A spring block system undergoes a simple harmonic oscillation with an amplitude A = This oscillations in one minute. The maximum acceleration of this oscillator is:


Answer 1

The maximum acceleration of the oscillator is 1.48 m/s²

Simple harmonic motion is a particular kind of periodic motion in which the restoring force on the moving item is inversely proportional to the size of the displacement and acts in the direction of the object's equilibrium position.

A periodic variable's amplitude is a gauge of its change over a single period.

The amplitude of a simple harmonic motion, A = 15 cm = 0.15 m

The frequency, f = 30 oscillations per minute = 30/60 = 1/2

The maximum acceleration of the oscillator is given as:

a = A × ω²

Now the formula for angular frequency is:

ω = 2πf


a = A × ( 2πf )²

Substituting the values in the equation,

a = 0.15 × ( 2 × π × 1/2 )²

a = 0.15 × π²

a = 1.48 m/s²

Learn more about acceleration here:



Related Questions

Question 2
An object has a momentum of 500 kg mls. If its mass is 20 kg, its speed must be
O 25 m/sO 20 m/s50 m/sO 500



The momentum of the object is p = 500 kg m/s

The mass of the body is m = 20 kg

To find the speed of the object.


Speed can be calculated by the formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} p=mv \\ v=\frac{p}{m} \end{gathered}[/tex]

On substituting the values, the speed of the object will be

[tex]\begin{gathered} v=\frac{500}{20} \\ =25\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the speed of the object is 25 m/s

How far did a runner travel if they ran 3 mph for 30 minutes?



Speed = 3 mph

Time = 30 minutes

Let's determine how far(distance) the runner travelled.

To find the distance, apply the formula:

[tex]Dis\tan ce=speed\ast time[/tex]

Since the time is in minutes, let's convert to hours by dividing the time by 60 minutes.

Thus, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} D=3\ast\frac{30}{60} \\ \\ D=3\ast\frac{1}{2} \\ \\ D=1.5\text{ m} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the runner travelled 1.5 miles

a clay ball (0.65kg) is thrown at a wall and sticks. The speed of the ball before hitting the wall was 15 m/s. It took 45 miliseconds for the clay to come to a stop and make contact with the wall. What was the average force the wall exerted on the wall during the collision?


In order to determine the average force the wall exerted on the ball, use the following formula:

[tex]F=\frac{\Delta p}{\Delta t}[/tex]


Δp: change in momentum

Δt: change in time = 45 ms = 0.045 s

F: force = ?

calculate the change in momentum as follow:

[tex]\Delta p=m\Delta v=(0.65kg)(15\frac{m}{s}-0\frac{m}{s})=9.75\text{ kg}\cdot\text{m/s}[/tex]

next, replace Δp and Δt into the formula for F:

[tex]F=\frac{9.75\text{ kgm/s}}{0.045s}=216.67N[/tex]

Hence, the average force exterded by the wall on the ball was approximately 216.67N

Write 8.0090 x 10^2 in standard form . (Example of standard form: 4550)Blank 1:


We are given the following number in scientific notation:


To convert this number into standard form we will move the decimal point a number of times equal to the exponent of the ten. Since the exponent is positive we will move the point to the right, like this:


Therefore, the standard form of the number is 800.90

Resistances of 2.0 Ω, 4.0 Ω, and 6.0 Ω and a 24-V emf device are all in parallel. The current in
the 2.0-Ω resistor is



The current in the 2.0 Ω resistor is 12 A



R₁ = 2.0 Ω

R₂ = 4.0 Ω

R₃ = 6.0 Ω

ξ = 24 V


I₁ - ?

With parallel connection:

U₁ = U₂ = U₃ = ξ

Ohm's law:

I₁ = U₁ / R₁ = 24 / 2,0 = 12 A

Resistances of 2.0 Ω, 4.0 Ω, and 6.0 Ω and a 24-V emf device are all in parallel, the current in the 2.0-Ω resistor is 6 A.

The voltage across each resistor in a parallel circuit is the same, while the current divides among the different branches.

