4. if respondeat superior applies, the employer cannot be held liable for the negligent act committed by the employee. group of answer choices true false


Answer 1

According to the doctrine of respondent superior, a party is liable for the actions of its agents. So the statement is False.

What is respondent superior doctrine?

According to the doctrine of respondeat superior, a party is liable for the actions of its agents. For instance, there are situations in which an employer is accountable for actions taken by workers while they were working for them in the United States. According to the aforementioned legal theory, when an employee or agent commits a wrongdoing while acting in the course of their employment or agency, their employer or principle is held legally culpable. Its foundation is the idea of "vicarious responsibility." According to the respondeat superior doctrine, if an employee commits a negligent conduct while performing work-related duties, the employer is vicariously accountable.

Hence, the statement is False.

To learn more about the respondent superior doctrine click,



Related Questions

4. Determine the importance of environment conservation from the business viewpoint​



Economic expansion is not what is causing the climate crisis; rather, the lack of effective public policy meant to lower greenhouse gas emissions is to blame. As long as regulations are in place to limit the environmental effects of the goods and services we produce and use, there is no conflict between capitalism and environmental protection. With those regulations in place, consideration for environmental sustainability can and will be factored into every decision made by the private, nonprofit, and governmental organizations from which we all benefit.

The sustainability of the environment is not affected in the same way by all consumption patterns. The emergence of more sustainable lifestyles can be seen in consumption trends. Young Americans, for instance, don't seem as interested in buying cars as their parents and older siblings did. The advancement of the mobile phone has made ride-sharing, bike-sharing, and other transit options possible.

However, taking an Uber or driving your own car are both considered economic activities for the purposes of calculating GDP. These consumption patterns are typically not the subject of policymaking because they are quite influenced by shifting social norms than by governmental action. The only exceptions might be behavior that directly harms other people, like drinking and driving or smoking in public. New technologies can also lessen the impact of consumption on the environment.

Ironically, some environmentalists and some deniers of global warming share the view that environmental protection and economic growth must be compromised. Both can and must be done. Because most people in the developed world enjoy their way of life and won't give it up, we cannot stop investing in economic development. Environmental advocates will fail politically if they make such a request.


Political and business leaders may not care if economic growth harms the environment, and environmentalists may disagree, contending that neither economic growth nor environmental harm can coexist.

Even by itself, environmental protection promotes economic expansion. The air pollution control technologies we install on power plants and automobiles are made and sold by a third party. Additionally, environmental amenities are valuable.

bmm industries pays a dividend of $3.00 per quarter. the dividend yield on its stock is reported at 5.80%. what is the stock price?


A dividend is the distribution of a company's earnings to its shareholders and is determined with the useful resource of the usage of the company's board of directors.

The required details for dividend in given paragraph

Annual dividend =(Quarterly dividend)*4


Current inventory charge=(Annual dividend)/(Dividend yield)


=$206.8965517 or $206.90 (Rounded to two decimal places)

Answer: $206.90

Dividends are regularly disbursed quarterly and can be paid out as coins or within side the shape of reinvestment in extra inventory. The dividend yield is the dividend in step with proportion and is expressed as dividend/charge as a percent of a company's proportion charge, together with 2.5%. Common shareholders of dividend-paying corporations are eligible to obtain a distribution so long as they personal the inventory earlier than the ex-dividend date. Dividends should be permitted with the aid of using the shareholders with the aid of using vote casting rights.

Although coins dividends are common, dividends also can be issued as stocks of inventory. Various mutual price range and exchange-traded price range (ETFs) additionally pay dividends.

To know about dividend click here



the aggregate demand curve shifts when there are changes in: multiple choice the price level. aggregate spending that are not caused by changes in output or the price level. planned spending that are caused only by changes in output or the price level. real gdp or real output and income.


The aggregate demand curve shifts when there are changes in planned spending that are caused only by changes in output or the price level.

What is the aggregate demand curve?

An aggregate demand curve serves as the curve that do shows the total spending on domestic goods as well as the  services  which is been shown at  each price level.

It should be noted that the aggregate demand curve,  can shift depends on the situation, for instance it can shifts to the right as the components of aggregate demand due to :

consumption spending investment spending government spending

In conclusion, there can be a shift in the aggregate demand curve as a result of the planned spending  which comes due to only by changes in output .

Therefore, the second option is correct.

