a client who has had abdominal surgery develops an infection in the wound while still hospitalized. which precautions are implemented by the nurse to prevent the spread of infection?


Answer 1

Following open or laparoscopic abdominal surgery, activity Following abdominal surgery, there are a few precautions that are mentioned below.

I advise staying away from any exerting activities, such as pushing, tugging, and leaping. To prevent constipation, consume a high-fiber diet or use stool softeners to reduce straining during bowel motions. Typically, there are no further limitations. You may consume your typical diet. Try bland, low-fat items such plain rice, grilled chicken, bread, and yogurt if your stomach is disturbed. The greatest exercise after abdominal surgery is to try to walk about the home for at least 15 minutes in the morning and in the evening.

To know more about  abdominal surgery please click on the link brainly.com/question/29538856


Related Questions

you are designing an agonistic drug to reduce heart rate. which receptor would you target that gives an inhibitory effect on the heart?



In order to design an agonistic drug that reduces heart rate, you would need to target a receptor that has an inhibitory effect on the heart.

One such receptor is the muscarinic M2 receptor, which is found in the heart and is involved in the regulation of heart rate.

Activation of this receptor can inhibit the heart's electrical activity, leading to a reduction in heart rate.

There are other receptors and mechanisms that can also regulate heart rate, so it is important to consult with a medical professional or conduct further research to determine the most effective target for your drug.


which nursing action can have a direct impact on budgeting for the nursing unit? a nurse group of answer choices administers pain medication to a patient after performing a pain assessment. makes an attempt to initiate intravenous therapy on a patient only to find that one of the catheters was defective and an additional catheter must be used. delegates the task of performing a dressing change to a lpn. calls respiratory therapy department to request a breathing treatment for a patient.


A nurse make an attempt to initiate intravenous therapy on a patient only to find that one of the catheters was defective and thus an additional catheter had to be used.

What is Intravenous therapy?

Intravenous therapy, also known as IV therapy, is a medical treatment in which a liquid solution is injected into a vein. The solution usually consists of electrolytes, vitamins, minerals, or medications. The intravenous route of administration is often the fastest way to deliver fluids and medications throughout the body. It is commonly used to treat dehydration, infections, and other medical conditions.

What is Catheters?

A catheter is a thin, flexible tube that is inserted into a patient's body for a variety of medical purposes. Catheters are used to deliver fluids or medications, monitor or take samples of a patient's bodily fluids, or to drain urine from the bladder. Catheters can be inserted through the skin or through a body cavity.

To know more about Intravenous therapy,



this patient was admitted for chemotherapy due to a primary hepatocellular carcinoma of the transplanted liver. what codes are assigned?


Z51.11, T86.49, C80.2 and C22.0 codes are assigned.

T86.49 should be assigned for liver transplant complications, along with C80.2 for malignancy associated with organ transplant. A transplant complication should be coded as a malignant neoplasm of a transplanted organ (CMS 2018a, Section I.C.2.r., 34).

The most common type of primary liver cancer is hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Hepatocellular carcinoma is most common in people who have chronic liver diseases, such as cirrhosis caused by hepatitis B or hepatitis C.

When a tumor grows on the liver, it is called hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). It is responsible for over 12,000 deaths in the United States each year, making it one of the deadliest cancers in adults.

To learn more about hepatocellular carcinoma, here



a client is scheduled for allergy skin testing to identify asthmatic triggers. which medications should the nurse instruct the client to withhold before the test to ensure accurate results? select all that apply.


A customer will undergo allergy skin testing to determine the causes of their asthma. The client should be told by the nurse to stop using Loratidine and Diphenhydramine.

In allergy skin testing, common food and environmental allergens (also known as antigens) are applied to the skin's surface, and the area is then watched to see if an allergic reaction occurs (eg, formation of a wheal, erythema). Usually, multiple antigens, positive and negative controls, and accuracy tests are conducted simultaneously. Antihistamines should be avoided by clients as they can impede accurate results.

