Although the sumerians gave rise to the earliest examples of writing in cuneiform on clay tablets, we have less art available from this culture than from the ancient egyptians of the same period. How is this possible?.


Answer 1

This is possible because the Sumerians used mud and clay bricks, in their art and neither of which were very long-lasting.

Who were the Sumerians?

One of the first significant civilizations in human history was built by the ancient Sumerians. Around 6,000 years ago, among the floodplains between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in modern-day Iraq and Syria, their Mesopotamian homeland, Sumer, first appeared.

And while it would not seem like the Middle East's dry, old landscapes would be the best place for an agricultural breakthrough, Sumer actually had a significant advantage. The Sumerians benefited from fertile floodplain land and plenty of water to cultivate crops by locating between two significant rivers.

Paleographers have mapped out the general course of the Sumerian writing system's evolution. It has long been known that Sumerian script, also known as cuneiform in later stages, was the world's first writing system.

Even though the Sumerians invented cuneiform writing on clay tablets, we have less art from this civilization than from ancient Egypt during the same time period because of the non durable forms used in presenting their writing

Learn more on Sumerian writing at:


Related Questions

The works progress administration was created in 1935, as a part of the new deal. the effectiveness of the wpa was in the: _______


The works progress administration was created in 1935, as a part of the new deal, the effectiveness of the WPA was in the 1943.

What was the Works Progress Administration?

It was a work program for the unemployed that was created in 1935 under U.S. Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal. Although critics called the WPA an extension of the dole or a device for creating a huge patronage army loyal to the Democratic Party, the purpose of the program was to provide useful work for millions of victims of the Great Depression and thus to preserve their skills and self-respect.

The economy would be stimulated by the increased purchasing power of the newly employed, whose wages under the program ranged from $15 to $90 per month The agency’s construction projects produced about 650,000 miles (1,046,000 km) of roads; 125,000 public buildings; 75,000 bridges; 8,000 parks; and 800 airports.

Read more about Works Progress Administration


The early church divided the handling of their problems into two categories. What were the categories and who addressed the problems in each category?



Christian and catholic


The 2 categories where: Physical, and spiritual.  

The people who addressed the physical problems, where chosen men of the church.

The people who address the spiritual problems, where the Apostles.


The leadership of the church fell to the Apostles. The Apostles remained responsible for the spiritual oversight of the entire church while tasks and responsibilities associated with physical care of the members were delegated to specifically chosen men. No tightly defined system of government existed at this time. As a young, local church, its ministry included no official outside missionary activity, but it was soon to take place.

reconstruction is often characterized as a failure, though there were some successes. what were some of the achievements of the new republican state governments established during reconstruction?


Some of the achievements of the state governments, which was established during reconstruction era includes:

state-funded public school systemsequitable taxation legislationlaws against racial discriminationambitious economic development programs etc.

What was the Reconstruction Era about?

In U.S., reconstruction era tells about the turbulent era following the Civil War, which came with an effort to reintegrate the Southern states from the Confederacy and 4 million newly-freed people into the United States.  Under the administration of Andrew Johnson, new southern state legislatures passed the restrictive “Black Codes” to control the labor and behavior of former enslaved people and other African.

During the period, some accomplishments are the legislature created the state's first public school system for blacks as well as for whites, adopted progressive civil law code, reaffirmed the legal and political equality of the races and ratified the Fifteenth Amendment.

Read more about Reconstruction Era


The following image represents a turning point in the Second World War. Explain the image and what is happening. Why is it significant?



The final major offensive in the European Theatre of the Second World War On 22 June 1944, two weeks after the Allied landings in Normandy, the Soviet army initiated its campaign against the German forces. On 16 October Soviet troops crossed the German border. Joseph Stalin, the head of State of the Soviet Union, was in a hurry to get to Berlin before the Americans. He wanted above all to demonstrate Soviet military might and achieve a favourable post-war negotiating position. However, U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt was not interested in conquering Berlin. He wanted the Soviet Union as an ally in the war against Japan, and above all as a partner in the creation of a stable post-war world order. On 16 April 1945, the Soviet forces started the final offensive against the German capital. They tried to encircle Berlin in a pincer movement. But the attempted fast breakthrough into Berlin did not materialize. Instead it took them four days and many casualties to get past the Seelow Heights, situated about 70 km east of Berlin. On 21 April, the first Soviet units finally entered Berlin. In house-to-house fighting the Soviet soldiers faced desperate German resistance. The Western Allies stopped their air attacks on 16 April 1945. The Soviet Union continued the air war to support the ground offensive in Berlin. On 2 May 1945, the Berlin garrison surrendered to the Soviet army. The human cost of the battle of Berlin had been enormous. The Soviets counted over 80.000 dead. German losses are estimated at almost 50.000.

