8x/13 = 64/52

If answer is in a decimal, put in fraction (simplest form)


Answer 1
Simplify 64/52
To get 16/13, you have to cancel out the common factor which is 4.
208 / 104 = 2
Answer 2

Answer: 2

Step-by-step explanation: This is incredibly simple first we can match the denominators, 4*13 = 52 and that means we have to do that to numerators to, 8x*4 = 32x so now our equation is 32x/52 = 64/52 and as we know 32*2 = 64 so that means x = 2.

Related Questions

Need answer asap please and thank you.


Answer: Volume of cube = 0.064 m s^3 = 0.064 s = cube √0.064 s = 0.4 m Therefore, length of all sides is 0.4

Answer: 0.4

Step-by-step explanation: To find the volume of a cube the formula for that axaxa = b and 0.064 = b (it is not axbxc because it is a CUBE). so that means you just have to find the cube root of 0.064 which is 0.4.

a school principal claims that grade 11 have a mean grade of 86 with a standard deviation of 4. suppose that the distribution is approximately normal, what is the possibility that a randomly selected grade will be less that 84?



I'm not sure, but I think is this

z=(82–86)/4 = -1

z=(90–86)/4= 1

P(82<x<86) = 0.34134

P(86<x<90) = 0.34134

P(82<x<90) = 0.34134+0.34134 = 0.68268

What do I do where it says "Rewrite The False Statement To Make It True"?



the rate of change is $50

Step-by-step explanation:

each ticket costs $50 not 100

The rate is 50$
Each ticket cost 50$ and 2 cost 100

A new bakery is giving away free prizes for the grand opening. Every 5th customer will get a free bagel, every 9th customer will get a free blueberry muffin, and every 12th customer will get a free slice of carrot cake. Jada is the 36th customer, Will she get a prize? > What prize will she get? > Is it possible she will get more than 1 prize?


Jada will receive a free blueberry muffin and a piece of carrot cake.
Jada will receive a blueberry muffin and a carrot cake

Price markup and discount 7.RP.3

Stop and shop marked up the price of their bananas by 10%. If the original price was 0.39 for one banana. How much will you pay now for four bananas?



hello can you explain it a lil more pls

but i promise ill answer it

Step-by-step explanation:

I think it is $1.72
But I don’t exactly know for sure

Need answer asap please and thank you.



-9 if that is to the power of 3 at the end

Step-by-step explanation:

Simplify the root.  

What number multiplied by itself 3 times gives you 27?


18 - (3)^3 =

18 - 27 = -9

Also, a quicker way to do it when you get more confident is if you have a root (for example third root) and you raise it to the same exponent as is the root.  (third root to third power)  the root goes away and you are just left with the guts of that root.

Hope this helps :)

If you need any more explanation, feel free to ask.  If this really helps, consider marking brainliest.

- Jeron

help me pls i'm timed


Pollen 2 because the scientific notation is the smallest
Pollen 2. Smallest notation

Your BFF and Transformer, Bumblebee, left its house and ran 4 miles east and then 3 miles north. Bumblebee then took the diagonal path back to its house.
Please answer fast



the diagonal is 5 miles. the total distance travelled is 12 miles.

Step-by-step explanation:

draw then use the pythagorean theorem

The diagonal is 5 miles total distance is 12 miles

64068 - X divided by 74 What is the SMALLEST possible answer?




Step-by-step explanation

x = 32094 divided by 74 = 12.0932 so 64068 - 12.0932 = 64055.9068

good luck


Already have the answer, but its 23421.

Step-by-step explanation:

A new bakery is giving away free prizes for the grand opening. Every 5th customer will get a free bagel, every 9th customer will get a free blueberry muffin, and every 12th customer will get a free slice of carrot cake. Diego is the 23rd customer, he thinks he should get farther back in line to get a prize. Is he right? How far back should he go?



1 spot back

Step-by-step explanation:

23 is closest to the number 24. 24 isn't divisible by 5 or 9 but it is by twelve. He Should only move 1 spot back because he is 1 in front of 24.

Answer: Diego is right and needs to go 1 place back.

Step-by-step explanation: We start by finding the least multiple for 5 it is 25, 9 is 27, and finally 12 is 24 and 24 is the closest so he only needs to back one place in line.

Use what you know about powers to explain why a0 = 1


The say power to the point but do I know to meaning no
Every number to the power of 0 equals 1, which is why this works for a^0=1

Hi! Can someone help me with the phytagorean theorem find the length of the hypotenuse and find the distance between two points. Thank you!




Step-by-step explanation:

using pythagorean theorem, the length is


= √(25+4)


The answer is square root of 24.

Please help meeeee with this problem


Answer: 7

(Just count from each number)

Seven :p
I dunno what else to put

Two friends, Rahul and Arun, took summer jobs. The equation y = 17.3x represents Arun's earnings in dollars and cents, y, for working x hours. The graph below represents Rahul's earnings in dollars and cents, y, for working x hours.

