what is the simplest formula of a solid containing a, b, and c atoms in a cubic lattice in which the a atoms occupy the corners, the b atoms the body-center position, and the c atoms the faces of the unit cell?


Answer 1

The formula for a solid with atoms a, b, and c is abc3, where an atoms are located in the corners, b atoms are in the body-center position, and c atoms are on the faces of the unit cell.

The lattice points are only present in the corners of a simple cubic unit cell, making it the most basic repetitive unit cell.

Since there are eight corners, each carrying an an atom, a atoms = 8x1/8 = 1 atom.

Because there is just one central atom, for b atoms = 1x1 = 1.

There are six sides, each of which contains a c atom, therefore for c atoms = 6x1/2 = 3 atoms.

The simplest formula is abc3

To learn more about lattice click here https://brainly.com/question/18222315


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design a temperature scale where the freezing point of water is 20 degrees and its boiling point is 80 degrees. what would be the room temperature on this scale?


Room temperature should be 40 degree on given scale.

Given, in the new temperature scale,

The freezing point of water ([tex]T_{1}[/tex] ) is 20° and

The boiling point of water ([tex]T_{2}[/tex] ) is 80°.

We assume the room temperature is 25°C.

Let, T be the room temperature in the new scale.

[The freezing and boiling point of water in Celsius scale is 0° and 100° respectively]

We know,

[tex]\frac{T_{2}-T_{1} }{100-0} = \frac{T-25}{25}[/tex]

⇒ [tex]\frac{80-20}{100} = \frac{T-25}{25}[/tex]

⇒ [tex]T-25 = 15[/tex]

[tex]T = 40[/tex]°. (Ans)

To know more about temperature scale



if the temperature of a fixed amount of an ideal gas is increased, it necessarily follows that:______.


If the temperature of a fixed amount of an ideal gas is increased, it is necessary follow that pressure also increases.

For an ideal gas temperature is directly proportional to the pressure.

          PV = nRT

so, When temperature increases, the particles will have a greater average kinetic energy and a greater average speed. Thus these particles collide with the walls of the container more frequently and forcefully. This leads to a greater pressure. This means that as the temperature decreases, the pressure also decreases, and as the temperature increases, the pressure increases. As the temperature increases, the average kinetic energy increases as does the velocity of the gas particles hitting the walls of the container. The force exerted by the particles per unit of area on the container is the pressure, so as the temperature increases the pressure must also increase.

To learn more about Ideal gas please visit:



a 1.00 l buffer solution is 0.250 m in hf and 0.250 m in lif. calculate the ph of the solution after the addition of 0.150 moles of hcl. assume no volume change upon the addition of the acid. (ka hf)


The ph of the solution after the addition of 0.150 moles of hcl. assume no volume change upon the addition of the acids 3.84

A buffer solution is an aqueous answer which include a mixture of a weak acid and its conjugate base, or vice versa. Its pH modifications little or no whilst a small quantity of sturdy acid or base is brought to it.


c= n/V=> n= c.V

nHF=0.250 M⋅1.5 L=0.375 moles HF

nF=0.250 M⋅1.5 L=0.375 moles F

nHF=0.375 moles - 0.250 moles=0.125 moles

nF=0.375 moles+0.250 moles=0.625 moles

[HF]=0.125 moles/1.5 L=0.0834 M

[F−]=0.625 moles/1.5 L=0.4167 M

To determine the problem using the Henderson - Hasselbalch equation

pH=pKa+log ([conjugate base/[weak acid])


pH=−log(Ka) +log([F−]/[HF]

pH= -log(3.5 x 10 ^4)+log(0.4167 M/0.0834 M)

pH=-log(3.5 x 10 ^4)+log(4.996)

pH= -4.54+0.698



The pH of the solution after adding 0.150 moles of solid LiF is 3.84

Learn more about buffer solution here:-https://brainly.com/question/8676275


a 7.74 mass % aqueous solution of sodium chloride has a density of 1.02 g/ml. calculate the molarity of the solution.


The molarity of the solution is 1.43M.

What is molarity?