The following image represents a turning point in the Second World War. The last significant attack in the Second World War's European Theater Two weeks after the Allied landings in Normandy, on June 22, 1944, the

What is an image?

An image is a visual interior representation of something. It can be two-dimensional, three-dimensional, or in some manner otherwise feed into the visual system to communicate information. An image can be an artifact, such as exposure or other two-dimensional picture, that resembles.

Soviet army began its offensive against the German forces. On October 16, Soviet forces entered Germany. The Soviet Union's leader, Joseph Stalin, was eager to be in Berlin before the Americans. Above all, he aimed to show off Soviet military might.

The Soviet Union's leader, Joseph Stalin, was eager to be in Berlin before the Americans. Above all, he aimed to show off Soviet military prowess and establish a strong bargaining position after the conflict. Franklin Roosevelt, the president of the United States, had no desire to take over Berlin.

Therefore, The following image represents a turning point in the Second World War.

Learn more about images here:


Why is the differences between Mexicans and African important



-- AAA


explain further please

What is the European front


Answer: The European Front in WWII was a military "theatre" composed of several countries.

Explanation: The countries included were Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Germany.

In this assignment, you will complete the following steps:
1. Research: Choose from among three different early civilizations and research
how developments in agriculture, religion, and social structures affected the
daily life of people in that civilization.
2. Analyze: Use your research findings to answer a series of questions about
way developments in agriculture, religion, and social structures affected the
civilization you focused on.


The Chosen three different early civilizations are:

The Aryans civilizationThe Inca civilizationThe bantu civilization

What are the early civilizations about?

The Aryans civilization

a nomadic people from Persia or Central Asia who, starting in 700 BCE, conquered the Indus Valley and constructed cities. They developed an early caste structure and absorbed Harappan farming, habitation, and cult practices.

Animals rearing was the majority of the population's employment, and the quantity of cattle was used to determine prosperity. They cleared the woodlands in order to pursue agriculture. Bronze, iron, and copper were the metals used. Carpenters, potters, spinners, and goldsmiths were occupations that were uncommon.

The Inca civilization

This is a former civilization in Andean South America that flourished between 1476 and 1534 CE. Cuzco was chosen by the Incas as their capital. Due to the enormous and intricate road network that was required by the mit'a system, the entire civilization had it. The sun god served as the primary deity in the polytheistic religion practiced by the highly religious Incas.

There was no extensive trading inside the confines of the Inca economy. Individuals conducted barter transactions. The Incas may have had the most successful centrally planned economy ever. Its success was due to the effective administration of the labor force and the resources they gathered as tribute.

The bantu civilization

The Bantu "started enormous but steady migrations southward and eastward spanning thousands of miles, bringing their language, their understanding of the production of iron, and their experience with organized agriculture" (112 Spodek)

A tribe of people known as the Bantu originated in the lower Niger region. Many of them finished moving to East Africa and the southern edge of the continent between 1200 BCE and 400 CE.

Lastly, The Bantu people were more productive farmers thanks to their iron implements, and they were a powerful fighting force thanks to their iron weapons. They also traded items like salt, copper, and iron ore for the things they needed, were hunters, goat, sheep, and cow herders, potters, and weavers.

Learn more about Inca civilization from

what do you think social structures can tell us about the lives of people you study


The past is revealed through the artwork of the past. The symbolism, colors, and materials of a piece of art can teach us about the civilization that created it. Additionally, we may contrast works of art.

How does social structure affect the lives of people?

The social hierarchy affects how people act. A person's position in the social hierarchy affects their views, attitudes, and behaviors their social class, social standing, the roles they play, and the culture, groups, and social institutions to which they belong.

In social structure studies, explanations are made for topics like trends in inequality and integration. Sociologists investigate these phenomena by looking at organizations, social categories such age groups, or rates such as of crime or birth.

Thus, The past is revealed through the artwork of the past.

For more information about social structure affect the lives of people, click here:


How where the Vietnamese treated by the French?


