2) The debate team with 18 members is to choose four officers: captain, co-captain, treasurer, and secretary. How many ways can those officers be selected?


Answer 1

We have 18 members that can be positioned in 4 positions.

As the positions are different from each other, the order matters.

Then, this is a permutation of 18 elements in 4 places with no repetition.

The number of permutations can be calculated as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(n,r)=\frac{n!}{(n-r)!} \\ P(18,4)=\frac{18!}{(18-4)!}=\frac{18!}{14!}=18\cdot17\cdot16\cdot15=73440 \end{gathered}[/tex]

We could have derived this by doing this analysis:

We have 18 to choose for captain.

Then, we have 17 left to choose for co-captain.

Finally 16 can be chosen for treasurer and 15 are left for secretary.

Then, the posible teams are 18*17*16*15=73440.

Answer: we can select them in 73,440 ways.

Related Questions

Carlos fills an aquarium to a depth of 4/5 meters in 8 minutes. What is the unit rate in minutes per meter?write the answer in the simplest form


Step 1. The information that we have is:

The aquarium is filled to a depth of 4/5 meters in 8 minutes.

Required: Find the unit rate in minutes per meter.

Step 2. First, we convert 4/5 meters to a decimal number:

[tex]\frac{4}{5}\text{ meters }=0.8\text{ meters}[/tex]

Step 3. To find the unit rate, we need to divide the number of minutes by the number of meters:

[tex]\frac{8minutes}{0.8\text{ meters}}[/tex]

The result is:

[tex]10\text{ minutes per meter}[/tex]

The unit rate is 10 minutes per meter.

Answer: 10

What is the meaning of the x-intercept? A) Olivia's maximum distance from the pool was about 10.5 meters. B) It takes Olivia about 3.2 seconds to enter the pool. C) Olivia's dive was from a 10-meter platform. D) Olivia's speed was not constant.



X- intercept is the value of x when y is equal to zero.

On the graph, we have distance(meters) over time (secs).

The time is in the x axis. The value of x when y is equal to zero is a bit above 3.

This means when Olivia's distance is at point 0 meters, the seconds it takes to enter to pool is a bit over 3 secs (around 3,

From the options, the correct answer is It takes Olivia about 3.2 seconds to enter the pool (option B)

11. The volume of a pyramid is equal to1the product of the altitude and the area of the base. If the area of the base3remains the same and the altitude is doubled, the volume Please help





[tex]\text{Volume of a Pyramid=}\frac{1}{3}\times Base\text{ Area}\times Altitude[/tex]

If the area of the base remains the same and the altitude is doubled, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} New\; Volume=\frac{1}{3}\times\text{Base Area}\times(2\times Altitude) \\ =2\times(\frac{1}{3}\times\text{Base Area}\times Altitude) \\ =2\times\text{Old Volume} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, if the area of the base remains the same and the altitude is doubled, the volume will double,

slope is -5 and (2, 1) is on the line; standard form


We have to find the equation of the line in standard form, knowing that the slope is m = -5 and it passes through the point (2, 1).

The standard form is:


When we know the slope and one point, we can write the equation in slope-point form. Then, we can rearrange the terms in order to find the standard form.

The slope-point form is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-y_0=m(x-x_0) \\ y-1=-5(x-2) \end{gathered}[/tex]

We then can rearrange it as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-1=-5(x-2) \\ y=-5x-5\cdot(-2)+1 \\ y=-5x+10+1 \\ y+5x=11 \\ 5x+y=11 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: the standard form of the line is 5x + y = 11.

A pyramid has a square base with sides 8 ft long and a height of 16.8 ft. Select the correct formula for the volume.


The volume of the pyramid with square base with sides 8 ft long and a height of 16.8 ft is 358.4 ft.


A pyramid has a square base with sides 8 ft long and a height of 16.8 ft.

we are asked to find out the volume of the pyramid = ?

we have:

side length (s) = 8 ft

height (h) = 16.8 ft

we know the formula of volume as:

v = 1/3 × s² × h

v = 1/3 × (8)² × 16.8

v = 1/3 × 64 × 16.8

v = 64 × 5.6

v = 358.4 ft

Hence we get the volume as  358.4 ft

Learn more about Pyramid here:



The sum of three numbers is 154. The first number is 10 more than the second. The third number is 4 times the second. What are the numbers?First number:х5?Second number:000Third number


Let's call those numbers a, b and c.

