1) In a sample of 25 iPhones, 12 had over 85 apps downloaded. Construct a 90% confidence interval for the population proportion of all iPhones that obtain over 85 apps.
Assume z0.05 = 1.645.
a) 0.48 ± 0.16
b) 0.48 ± 0.09
c) 0.29 ± 0.15
d) 0.29 ± 0.16


Answer 1

we calculated confidence interval = 0.48±0.16

what is confidence interval?

confidence interval represents the accuracy of a particular estimation.

what is proportion of sample?

proportion of population is the ratio of random sample to the total available sample.

Given, size of samples that means number of total iPhones, n = 25

size of random samples that means iPhone with 85 downloaded apps, p= 12,

critical value for 90% confidence interval z* = 1.65

proportion of samples, p^ = p/n = 12/25 =0.48

finally, confidence interval = p^±z*[√{p^(1-P^)/n}]


                       hence, the confidence interval = 0.48±0.16

to learn more about confidence interval visit the link:



Related Questions

y=−2x+4 (left parenthesis ,-2)


The equation y = 2x + 4 has the following missing value: 3.

What is an equation's solution?

The x and y values of an ordered pair whose values, if substituted into the equation, would make it true are the answer to the given equation.

According to the Given information

If the value of x is the missing value in the solution to the equation y = -2x + 4, and the solution is (x, -2) Hence, by adding y = -2 to the equation and solving for x, the value of x can be found:

-2 = -2x + 4

Take 4 away from both sides.

-2 - 4 = -2x + 4 - 4 (subtraction property of equality)

-6 = -2x

Add -2 to both sides.

-6/-2 = -2x/-2

3 = x

x = 3

The equation y = 2x + 4 has the following missing value: 3.

To know more about Solution of Equation




How do you know if a function is shifted up or down (on the x axis) or shifted right or left on the y. And how do you know if it opens up or down.



It depends on the type of function, however there are patterns that can be found

A general rule of thumb to consider is as follows

f(x) + d shifts a function up d units

f(x) - d shifts a function down  d units

Ex. [tex]f(x) = x^{2} +3[/tex] shifts up 3 units, and [tex]f(x) = 2x - 4[/tex] shifts down four units

f(x+c) shifts a function left c units

f(x-c) shifts a function right c units

EX. [tex]f(x) = (x+2)^{2}[/tex] shifts left 2 units, and [tex]f(x) =(x-7)^{2}[/tex] shifts right 7 units

-f(x) is a reflection over the x-axis

EX. [tex]f(x) = x^{2}[/tex] opens up, while [tex]f(x) = -x^{2}[/tex] opens down

These guidelines can also be combined

EX. [tex]f(x) = -(x-4)^{2} + 3[/tex] opens down, is shifted right 4 units, and is shifted up 3 units from the parent function

You have invited g people to a party and expect 80% of them to attend. You estimate that your guests will
each eat p pieces of pizza. If each pizza has s slices, how many pizzas do you expect to be eaten?


The number of pizza expected to be eaten is equal to the number of persons that attends the party and this is equal to 0.8gp/s

How to find the number of pizzas that will be eaten

From the problem it can be deduced that

number of people invited to the party = g

number of people attending

= 80% of people invited to the party

= 80% of g

and 80% = 80 / 100 = 0.8


= 0.8g

You estimate that your guests will each eat p pieces of pizza

= 0.8g * p

= 0.8gp

and each pizza has s slices

the number of slices = s

the number of pizza to be taken is  0.8gp/s

Learn more about word problem at:



Use Newton's method to find the absolute maximum value of the function
f(x) = 7x cos(x), 0 ≤ x ≤ ,
correct to six decimal places.



Step-by-step explanation:

Newton's method is an iterative method for finding the roots of a function, which means that it can be used to find the values of x that make a function equal to zero. It can also be used to find the maximum or minimum values of a function, but to do so you will need to find the derivative of the function and use that to determine where the maximum or minimum values occur.

