A flask containing 100 g of water is heated, and the temperature of the water increases from 21°C to 90°C. How much heat did the water absorb if thespecific heat capacity of water is 4.184 J/gºC? A. 289 JB. 418.4 JC. 28,870 JD. 10,000 J


Answer 1

The heat absorbed by the water is if the specific heat capacity of water is 4.184 J/g°C c)28,870J

It is given that the mass of water is 100g and temperature T₁ increases from 21°C to T₂ 90°C. The specific heat capacity of water(c) is 4.184g°C. To find the heat absorbed by the water, the following formula is used:

q = mcΔT

where, ΔT = T₂ - T₁

ΔT = 90 - 21

ΔT= 69°C.

Therefore, by substituting the values to the formula, we get the heat q as

q = 100x4.184x69

q = 418x69

q = 28870J

Therefore the heat absorbed by the water if the specific heat capacity of water is 4.184 J/g°C is 28,870J. Therefore the correct option is c)

To know more about specific heat capacity, click below:



Related Questions

I need help with this. What do I add to make the after reaction


According to the given reaction, one molecule of H2 reacts with one molecule of C2H4 to produce one molecule of C2H6.

In the reactants, there are 7 molecules of C2H4 and 3 molecules of H2, it means that 3 molecules of C2H4 react with the 3 molecules of H2 to form 3 molecules of C2H6, and 4 molecules of C2H4 will remain.

It means that you have to add 3 molecules of C2H6 and 4 molecules of C2H4.

The charge of an election is


The charge of an electron is negative (-1).

explain which mgcl2 and alcl3 is stronger bonding?


AlCl3 has a higher charge density which makes the polarization to be high. Therefore AlCl3 has a higher covalent character (stronger bonding).

Covalent character and cationic size are indirectly related to each other. When the size of a cation is smaller, the covalent character would be higher.

In MgCl2, the cation is Mg^2+ and in AlCl3, the cation is Al^3+. The size of Mg^2+ is larger when compared to the size of Al^3+. That is why the covalent character of AlCl3 is larger.

Please solve this!! I won't be able totalk since I'm in school but just end it ifim not there and I'll give you a 5 starswhen I come back to look at it.


The first step to solve this question is to balance the given equation. To do it, make sure that the amount of every element is equal in both, reactants and products.


Now, use the stoichiometric ratio between the coefficients of potassium oxide and potassium nitride:


The answer is 4.66moles of magnessium nitride.

A gas's volume decreases. Which of the following could most easily explain that?a. Its temperature increased.b. Its pressure increased.c. Its energy content increased.d. Its density decreased


This is an ideal gas problem, so let's see the relationships of volume with pressure and temperature:

- The relationship between volume and pressure is inversely proportional.

- The relationship between volume and temperature is directly proportional.

When the gas's volume decreases, the temperature would decrease too but the pressure would increases, so the answer would be B. Its pressure increased.

What's the volume of 0.2 mol of nitrogen at 20oC and 0.7 atm?



We have to determine the volume of 0.2 mol of nitrogen at 20 °C and 0.7 atm. The ideal gas law describes this situation.

P * V = n * R * T

Where P is the pressure, V is the volume, n is the number of moles, R is the ideal gas constant and T is the temperature.

We already know these some of these values.

P = 0.7 atm

n = 0.2 mol

R = 0.082 atm * L/(mol*K)

T = 20 ° C = 293.15 K

We can use the ideal gas law to determine the volume of the sample.

P * V = n * R * T

V = n * R * T/P

V = 0.2 mol * 0.082 atm*L/(mol*K) * 293.15 K/(0.7 atm)

V = 6.86 L

Answer: The volume is 6.86 L.

Help with this question, I’ve already got part a done I need part b and c


The number of moles of excess reagent left after the reaction is complete would be  sodium phosphate  and The mass of excess reagent that will remain unreacted is copper (II) nitrate.

The molar amounts of reactants and products that will result from a balanced chemical equation are shown. Rarely are reactants combined in the exact amount required in the actual world. Before the others, one reactant will be entirely depleted. The limiting reactant is the one that is consumed first in a reaction. The residual amount is deemed "in excess" once the other reactants have been partially consumed.

Calculate the volume of the product each reactant produced to identify the limiting reactant. The limiting reactant is the one that yields the smallest amount of product.

