Of these events, the first to occur when a motor neuron stops sending an impulse to a muscle is _____.


Answer 1

The first to occur when a motor neuron stops sending an impulse to a muscle is the pumping of calcium ions out of the cytoplasm and back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

When a nervous impulse stops, these things happen:

The membrane of the sarcoplasmic reticulum is no longer permeable to calcium (the calcium gates closed). Therefore, no calcium diffuses out.The calcium pump in the membrane starts transporting the calcium BACK into the sarcoplasmic reticulum.Calcium ions leave the binding sites on toponin molecules, making the troponin returns to its original shape and position. So does the tropomyosin. That makes the myosin head no longer in contact with actin, which leads to the muscle stops contracting (relaxing).

Learn more about sarcoplasmic reticulum at https://brainly.com/question/1540451


Related Questions

What proportion of amino acids are identical between the two protein sequences?


60% of the amino acids in the 2 protein sequences are similar.

A human protein that performs similar tasks to a protein produced by bacteria has amino acid sequences that are 60% identical to each other. However, just 45% of the Nucleotide sequence of the genes that code for these proteins are the same.

The most used tool for finding sequence similarity is NCBI BLAST. It performs quick local alignment searches using heuristics. Users of PSI-BLAST may create and execute a blast search using a unique, position-specific scoring matrix, which might be useful for identifying distant evolutionary links.

The amino acid sequence in each kind of protein is distinct and constant from one molecule to the next. There are many varieties of proteins, each with a unique amino acid sequence.

Learn more about amino acids at



you decide to compare the genes and dna sequence of a specific chromosome to a homologous chromosome and a nonhomologous chromosome. which of the predictions would you make when comparing the two?


When comparing a specific chromosome to a homologous chromosome and a nonhomologous chromosome, you would predict that the genes and DNA sequence of the homologous chromosome would be more similar to the specific chromosome than the nonhomologous chromosome.

Homologous chromosomes are chromosomes that are similar in structure and carry the same genes in the same relative positions. This is because homologous chromosomes are derived from the same parent cell and are therefore genetically identical.

In contrast, nonhomologous chromosomes are not derived from the same parent cell and may have different numbers of genes and different gene arrangements. Therefore, when comparing a specific chromosome to a homologous and nonhomologous chromosome, you would expect the homologous chromosome to be more similar in terms of gene content and DNA sequence.

Learn more about chromosomes here:



t cells have t-cell receptor complexes on their surface that bind to what type of molecules on the surface of other cells


T cells bind to the specific antigens through the major histo compatibility complex. TCRs  bind to the specifically  recognises  the antigens through the molecules on the surfaces of the receptors.

What are T cells ?

T cells are the cells that are recognised as the part of Antibody immunity and are synthesized in the thymus.

Each T cell has the  unique T cell receptor (TCR) that  is recognizesing  a specific antigen .  TCRs recognize an antigen when they are binding  with the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules on  surface of the other cells.

The receptors on surface of the  B cells (BCRs1) that can bind to the  soluble antigens  while the T cell receptors are termed as (TCRs)   are  recognised as  an antigen where it is complexed with the  major histocompatibility complex  also termed as the (MHC) molecules on surface of the  other cells. T cell receptor binding to MHC-antigen complex.

Learn more about T cells at :



what part of the eye captures the initial stimulus for the brain to process? group of answer choices sclera ganglion cells photorecpetors


The portion of the eye known as photoreceptors records the initial signal for processing by the brain.

The initial stimulation for the brain to process visual images are provided by photoreceptors. Photoreceptors come in two different varieties. Cones and Rods You will discover that the image is first projected onto a sheet of flattened photoreceptor cells that are located on the eye’s inner surface (retina). Millions of bipolar cells then project the data that millions of receptor cells have gathered onto them, and these bipolar cells then transmit projects to the retinal ganglion cells.

To learn more about photoreceptors, refer:-



Which of the following requires treatment with both antibiotics and antitoxins?
A) diphtheria
B) tuberculosis
C) whooping cough
D) scarlet fever
E) psittacosis


Diphtheria requires treatment with both antibiotics and antitoxins.

Antibiotics are drug treatments that combat infections resulting from bacteria in humans and animals by using both killing the microorganism and making it difficult for the bacteria to develop and multiply. Microorganisms are germs. They live within the environment and all over the outside and inside of our bodies.

