Double a number and add 12 and the result will be greater than 20. The number is less than 6. What is the number?


Answer 1

The following expression is equivalent to "double a number and add 12":


since the result is greater than 20, we have the following:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2x+12>20 \\ \Rightarrow2x>20─12=8 \\ \Rightarrow x>\frac{8}{2}=4 \\ x>4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

the number is also less than 6. Then we have that:

[tex]4therefore, the number is 5

Related Questions

Please see the picture below. Indeed help with parts of the question





Values of a and b for this conic section


As we know the standard equation for conic section is given by


where (h , k) be the vertex

vertices (h+a , k) and (h-a , k)

given equation can be rewrite as


on comparing , we get

a = 2 and b = 3

Final Answer

Therefore , the value of a = 2 and b = 3

At a particular restaurant, each mozzarella stick has 100 calories and each slider has
200 calories. A combination meal with mozzarella sticks and sliders is shown to have
1500 total calories and 9 more mozzarella sticks than sliders. Determine the number
of mozzarella sticks in the combination meal and the number of sliders in the
combination meal.
There are
mozzarella sticks and
sliders in the combination meal.


The 1,500 calories in the combination meal and the amount of calories per mozzarella stick and per each slider gives an equation with the following solution;

There are 11 mozzarella sticks and 2 sliders in the combination meal.

What is a mathematical equation?

An equation in mathematics is a statement that two mathematical expressions are equal.

The number of calories in each mozzarella stick = 100

Number of calories in each slider = 200

Number of calories in the combination meal = 1,500

Number of mozzarella sticks in the combination meal = 9 + The number of sliders

Let s represent the number of sliders in the combination meal, we have;

Number of mozzarella in the combination meal = s + 9

The equation that gives the amount of calories in the meal is therefore;

200·s + 100·(s + 9) = 1,500

200·s + 100·s + 900 = 1,500

300·s = 1,500 - 900 = 600

s = 600 ÷ 300 = 2

The number of sliders in the combination meal, s = 2

The number of mozzarella in the meal = 2 + 9 = 11

Learn more about writing equations in algebra here;


5.Find the measures of themissing side of the righttriangle usingPythagorean Theoremequation.106K


Pythagoras Theorem:

In a right angle triangle, the sum of square of base and perpendicular is equal to the square of Hypotenuse .

Hypotenuse² = Perpendicular² + base²

In the given figure, we have:

Base = k

Hypotenuse = 10

Perpendicular = 6

Substitute the valus and solve for k,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Hypotenuse}^2=Perpendicular^2+Base^2 \\ 10^2=6^2+k^2 \\ 100=36+k^2 \\ k^2=100-36 \\ k^2=64 \\ k=\sqrt[]{64} \\ k=8 \\ \text{Base, k = 8} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The missing side is 8

Answer: 8

Simplify using exponential notation. 5a^6 x 7a^7




Let's simplify using exponential notation.

To simplify, multiply the the base, then use law of indicies to add the exponents

We have:


find the slope of the line that passes through these two points (0, -2) (5, 3) slope= ?


Find the slope of the line that passes through these two points

P1 = (0, -2)

P2 = (5, 3)

[tex]\begin{gathered} m=\frac{y2-y1}{x2-x1} \\ m=\frac{3-(-2)}{5-0} \\ m=\frac{3+2}{5} \\ m=\frac{5}{5} \\ m=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The slope would be 1

show that the triangles are similar by measuring the lengths of their sides and comparing the ratios of their corresponding sides




The ratio between corresponding sides of similar triangles is constant - in other words, the ratio between each pair of corresponding sides gives the same value.

As shown in the questions, the ratios between corresponding sides are,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{DE}{AB}=\frac{3}{2}=1.5 \\ \frac{DF}{AC}=\frac{1.5}{1}=1.5 \\ \frac{EF}{BC}=\frac{2.4}{1.6}=1.5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since the three ratios between corresponding sides are the same, 1.5, the triangles are similar.