To know more about  excess reagent visit : https://brainly.com/question/11848702


In the equation: I2 + 5Cl2 + 6 H2O —>2HIO3 + 10HCL A. Has iodine been oxidized or has it been reduced B. Has chlorine been oxidized or has it been reduced



A - Iodine is being oxidized

B - Cl2 is being reduced


[tex]I_{2(s)}^0\text{ + 5Cl}_{2(g)}^0\text{ + 6H}_2O_{(l)}\rightarrow2HI^VO_{3(aq)}\text{ + HCl}_{(aq)}^{-I}[/tex]

Infer how resting membrane potential would be affected if the membrane were only permeable to potassium ions.

Option 1) If the cell were only permeable to potassium ions there would be a drastic change in membrane potential to a more positive value as potassium enters the cell

Option 2) If the cell were only permeable to potassium ions there would be a slight change in membrane potential to a more negative value as potassium exits the cell.

Option 3) If the cell were only permeable to potassium ions there would be a drastic change in membrane potential to a more negative value as potassium leaves the cell.


According to the research, the correct answer is Option 2. If the cell were only permeable to potassium ions there would be a slight change in membrane potential to a more negative value as potassium exits the cell.

What is resting membrane potential?

It refers to the potential difference on either side of the membrane of a resting cell, that is, already repolarized where the channels are much more permeable to potassium than to sodium.

In this sense, it is determined by the ion concentration and membrane permeability where the inside of the cell has a more negative charge (potassium ions) relative to the outside (sodium ions).

Therefore, we can conclude that resting membrane potential causes the cell membrane inside to become negative because it has sodium ions towards the outside of the cell and potassium ions towards the inside, thus the correct answer is Option 2.

Learn more about resting membrane potential here: https://brainly.com/question/12530093


If the freezing point of a soda is – 4.5 ºC and you leave it in your car overnight when the temperature dips to 25 ºF, will the soda freeze? (Pay close attention to the units!)



We leave a soda in the car overnight and the temperature dips to 25 °F. To see if it will freeze we have to convert the °F to °C.

T(°C) = ( T(°F) - 32 ) *5/9

T(°C) = (25 - 32) *5/9

T(°C) = -3.9 °C

Since -3.9 °C is a temperature greater than the freezing point (-4.5 °C) the soda won't freeze.

Answer: The soda won't freeze.

3Ca + 2AICI3 —> 3CaCI2 + 2AIIf you react 100, grams of aluminum chloride, AICI3, with excess calcium, how many grams of calcium chloride,CaCI2, are produced ?


Firstly, we need to convert the 100 g of AlCl₃ to number of moles, using:


The molar weight of AlCl₃ is calculating consulting the atomic weights:

[tex]\begin{gathered} M_{AlCl_3}=1\cdot M_{Al}+3\cdot M_{Cl} \\ M_{AlCl_3}=(1\cdot26.982+3\cdot35.453)g/mol \\ M_{AlCl_3}=(26.982+106.359)g/mol \\ M_{AlCl_3}=133.341g/mol \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} M_{AlCl_3}=\frac{m_{AlCl_3}}{n_{AlCl_3}} \\ n_{AlCl_3}=\frac{m_{AlCl_3}}{M_{AlCl_3}}=\frac{100g}{133.341g/mol}=0.749957\ldots mol \end{gathered}[/tex]

For each 2 moles of AlCl₃, we produce 3 moles of CaCl₂. So:

2 mol AlCl₃ --- 3 mol CaCl₂

0.749957... mol AlCl₃ --- x

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{2}{0.749957\ldots mol}=\frac{3}{x} \\ 2x=2.24987\ldots mol \\ x=1.12494\ldots mol \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, we convert back to grams, but now we need the molar weight of CaCl₂:

[tex]\begin{gathered} M_{CaCl_2}=1\cdot M_{Ca}+2\cdot M_{Cl} \\ M_{CaCl_2}=(1\cdot40.078+2\cdot35.453)g/mol \\ M_{CaCl_2}=(40.078+70.906)g/mol \\ M_{CaCl_2}=110.984g/mol \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} M_{CaCl_{2}}=\frac{m_{CaCl_2}}{n_{CaCl_{2}}} \\ m_{CaCl_2}=M_{CaCl_2}\cdot n_{CaCl_2}=110.984g/mol\cdot1.12494\ldots mol=124.850\ldots g\approx125g \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, 100 g of AlCl will produce approximately 125 g of CaCl.