The derivative of the function f(x) = 7x cos(x) is f'(x) = 7 cos(x) - 7x sin(x), and you can use this to find the maximum value of the function. To do this, you would need to find the values of x that make the derivative equal to zero, since the maximum or minimum values of a function occur at the points where the derivative is equal to zero.

To find the values of x that make the derivative equal to zero, you can use Newton's method, which involves starting with an initial guess for the value of x, and then using the derivative to find a better approximation for the value of x. This process is repeated until the desired level of accuracy is reached.

In your case, you could start by making an initial guess for the value of x that makes the derivative equal to zero. For example, you could start with x = 0 and then use the derivative to find a better approximation. This process would involve calculating the derivative at the initial guess, and then using that value to find a better approximation for the value of x. This process would be repeated until the desired level of accuracy is reached.

Once you have found the values of x that make the derivative equal to zero, you can plug those values back into the original function to find the maximum value of the function. This will give you the absolute maximum value of the function f(x) = 7x cos(x), 0 ≤ x ≤ , correct to six decimal places.

Given F (0, 2) and G (2,6), if point S lies 1/3 of the way along FG, closer to F than to G, find the
coordinates of S. Leave your answer in fraction form.


The coordinates of S(x₁, y₁)=(3/2 , 5) if F(0, 2) and G(2,6) and the lines divided in the ratio 1:3

What is a section formula?

Finding the ratio by which a line segment is divided by a point internally or externally in coordinate geometry is done using the Section formula. The centroid, incenter, and ex center of a triangle are determined using it. Finding systems' centers of mass, equilibrium locations, etc. are all done using this method in physics. Finding the ratio by which a line segment is divided by a point internally or externally in coordinate geometry is done using the Section formula. The centroid, incenter, and ex center of a triangle are determined using it.


F(0, 2) and G(2, 6)

And also given that the points S lies on the way along FG then:

The lines divides the ratio,

1:3= m:n

Here we have to find the coordinates of S, we get:

S(x₁, y₁)=((mx₁+n x₂)/(m+ n), (my₁+n y₂)/(m+ n))

=((1(0)+3(2))/4 , (1(2)+3(6))/4)

=(6/4 , 20/4)

=(3/2 , 5)

S(x₁, y₁)=(3/2 , 5)

Therefore, the coordinates of S(x₁, y₁)=(3/2 , 5).

To know more about coordinates, visit:



Solve the following equation using the quadratic formula.
3x² = -2x+4
The solution set is
-1±√√44 i 3
(Type an exact answer, using radicals and i as needed. Use a comma to separate answers as needed.)


Solution of equation 3x² = -2x+ 4 using the quadratic formula x = -1± √13/3.

Define quadratic formula.

The definition of a quadratic as a second-degree polynomial equation demands that at least one squared term must be included. It also goes by the name quadratic equations. The quadratic equation has the general form ax² + bx + c = 0. where a, b, and c are numerical coefficients and x is an unknown variable. Due to the fact that the Latin word quadratum, which means "square," and the fact that the area of a square with side length x is equal to x², a polynomial equation with exponent two is referred to as a quadratic ("square-like") equation.



3x² = -2x+ 4

3x² + 2x - 4 = 0

Using quadratic formula,

x = -2 ± √2²- 4 × 3(-4)/ 2× 3


x = -2 ± 2√13/6


x = -2 + 2√13/6

x = -2 - 2√13/6

x = -1 + √13/3

x = -1 - √13/3

x = -1± √13/3

Solution of equation 3x² = -2x+ 4 using the quadratic formula x = -1± √13/3.

To learn more about quadratic formula, visit:



determine if it is a proportion: 40:30 = 4:3


Answer: Yes

Step-by-step explanation:



Which means that they are of equal proportion.

What is exactly 5/12 of a full rotation


Exactly 5/12 of a full rotation is 150, where full rotation is 360.

Define full rotation.

A "full rotation," "revolution," "whole turn," or "full circle" describes this. It entails spinning around till you are once again pointing in the same direction. a rotational movement. In rotation, there is a fixed central point around which everything else revolves in a circle. 360° is a "Full Rotation." Each point in a figure is transformed into a rotation by rotating it a specific amount of degrees around another point.


