Which of the following statements is a scientific claim?
The early solar system had large amounts of water; so, the oldest objects in the solar system should also be abundant in water.
Earth is shaped like a sphere even if not all of the scientific observations related to its shape support this idea.
The mass of the universe is much greater than current models predict; it is not possible to explain this inconsistency.
Planet Earth is abundant in water, but there is no way to scientifically determine from where Earth's water originated.


Answer 1

"The early solar system had large amounts of water; so, the oldest objects in the solar system should also be abundant in water" statement is a scientific claim.

A scientific claim is a statement that provides an answer to a set of scientific questions and is supported by relevant scientific evidence. There is a need for the claim to be justified.

Here's the scientific assertion: The evidence supporting the assertion that the early solar system contained significant amounts of water is the presence of water in all primitive bodies, including comets, asteroids, and numerous dwarf planets, including Ceres. There are numerous indications that water is abundant across our solar system.

To learn more about Scientific claims visit: https://brainly.com/question/11088441


Related Questions

A cell needs to take up K+ ions, the concentration of Nat outside the cell is 100 ppm, and inside the cell it is 75 ppm. Which type of transport will it use?


The cell will use what is known as Active Transport

Active transport is used when a cell is moving against it's concentration gradient. That means it's going from less energy inside to more energy on the outside.

When cells are damaged, they release proteins called_____, which causes the area to become flooded with fluid and clotting elements.A. HistamineB. PathogensC. NeutrophilsD. Lysozyme



Histamine ✨


Histamine is a compound released from cells. This histamine release is usually in response allergic and inflammatory reactions and injuries.

Histamine causes the contraction of smooth muscle and dilation of capillaries when released.

Which of the following is a way of storing carbon in organic material?A. ConsumptionB. RespirationC. All of theseD. Burning fossil fuels


To answer this question we need to analyze each available option.

A. Consumption: Through the consumption of organic compounds, biomass is created, so a part of the carbon is stored in this way, therefore we can say that this is the correct answer.

B. Respiration: Through this process, a glucose molecule of 6 carbons is processed, and as a consequence carbon dioxide is released as a subproduct.

C. All of these: This is incorrect as two statements imply carbon release into the environment.

D. Burning fossil fuels: Fossil fuels, are a rich source of carbon, that is why when are burned massive quantities of carbon dioxide are released, therefore this is incorrect.

When an ice cube is heated to 0 degrees Celsius, it turns to water. What is this called



i think its melting


i am not for sure let me know in comments if it is incorrect




is this the answer you're looking for?

In which case is the energy involved farthest from being kinetic energy?A.random molecular movement B.light C.heat D.the energy in chemical bonds E.sound


A random molecular movement generates kinetic energy. Light and sound are not necessarily neither kinetic energy nor potential energy. Both can become kinetic energy if the right medium is used. Heat is another term for thermal energy and it can also produce kinetic energy if the right medium is used. The energy in chemical bonds is potential energy. If the bonds are broken down, the energy released will become kinetic energy.

ANSWER: D. The energy in chemical bonds

Select 3 that apply.The three types of segmented worms are _________, __________, and _________.leechesscallopspolychaetaoystersearthworms


The correct answer are leeches, polychaeta and earthworms. All of these are segmented worms.

Sort the following in the correct sequence for the flow of energy in a food chain. Start with the first organism on bottom.CarnivoreProducerDecomposerHerbivore


In a food chain, we have a linear series of links that start from producer organisms and end at an apex predator species or decomposer and detritivores.

In this case, the order would be as follows, with the first organism on the bottom:





Which of the following choices is an example of a non-specific barrier?skinwhite blood cellslymphatic systemthe immune system


The defense system of the body

The skin is a non-specific barrier because it protects the body from non-especific pathogen agents, covering a major diversity of possible disease carriers.

Why are we not likely to have another "Cambrian Explosion"?


The Cambrian explosion took place over 500 million years ago. It happened when prime animal groups started to be found in fossil record, an era of rapid expansion that include different form of life on earth . Human race has already evolved so no Cambrian Explosion is possible .

Cambrian explosion, the development of organisms between 541 million to 530 million years ago at the onset of the Cambrian Period.