The length of your step is 34 inches (in.). If you walk 10,000 steps in a day, how many feet (ft.) will you walk? ?


In this case, we'll have to carry out several steps to find the solution.

Step 01:


step length = 34 inches

walking = 10000 steps

Step 02:

feet to inches

1 feet = 12 inches

1 step --------------- 34 inches

10000 steps ------- x

1 * x = 10000 * 34

x = 340000

340000 inches * ( 1 feet / 12 inches)

28333.33 feet

The answer is:

You will walk 28333.33 feet .

Practice questions to use for study guide/ my notes please help want to Ace test!


We have, From the graph it can be seen that when x tends to zero on the right, y

What is the equation of the line that passes through the given points (2,3) and (2,5)



The equation of a line that passes through two points is expressed as

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-y_1=\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}(x-x_1) \\ where \\ (x_1,y_1)\text{ and} \\ (x_2,y_2)\text{ are the coordinates of the points } \\ through\text{ which the line passes} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Given that the line passes through the points (2,3) and (2, 5), this implies that

[tex]\begin{gathered} x_1=2 \\ y_1=3 \\ x_2=2 \\ y_2=5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

By substitution, we have

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-3=\frac{5-3}{2-2}(x-2) \\ \Rightarrow y-3=\frac{2}{0}(x-2) \\ multiply\text{ through by zero} \\ 0(y-3)=2(x-2) \\ \Rightarrow0=2x-4 \\ add\text{ 4 to both sides} \\ 0+4=2x-4+4 \\ \Rightarrow4=2x \\ divide\text{ both sides by the coefficient of x, which is 2} \\ \frac{4}{2}=\frac{2x}{2} \\ \Rightarrow x=2 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the equation of the line that passes through the given points (2,3) and (2,5) is


When 27 is subtracted from the square of anumber, the result is 6 times the number. Findthe negative solution.


Given: A statement, "When 27 is subtracted from the square of a

number, the result is 6 times the number."

Required: To determine the number.

Explanation: Let the number be x. Then according to the question-


Rearranging the equation as -


The quadratic equation can be simplified as follows-

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^2-9x+3x-27=0 \\ x(x-9)+3(x-9)=0 \\ (x+3)(x-9)=0 \\ x=-3\text{ or }x=9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final Answer: The negative solution is-


40 model A cars were sold that week. what else can you say about this bar model?


From the diagram

Ratio of model A car to model B car = 4:6

Ratio of model A to model B = 4:6

Ratio of model B to model A = 6:4

Ratio of model A to total = 4:10

Ratio of model B to total = 6:10

If 40 model A cars sold

I know that 60 model B cars was sold.

Write an equation to find the necessary score on the final exam for a student to earn an A (90%) in the class.


For the given table:

We will find the necessary score on the final exam for a student to earn an A (90%) in the class.


The equation will be:


now, solve the equation to find x:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 64.5+0.3x=90 \\ 0.3x=90-64.5 \\ 0.3x=25.5 \\ x=\frac{25.5}{0.3} \\ \\ x=85 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the answer will be:

The student needs a score of 85% on the final exam to earn a 90%

Find from first principles the derivative of f:x maps to (x+2)all squared





To find the first principles


First principle,

[tex]\lim_{h\to0}\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}[/tex][tex]=\lim_{h\to0}\frac{(x+h+2)^2-(x+2)^2}{h}[/tex][tex]=\lim_{h\to0}\frac{x^2+(h+2)^2+2x(h+2)-x^2-4-4x}{h}[/tex][tex]=\lim_{h\to0}\frac{h^2+4+4h+2xh+4x-4-4x}{h}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} =\lim_{h\to0}\frac{h^2+4h+2xh}{h} \\ \\ =\lim_{h\to0}\frac{h(h+4+2x)}{h} \\ \\ =\lim_{h\to0}(h+4+2x) \\ =2x+4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Final Answer:


Calculating number of periods?How long will an initial bank deposit of $10,000 grow to $23,750 at 5% annual compound interest?