Number = 5/12

Full rotation = 360

5/12 of full rotation

5/12 × 360

5 × 30


Exactly 5/12 of a full rotation is 150, where full rotation is 360.

To learn more about full rotation, visit



Which of the following is the most likely the next step in the series?


Answer: C is the correct answer!I don't feel like explaining. sorry.Please let me know if I am wrong.

Can you please help me from number 13 to 16?



Step-by-step explanation:

sorry, i'm not a college student, so i don't know how to answer this.

What is √75 in simplified form?



The square root of 75 can be written as √75. To simplify this expression, we can use the property that the square root of a product is equal to the product of the square roots of the factors. In this case, we can factor 75 as the product of 25 and 3:

√75 = √(25 x 3)

We can then apply the property of the square root of a product to simplify the expression:

√75 = √(25 x 3) = √25 x √3

We can further simplify the expression by applying the property that the square root of a perfect square is equal to the number itself. Since 25 is a perfect square, we can simplify √25 to 5:

√75 = √(25 x 3) = √25 x √3 = 5 x √3

Therefore, the simplified form of √75 is 5 x √3. This means that the square root of 75 is equal to 5 times the square root of 3.

Step-by-step explanation:

10. Find x . Round to the nearest tenths place.


In the given right angled triangle ABC, the value of x is equal to 10.7 (round to the nearest tenths place).

As given in the question,

In the triangle ABC,

Triangle ABC is right angled triangle with ∠C = 90°

Measure of angle A = 68degrees

AC = 4 units

AB = x units

Using trigonometric ratio,

cos 68° = AC / AB

⇒cos 68° = 4 / x

⇒ 0.3746 = 4 / x

⇒ x = 4 / 0.3746

⇒ x = 10.68

⇒ x = 10.7 ( round to the nearest tenths place)

Therefore, in triangle ABC , the value of x is equal to 10.7(round to the nearest tenths place).

Learn more about triangle here



Divide the polynomials.
Your answer should be a polynomial.
x² - 36
x − 6



the answer to the division problem is `1x + 6` (a polynomial).

Step-by-step explanation:

To divide polynomials, we use the long division method. Here's how we can divide x² - 36 by x - 6:

x² - 36  |


x - 6

First, we divide the leading coefficient of the numerator (which is 1) by the leading coefficient of the denominator (which is 1).

We get 1 / 1 = 1 as the first coefficient of our quotient.

x² - 36  |


x - 6


Then, we multiply the quotient by the denominator and subtract it from the numerator.

We get (1 * (x - 6)) = x - 6, and x² - 36 - (x - 6) = x² - x - 30.

x² - 36  |


x - 6


      x - 6


 x² - x - 30

We repeat the process, dividing the leading coefficient of the new numerator (which is 1) by the leading coefficient of the denominator (which is 1).

We get 1 / 1 = 1 as the next coefficient of our quotient.

x² - 36  |


x - 6


      x - 6


 x² - x - 30


We multiply the quotient by the denominator and subtract it from the numerator.

We get (1 * (x - 6)) = x - 6, and x² - x - 30 - (x - 6) = x² - 2x + 24.

x² - 36  |


x - 6


      x - 6


 x² - x - 30


      x - 6


x² - 2x + 24

We repeat the process one more time, dividing the leading coefficient of the new numerator (which is 1) by the leading coefficient of the denominator (which is 1).

We get 1 / 1 = 1 as the next coefficient of our quotient.

x² - 36  |


x - 6


      x - 6


 x² - x - 30


      x - 6


x² - 2x + 24


We multiply the quotient by the denominator and subtract it from the numerator.

We get (1 * (x - 6)) = x - 6, and x² - 2x + 24 - (x - 6) = x² - 3x + 18.

x² - 36  |


x - 6


      x - 6


 x² - x - 30


      x - 6


x² - 2x + 24


      x - 6


x² - 3x + 18

Since the degree of the new numerator is less than the degree of the denominator, we have found the complete quotient.