The sum of the currents passing through each resistor equals the total current flowing into the parallel circuit.

1/RTotal = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3

1/RTotal = 1/2.0 Ω + 1/4.0 Ω + 1/6.0 Ω

1/RTotal = 3/12 Ω

1/RTotal = 1/4 Ω

RTotal = 4 Ω


I = V / RTotal

I = 24 V / 4 Ω

I = 6 A

Thus, the current in the 2.0-Ω resistor is 6 A.

For more details regarding current, visit:



please help me work through this, thank you for your time!



The equation of the height is


To find

The velocity when the stone reach the ground


When the stone reaches the ground

[tex]\begin{gathered} h(t)=0 \\ \Rightarrow-16t^2+20t+950=0 \\ \Rightarrow16t^2-20t-950=0 \\ \Rightarrow t=\frac{20\pm\sqrt{20^2-(4\times16\times(-950)}}{2\times16} \\ \Rightarrow t=\frac{20\pm247.38}{2\times16}=8.35\text{ s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus the time taken to reach the ground is 8.35s . (Here only the positive value is considered)

We know the velocity is the change in distance per unit time,


[tex]\begin{gathered} v(t)=h^{\prime}(t) \\ \Rightarrow v(t)=-32t+20 \end{gathered}[/tex]

At t=8.35 s

[tex]\begin{gathered} v(8.35)=-32\times8.35+20 \\ \Rightarrow v(8.35)=-247.2\text{ feet/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]


The velocity is -247.20 feet/s

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of average speed?elloa. Average speed includes both the rate of motion and its direction.b. Average speed is the rate of motion.C. Average speed is always a positive value.d. The greater the speed of an object the faster it moves.


The average speed is defined as the total distance traveled by an object divided into the time that it takes for the object to travel that distance.

Average speed is a scalar quantity, which means that it can be represented using a number with no need of specifying a direction. Since the total distance is a positive value, then average speed is always also a positive value.

From the options, the statement "aveage speed includes both rate of motion and its direction" is false.

Therefore, the answer is: Option A.

Our galaxy, the Milky Way, contains approximately 4.0 x 1011 stars with anaverage mass of 2.0 X 1030 kg each. How far away is the Milky Way from ournearest neighbor, the Andromeda Galaxy, if Andromeda contains roughly thesame number of stars and attracts the Milky Way with a gravitational force of2.4 x 1030 N?


We will have the following:

First, we remember:


Then, from the problem we will have that:

[tex]2.4\ast10^{30}N=\frac{G(2.0\ast10^{30}kg)(2.0\ast10^{30}kg)}{r^2}[/tex][tex]\Rightarrow r^2=\frac{G(2.0\ast10^{30}kg)^2}{2.4\ast10^{30}N}\Rightarrow r\approx1.1116666667\ast10^{20}m[/tex]

So, the Andromeda galaxy is approximately 1.1*10^20 meters from the milky way.

The acceleration of the Andromeda galaxy towards the milky way is:

[tex]2.4\ast10^{30}N=(2.0\ast10^{30}kg)a\Rightarrow a=1.2m/s^2[/tex]

So, the acceleration towards the milky ways is 1.2m/s^2.

During a hockey game, two hockey players (m1 = 82kg and m2 = 76kg) collide head on in a 1 dimensional perfectly instant collision. If the first hockey player is moving to the left at a velocity 4.2 m/s and the second hockey player is moving in the opposite direction at a velocity of 3.4 m/s, how fast are they both moving after they collide, assuming they stick together after they collide? How much kinetic energy is lost as a result of the collision?



The mass of player 1 is m1 = 82 kg

The initial velocity of player 1 is

[tex]v_{i1}=\text{ 4.2 m/s}[/tex]

towards left.

The mass of player is m2 = 76 kg

The initial velocity of player 2 is

[tex]v_{i2}=\text{ -3.4 m/s}[/tex]

in opposite direction.


The final velocity after the collision assuming they stick together.

The loss of kinetic energy after collision.