For an initial amount P with an annually compounded interest rate r, after t years the total amount A is is given by:


Then we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{A}{P}=(1+r)^t \\ \ln\frac{A}{P}=t\ln(1+r) \\ t=\frac{\ln\frac{A}{P}}{ln(1+r)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

For P = $10,000, A = $23,750 and r = 0.05, we have:

[tex]t=\frac{\ln\frac{23750}{10000}}{\ln(1+0.05)}\approx17.73\text{ years}[/tex]

You want to enlarge a picture by a factor of 4.5 from its current size of 4 inches by 6 inches. What is the size of the enlarged picture?a. 18 in. by 27 in.b.8.5 in. by 10.5 in.c. 18 in. by 10.5 in.d. 8.5 in. by 27 in.


[tex]\text{The current size of 4 inches by 6 inches}[/tex]

If we want to enlarge the picture by a factor of 4.5, the perimeter will also increase by the factor of 4.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{New dimension =}4.5\text{ (old dimension)} \\ \text{New dimension=4.5 (4 by 6)} \\ \text{New dimension=18 inches by 27 inches} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the correct option is Option A

A fence is purchased and constructed as shown. There are 250 feet of fence used for the chorale. Determine the values for x and y that will maximize the area. Round your answers to the nearest tenth if needed. Type the value for the x dimension in the first blank (you do not need to type x = , but label your answer). Type the value for y in the second blank (you do not need to type y =, but label your answer).


2x + 3y = 250

y = (250 - 2x)/3 (1)

S = x * y

= (-2/3x + 250/3)*x

= -2/3(x - 125/2)^2 + 125^2/6

x = 125/2

Replacing the value of x in (1)

y = 125/3

Please Help me solve I know I am supposed to use the quadratic formula But I’m still not getting the right answers


To find the maximum profit we need to maximize the function.

First we need to find the critical points, to do this we need to find the derivative of the function:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{d}{dx}(-2x^2+105x-773) \\ =-4x+105 \end{gathered}[/tex]

now we equate it to zero and solve for x:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -4x+105=0 \\ 4x=105 \\ x=\frac{105}{4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

hence the critical point of the function is x=105/4.

The next step is to determine if the critical point is a maximum or a minimum, to do this we find the second derivative:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{d^2y}{dx^2}=\frac{d}{dx}(-4x+105) \\ =-4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Since the second derivative is negative for all values of x (and specially for x=105/4) we conclude that the critical point is a maximum.

Hence the function has a maximum at x=105/4. To find the value of the maximum we plug the value of x to find y:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=-2(\frac{105}{4})^2+105(\frac{105}{4})-773 \\ y=605.125 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the maximum profit is $605

What's the sum of ten terms of a finite arithmetic series if the first term is 13 and the last term is 89?


The sum of the n first terms in an arithmetic series is given by the following formula


Where a_1 represents the first term, a_n represents the n-th term, and n the amount of terms we want to sum.

The first term of our sequence is 13, the tenth term is 89 and the amount of terms is 10. Plugging those values in our formula, we have


This sum is equal to 510.

I need to solve this problem and name the concepts used in the problem


In a pie chart, the sum of the angles for each variable or item is 360 degrees. also, the total percentage is 100

Looking at each flavor,

27% chose Glazier freeze, = 27/100 * 360 = 97.2 degrees

25% chose Fierce grape = 25/100 * 360 = 90 degrees

15.5% chose Extreme Citrico = 15.5/100 * 360 = 55.8 degrees

13.5% chose Cool Blue = 13.5/100 * 360 = 48.6 degrees

11.5% chose Lemon ice = 11.5/100 * 360 = 41.4

We want to determine the degrees for others


97.2 + 90 + 55.8 + 48.6 + 41.4 + others = 360

333 + others = 360

others = 360 - 333

others = 27 degrees

The correct option is C

The concept used is converting the given percentages to degrees and equation them to 360 degrees

100% is equivalent to 360 degrees

If the ones digit in a two-digit number is even, the number is a composite number. Which odd ones digit also tells you the number must be a compositenumber? Explain.


