a woman who is homozygous for type a blood marries a man who is homozygous for type b blood. all of their children have type ab blood. this type of inheritance is known as codominance because


Answer 1

This type of inheritance is known as codominance because 2 of the same alleles (BB, bb) for a trait.

What is the possible gene pair of the person with an A blood type?A blood type person must have at least one copy of the A allele; however, they may have two copies. Their genotype is described by either AA or AO.. Similar to this, a person with blood type B may have either a BB or a BO genotype.A homozygous recessive phenotype is one in which both parents have brown eyes but the child has blue eyes. Brown eyes are more prevalent in this instance. If brown eyes were recessive, every child would be born with them.Codominance is a phenomena in genetics where two alleles (different forms of the same gene) express themselves equally in an organism. As a result, characteristics linked to each allele are shown at the same time.

To learn more about Codominance refer,



Related Questions

which group of organisms is difficult to control through immunization because of their rapid and unpredictable genetic mutations?


RNA viruses are challenging to immunize against due to their quick and unexpected  genetic mutations.

Millions of lives are saved annually thanks to vaccination, which is a success story in global health and development. In order to create immunity, vaccines act in conjunction with your body's natural defenses. Your immune system reacts when you receive a vaccination. Immunization is the process of immunizing a person or an animal against an infectious agent or organism by vaccination. One of the biggest successes in contemporary medicine is immunization. Genetic mutations, which occur as your cells divide and generate duplicates of themselves, are modifications to your DNA sequence. Your DNA informs your body how to build and function genetic mutations.

To know more about Immunization please click on the link brainly.com/question/13256781


if a dna template strand has a sequence of 3 tacaatgtagcc 5, the rna produced from it will be which sequence?


The rna strand contains the sequence 3'AUGUUACAUCGG 5', whereas the dna template strand has a sequence of 3' TACAATGTAGCC 5'.

The genetic information is encoded in DNA, which is then passed on to daughter cells through a number of biological processes.The DNA strands known as complementary strands are also known as antisense strands or nonsense strands since they are not employed in the replication process.The trends that are utilized to decipher the information and are subsequently translated into an RNA strand are known as template strands.The template strand's complementary sequence is 3' AUGUUACAUCGG 5', and its genetic code is 3' TACAATGTAGCC 5'.

To know more about DNA please clicck on the link brainly.com/question/14315652


the features of this model provide evidence for which explanation of why all growing strands are synthesized in a 5′ to 3′ direction?


The orientation of DNA strand synthesis must be 5'-3'. The oxygen atom linked to the 3′ carbon of the developing strand makes a covalent bond with the phosphate group, bound to the 5′ carbon of the dTMP (Option D).

What is DNA strand ?

Because the two DNA strands are made up of simpler monomeric units termed nucleotides, they are referred to as polynucleotides. Each nucleotide is made up of a phosphate group, a deoxyribose sugar, and one of the four nitrogen-containing nucleobases (cytosine [C], guanine [G], adenine [A], or thymine [T]). An alternating sugar-phosphate backbone is created when the nucleotides are linked together in a chain by covalent connections (also referred to as the phospho-diester linkage) between the sugar of one nucleotide and the phosphate of the next. To create double-stranded DNA, the nitrogenous bases of the two distinct polynucleotide strands are joined by hydrogen bonds in accordance with the base pairing principles (A with T and C with G).

Read more about DNA strand:



Receptors that bind the neurotransmitter at the postsynaptic cell membrane are voltage-gated.
a. true
b. false


The given statement is false. Receptors that bind the neurotransmitter at the postsynaptic cell membrane are not voltage-gated.

There are two types of receptors at the postsynaptic cell membranes that can bind with neurotransmitters. The two types of receptors are ionotropic receptors and metabotropic receptors. The ionotropic receptors are ligand-gated receptors. The metabotropic receptors are G-protein coupled receptors.

Therefore, the receptors at the postsynaptic cell membrane are not voltage-gated but are the one that are ligand-gated.