According to the conservation of momentum, the final velocity will be

[tex]\begin{gathered} m1v_{i1}+m2v_{i2}=(m1+m2)v_f \\ v_f=\frac{m1v_{i1}+m2v_{i2}}{m1+m2} \\ =\text{ }\frac{(82\times4.2)-(76\times3.4)}{82+76} \\ =0.544\text{ m/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The loss in kinetic energy will be

[tex]\begin{gathered} \Delta KE=KE_{after}-KE_{before} \\ =\frac{1}{2}(m1+m2)(v_f)^2-\frac{1}{2}m1(v_{i1})^2-\frac{1}{2}m2(v_{i2})^2 \\ =\frac{1}{2}(82+76)(0.544)^2-\frac{1}{2}\times82\times(4.2)^2-\frac{1}{2}\times76\times(3.4)^2 \\ =23.38-723.24-439.28 \\ =-1139.14\text{ J} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final Answer:

The final velocity after the collision assuming they stick together is 0.544 m/s.

The loss of kinetic energy after the collision is 1139.14 J.

A dog barks with an intensity level of 80 decibels. Two barking dogs produce what intensity level?


We are given that a dog barks with an inetensity level of 80 dB and asked to find out the intensity level produced by two barking dogs.

The combined intensity level of both dogs is the sum of each dog's intensity level.

[tex]\begin{gathered} I_{net}=I_1+I_2 \\ I_{net}=2I_{} \\ I_{net}=2\cdot I_0\cdot10^{\frac{\beta}{10}}_{} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Where β is 80 dB and I0 is the reference intensity (1x10^-12 W/m^2)

[tex]\begin{gathered} I_{net}=2\cdot10^{-12}\cdot10^{\frac{80}{10}}_{} \\ I_{net}=2\cdot10^{-12}\cdot10^8_{} \\ I_{net}=2\cdot10^{-12+8} \\ I_{net}=2\cdot10^{-4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The net β is given by

[tex]\begin{gathered} \beta_{\text{net}}=10\log (\frac{I_{net}}{I_0}) \\ \beta_{\text{net}}=10\log (\frac{2\cdot10^{-4}}{10^{-12}}) \\ \beta_{\text{net}}=10\log (2\cdot10^{-4+12}) \\ \beta_{\text{net}}=10\log (20^8) \\ \beta_{\text{net}}=10(8.301) \\ \beta_{\text{net}}=83\; dB \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, two barking dogs produce 83 dB intensity level.

If a ball is thrown with an initial horizontal velocity of 2.3m/s, from a tall building, how far away from thebuilding does the ball land if it takes 4s to land?Referring to the ball above, how tall is the building? (2 sig figs)



The initial velocity of the ball, u=2.3 m/s

The time interval in which the ball hits the ground, t=4 s

As the ball was thrown horizontally, the angle of projection is θ=0°

The distance traveled by the ball in the horizontal direction is given by,

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=u_xt \\ \Rightarrow x=u\cos \theta\times t \end{gathered}[/tex]

Where uₓ is the x-component of the initial velocity.

On substituting the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=2.3\times\cos 0^{\circ}\times4 \\ =9.2\text{ m} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the distance traveled by the ball in the x-direction is 9.2 m. That is the ball landed 9.2 meters away from the building.

Applying the equation of the motion in the y-direction,

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=y_0+u_yt+\frac{1}{2}gt^2 \\ =y_0+u\sin \theta\times_{}t+\frac{1}{2}gt^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Where y is the final height of the ball which is zero meters, y₀ is the initial height of the ball, i.e., the height of the building, uy is the y-component of the initial velocity.

Let us consider that the upward direction is positive while the downward direction is negative. This makes the acceleration due to gravity, g, a negative value, and the height of the building a positive value.

On substituting the known values,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 0=y_0+2.3\times\sin (0^{\circ})\times4+\frac{1}{2}\times-9.8\times4^2 \\ \Rightarrow-y_0=0-4.9\times4^2 \\ y_0=78.4\text{ m} \\ \approx78\text{ m} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the height of the building is 78 m

What will be the effect of multiplying negative scalar number with a vector.. Explain with the help of drawing.


When we multiply a vector by a scalar number, each dimension of the vector will be multiplied by the number.