The pressure exerted by 1.30 mol of gas in a 13.0 L container at 295 K is



The pressure of the gas is 2.42atm.


The given information from the exercise is:

- Number of moles (n): 1.30 moles

- Volume (V): 13.0L

- Temperature (T): 295K

With the Ideal Gases Law formula we can calculate the pressure (P) of the gas, by replacing the values of n, V and T:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P*V=n*R*T \\ P*13.0L=1.30mol*0.082\frac{atm*L}{mol*K}*295K \\ P*13.0L=31.45atm*L \\ P=\frac{31.45atm*L}{13.0L} \\ P=2.42atm \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the pressure of the gas is 2.42atm.

I got 0.009 and I was wondering if that is right



The equation of formation of NO₂

1/2 N₂ (g) + O₂ (g) <----> NO₂ (g)

The equilibrium for the above reaction can be calculated using this equation:

Kc = [NO₂]/([N₂]^(1/2)*[O₂]) where the concentrations are the equilibrium concentrations.

According to the graph the concentration in the equilibrium of each compound is:

[NO₂] = 6 mol/L

[N₂] = 10 mol/L

[O₂] = 20 mol/L

If we replace these values in the given equation:

Kc = [NO₂]/([N₂]^(1/2)*[O₂])

Kc = (6 mol/L)/[(10 mol/L)^(1/2)*(20 mol/L)]

Kc = 0.095

Answer: Kc = 0.095

REACTION; C5H12 + 8O2 5CO2 + 6H2OWhen 35.5 L of C5H12 are consumed in this reaction what volume of CO2 can be produced in liters?


Using the STP (standard temperature and pressure), we can solve this problem. First, let's find the number of moles produce by 35.5 L of C5H12.

Remember that the standard temperature is 0 °C which is the same that 273 K (kelvin) and for pressure is 1 atm and the constant of ideal gas is 0.082 atm*L/(mol*K)

Let's use the formula of an ideal gas to find the number of moles:

[tex]\begin{gathered} PV=\text{nRT,} \\ n=\frac{PV}{RT}, \\ n=\frac{\text{1 atm }\cdot35.5\text{ L}}{0.082\frac{atm\cdot L}{mol\cdot K}\cdot273K}, \\ n(C_5H_{12})=1.58\text{6 moles} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, using this number of moles, we can find the number of moles produce for CO2 and we can find its volume.

You can see that in the reaction 1 mol of C5H12 produces 5 moles of CO2, so the calculation to find the number of moles of CO2, would be:


The next and final step is clear V (volume) from the initial formula and replaces the value of moles for CO2, like this:

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=\frac{nRT}{P}, \\ V=\frac{7.93\text{ mol}\cdot0.082\frac{atm\cdot L}{mol\cdot K}\cdot273K}{1\text{ atm}}, \\ V(CO_2)=177.52\text{ L.} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, 25,5 L of C5H12 will produce 177.52L of CO2.

Indicate the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in isolated ions having the following nuclear symbols:

a) 19F1- has ? protons, ? neutrons, and ? electrons.

b) 24Mg2+ has ? protons, ? neutrons, and ? electrons.

c) 56Fe3+ has ? protons, ? neutrons, and ? electrons.


The number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in isolated ions having the following nuclear symbols:

a) ¹⁹F⁻ has 9 protons  , 9 neutrons ,  10 electrons

b) ²⁴Mg²⁺ has 12 protons , 12 neutrons , 10 electrons

c) ⁵⁶Fe³⁺ has 26 protons , 26 neutrons , 23 electrons

Atomic number represent the no. of protons. number of protons is equal to number of electrons in neutral atom. neutrons is the difference between mass number and atomic number.

a) Atomic number of fluorine is 9. for neutral F atom  has 9 protons , 9 neutrons , 9 electrons. In ¹⁹F⁻ , -1 represents one extra electron.

¹⁹F⁻  has 9 protons  , 9 neutrons ,  10 electrons

b) Atomic number of Magnesium is 12. In ²⁴Mg²⁺ , 2+ represents 2 electrons are removed.

