28. A preliminary hearing only happens in what types of cases?


Answer 1
Preliminary hearings are only available in felony cases.

Preliminary hearings are held only in cases in which a defendant pleads not guilty at the arraignment or initial appearance. But even then, whether a preliminary hearing will be held depends upon the laws of each state. In some states, preliminary hearings are held in every criminal case.

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who was the Daughter of Catherine of Aragon; married to Phillip II of Spain




Mary I

Mary I (18 February 1516 – 17 November 1558), also known as Mary Tudor, and as "Bloody Mary" by her Protestant opponents, was the queen of England from July 1553 until her death.


Mary I of England.

Someone plz help did i get he dates right?


i believe you got every date right, if you didn’t i will put it in the comments ,

Which of the following statements is FALSE?
Segregation in America began with the Black Codes after the Civil War and continued in America into the 1960s and 1970s.
African Americans were never permitted to vote, even after the Civil War.
The United States Congress declared the Black Codes unconstitutional.
The Union Army went to the South to enforce emancipation.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Answer:  B


Black citizens of the US gained the right to vote in 1870, in which, Congress passed the last of the three so-called Reconstruction Amendments, the 15th Amendment, which stated that voting rights could not be “denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”


C. The United States Congress declared the Black Codes unconstitutional.


The Only thing that is false.

please help me with this question ​



hello and bye


i m wanting to say its b but it might be c

I need help on this and the first person who answer correctly gets a BRANLIST
(The story is civil war journal if you want to get a better understanding of this question)​



It helps to describe one of the members of Alcott's family


Why did George Washington establish an executive cabinet?


A cabinet is not mandated by either the Constitution or established law. ... In order to establish both credibility and balance, George Washington chose a cabinet that included members from different regions of the country. On September 11, 1789, George Washington sent his first cabinet nomination to the Senate.

give me three causes of the migration ? give me three causes of the migration



political migration - moving to escape political persecution or war. environmental causes of migration include natural disasters such as flooding.

Push and pull factors

lack of services.

lack of safety.

high crime.

crop failure






Hope it helps

where did the Vikings establish the most settlements?



the parts where the most settled were:

Norway where the origin





Around 1036, Varangians appeared near the village of Bashi on the Rioni River, to establish a permanent settlement of Vikings in Georgia. The Georgian Chronicles described them as 3,000 men who had traveled from Scandinavia through present-day Russia, rowing down the Dnieper River and across the Black Sea.

From the late eighth century to the mid-900s, Vikings from Norway established settlements in parts of the northern and western British Isles, including Scotland and regions of Ireland.


The withdrawal of states from the union is known as what?


The answer is secession because it refers to the voluntary withdrawal than one more states from the union that makes up United States.

Why is Estates-General convening?



Summoned by King Louis XVI to propose solutions to his government's financial problems, the Estates-General convened for several weeks in May and June 1789. In 1787, pressured by France's desperate financial situation,the King convened an Assembly of Notables.On May 5, 1789, the Estates-General convened.


hope this helps

The primary contribution of the muckrakers in the late 1800's and early 1900's was to
• encourage public support for the building of the Panama Canal
lobby the Federal Government to open more free land to western settlement
• promote the ideals of rugged individualism and laissez-faire
• expose corruption and negligence on the part of big business and government



expose corruption and negligence on the part of big business and government


Muckrakers refer to the novelists and journalists of the Progressive Era who help to expose corruption in government and big business.

These journalists also exposed America's problems brought on as a result of the growth of cities and rapid industrialization.

The primary contribution of the muckrakers in the late 1800's and early 1900's was to expose corruption and negligence on the part of big businesses and government.

According to the excerpt, when did the people of the United States turn
to government to solve economic problems?
A during the war
B after the war
C right now
D before the war



its either before or after, i think maybe before

how did the events of Jackson presidency affect different groups of people ?​


In 1830, as part of his zealous quest to acquire new territory for the nation, President Jackson pushed for the passing of the Indian Removal Act. It was this act that allowed for the 1838 forced removal by the U.S. military of Cherokee from their Georgia homeland to barren land in the Oklahoma territory.

What did mastabas do to contribute ancient Egypt?



"a mastaba-like structure, which acted as the bottom platform and included the pyramid’s total base footprint."


Which statement best explains why the city of Babylon was consider a cultar centaur of the ancient world


Babylon placed an emphasis on education.

Defin the term “trickledown economics.”


theory sparrow theory proposition that taxes in busniess.


Trickle down economics is a term used to describe the belief that if high-income earners gain an increase in salary, then everyone in the economy will benefit as their increased income and wealth filter through to all sections in society.


What happened as a result of the formation of the Second Bank of the United States? *
Republicans closed the bank.
American businesses were able to grow.
Many state banks acted unwisely.
Too much money was in circulation.



American businesses were able to grow


A tariff is ___________. a. a type of plantation b. a military draft c. a tax or duty on imports and exports d. an exemption from war service


c. a tax or duty on imports and exports

A gun rights group would probably be more likely to work with

Republicans or democratic


Republicans Good luck!!!! Have a Great Fay

30 points jkjkjk
20 ANWER ALL and get drainest don't look them up if do reported
give your own words
What do we all have in common besides our genes that makes us human?
If you could choose one book as a mandatory read for all high school students, which book would you choose?
Would you rather have less work or more work you actually enjoy doing?
What is important enough to go to war over? ( like back in time)
If you could instill one piece of advice in a newborn baby’s mind, what advice would you give?



most humans have emotions

how to kill a moking jay

more work


don't get hung up on what you could've done and be yourself

We all have emotions and dreams for the future.