Since their sum is 154, we have:

a + b + c = 154

Also, since the first number is 10 more than the second, we have:

a = b + 10

And, since the third number is 4 times the second number, we have:

c = 4b

Now, we can use the expressions of a and c in terms of b in the first equation:

a + b + c = 154

b + 10 + b + 4b = 154

6b + 10 = 154

6b = 154 - 10

6b = 144

b = 144/6

b = 24

Then, we can use the value of b to find a and c:

a = b + 10

a = 24 + 10

a = 34

c = 4b

c = 4 * 24

c = 96


• First number: ,34


• Second number: ,24


• Third number: ,96

Find the inverse of 1/4x^3+2x-1=y


Y/X = 3/64x^2+2 inverse

a parking lot is distracted in the shape of a parallelogram if the base is 200 feet the height is 120 ft and the Dialganal with is 140 feet what is the area of the parking lot?


a parking lot is distracted in the shape of a parallelogram if the base is 200 feet the height is 120 ft and the Dialganal with is 140 feet what is the area of the parking lot?​

we know that

the area of parallelogram is equal to



b is the base

h is the height

substitute the given values


A=24,000 ft^2

the area is 24,000 square feet

need help answering the question step by step explanation please


Given that:

- Lucy must have the construction job done within 30 days.

- The bid of the first engineer is $2050 per hour, 8 hours per day.

- The bid of the second engineer is 1¢ per day which will double each day.

Let be "x" the number of days of work and "y" the total cost (in dollars)

• Using the data given, you can set up this equation to represent the bid of the first engineer:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=(2050)(8)x \\ \\ y=16400x \end{gathered}[/tex]

And you can set up this equation to represent the bid of the second engineer:


• In order to graph them, you can give values to the variable "x" and evaluate, in order to get the corresponding y-values.

By substituting this value into the first equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \\ x=5 \\ \\ x=10 \end{gathered}[/tex]

You get:


- For the second equation, substitute this value:


And evaluate:


Now you can graph them:

You can identify in the graph that the total cost is greater in the first line than the cost in the second line. Therefore, the cost of the bid given for the first engineer will be greater.

Hence, the answer is:

• Equation 1st:


• Equation 2nd:


• Graph:

• Better deal: The bid of the second engineer (the graph shows that the total cost using this deal will be less than the total cost using the first deal).

a store advertises a 20% markdown on a dishwasher that normally sells for $952. what is the price on sale


The price on sale of the dishwasher is $201.6

How to determine the price on sale?

From the question, we have the following parameters that can be used in our computation:

Mardown = 20%

Selling price = $252

The price on sale of the dishwasher is calculated using the following equation

Price on sale = Selling price * (1 - Mardown)

Substitute the known values in the above equation, so, we have the following representation

Price on sale = 252 * (1 - 20%)


Price on sale = 201.6

Hence, the price is $201.6

Read more about markdown at



-ExerciseActivity 1Please see the image above & use table NOTE: HELP ME ASAP




To complete the table.


[tex]\begin{gathered} 1\text{ pinch = }\frac{1}{16}\text{ teaspoon} \\ 2pinch\text{ = }\frac{2}{16\text{ }}tps \\ 2p\imaginaryI nch=\frac{1}{8}\text{ tps} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} 1\text{ teaspoon = 76.0012} \\ 3\text{ teaspoons = 1 tablespoon} \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} 16\text{ tablespoon = 1 cup} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Divide by 8 into both sides.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2\text{ tablespoon = }\frac{1}{8}\text{ cup} \\ 4\text{ tablespoon=}\frac{\text{1}}{4}\text{{\text{cup}}} \end{gathered}[/tex]

[tex]\begin{gathered} 16\text{ tablespoon = 1 cup} \\ 8\text{ tablespoon=}\frac{1}{2}\text{cup} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} 2\text{ cups = 1 pint} \\ 4\text{ cups = 2 pint} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]4\text{ quarts = 1 gallon}[/tex]

Final Answer:

Explain in explanation parts.