Molarity is a unit used to measure the concentration of a solute in a solution. It is expressed as the number of moles of the solute in one liter of the solution. Molarity is defined as the number of moles of solute per liter of the solution. When a solution is formed by dissolving a solute in a solvent, the concentration of that solution is typically expressed as its molarity. Molarity is an important concept in chemistry as it is used to calculate the amount of a solute needed to prepare a solution of a specific concentration. It can also be used to calculate the amount of a reactant to be added in a reaction. Knowing the molarity of a solution is therefore essential in many chemical processes.

Density = 1.02 g/mL i.e. Mass of 1L of NaCl  = 1020g

7.74% aqueous solution of NaCl means 100g of solution contains 7.74g of NaCl i.e. 7.74/58.44 mol of NaCl [molar mass of NaCl = 58.44g/mol]

Hence ,in 1020g of solution ,amount of NaCl = (7.74/58.44)×1020/100 mol = 1.3464 mol

1020g of solution contains (1020-1020×7.74/100)g =   941.052 g of H2O

Hence , 1000g of H2O contains

(1.3464/941.052)× 1000 mol of NaCl = 1.43M

For more information about molarity please visit:



The boiling points for a set of compounds in a homologous series can be qualitatively predicted using intermolecular force strengths. Using their condensed structural formulas, rank the homologous series for a set of alkanes by their boiling point. Rank from highest to lowest boiling point. To rank items as equivalent, overlap them.


The decreasing order for the boiling point will be: heptane (CH₃CH₂CH₂CH₂CH₂CH₂CH₃) > 3,3-dimethylpentane (CH3₃CH₂CCH₂CH₃CH₃) >Hexane( CH₃CH₂CH₂CH₂CH₂CH₃CH₃ )> Butane(CH₃CH₂CH₂CH₃)

What does boiling point mean?

Boiling point can be described as the temperature that causes the transition from liquid to vapor state. Boiling point depends on molar mass and branching. Since they are all alkanes, they have the same potency. so from their structure:

Pure hydrocarbons have the highest boiling point as heptane.

3,3-Dimethylpentane has a branched hydrocarbon with 7 carbon atoms, so it has a higher boiling point.

Hexane is a pure hydrocarbon, but due to its low molecular weight, its boiling point continues to rise.

Butane has the lowest boiling point because it has four carbon chains.

Intermolecular forces hold molecules together in a liquid or solid, as opposed to intramolecular forces such as strengths of covalent bonds that bind atoms or polyatomic ions within molecules. Intermolecular forces are often much weaker than covalent bonds.

your question is incomplete but most probably your full Question was

The boiling points for a set of compounds in a homologous series can be qualitatively predicted using intermolecular force strengths. Using their condensed structural formulas, rank the homologous series for a set of alkanes by their boiling point. Rank from highest to lowest boiling point. To rank items as equivalent, overlap them.





For more information about the boiling point, refer to the link:



Does bromine react with graphite?


Polycrystalline graphite was allowed to react with bromine vapor, and the change of its electrical conductivity during the course of bromination and debromination was studied. The graphite was found to behave in two different ways depending on the process of bromination.

A olvent i found to be 50. 0% oxygen, 37. 5% carbon, and 12. 5% hydrogen. What i the empirical formula of thi olvent


The empirical formula of the solvent is CH4.

Relative number of atoms

Of H= 25/1 = 25

Of C= 75/12 = 6.25

What is a solvent?

Solvents are a heterogeneous group of structurally different chemicals that can be used to dilute, dissolve, or disperse other compounds. The ability of a solvent to dissolve another molecule depends on the molecular structure and physical properties of both the solvent and the solute. Solvents can be categorized as organic or inorganic and in terms of chemical polarity. Polar solvents include water, alcohols, and other chemicals containing –OH, such as acetic acid, which have the ability to donate H+ and form hydrogen bonds. Polar solvents lacking the –OH group, including acetonitrile, dimethylformamide, and dimethylsulfoxide, are protophilic solvents and are used to dissolve less polar solutes.

To know more about solvents and solutes, click the link given below:



What intermolecular forces does Ethanol have?



Hydrogen bonds


Hydrogen bonds are a special type of dipole-dipole forces in which the hydrogen atoms is bonded to a highly electronegative atom or to another hydrogen atom. In the structure of ethanol there is an O-H bond which indicates hydrogen bonding.

Which best describes solubility?the speed at which a substance dissolvesthe ability of one substance to dissolve in anotherthe amount of surface area per a given massthe temperature at which subtances become a mixture.


The best describes solubility is the correct option is :  the ability of one substance to dissolve in another substance.

