A transaction between a buyer and a seller in which the seller sells intangible or tangible goods, assets, or services for money is called a sale. A sale is between two or more parties. In a broader sense, a sale can be understood as a contract between two or more parties, a buyer and a seller.

Learn more about sales here


thomas is 57 years old and has severe arthritis. he is overweight and also suffers from fatigue, loss of concentration, headaches and unrefreshing sleep, and this has caused a change in his physical functioning despite his age. what type of aging is thomas experiencing?


A generalized sense of exhaustion or lack of energy is referred to as fatigue. It differs from merely feeling sleepy or drowsy. You lack both energy and motivation

when you are exhausted. fatigue Sleepiness may be a sign of exhaustion, but the two are not the same. Numerous medical disorders, ranging in severity from moderate to serious, frequently exhibit fatigue as a symptom. It also happens naturally as a result of some lifestyle decisions, including not exercising or eating poorly.Consult your doctor if your weariness doesn't go away with adequate rest and nourishment or if you think it might be brought on by a physical or mental health condition. They can work with you to identify the root of your exhaustion and address it.

learn more about fatigue  here:


Answer: The answer is Secondary

Pls help me this is due to today in my next band i am shivering I need to get this done the last part at the bottom cause and effect



i cant read enlarge it more.


According to Bill Gates, where does most education funding come out of?


According to Bill Gates, state budgets provide the majority of money for education.

What is a state budget?

The state budget outlines the spending and revenue for the government for a given year. A budget is required by law for each fiscal year, which spans from January to December of that year and describes the government's projected spending. The three categories of annual government budgets based on estimates are surplus, balanced, and deficit.

There are 50 million children enrolled in the public school system in the United States, from kindergarten through high school. The United States pays approximately $10,000 per student annually, or $500 billion overall.

American business magnate and philanthropist William Henry Gates III is both. He participated in the creation of Microsoft.

To know more about state budget, visit:


an emotionally charged group whose members are united by a specific, and often destructive, goal.


A mob is a gathering of emotionally agitated individuals who are brought together by a single, frequently harmful aim.

What does sociology mean by collective behavior?

Collective conduct, in a nutshell, is any group behavior that is not required or controlled by an institution. The crowd, the mass, and the public are the three main types of group behavior. In order to form a crowd, there needs to be a lot of individuals nearby (Lofland 1993).

What are the four primary categories of group behavior?

Herbert Blumer, a sociologist, created a well-known typology of crowds in 1969 based on their function and dynamics. He identified four different categories of crowds: acting crowds, conventional crowds, expressive crowds, and casual crowds.

To know more about group visit:-


lizz is a psychology major and would like to ultimately become a health psychologist. she goes to see one of her professors, dr. grimes, to ask what advice he has for preparing for a graduate program in health psychology. how should dr. grimes respond? group of answer choices


Dr. grimes respond "you should try to take some courses of psychology, like biology and anatomy and physiology" for preparing for a graduate program in health psychology.

Health psychology is the culmination of the specific educational, scientific, and professional contributions made by the field of psychology to the promotion and maintenance of health, the prevention and treatment of illness, the identification of etiological and diagnostic correlates of health, illness, and related dysfunction, and the improvement of the healthcare system and health policy. Health psychology is also sometimes referred to as medical psychology or behavioral medicine. Identifying psychological aspects that contribute to physical sickness, promoting and maintaining health, improving the health care system, and developing health policy are all areas in which health psychologists employ psychological research and approaches.

learn more about health psychology here:


an ideal whereby every person is entitled to protection from environmental hazards regardless of race, gender, age, nationality, income, social class, is known as


An ideal whereby every person is entitled to protection from environmental hazards regardless of race, gender, age, nationality, income, social class, is known as environmental justice.

Environmental justice is a social movement to address the unfair exposure of bad and marginalized communities to harms from dangerous waste, useful resource extraction, and other land uses. The movement has generated masses of studies showing that publicity to environmental harms is inequitably dispensed.

Environmental justice is the honest treatment and significant involvement of anyone irrespective of race, color, countrywide starting place, or profits, with admire to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental legal guidelines, policies, and policies.

Learn more about environmental justice here:

what do you see as the main difference between a successful and an unsuccessful decision? how much does luck versus skill have to do with it? how much time needs to pass to answer the first question?


Making decisions involves "selecting among potential courses of action, which may also entail inaction." Individuals across all organisations utilise the information they gather to make a variety of judgments.

These choices will then alter the direction of an organisation and have an impact on people's lives. The most crucial and frequently challenging responsibility for a manager is making effective judgments. Success is "the accomplishment of something wanted, planned, or undertaken," according to one definition. A corporation should follow the formal phases of the rational decision-making model to ensure they make the best choices before making a decision in order for it to be successful. In order to optimise the quality of their outcomes, decision-makers should take a number of steps, according to the rational decision-making paradigm.

learn more about  decisions here:


(q022) doris works in a factory where she is paid $10 for every toy she assembles. given that she is on a fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement, which pattern of behavior can we generally expect from her?


The pattern of behavior is , She is likely to be more productive than someone paid by the hour.

A learner passively picks up the association between a particular stimulus and a reward through operant conditioning. Vicarious learning occurs when a learner is rewarded for engaging in a desirable behavior.