The values of bills for the last 12 months 338.28 328.93 341.03331.29356.01329.03328.46586.34401.23386.37388.43367.31A) Find the sample mean and sample standard deviation of your data.B) Pick three bills from the last 12 months and change the values into z-scores. What does the z-score tell you about that particular month?C) Between what two values would be considered a normal bill? Remember, being within 2 Standard Deviations is considered normal.


step 1

Find out the mean

we have the data set




step 2

Find out the sample standard deviation

Subtract the mean from each data point and square it













Add the squared deviations


Divide by the number of data sets minus 1





Take the square root

sample standard deviation=√(5,170.14866)

sample standard deviation=71.90

Part B

Remember that

z =(x - μ)/s




I take the bills

In industrial art class. Elizabeth created a figure from sheet metal. She created a right circular cylinder that has a radius of 6 inches.And hieght of 12 inches.What is the volume in cubic inches of the figure she created OPTIONS1,356.48 inches3648 inches3339.12 inches3226.08 inches3


In industrial art class. Elizabeth created a figure from sheet metal. She created a right circular cylinder that has a radius of 6 inches, and a height of 12 inches.

What is the volume in cubic inches of the figure she created


1,356.48 inches3

648 inches3

339.12 inches3

226.08 inches3​


Can you see the updates?


Cylinder volume = A(circle) * height

Cylinder volume = π r^2 * h

Cylinder volume = π (6 in)^2 * 12 in

Cylinder volume = π (6 in)^2 * 12 in

Cylinder volume = π 432 in^3

Cylinder volume = 1357. 17



π= 3.14

1,356.48 inches3

help meeeeeee ok will you


∠ BCD has the same measure as ∠ CFG and ∠ FIJ.

If  ∠ GFI measures x degrees, then the measure of HIK is (180 - x) degrees.

The sum of the measures of ∠ CFE and ∠ ACF is 180 degrees.

Given that:-

AD II EG II HJ and BK is the transversal.


∠ BCD = ∠ CFG


∠ CFG = ∠ FIJ


∠ BCD has the same measure as ∠ CFG and ∠ FIJ.

As ∠ GFI = x degrees

Hence, ∠ FIJ  = (180 - x) degrees  (Sum of internal angles is 180 degrees)

∠ FIJ = ∠ HIK (Vertically Opposite angles)


∠ HIK = (180 - x) degrees.

As ∠ CFE and ∠ ACF are internal angles, hence their sum will be 180 degrees.

To learn more about transversal, here:-



Solve: Tom is building a barn 36 feet wide and 60 feet long. How many feet long will the diagonal be across the footer if the footer is square?



For this case we can do the following:

Then we can use the Pythagoras theorem and we can solve for d and we got:


Then the answer would be:

69.97 ft

14. Consider the function / graphed below. For whatvalues of Xo does lim /(x) exist?Sorry if u were last tutor, the app crashed


The limit exists at all values of x₀ where the function is continuous, i.e. where there is no break in the graph.

So only consider the points where there is a vertical asymptote (x₀=-6), where there are holes and jump discontinuity (x₀=-3,3).

The vertical asymptote is a place where the function is undefined and the limit of the function does not exist.

Hence, the limit does not exist at x₀=-6.

For the point where there is a hole, x₀=-3, notice that the graph approaches the same y-value both from the left and right, hence the limit exists at this point, as this is a removable discontinuity.

For the point, x₀=3 where there is a jump discontinuity, notice that the graph approaches different values from the left and right, respectively. Hence, the left and right limits are not equal and thus the limit does not exist.

So the limit exists over the set of real numbers except {-6,3}.

Find the Cardinal number of setC = {x |25 < x < 40, x E Z}, where Z denotes the set containing all integers.


So, given

25 < x < 40

So, the numbers will be

26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39

These numbers are the numbers belongs to Z and achieve the inequality

Note: A Cardinal Number is a number that says how many of something there are.

What is the coordinate for Pafter reflecting PFEL across the line y = -x?


The coordinate of P is (-4,4).

