15. A pedigree chart is a visual representation of the frequency and appearance of phenotypes of a particular gene. The figure below shows a pedigree chart for red-green colorblindness in a human family. The disorder is sex-linked recessive (Xb). Since the genes for the and green color receptors are located on the X chromosome, males are more likely to be affected than females.Typically, each individual in a pedigree chart is assigned a number. The genotype for Individual 1 is XbY, and the genotype for Individual 4 is XBXb, the genotype for Individual 24 is XbXb.Suppose individuals 21 and 22 have only male biological children. Based on the pedigree chart, on average, what percent of children are colorblind?50%25%0%100%

15. A Pedigree Chart Is A Visual Representation Of The Frequency And Appearance Of Phenotypes Of A Particular


Answer 1

Remember that colorblindness is an X-linked recessive disorder. Now, let us denote by "a" the recessive (affected) allele and by "A" the dominant (normal) allele.

Now, consider the following pedigree chart:

Suppose individuals 21 and 22 have only male biological children. First, notice that individual 21 is a normal female (no carrier). This means that her genotype:


On the other side, individual 22 presents the affected allele. Since individual 22 is a man, this means that his genotype for the colorblindness would be:


thus, the Punnett square of the crossing of these two individuals would be:

Now, according to the problem, individuals 21 and 22 have only male biological children. Then, according to the above Punnett square, we can infer that the percent of children (male biological children) that are colorblind is:


we can conclude that the correct answer is:


The percent of children (male biological children) that are colorblind is:


15. A Pedigree Chart Is A Visual Representation Of The Frequency And Appearance Of Phenotypes Of A Particular
15. A Pedigree Chart Is A Visual Representation Of The Frequency And Appearance Of Phenotypes Of A Particular

Related Questions

Pulmonary edema and impaired ventilation occur during? A. septic shock. B. neurogenic shock. C. cardiogenic shock. D. anaphylactic shock.


Pulmonary edema and impaired ventilation occur during cardiogenic shock.

Cardiogenic is form of pulmonary edema or pressure that induced  the production of a non-inflammatory type of edema .During cardiogenic shock oxygen-rich blood reaching the brain and other vital organs, your blood pressure drops, and your pulse slows.

Cardiogenic shock and pulmonary edema are life-threatening conditions that should be treated as medical emergencies. The most effected areas left ventricles (LV) dysfunction that leads to pulmonary congestion and systemic hypoperfusion.

To learn more about Pulmonary edema , here



In humans, the allele for a widow's peak is dominant to the allele for a straight hairline. In a family with three children, two of the children have a straight hairline and one child has a widow's peak. Which of the following is possible? (please i will give brainliest)

Both parents are heterozygous.
Both parents are homozygous for a widow's peak.
Both parents are homozygous for a straight hairline.
One parent is homozygous for a straight hairline, and the other is heterozygous.


The correct answer is that one of the parents is homozygous while the other one is heterozygous.

Widow's peak is a dominant trait which is observed even when a single dominant allele responsible for this characteristic is present in an individual. A widow's peak is used to refer to the hairline of a person which is shaped like the letter 'V' progressing downwards towards the central portion of the forehead.

However, the allele for straight hairline is recessive which means that in  the given case one parent must be homozygous, i.e. contain similar alleles (recessive), while the other one with a widow's peak is heterozygous.

To learn more about heterozygous here



Making concepts personally relevant to an individual helps to learn them. Below are several concepts from your reading. For each concept, give one example from your daily life and explain why your example fits the concept listed. Each concept should be a minimum of 50 words with citations to support your examples. List all references at the end of the list in Example:Sensation – I like listening to my music before going to sleep, but if my parents hear my music after 10 pm, I get in trouble. If my music is below their absolute threshold, then I won’t get in trouble, because they won’t hear it. It is really hard to keep it below their absolute thresholds because it seems that even the faintest amount of sound coming from my room is detectable. In this example, the absolute threshold is the lowest amount of volume that they can detect up to 50% of the time (Grison, Absolute Threshold Can ya make a long sentence of absolute threshold?


An absolute threshold is the smallest level of stimulus that can be detected, usually defined as at least half the time. The term is often used in neuroscience and experimental research and can be applied to any stimulus that can be detected by the human senses including sound, touch, taste, sight, and smell.

For example, in an experiment on sound detention, researchers may present a sound with varying levels of volume. The smallest level that a participant is able to hear is the absolute threshold.