Learn more about demand curve  at:



what does unrelated diversification provide? (choose every correct answer.) multiple select question. performance that is rarely better than the sum of what the individual business units could have achieved independently very general, low-value resources for the subsidiaries a limited potential for competitive advantage very specialized, high-value resources to the subsidiaries


Unrelated diversification provide performance that is rarely better than the sum of what the individual business units could have achieved independently very general.

Diversification is a approach that mixes a huge sort of investments within a portfolio in an try and lessen portfolio hazard. Diversification is most usually performed via investing in distinctive asset instructions inclusive of stocks, bonds, actual estate, or cryptocurrency.

Diversification is the manner of allocating capital in a way that reduces the publicity to any one particular asset or threat. A commonplace direction in the direction of diversification is to reduce threat or volatility via investing in a spread of belongings.

Diversification is the practice of spreading your investments round in order that your publicity to any individual form of asset is restricted. This practice is designed to help reduce the volatility of your portfolio over the years.

Learn more about diversification here  : https://brainly.com/question/417234


what is the purpose of risk sharing with providers? a. it keeps insurance premiums low b. it rewards providers for quality c. it makes providers immune to costs d. it makes providers cost conscious


The purpose of risk sharing with providers is: d. it makes providers cost conscious.

Importance of risk sharing with providers:

Risk sharing with providers is important because it makes providers cost conscious. By sharing risk with providers, providers are more likely to be aware of the costs of their services and to take measures to control those costs. This can help keep insurance premiums low and make healthcare more affordable for everyone.

The providers  who participate in risk sharing are typically those who provide care for patients with chronic conditions or who are at risk for developing chronic conditions. By sharing risk with these providers, insurers can help to ensure that these providers are appropriately compensated for the care they provide. This can help to improve the quality of care for these patients and to prevent or delay the onset of chronic conditions.

Learn more about the risk:



when evaluating a sales proposal before submitting it to a buyer, a salesperson needs to verify if his or her sales proposal is well-written and that it:


When evaluating a sales proposal before submitting it to a buyer, a salesperson needs to verify if his or her sales proposal is well-written and that it: describes all of the seller's fees,prices and expenses buyers will incur.

The salesperson is accountable for greeting clients, helping them discover items in the shop, and ringing up purchases. To be successful as a salesperson you should have first-rate conversation abilties. a great shop clerk meets income targets whilst closing polite and helpful to clients.

A salesclerk is a person who sells a service or product, and his or her fundamental objective is making income. The salesclerk may additionally or may not without a doubt be obsessed on the product or service. she or he is maximum interested in getting cash.

Learn more about salesperson here:https://brainly.com/question/25743891

An increase of one on the richter scale represents ____ increase in the movement of the earth.


An increase of one on the Richter scale represents ten times increase

The Richter scale measures the size of the greatest ground wave as well as the distance between the earthquake and the scale. The scale can be used to calculate the wave's amplitude and the length of the entire earthquake. The scale offers a number that will allow for the quantification of an earthquake's amplitude. The tiniest earthquakes measurable at the time were given ratings on the original Richter scale that were very close to zero.

For every step up on the scale, the magnitude of an earthquake grows by a factor of ten. Because modern seismographs can detect seismic waves even smaller than those originally designated for zero magnitudes, it is conceivable to evaluate earthquakes with negative Richter scale magnitudes.

Read more about the Richter scale on:



which of the following is a signature that transfers a check to a specific party for a specific purpose? multiple choice blank endorsement. full endorsement. restrictive endorsement. negotiable endorsement.


Negotiable Endorsement is a signature that transfers a check to a specific party for a specific purpose.

What is a Negotiable Endorsement?

An endorsement is the act of a holder of a negotiable instrument signing his or her name on the document's reverse in order to transfer title or ownership. An endorsement could be made on behalf of a different person or company. The holder may renegotiate a promissory note, bill of exchange, or check payable to order by indorsing and delivering the instrument. 47. A promissory note, a bill of exchange, or a check payable to the bearer is negotiable by delivery of the instrument, subject to the restrictions of section 58.

Hence, Negotiable Endorsement is a signature that transfers a check to a specific party for a specific purpose.

To learn more about Negotiable Endorsement click,



In the united states for the year​ 2020, the federal government had a​ ________ so the national debt was​ ________.


The federal government in the United States ran a budget deficit in 2012, which resulted in an increase in the country's debt.

How does a budget deficit start?