So, the quotient is `1x + 6`, and the remainder is `x² - 3x + 18`.

Therefore, the answer to the division problem is `1x + 6` (a polynomial).


x + 6

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{x^{2} -36}{x-6}[/tex]


x + 6

1cm:10mm into a scale factor


One centimeter is equivalent to 10 millimeters.  

Converting the cm to mm


The scale factor is 1:1 because the two are equal

Hope this helps :)

If you need any more explanation, feel free to ask.  If this really helps, consider marking brainliest.

- Jeron

Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.
A school administrator bought 6 desk sets. Each set consists of one table and one chair. He paid $48.50 for each chair. If he paid a total of $663
for the 6 sets, the cost of each table is


I believe that the answer is $62.00


solve 5X + 15 ≤ 60


Answer: x<_9

Step-by-step explanation:

subtract 15 from both sides then subtract 15 from 60 and get 45. Divide both sides by 5 since 5 is positive the inequality direction remains the same. divide 45 by 5 to get 9.

An article reported that for a sample of 60 kitchens with gas cooking appliances monitored during a one-week period, the sample mean CO2 level (ppm) was 654.16, and the sample standard deviation was 163.02.
(a) Calculate and interpret a 95% (two-sided) confidence interval for true average CO2 level in the population of all homes from which the sample was selected. (Round your answers to two decimal places.)


The 95% confidence interval for true average CO2 level in the population of all homes from which the sample was selected is given as follows:

(612.05, 696.27).

The interpretation is that we are 95% sure that the population mean is between these two values.

How to obtain the confidence interval?

The confidence interval is obtained using the t-distribution, as we have the standard deviation for the sample instead of the standard deviation for the population.

The bounds of the interval are given by the equation presented as follows:

[tex]\overline{x} \pm t\frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

In which the variables of the equation are presented as follows:

[tex]\overline{x}[/tex] is the sample mean.t is the critical value.n is the sample size.s is the standard deviation for the sample.

The critical value, using a t-distribution calculator, for a two-tailed 95% confidence interval, with 60 - 1 = 59 df, is t = 2.0010.

The remaining parameters are given as follows:

[tex]\overline{x} = 654.16, s = 163.02, n = 60[/tex]

Hence the lower bound of the interval is of:

654.16 - 2.001 x 163.02/sqrt(60) = 612.05.

The upper bound of the interval is of:

654.16 + 2.001 x 163.02/sqrt(60) = 696.27.

More can be learned about the t-distribution at https://brainly.com/question/17073112


Convert the complex number z = 3(cos(7pi/6)+ i sin (7pi/6)) from polar to rectangular form. Make sure to evaluate the trigonometric functions.



In rectangular form, a complex number is expressed as $x + yi$, where $x$ and $y$ are the real and imaginary parts, respectively. The conversion from polar form to rectangular form is done using the following equations:

$x = r \cos \theta$

$y = r \sin \theta$

where $r$ is the magnitude (or modulus) of the complex number and $\theta$ is the argument (or phase) of the complex number.

In the given problem, we are given the complex number $z = 3(cos(7pi/6)+ i sin (7pi/6))$. We can write this in polar form as $z = 3 \cdot cis(7pi/6)$, where $cis(x) = cos(x) + i \cdot sin(x)$. Thus, we have $r = 3$ and $\theta = 7pi/6$. Using the equations above, we can convert this to rectangular form to obtain:

$x = r \cos \theta = 3 \cos (7pi/6) = -\frac{3}{2}$

$y = r \sin \theta = 3 \sin (7pi/6) = \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}$

Therefore, the rectangular form of the complex number is $-\frac{3}{2} + \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} i$.

Convert a housing price of $192/ft2 to euro/m². Use the fact that 1 meter (m) = 3.28 ft and assume that 1
euro = $1.225.