To create a link between the stimulus and the behavior, classical conditioning places the stimuli first. The behavior comes first in operant conditioning, followed by either negative or positive reinforcement.

Opportunistic conditioning focuses on connecting a voluntary behavior and a reward, whereas classical conditioning links an automatic response to a stimulus. Operant conditioning includes incentives as well as rewards for the learner, whereas classical conditioning does not.

To know more about Operant Conditioning here


at age 25, amanda suffered a severe head injury in an auto accident. as a result, amanda is no longer able to live independently, though she can still feed and bathe herself. she also has difficulty learning new concepts, though she retains her former passion for reading (and chatting about) mystery and romance novels. which statement about amanda is accurate?


Because Amanda's deficiencies started after she turned 18, they cannot be considered "intellectually disabled" .

Problems with general mental abilities, or intellectual disability, have two effects on functioning:

Intellectual capacity (such as learning, problem solving, judgement).Adaptive performance (activities of daily life such as communication and independent living).

Furthermore, the cognitive and adaptive deficits start early in the developmental phase.

Around 1% of people have intellectual disability, and of those, 85% have mild intellectual disability. Diagnoses of intellectual disability are more common in males than girls.

intellectual disability has many distinct causes. It may be linked to a genetic abnormality like Fragile X syndrome or Down syndrome. It may appear after contracting an illness like meningitis, whooping cough, or measles; as a result of childhood head trauma; or as a result of exposure to poisons like lead or mercury. Brain abnormalities, maternal illnesses, and environmental variables are additional potential causes of intellectual disability (alcohol, drugs or other toxins). Infections throughout pregnancy, complications after delivery, and issues like low oxygen levels during birth can all play a role.

To know more about intellectual disability:


what did psychologist tim smith's study of viewers' eye movements show that they were attracted to in a scene with characters in there will be blood?


The psychologist tim smith's study of viewers' eye movements shows facial movements, speaking and hand gestures that they were attracted to in a scene with characters in there will be blood.

In one study, psychologist Tim Smith observed participants' eye movements while they watched trailers for movies like Blade Runner and There Will Be Blood. It is indeed interesting to note that when watching a movie clip, almost every subject started to fixate on the same areas of the screen at the same moment. Smith refers to this phenomena as attentional synchronization, and it seems as though filmmakers are able to precisely focus our attention through the use of acting, scene design, movement, sound, and editing.

Tim Smith, a psychology researcher at Continuity Boy, had used the technology to study viewers viewing a moment from There Will Be Blood, and he came to some predictable but never-endingly fascinating results. This is undoubtedly one of those "very interesting" investigations into the actual methods through which we view movies.

Click here to know more about psychologist:


A strong security program begins by assessing the backgrounds of the employees in the organization.
a) true
b) false


It's a fallacy that a strong security program begins with an assessment of the background of employees in your organization.

To support these plans, a successful security program should have components such as prevention and detection mechanisms, access management, incident response, data protection and compliance, risk management, auditing and monitoring, and business continuity planning. There are mainly his three areas or classifications of security controls. These include the administrative security, operational security, and the physical security controls. Simply put, secure programming is writing code in a piece of software to protect it from any kind of vulnerability, attack, or anything else that can harm your software or system. How to do it. Secure programming is also called secure coding because it aims to protect code.

To know more about security program visit:


Level of globalization, geostrategic conditions, and disaster response/emergency are all examples of which category in the desix stability index?


Level of globalization, geostrategic conditions, and disaster response/emergency are all examples of Globalization  category in the desix stability index.

Globalization is the evolving economy, culture and population of the arena, driven by changes in goods and offerings that transcend borders, times and cash. A term used to describe interdependencies. Flow, People, Statistics.

Globalization is changing the way countries, businesses and people interact. In particular it changes the nature of economic entertainment between nations, expan Good examples of cultural globalization include trading commodities along with espresso and avocados.

Coffee is native to Ethiopia and It is said to be consumed in the Arab world. However, industrial trade since the 11th century has led to what is now called a globally supplied commodity.

Worldwide Shipping It is well known that globalization reduces the value of production. This means that organizations can offer their goods to consumers at lower prices. The prevailing price of goods is a major factor contributing to the increase in housing penetration. It also gives customers access to a wider variety of products.

Learn more about globalization here:


1. in the context of the text, how does fear drive action? how does popular opinion shape political policies? do you think it is acceptable for the government to suspend the rights of citizens when in a state of panic or emergency? why or why not?


McCarthyism examines the Cold War-era American fear of communism and the unjust trials that Senator Joseph McCarthy oversaw to find alleged communist spies.

It presents the practice of making subversion and treason allegations, particularly when tied to the fear of communism and socialism that allowed political actors to amass greater control over the American populace. This practice drives the fear action.

The legal standing and rights of the individual were drastically altered as the standards of fair trials were subverted, constitutional rights were no longer upheld, and new laws curtailed personal liberties. Public opinion influences public policy.

As the McCarthyism era provided individuals the ability to openly accuse public officials of disloyalty, I believe it is permissible for the government to suspend citizens' rights in times of fear or emergency. Blaming them without solid proof, damaged many people's reputations and lives.

To learn more about the Cold War era


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