However, it is important to note that at such low levels, participants may only detect the stimulus part of the time. Because of this, the absolute threshold is usually defined as the smallest level of a stimulus that a person is able to detect 50% of the time.

For hearing, the absolute threshold refers to the smallest level of a tone that can be detected by normal hearing when there are no other interfering sounds present. An example of this might be measured at what levels participants can detect the ticking sound of a clock.

Young children generally have a lower absolute threshold for sounds since the ability to detect sounds at the lowest and highest ranges tends to decrease with age.

For vision, the absolute threshold refers to the smallest level of light that a participant can detect. Determining the absolute threshold for vision might involve measuring the distance at which a participant can detect the presence of a candle flame in the dark.

For odors, the absolute threshold involves the smallest concentration that a participant is able to smell. An example of this would be to measure the smallest amount of perfume that a subject is able to smell in a large room.

The amount of force required for you to detect the feeling of a feather lightly brushing your arm is an example of the absolute threshold for touch. When it comes to touch, the level of stimulation required to detect the stimulus can vary dramatically depending upon the part of the body that is being touched.

Write a short paragraph about keeping your promises use future tense of verbs in your sentence. Using topic of biology


Biologists from all around the world will be employed in a range of contexts in the future, including university labs, research facilities, the pharmaceutical and food industries, agriculture, hospitals, and other areas.

Because biology is so essential to our own existence, there will also be jobs for those who are interested in influencing the direction of science in the future.

We'll develop vaccines to stop the spread of diseases, extending the average human lifespan. We will be able to stop global warming and save the planet's future.

Exciting medical developments are taking place, and in the future, we might be able to have our medications customized for us depending on our DNA and environment to ensure that we receive the best effective therapies.

We will be able to produce cleaner, greener energy that is more sustainable than fossil fuels by developing new biofuels from non-food crops, waste biomass, algae, and microorganisms.

We can therefore conclude that many aspects of human existence will improve as a result of biology in the future.




Absolute age is the actual age of a rock. Could it be possible to determine the absoluteage of any of the outcrops given? Explain in detail (which outcrops, which layers, why orwhy not)


To determine the age of a rock, we depend on that the layers of sedimentation were observable, and separated one from the other.

Having this in mind, we can say that all of the outcrops being able to determine its age, are the ones in which we can appreciate those layers clearly, and not that where layers overlap ones with others.

On an evolutionary time-scale, two species that share a common ancestor from around 1 million years in the past are:a. Very closely relatedb. 125,643rd cousins 13,665 times removedc. very distant relatived. not related


They are very closely related because they share a common ancestor even if a million years have gone by. We have a so-called divergent evolution in which species share a common ancestor. Through times, these species may have differences when it comes to their physical attributes because of their adaptation to their environment, but their inward structure are quite similar. These organisms may develop homologou structures but do not have similar functions.

which refers to all living things that live together in a stable community? a. biosphereb. ecosystemc. habitatd. population


The term that refers to all living things that live together in a stable community is population. Populations of two or more species that live in the same place at the same time form a community.

So the correct answer is option d. population.

The diagram below shows a cross section of a bean seed. The function of part X in the bean seed is to:A) provide protection for the embryoB) provide nutrients for the embryoC) prevent mutations in the plantD) fight off infections in the plant


The part maked with an "X" is the cotyledon. It is the food for the embryo, it's main function is to provide the embryo with nutrients. Therefore, the correct answer is B) provide nutrients for the embryo.

What is ethology (1) the development of animals that have been trained to live with humans(2) animals that are no longer able to live in the wild(3) The study of animal behavior particularly in animals’ natural environment(4) breeding of animals that live in the wild(5) breeding of dangerous animals that cannot be trained


Ethology is a branch of biology that studies the animal behavior of species in their natural environment. This can be understood or approached under different circumstances, such as how a particular animal species behaves under

Which evidence suggests that flowering plants and pollinators have complimentary adaptations?A. Butterfly wings are made of many ovelapping scales, not stretched skin.B. Plants with long-tube flowers attract hummingbirds with long, neddle-like beaks.C. Hummingbirds must feed frequently on plant nectar to have enough energy.D. Bees tend to avoid red flowers.