To know more about postsynaptic cell membrane, visit: https://brainly.com/question/26387085


Which of the following is a correct statement after the process of cell division?
The cell's volume increases.
It becomes more difficult for the cell to get enough oxygen and nutrients.
The cell has DNA overload.
Each daughter cell receives its own copy of the parent cell's DNA.


The correct statement after the process of cell division is Each daughter cell receives its own copy of the parent cell's DNA. Option D is the correct answer.

What is cell division?

This refers to the process by which a parent cell splits into two daughter cells. Cell division usually takes place as part of a bigger cell cycle in which the cell increase in size and replicates its chromosome before splitting.

There are two types of cell division

Mitosis - This refers to the process your body cells use to produce the exact species of themselves ·Meiosis- This refers to the type of cell division that reduces the amount of chromosomes in the parent cell by half and produces four gamete cells. This process is needed to produce egg and sperm cells for sexual reproduction.

Learn more about cell division on



What is the difference between polypeptide and proteins?


A peptide is two or more amino acids joined together by peptide bonds; a polypeptide is a chain of many amino acids; and a protein contains one or more polypeptides. Therefore, proteins are long chains of amino acids held together by peptide bonds.

Schleiden concluded all plants are made of cells and schwann concluded the same thing about animals. Together, how did they contribute to cell theory?.


Cell theory is a foundational concept in biology that states all living things are composed of cells, that cells are the basic unit of life and that all cells arise from pre-existing cells. This theory was developed in the mid-19th century by two German scientists, Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann.

Schleiden was a botanist who concluded that all plants are made up of cells. He observed plant cells under the microscope and noted that they all had cell walls. He also proposed that the nucleus of a cell is the center of growth and reproduction. This was the first step towards establishing the modern cell theory.

Schwann was a zoologist who reached similar conclusions about cells in animals. He was the first to observe the nucleus in animal cells and he found that the cell walls of animals are more delicate than those of plants. He also discovered that cells arise from other cells through a process of division.

The two scientists came together to form the basis of the cell theory. They both demonstrated that all living things are composed of cells and that cells arise from pre-existing cells. This formed the starting point of the cell theory and is still accepted today as a fundamental concept in biology.

Learn more about cell theory:https://brainly.com/question/1468725


of the following chromosomal abnormalities, which type is most likely to be viable in humans?


In humans, trisomy type is most likely to occur. The least dangerous sort of DNA mutation is typically a point mutation.

What is Turner syndrome?

the alteration of a single nitrogen base in a DNA sequence. Messenger RNA "reads" codons, which are composed of three nitrogen bases consecutively, during transcription. Turner syndrome is distinguished by an XO chromosomal pattern, which means that there is only one X and no Y chromosome. In humans, gametes are haploid cells with 23 chromosomes.one of each chromosomal pair found in diplod cells and are hence haploid. The symbol for the number of chromosomes in a single set is n. Occasionally, some cells develop full additional sets of chromosomes. cells with 69 chromosomes overall and one extra set of chromosomes.

To learn more about chromosomes from given link



According to Le Chatelier’s principle, what always happens to the equilibrium of a reaction when the temperature is reduced?
It shifts to the right.
It shifts to the left.
It shifts in the exothermic direction.
It shifts in the endothermic direction.


According to Le Chatelier’s principle, equilibrium of a reaction will shift in exothermic direction when the temperature is reduced.

What is Le-Chatelier's principle?

Le-Chatelier's principle is a principle in which the equilibrium adjusts itself whenever there is a change in the equilibrium conditions (i.e., pressure, temperature and concentration).

When reaction is an exothermic reaction, it means that the heat is released (increase in temperature) and when it is an endothermic reaction, it means that the heat is being absorbed (decrease in temperature).

According to Le Chatelier’s principle, equilibrium of a reaction will shift in exothermic direction when the temperature is reduced.

To know more about Le Chatelier’s principle, check out:




it shifts to the left


when either endothermic or exothermic if the temperature is reduced it sifts to the left.

What best describes the function of meiosis?


Production of gamete best describes the function of meiosis.