²⁴Mg²⁺ has 12 protons , 12 neutrons , 10 electrons

c) Atomic number of iron is 26.

⁵⁶Fe³⁺  has 26 protons , 26 neutrons , 23 electrons

Thus, The number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in isolated ions having the following nuclear symbols:

a) ¹⁹F⁻  has 9 protons  , 9 neutrons ,  10 electrons

b) ²⁴Mg²⁺ has 12 protons , 12 neutrons , 10 electrons

c) ⁵⁶Fe³⁺ has 26 protons , 26 neutrons , 23 electrons

To learn more about electrons protons neutrons here



The molar mass of NO2 is
46.01 g/mol.
What is the mass
of 3.45 moles NO2?
[ ? ] g NO₂


The mass of nitrogen dioxide present in 3.45 moles is equal to 158.73 g.

What is a mole?

A mole can be defined as a scientific unit that is used to determine the huge number of quantities of molecules, atoms, ions, etc. The mass of the 1 mole of an element is called atomic mass and the mass of one mole of any compound is called molar mass.

The number of particles in 1 mole was found to be equal to 6.023 × 10 ²³ per mole which is known as Avogadro’s constant.

Given, the number of moles of nitrogen dioxide = 3.45 mol

The molar mass of NO₂ = 46.01 g/mol

It means that 1 mole of NO₂  has mass = 46.01 g

Then 3.45 moles of  NO₂ will have mass = 3.45 × 46.01 = 158.73 g

Learn more about the mole, here:



this is for my final review please help also any advice is helpful





Here, we want to get the given definition

We have the solvent taking in as much solute as it can take

That is what we call a saturated solution

It simply means the amount of solute in the solvent is at the maximum

Mateo has sprayed luminol on a bed spread but sees no evidence of any substances. What mistake is he MOST likely making?

He is spraying too much luminol.

He is diluting the substances with luminol.

He is leaving the lights on in the room.

He is making it too dark in the room.




because i said so

What would the molecular formula be if potassium and chlorine reacted to form a neutral compound?A. KClB. PClC. K2ClD. KCl3



The metal potassium and nonmetal chlorine will react together to form potassium chloride.

The formula for the cation potassium is K+. The anion chloride is Cl-. If we combine them to form a neutral compound we get:

Answer: A. KCl

What is the molarity of “Cl” in each solution? -0.200 M of NaCl-0.190 M of SrCl2-0.110 M of AlCl3


a) The molarity of Cl⁻ in 0.200 M of NaCl is 0.200 M.

a) The molarity of Cl⁻ in 0.190 M of SrCl₂ is 0.380 M.

c) The molarity of Cl⁻ in 0.110 M of AlCl₃ is 0.330 M.

a) 0.200 M of NaCl

The chemical reaction,

NaCl(aq) → Na⁺(aq) + Cl¯(aq)

From the above-balanced equation,

1 mole of Cl was created from 1 mole of NaCl


0.200 M NaCl will produce 0.200 M of Cl⁻

b) 0.190 M of SrCl₂

The chemical reaction:

SrCl₂(aq) → Sr²⁺ (aq) + 2Cl¯ (aq)

From the above-balanced equation,

2 moles of Cl were created from 1 mole of SrCl2.


0.190 M of SrCl₂ will produce = 0.190 × 2 = 0.380 M of Cl⁻

c) 0.110 M of AlCl₃

The chemical reaction:

AlCl₃(aq) → Al³⁺ (aq) + 3Cl¯ (aq)

From the above-balanced equation,

3 moles of Cl were created from 1 mole of AlCl₃


The molarity of Cl⁻ in 0.110 M of AlCl₃ is:

= 0.110 × 3 = 0.330 M

Learn more about molarity here:



I attached a picture of the questions I have. These are separate questions.


Electron configuration is defined as the description of where each electron is located, in terms of levels and sublevels around the nucleus. In this question, we have the following electron configuration:

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6

This electron configuration has 8 electrons in its valence shell (the last number represents the shell number, in this case is 3) and according to the octet rule, this is a stabilized element, therefore it must be a Noble Gas

The period will be 3, since this is the valence shell

The group will be Noble gas, or group 18

Noble gas, usually, will not bond to other elements, since they are stabilized according to the octet rule

Recalling that a beaker of water is two dimensional, what is the three dimensional shape of the micelle?