Probably 1984 by George Orwell, but maybe later on in high school because it’s kind of deep and there’s explicit content in some parts.

More work. If you enjoy what your doing, then it isn’t really work and it isn’t a drudgery.

Freedom, territory, beliefs (religion), if one country wants to take over the world. Cough cough World War II

Don’t be afraid to be who you are. If other people don’t like who that is, then they aren’t your friends and they can live their own life.

1. The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 in Russia was caused in part by *

a forced famine in Ukraine
the failure of Czar Nicholas II to come to Serbia’s aid
a shortage of military supplies and food during World War I
the Sepoy Rebellion

2. Joseph Stalin’s policies in Ukraine during the 1930s directly resulted in *

agricultural self-sufficiency
widespread starvation
the development of cottage industries
the use of subsistence farming techniques

3.Which event led Russia to withdraw from World War I and surrender a significant amount of territory to Germany? *

assassination of Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand
seizure of power by the Bolsheviks
sudden death of Vladimir Lenin
meeting of the Yalta Conference

4. A major purpose of five-year plans in the Soviet Union was to *

increase the production of steel and machinery
produce more consumer goods
eliminate central economic planning
seek direct foreign investment

5. A primary objective of the New Economic Policy (NEP) in the Soviet Union was to *

promote private ownership of heavy industry
organize support for educational reforms to improve literacy
coordinate efforts to end World War I
gain stability by increasing production

6. Which action was taken by the Bolsheviks under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin? *

supporting a traditional economy
eliminating political opposition
surrendering to the Provisional Government
extending the war against Austria-Hungary

7. Which goals are most closely associated with the Russian Revolution of 1917? *

nationalism, democracy, and livelihood
science, technology, and agriculture
peace, land, and bread
liberty, equality, and fraternity

8. One reason the Bolsheviks gained peasant support during the Russian Revolution was because the Bolsheviks promised to *

abolish communes
redistribute land
bring modern technology to Russian farms
maintain an agricultural price-support program

9. What was a major reason the Russian people engaged in the Revolution of 1905? *

failure to emancipate the serfs
discontent with involvement in World War I
dissatisfaction with czarist rule
irritation over the banning of the Orthodox church

10. Totalitarian governments are characterized by the *

elimination of heavy industry
use of censorship, secret police, and repression
lack of a written constitution
support of the people for parliamentary decisions


A force famine in ukraine

Why might some people think capitalism is a better way to run an economy?


Answer:Capitalism Promotes Freedom

Capitalism Promotes Cooperation

Capitalism is More Optimistic

Capitalism Believes in People

Capitalism Promotes Equality

Capitalism Promotes Emulation

Capitalism is Consistent With the Human Condition

Capitalism Protects the Planet



People may beleive that capitalism is a better way to run an economy because it creates cooperation. For example when hiring someone you have to cooperate and agree on a price that reasonable for the both of you. If there is a team involved then they have to agree on a reasonable price for their labor. Through all the processes of getting a job done under capitalism it is necessary to cooperate. It also promotes freedom to work any job you want, because under capitalism there are lots of different jobs, and opportunites. And finaly it is very efficent and gets alot done.


What are three important events that Martin Luther King was a historical figure in? like mention three important events in history that Martin Luther King was present in. (10 points bonus)



King begins his freshman year at Morehouse College in Atlanta.

The Atlanta Constitution publishes King’s letter to the editor stating that black people "are entitled to the basic rights and opportunities of American citizens."

King receives his bachelor of arts degree in sociology from Morehouse College.


(btw Martin Luther King was Born on my bday)


He was the driving force behind watershed events such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the 1963 March on Washington, which helped bring about such landmark legislation as the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act.Publishes Why We Can't- Wait 1964 Congress passes Civil Rights Act of 1964, outlawing segregation in public Page 2 accommodations and discrimination in education and employment. October 14, 1964 King receives Nobel Peace Prize.

What was the Mexican National Era?


when mexico gained independence from spain
The Mexican National Era is when Mexico gained independence from Spain.

American revolution globule impact



The Revolution also unleashed powerful political, social, and economic forces that would transform the post-Revolution politics and society, including increased participation in politics and governance, the legal institutionalization of religious toleration, and the growth and diffusion of the population.


How many people welcomed hitler 200000 or 500000


Answer:I think it is 500000


200,000 French troops and 500,000 German soldiers.

Why did the Renaissance begin later in Northern Europe than in Italy



The religious character of the Renaissance north of the Alps was due in part to the continuing influence of the Church, unlike in Italy, where the Church was in decline. The Northern Renaissance was an impressive cultural epoch whose achievements were as great as those in Italy


List 5 reasons why these animals were best suited for travel on the silk road.


What are the Choices ?

21) What happened a few days after the Duma formed a provisional government? What did
this end?



The period of competition for authority ended in late October 1917, when Bolsheviks routed the ministers of the Provisional Government in the events known as the October Revolution, and placed power in the hands of the soviets, or "workers' councils," which they largely controlled

how did the amiens offensive start



This attack was made in retaliation for a trench raid by the 5th Australian Division north of the Somme on the night of 31 July, which had taken many prisoners, before the Australian Corps was concentrated south of the river.

hope it's help

This attack was made in retaliation for a trench raid by the 5th Australian Division north of the Somme on the night of 31 July, which had taken many prisoners, before the Australian Corps was concentrated south of the river.
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