How much more does Rahul earn per hour than Arun?


Answer: Rahul earns 3.5 dollars more per hour than Arun.

Step-by-step explanation:

17.3 is the slope of Arun's earnings. To find what Rahul makes in an hour, you can find the slope of his graph below.

Use the two points, (10,208) and (20, 416)

Use the formula for calculating slope:




208/10= 20.8

Rahul's equation can be set up like this:




Therefore, Rahul earns 3.50 dollars more per hour than Arun.

Can someone answer these? So your work as well.


Answer:X=5 over 3

Step-by-step explanation: I answered on computer so i cant take a picture and it'sis a lot to type, but i'm sure the answer is right

The answer should be 0=0

HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!
A bag contains 10 marbles. The marbles are either red, black, or white. A marble is pulled from the bag, the color is recorded, and the marble is placed back in the bag. This occurs 50 times. The results are:

Red is pulled 29 times.
Black is pulled 11 times.
White is pulled 10 times.

Based on this information, how many of each color marble are most likely in the bag?​



Step-by-step explanation:

6 red

2 black

2 white

The answer is 6 red, 2 black, and 2 white.

Samuel is folding his laundry. The table shows the proportional relationship between the number of shirts he folds and the time, in minutes, it takes him to fold them. Number of Shirts 2 4 ? Time (minutes) 0.40 0.8 3 How many shirts can Samuel fold in 3 minutes?

i will give brainiest and thanks



He can fold 30 shirts in 3 minutes.

Step-by-step explanation:

This work is way to hard and my work is stacking it would be nice to have some weight off my back


1) Popcorn unit price: 17.57/7 = $2.51

2.51 x 3 = 7.53

Three bags of popcorn would cost $7.53.

2) Old games unit price: 73.10/5 = 14.62

14.62 x 6 = 87.72

If they sold six games they would've made $87.72.

3) Lollipop unit price: 20.51/7 = %2.93

2.39 x 4 = 11.72

Four lollipops would cost $11.72

4) Hotdogs unit price: 82.86/3 = $27.42

Hamburgers unit price: 55.12/2 $27.56

Hotdogs have the lower unit price. $27.42 < $27.56

5) Packs of paper unit price: 12.74/7 = $1.82

1.82 x 2 = 3.64

Two packs of paper would cost $3.64

6) Pair of shoes unit price: 49.32/4 = $12.33

12.33 x 6 = $73.98

Six pairs of shoes would cost $73.98

7) Brand A unit price: 71.28/6 = $11.88

Brand B unit price: 59.15/5 = $11.83

Brand B has the cheaper price. $11.83 < $11.88

8) Pounds of seeds unit price: 37.62/2 = $18.81

18.81 x 6 = $112.86

Six pounds of seeds would cost $112.86

9) Red Grapes unit price: .82

Green Grapes unit price: .84

Green grapes are more expensive. .84 > .82

10) Book Store unit price : 21.69/3 = $7.23

Online unit price: 14.28/2 = $7.14

Online has a lower unit price. $7.14 < $7.23

I need answers and to fill in the blanks, I'm sorry if this is a little amount but here's 15 points



why thank you!

Step-by-step explanation:

but if you need help I'm here


Step-by-step explanation:

7th grade mathbook page 217-218 questions 6-17 skip 12



217 -218=1

6-17 =11

Step-by-step explanation:

39 of the 46 students in Nancy's grade have a pet. What is the ratio of the number of students who do not have a pet to the number of students who have a pet?

please help i will give brainliest



46-39 for amount of students without pet. Compared to 39 students who have a pet.
49/36 = 1.633
So the ratio is 1:1.63

Pls help! There are 5 questions in total. Pls answer all of them if you can. I will give brainliest. I need the answers by tomorrow. thx!



1. C it is a relation and a function

2. C it is not a relation nor a function

im sorry i can’t help with the rest my memory is a lil fuzzy-

I hope you do well on your test though!

guy can you help it is to early for me to do math please and thank you.


Answer: D

Step-by-step explanation: -6 is less than 7


Since -6 is less than 7

Please HELP asap! And explain how you did it! I have no idea so tysm!♡♡



The answer is 3.

Step-by-step explanation:

So, 27 is equal to 3 times 3 times 3. How? 3 x 3 is 9, and 9 x 3 is 27. The question was asking you to find the number that when multipled by itself 3 times equals to 27. This is an easier question but if its a big number you can use a calculator.


Check explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

With problems like these,

you need to find what number would be multiplied by 3 (the 'root index')

In this case, 3 can also be used,

3 x 3 x 3 = 27

It's a bit confusing but once you get the hang of it it becomes easier.

no other equations need to be done this is your answer:

[tex]\sqrt[3]{27}[/tex] = 3 x 3 x 3 = 27


(in other problems there would be more steps,

the symbol is called a radical notion

The radicand is the number you are trying to reach (27 in this case)

the root index (3 in this case) is the number you use to find numbers that multiply *that* amount of times to equal the radicand.