The client should refrain from using antihistamines for up to two weeks prior to the test in order to obtain an accurate result, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl), loratadine (Claritin), and promethazine (Phenergan) (Options 3 and 5). Antihistamines prevent the production of histamines from mast cells, which causes allergic symptoms. The accuracy of allergy skin testing may also be impacted by systemic corticosteroids, which are used to treat the inflammatory component of asthma. For this reason, the healthcare practitioner evaluates a patient's use of these drugs.

Acetaminophen (Option 1) has no antihistamine effects and won't affect allergy skin tests.

Albuterol, an inhaled short-acting beta-adrenergic agonist, should not be stopped because it is required to guarantee patient safety during acute asthma exacerbations and won't affect allergy skin test findings.

Enalapril, an ACE inhibitor used to treat heart failure and high blood pressure, has no effect on the results of allergy skin testing (Option 4).

The complete question is:-

A client is scheduled for allergy skin testing to identify asthmatic triggers. Which medications should the nurse instruct the client to withhold before the test to ensure accurate results? Select all that apply.

a. Acetaminophen

b. Albuterol

c. Diphenhydramine

d. Enalapril

e. Loratidine

To learn more about allergy skin testing, refer:-



Prevention efforts that are aimed at a specific subgroup of the population considered at-risk for developing mental health problems are called __________ interventions.


Prevention efforts that are aimed at a specific subgroup of the population considered at-risk for developing mental health problems are called selective interventions.

Mental health problems conjointly referred to as mental health disorders, refers to a large vary of mental state conditions — disorders that have an effect on your mood, thinking and behavior. samples of mental disease embody depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenic disorder, ingestion disorders and addictive behaviors.

Selective  interventions target those at higher-than-average risk for drug abuse; people are known by the magnitude and nature of risk factors for substance abuse to that they're exposed. It targets specific subgroups of the population that are believed to be at bigger risk than others.

To learn more about mental health problems here



in which disorder does a person seem to experience at least two or more distinct personalities existing in one body?


Answer: When a person has two or more separate personas or identities, they are said to have dissociative identity disorder.

Multiple personality disorder was the prior name for it. The "primary personality" of a person with dissociative identity disorder (DID) is frequently passive, dependent, and depressed.


What symptoms of dissociative identity disorder are present? Symptoms Amnesia is the loss of memory for specific times, events, persons, and private information. A sensation of separation from your emotions and self.A sense of distortion and unreality about the people and things around you.an unclear sense of self.

Which of the following four dissociative illnesses are they?

Four primary types of dissociative disorders are recognised by mental health specialists, including: Amnesia with dissociation. Fugue with dissociation. Disorder of depersonalization. Identity dissociation disorder.

To know more about Dissociative disorder visit ;



opioid antagonists may produce withdrawal symptoms in clients physically dependent on which substance?


opioid antagonists may produce withdrawal symptoms in clients physically dependent on opioids substance.

Opioid painkillers cause withdrawal symptoms when people end taking them.As a result, those who take them to manage chronic pain may end up becoming physically dependent on painkillers. Just because they can't stop taking the drug without difficulty doesn't mean they are addicted.Opioid withdrawal can occur in anyone with physical dependence on opioids who stops opioid use suddenly, has a rapid reduction in opioid dose, or receives an opioid antagonist such as naloxone or high dose of a partial agonist like buprenorphine.

To know more about opioids please click on the link brainly.com/question/26332595


which outcome will the nurse monitor for and a patient who received propylthiouracil therapy for several months


Schedule the client for an appointment.

Propylthiouracil is an anti-hyperthyroid medication. This includes Graves' disease hyperthyroidism and toxic multinodular goiter. It is generally more effective than methimazole in a thyrotoxic crisis.

It is also used before thyroid surgery or radioactive iodine treatment in patients who have previously failed to respond to other medications (e.g., methimazole).