Answer: They were forced to work in horrible conditions in short. They were treated very poorly


identify and explain the political, cultural, and social legacies of republican and imperial rome. why does roman history matter?


The rules that exist now in many nations have been significantly influenced by Roman law. Roman law and the Roman Empire way of thinking had an impact on legal concepts including civil rights, contracts, personal property, legal wills, and corporations.

Although the Roman Empire was at its height thousands of years ago, its influence may still be seen in modern art, architecture, technology, literature, language, and law. The globe has been influenced by the ancient Romans in a variety of ways, from stadiums and bridges to books and the language we use every day.

Rome's influence can still be seen in contemporary western culture in fields including law, government, language, architecture, engineering, and religion. The Roman Republic serves as a model for many contemporary administrations.

For more info about ' Roman Empire' click on below link -


Which of these is true of the UK’s relationship with the EU?
A The UK became a member of the EU in 1928.
B The UK uses the EU’s standard currency, the euro.
C The UK does not have the same trade regulations as the EU.
D The UK suffers from high debts and unemployment rates, unlike the rest of the EU.


Answer: C. The UK does not have same trade regulations as EU because:

EU was formed in 1950's not 1928
UK uses pound sterling (Oldest currency in world still in use) not Euros
UK suffers from high debts and more but so does Greece and Bulgaria
This ain't unique to UK

So only remaining option is C

2. Which of the following sources is more likely to include details that didn't actually happen?

A: all of the above

B: a newspaper article written the day after the event occurred

C: a diary entry of someone who saw the event happen

D: a painting of an event that happened 50 years ago





the authors of both documents write about the same event in different ways due to
a.lack of information bias

c.they are secondary sources being from the perspective of an Armeni


The authors of both documents write about the same event in different ways due to author bias. The correct answer is B.

People frequently harbor a variety of biases. An author who is prejudiced is simply one who, in some manner, did not pay attention to all the facts, evidences, or build a logical case to support his or her opinions.

In this context, bias is simply defined as when a point or statement demonstrates partiality or preference for a person, thing, etc.

Due to author bias, the authors of both documents present the same event in different ways. When you suspect a source may be prejudiced, when the author's viewpoint is strongly held or skewed, etc that you can usually tell.

Learn more about author bias from


14. The production of the plaque in Goa is best understood in the immediate context of which of the following?
A. The establishment of plantation economies
B. The spread of printing-press technology
C. The development of trading-post empires
D. The decline of Asian states such as the Mughal Empire​


The production of the plaque in Goa is best understood in the immediate context of the development of trading-post empires. Thus, the correct answer is option C.

What is a plaque?

It is an ornamental tablet, typically of metal, porcelain, or wood, that is fixed to a wall or other surface in commemoration of a person or event.

The Portuguese seamen were the first to construct a plaque manufacturing unit in Goa. Trading Post Civilizations were intended to control shipping lanes rather than control territory by requiring commercial vessels to pay fees at fortified trading stations.

Therefore, development of trading-post empires led to the production of plaque in Goa.

To learn more about plaque, click here:


Is swimming good exercise?


Swimming is a good exercise or great workout because we need to move our whole body against the resistance of the water. Swimming is a good all round activity because it, keeps our heart rate up but takes some of the impact stress off our body.

Builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness.Swimming is one of the most popular sports in Australia. Swimming is a great way to keep fit, stay healthy and make friends.

Swimming is a healthy activity that you can continue for a lifetime. It is a low-impact activity that has many physical and mental health benefits. It is a great workout because we need to move our whole body against the resistance of the water.

Swimming is a good all round activity because it keeps our heart rate up but takes some of the impact stress off your body, builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness . It helps us tomaintain a healthy weight, healthy heart and lungs.

Learn more about Swimming good exercise click the link here:






Electrons --- Negatively charged subatomic particles located in the electron cloud.

Gaseous --- A state in matter in which the particles are able to move freely. They have an indefinite shape and volume.

Atoms --- The smallest unit of nonliving matter: made up of three subatomic particles.

Law of Conservation of Matter --- According to this, matter cannot be created or destroyed when a chemical change is taking place.

Solid --- A state of matter in which the particles vibrate. They have a definate shape and volume.

Protons --- Positivley charged subatomic particles located in the nucleus.

Chemical Properties --- How a chemical behaves or what it does when it becomes a new substance. Burning, tarnishing, and rusting are examples of this.