For example, multiplying the vector <3, 4> by 2 would create the vector <6, 8>.

But if this scalar is negative, the dimensions of the vector will change the signal:

vector <3, 4> multiplied by -2 creates the vector <-6, -8>.

This causes the original vector to change its direction to the opposite direction, that is, it flips 180°:

The radioactive isotope 239Pu has a half-life of approximately 24100 years. After 2000 years, there are 5g of 239Pu.(1) What was the initial quantity? (Round your answer to three decimal places.) g Tries 0/99(2) How much of it remains after 20000years? (Round your answer to three decimal places.) g Tries 0/99


Using the following formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} N(t)=N_o(0.5)^{\frac{t}{t_{1/2}}} \\ where: \\ N(t)=Remaining_{\text{ }}quantity_{\text{ }}after_{\text{ }}time_{\text{ }}t \\ N_o=Initial_{\text{ }}quantity \\ t=time_{\text{ }}in_{\text{ }}years \\ t_{1/2}=half-life=24100 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} t=2000 \\ t_{1/2}=24100 \\ N(2000)=5g \\ so: \\ 5=N_o(0.5)^{\frac{2000}{24100}} \\ N_o=\frac{5}{(0.5)^{\frac{2000}{24100}}} \\ N_o\approx5.296 \end{gathered}[/tex]


Using the initial quantity calculated previously:

[tex]\begin{gathered} t=20000 \\ N(20000)=5.296(0.5)^{\frac{20000}{24100}} \\ N(20000)=2.979 \end{gathered}[/tex]


For (1): 5.296

For (2): 2.979

A block of ice is sliding down a ramp of slope 40 to the horizontal. What is the rate of acceleration of the block? Assume the force of friction is not significant.


The given problem can be exemplified in the following diagram:

Since there is no friction or any other external force, the only force acting in the direction of the movement is the component of the weight of the block, therefore, applying Newton's second law:

[tex]\Sigma F=ma[/tex]

Replacing the values:

[tex]mg\sin 40=ma[/tex]

We may cancel out the mass:

[tex]g\sin 40=a[/tex]

Using the gravity constant as 9.8 meters per square second:

[tex]9.8\frac{m}{s^2}\sin 40=a[/tex]

Solving the operations:


Therefore, the acceleration is 6.3 meters per square second.

What is the resistance of a lamp which draws 250 milliamperes when connected toa 12.6 volt battery


V = I*R

R = V / I

250 ma = 0.25 A

R = 12.6 / 0.25

R =50.4 ohm

why short circuit are dangrous


Short circuits occur when a high-volume electrical current is passed through a low-resistance path that isn't meant to carry electricity. Short circuits occur when a live wire makes contact with a conductive object that it should not have.

The most dangerous aspect of a short circuit is that it will cause a sudden and dramatic change in electrical resistance. Electrical systems can cause a large amount of resistance and will be constantly sending electricity to different areas when appliances are plugged in or outlets are being used. This has the possibility to cause bodily harm and appliance damage to those who are using electrical appliances at the time a short circuit happens, and can also cause structural damage to your home through fires and burns

Wires with faulty or unstable connections will create a situation in which the electrical current can take a detour down an unintended path if it is the one of least resistance. This can be unpredictable, and the route that the current travels could be through flammable materials or a human being.

Short circuits are liable to cause fires, electrical burns, and electrocution. Stray electrical currents can also cause considerable damage to appliances and a home’s electrical system.

To know more about short circuits


The largest single publication in the world is the 1112-volume set of British Parliamentary Papers for 1968 through 1972. The complete set has a mass of 3,548 kg. Suppose the entire publication is placed on a cart that can move without friction. The cart is at rest, and a librarian is sitting on top of it, just having loaded the last volume. The librarian jumps off the cart with a horizontal velocity relative to the floor of 2.65 m/s to the right. The cart begins to roll to the left at a speed of 0.03 m/s. Assuming the cart’s mass is negligible, what is the librarian’s mass? Round to the hundredths.