The Cambrian Period is considered as one of the major milestone in the history of life on Earth it was era of evolution were major groups of animal primitive appeared. This event is referred as the "Cambrian Explosion," because of the relatively short time over which this diversity of forms appears.

To learn more about Cambrian explosion , here



6. The typical human body cell contains 46 chromosomes. How manychromosomes are found in a typical human gamete?A. 23B. 45C. 46


We have to consider that almost all the human body cells contain 46 chromosomes, or 23 pairs of them because they are diploid cells, in other words, they contain 2 loads of chromosomes (2n), each from each parent. Whilst, we know that gamete cells, such as sperm and ovules have a only load of these chromosomes (n), in humans each gamete has 23 pairs of chromosomes, as we can see in the first answer option. This leads that, after fertilization, the process of

What disease does this parasite cause? What is its invertebrate host (vector/ intermediary host)


Flagellate parasites typically tend to cause a disease known as Chagas' disease. It usually presents itself with flu-like symptoms. It is treatable. However, if left untreated it can lead to heart failure.

Oftentimes, the invertebrate host for this parasite is the triatomine inspect the parasite takes over. These insects then spread the parasite to the vertebrate host (the human).

Why are we not likely to have another "Cambrian Explosion"?


The Cambrian explosion took place over 500 million years ago. It happened when prime animal groups started to be found in fossil record, an era of rapid expansion that include different form of life on earth . Human race has already evolved so no Cambrian Explosion is possible .

Cambrian explosion, the development of organisms between 541 million to 530 million years ago at the onset of the Cambrian Period.

The Cambrian Period is considered as one of the major milestone in the history of life on Earth it was era of evolution were major groups of animal primitive appeared. This event is referred as the "Cambrian Explosion," because of the relatively short time over which this diversity of forms appears.

To learn more about Cambrian explosion , here



what is biology , entomology, cytology, anatomy,morphology and genetics


Biology is the natural science that studies life and living beings and has multiple subdisciplines that specialize in certain aspects of life.

Some of these disciplines are:

• Entomology,: The, study of insects,, which is also a branch of ,zoology, the study of animals.

• Cytology, or cellular biology: The ,study of cells, their structure, function, and behavior.

• Morphology,: The, study of the form and structure of the organisms ,and how this is characteristic of each of them.

• Anatomy,: ,Part of morphology,, is the ,study of the structure of the organisms and how are they organized,. Is often studied along with physiology, the study of the functions of the structures.

• Genetics,: The ,study of heredity, including genes, genetic variation, and mutations, among other topics.

Which of the following are negative impacts on land resources caused by human activity? Check all that apply.erosion increase due to ocean waveserosion increase due to road constructionchemicals used in mining entering the soildesertification caused by deforestationdesertification caused by drought


The following negative impacts on land resources caused by human activity are:

- Erosion increase due to road construction;

- Chemical used in mining entering the soil;

- Desertification caused by desforestation.

The others options are natural impacts in the environment.

A person's blood pressure falls. Which of the following would you expect to occur? (Select all that apply.)

A. circulating concentrations of renin will increase
B. circulating concentrations of angiotensin II will decrease
C. circulating concentrations of aldosterone will decrease
D. water uptake by the distal convoluted tubule will increase



A. circulating concentrations of renin will increase

D. water uptake by the distal convoluted tubule will increase

Hope this helps! :)

When circulating levels of renin increase, a person's blood pressure decreases, hence option A is correct.

What is blood pressure?

Angiotensin is generated more often when renin, which is mostly produced by the kidneys, is increased. Angiotensin then triggers the release of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex.

Blood and tissues both create angiotensin, and the kidneys produce renin, a proteolytic enzyme, into circulation.

When the kidneys receive low blood flow, they behave as if the decreased flow is related to dehydration.  Blood pressure rises as a result of the increased fluid filling the blood vessels.

Therefore, when your blood pressure falls too low or when your body doesn't have enough salt, renin is released into your circulation,  hence option A is correct.