A reflection across the line y=-x is given by


In this case we have:


Therefore, the image is (-4,4) and the asnwer is third option.

raina is jogging from her house to school her school is 4 3/4 miles from her house she has gone 1 1/3 miles so far how many miles does raina have left



For this case we have the following:


then we can find the difference on this way:


Then she has 41/12 miles left

Find the quotient and write it in rectangular form using exact values: 8 ( cos pi/2 + i sin pi/2 ) /3 ( cos pi/6 + i sin pi/6 )







To find:

The quotient and write it in rectangular form using exact values

Recall the below;


So we can go ahead and rewrite the given expression and simplify as shown below;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{8(\cos\frac{\pi}{2}+i\sin\frac{\pi}{2})}{3(\cos\frac{\pi}{6}+i\sin\frac{\pi}{6})} \\ =\frac{8(e^{\frac{i\pi}{2}})}{3(e^{\frac{i\pi}{6}})} \\ =\frac{8}{3}(e^{\frac{i\pi}{2}-\frac{i\pi}{6}}) \\ =\frac{8}{3}(e^{i\pi(\frac{1}{2}-\frac{1}{6})} \\ =\frac{8}{3}e^{\frac{i\pi}{3}} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So we'll have;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{8}{3}(\cos\frac{\pi}{3}+i\sin\frac{\pi}{3}) \\ =\frac{8}{3}(\frac{1}{2}+i\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}) \\ =\frac{8}{6}+i\frac{8\sqrt{3}}{6} \\ =\frac{4}{3}+\frac{i4\sqrt{3}}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Dona paints ornaments for a school play. Each ornament is as shown and is made up of two identical cones. She uses one bottle of paint to paint 202 cm2. How many bottles of paint does she need in order to paint 70 ornaments? Use 3.14 for pi.1. The surface area of one ornament is about ___cm2.2. She needs ___ bottles.


The surface area of a cone is given by the following formula:

[tex]SA=\pi rs+\pi r^2[/tex]

Where SA is the surface area, s is the slant and r is the radius. Replace for the given values:

[tex]\begin{gathered} SA=(3.14)\cdot(2.7)\cdot(8.6)+(3.14)\cdot(2.7)^2 \\ SA=72.91+22.89 \\ SA=95.8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Each ornament has 2 cones, it means that each ornament has a surface area of:


If she needs to paint 70 ornaments, she will have to paint:


According to the question statement, she uses one bottle of paint to paint 202cm^2. To find how many bottles she needs to paint 70 ornaments, divide the total area of the 70 ornaments by 202:


The answers are:

1. The surface area of one ornament is about 191.6 cm^2.

2. She needs 67 bottles.

Triangle ACD is dilated about the origin.10D'984DC'с-7-8-5-4-3-234-1-2Which is most likely the scale factor?O3O223


ACD has a base (AC) with a length of 3 units.

A'C'D' has a base (A'C') with a length of 9 units.

Therefore, the scale factor is 9/3 = 3.

The product of a number and 5 is always greater than 15.Which of the following shows this inequality?


Let x be the unkown number.

The product of a number and 5: multiplication of x and 5 (5x)

Is always greater than 15: >15



Another form of write the inequality is soving x:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{5}{5}x>\frac{15}{5} \\ \\ x>3 \end{gathered}[/tex]Posible Inequalities: 5x>15x>3

Use the sum and difference identities to rewrite the following expression as a trigonometric function of asingle number.sin(15°)cos(135) + cos(159) sin(135)


The value of the given trigonometric function is [tex]\sqrt{3} +1[/tex]

The given trigonometric function is sin(15°)cos(135) + cos(15) sin(135).

Evaluating the expression with the sum and difference identities.

We know, SinACosB + CosASinB = Sin(A +B)

Now, We have :

sin(15°)cos(135) + cos(15) sin(135) = Sin ( 15 +135 ) = Sin150

Now, Sin 150 = Sin(120 +30) =  Sin120Cos30 + Cos120Sin30

Sin 150 =

[tex]=\frac{\sqrt{3} }{2} * \frac{\sqrt{3} }{2} + \frac{1}{2}*\frac{1}{2} = \frac{2\sqrt{3} }{2} +\frac{2}{2} \\\\= \sqrt{3} +1[/tex]

Hence, the value of the given trigonometric function is [tex]\sqrt{3} +1[/tex]

To read more about trigonometric functions, visit https://brainly.com/question/26719838


need help with example #4 Find all missing angles and sides.