People's salaries decrease in a bad economy, which results in the government collecting less tax revenue and spending more on social safety net services like food assistance or unemployment insurance. One reason why deficits often increase (or surpluses decrease) during recessions is due to this.

What occurs when the fiscal deficit widens?

The amount of public sector debt rises as a result of a budget imbalance. National debt will rise as a percentage of GDP in countries with large deficits. Interest on debt has an opportunity cost. A greater deficit will also result in a higher percentage of the nation's income going toward paying interest on the debt.

Learn more about budget deficit: https://brainly.com/question/14181631


Explain what Public Relations is?
Cite as much information as you can.
Explain what a Public Relations Manager does?
Cite as much information as you can.
Why would public figures (such as celebrities, politicians, professional athletes, etc) need a Public Relations Manager?
Cite as much information as you can.
How much money do PR Managers make?
What type of training or schooling do PR Managers need?


Public relations is the management and dissemination of information from a person or an organisation to the public with the goal of altering their view. Public relations is internally managed in contrast to publicity, which is unmanaged and supported by outside sources.

What is Public Relations?

Public relations is the process of gathering and disseminating information to the general public in an effort to alter public perceptions of an individual or an organisation. Publicity differs from public relations in that it is created by outside sources and is not subject to internal control.

Hence, Public relations experts work to improve and maintain the public's favourable view of a company or organisation. They offer press releases and material for social media that improves brand recognition and changes the public's impression of the company or organisation. A savvy public relations specialist is engaged in the world and keeps up with news in the industries of their clients as well as current events, trends, and developments in our own "industry," which includes being aware of the effects of social media. Both bringing the outside in and bringing the inside out are PR's responsibilities.

To learn more about Public Relations click,



A company produces two products, a and b. at least 30 units of product a and at least 10 units of product b must be produced. the maximum number of units that can be produced per day is 80. product a yields a profit of $15 and product b yields a profit of $8. let a = the number of units of product a and b = the number of units of product b.


The objective function that can be used to maximize the profit is :

P(a,b)= 15a + 8b.

What is an objective function?

An objective function is a linear representation of the form Z = ax + by, where a, b are constraints and x, y are variables that must be maximized or minimized. The decision variables are variables x and y. The objective function of a linear programming problem is required to find the optimal solution: maximise profit, minimise cost, or minimise resource use, right resource deployment.

The objective function is calculated as:

Let a = units of A produced

Let b = units of B produced

At least 30 units of product A and 10 units of product B are required daily, and the maximum number of units per day should not exceed 80.


a ≥ 30

b ≥ 10

a + b ≤ 80

Product A yields a profit of $15 and product B yields a profit of $8.

Therefore the objective profit function is:

P(a,b) = 15a + 8b.

Therefore, the objective function is P(a,b) = 15a + 8b, subject to

a >= 30;  b>= 10;  a+b <= 80.

To learn more about objective function, click here:



The _____ market includes food, clothing, transportation, banking services, credit services, and entertainment.


Answer: Consumer


The ________ market includes food, clothing, transportation, banking services, credit services, and entertainment.

✓ consumer

Daphne works as the only salesperson in her aunt’s tax preparation business. Describe the selling process for a small business like this one, and how the steps of the sales process differ based on her situation.


Prospecting is the initial stage of the sales process. You locate potential clients in this stage and assess whether they require your good or service and whether they can afford what you have to offer.

What is the Selling process?

The series of actions a salesman takes to market a product is known as the selling process. The selling process is a full cycle that begins with customer identification and ends with contract closure. It applies more to business-to-business sales where the sales cycle is lengthier and may take longer to close. The selling process may be quicker and more sporadic in B2C.

Prospecting, pre-approach, approach, presentation, resolving objections, closure, and customer follow-up are just a few of the steps in the selling process.

To learn more about the Selling process follow the link.



Sales process different in her situation because of the applying the applicable tax rate to the entire sales price yields the amount of tax owing on taxable sales.

what is tax?

a tax that is required to be paid to the state and is either added to the price of some products, services, and transactions or is imposed by the government on the income of employees and corporate earnings.

Fundamental method for nations to produce public revenues that enable them to support investments in human capital, infrastructure, and the provision of services for citizens and businesses is through the collection of taxes and levies.

Thus, Daphne's tax preparation is different from sales process steps.