An antibiotic is a sort of antimicrobial substance lively towards microorganisms. It's miles the most important sort of antibacterial agent for fighting bacterial infections, and antibiotic medicinal drugs are widely used in the remedy and prevention of such infections.

Antibiotics are used to deal with or save you from some forms of bacterial contamination.

Learn more about Antibiotics here:-https://brainly.com/question/10600923


a drug called ouabain specifically inhibits the sodium-potassium pump present in neuron cells. over time, what would this action of ouabain cause


There exists no direct effect because the sodium-potassium pump stands used to maintain ion distributions, not to induce an action potential.

Ouabain, also known as g-strophanthin, is a toxic chemical derived from plants that were historically used as an arrow poison in eastern Africa for both hunting and combat. Ouabain is a cardiac glycoside that can be used medically to treat certain arrhythmias and hypotension in lower doses.

There is a cardiac glycoside called ouabain that is used to treat chronic atrial fibrillation, supraventricular arrhythmias brought on by reentry processes, congestive heart failure, and modulate ventricular pace.

Digoxin, unlike Ouabain, can raise intracellular calcium concentrations because it can enter cells, interact with ryanodine receptors, and create transmembrane calcium channels. Since the pump is employed to maintain ion distributions rather than to create an action potential, there is no direct effect.

To learn more about Ouabain please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/5043988


If you continue to increase the intensity of flight that a plant receives what happens?



One of the elements impacting photosynthesis's rate is light intensity. The amount of carbon dioxide present, the temperature, and to a lesser extent, water, are additional factors.

In photosynthesis, light intensity both directly and indirectly influences the light-dependent and light-independent reactions.

When the amount of light present is insufficient to allow the light-dependent process to proceed at its maximum rate, this is when light becomes a limiting factor.

Except for plants in the shaded understory of forests, light is not typically a limiting factor.

Due to the bleaching of chlorophyll, extremely strong light intensities could reduce the rate of photosynthesis.

However, exposed plants typically have defense mechanisms like thick, waxy cuticles and hairy leaves.

So it ultimately depends upon the type of plant and it's tendency to react to certain factors .

Learn more about this on,


In order to digest triacylglycerol from dietary sources, the large fatty molecule must first be?


The big fatty molecule needs to be broken down before triacylglycerol from dietary sources can be digested by incorporated into a soluble delivery system. Triacyclglycerols must first be delivered to intestinal cells in bile salts released by the gall bladder for the intestinal lipases to function.

What is a triacylglycerol nutrition?

Three fatty acids are joined to a glycerol backbone to form a triglyceride. Palmitic acid, oleic acid, and stearic acid are the names of these three fatty acids. Both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are thought to be beneficial for health.

What is the major enzyme that digestion dietary triacylglycerol?

To enzymatically digest triglycerides, the pancreas secretes pancreatic lipases into the small intestine.

To know mo0re about triacyclglycerol visit\



When we begin to complain, we disable the part of our brain that is responsible forA. HappinessB. CreativenessC. Problem solvingD. Positivity


When we begin to complain, we disable the part of our brain that is responsible for Problem solving.

The definition of a brain is an interior organ with soft nerve tissues. Thus, in vertebrates or mammals like humans, a brain is primarily found inside the skull.Basically, a brain in a human person is in charge of the following processes:

Co-ordinated nervous system activity.

Increase in intelligence

Control of sensation.

Logic for addressing problems.

However, when a person starts to complain, they shut down the area of their brains that is in charge of problem-solving skills.In order to keep your brain's area responsible for problem-solving functional, you should refrain from complaining.

To know more about brain check the below link:



Place the following events in order starting with the vibration of the oval window and ending with the depolarization of hair cells.
Rank the options below
- Basilar membrane moves up and down
- Potassium ions enter hair cell causing depolarization
- Inner hair cell are pushed agains the tectorial membrane
- Oval window vibrates
- Pressure wave travels through the perilymph of the scala vestibule
- Stereocilia bend and tip-link proteins open potassium channels


Events in order starting with the vibration of the oval window and ending with the depolarization of hair cells are.