Propylthiouracil prevents the thyroid gland from producing new thyroid hormone. It works by inhibiting thyroid peroxidase, an enzyme that normally converts iodide to an iodine molecule and incorporates the iodine molecule into the amino acid tyrosine.

To learn more about propylthiouracil therapy, here



the nurse notes an increase in serosanguinous drainage from the abdominal surgical wound from an obese client. what action should the nurse implement? a. observe the wound for dehiscence b. teach the client to splint the incision while coughing c. assess the skin surrounding the wound for maceration d. obtain a culture of the wound drainage.


Applying direct pressure to the incision with a clean cloth or sterile bandage may be sufficient to halt the serosanguinous drainage bleeding if it is tiny or shallow.

Once the serosanguinous drainage has stopped, clean the area, apply an antibiotic cream, and then re-cover it. A small amount of sanguineous or serous leakage from the wound after surgery is typical. Excessive bleeding, however, can indicate that a blood artery was damaged during the procedure. It could also imply that drugs for blood thinners are impeding normal blood clotting. The most typical kind of wound drainage produced by an open wound in reaction to tissue injury is known as serosanguineous drainage. It is a thin, watery fluid with a pink hue brought by by trace numbers of red blood cells.

Learn more about serosanguinous drainage



keith, 12 years old, is seen in the emergency department for a severe sunburn. he reports pain, which he rates 7/10. what type of pain is he suffering from?


He is suffering from Superficial somatic pain due to sunburn.

Skin that has been sunburnt is red, painful, and warm to the touch. Within a few hours of spending too much time in the sun, it frequently manifests.Everyone should take steps to protect their skin from the sun all year long by applying sunscreen and other skin-protection techniques. Even on chilly or overcast days, it is crucial when you're outside.The somatic pain associated with a sunburn is described as being continuous, localised, and gnawing. Additionally, it contains extreme skinburn and cramping that might be compared to stabbing in a person. Neuropathic pain, which feels like shooting pain and radiates in a pattern while burning, can also be classified as superficial somatic pain.The activation of pain receptors in the skin causes the sensation of superficial somatic pain. As a result, pain from skin injuries is referred to as superficial somatic discomfort. Somatic discomfort that is only superficial in nature can be brought on by things like scrapes, cuts, abrasions, small burns, frostbite, and chemical injuries.

To know more about somatic pain check the below link:



your patient, anita brown is 68 years old and weighs 101 pounds. you have a 2 ml ampule that contains 20 mg of neo-synephrine. your preceptor asks you to formulate a 60 ml syringe containing neo-synephrine at a concentration of 500 micrograms per ml. what is the volume in ml of neo-synephrine in the syringe?


3  is the volume in ml of neo-synephrine in the syringe.

What does Neo-Synephrine do?

Provides short-term relief for nasal congestion brought on by a cold, hay fever, or other upper respiratory allergens (allergic rhinitis). temporarily reduces sinus pressure and congestion. shrinks bulging membranes to allow for easier breathing.

What are the side effects of Neo-Synephrine?

Common side effects of Neo-Synephrine Nasal may include:

Temporary sneezing;Mild burning, dryness, cold feeling, or irritation inside your nose;Headache, dizziness, weakness;Feeling excited or restless (especially in children); or.Mild sleep problems

In terms of structural similarity to epinephrine and ephedrine, it is a vasoconstrictor drug. Blood pressure is raised via vasoconstriction. Phenylephrine raises heart rate and blood pressure without altering cardiac rhythm.

Learn  more about neo-synephrine to visit this link



a patient is admitted to the long-term care setting. the nurse notes that the patient does not read or write well. which nursing actions are priority while developing a teaching plan to increase adherence? (select all that apply.)


The nursing actions that are prioritized while developing a teaching plan to increase the adherence of the patient who does not read or write well and is admitted to the long-term care setting are as follows:

Determine the patient's motivation and readiness to learn (A).Assess what the patient knows about their health issues (B).Include the family in the orientation to the unit and include them in the teaching process (C).Assess at what grade level the patient can read and write and tailor teaching strategies accordingly (D).