Okay, here we have this:

Considering that a composite number is a number that is not prime, the only number one of the units that tells us that a two-digit number is composed is 5, since every number ending in 5 is a multiple of 5.

NO LINKS!! Use the method of substitution to solve the system. (If there's no solution, enter no solution). Part 11z​



smaller x value:    -1,-8larger x value:  5,16

The parenthesis part is already taken care of by the teacher.



y is equal to x^2-9 and also 4x-4. We can equate those two right hand sides and get everything to one side like this

x^2-9 = 4x-4

x^2-9-4x+4 = 0

x^2-4x-5 = 0

Then we can use the quadratic formula to solve that equation for x.

[tex]x = \frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}\\\\x = \frac{-(-4)\pm\sqrt{(-4)^2-4(1)(-5)}}{2(1)}\\\\x = \frac{4\pm\sqrt{36}}{2}\\\\x = \frac{4\pm6}{2}\\\\x = \frac{4+6}{2} \ \text{ or } \ x = \frac{4-6}{2}\\\\x = \frac{10}{2} \ \text{ or } \ x = \frac{-2}{2}\\\\x = 5 \ \text{ or } \ x = -1\\\\[/tex]

Or alternatively

x^2-4x-5 = 0

(x-5)(x+1) = 0

x-5 = 0 or x+1 = 0

x = 5 or x = -1


After determining the x values, plug them into either original equation to find the paired y value.

Let's plug x = 5 into the first equation:

y = x^2-9

y = 5^2-9

y = 25-9

y = 16

Or you could pick the second equation:

y = 4x-4

y = 4(5)-4

y = 20-4

y = 16

We have x = 5 lead to y = 16

One solution is (x,y) = (5,16)

This is one point where the two curves y = x^2-9 and y = 4x-4 intersect.

If you repeat the same steps with x = -1, then you should find that y = -8 for either equation.

The other solution is (x,y) = (-1,-8)


[tex](x,y)=\left(\; \boxed{-1,-8} \; \right)\quad \textsf{(smaller $x$-value)}[/tex]

[tex](x,y)=\left(\; \boxed{5,16} \; \right)\quad \textsf{(larger $x$-value)}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Given system of equations:


To solve by the method of substitution, substitute the first equation into the second equation and rearrange so that the equation equals zero:


Factor the quadratic:


Apply the zero-product property and solve for x:

[tex]\implies x+1=0 \implies x=-1[/tex]

[tex]\implies x-5=0 \implies x=5[/tex]

Substitute the found values of x into the second equation and solve for y:

[tex]\begin{aligned}x=-1 \implies y&=4(-1)-4\\y&=-4-4\\y&=-8\end{aligned}[/tex]

[tex]\begin{aligned}x=5 \implies y&=4(5)-4\\y&=20-4\\y&=16\end{aligned}[/tex]

Therefore, the solutions are:

[tex](x,y)=\left(\; \boxed{-1,-8} \; \right)\quad \textsf{(smaller $x$-value)}[/tex]

[tex](x,y)=\left(\; \boxed{5,16} \; \right)\quad \textsf{(larger $x$-value)}[/tex]

A kitty in a tuxedo walks into a bank deposit of $4000 in an investment account. the account earns 8% interest, compounded monthly. after 10 years how much money will the fancy kitty have?