Learn more about Tax, here:



what type of adjustment will kyle make to his trial balance worksheet for $2,500 he was paid on october 12, for work that he will start on december 1? accrued revenues unearned revenue supplies depreciation


Unearned sales adjustment will Kyle make to his trial stability worksheet for $2,500 he become paid on October 12, for paintings that he's going to begin on December 1.

The required details for Revenue in given paragraph

Revenue is a degree displaying call for for a company's services and is calculated because the sum of all income for a given period. Because the profits statement "resets" every year, all sales and rate pastime is transferred out of nominal bills and into actual bills at the stability sheet. Revenue is referred to as the pinnacle line as it seems first on a company's profits statement. Net profits, additionally referred to as the lowest line, is sales minus expenses. There is a earnings whilst sales exceed expenses.

Examples of sales encompass the income of merchandise, carrier price sales, subscription sales, marketing and marketing sales, hobby sales, etc. The sales bills are brief bills that facilitate the practice of the profits statement.

To know about Revenue click here



c. more consumers are shifting their movie-watching preferences from redbox rentals to streaming services like netflix and amazon prime. what will happen in the market for movie rentals after the shift in movie preferences? how will producer surplus in the market for movie rentals change? how will the shift to streaming movies affect movie rental companies and hollywood screenwriters?


As a result, fewer people visit movie theaters to view the newest releases, permanently harming the industry.

How has Netflix altered the sector of entertainment rentals?

Tickets. The laws of the media industry have been steadily changed by Netflix since it began as a DVD rental service. Blockbuster and other video rental companies went out of business after it debuted streaming in 2007, and the number of people using broadband internet increased dramatically. Since Thomas Edison and his Motion Picture Patents Company did not possess any patents on motion picture film, Hollywood was a great site to shoot movies because there was no risk of legal action. Additionally, it featured a diversified environment that was perfect for movie backdrops and warm, dependable sunshine. The director can shoot, edit, preserve, and save digital versions of a movie as opposed to raw material films. by using digital

To learn more about movie refer to



when a consumer makes an online purchase directly through social media without using a company's website, it is considered . multiple choice question. social commerce webrooming showrooming mobile marketing


Option A. When a consumer makes an online purchase directly through social media without using a company's website, it is considered social commerce.

What is social commerce?

Social networking networks enable eCommerce firms to be accessible, expanding your brand's audience and customer base.

Selling goods and services directly through social media is known as social commerce.

With social commerce, the entire purchasing process—from finding products to doing your research and making a purchase—takes place on social media.

Social commerce is when a customer makes an online purchase without going via a corporate website, directly through social media.

Read more on commerce here: https://brainly.com/question/23369154


Any company making more than $18,333,333
in a single year must pay how much in income
A. 35%
B. 15%
C. 25%


35%hope this helps I pretty sure that this is right.

all of the following statements about term insurance are true except a. most policies have a cash value that is refunded when coverage ceases. b. the insurance provides protection for a temporary period of time. c. most policies can be converted to a cash-value life policy. d. most policies can be renewed for additional periods without evidence of insurability.


The statement, a. most policies have a cash value that is refunded when coverage ceases is false.

Term life insurance provides coverage (a guaranteed death benefit) for a defined period of time (term length). With low starting premiums, it provides an affordable way to safeguard your family when you need it most. Premiums will increase if the insurance is kept beyond the initial term period. A useful (and affordable) tool to help you ensure the financial security of your loved ones is term life insurance. Replacement of lost income and payment of living expenses like rent or a mortgage are two things that a policy's death benefit may help with. Whatever debt you leave behind, repay it. Term life insurance has two main drawbacks: it has a limited lifespan and requires ongoing premium payments to remain in force.

To learn more about term insurance: https://brainly.com/question/1898733


Suppose a tax of $1 per unit is imposed on a good. The more elastic the supply of the good, other things equal, the.


Suppose a tax of $1 per unit is imposed on a good. The more elastic the supply of the good, other things equal, the the larger is the deadweight loss of the tax.

What Is a deadweight loss of taxation?

The measurement of loss brought on by the introduction of a new tax is referred to as the deadweight loss of taxation. This is the outcome of a new tax that is higher than what is typically paid to the taxing body of the government. A tax's impact on consumer surplus is known as "deadweight loss."

The amount of money the government makes when a tax is imposed on a good is exactly equal to the surplus that the tax causes to be lost by consumers and producers. A deadweight loss occurs when supply and demand are out of balance, leading to market inefficiencies. Deadweight losses are generally caused by an inefficient resource allocation that is brought about by a variety of interventions, including price floors, ceilings, monopolies, and taxes.