Oval window vibrates Pressure wave travels through the perilymph of the Scala vestibuliBasilar membrane moves up and downInner hair cells are pushed against the tectorial membraneStereocilia bend and tip-link proteins open potassium channelsPotassium ions enter hair cell causing depolarization

In general mechanical vibrations in the stapes at the basal plate of oval window creates the pressure and waves in the perilymph of the Scala vestibuli of the cochlea.

Thus ,these waves are responsible in moving around the tip of the cochlea through the helicotrema at the place of scala tympani and deplete when they hit window.

To learn more about oval window , here



by feeding plants to animals, and harvesting animal products, what percent of the energy in the original plant is lost? a. 50 b. 90 c. 25 d. 10


90% of the world's food energy consumption is accounted for by just 15 crop plants, primarily rice, maize, and wheat.

Over 4,000 million people everyday rely on these three.

Oil is the source of the most energy utilized worldwide, followed by coal, gas, and hydroelectricity. Fossil fuels continue to dominate the world's energy balance, as we will look into below. They use more than 80% of the energy.

90% of the world's food energy is consumed by just 15 of the more than 50,000 edible plants. Of this, rice, corn (maize), and wheat make up two thirds.

Rice, wheat, and corn rank as the top three global food crops. Over half of all calories consumed by people come directly from the three cereal grains.

Learn more about " feeding plants  " to visit here;



some species are better adapted to their environment in a way that helps them survive and reproduce, while other species do not adapt well and die. this process is called


According to the theory of natural selection, traits that are passed on allow animals to adapt to their environment more effectively than other members of their own species.

Consequently, the species evolves because it can survive and reproduce better than other species. An evolutionary mechanism is natural selection. Environmentally-adapted organisms are more likely to survive and disperse the genes that contributed to their success. Over time, this mechanism leads to the evolution and diversification of species. Members of a population are naturally diverse, meaning that they are all unique in some ways. This type suggests that some people have more environmentally appropriate traits than others. Animals can defend themselves against predators and extreme weather by adapting. Numerous birds may conceal themselves under long grass, while weeds, insects, and other creatures can alter their colour to blend in. As a result it is a challenge for predators to spot them in search of food.

To learn more about natural selection click here https://brainly.com/question/2725702


cells in the epidermis of the skin need to be held tightly together so that an impermeable barrier to fluids is created. what type of junction performs this function?


Answer: i like ice cream


Based on the information presented in the scenario, which factor is affecting the supply created by the furniture company? elasticity of supply the law of supply competition ability to produce


D, the ability to produce is affecting the supply created by the furniture company.

From the description, it is clear that the company has decided to make furniture out of pine trees because of problems getting raw materials.

A relationship between the supply of goods and their price is established by the law of supply as well as the elasticity of supply. As a result, these two are not the appropriate responses.

Additionally, this is not a case of competition. However, this description demonstrates the company's capacity to produce standard furniture from pine and oak wood.

Therefore, choice D is correct.

know more about the elasticity of supply here: https://brainly.com/question/28192591


(complete question)

Based on the information presented in the scenario, which factor is affecting the supply created by the furniture company?

A custom furniture company has recently learned that a natural disaster has affected its oak wood supply. Because of this disaster, the furniture company has decided to produce a new line of furniture using pine, because it is more readily available.

a. elasticity of supply

b. the law of supply

c. competition

d. ability to produce

Answer: D


edge 2023

Substance found in eukaryotic chromosomes that consists of dna tightly coiled around histones is called: _________


The substance found in eukaryotic chromosomes that consists of DNA tightly coiled around histones is called chromatin.

Chromatin is a complex of proteins and DNA that is found in eukaryotic cells. Its main function is to package DNA molecules into structures that are more compact and dense, preventing the strands from becoming tangled. It also helps reinforce the DNA during cell division, preventing damage to the DNA. The primary protein components of chromatin are histones. Histones are the regulators of gene activation and deactivation.

There are two types of chromatin: euchromatin which has less dense form and heterochromatin that has denser form.

Learn more about histones at https://brainly.com/question/13309015


Which test is useful in determining whether a patient has a condition such as liver disease or a blocked bile duct?


The blood bilirubin levels are determined by this test.