1686 euro/m²

Step-by-step explanation:

$192/ft² × euro/$1.225 × (3.28 ft)²/(1 m)² = 1686 euro/m²

An inequality is shown; 1/8
Which value of x makes the inequality true?


The value of x that makes the inequality true is: D. √0.02.

How to Find the Value of x that Makes an Inequality True?

If we are given an inequality statement, the value of the variable of the inequality must be such that makes the statement true, which is the possible set of values of the variable.

Given that 1/8 < x < 18%, note the following:

1/8 = 0.125

18% = 0.18

This means that, 0.125 must be less than the value of x, while the value of x must be less than the value of 0.18, for the inequality to be true.

Considering the options given, 1/5 = 0.2. 0.2 is greater than 0.18 (18%).

1.6 is also greater than 0.18 (18%) and 1/8 (0.125).

1/8(0.125) is greater than 0.09.

Thus, √0.02 is approximately 0.14.

1/8 (0.125) < 0.14 < 18% (0.18). Therefore the value of x would be: D. √0.02.

Learn more about the inequality on:



Mrs. Saunders bought a 19 pound turkey for Thanksgiving. The total cost of the turkey was $25.65. What was the cost of turkey per pound? Write an equation to represent the situation


The cost of turkey per pound is $1.35 and the equation which represents the situation is 19x - 25.65  = 0.

What is the linear equation?

An algebraic equation of the form y=mx+b is referred to as a linear equation. m is the slope, and b is the y-intercept, and all that is involved is a constant and a first-order (linear) term. The variables in the preceding equation are y and x, and it is occasionally referred to as a "linear equation of two variables."

We have,

19 turkey pound


the cost of turkey per pound?


25.65 / 19 = 1.35

the cost of turkey per pound is $1.35.

The equation becomes:

let's take x = $1.35

19x - 25.65  = 0

Hence, the cost of turkey per pound is $1.35 and the equation which represents the situation is 19x - 25.65  = 0.

To learn more about the linear equation visit,



Suppose that the functions g and h are defined for all real numbers X as follows.
Write the expressions for (h-g)(x) and (h+g)(x) and evaluate (h.g)(1).


If the two functions be g(x) = x + 2 and h(x) = 3x - 3 then

(h - g)(x) = 2x - 5

(h + g)(x) = 4x - 1

(h . g)(1)  = 3x² + 3x - 6

What is meant by expression ?

A phrase is considered a mathematical expression if it contains at least two numbers or variables and one or more mathematical operations. Mathematicians can multiply, divide, add, or subtract. An expression is structured as follows: (Math Operator, Number/Variable, Math Operator) is an expression.

Mathematical expressions are built using the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations.

Let the two functions be g(x) = x + 2 and h(x) = 3x - 3

(h - g)(x) = h(x) - g(x)

substitute the value expressions in the above equation, we get

= (3x - 3) - (x + 2)

= 2x - 5

(h + g)(x) = h(x) + g(x)

= (3x - 3) + (x + 2)

= 4x - 1

(h . g)(1) = h(1) . g(1)

= (3x - 3) . (x + 2)

= 3x² + 3x - 6

To learn more about expression refer to:



Please help I don’t understand tomorrow test .



  C)  Always

Step-by-step explanation:

You want to know the values of x for which y is negative, given that y = -|x -2| -4.

Absolute value

The absolute value function always returns a non-negative value. Its minimum value is 0, which will occur for x=2 in this function.

When the absolute value function is negated, as here, the largest the result can be is zero—for any value of x. When 4 is subtracted from that, the largest the value of y can be is -4, again, for any value of x.

  y is always less than 0.


The attached graph should help you see the vertex (maximum) of the function is (2, -4), and it opens downward. It is negative for all values of x.

I will give Brainliest. 50 Point question when I give you Brainliest you will get 100 Points!


The equivalent expressions are:

1. C. 1/15x - 14y

2. B. 2x - 4 - 10x + 15

3. The expression we can use are:

64 + 64(0.015)

4. The expressions that represent the sale price are:


p - 0.3p

(1 - 0.3)p

What are Equivalent Expressions?