Complimentary adaptations refer to traits that appear to be designed to specifically interact with another trait of a different species. In this case, option B describes this scenario, plants with long tube flowers attract hummingbirds with long, neddle-like beaks. The long beak of the bird is ideal to get the nectar from the long tube flowers.

5. Using organisms from the food web for your ecosystem, describe examples of the following: a. A symbiotic relationship: b. A predator-prey relationship: c. Competition: d. Limiting factors that may affect the survival of the organisms: e. Density dependent and independent factors that may affect the survival of the organisms:Ponds are a type of freshwater ecosystem that has shallow and slow-moving water (is lentic), and, because it's shallow, light can reach the bottom of it.Some organisms that we can find living in a pond are the following:Water liliesFrogsTurtlesFishGeeseDragonfliesAlgaeCyanobacteriaDucksWater snailDuck potatoEarthwormsMosquitosPond skaterNewtsMosquito fern/fairy mossDuckweedsWatersnakeSalamandersWater beetleProducers: water lilies, algae, cyanobacteria, duck potato, mosquito fern/fairy moss, and duckweedsPrimary Consumers: ducks, geese, fish, water snails, turtles, earthworms, frogs, pond skaters, and water beetles.Secondary and tertiary consumers: ducks, geese, fish, frogs, dragonflies, water beetles, newts, water snakes, and salamanders. 4. Producers include water lilies and duck potato. Consumers include ducks, frogs, pond skaters, water beetles, water snails, fish, water beetles, water scorpion, dragonflies, mosquito, duckling, leech, newt, and tadpole.


Step 1.

Outline the food web given by the question:

Producers: water lilies, algae, cyanobacteria, duck potato, fern/fairy moss, and duckweeds;

Primary Consumers: ducks, geese, fish, water snails, turtles, earthworms, frogs, pond skaters, and water beetles;

Secondary and tertiary consumers: ducks, geese, fish, frogs, dragonflies, water beetles, newts, water snakes, and salamanders.

Step 2.

a. A symbiotic relationship is a close ecological relationshp between two species. being a exmaple of a symbiotic relationship with the food web present in the question the relation between cyanobacteria and algae, both can work together to make photosynthesis since the species are bacteria with algae traits;

b. The Ducks in the food chain are predators, while the fish the prey, being a relationship of predator-prey inside the ecosystem used as example;

c. The frogs and dragonflies have a competition to eat the mosquitos in the pond;

d. Some of the limiting factors for that ecosystem are the water temperature and oxygen, the number of producers, and the human activities that can affect the body of water in the pond (pollution);

e. The dependent factor are related to biotic factors such as food, predation, disease, migration, and parasitism, while the independent factors are related to environment (abiotic) such as climate and degradation of the water body.

What is the purpose ofthis type of division in mitosis and meiosis



Purpose of mitosis:

Mitosis plays a significant role in cell repair.

Purpose of meiosis:

The main purpose of meiosis is the production of gametes during sexual reproduction.

Meiosis tends to increase genetic variability in the population.


Hopefully it helps!

creates egg and sperm cells

Why are most plants green?Question 1 options:There are a mixture of pigments in leaves whose colors combine to appear green. They are green to match nature and to be best camouflaged against predatorsThey contain the pigment chlorophyll which reflects green light, making the plants appear green.


Within the plant's chloroplasts, there is a pigment called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll absorbs all wavelengths of white light except for the green wavelength, the pigment reflects this color and this is why it has a green color. The green color of the plants is given by the green color of this pigment.

The correct option is

"They contain the pigment chlorophyll which reflects green light, making the plants appear green. "

I need help with question 5 this is non graded


We have that T is the allele for tall, while t is the allele for short height. If two parents, both with Tt genotypes, have offspring, as we can see in the Punnet square, the descendants' phenotypes will be 3 tall, and 1 short, as you already had in the question.

if flies that are heterozygous for all three traits are crossed, what proportion of the offspring would you expect to be heterozygous for all three traits?



The natural resistance of plant to diseases is attributed to _____




Let's consider that the heterozygous flies have genotype AaBbCc. If two flies that are heterozygous for all three traits are crossed together, it results in 12.50% offsprings that are also heterozygous for all three traits.

A membrane lines tubes and cavities that open to the outside of the body.


Mucous membranes are epithelial membranes that consist of epithelial tissue that is attached to an underlying loose connective tissue. These membranes, sometimes called mucosae, line the body cavities that open to the outside.

