How can I find the difference between pronouns or "ein" or "eine" and things like that?


Answer 1


The difference between pronouns like "ein" or "eine" and other words in the German language can be determined by their function in a sentence. Pronouns are words that are used in place of nouns to avoid repetition, while other words, such as articles and adjectives, are used to modify nouns. In German, "ein" and "eine" are indefinite pronouns, which are used to refer to people or objects in a general or nonspecific way. For example, "ein" is used to refer to masculine nouns, while "eine" is used to refer to feminine nouns. On the other hand, words like "der" and "die" are articles, which are used to specify the gender, case, and number of a noun. For example, "der" is used to refer to masculine nouns in the nominative case, while "die" is used to refer to feminine nouns in the nominative case.

To help understand the difference between pronouns and other words in German, it can be helpful to look at specific examples in context. For example:

Ein Mann kommt ins Zimmer (A man comes into the room). In this sentence, "ein" is an indefinite pronoun that is used to refer to a man in a general way.

Der Mann ist groß (The man is tall). In this sentence, "der" is an article that is used to specify the gender, case, and number of the noun "Mann" (man).

By paying attention to the function of words in a sentence, you can determine whether they are pronouns or other


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немецкий начальный сделать желательно сегодня
1. Meine Schwester… 7 Jahre alt.
a) bin; b) seid; c) ist.

2. Ich… 10 Jahre alt.

a) bist; b) ist; c) bin.

3. Er… klein.

a) ist; b) sein; c) sind.

4. Wir… aus der Schweiz.

a) seid; b) sind; c) ist.

III. Напишіть словами: 73, 49, 85, 34.

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IV. Правильно (+)чи ні (-). Неправильний варіант виправте

1. sein Mutter;

2. unsere Eltern;

3. deine Opa;

4. ihr Tante;

5. eure Freunde;

6. meine Bruder.

V. Побудуйте речення. Дієслова використайте в правильній формі.

1. Stadt, groß, unsere, sein, nicht.

2. Schwester, haben, zwei, seine, Bücher.

3. gut, ich, lesen, Deutsch.

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Aufgabe 1.

a) Meine Schwester ist 7 Jahre alt.

b) Ich bin 10 Jahre alt.

c) Er ist klein.

d) Wir sind aus der Schweiz.

Aufgabe 2.

73 - dreiundsiebzig

49 - neunundvierzig

85 - fünfundachzig

34 - vierunddreißig

Aufgabe 3.

1. sein Mutter (-) --> seine Mutter

2. unsere Eltern (+)

3. deine Opa (-) ---> dein Opa

4. ihr Tante (-) ---> ihre Tante

5. eure Freunde (+)

6. meine Bruder (-) ---> mein Bruder

Aufgabe 4.

1. Unsere Stadt ist nicht groß.

2. Seine Schwester hat zwei Bücher.

3. Ich lese gut Deutsch.

4. Singst du ein Lied?

5. Ist der Kugelschreiber rot?

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