If the simplest form of two expressions have the same value, then they are equivalent expressions.

1. Simplify 2/5x - 3y - 1/5x - 11y by combining like terms to determine the expression that is equivalent to it:

2/5x - 1/5x - 3y - 11y

1/15x - 14y

The answer is: C. 1/15x - 14y

2. Simplify 2(x - 2) - 5(2x - 3), by first opening the parentheses:

2x - 4 - 10x + 15

The equivalent expression is: B. 2x - 4 - 10x + 15

3. The percentage error allowed is 1.5% = 1.5/100 = 0.015.

Therefore, the expression we can use are:

64 + 64(0.015)

4. 30% is, 30/100 = 0.3.

Original price = p = $100.

0.3 of $100 = 0.3(100) = $30

Sale price = 70% of original price = 0.7(100) = $70.

Therefore, the expressions of the sale price of the bicycle are:


p - 0.3p

(1 - 0.3)p

Learn more about equivalent expressions on:



13. Is (10,-7) a solution of y ≥-0.5 x-5 ? Explain your answer.


-7 ≥-10 follows the given condition because -7 is greater that -10. So the given point (10,-7) is a solution of y ≥-0.5x-5.

In the given question, we have to explain (10,-7) is a solution of y ≥-0.5x-5 or not.

The given point is (10,-7).

The given inequality is y ≥-0.5x-5.

To check whether the given point is solution of the given inequality or not we put the value of x and y from the given point.

As we know that in the given point one value is representing the value of x and one of y.

So, after putting the value we simplify the inequality. If it follows the given condition then the given point is the solution of the inequality else it is not.

Now putting the value of x and y in the inequality.

-7 ≥-0.5(10)-5


-7 ≥-5-5

-7 ≥-10

As we can see that it follows the given condition because -7 is greater that -10. So the given point (10,-7) is a solution of y ≥-0.5x-5.

To learn more about solving the inequality link is here



Prime factorization of 64 + 144 as a product of the GCF and a sum of two numbers.


Answer: 402

Step-by-step explanation:

Stefano owns a restaurant where his customers create their own pasta dishes. The customer chooses exactly one type of noodle, sauce, vegetable, and meat. The following table shows the options available to customers.
Create your own pasta
Noodle options Spaghetti, Penne, Linguine
Sauce options Tomato, Rosa, Alfredo
Vegetable options Mushroom, Onion, Green pepper, Tomato
Meat options Steak, Beef, Sausage, Chicken, Bacon
How many different pasta dishes can customers create


I love pasta. 5 pastas. Pasta is great. Thanks!

Weather A TV weatherman's end-of-year analysis of the local weather showed that among all the years for which records had been kept, the past year's average tempera- ture had a z-score of 2.8. What does that mean? A) The past year's average temperature was 2.8° higher than the historical mean. B) The past year's average temperature was 2.8 standard deviations above the historical mean. C) The past year's average temperature was 2.8% higher than the historical mean. D) The past year's temperatures had a standard deviation of 2.8°.​


The meaning of the z-score of 2.8 for the past year's temperature is that the temperature is 2.8 standard deviations above the historical mean. Option B is correct

B) The past year's average temperature was 2.8 standard deviations above the historical mean.

What is the z-score of a value?

The z-score also known as the standard score indicates the relationship of a value, within a set of value, with the mean of the set of values

Mathematically, the z-score can be presented as follows;

[tex]Z = \dfrac{x- \mu}{\sigma}[/tex]


x = The point score

μ = The mean score

σ = The standard deviation

The z-score indicates the number of standard deviations a score is from the mean

The z-score of the past year's temperature = 2.8

Therefore, the z-score of 2.8 for the past year's temperature indicates that the past year's temperature was 2.8 times the standard deviation away from (above) the mean of the local weather temperature, (the historical mean temperature) on record.

The correct option is option B)

Learn more about the z-scores here:



To raise money, the Boy Scouts bought 60 kg of caramels for $130.80. They sold the caramels in 300 g bags for $2.37 each. How much profit did they make?