Answer: Mucous membrane

if a diploid cell contains 14 pairs of chromosomes for a total of 2n=28, how many chromosomes will be in the resulting products of cellular division if the cell undergoes: mitosis?


The number of chromosomes that will be in the resulting products of cellular division if the cell undergoes mitosis is 28 and 14 for meiosis.

What is mitosis?

Mitosis is the division of a cell nucleus in which the genome is copied and separated into two identical halves. It is normally followed by cell division.

Meiosis, on the other hand, is a cell division of a diploid cell into four haploid cells, which develop to produce gametes.

Mitosis is also called duplication division because the number of chromosomes in the parent cell does not change in the daughter cells. However, in meiosis, the chromosome number is reduced by half in the daughter cells.

According to this question, a diploid cell contains 14 pairs of chromosomes for a total of 2n = 28 chromosomes. This means that mitosis will result in 28 chromosomes while meiosis will result in 14 chromosomes.

Learn more about mitosis and meiosis at: https://brainly.com/question/13536882


Meanwhile I will post the next question: A woman with blood type A and a man with blood type B have 3 children one each with blood types A,B and O . What are the genotypes of the parents


AO - genotype of mother

BO - genotype of father

The cross of AO and BO will result to AB, BO, AO, and OO.

The phenotypes of the parents are the following:

AO - A - mother

BO - B - father

Use the information and chart to answer the following question. The table shows different types of fossils and what continents they were found on.

Based on the chart, which of the following arguments BEST explains the data?

A.) Student 2 claims the same fossils found on multiple continents supports the Continental Drift Theory.

B.)Student 3 claims there is only enough evidence for fern fossils to support the Continental Drift Theory support the Continental Drift Theory.

C.) Student 1 claims there is no relationship between fossils to support the Continental Drift Theory.

D.)Student 4 claims there is not enough fossil evidence to support the Continental Drift Theory.​


The answer is A. Student 2 is correct because all three types of fossils displayed on the chart were found in more than one continent. This observation means that continental drift caused the fossils to be found in multiple continents.

What does the graph in figure 1 illustrate


We need a picture of the graph to be able to answer this.

As part of an exam, you are given a powder to analyze. When you perform various tests, youfind that it contains a single chemical that changes the pH of neutral water to a pH of 13. Youwould conclude that the chemical is aa. weak acid.b. neutral.c. weak base.d. strong acid.e. strong base.


To answer this we need to remember the pH scale, as lower is the numbe the compound is more acid, mmeanwhile, if the number ishigher wweare talking of a base, it ranges from 10to 14, being l0 the most acid, 7 neutral and 14 strongest base. Also, we must not forget that the pH scale is on a logarithmic scale (base 10) which means that each level is 10 timeshhigherthatn the previous level, so if we have a 13 pH level we are talking of a very strong base, therefore, the correct answer is option e.

Discuss assumptions about men and women, class status, religion, and race.


Social inequality is typically thought of as the absence of result equality, but it may also be thought of as the absence of opportunity equality. Race, gender, class, and religion are interrelated identity characteristics that have an impact on many facets of life in the United States.

These social institutions might become more important at any point in a person's life, and everyone is affected by them.

Gender, on the other hand, is an identity that is independent of a person's biological sex. Girls and women are frequently expected to behave nicely, dress in stereotypically feminine ways, and provide for others. Typically, men are expected to be strong, brave, and competitive.

In society, class refers to the division of people into groups based on their socioeconomic circumstances. Based on variables like wealth, occupation, or education, the grouping is stratified. Therefore, it stands to reason that the higher classes are more powerful and influential than the lower classes.

Religion supports and encourages social conflict and inequity. It causes animosity and violence caused by religious differences and aids in persuading the impoverished to accept their position in life.

The shared and hereditary physical characteristics of a group are typically used to identify a person's race, making the definition of race complex.

As a result, it is clear that race, gender, class, and religion are interconnected identity qualities that influence many aspects of American life.




Blood type in humans contains multiple alleles.A male with type A blood and the genotype AO mates with a female with type B blood and thegenotype BO. What are the possible blood types of their offspring?


To determine the possible blood types of the offspring you have to create a Punnet square crossing the genotypes of the parents.