The amount of money Kitty would have is;

[tex]\text{ \$}8,878.56[/tex]


Given that Kitty invested $4000 into an account that earns 8% interest compounded monthly for 10 years;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ Principal P = \$4000} \\ \text{ Rate r = 8\% = 0.08} \\ \text{ Time t =10 years} \\ \text{ number of times compounded per time n = 12} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Applying the formula for compound interest;


Substituting the given values;

[tex]\begin{gathered} F=4000(1+\frac{0.08}{12})^{12(10)} \\ F=4000(1+\frac{0.08}{12})^{120} \\ F=4000(2.2194) \\ F=\text{ \$}8,878.56 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the amount of money Kitty would have is;

[tex]\text{ \$}8,878.56[/tex]

Sketch one cycle of the graph of each function 16. y= -2 sin 8x



• Amplitude = 2


• Period = π/4


Given the function:


In order to sketch the graph of y, we need to find its amplitude and period.

Comparing the function with the general sine function:


We have that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Amplitude=|a|=|-2|=2 \\ Period=\frac{2\pi}{|b|}=\frac{2\pi}{8}=\frac{1}{4}\pi \end{gathered}[/tex]

Next, using these values, we sketch one cycle of the graph below:

Nintendo previously projected that it would sell 19 million units of the console for the year ending in March. If it ended up selling 26.5 million after several upward versions to the forecast. How many selling off were their estimate


[tex]\begin{gathered} 26.5-19=7.5 \\ \\ \text{ They were 7.5 million selling off!} \end{gathered}[/tex]

I need help with this question please. This is non graded.


To determine the factor of the given polynomial, first, we rewrite it as follows:


Now, notice that:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 16x^2+4x=4x(4x^+1), \\ -20x-5=-5(4x+1). \end{gathered}[/tex]

Factoring out the 4x+1, we get:


Answer: [tex](4x+1).[/tex]

Triangle MNO was reflected over the x-axis Given M(-5,-1)Find the coordinate M


When we perform the reflection of a figure over the x-axis, we just have to change the sign of the y-coordinate of each point, like this: P(x,y) -> P'(x,-y).

Then after a reflection of the triangle, the point M goes from (-5,-1) to (-5, 1)

Then the correct answer is the last option (-5, 1)

need answer with steps[tex]( - 3 - 5i) + (4 - 2i)[/tex][tex](7 + 9i) + ( - 5i)[/tex]


We are given the following complex numbers


To perform the addition of the complex numbers, simply add the like terms together.




Therefore, the result of the complex addition is

[tex]\begin{gathered} 19.\: (1-7i) \\ 20.\: (7+4i) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Dr. Wells saw 960 patients last year. This year, the number of patients he saw was 25%higher. How many patients did Dr. Wells see this year?


.Since the old number of patients is 960

Since it is increasing by 25%, then

We will find the amount of 25% of 960, then add it to 960

[tex]\begin{gathered} I=\frac{25}{100}\times960 \\ I=240 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Add it to 960 to find the new number of patients

[tex]\begin{gathered} N=960+240 \\ N=1200 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Dr Wells saw 1200 patients

A researcher wants to study the amount of protein in pet food. Which one of the following is most likely to give theresearcher more accurate results?-take a sample of cat foods alone-take a sample of dog foods alone-take a sample of all pet foods mixed together-divide the pet foods into two different groups, cat and dog, and take a sample from each group


He will need to take sample of at least two different sample of pet food in order to analyze it more accurate. So, the researcher should:

divide the pet foods into two different groups, cat and dog, and take a sample from each group.

Solve the system of equations 2x - 3y = 4 and 9x - 8y = - 26 by combining the


[tex]\sf \Large \boxed{\sf +}\\ \sf \Large \boxed{\sf +}\\\\ \sf \Large \boxed{\sf 11x+-11y=-22}\\\\ 2x+9x-3y-8y=4-26\\Combine\\11x-11y=-22\\Simplify\\x-y=-2\\x=y-2\\Plug\ the\ value\ in\ the\ equation\\2(y-2)-3y=4\\2y-4-3y=4\\-y-4=4\\-y=8\\y=-8\\Solve\ for\ x\\9x-8(-8)=-26\\9x+64=-26\\9x=-90\\x=-10[/tex]

Other Questions
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