Meiosis is type of cell division. At the end of this type of cell division chromosome number of a cell will be decreased to half of the original chromosome number. Meiosis is divided in meiosis one and meiosis two. In meiosis one two daughter cells are produced in meiosis two four daughter cells produced. Four daughter cells that is formed have only half the numer of chromosome compared to parent cell. Meiosis one divided in prophase 1,anaphase 1, metaphase 1,telophase 1. Meiosis two divided into prophase 2,anaphase 2, metaphase 2,telophase 2. In vertebrates like human during meiosis are used to produce sperms and ovum. Sperm is produced through a process called spermatogenesis and ovum produced by oogenesis.

To know more about meiosis-






I think the answer A. I'm sorry If Wrong


This newly created mrna molecule moves to the ____ (part of cell) where the process of translation can occur.


This newly created mRNA molecule moves to the cytoplasm where the process of translation can occur.

In molecular biology and genetics, translation is the technique in which ribosomes inside the cytoplasm or endoplasmic reticulum synthesize proteins after the system of transcription of DNA to RNA in the mobile's nucleus. The entire technique is referred to as gene expression.

Translation of an mRNA molecule by the ribosome happens in three degrees: initiation, elongation, and termination.

The translation is the procedure that takes the facts surpassed from DNA as messenger RNA and turns it into a series of amino acids bound collectively with peptide bonds. It is largely a translation from one code (nucleotide sequence) to any other code (amino acid collection).

Learn more about Translation here:-https://brainly.com/question/2449073


what term is used to describe a period characterized by very high rates of speciation?


There are four major variants of speciation: allopatric, peripatric, parapatric, and sympatric. Rapid sympatric speciation is a period characterized by very high rates of speciation.

Adaptive radiation is a rapid increase in the number of species with a common ancestor, characterized by great ecological and morphological diversity. Speciation is how a new kind of plant or animal species is created. Speciation occurs when a group within a species separates from other members of its species and develops its own unique characteristics.

Sympatric speciation is the evolutionary process whereby species are formed from a single ancestral species while inhabiting the same geographic area.

Learn more about speciation here:



Which hormone suppresses spermatogenesis without affecting testosterone secretion?


The answer is option c- Inhibin. While not affect the release of testosterone, the inhibin hormone inhibits spermatogenesis. A pituitary cell culture bioassay was used to determine the amount of inhibition in testis cytosols.

While the HT implants tripled serum testosterone and kept the testicular weight at 75–85% of pre-treatment levels, the LT implants kept serum testosterone control levels and increased testicular weight. Inhibin B is well correlated with FSH in sperm concentration, supporting them as serum characteristics of spermatogenesis. Inhibin B is likely the essential feedback regulator of FSH secretion. Adult spermatogenic activity is necessary when inhibin B levels in the serum are maintained at detectable levels.

Thus, we can conclude that option c—inhibin—is the correct choice. The inhibin hormone prevents spermatogenesis from happening while having no effect on testosterone release.




Your question is incomplete. Please find the complete question below.

What hormone suppresses spermatogenesis without affecting testosterone secretion?

A. gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)

B. testosterone itself

C. inhibin

D. luteinizing hormone (LH)

E. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

The two-neuron chain allows increased communication and control of the effector organ. True/False?


It is true that the two-neuron chain enables greater communication and control over the effector organ.

Increased communication and control of the effector organ are made possible by the two neuron chain.

The ANS serves as a conduit between the CNS and its effector, and is composed of preganglionic and postganglionic neurons. These two neurons synapse outside of the central nervous system, in an autonomic ganglion.

Improved communication is made possible by the two-neuromuscular chain, which also controls the effector organ. The preganglionic neurons' cell bodies are located in the sympathetic division.

The preganglionic neurons' cell bodies are located in the brainstem or spinal cord of the central nervous system (CNS).

For more information on neurons kindly to



Look at the drawing of a normal strand of mRNA and a mutation that takes place in the strand of mRNA.

What type of mutation has occurred?

A substitution of the cysteine polypeptide with the stop polypeptide has caused the mRNA strand to delete the code for alanine.