Which exams are used to identify liver disease?Test for serum bilirubin.The blood bilirubin levels are determined by this test. The liver produces bilirubin, which is then expelled in bile. Increased levels of bilirubin may be a sign that the liver is having trouble digesting bile or that bile flow is obstructed.The diagnosis of liver disease can be made via a class of blood tests known as liver function tests. In order to check for specific liver issues or genetic diseases, additional blood tests can be performed. imaging exams Damage to the liver can be seen on an MRI, CT scan, or ultrasound.Cholangiography. An imaging examination called a cholangiogram looks at the bile ducts to determine whether they are obstructed, constricted, or dilated (widened).Liver enzyme testing are among the most popular liver exams. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and gamma-glutamyl transferase are among the liver enzymes (GGT). When the liver is injured, these are high.

To learn more about blocked bile duct refer to:



place the components of the electron‑transport chain to outline the flow of electrons from nadh to o2.a. Q-cytochrome c oxidoreductase b. NADH-Q oxidoreductase c. cytochrome c oxidase d. cytochrome c e. ubiquinone1. NADH2. O2


The components of electron‑transport chain to outline the flow of electrons from nadh to o2

NADH-Q oxidreductase --> ubiquinone --> Q-cytochrom c oxidreductase--> cytochrome c --> cytochrome c oxidase

What is electron transport chain?

The electron transport chain is series of four protein complexes that couple redox reactions, creating an electrochemical gradient that leads to the creation of ATP in a complete system named oxidative phosphorylation.

It occurs in mitochondria in both cellular respiration and photosynthesis

In the electron transport chain, electrons are passed from one molecule to another, energy released in these electron transfers is used to form electrochemical gradient.

In chemiosmosis, energy stored in the gradient is used to make ATP.

learn more about electron transport system at



Two Neurons communicate with each other through


Two neurons communicate with each other through the synaptic cleft by the secretion of chemical neurotransmitters or via electrical signaling. The neurons are important for signal transduction.

What is neural communication?

The neural communication takes place between two neurons through the synaptic cleft by the neurotransmitters, and presynaptic neuron present before the synaptic cleft. The neuron that is present after the synaptic cleft and receives the neurotransmitters is called a postsynaptic neuron. In this way, the neural communication is done and the signal is sent.

Hence, two neurons communicate with each other through the synaptic cleft, through the secretion of chemical neurotransmitters, or via electrical signaling.

Learn more about neural communication here.



Assuming independent assortment for all gene pairs, what is the probability that a parent with the genotype aabbcc, will produce a gamete with the allele combination abc?.


The probability that a parent with the AAbbCc genotype will produce gametes with the abc allele combination is ¼.

Genes from genotype AABbCc is





So, the probability of gamete combinations of alleles abc is ¼

The formula for counting gametes is 2ⁿ, where n is the number of heterozygous allele pairs. Meanwhile, to find the types of gametes, you can use the daughter fork diagram technique.

From the genotype AABbCc there are 2 heterozygous gametes (Bb and Cc), so 2² = 4 gametes

To find the types of gametes from AABbCc, you can use the daughter fork diagram technique and see the picture for details.

On this matter it is not clear. So, the clear question is:

Assuming independent assortment for all gene pairs, what is the probability that a parent with the genotype AABbCc, will produce a gamete with the allele combination ABC?

a. 1/4

b. 1/16

c. 9/16

d. 1/8

e. ½

Learn more about the number of genes of the genotype at https://brainly.com/question/14548161


mountain lions are large cats and the top predator in their habitat. a population of mountain lions may vary in several characteristics. if prey becomes more scarce, which variation would provide an advantage to the individuals that possessed it?


Long legs. Lions stand for pride, authority, majesty, protection, strength, courage, power, and wisdom. Also, Napoleons are representations of womanish strength, fury, and family since lionesses are a pride's top nimrods.

What about mountain lions?In addition to protection, catamount meanings and symbols also include swiftness, rigidity, covert, beauty, and substance.The catamount is a native of the Americas, with a range that stretches from the Yukon in Canada to Tierra del Fuego in Argentina.It's also known as a mountain captain, panther, or catamount.Mountain Napoleons are solitary and territorial creatures.They mark their home with pheromones and physical labels like claw marks or dirt.The mountain captain is extremely holy to the Hopi, according to Leigh Jenkins, the Hopi artistic preservation officer.He's a god and the lineage's protection, and the Hopis consult him for advice at specific solemnities.He's honored as the stylish huntsman and the beast with the most strength and frippery.Mountain Napoleons have long, hefty legs and massive paws with sharp, twisted, retractile claws.They also have a large, satiny, slender body with a comparatively bitsy head.Their forepart is sprucely arched, and their cranium is wide.They've huge doggies and sharp, technical molars for ripping and pecking since they're obligate herbivores.