The Boy Scouts made a profit of

Suzanne bought a sweater priced at $34 and sales tax is 6%. What is the total cost of the sweater after-tax?


The required cost of the sweater after sales tax is $31.96.

Given that,
Suzanne bought a sweater priced at $34 and the sales tax is 6%.

What is simplification?

The process in mathematics to operate and interpret the function to make the function or expression simple or more understandable is called simplifying and the process is called simplification.

While calculating the percentage it must be multiplied the number with the given percentage value.

Sale tax on sweater = 6% of 34

                              = 0.06 × 34
                              = $2.04

Thus, the required cost of the sweater after sales tax is $31.96.

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How much simple interest is earned on an investment of $800 with a rate of 6.1% over 7 years? A. $341.60 B. $410.87 C. $3,416.00 D. $4,108.70 the nurse should recognize which attributes and criteria are concepts of spirituality? (select all that apply.) farmers moved 60 acres of grass a day instead of 50 and managed to finish one day earlier than planned, what is the area of the meadow they were mowing? What obstacles faced supporters of desegregation? The molar mass of o2 is 32. 00 g/mol. How many moles of hgo are needed to produce 250. 0 g of o2? 3. 906 moles 7. 813 moles 15. 63 moles 73. 87 moles. When all puncta in both eyes are treated during the same encounter, the appropriate code is reported:______. a. once. b. twice. c. three times. d. four times. explain how political, economic, and cultural factors affected societies gender and family from 1450 to 1750. the nurse counsels the parents of a child with down's syndrome. which statement, if made by the parents to the nurse, indicates further teaching is necessary? Of these events, the first to occur when a motor neuron stops sending an impulse to a muscle is _____. In a private network, N, that uses a NAT box, which of the following could enable an outside host x to make first contact with inside host y? (Check all that apply) A. x requests and receives y's internal address from N'S NAT box B. x can bypass N'S NAT box and send directly to the hardware address of y C. y has a domain name that can be translated by an internal domain name server in the reaction between cyclohexene and osmium tetroxide, what did the stereochemical outcome of the reaction suggest about the type of mechanism involved in the addition? choose the answer that fits best. which of the following statements are true about this natural monopoly? check all that apply. it is more efficient on the cost side for one producer to exist in this market rather than a large number of producers. the 5g lte company is experiencing diseconomies of scale. in order for a monopoly to exist in this case, the government must have intervened and created it. the 5g lte company is experiencing economies of scale. A grocery store chain introduces a new brand of cereal in several of its stores. The function B(w)=120w150+w2 for w0 models the number of boxes, B, in thousands, of the cereal sold after w weeks. The graph of this function is shown below.Select the THREE true statements regarding the graph of B(w).A Based on the zeros of the function, the number of boxes of cereal sold is 0 after 0 weeks.B Based on the zeros of the function, the number of boxes of cereal sold is 0 after 1,250 weeks.C Based on the end behavior of the function, the number of boxes of cereal sold will keep falling after reaching the maximum.D Based on the asymptote of the function, the number of boxes of cereal sold will never fall below 800 after reaching the maximum.E Based on the asymptote of the function, the number of boxes of cereal sold will never reach 0 after the cereal is introduced in the store. What is the meaning of the word millennia as it is used in the text? Write your best definition of the word millennia here, along with a brief explanation of how you arrived at its meaning through context clues. This is performed to determine whether the new procedures are actually furthering productivity.A. Systems auditB. Designing alternativesC. Systems inventoryD. Testing How do you soften potatoes for potato salad? which value of x makes the expression 3sqrt153x equivalent to 21sqrt153 what is the answer for 3(m+5)-2(-9+m)=29 FILL IN THE BLANK. The __________ Act allows children born in Texas to illegal immigrant parents to pay the in-state college tuition rate, as long as the student promises to apply for legal resident status as soon as possible. according to , a person is more likely to persuade his or her boss of a business proposal if it is framed in terms of potential gains.