An insertion of an adenine base has caused changes in every amino acid on the mRNA strand following the point of insertion

An insertion of an adenine base has caused the mRNA strand to code for a stop codon.

A substitution of the uracil base with an adenine base has caused the codon for cysteine to be change to a stop codon.


Every amino acid on the mRNA strand after the location of the adenine base insertion has undergone modifications.

What is the technique through which a DNA molecule's nucleotide sequence is used to create a strand of mRNA?

Gene expression begins with transcription. To create an RNA molecule, the DNA sequence of a gene must be copied. RNA polymerases, which join nucleotides to create an RNA strand, carry out transcription.

What occurs when RNA undergoes a mutation?

The proteins produced from that copy of the RNA, but not all copies in the future, will therefore be affected by any RNA alterations. A single copy of RNA can be used to make several proteins, therefore mutations in just RNA will affect the cell but only temporarily unless the mutation also affects the protein-coding genes.

to know more about mutation here:



the symptoms of diphtheria are due to an exotoxin that blocks proteins synthesis in host cells.a. trueb. false


True, an exotoxin that prevents host cell protein synthesis is what causes the symptoms of diphtheria.

How is diphtheria contracted?

It easily spreads from one individual to another, through the air in tiny droplets or on surfaces. In industrialized nations like the US, diphtheria is uncommon. That's because the disease has all but been eradicated thanks to high immunization rates. But diphtheria remains a significant issue in many nations around the world.

What was the scent of diphtheria?

Diphtheria. Infection with the bacteria Corynebacterium diphtheria results in diphtheria. A sore throat is a common symptom of diphtheria, which typically affects the throat or the upper and lower respiratory tracts. Some diphtheria patients have a nauseating, pleasant, or putrid odor in their breath.

To know more about diphtheria  visit:



Can 2 objects made from exactly same substance but different shape or size have the same density? Make a graph


Yes, 2 objects made from exactly same substance but different shape or size have the same density.

How is it possible for items to have varying sizes but the same density?

A substance's density is typically independent of its size, both large and small, and independent of its shape. Despite having distinct masses and volumes, a gold brick and a statue both have the same density. A substance's density is generally understood to be its mass per unit volume.

Therefore, object with the highest density will be the smaller of two things if they both have the same mass but differ in size. So one can say that two things have comparable densities if they have the same mass.

 Learn more about density from


A researcher designs an experiment to investigate the effect of environmental temperature on the function of an enzyme. For each trial included in the experiment, the researcher will add the enzyme and its substrate to an aqueous buffer solution and then measure the amount of product formed over 20 minutes.
Which of the following must remain the same for all trials of this experiment?


The following should remain the same for all trials of this experiment :The initial concentration of substrate.

What must remain the same for all trials of this experiment?

If the researcher keeps initial concentration of the substrate constant, then it will give room to compare the reaction rates under different environmental conditions. The reaction rates assist the researcher by providing necessary and important information about the function of enzyme in different environments.

When the temperature increases, then the rate of enzyme activity also increases. An optimum activity is reached at the optimum temperature of enzyme. A continued increase in temperature results in the sharp decrease in activity as the site of enzyme changes shape.

To know more about effect of temperature on enzyme, refer



which factor will most directly determine what type of specialized cell will be produced?


The factor that will most directly determine what type of specialized cell will be produced is in the genes that are expressed.

How are specialized cells produced?A specialized cell is one that has specific characteristics that allow it to excel at its job. Differentiation of cells is the process by which an unspecialized cell becomes specialized.These highly specialized cells must all develop from unspecialized stem cells. By dividing, stem cells generate new cells. These new cells can then divide and differentiate into specialized cells under the right conditions. Stem cells can also divide to generate new stem cells to replace those that have died.

Learn more about specialized cell here: brainly.com/question/12730320


which repair mechanism uses an enzyme such as uvrabc to cut out an oligonucleotide containing the damaged dna?


An enzyme like uvrabc is used in the nucleotide-excision repair pathway to remove an oligonucleotide that contains the damaged DNA.