To learn more about deadweight loss of the tax, visit:



The complete question is:

Suppose a tax of $1 per unit is imposed on a good. The more elastic the supply of the good, other things equal:

a. the smaller is the response of quantity supplied to the tax.

b. the larger is the tax burden on sellers relative to the tax burden on buyers.

c. the larger is the deadweight loss of the tax.

d. All of the above are correct

fatima wants to purchase a house and has been viewing residential properties for the past two months. she has been searching for information on the internet and consulting friends and family in order to arrive at a satisfactory decision. which of the following decision-making approaches is fatimah employing?


The extended decision-making approach is Fatimah employing.

When customers interact in habitual decision-making, they generally tend to search diligently for records to be able to assist them reach a nice choice. d. routine decision-making takes place when there is no brand loyalty or logo inertia among purchasers.

Inside the context of consumer behavior, inner seek consists of the retrieval of information approximately products, services, and reports that are saved in memory. In deciding on the exceptional information supply, customers do now not keep in mind the speed with which the facts can be received.

Extensive decision-making refers to a long process of deliberation, usually for expensive purchases or purchases that require research, where many consumers use the consumer buying process model of decision-making.

Learn more about decision-making approach here: https://brainly.com/question/25824036


during which stage of new-product development do marketers abandon the largest number of product ideas?


The stage in New - Product development that marketers abandon the largest number of product ideas is Screening Product Ideas.

What happens at the Screening Product Ideas stage?

At the Screening Product Ideas stage, the company checks the different product ideas that they have to see which ones best fit their goals and aims as a company that wants to solve a certain issue in the market.

The Screening Product Ideas stage, therefore leads to the largest number of product ideas being abandoned by marketers. The ideas that are left are then put through further scrutiny in the later stages.

Find more on new - product development at https://brainly.com/question/7035196


the southern division of knucklehead company has a return on investment of 15% and an investment turnover of 1.2 what is the profit margin


The profit margin of the Southern division of Knucklehead Company is 12.5%.

What is meant by profit margin?

Profit margin evaluates how much of each dollar in sales or services your company retains from its earnings and is stated as a percentage. When the net income of the business is divided by the net sales or revenue, the result is the profit margin. Profit margin is calculated as profit multiplied by revenue.

There is a net profit margin as well as a larger gross profit margin (smaller).  A bigger profit margin is always preferred because it indicates that the business makes more money from its sales. Profit margins indicated in percentage, however, might differ by industry. Retail businesses may have lower profit margins than growth companies, but they make up for this with bigger sales volumes.

A division's return on investment (ROI) = profit margin x investment turnover.


0.15 = profit margin x 1.20.

Profit margin = 0.15 / 1.2 = 0.125

So, 0.125 x 100 = 12.5%

To learn more about profit margin, visit:



the demand for the product of a competitive price-taker firm is: a. dependent on the availability of substitutes for the firm's product. b. greater than zero but less than one. c. perfectly inelastic. d. perfectly elastic.


The demand for the product of a competitive price-taker firm is perfectly elastic.

What is price taker?The term "price taker" refers to a completely competitive firm that is compelled by pressure from other enterprises to accept the market's current equilibrium price. A company in a highly competitive market risks losing all of its sales if it increases the price of its goods by even a penny.A company that sells commodities must accept the going rate on the market in order to make a profit. This company is known as a price taker. A farmer might produce wheat as an example, which is a commodity that the farmer can only sell for the current market price.

To learn more about price taker refer to:



to meet its objectives in union organizing, a union need not convince workers that they should receive better pay or other employment conditions because those are rights for all workers. group startstrue or false


It's true that a union does not need to persuade employees that they should have better pay or other working circumstances because they are rights for all employees in order to accomplish its goals in union organizing.

In addition to benefiting employees, unions also benefit communities and democracy.Positive results across a number of indices of economic, personal, and democratic well-being are related with high unionization rates.

There has been talk for a long time that unions change the employee-employer relationship and may have an impact on worker incentives.Companies claim that when pay are uniform, good working conditions are ensured, and layoffs are restricted, employees are less motivated to put in extra effort.

Learn more about union organization:


Identify the advertising testing method in the given scenario.
Julian needs to create an ad for his company that manufactures mobile phones. He has come up with an idea for the ad, but he needs a quality check before the actual product development begins. Julian is using the ______ method of advertising testing.