3 can be multiplied 3 times to get 27

3 x 3 x 3 = 27

Hope this is clear!

Identify the numeric order of these fractions and mixed numbers from largest to smallest in the final form with common denominators 1 1/2, 1/4, 1 3/4, 5/6.



1 3/4, 1 1/2, 5/6, 1/4

with a common denominator, it looks like this

21/12 = 1 3/4, 18/12 = 1 1/2  10/12 = 5/6   3/12 = 1/4

The order of the fraction from largest number to smallest number is 1 3/4, 1 1/2, 5/6, and 1/4.

What are arithmetic Operations?

The four fundamental operations of arithmetic are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of two or even more items.

Included in them is the study of integers, especially the order of operations, which is important for all other areas of mathematics, notably algebra, data management, and geometry.

As per the data given in the question,

1 1/2 = 3/2 = 1.5

1/4 = 0.25

1 3/4 = 7/4 = 1.75

5/6 = 0.83

So, the order from largest to smallest number is:

1 3/4, 1 1/2, 5/6, and 1/4.

Now, with a common denominator it will be:

21/12 = 1 3/4, 18/12 = 1 1/2 10/12 = 5/6   3/12 = 1/4

To know more about arithmetic operations:



Look at the steps below, what are you finding?:
1-The rate is usually given as a percent.
2-To find the _______, multiply the rate (as a decimal) by the original price.
3-To find the total cost, add the tax to the original price.
Group of answer choices
Thank u!




Step-by-step explanation:

tax comes as a percentage and you multiply it by the original price to find what it is and as the third statement says you then add it to the original price

Hopes this helps

To find the tax, multiply the rate( as a decimal) by the original price.

5g (3g+782-9)

A. 50g4 - 45g
B. 15g2 +35g3 - 45g
C. 8g2 + 12g3-4g
D. 8g +7g²-9 E. 5g4



B. 15g^2 + 35g^3 - 45g

Step-by-step explanation:

5g(3g + 7g^2 - 9)

5 x 3 = 15 g x g = g^2; 15g^2

5 x 7 = 35 g x g^2 = g^3; 35g^3

5g x -9 = -45g

the answer will be b

please help me with this algebra!!



Step-by-step explanation:if n=40 then 40/8 is 5 and If n=56 56-5 is 51

what the person above said

Simplify the expression. negative 15 plus the quantity negative 1 and six tenths plus 9 and 34 hundredths end quantity divided by 6 all times 3 squared minus 5 and 7 tenths

i will give brainiest and thanks


Answer:The value of the given expression is -6.93

How to simplify the expression?

The expression in the question is given as:

negative 15 plus the quantity negative 3 and seven tenths plus 9 and 15 hundredths end quantity divided by 5 all times 3 squared minus 4 and 7 tenths

Rewrite the expression properly

So, we have

-15 - 3.7 + 9.15/5 * 3^2 - 4.7

Evaluate the quotient and the exponent

So, we have

-15 - 3.7 + 1.83 * 9 - 4.7

Evaluate the product

-15 - 3.7 + 16.47 - 4.7

Evaluate the sum and the difference


Hence, the value of the given expression is -6.93 (none of the options is correct)

Step-by-step explanation:

Write each of the following as a mathematical equation.
Lacey made some cookies. She gave 8 to her best friend, then she divided the remainder into three halves for her classmates, and she still had 9 cookies left.



Let "C" represent the number of cookies Lacey made.

We can write the first sentence as: C - 8 = cookies remaining

We can write the second sentence as: (C - 8) / 3 = cookies for classmates

We can write the third sentence as: (C - 8) / 3 + 9 = cookies remaining

Therefore, the full equation is:

C - 8 / 3 + 9 = cookies remaining

Note that this equation is not solvable as written, since the operations are not in the correct order. To solve the equation, we must use the correct order of operations, which is:

1. Parentheses

2. Exponents

3. Multiplication and Division (from left to right)

4. Addition and Subtraction (from left to right)

Applying the order of operations, we get the following equation:

((C - 8) / 3) + 9 = cookies remaining

This equation is now solvable, and we can use algebra to solve for the variable "C".

To do this, we first need to isolate the variable on one side of the equation by moving all the other terms to the other side. We can do this by subtracting 9 from both sides of the equation, which gives us:

((C - 8) / 3) = cookies remaining - 9

Next, we need to get rid of the parentheses and the division by multiplying both sides of the equation by 3, which gives us:

C - 8 = 3 * (cookies remaining - 9)

Finally, we can solve for the variable "C" by adding 8 to both sides of the equation, which gives us:

C = 8 + 3 * (cookies remaining - 9)

This is the final equation, which shows the relationship between the number of cookies Lacey made and the number of cookies she had remaining after giving some to her friend and classmates.

8 divided by ? (something ) = 9
9divided by 8 = 1.125
so 8 divided by 1.125
or the answer could be 72
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