Learn more about blood, here:



Match the correct age in years with its major evolutionary event, as determined by the fossil:EVENTS:1. First prokaryotic cells evolved.2. Photosynthetic prokaryotes evolved, releasing O2 into the atmosphere.3. First eukaryotic cells evolved.4. First multicellular life evolved.AGE:A. 650 millionB. 2.1 billionC. 2.8 billionD. 3.5 billion



The first prokaryotic cells (the less complex in its organization and with no organelles involved in membranes) evolved about 3.5 billion years ago. Therefore, the correct answer is D. 3.5 billion.


Then, some prokaryotic cells evolved to use the sunlight to produce energy and release O2 into the atmosphere about 2.8 billion years ago. Therefore, the correct answer is C. 2.8 billion.


After that, the prokaryotic cells evolved to cells with organelles bounded by membranes, and then the eukaryotic cells evolved about 2.5 billion years ago. Therefore, the correct answer is B. 2.1 billion.


A long time after that, aproximately 650 million years, the first life composed of an organism with multiple cells evolved. Therefore, the correct answer is A. 650 million.

Tissues in the human body refers to…Select one:a.a group of different cells working together to perform a common functionb.a group a different cells working together to perform different functionsc.a group a similar cells working together to perform a common functiond.a group a similar cells working together to perform different functions


Tissues in the human body refers to a group a similar cells working together to perform a common function. They have similar structures and work as a unit. It is made up of specialized cells grouped together depending on its structures and functions. It is the one that makes up the organs and the other parts of the body.

Answer - c. a group a similar cells working together to perform a common function

Tissues are known to be a group or number of cells functioning together to perform an activity. Therefore, according to the question, tissue is a group of similar cells working together to perform a common function.

A cell is the structural and functional unit of life. A number of similar cells give rise to tissue. In human body, there are various organs that are made up of a number of tissues.

Tissues in human body are made to perform various function such as - any kind of movement. Humans being multicellular, has different kinds of tissues.

A number of tissues makes up an organ that is specified in performing one activity.

A number of organs make up an organ system and then group of organ system forms an organism.  A tissue is responsible for the specific function of an organ.

Learn more about tissue at,


Why are sponges considered a part of the animal kingdom?


There are 5 biological kingdoms: Animalia, plantae, fungi, monera, and protista.

Plantae groups plant cells characterized by chlorophyll.

Monera groups prokaryotic organisms such as bacteria.

Fungi groups eukaryotic cells such as yeasts

Protista groups unicellular eukaryotic organisms such as amoebae.

The animal kingdom groups multicellular eukaryotic organisms that can therefore form tissues.

Sponges are primitive animal organisms, so they do not have embryonic development like other known animal organisms. However, the cells that make up the sponge are grouped and interact performing different functions of vital importance as in tissue.

Because of how they are organized and how they function, we can see that the definition of sponge fits only with the definition of the animal kingdom.

What is the bottleneck effect?A. a change in allele frequency due to a dramaticloss of populationB. the movement of a few individuals to a newlocation to start a new populationC. the low fitness of a select group of individuals


The correct answer is option A. a change in allele frequency due to a dramatic loss of population. This usually occurs when something cause mass

10.Below is a section of a nucleic acid and an important cellular process.
Nontemplate strand.
Template strand
Identify the process in the image and it's purpose. Provide evidence
from the image to support your answer.


The process in the image is transcription. This is mRNA synthesis and occurs in the nucleus. mRNA copies a segment of DNA and carries this information to the cytoplasm to synthesize new proteins.

What is transcription?

Transcription is the mRNA synthesis process. It occurs in the nucleus and is the previous stage before protein synthesis (translation).

During transcription, fragments of DNA molecules are used to copy the desired sequence that carries the necessary information to grow the new proteins.

In the nucleus, the DNI molecule uncoils and forms the transcription bubble, separating the two strands.

At this point, two fragments of DNA can be identified, the coding strand and the template strand.

The coding strand non-template strand- goes in direction 5' to 3',

The complementary strand -template strand- grows in direction 3' to 5'.

The template strand acts as a mold for mRNA growth. This is the chain that is complemented by the mRNA.

On the other hand, the coding strand (non-template) carries the same nucleotidic sequence as the new mRNA. The only difference is that instead of Uracyls (which are only present in RNA molecules), it has Thymines (which are only found in DNA).