We will use the law of sines and law of cosines shown below

[tex]\begin{gathered} c=\sqrt{a^2+b^2-2ab\cos C}\rightarrow\text{ law of cosines} \\ and \\ \frac{sinA}{a}=\frac{sinB}{b}=\frac{sinC}{c}\rightarrow\text{ law of sines} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, in our case, finding side c.,

[tex]\begin{gathered} a=28,b=13,C=49\degree \\ \Rightarrow c=\sqrt{784+169-2*28*13cos(49\degree)} \\ \Rightarrow c\approx21.8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, side c is approximately 21.8km.

Finding the missing angles using the law of sines,

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\cos^{-1}(\frac{c^2+b^2-a^2}{2bc}) \\ \Rightarrow A=\cos^{-1}(\frac{21.8^2+13^2-28^2}{2*13*21.8}) \\ \Rightarrow A\approx104.3 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Similarly, in the case of angle B,


Therefore, the answers are


The length of a side of a square is (2x + 1) km. Find the area of thesquare in terms of the variable x


The area of the square is given by:


Where s is the length of the side. Then s=(2x+1) km.

By replacing this into the formula we have:


Also, the square of a sum is given by:


If a=2x and b=1, then:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (2x+1)^2=(2x)^2+2(2x)(1)+(1)^2 \\ (2x+1)^2=4x^2+4x+1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, the area of the square in terms of the variable x is:


A city counsel has a square lot to place a playground. They plan to place a diagonal of treesto create two distinct play areas. To determine if there is enough money in the budget, theyneeds to know the distance. If the length of each side of the lot is 32√7 m, how long is thediagonal?


Answer: 13.01m


A right triangle is a triangle with a 90º angle. If the square lot is divided by a diagonal, then two right triangles are formed:

The right triangle satisfies the Pythagorean Theorem:


where c is the diagonal (hypotenuse), and a and b are the sides. In our case, as it is a square, a = b, meaning:


Thus, simplifying and solving for c we can find the diagonal:


Solve the following system of linear equations.x + 3y + z = - 42x – 4y – 3z = 73x – 3y + 4z = 13AnswerBH」KeyboardX =y =z =



Solve the following system of linear equations.

x + 3y + z = - 4

2x – 4y – 3z = 7

3x – 3y + 4z = 13


[tex]\begin{bmatrix}x+3y+z=-4 \\ 2x-4y-3z=7 \\ 3x-3y+4z=13\end{bmatrix}[/tex]

Substitute x= -4-3y-z

[tex]\begin{bmatrix}2\mleft(-4-3y-z\mright)-4y-3z=7 \\ 3\mleft(-4-3y-z\mright)-3y+4z=13\end{bmatrix}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{bmatrix}-10y-5z-8=7 \\ -12y+z-12=13\end{bmatrix}[/tex]

Make y the subject

[tex]\begin{gathered} -10y-5z-8=7 \\ -10y\text{ -5z=7+8} \\ -10y-5z=15 \\ \text{divide all through by 5} \\ -2y-z=3 \\ y=-\frac{z+3}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now substitute



[tex]\begin{gathered} \\ \begin{bmatrix}7z+6=13\end{bmatrix} \\ \text{Make z the subject} \\ 7z=13-6 \\ 7z=7 \\ \text{divide both sides by 7} \\ \frac{7z}{7}=\frac{7}{7} \\ z=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now substitute z=1

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=-\frac{z+3}{2} \\ y=-\frac{1+3}{2}=-\frac{4}{2}=-2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Finally, to find x

when z =1 and y =-2

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+3y+z=-4 \\ x+3(-2)+1=-4 \\ x-6+1=-4 \\ \text{collect the like terms} \\ x-5=-4 \\ x=-4+5 \\ x=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The final answer

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=1 \\ y=-2 \\ z=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

5. List all of the factors of 24.O1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 121,2,3,4,61, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 2424, 48, 72, 96, 192I need to learn this.


To find the factors of a number we must find all the numbers that divide 24, two numbers are always easy, 1 and the number itself! But how do we find the others? We start at 1 and divide the number (here it's 24) by all the possible numbers until we reach the number we are finding the factor, it the division is an integer number, then it's a factor!