It is important to evaluate the patient's level of comprehension so that the nurse can avoid educating beyond the client's level of understanding. Motivation is essential for learning new information. Evaluating what the client does know will assist in determining which areas still require attention.

Including the family in the teaching process will help. Even short sentences may be difficult for the patient to read. The priority is to first evaluate the client's reading level before selecting appropriate teaching tools.

This question should be provided with answer choices, which are as follows:

A. Determine the patient's motivation and readiness to learn.B. Assess what the patient knows about their health issues.C. Include the family in the orientation to the unit and include them in the teaching process.D. Assess what grade level the patient can read and write and tailor teaching strategies accordingly.E. Give the patient brochures with more pictures and explanations with short sentences.

The correct answers are A, B, C and D.

Learn more about teaching plan here: brainly.com/question/29437205


True or False: Filing a grievance will only affect a consumer's eligibility of services if the grievance is against a doctor.


False, There is no time restriction. Keep in mind that registering a complaint won't affect your ability to get services.

What occurs once you submit a grievance?

The employee approaches a union representative or another official with their grievance. A form is filled out by the union representative, who then submits it to the union for evaluation. The paperwork and any additional pertinent documents are filed by the union. Either a physical or an electronic database can be used for filing.

What are the advantages of submitting a grievance?

Advantages of complaint processes prevent minor conflicts or concerns from developing into more significant ones. encourages you to create employment contracts and corporate policies that are very explicit and have very clear expectations. supports the development of a trust-based, open, and transparent corporate culture.

to know more about grievances here:



for the world as a whole, about how many people suffer from chronic hunger that leaves them less able to work and places them at high risk of disease?


Close to 1 billion people suffer from chronic hunger that leaves them less able to work and places them at high risk of disease.

A disease is a particular atypical condition that negatively affects the structure or feature of all or part of an organism, and that isn't without delay because of any external injury. Diseases are regularly recognized to be medical conditions that are associated with particular symptoms and signs and symptoms.

There are four foremost forms of the disease: infectious disease, deficiency disease, hereditary disease(inclusive of both genetic illnesses and non-genetic hereditary diseases), and physiological disease.

Infectious disease is a result of living organisms like viruses and bacteria. described as contagious, they can be exceeded from character to character thru body secretions, insects, or other manners.

Learn more about the disease here:-https://brainly.com/question/1340366


the nurse is teaching parents of a 6-year-old child expectations of physical and motor growth. which parental statement indicates the need for further education?


"Finger feeding is abnormal and indicates the need for intervention."

1 Vision has reached maturity by 6 years of age.

2 A 6-year-old school-aged child is expected to be constantly active.

3 A 6-year-old child is closer to preschool than adolescence; therefore, some preschool behaviors are still expected. This statement indicates the need for further education.

4 A coloring book is developmentally appropriate for a 6-year-old child.

The physical development and strengthening of a child's bones, muscles, and capacity to move about and feel his or her environment is known as motor development. There are two types of motor development in children: fine and gross.

Small motions made with the hands, wrists, fingers, feet, toes, lips, and tongue are referred to as fine motor abilities. Gross motor abilities are the motor growth of the muscles that allow infants to sit, crawl, and later walk, run, leap, and skip.

Learn more about motor development here:



dr. miller prescribes drugs for the treatment of chronic depression, and she encourages rest and relaxation training for clients suffering from excessive anxiety. it is most likely that dr. miller is a


Dr. Miller is a Psychiatrist who prescribes drugs for the treatment of chronic depression, and she encourages rest and relaxation training for clients suffering from excessive anxiety.