Matter --- Anything that has mass and takes up space in the universe.

Liquid ---A state of matter in which particles are able to slide past each other. They have an indefinate shape but a definate volume.

what was one of washington’s problems when he took office that would have prompted this quote?



George Washington to James Anderson | Thursday, December 21, 1797. "Every post is honorable in which a man can serve his country."


What are 2 things to know about the Northwest Ordinance ?


The two important things to know about the famous Northwest Ordinance are

1. The western lands that the Confederation Congress controlled needed to be organised in a certain way.

2. The Northwest Ordinance was enacted to guarantee peaceful and orderly settlement of Northwest territory land.

The Northwest Territory was primarily established by the Northwest Ordinance, also known as the Ordinance for the Government of the Territory of the United States, North West of the River Ohio. The Continental Congress approved the ordinance on July 13, 1787, and the United States Congress confirmed it on August 7, 1789, albeit with minor modifications. The Northwest Ordinance's provisions foreshadowed a number of Constitutional and First Amendment provisions, including the prohibition of slavery in territories-to-be-formed states. States included in the United States' Northwest Territory in the year 1787.

Learn more about Northwest Ordinance here:


What was Wilson's Latin American policy?


Wilson's Latin American policy is explained below:

As soon as they took office, President Woodrow Wilson and William Jennings Bryan, who served as his first secretary of state, rejected the Dollar Diplomacy that had governed American relations with Latin America throughout the Taft administration.

Wilson decided that the United States would only recognize Latin American governments established on law and order, "not upon arbitrary or irregular force," in a manner compatible with his domestic Progressive reform aspirations and his trust in the superiority of American democracy. Wilson was also prepared to use force on the battlefield to show Latin Americans "how to elect excellent men" as rulers. Students will examine Wilson's efforts to engage in this "missionary diplomacy" in Haiti and Mexico, as well as the reactions of particular Haitians and Mexicans, in this lesson.

To learn more about Wilson's Latin American policy:


both democrats and republicans in congress are saying they will pass legislation meant to prevent a ___________________ strike.


Both democrats and republicans in congress are saying they will pass legislation meant to prevent a rail strike.

Congress, as one of the three coequal branches of government, is ascribed significant powers by the Constitution. All legislative power in the government is vested in Congress, meaning that it is the only part of the government that can make new laws or change existing laws. Through legislative debate and compromise, the U.S. Congress makes laws that influence our daily lives. It holds hearings to inform the legislative process, conducts investigations to oversee the executive branch, and serves as the voice of the people and the states in the federal government.

All eligible voters within a state may vote for Senator. A Representative is elected by only those eligible voters residing in the congressional district that the candidate will represent. The winner of an election is determined by a majority vote. That is, whoever gets the most votes wins. Under the Constitution, the U.S. House of Representatives enacts and passes federal laws. The House of Representatives is one of the two houses of Congress (the other being the United States Senate) and is part of the federal government's legislature.

Learn more about Congress here:


A hitorian hould ak a many quetion a poible when analyzing ource and conducting reearch. Why i thi important?


The appropriate answer is

To be able to collect appropriate information
To collate resource data
To have valid proof

Please rate as the brainliest

What does 1 hour of swimming do?



Swimming is an excellent way to work your entire body and cardiovascular system. An hour of swimming burns almost as many calories as running, without all the impact on your bones and joints. Swimming is the fourth most popular activity in the United States.

Swimming is an efficient way to burn calories. A 160-pound person burns approximately 423 calories an hour while swimming laps at a low or moderate pace. That same person may burn up to 715 calories an hour swimming at a more vigorous pace.

It burns any excess fat that your body has reserved for energy, regardless of whether this fat is located on your stomach, hips, thighs, or other parts of your body.

What might be one explanation for how scientists are finding horse fossils in South America?



The fossil record shows several adaptive radiations in the horse lineage, which is now much reduced to only one genus, Equus, with several species. Paleozoologists have been able to piece together a more complete outline of the modern horse's evolutionary lineage than that of any other animal


what happened to slave before ,during, and after the American Revolution​



During the American Revolution, many slaves were able to gain their freedom by fighting for the British in exchange for their liberation. The British promised freedom to any slave who joined their forces and as a result, thousands of slaves escaped from the colonies to fight for the British. However, after the war, the British did not fulfill their promise and many of these former slaves were forced to return to the United States as slaves.