The solubility of the substances is the ability of the substance to dissolves in the another substance. it can be defined as the maximum amount of the substance that can be dissolves in the given amount of the solvent at certain temperature. the factors that affect the solubility of the substance are given as follows :

polarityconcentration of solutetemperaturepressuremolecule size

Thus, the solubility of the substance is its maximum amount that can be dissolved in a specified amount of the solvent.

To learn more about solubility here



what mass of the isotope will remain after 5.7 days? (assume no excretion of the nuclide from the body.)


The mass of the isotope will remain after 5.7 days is 0.69 gm.

What is isotope?

Isotopes are atoms that have variable numbers of neutrons but the same number of protons. They differ in mass and hence in physical qualities, although having nearly identical chemical properties.

What is mass?

Grammes can be used to measure lower quantities instead of kilogrammes, which is the standard SI unit for mass (g). A balance would be used to quantify mass.

t1/2 = 4 days ,  k = 0.693/t1/2 = 0.693/4  = 0.17325

t = 5.7 days  

t = ( 1/k) ln(a/a-x)

5.7 = (1/0.17325) ln ( 1.85/1.85-x)

2.684582 ( 1.85-x) = 1.85

x = 1.161

amount  left or remained = a-x = 1.85-1.161 = 0.689 gm  = 0.69 gm

Therefore, the mass of the isotope will remain after 5.7 days is 0.69 gm.

Learn more about isotope from the given link.



find all states for the lowest energy electronic configuration for the titanium atom allowed by the pauli principle. you do not have to specify the j quantum number. arrange the states in order of increasing energy.


A titanium(Ti2+) ion's electronic configuration is [Ar]3d2.

The greatest L = 1 + 2 = 3 3F for two in d in parallel spins and two unpaired electrons.

L = 3, S = 1, J = 4, 3, 2, and 3F2 are less than halfway full.

High J indicates little energy if the shell is filled to a level higher than halfway. The ground state is accurately predicted by these criteria. Total angular momentum, quantified by the number J, is the sum of an atom's total orbital angular momentum (measured in terms of L) and total spin angular momentum (measured in terms of S). L and and do not always have to be pointing in the same direction, therefore J can range from |L-S| to |L+S|.

To learn more about electronic configuration click here https://brainly.com/question/14283892


acetyl-coa carboxylase (acc) is the major control point of fatty acid synthesis. how is it regulated?


Allosteric regulation involves the activation of the enzyme by citrate and the inhibition of the enzyme by long-chain fatty acyl-CoA.

The primary regulatory enzyme for the production of fatty acids is acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC). The covalent modification involves the inactivation of the enzyme by phosphorylation.

Malonyl-CoA is a crucial substrate for the synthesis of fatty acids in lipogenic tissues and a crucial regulatory molecule in muscle, the brain, and other tissues. Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) catalyzes its creation.

The rate-limiting enzyme for controlling the production of fatty acids, acetyl CoA carboxylase, is hypothesized to be regulated by protein inhibitors, covalent modulation, its aggregated state, and allosteric effectors.

Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) is a key enzyme in the control of fatty acid metabolism because it catalyzes the carboxylation of acetyl-CoA to create malonyl-CoA, an intermediate substrate.

learn more about phosphorylation here;



Given that s is the central atom, draw a lewis structure of OSF4 in which the formal charges of all atoms are zero.


Valence electrons: 34, The Lewis structure of SF4 contains a total of 34 valence electrons. To determine the ideal Lewis structure for the molecule SF4, formal charges should be taken into consideration.

How many lone pairs are there in total in the ideal Lewis structure for SOF4?

We get 15 lone electron pairs out of the 30 non-bonding electron pairs that are present on the outer F and O atoms. Therefore, there are three lone electron pairs and six non-bonding electrons in each fluorine and oxygen atom. As a result, there are 3 x 4 (F) + 3 (O) = 15 total lone electron pairs on the SOF4 leis structure.

What shape does osf4 take?

An inorganic compound gas having the formula SOF4 is thionyl tetrafluoride. Oxide of sulfur tetrafluoride is another name for it. The oxygen is located on the equator of the molecule's deformed trigonal bipyramid structure.

to know more about lewis's structure here:



The pressure of the top of a mountain is 98.9 kPa. What is this
pressure in atm?