Psychiatrists are medical professionals who have chosen to focus on the diagnosis, prevention, investigation, and treatment of mental health issues. As medical professionals, psychiatrists assess patients to determine if their symptoms are due to a physical illness, a mix of physical and mental illnesses, or only mental problems. A psychiatrist may occasionally be a part of a multidisciplinary team that includes clinical psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists, and nurses. Using a biopsychosocial approach, psychiatrists have received significant training in the diagnosis and treatment of mental diseases.

To learn more about Psychiatrists please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/11731119


an infant with persistent diarrhea is subject to significant fluid and electrolyte alterations which finding would the nurse anticipate


The nurse would most likely encounter Hypovolemia and Metabolic acidosis.

Hypovolemia is caused by fluid loss. Metabolic acidosis is caused by a loss of bicarbonate and sodium in the stools. Diarrhea causes potassium loss. Sodium can be increased, decreased, or remained constant. There is no hypercalcemia. Because of fluid loss, the hematocrit rises (hemoconcentration).

Diarrhea, also known as diarrhoea, is characterized by at least three loose, liquid, or watery bowel movements per day. It usually lasts a few days and can cause dehydration due to fluid loss. Dehydration symptoms frequently begin with a loss of normal skin stretchiness and irritable behavior. As the condition worsens, this can lead to decreased urination, loss of skin color, a rapid heart rate, and a decrease in responsiveness. Loose but non-watery stools in exclusively breastfed babies, on the other hand, are normal.

To learn more about persistent diarrhea, here



marissa has a bmi of 40, morbidly obese. while marissa suffers from diabetes, she also faces discrimination due to her size. according to your text, perhaps the best course of action for marissa is to


The best course of action for Marissa is to define her diet and take proper care of her exercise schedule with appropriate blood sugar monitoring as she is diabetic with morbid obesity.

According to the CDC, the prevalence of adult obesity in the U.S. is roughly 40.3% for those aged 20 to 39, 46.4% for people aged 40 to 59, and 42.2% for people aged 65 and beyond. According to a 2019 study7, by 2030, over two out of every three persons would be obese, and nearly one in four will have severe obesity.

But morbid obesity is associated with overeating and inactivity. "A serious health condition caused by an abnormally high body mass that is diagnosed by having a body mass index (BMI) greater than 40 kg/m2, a BMI greater than 35 kg/m2 with at least one serious obesity-related condition, or being more than 100 pounds over ideal body weight," according to the medical definition of morbid obesity (IBW).

The complete question is:

Marissa has a BMI of 40, morbidly obese. While Marissa suffers from diabetes, she also faces discrimination due to her size. according to your text, perhaps the best course of action for Marissa is to _____________.

To learn more about obesity and diabetes please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/29491640


Where do infrared come from?



Infrared radiation is emitted by all objects that have a temperature above absolute zero. The sun is the primary source of infrared radiation, but infrared radiation can also be emitted by man-made sources such as heating systems, infrared lamps, and industrial ovens.


the nurse cautions a client with what allergy to avoid the use of bismuth salts in the treatment of diarrhea?


Clients who are allergic to aspirin should not use bismuth salts.

Bismuth salts appear to aid in the elimination of bacteria that cause stomach issues such as diarrhea and stomach ulcers. Bismuth salts can also be used as an antacid to treat digestive issues. Bismuth may also hasten blood clotting. Adults and teenagers are given bismuth subsalicylate to treat diarrhea. It is also used to treat the symptoms of an upset stomach in adults and teenagers, such as heartburn, indigestion, and nausea.

Aspirin, also known as acetylsalicylic acid, is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication that is used to treat pain, fever, and/or inflammation, as well as as an antithrombotic. Aspirin is used to treat inflammatory conditions such as Kawasaki disease, pericarditis, and rheumatic fever.

To learn more about bismuth salts and aspirin, here



the american nurses association's commission on nursing education developed guidelines for the investigative function of nurses at different educational levels. which guideline is for a nurse with an associate degree?


Helps to gather data in a defined, organised style. Students can acquire foundational knowledge and practical competencies in nursing with an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN), which is an undergraduate degree.