The three dimensional shape of the micelle is sphere

micelle is a loosely bound aggregation of several  hundreds of atoms, ions which are electrically charged atoms or molecules, which results in forming a colloidal particle. Micelles are basically  aggregate or supramolecular assembly of  surfactant of amphipathic lipids molecules dispersed in a liquid, forming a colloidal suspension which is also known to be associated with colloidal system.

Micelles are generally  composed of hydrophobic and hydrophilic components that are assembled into nanosized spherical, ellipsoid, cylindrical, or uni lamellar structures. Usually the heads are hydrophilic in nature and the tail part is hydrophobic in nature. Therefore their structure in three dimension will be spherical.

To know more about micelle



7. How many moles of NH3 can be produced from5.00 moles of H, according to the following equation?N2 + 3 H2 → 2 NH3a. 0.67 molb. 2.00 molc. 3.33 mold. 7.50 mol



[tex]C\text{ : 3.33 mol}[/tex]


Here, we want to get the number of moles of ammonia that could be produced from 5 moles of hydrogen

From the balanced equation of reaction, 3 moles of hydrogen produced 2 moles of ammonia

5 moles of hydrogen will produce x moles of ammonia


[tex]\begin{gathered} 5\times2\text{ = 3}\times x \\ x\text{ = }\frac{10}{3} \\ x\text{ = 3.33 mol} \end{gathered}[/tex]

If 20 grams of butane, C4H10, is burned in a combustion reaction, how many grams of carbon dioxide could you get?


Step 1 - Balancing the combustion equation

The combustion of an alkane always gives, as products, H2O and CO2. Remembering that combustion always involves a reaction with O2, we can write the chemical equation for the combustion of C4H10 as:


Step 2 - Discover how many grams of carbon dioxide can be produced

Looking at the equation above, we can see that 1 mole of C4H10 produces 4 moles of CO2. This is a fixed proportion. We can convert this proportion in moles to a proportion in mass by multiplying each number of moles by the respective molar mass (C4H10 58g/mol; CO2 44g/mol)of the substances:

[tex]\begin{gathered} mC_4H_{10}=1\times58=58\text{ g} \\ \\ mCO_2=4\times44=176\text{ g} \end{gathered}[/tex]

We discovered thus that each 58 g of C4H10 produce 176g of CO2. Since this is a fixed proportion in mass, we can use it to discover how many grams of CO2 would be formed by the combustion of 20g of butane (C4H10):

[tex]\begin{gathered} 58\text{ g of C4H10------ 176 g of CO2} \\ 20\text{ g of C4H10 ----- x} \\ \\ x=\frac{176\times20}{58}=60.7\text{ g of CO2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The combustion of 20 g of C4H10 would produce thus 60.7 g of CO2.

The equation for the synthesis of ammonia is N2 + 3 H2 -> 2 NH3. How many moles of H2 I needed to produce 6 mol of NH3? A. 4 B. 6 C. 8 D. 9


The equation for the synthesis of ammonia is:

N₂ + 3 H₂ ---> 2 NH₃

We have to find the number of moles of H₂ needed to produce 6 mol of NH₃. To do that we will use the equation that we were given.

We can read the equation of the reaction as a recipe. When 1 mol of N₂ reacts with 3 moles of H₂, 2 moles of NH₃ are produced. So the relationship between H₂ and NH₃ is that 3 moles of H₂ are needed to produce 2 moles of NH₃. We wiill use that relationship to solve the problem.

6 moles of NH₃ * 3 moles of H₂/(2 moles of NH₃) = 9 moles of H₂

Answer: D) 9 moles of H₂ are needed.

17.Which of the following is the correct formula for the compound formed from the elements beryllium and oxygen?Select one:a. BeOb. Be2O2c. BeO3d. Be4O8



a. BeO


The ionic compound formed from the elements beryllium and oxygen is beryllium oxide. The beryllium ion has a charge of +2 and has the symbol

Be²⁺. The oxide ion has a charge of -2 and has the symbol O²⁻.