Another thing may help us! if we divide a number, for example, 24 by 2, the result is 12. Then 2 is a factor of 24 but 12 is also a factor of 24! Then when we find one factor, in fact, we have 2 factors. Now let's apply it to our problem:

As we can see, just by 3 divisors we found all the factors of 24! They are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24

Final answers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24

What else would need to be congruent to show that AABC=AXYZ by SAS?BGiven:ZBYAB=XYZO A. ZB=LYB. BC = YZC. AC = XZO D. C= _Z


We were given two triangles, ABC and XYZ. The problem also states that the angles B and Y are congruent, and the sides AB and XY are also congruent. We need to point out which information is missing so that we can prove the triangles are congruent by SAS.

The term SAS stands for Side-Angle-Side, it means that two triangles are similar when they have two congruent Sides and one congruent Angle. Since the problem already said that one side and one angle are congruent, then we only need one more side. From this, we can conclude that the correct option is B.

Other Questions
Read the passage below. Then answer the question that follows using information and evidence from the text.May 28, 1830Chapter CXLVIIIAn Act to provide for an exchange of lands with the Indians residing in any of the states or territories, and for their removal west of the river Mississippi.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That it shall and may be lawful for the President of the United States to cause so much of any territory belonging to the United States, west of the river Mississippi, not included in any state or organized territory, and to which the Indian title has been extinguished, as he may judge necessary, to be divided into a suitable number of districts, for the reception of such tribes or nations of Indians as may choose to exchange the lands where they now reside, and remove there; and to cause each of said districts to be so described by natural or artificial marks, as to be easily distinguished from every other ...Explain what this document tells you about life in the United States during the early 1800s. (10 points) In a minuet and trio, how is the closing minuet different from the opening minuet?. how does one interpret a written story 11. A fair die is rolled 8 times. What is the probability of getting a. I on each of the 8 rolls? b. 6 exactly twice in the 8 rolls? c. 6 at least once in the 8 rolls? Please help as soon as you can Hi this is the question that I have. I dont know if the one that I have chose is right or not. Please help me consider the following.find formula simplify answer .Find the domain for the formula and round answer to two decimal places if necessary. c. more consumers are shifting their movie-watching preferences from redbox rentals to streaming services like netflix and amazon prime. what will happen in the market for movie rentals after the shift in movie preferences? how will producer surplus in the market for movie rentals change? how will the shift to streaming movies affect movie rental companies and hollywood screenwriters? Read the following sentences. In each one, underline the complete predicate.I NEED HELP! WHAT ARE THE PREDICATES OF 4-6?4. The purple curtain ripped at the seams.5. Our president always buys some of our competitors products.6. Dotted print backgrounds are difficult to read. Match definition to the terms below Circle Sector Ranger Radians Arc Chord Circumcenter Circumscribed polygon Circumscribed circle Inscribed angle Identify the advertising testing method in the given scenario.Julian needs to create an ad for his company that manufactures mobile phones. He has come up with an idea for the ad, but he needs a quality check before the actual product development begins. Julian is using the ______ method of advertising testing. I need help with this problem. please if you can? An airplane is sitting standstill on a runway and it is exerting -230,000N onto the ground. What is the mass of the plane? Which of these mollusks are:a) gastropods?b) bivalves?c) cephalopods?List their characteristics. Sam took out a personal loan two years ago and lost her job recently. She has missed the last few payments on the loan and now has a major medical expense to pay as well. Even though it will cause major damage to her credit, what can Sam do in the face of these financial hardships?change jurisdictionsdeclare bankruptcyrun a circuitappeal Solve the system of equations. If the system has no solution, say that it is inconsistent. please help me I truly dont understand this question also this is not college work this is for middle school Which of the following statements is a scientific claim? A. The early solar system had large amounts of water; so, the oldest objects in the solar system should also be abundant in water. B. Earth is shaped like a sphere even if not all of the scientific observations related to its shape support this idea. C. The mass of the universe is much greater than current models predict; it is not possible to explain this inconsistency. D. Planet Earth is abundant in water, but there is no way to scientifically determine from where Earth's water originated. which is the scatter plot for the data set{(1960,3), (1970,3.5), (1990,6)}? a cylinder has a height of 9 feet and a radius of 5 feet. find the a volume and b surface area ( Use 3.14 for pi ) round your answer to the nearest tenth0 if necessary.