40.17 kg



m1 = 3548 kg

V1 = -0.03 m/s

V2 = 2.65 m/s

We apply law of conservation of linear momentum:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P_i=P_f \\ P_i=0 \\ P_f=m_1\cdot V_1+m_2\cdot V_2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

We replace and calculate the mass as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} m_1\cdot V_1+m_2\cdot V_2=0 \\ 3548\cdot-0.03+2.65\cdot m_2=0 \\ -106.44+2.65\cdot m_2=0 \\ m_2=\frac{106.44}{2.65} \\ m_2=40.17\text{ kg} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the mass is equal to 40.17 kg




Thermal energy flows from the flask on the left to the flask on the right


As the flask on the left is hot water the temperature of it will be higher meaning that the metal bar will conduct the heat at a faster rate than the flask on the left. Due to this, the metal bar will gradually begin to increase in temperature slowly throughout the whole bar. This means that the heat will travel through the bar reaching tho whole flask.

Hope this helps, have a great day!



Answer: Your answer will be D


Which of the following is the type of force that pulls objects towards the center of motion?A. Inertia B. MomentumC. AccelerationD. Centripetal


When an object is in a circular motion, the acceleration responsible for changing the direction of the movement is known as the centripetal acceleration:

This acceleration points towards the center of the circular motion.

Using the second law of newton, we can find the centripetal force Fc:


Therefore the force that pulls objects towards the center of motion is the centripetal force.

Correct option: D.

What is the momentum of a 0.144kg baseball thrown at a speed of 46m/s? Give your answer in kgm/s.



6.624 kgm/s



Mass (m) = 0.144 kg

Speed (v) = 46 m/s

We can calculate momentum using the following formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P=m\cdot v \\ \\ \text{ We replacing} \\ \\ P=0.144\cdot46 \\ \\ P=6.624\text{ kgm/s} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The momentum is 6.624 kgm/s

Anyone available for teaching me simple pendulum in physics


Simple pendulum is a device that has a periodic motion.

In periodic motion, the object repeats its path after an interval of time.

The simple pendulum can be drawn as

It has a simple bob connected to a fixed end through a massless string.

Calculate the Mach number for sound given the temperature and the speeda. 332 m/s at 30°Cb. 340 m/s at -10°Cc. 6000 km/h at 13°Cd. 6000 km/h at -13°0


The Mach number indicates how many times a speed is greater than the speed of sound.

So, to find the Mach number, we just need to divide the speed by the speed of sound.

a) at 30°C, the speed of sound is 349 m/s, so we have:


b) at -10°C, the speed of sound is 325 m/s, so we have:


c) at 13°C, the speed of sound is 339 m/s. First, let's convert the speed from km/h to m/s:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 6000\text{ km/h}=\frac{6000}{3.6}\text{ m/s}=1666.67\text{ m/s} \\ \frac{1666.67}{339}=4.92 \end{gathered}[/tex]

d) at -13°C, the speed of sound is 323 m/s, so we have:


The example of a book falling off of a table shows a(n) _____.1) contact force2) scalar quantity3) absence of acceleration4) field force


anotherGravity is the force of attraction between two objects. A gravitational force field is modeled as space around a massive body in which other bodies experiences force.

In Newtonian gravity, a particle of mass M creates a gravitational force field around itself given as,


Here, G is the universal gravitational constant, and r is the separation between the bodies.

Hence, the example of a book falling off of a table shows a(n) field force. Therefore, option (4) is the correct choice.

The Taipei Tower is a 508 meter, 101 story skyscraper. If you were to toss a orange of 0.13 kg off the top, how much kinetic energy would it have when it hits the sidewalk? Ignore air resistance .



647.19 J


By the conservation of energy, the potential energy when you toss the orange is converted to kinetic energy when it hits the sidewalk, so

Ef = Ei


KE = mgh

Where m is the mass, g is 9.8 m/s², and h is the height of the Tower. Replacing m by 0.13 kg and h by 508 meters, we get

KE = (0.13kg)(9.8 m/s²)(508 m)

KE = 647.19 J

So, the orange would have 647.19 J of kinetic energy when it hits the sidewalk.

a ray of light hits a flat mirror with an incident angle of 39.20 degrees. What angle does it reflect at? (do not put in units)



A ray of light hits a flat mirror with an incident angle of 39.20 degrees.