Learn more about mountain lions here:



In the wall of the cecum and colon, the longitudinal layer of the muscularis forms?


The taeniae coli, or bands of longitudinal muscle fibres, are three strap-like structures that make up the longitudinal layer of the muscularis of the large intestine. Each of these bands is about 1/5 in wide. The bands of longitudinal muscle fibres run from the cecum to the rectum, beginning at the base of the appendix.

What are the layers of the stomach's Tunica muscularis?

The smooth muscle deep to the submucosa is called the gastric muscularis externa, often known as the tunica muscularis. It has three layers: an inner oblique one, a middle circular one, and an exterior longitudinal one. Mechanical digestion depends on the churning motions produced by the muscularis externa layer.

What does the colon's muscularis externa look like?

Segmental contractions and peristaltic movement in the GI tract are caused by the muscularis externa. Together with digestive enzymes, these muscles cause food to move and churn down the GI tract. A longitudinal outer muscle layer and an interior circular layer make up the muscularis externa.

To know more about muscularis visit;



The symptoms of neurodevelopmental disorders typically begin during which period of the lifespan?


Developmental deficits that result in impairments of personal, social, academic, or occupational functioning are a feature of these conditions, which frequently manifest before the kid enters grade school.

What is accurate regarding neurological developmental disorders?Children with neurodevelopmental issues may struggle with their language and speech, motor abilities, behavior, memory, or other brain processes. While neurodevelopmental problems frequently change or evolve as a kid gets older, certain disabilities are irreversible.Anxiety disorders like generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) are characterized by persistent anxiety, increased worry, and tension even in the absence of a trigger.Developmental deficits that result in impairments of personal, social, academic, or occupational functioning are a feature of these conditions, which frequently manifest before the kid enters grade school.

To learn more about  Neurodevelopmental issues refer to:



enamel is derived from the: group of answer choices a. outer enamel epithelium b. inner enamel epithelium c. stellate reticulum d. stratum intermedium e. reduced enamel epithelium


The toughest substance created through biological processes is enamel. It makes up the anatomical crown of a tooth and is derived from the epithelium.

The pulp and dentine of the tooth are made by the ectomesenchyme, whereas the enamel of the tooth is made by the oral epithelium. Deep within the oral epithelium is the ectomesenchyme. Ectoderm and mesoderm from the embryonic germ layer evolve into teeth. The oral cavity's ectoderm forms the enamel portion, while the related mesenchymal cells form all other tissues. The makeup of enamel. All mineralized tissues in vertebrates, including the enamel, contain about 95 weight percent (carbonated) apatite, a calcium phosphate mineral (3). Apatite crystals primarily grow along their c-axis and have elongated forms as a result.

To learn more about vertebrates, follow the below link:



what do cells need to do between divisions to make sure that a full set of dna gets passed on


The copying of DNA in the course of duplicate is essential because the DNA should be copied so there's a complete set of DNA to byskip directly to every daughter cell.

The replication of DNA guarantees that every daughter mobileular shaped on the give up of mobileular division, gets same quantity of DNA. If DNA might not be copied then the daughter cells might not acquire all vital genes.

The copying of DNA in the course of duplicate is essential because: The replication of DNA guarantees that every daughter mobileular shaped on the give up of mobileular division, gets same quantity of DNA. If DNA might not be copied then the daughter cells might not acquire all vital genes.

Read more about cells:



Both female and male reproductive systems are primarily nonfunctional until puberty.a. Trueb. False


The assertion is true. The reproductive systems of both sexes are mainly non-functional until puberty. The male provides sperm and the female provides the ovum for the human reproductive system to produce human babies.

The pituitary gland secretes FSH and LH in response to the gonadotropin-releasing hormone. These hormones control how reproductive organs work and encourage the synthesis of estrogen and progesterone in the ovaries as well as testosterone in the testicles. When secondary sexual traits appear, puberty is over.