Which two incidents would a reporter at the democratic national convention in 1968 during the "battle of michigan avenue" have likely seen?.


Answer: Police officers hitting unarmed protesters and Protesters yelling at the police and soldiers

Background of the Democratic National Convention

In the summer of 1968, when the Democratic Party held its national convention in Chicago, it became a scene of violence and police brutality.

The convention followed President Lyndon B. Johnson's announcement not to seek reelection. Other major preceding events were the assassinations of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, and the raging Vietnam War.

What view does historian b have of gilded age entrepreneurs? how does he/she describe them?.


According to historian B, like Rockefeller, the gilded age entrepreneurs can be described as innovator, thinker, planner, and audacious entrepreneurs. The golden entrepreneurs are the captains of industry, and Americans must hold them accountable because they are monopoly. Although historians are clearly aware of the monopolistic tendencies of the time, they noted that monopolies were a natural reaction to competition at the time.

What is Gilded Era?

In the history of the United States, the Gilded Age spanned from approximately 1870 to 1900. It was a period of rapid economic growth, especially in the northern and western United States. Millions of European immigrants flowed in during this period as American wages became much higher than European wages, especially for skilled workers, and industrialization required more and more unskilled workers.

Learn more about gilded era


In contrast to the Congressional Reconstruction Plan, what was the focus of Reconstruction under President Andrew Johnson?
answer choices
a). providing economic opportunities for African Americans
b). punishing the southern states for staring the Civil War
c). readmitting states to the Union as quickly as possible
d). protecting the rights of freedmen and freedwomen


In the assessment of the Congressional Reconstruction Plan, option b punished the southern states for starting the Civil war.

In 1865 President Andrew Johnson applied a plan of Reconstruction that gave the white South a free hand in regulating the transition from slavery to freedom and provided no role to blacks inside the politics of the South.

Johnson's plan wasn't as willing to provide as much freedom to newly loose slaves as Lincoln's was. Johnson desired to give the land back to the south in contrast to the RR. Johnson's plan gave less safety to freed slaves than the unconventional Republican's plan. in contrast to the ten% plan, the plan they desired to punish the south.

Learn more about Andrew Johnson here


HELP PLEASEEE ASAP Drag each label to the correct location.
Identify each characteristic of civilization as Minoan, Mycenaean, or both.


The characteristics of the Minoan, Mycenaean, and both cultures were:

Minoan :

Worshipped the snake goddess

Mycenaean :

Were fierce warriors Formed city - states, each with its own government

Both :

Traded with other civilizations Created large palaces Built complex mazes

How were the Minoans and Mycenaeans similar ?

The Minoans and Mycenaeans were similar in that both of them engaged in trade with other civilizations such as the Hittites and the Egyptians. They also had closely related architecture such that they both created large palaces and built complex mazes which gave rise to several myths.

The Minoans however, were a peaceful people who focused on trade. Even their cities were not fortified. They had deities such as the mysterious Snake goddess.  The Mycenaeans on the other hand, were a war like people. They had fierce warriors who were able to defend them and create fortified cities. These cities were more like city - states as they had their own governments.

Find out more on Minoans and Mycenaeans at


What group was hit the hardest by the national origins act?


Answer: The Eastern and Southern Europeans (i think)

Explanation: The National origins act made a quota system to limit the amount of migration happening in Europe. This was so until 1965 when the US finally decided to hold off on this quota. I hope this helped!

did mexican war provided an effective training ground for u.s. military institutions and leaders to hone their skills for the civil war.


Despite the fact that the Mexican-American War took place when the American military system was still in its teenage stage. This war served as an essential training ground for the American Civil War, this nation's most significant combat of the nineteenth century.

Of course, the best scenario would be for Wheat and his companions to survive, triumph, invade Mexico City, and stand in the Montezumas Halls draped in glory with shining stars upon our breasts. He came to the conclusion that regardless of the situation, we are triumphant, even in death. How magnificent! What a pleasant thought!

At the start of the Mexican War, George Brinton McClellan, who would later lead the Union armies in the Civil War, had just graduated from West Point. He was eager to advance to the front and battle the Mexicans and mosquitoes in the crowd. He wrote home, "Hip! Hip! Hurrah!" There will be war, for sure! Isn't it wonderful.

To learn more about Civil War please click on below link


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