It is frequently referred to as an excinuclease because UvrABC endonuclease, a multienzyme complex found in bacteria, is involved in DNA repair through nucleotide excision repair.The enzyme created two cuts on the damaged DNA strand, one on either side of the damaged area, when UV-irradiated DNA was the substrate. The eighth phosphodiester bond on the 5' side of pyrimidine dimers was dissolved by the enzyme.A DNA polymerase subsequently plugs the hole left by the small section of the damaged.

To know more about nucleotide please click on the link brainly.com/question/16308848


Place each label in the proper position to designate the appropriate glial cell?



- form the myelin sheath in the CNS

Ependymal Cells

- ciliated cells resembling epithelium

- produce and circulate CSF


- macrophages of the CNS


- most abundant CNS glial cells

- multi-functioning cell involved with neurogenesis, scar formation, etc.

Schwann Cells

- form the myelin sheath in the PNS

- insulate neurons and enhance the rate of transmission in the PNS

Satellite Cells

- surround and insulate cells of the PNS and found around the somas

Glia are non-neuronal cells in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system that do not produce electrical impulses. They are also known as glial cells (gliocytes) or neuroglia. They keep the body in balance, form myelin in the peripheral nervous system, and support and protect neurons. Glial cells include oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, ependymal cells, and microglia in the central nervous system, and Schwann cells and satellite cells in the peripheral nervous system.

Glial cells are far more diverse and functional than neurons, and they can respond to and manipulate neurotransmission in a variety of ways. They can also have an impact on memory preservation and consolidation.

To learn more about glial cells, here



the presence of large land mammals led europeans toward an agricultural culture based on domestication of wildlife, rather than a hunting and gathering culture. this is an example of a cultural difference based on


The domestication of wildlife by Europeans led them away from a culture based on hunting and gathering and toward an agricultural civilization. This is an example of a cultural variance based on geography.

It examines geography and how individuals relate to their environment.

Geographers concentrate on the social networks that exist on the Earth's surface as well as its physical properties.

Pay attention to how human culture and the natural environment interact, as well as what various locations mean to various people. Geology is the study of how things evolve and change over time as well as their locations and reasons for existing.

For more information on geography kindly visit to



Complete question:

The presence of large land mammals led Europeans toward an agricultural culture based on domestication of wildlife, rather than a hunting and gathering culture. This is an example of a cultural difference based on __________.

▸ biology

▸ geography

▸ national borders

▸ language

What is used to burn hydrocarbons?


A spark is required to burn a hydrocarbon. The spark is the energy required to break the hydrocarbon molecule's carbon-carbon and carbon-hydrogen bonds, as well as the oxygen molecule's oxygen-oxygen link.

The essential energy-storing molecules in all significant forms of fossil fuels (such as coal, oil, and natural gas) and biofuels are hydrocarbons. They serve as the raw material for making many different kinds of polymers.

When hydrocarbons are burned with oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and water are produced (H2O). Carbon monoxide (CO) may also be released during the burning of hydrocarbons if there is an imbalance between the amount of carbon and oxygen present. Occasionally, incomplete combustion results in the release of unburned hydrocarbons into the atmosphere.

Some hydrocarbons are released into the atmosphere when fossil fuels, such as gasoline, are burned in automotive engines. The air concentration of hydrocarbons in a typical metropolitan area is roughly 3 ppm (parts per million). Some hydrocarbons, along with other forms of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), contribute to photochemical smog generation.

learn more about combustion of hydrocarbons at https://brainly.com/question/29695862


a fisherman collecting shellfish notices that many of them have holes or jagged edges around their shells. which statement best explains what may have caused the holes and jagged edges of the shells? coral bleaching ocean warming invasive species ocean acidification


Ocean acidification causes a decrease in the pH concentration of the oceans, mostly arises as a result of the entry of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

A fisherman noticing a shellfish's shell being very small and lack the thick hard shell may be due to Ocean acidification (option A).

Ocean acidification is mainly caused by fossil fuels and leads to a decrease in the water's pH.