RNA polymerase is in charge of reading the original DNI template strand and for mRNA synthesis.

mRNA molecule grows complementing DNA base sequences. This is,

 DNA           mRNA    

adenine  ⇔   uracil

guanine  ⇔   cytosine

thymine  ⇔   adenine

cytosine  ⇔   guanine  

Once mRNA synthesis is over, the molecule leaves the nucleus to start the translation process in the cytoplasm.

Note: I could not find the image, but the labels suggest this is a transcription process.

The process is Transcription. It produces mRNA, the molecule that carries genetic information from the nucleus to the cytoplasm to build new proteins.

You can learn more about transcription at




They are used to release energy in cellular respiration and play an important role inhomeostasisa) Lipidsb) Proteinsc) Carbohydratesd) Nucleic Acids


Carbohydrates are broken down during cellular respiration and also release energy.

Resources used by the grasshopper would increase as the population___.a. remains steady c. decrease in size b. increase exponentially d.migrate


The population of grasshoppers can build and explode with exponentially growth under the good climatic factors.

Therefore option b is correct.

Identify your organism as a prokaryote or a eukaryote and give three reason why Organism : great white shark


Great white sharks are considered as the largest predatory fish. It is a eukaryote. It possess a true nucleus and the other membrane-bound organelles are present. It is composed of many cells with a nucleus and organells which is a characteristic of a eukaryotic organisms. Its nucleus stores the genetic information. Organisms with complex structures such as a great white shark is a eukaryote.

A prokaryotes lacks a nucleus and other organelles and divided into bacteria and archaea.

Which disease or disorder is a form of dementia that is chronic and progressive?
O epilepsy
O cerebral aneurysm
O cerebral palsy
O Alzheimer's disease


4/D Alzheimer's disease

explain the difference between intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous injections.


Intravenous refers to administering the medications, fluids, or nutrients directly into the veins of a person.

An intramucular injection is when the substance is inyjected into a muscle, which has a lot of blood vessels and allows fast absorption of the substance This icommonly s used for vaccines andisthe common places of application are the gluteus nand the upper arm

Subcutaneous injections administer substances in the hypodermis, below the dermis. This tissue has few blood vessels, so is useful o r slow constant absorption. Infulin is an example of a substance delivered this way.

What is the advantage to the virus if they have an envelope?


The advantage is related to the protection of the genome. An envelope is responsible for protecting the genome while the virus travels between host cells. The envelope also plays a role in the infection, because it has glycoproteins in its surface to identify receptor sites on the host's cells. After the identification, the virus binds itself on the host's membrane.

Which of the following is true regarding the cell theory? Choose all answers that apply: Choose all answers that apply: (Choice A) A Single cells are non-living. (Choice B, Checked) B All living things are made of many cells. (Choice C, Checked) C Cells can only be formed from other cells. (Choice D) D Cells make up atoms.



B and C are the answers for this question

which is more resistance? fungi endosporesstaphylococccus bacteriatuberle bacilli


From all the options given, the one that has the greatest resistance are endospores. Endospores have several outer coats that protect them from dessication, temperature changes, and even from UV radiation. Endospores are the response to environmental hostility, therefore when a bacteria senses abiotic adversity it starts to deploy the mechanisms to create an endospore, which is the resistant form of the microbe. Fungi, and the other bacterias mentioned are capable of developing spores, but these organisms themselves are more vulnerable than a endospore.

Hello I’m taking up my work, please correct me if I’m wrong,Thank you!



Both in the oral cavity and in the stomach there are enzymes that break down food into the fundamental units of macromolecules. This means that in both places there is chemical digestion. On the other hand, both in the oral cavity and in the stomach there is a mechanical apparatus that produces mechanical digestion.

We can conclude that the correct answer is:


over the course of 45 years the moth population would change by ?


Over the course of 45 years the moth population would change by colour because of the effects of Industrial Revolution. This is due to the effects of air pollution reffered to as industrial melanism. During this period, there was an increased in the population of dark-coloured moths. As an effect, the pale-colored moths were extra detectable to predators.

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