The pressure of the top of a mountain is 0.976066847atm.

What is pressure?

The force exerted on a surface per unit area. The units of pressure are as follows: bar, atm, Pascal, kilo Pascal, and torr. The  Standard International unit of pressure is pascal ( Pa) which is equivalent to one newton per square meter (N/m² or kg m⁻¹s⁻²).

Pressure can be calculated using the formula:

P = F/A


Pressure= P

F= Force

A = Area

Given in the question:

P = 98.9 kPa

To calculate the pressure in atm, we have:

1kPa = 0.00986923 atm

98.9 kPa = X atm

Cross multiplying  we have:

X atm *  1kPa =98.9 kPa *  0.00986923 atm

making X atm subject of the formula:

X atm = 98.9 kPa *  0.00986923 atm


X atm = 0.976066847atm.

Hence, The pressure of 98.9 kPa at the top of a mountain is 0.976066847atm.

Learn more about pressure on



a triacylglycerol is reacted with water and a strong acid to yield glycerol and three fatty acid molecules. identify the reaction type.


The process you described, known as hydrolysis, produces three fatty acid molecules and glycerol when a triacylglycerol (a form of fat) combines with water and a strong acid.

Thus, In a chemical reaction known as hydrolysis, a chemical bond is broken by the presence of water.

When it comes to triacylglycerols, the ester bonds between the fatty acid chains and the glycerol molecule are broken, causing the creation of glycerol and the release of three fatty acid molecules. Strong acids are frequently used to catalyze this reaction, which speeds up the hydrolysis process.

Triacylglycerol hydrolysis is a crucial step in the digestion and metabolism of lipids in living things because it enables the breakdown of ingested fats into smaller, more manageable molecules.

Thus, The process you described, known as hydrolysis, produces three fatty acid molecules and glycerol when a triacylglycerol (a form of fat) combines with water and a strong acid.

Learn more about Triglycerol, refer to the link:



one of a class of elements having properties intermediate to metals and nonmetals.


Metalloids are one of a class of elements having properties intermediate to metals and nonmetals.

What are Metalloids?

In chemistry, a chemical element that forms a simple substance with properties in-between those of a conventional metal and a typical nonmetal is referred to as a metalloid.

Metalloids resemble metallic appearances, yet they are typically fragile and have bad electrical conductors. These substances typically act chemically as non-metals. Metallic alloys can be created by metalloid species.

A tiny group of elements known as "metalloids" can be found in the periodic table of elements near the zigzag line that separates metals from non-metals.

Examples include germanium, silicon, and boron

What characteristics do metalloids share in common?

Metalloids are good semiconductors.

The reactivity of metalloids is dependent on the properties of the elements they are reacting with.

To know more about metalloids:



which gas is most likely to depart from the assumption of the kinetic-molecular theory that says there are no attractive or repulsive forces between molecules? which gas is most likely to depart from the assumption of the kinetic-molecular theory that says there are no attractive or repulsive forces between molecules? ne ccl3f n2 ch4 none of the above


None of the aforementioned, as SF6 is the gas that is most likely to deviate from the kinetic-molecular theory's presumption that there are no forces of attraction or attraction between molecules.

Kinetic-molecular theory: What is it?

The kinetic-molecular theory, which describes the states of matter, is based on the presumption that matter is composed of minuscule particles that are constantly in motion. This theory explains the observable properties and behaviors of solids, liquids, and gases. The theory specifically relates to the gas's ideal-gas representation.

How do molecules work?

The physical and chemical properties of a substance are present in even the tiniest constituent. Molecules are made up of one or more atoms. They could include different atoms or the same atoms. if there are multiple (a water molecule has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom).

To know more about kinetic-molecular theory's visit:-



What is the communicative strategy that constraining the responses or reaction within a set of categories?


The communication strategy that constraints the response for reaction within a set of category is called restriction.

There are a total of 7 type of communication strategies.

The strategies are nomination, restriction, turn taking, topic control, topic shifting and repair. When the response of the reaction is constraint within a set of categories it comes under the communication strategy of restriction.

The phrases like "Do you have anything to stay?" comes under the restriction in communication where we as a speaker have a limitation.