Although most associate's degrees need two years to complete, certain programs can be finished in as short as 18 months. With an associate's in nursing, you may become a registered nurse (RN) in just two years (ASN). In many healthcare settings, registered nurses (RNs) are the first line of treatment, and demand for them is rising as healthcare organizations try to handle an expanding patient population. Nursing assistants collaborate alongside registered nurses and healthcare support professionals to provide care for patients and the general public.

Learn more about Associate Degree



a 24-year-old female with bipolar disorder is prescribed valproic acid. which question should the nurse ask the patient?


"Are you taking any type of birth control?"

Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depression, is a mental disorder characterized by periods of depression followed by periods of abnormally elevated mood lasting from days to weeks. If the elevated mood is severe or associated with psychosis, it is referred to as mania; if it is milder, it is referred to as hypomania.

During mania, a person acts or feels abnormally energetic, happy, or irritable, and they frequently make rash decisions with little regard for the consequences. During manic phases, there is usually a reduced need for sleep. During depressive episodes, the individual may cry, have a negative outlook on life, and make poor eye contact with others.

The mainstay of long-term pharmacologic relapse prevention is lithium and certain anticonvulsants such as valproate and carbamazepine, as well as atypical antipsychotics such as aripiprazole. Antipsychotics are also used during acute manic episodes and when mood stabilizers are either poorly tolerated or ineffective. Long-acting injectable formulations are available for patients who are concerned about compliance.

To learn more about bipolar disorder, here



the mother is afraid her son will ask why he cannot run as well as he did before. what anticipatory guidance can the nurse provide the parents?


The anticipatory guidance that the nurse provide the parents that should be in simple language to explain what is not working in his body.

The mother is afraid her son will ask why he cannot run as well as he did before. The anticipatory guidance that the nurse provide the parents that should be in simple language to explain what is not working in his body takes his language skills, development, and ability to understand into consideration. The easy and strong statement help in facing reality more profoundly then vague explanation.

Hence, anticipatory  conversation should be straight and simple.

To know more about Medical etiquette.



true or false? if a person has pertussis (whooping cough), has no fever, and travels on an airplane, he can transmit the disease to other passengers.


According to question, if a person has pertussis (whooping cough), has no fever, and travels on an airplane, he can transmit the disease to other passengers is True .

A respiratory virus called whooping cough, often known as pertussis, can make people cough violently. In extreme circumstances, the coughing could get intense and quick. Coughing so forcefully that you may throw up The whooping sound you could make when you try to breathe in after coughing is where the sickness gets its name.

Vaccines against pertussis are quite effective. But even someone who has received all of the recommended vaccinations runs the risk of contracting the illness if pertussis is widespread in the neighborhood. Babies who are too young to receive the vaccine are also at very high risk of catching pertussis.

To know more about pertussis visit :



Shelley is a 32-year old working mother. She is seeing a therapist to help her achieve personal growth and recognize her full potential. Which type of therapy is shelley receiving?.


Shelley seeks therapy in order to identify and realise her full potential so that she might advance; therefore, this is D. psychoanalytic treatment. Attempting to reach our greatest potential

In order to access abilities we weren't aware we had, it indicates that we are attempting to delve deeper into our subconscious. We must do this by utilizing psychoanalytical techniques that provide us access to our unconscious minds. Therefore, the most likely form of therapy Shelley is getting is this one. With the help of repressed memories and emotions, frequently from childhood, psychoanalytic therapy attempts to bring unconscious or profoundly suppressed thoughts and feelings to the conscious consciousness.

Learn more about psychoanalytic here



the nurse working in the day care center is told that a child with autism will be attending the center. the nurse collaborates with the staff of the day care center and assists in planning activities that will meet the child's needs. the nurse understands that the priority consideration in planning activities for the child is to ensure which need is met?


According to the question, the nurse understands that the priority consideration in planning activities for the child is to ensure which need is met- Safety with activities.