It also causes a reduction in the amount of carbonate, a building block of shells and skeletons in seawater.

This makes it very difficult for marine organisms, such as shell fish and corals, to form their shells and skeletons, and those with existing shells may begin to dissolve.

Learn more about ocean acidification:



Full Question :

A fisherman collecting shellfish notices that many are very small and lack the thick hard shell he is accustomed to seeing in the species. Which statement best explains what may be impacting the shellfish population?

a- Ocean acidification

b- Ocean warming

c- Coral bleaching

d- Climate change

What is the term for the contractile response of a single muscle fiber to a single muscle impulse?


A muscle twitch is the term for the contractile response of a single muscle fiber to a single muscle impulse.

A muscle twitch is the contraction of a single muscle fiber in response to a single muscle impulse. When a motor neuron is stimulated, a single muscle fiber contracts, causing a muscle to twitch. Wave summation is the process of sending several action potentials.

Our muscles tighten ("contract") uncontrollably, or when we are not genuinely in control of them, which is what causes muscular twitches. Numerous factors, including stress, excessive caffeine intake, a poor diet, lack of exercise, and the side effects of some medications, can cause muscle twitches.

For more information on muscle kindly visit to




What is the definition of human rights?

Rights that all human beings possess

Rights that people need to fight for

Rights that some human beings possess

Rights that are given by governments
sorry it says biology i meant to put english


Answer: Rights that all human beings possess

Explanation: Because it states human rights not just some human rights. Also Rights aren't given to you by anyone, your born with them if your an American citizen.

____________ is a stretch of dna consisting of an operator, a promoter, and genes for a related set of proteins, usually making up an entire metabolic pathway.


Operon is a stretch of DNA consisting of an operator, a promoter, and genes for a related set of proteins, usually making up an entire metabolic pathway.

In genetics, an operon is a functional unit of DNA that contains a cluster of genes controlled by a single promoter. The genes are transcribed into a single strand of mRNA and either translated together in the cytoplasm or spliced to produce mono-cistronic mRNAs that are translated separately, i.e. several strands of mRNA that each encode a single gene product. As a result, the operon's genes are either expressed together or not expressed at all. An operon is defined by the co-transcription of several genes.

Operons can also be found in viruses like bacteriophages. T7 phages, for example, have two operons. The first operon encodes a variety of products, including a unique T7 RNA polymerase that can bind to and transcribe the second operon. The second operon contains a lysis gene, which causes the host cell to burst.

To learn more about Operons, here



What was the conclusion from Mendel's two factor crosses?


Mendel's two-factor crosses lead to the conclusion that genes assort randomly into the gametes.

Each parent's cell has a pair of genes for each characteristic under investigation. One allele for the dominant phenotype and another for the recessive phenotype are present in the F1 from a crossover of two pure lines. The gene pair is made up of these two alleles.

This demonstrated that seeds are primarily spherical and yellow in color. In contrast, the seed's wrinkled appearance and green hue are recessive features. F1 offspring was later self-pollinated. Four distinct seed combinations were produced as a consequence for the F2 generation.

Tall plants were produced via the bridge of tall & dwarf plants. The hybridization plants were all very tall.

Learn more about Mendel's hypothesis at



which mass extinction event occurred just before the rapid increase in speciation among mammalian species?


The Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction event, commonly referred to as the K-Pg extinction event, occurred just before the rapid increase in speciation among mammalian species.

The Cretaceous-Paleogene Mass Extinction Event and Its Impact on Mammalian Speciation

The Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) mass extinction event, which occurred 66 million years ago, was a global event that wiped out the majority of life on Earth. This event is most famously known for the extinction of the dinosaurs, but it also had major impacts on the evolutionary history of mammals.

Before the K-Pg extinction event, there were few mammalian species, but after the event there was a rapid increase in the number of mammalian species. This increase in speciation is thought to be due to the removal of the large dinosaurs, which opened up numerous niches for the smaller mammals to occupy. These new niches allowed for the evolution of new species and the increased diversity of mammals that we see today.

Learn more about Extinction event: https://brainly.com/question/13830506


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