To know more about Restriction, visit,



if the solvent-solute interactions are weaker than the average of the solvent-solvent and solute-solute interactions, then heat is absorbed from the surroundings and the overall mixing process is said to be


If the solvent-solute interactions are weaker than the average of the solvent-solvent and solute-solute interactions, then heat is absorbed from the surroundings and the overall mixing process is said to be endothermic process.

The endothermic process can be defined as the process in which the reactants the will absorbed the heat from the surroundings . the heat is gained from the surrounding in the endothermic process and the surroundings temperature will decreases.

The solvent - solute interaction < solute - solvent interaction \and the solute solute interaction then the solution may be or may not be formed.

Thus, then heat is absorbed from the surroundings and the overall mixing process is called as endothermic process.

To learn more about interaction here



What fraction of a piece of aluminum will be submerged when it floats in mercury?


The fraction of a piece of Aluminum will be submerged when it floats in mercury is 20%

density = 2.7 g/cm³,

mercury 13.6 g/cm³.

2.7/13.6 = 0.20 = 20% aluminum submerged

80%  above surface of mercury.

Chemical element aluminum (Al), also spelled aluminum, belongs to the main Group 13 (IIIa, or boron group) of the periodic table. It is a light silvery white metal. The most prevalent nonferrous metal and the most abundant metallic element in the crust of the Earth is aluminum. Aluminum never appears in nature in the metallic form due to its chemical activity, but its compounds are found in varying degrees in almost all rocks, plants, and animals. Only silicon and oxygen are more abundant in the outer 16 km (10 miles) of the Earth's crust, where aluminum concentrated. Aluminum makes up about 8% of the crust's weight. The Latin word alumen, which is used to describe potash alum, or aluminum potassium sulphate, KAl(SO4)212H2O, is where the name aluminum originates.

To know more about  Aluminum visit : https://brainly.com/question/4578375


show transcribed data consider two organic molecules, ethanol and benzene. one dissolves in water and the other does not. why? they have different molar masses. one is ionic, the other is not one is an electrolyte, the other is not. ethanol contains a polar o-h bond, and benzene does not.


Benzene lacks a polar O-H bond, but ethanol does. Benzene C6H6 with ethanol C2H6O.

Benzene fails the iodoform test, whereas ethanol does.

While ethanol burns with a non-luminous flame, benzene produces a sooty flame.

Iodoform testing shows that ethanol passes whereas benzene does not.

In contrast to benzene, which generates a sooty flame, ethanol burns with a non-luminous flame.

Water does not mix with benzene, but organic solvents do.

It is a colorless liquid with a pleasant scent.

Benzene has a high melting point and a moderate boiling point.

It burns with a sooty flame and is quite flammable.

A clear, colorless liquid, ethanol has a distinct flavor of burning with a nice aroma. It has high flammability. Ethanol combines easily with water and a variety of organic liquids and is used to dissolve other chemical compounds.

For more information on benzene and ethanol kindly visit to



And the un make the cycle move, you hear?
It make water on the urface of the Earth


The energy or heat that practically everything on Earth need is provided by the sun.

How does the water cycle function on the surface of the Earth?

It is a complicated system with a wide range of processes. Water vapor is created when liquid water evaporates, and this water vapor then condenses to form clouds and falls back to earth as rain and snow. Different stages of water flow through the atmosphere (transportation).

What is the term for the movement of water in the earth between layers of rock and soil?

Infiltration of water into the soil is referred to as infiltration, and percolation, permeability, or hydraulic conductivity refers to the downward movement of water inside the soil. voids in soil that are filled with air or water and lie between mineral and organic particles.

To know more about Earth here:



question 1 of 5 which two colors could you mix together to create a secondary color? a. red and green b. red and orange c. red and purple d. red and yellow


The correct answer is red and yellow.

Explanation: red and yellow are both primary colors and when combined they make orange which is a secondary color.

Brainliest is appreciated!

Typically, when two atoms form a chemical bond, the expected result is that the electrons.


When atoms form chemical bonding then the atoms attain Noble gas configuration.

Noble gas configuration of an atom includes the fundamental image of the ultimate noble fueloline previous to that atom, observed via way of means of the configuration of the ultimate electrons.so for sodium, we make the substitution of [Ne] for the 1s22s22p6 a part of the configuration. Sodium's noble fueloline configuration becomes [Ne]3s1.