What are daily activities?

the duties of daily existence. Eating, getting dressed, moving into or out of bed or chair, bathing or taking a shower and using the restroom are some of these tasks.

A constructive activity is what?

We describe positive activities as straightforward, deliberate, and consistent routines designed to resemble the numerous beneficial attitudes and conduct that naturally happy individuals exhibit. Now, actual research has been done to determine how well-being can be improved by a variety of beneficial activities.

To learn more about activities visit:



9.the symptoms of bereavement often begin to subside within . a.hours or days b.days or weeks c.weeks or months d.months or years


Within weeks or months, the symptoms of bereavement frequently start to lessen.

When a loved one, friend, or other close person passes away, grief is a common emotional response. Grief can also develop following a protracted sickness, a divorce, or other grave losses.

Grief frequently manifests as intense sadness, but it can also involve other feelings including shock, apathy, denial, and even rage. For the majority of people, sorrowful experiences become less frequent and less intense over time.

It may be physically and mentally taxing, making it difficult to do daily duties or even to leave the house. Some individuals turn to more activity to cope.

There is no definite pattern to grief. Different civilizations have different ways of expressing it. While some people choose to keep their grief to themselves, others prefer to express their emotions in public.

For the majority of people, bereavement gets better over time. Even though they may always be sad and miss the deceased, they are nonetheless able to find purpose and enjoy life once more. Some people even grow wiser and stronger as a result of the loss.

Option C is the proper response, thus.

To learn more about bereavement, refer:-



among those seeking professional help for psychological disorders, eligibility for treatment is most likely to be guided by the use of the diagnostic criteria provided by


The DSM-5-TR contains the most up-to-date criteria for diagnosing mental disorders.

In general, DSM-5  focuses on mental health conditions. The reason behind this is mental health and brain function are inseparable, also the  DSM-5 includes all conditions and concerns related to how the brain works.

Hence, DSM-5 used to promote the idea that for most psychological disorders, the reason is genetic component, but there is also no known  variant of gene in almost 97% of diagnoses. DSM-5 also maintain the chemical imbalance theory, that also refers that mental disorders are influenced by imbalance of chemicals in the brain.

To learn more about DSM-5-TR , here



true or false: if you increase the amount of carbohydrates in your diet, you can run, cycle, swim, etc., for greater distances and longer times. group of answer choices true false


If you increase the amount of carbohydrates in your diet, you can run, cycle, swim, etc., for greater distances and longer times. This statement is True.

Simple carbohydrates digest quickly, causing blood sugar spikes and making you feel hungry sooner. The temporary feeling of fullness leads to overeating, weight gain, and diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Carbohydrates from unprocessed or minimally processed whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and beans promote good health by providing vitamins, minerals, fiber, and a variety of important phytonutrients.

Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy in your body, fueling your brain, kidneys, heart muscles, and central nervous system. Fiber, for example, is a carbohydrate that aids digestion, makes you feel full, and helps keep blood cholesterol levels in check. Carbohydrates serve five primary functions in the human body. They are energy production, energy storage, macromolecule construction, protein sparing, and lipid metabolism assistance.

To learn more about carbohydrates, here



the nurse has been discussing parenteral nutrition (pn) with a group of student nurses. the nurse realizes more discussion is necessary when one of the student nurses makes what statement?


the dextrose content is greater than 10%, the nurse has been discussing parenteral nutrition (pn) with a group of student nurses.

To give your body more water and carbs, dextrose injection is a sterile solution (calories from sugar). It is utilised when a patient cannot consume enough fluids or when more fluids are required. There are several medical situations for which dextrose is employed. As with any sugar, dextrose consumption has the same hazards. Numerous short- and long-term impacts might result from consuming dextrose in excess. Although your body does require a little amount of sugar for energy, ingesting too much can raise your chance of developing a number of illnesses.

Learn more about dextrose here:



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