Julian is using the quality assurance method

reuben opened a savings account with a bank and deposited $5,000. maisie opened a savings account with a credit union and deposited $5,000. if neither reuben nor maisie deposit or withdraw money from their accounts, and neither is charged any fees, who will most likely have more money in their savings account after five years have passed?


According to the given information, Maisie have more money in their savings account after five years have passed, because credit unions usually offer higher interest rates on savings accounts than banks.

Credit unions are financial cooperatives that offer their members conventional banking services.Credit unions have fewer options than traditional banks, but because they are not publicly traded and only need to make enough money to cover operating costs, they can provide customers with access to better rates and more ATM locations.However, compared to most banks, credit unions have a lot fewer physical locations, which may be a problem for customers who prefer in-person service.Corporate income tax is not due on the profits of credit unions.In order to be able to offer loans, demand deposit accounts, and other financial products and services to each other, members of credit unions pool their funds—technically, they are purchasing shares in the cooperative.

Learn more about Credit unions, here



The difference between a gross material requirements plan and a net requirements plan is that.


The difference between a gross material requirements plan (gross MRP) and a net material requirements plan (net MRP) is the gross MRP includes consideration of the inventory on hand, whereas the net MRP does not. the gross MRP may not be computerized, but the net MRP must be computerized.

The difference between gross material requirements planning (gross MRP) and net material requirements planning (net MRP) is as follows: Gross disposals include stock consideration, but not net disposals. Gross disposal may not be computerized, but net disposal must be computerized.

Aggregate material requirements planning is the total requirement for an item (before inventory and planned receipts are deducted) and when it should be ordered from the supplier, or when it should start production. It is a schedule that indicates whether specific date. The difference between gross requirements planning and net requirements planning is that in net requirements planning, on-hand and planned receipts are adjusted at each level. The required quantity of each item, including the demand for parts and the demand for spare parts to produce the parent item, is called demand. The unified demand for each period is called aggregate demand.

To know furthermore about MRP at



What type of scheme is being used when an individual is asked to make an upfront payment in order to gain access to a larger amount of money?.


An advance fee scheme occurs when the victim pays money to someone in anticipation of receiving something of greater value.

What do you mean by Advance fee payment?

Advance fee payment is the money that you pay to a person or company before receiving something such as a loan or investment.It can be in the form of taxes or lottery.

A business is only to keep the payments you've made in advance or ask you to pay a cancellation charge if it's fair .

Hence , An advance fee scheme occurs when the victim pays money to someone in anticipation of receiving something of greater value.

To know more about Advance Payment from the given link



f a manufacturer produces a defective product, sells it to a wholesaler, who sells it to a retailer, who sells it to a consumer, who is injured, which parties in the chain of distribution are potentially liable under strict liability? only the manufacturer. only the manufacturer and wholesaler. the manufacturer, wholesaler, and retailer. only the party at fault.


Parties in the distribution chain who are potentially liable under strict liability in the presence of manufacturing companies that produce defective products, sell them to wholesalers, sell them to retailers, and cause injury to consumers are manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers. Hence, the correct option is (C).

What is the Strict Liability in a Distribution Process?

Strict liability is a situation where there is a party who must be responsible for the consequences that occur. In the distribution chain in question, the parties responsible for the injury that occurs to consumers are manufacturers, wholesalers, and also retailers. Manufacturing companies have faults for producing defective products, and wholesalers and retailers have faults for selling defective products to consumers.

Learn more about supply chain management at https://brainly.com/question/25160870


How is commission calculated? a. Startfraction (percent commission) times (selling price) over 10 endfraction c. Startfraction (selling price) over (percent commission) endfraction b. Startfraction (percent commission) over (selling price) endfraction d. (selling price) times (percent commission).


The way in which commission is calculated is: D. (selling price) times (percent commission).

How to calculate commission?

In Economics, the amount of commission earned on the sales of a product can be calculated by multiplying the selling price (sales price) of the product by the percent commission (commission rate) that is approved to be paid to an agent or sales person, by the employer or business owner.

Mathematically, the amount of commission earned on the sales of a product can be calculated by using this mathematical expression:

Commission = Percent commission × Selling price

In this context, we can reasonably infer and logically deduce that the commission earned on the sales of a product can be calculated by using option D.

Read more on commission here: brainly.com/question/24951536


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