Covalent bonds, atoms percentage pairs of electrons, at the same time as in ionic bonds, electrons are absolutely transferred among atoms in order that ions are formed.During the formation of a chemical bond, the predicted end result is that the electrons will whole a noble fueloline configuration in each atoms. Typically, while atoms shape a chemical bond, the predicted end result is that the electrons.

Read more about atom:



explain why broad absorbances are expected for compounds containing alcohol and carboxylic acid functional groups. draw the hydrogen bonding interaction between two ethanol molecules.


The broad absorbances are observed for COOH and OH  . Because they form intermolecular hydrogen bonding.

What is intermolecular hydrogen bonding?

Intermolecular hydrogen bonding is a type of attractive force between molecules. It occurs when a hydrogen atom is covalently bonded to a highly electronegative atom, such as oxygen, nitrogen, or fluorine. The hydrogen atom then acts as an electron donor, transferring its electron density to the electronegative atom. This creates an electrostatic attraction between the molecules, resulting in a strong bond. Hydrogen bonds are responsible for the unique properties of water, such as its high boiling point and surface tension. They also play a role in the structure of proteins and DNA. Hydrogen bonds are weaker than covalent bonds, but can be formed between molecules that are far apart. This makes them important for many biological, chemical, and physical processes.

The broad absorbances are observed for COOH and OH  . Because they form intermolecular hydrogen bonding.

The hydrogen bonding interaction between two ethanol molecules

CH3-CH2-OH ------------ OHCH2-CH3

Dotted line = intermolecular interaction .

e.g. NH3

Tertiary butyl alcohol is sterically hindered

(CH3)3C-OH===== tertiary butyl alcohol

Here presence of bulky methyl group H- bond ability decreases and hence broad absorption is not observed.

For more information about intermolecular hydrogen bonding please visit:



A student was testing an unknown element to see if it was a metal or non metal. The element was solid, dull in appearance, very brittle , and conducted electricity. What was this unknown element?



The element was one of the alkaline metals, the dull appearance comes from the metal reacting with oxygen and oxidizing its outer surface as alkaline are known for their enormous reaction with oxygen in the air and water.

Another ability of this group of elements is the ability to conduct electricity. And they are also easy to cut with a kitchen knife.

There is a direct relationship occurring between rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere
and rising global average temperatures.

A. True






4. Which is a property of molecular compounds?
Olow melting/boiling points
O ability to exist as solids at room temperature
O ability to conduct electricity in the solid phase
O ability to conduct electricity when dissolved in water


Molecular compounds are not conducting as ionic compounds. They are not conducting at both liquid or solid states. Molecular compounds have low melting and boiling points compared ionic compounds.

What are molecular compounds?

Molecular compounds are those which exists as distinct molecules and does not form ions in normal state. For example, water, carbon dioxide etc are covalent compounds and ions are not separated as charges.

These covalent compounds exists as molecules as such. And they are having less intermolecular attraction similar to ionic compounds. Therefore, their melting point and boiling points are lower.

Ionic compounds are existing as ions and they conduct electricity in solid state as well as liquid state and have higher melting and boiling points. Therefore, option a is correct.

To find more on molecular compounds, refer here:



a vessel contains teo bulbs connected by a valve. initial conditions: the valve is closed, the 2l bulb contains nitrogen gas at a pressure of 5 atm, the 3l bulb contains carbon dioxide gas at a pressure of 3 atm. the valve is opened and the gases are allowed to mix. what is the partial pressure of nitrogen in this new mixture


The partial pressure was found to be 2 atm

What exactly is partial pressure?

When we have a combination of two or more gases in the same volume, we use the phrase partial pressure to indicate the pressure created by each of the individual gases in the mixture.

partial pressure = (absolute total pressure) (volume fraction of gas component) For the component gas "i": pi = P × F.

Volume fraction of nitrogen = volume nitrogen / total volume

=>2l/2l+3l = 2/5

Pressure of nitrogen is indicated = 5atm

Nitrogen partial pressure Equals pressure of nitrogen volume proportion of nitrogen

=>Nitrogen partial pressure=52/5=2

Nitrogen partial pressure in the new mixture is 2 atm.

To learn more about partial pressure follow the given link: https://brainly.com/question/15302032


Partial Pressure is defined as if a container filled with more than one gas, each gas exerts pressure. The pressure of anyone gas within the container is called its partial pressure.

What exactly is partial pressure?