Therefore, the correct formula for the compound from the elements beryllium and oxygen will be BeO

what compound is produced Be and Cl


Answer: Beryllium Chloride

Based on the equation below, which of the following statements best describes what should be observed as the reaction takes place?Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) to ZnCl2 (aq)+ H2(g)Solid zinc dissolvingBubbles forming from chlorine gas productionBubbles forming from hydrogen gas productionChlorine forming a solid precipitate



Bubbles forming from hydrogen gas production


Given that;

[tex]\text{ Zn}_{(s)}\text{ + 2HCl}_{(aq)}\rightarrow\text{ ZnCl}_{2(aq)}\text{ + H}_{2(g)}[/tex]

One of the method used in the preparation of hydrogen gas is the reaction of metals with acid

The above reaction is one of the method of producing hydrogen gas

When Zn reacts with HCl, bubbles formed which is as a result of hydrogen production.

Therefore, the correct answer is Bubbles forming from hydrogen gas production

Which of the following is/aresoluble in water?Alcohols with threecarbon atomsAlcohols with less thanthree carbon atomsAlcohols with six carbonatomsabсd Both A and B


It is known that the three first alcohols are soluble in water, those are methanol, ethanol and propanol. It means that alcohols with less than 3 carbon atoms (methanol, ethanol) and with 3 carbon atoms (propanol) are soluble in water.

Therefore, the correct answer is Both A and B. The correct choice is D.

A volume of 56.0 mL of He at STP. a. How much weight?


We already know that number of moles is 0.0025 mol.

So if we know the volume of the gas at STP and the number of moles we can get the mass of the gas.

V = 0.056 L

1 mol = 22.4 L

Molar mass of He = 4.0026 g/mol

So to calculate the weight we need number of moles and molar mass.

weight = 0.0025 mol x 4.0026 g/mol

= 0.01 g

Other Questions
21 pointUse the given information to complete the proof of the following theorem.If a quadrilateral is a parallelogram, then its opposite sides are congruent.By definition, a parallelogram is a quadrilateral in which both pairs of opposite sides are parallel.Use this definition in your proof.angle-side-angleCorresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent.side-angle-sideOpposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent. A membrane lines tubes and cavities that open to the outside of the body. Solve Equation: 12(x-2.3)= 15.6 Help please help I will give a good review.... can you help me with these two questions What is the value of x? R 2x+880 Q 78 8x-940 X+790 s T Determine the perimeter of kite NITE below where EB = 40 feet and BI = BN= 9. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth necessary.BE I need to find the exact area of the sector. Hello Ive been trying to solve this but have no luck :( subtract the following polynomials2x6 and 7 x ^2 + 6 x + 4as well as7 x ^2 + 6 x + 4 and 2x-6 why was spain eager to trade the louisiana territory and new orleans to france? Elaine is starting at point A, she wants to get to point B. She is only allowed to move along the arrows, how many different paths could she take? 2 angles are Supplementary. One angle has a measure that is 5 times the other Angle. Type in the measure of the bigger angle. 231 students of the Brooklyn Public Library went on a field trip. Some students rode in vans that hold 7 students each, and some students rode in buses that hold 25 students each. How many of each type of vehicle did the students ride in if there were 15 total vehicles? * Question 5 Find the area of the parallelogram shown belo 44 Function A is represented by the equation y=-2x + 1.Function B is a linear function that goes through the points shown inthe table.x 1346y 19 13 21Which statement correctly compares the rates of change of the twofunctions?O A. The rate of change of function A is-2The rate of change of function B is 4.O B. The rate of change of function A is 1.The rate of change of function B is 8.C. The rate of change of function A is 1.The rate of change of function B is 4.D. The rate of change of function A is-2The rate of change of function B is 8. The function f(x) = log2 x is transformed 3 units to the right and vertically compressed by a factor of 0.6 to become g(x).Which function represents the transformation g(x)? a student throws a rock straight down words from a bridge into a river below if initial speed of the rock is 10.0 Ms and it takes 2.1 s to reach the river how high is the bridge What was the final ruling in the Dred Scott case in 1857? Why was it so controversial? 4 pointsTriangle BAC is shown on the coordinate grid. The coordinates of eachvertex of the triangle are integers. Numerical answers as decimal or wholenumber only (do not write as a fraction).6AB5321012What is the slope of BC?Your answerThis is a required question In a solution with a pH of 3 a. Litmus Is blue and phenolphthalein is colorless b. Litmus is blue phenolphthalein is red c. Litmus Is red phenolphthalein is colorless d. Litmus is red phenolphthalein is red.