The male parent has a blood type A, his genotype is AO, which means that his gametes can carry the alleles "A" or "O"

The female parent has a blood type B, his genotype is BO, which means that her gametes can carry the alleles "B" or "O"

Cross the alleles of the parents to determine the possible genotypes of their offspring:

The genotypes of the offspring and their phenotypes are:

AB → Blood type AB

AO → Blood type A

BO → Blood type B

OO → Blood type O

All of the given options are possible blood types of the offspring so the correct answer is All of these.

What is an example of people changing the way water flows


Answer: A dam


A dam is an example of people changing the way water flows.

18. What is the correct percentage amount for baryonic matter, dark matter,
and dark energy in the universe?
68% Baryonic Matter, 5% Dark Matter, 27% Dark Energy
95% Baryonic Matter, 2% Dark Matter, 3% Dark Energy
5% Baryonic Matter, 27% Dark Matter, 68% Dark Energy
0% Baryonic Matter, 0% Dark Matter, 100% Dark Energy


According to the scientists the correct percentage amount is about ~68% dark energy, ~27% dark matter, ~5% baryonic matter.

What is Dark Energy, Dark Matter and Baryonic Matter?

A hypothesized energy known as dark energy behaves like the antithesis of gravity by exerting a negative, repellent pressure. It has been proposed to explain the observable characteristics of far-off type Ia supernovae, which reveal an accelerated phase of the universe's expansion.Considered to make up about 85% of the universe's matter, dark matter is a hypothesized type of matter. The reason why dark matter is referred to be "dark" is because it does not appear to interact with the electromagnetic field. As a result, it cannot be detected because it does not emit, absorb, or reflect electromagnetic radiation.Dark matter made of baryons is referred to as baryonic dark matter in cosmology and astronomy. It is unlikely that all of the dark matter in the universe is baryonic. Baryonic dark matter is invisible through its radiation emissions, but its presence can be inferred from the gravitational effects on visible matter.

Scientists have calculated the universe's makeup as follows: 68% dark energy, 27% dark matter, and 5% normal matter. They did this by fitting a theoretical model of the universe's composition to the total set of cosmological observations.

To learn more about dark matter from the given link



How do lungs reciecve clear oxygen when a person is climbing the mountains​


Oxygen levels at different elevations compared to sea level. Every breath you take as you climb in elevations takes in less and less oxygen. It's not that there's less oxygen in the air around you, it's that the molecules are more spread out.

Compared to the climate at location A, the climate at location D isA) cooler and drierB) cooler and wetterC) warmer and drierD) warmer and wetter


According to the graphics, climate at location D is cooler and drier (option A) than location A as it presents lower temperatures and less precipitations.

SC61.14.214. The hierarchy of the body is shown belowWhich of the following statements is NOT part of the cell theoryA Cells are made of molecules,Bells make up all organismsC.Cells are the basic unit of lifeD. Cells come from pre-existing cell


The correct answer is A. Cells are made of molecules. It is not part of the cell theory.

Describe the structure of the endoplasmic reticulum.


Endoplasmic reticulum is a membrane system forming a series of sacs in eukaryotic cells. It has many functions, including the synthesis and transport of proteins. There are two types of endoplasmic reticulum with different structures, as follows:

1) Rough endoplasmic reticulum - its sacs are convoluted but flat, contiguous with the nuclear membrane. Its outer surface is studded with ribosomes, which gives it the rough appearance.

2) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum - its sacs are tube-like structures and they are located near the cell periphery. Sometimes these tubules branch, forming a reticular network wit.

Which of the following is an Incorrect match?a. larynx - containsvocal cordsb. pharynx - connects nasal and oralcavity to larynxc. sinuses - remove dust particles d. glottis - opening to the larynx


- The larynx is a part of the respiratory system, it connects to the pharynx and the trachea, ait allows the air to pass from the throat through the trachea directly to the lungs.

It is in this structure where the vocal cords are found.

- The pharynx, also called throat, connects the mouth to the esophagus and also contributes to breathing and phonation because it connects the nasal cavity, the Eustachian tubes, and the larynx with the buccal cavity.

- The function of the sinuses is to increase the contact surface of the air with the epithelium of the nasal cavity, which allows it to humidify and warm the inhaled air. They also play a role in phonation.

These structures help reduce the relative mass of the skull, thus decreasing its weight, provide "shock resistance" in case of injury, and isolate sensitive structures from rapid temperature changes occurred during inhalation.

- The glottis is the space between the pharynx and larynx.

The only match that is incorrect is c. sinuses - remove dust particles

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