When we have a combination of two or more gases in the same volume, we use the phrase partial pressure to indicate the pressure created by each of the individual gases in the mixture.

partial pressure = (absolute total pressure) (volume fraction of gas component) For the component gas "i": pi = P × F.

Volume fraction of nitrogen = volume nitrogen / total volume

=>2l/2l+3l = 2/5

Pressure of nitrogen is indicated = 5atm

Nitrogen partial pressure Equals pressure of nitrogen volume proportion of nitrogen

=>Nitrogen partial pressure=52/5=2

Nitrogen partial pressure in the new mixture is 2 atm.

To know more about partial pressure visit;



what does it mean to say that an enzyme-catalyzed reaction is either enzyme-limited or substrate-limited?


Nothing changes; it stays the same.

What does it imply to claim that a reaction is being catalysed by an enzyme?

Enzymatic catalysis of a reaction involving two substrates. The two substrates are brought together in the correct direction and location to react with one another using the template provided by the enzyme.

How do enzymes decide what to eat for fuel?

Finding the peptide sequences that proteases cleave in vitro—or, more specifically, which amino acids span the cleavage site and are recognised by the enzyme's active site—is one method of identifying prospective protease substrates. The proteome is then searched for substrates using these sequences, much like partial licence plate numbers

To know more about Enzyme




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While nearly of americans may experience a panic attack at some point during their lives, in order to be diagnosed with a ________, a person should have attacks along with at least one month of anxiety and worry about the attacks. Do you think the number of asteroid samples a pod is carrying could make a difference?. this is a photograph of an iodine wet mount from a fecal specimen. the magnification is 400x and the ovum measures 70 x 40 um. what is the most correct identification of this parasite? A manufacturer sells lamps at six dollars each and sells each month. For each one dollar that the price is increased, fewer lamps are sold each month. It costs dollars to make one lamp. What price should lamps be sold at to maximize profit?. Find the missing number in the number sentence below.-86+ _____ = 0Question 4 options:A: 89B: 0.86C: 87D: 86 Classify the following phase changes as endothermic or exothermic.1) liquid to solid2) solid to liquid3) gas to liquid4) solid to gas5) liquid to gas6) gas to solid if you throw or launch the apple at a fast enough speed the time required for it to slow to a stop becomes infinite at this speed or faster it's not coming back we call this the escape speed at the surface of earth escape speed is 11 km x 25,000 miles per hour at this speed how long would it take to travel from los angeles to new york 4000 km brainly Two friends take a 4000-mile cross-country trip together, but they drive their own cars. Car A has a 10-gallon gas tankand averages 30 miles per gallon, while car B has a 20-gallon gas tank and averages 20 miles per gallon. Assumeboth drivers pay an average of $2.65 per gallon of gas.a. What is the cost of one full tank of gas for car A? For car B?b. How many tanks of gas do cars A and B each use for the trip?c. About how much do the drivers of cars A and B each pay for gas for the trip a small electric bike speed is 24 miles in 2/3 hour At this rate how many miles can it drive in 1 hour An assertive communicator uses"YOU" messages, which often lead to fights.Please select the best answer fromthe choices provided.O TO F What force is required to stop a 1100- kg car in a distance of 0.20 m if it is initially moving at 2.2 m/s ? How do you calculate marginal cost from production cost? a certain electromagnetic wave has the maximum component of electric field of 850 v/m. calculate the corresponding maximum component of the magnetic field. how many revolutions per minute must a circular, rotating space station of radius 1000 m rotate to produce an artificial gravity of 9.80 m/s2? The de broglie equation relates the wavelength and the kinetic energy of particles. what is the mass of a particle with a speed of 2.34 10^6 m/s with a de broglie wavelength of 2.25 10^-9 m? Why did southern states favor lower tariffs?A. Lower tariffs made selling cash crops to foreign countries more profitable.B. Lower tariffs made it easier to import goods from other countries.OC. Lower tariffs made it easier for southern companies to sell goods without competition.D. Lower tariffs made it more difficult for northern companies to export goods. Why would a man want an open relationship? what is the term for the legal process that focuses on the safeguards that individuals have during criminal processes? perry complains that the room is spinning. he has had a number of such episodes over the past week. this symptom is best described as a(n) is software specifically designed to store, retrieve, and manipulate large amounts of data in an organized and efficient manner