To find

What is the angle of reflection?


According to the law of reflection,

The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

Here the angle of incidence is 39.20 deg

So the angle of reflection is 39.20 deg


The angle of reflection is 39.20 deg

Scenario 3: a clock attached to the wall.

1. State the object stationary.

2. State the outside, external, unbalanced force acting on the object.


answer: this object is stationary because it is in rest position until or unless the external force act on it we can say this by netwons 1st law

and the stationaty object has relatively zero velocity.

netwons 1st law: Newton's first law states that unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force, every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line.

to learn more about netwons 1st law link



 2. here the object has contact with the wall hence there is a  normal force between clock and wall  

the clock is at rest this means that the forcee is balanced and normal force is balanced by gravitational force .the normal force is always perpendicular to the surface of the object.

there is no external force is acting on the clock.

to learn more about netwons 1st law link



Which of the following X-Y tables agrees withthe information in this problem?A puck moves 2.35 m/s in a -22.0° direction. A hockeystick pushes it for 0.215 s, changing its velocity to 6.42m/s in a 50.0° direction. What was the acceleration?A)хYYYC)хV 0.8802.18-0.8802.35-2.18ViVE4.134.92B)XVi2.35VE6.42a?Ax 0.2156.42> > 04.924.13a???Ax0.215ΔΧ??t0.2150.215tt 0.2150.215H


let's find the components for the initial velocity

[tex]v_ix=2.35\cdot\cos (-22)=2.18[/tex][tex]v_iy=2.35\cdot\sin (-22)=-0.88_{}[/tex]

then for the final velocity

[tex]v_fx=6.42\cdot\cos (50)=4.13[/tex][tex]v_fy=6.42\cdot\sin (50)=4.92[/tex]

The table that agrees with the problem is A)

Then for the acceleration, we will use the next formula


for the acceleration in x


then for the acceleration in y


then we calculate the magnitude

[tex]a=\sqrt[]{9.06^2+26.97^2}=28.45\text{ m/s}^2[/tex]

13 Dion is writing a survival guide for hikers who visit the nearby state park. Since the forest in the park is so dense, it is not unusual for hikers to get lost for days at a time before Dion and the other rangers can locate them. Dion creates a list of plant life that a lost hiker could eat to keep themselves going in an emergency. Which sentence will Dion MOST likely include about wild mushrooms? A. The forest floor in our park is very dense and wet so you will not find mushrooms to eat. B. If you look closely at the base of trees or fallen logs, you may find mushrooms to eat. C. It is best not to eat mushrooms that you find because some varieties are poisonous. D. Mushrooms must be heated to kill any harmful bacteria before they can be consumed.


Answer: C

Explanation: Some varieties of mushrooms are poisonous or may make you ill.

When the length of a pendulum is doubled, its frequency will be cut in half. Is this true or false?


The period T of a pendulum with length L is given by the formula:


Where g is the acceleration of gravity:


If the length of the pendulum is doubled, the period will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} T^{\prime}=2\pi\cdot\sqrt[]{\frac{2L}{g}} \\ =\sqrt[]{2}\times2\pi\cdot\sqrt[]{\frac{L}{g}} \\ =\sqrt[]{2}\times T \end{gathered}[/tex]

On the other hand, the frequency is the reciprocal of the period. Then:

[tex]\begin{gathered} f=\frac{1}{T} \\ f^{\prime}=\frac{1}{T^{\prime}}=\frac{1}{\sqrt[]{2}\times T}=\frac{1}{\sqrt[]{2}}\times\frac{1}{T}=\frac{1}{\sqrt[]{2}}\times f \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, if the length of the pendulum is doubled, the frequency is cut by a factor of 1/√2:

[tex]f^{\prime}=\frac{1}{\sqrt[]{2}}\times f[/tex]

This is not the same as if the frequency was cut by a factor of 1/2.

Therefore, the statement is:


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