We can therefore conclude that the proposition is true. Until puberty, the female and male reproductive systems are primarily non-functional. The male and female provide the sperm and ovum, respectively, for the human reproductive system to function and generate human babies.




What kind of energy is released when burning fuels?


These fuels undergo exothermic processes during combustion that release heat and light energy into the environment.

Burning fuels causes exothermic processes, sometimes referred to as combustion reactions, that release heat and light energy into the environment. Numerous different substances, most frequently alkanes and alcohols, can be utilized as fuels.

When coils, oils, wood, and gas are burned in the presence of air, the stored energy in those materials is released into the environment as heat and a few other byproducts.

In the course of burning, molecular changes occur in the wood. Burning fuels such as wood, coal, oil, or gas cause the energy contained inside to change forms and be released into the environment. From potential energy to material energy to heat energy, the energy transforms.

To learn more about burning fuels



Ralph has type B blood and his wife, Rachel, has type A blood. They are very shocked to hear that their baby has type O blood. They think that a switch might have been made at the hospital. Can this baby be theirs?
Yes, if both parents are heterozygous for their blood types.
No, this baby is not theirs.
Yes, if both parents are homozygous recessive.
O Yes, if Ralph is homozygous and Rachel is heterozygous.


Answer: Yes, if both parents are heterozygous for their blood types.

Explanation: A child with type O blood can have parents with type A, type B, or type O blood, but not type AB. Conversely, if two parents both have type O blood, all their children will have type O blood.

Proteins that play a critical role in the development of many eukaryotic organisms usually have a highly conserved dna-binding motif called the motif.a. Trueb. False


Proteins that play a critical role in the development of many eukaryotic organisms usually have a highly conserved DNA-binding motif called the motif is True, option A.

What do DNA-binding motifs do?

DNA binding proteins have a unique folding pattern composed of repeated nucleotide sequences known as DNA binding motifs. These motifs allow DNA binding proteins, such as transcription factors, to bind to the target sequence. It is made up of two parts: the recognition region and the stabilization region.

Many proteins that play important roles in the development of many eukaryotic organisms have a highly conserved DNA-binding motif known as the motif. A motif is a short conserved sequence pattern associated with specific protein or DNA functions.

Find out more on DNA-binding motifs here: https://brainly.com/question/15287120


overall wastewater treatment is designed to: a. decrease ammonia, nitrate, phosphate and increase the amount of organic carbon and beneficial bacteria b. decrease pathogenic organisms, ammonia, nitrate, and phosphates while increasing the biodegradable carbon


Option a is correct i.e. decrease ammonia, nitrate, phosphate and increase the amount of organic carbon and beneficial bacteria for overall wastewater treatment is based upon it.

Bacteria are typically free-living, ubiquitous organisms with a single biological cell sporadically. They only take the form of bacteria. They make up a sizable portion of the prokaryotes microbial world. Bacteria, which are typically a few micrometers long and were among the first life forms to arise there, make up the majority of the ecosystems on Earth. In addition to soil, water, acidic hot springs, radioactive waste, and the deep biosphere of the Earth's crust, bacteria can also be found there. By recycling nutrients from the atmosphere, such as nitrogen, bacteria play a significant part in numerous stages of the nutrition cycle. The decomposition of dead bodies is a part of the nutrient cycle; microbes are in charge of the putrefaction phase of this process. Extremophile bacteria transform dissolved substances like hydrogen sulfide and methane into energy in the biological communities that surround hydrothermal vents and cold seeps. Furthermore, bacteria coexist with both plants and animals in symbiotic and parasitic ways. Many species of bacteria cannot be produced in a lab, and the majority of bacteria are not yet fully understood.

To know more about bacteria please refer: https://brainly.com/question/8008968


o two species of anoles lizards living in the same geographical location have dewlaps of the same size, shape or color. why?


Male anole lizards use dewlaps to court females. Female anole lizards distinguish males of their own species from males of other species by their dewlaps.

Any of the more than 5,500 species of reptiles that make up the order Squamata are considered lizards (suborder Sauria) (which also includes snakes, suborder Serpentes). Reptiles with scaly skin that have external ear holes, moveable eyelids, and legs are known as lizards. They can be recognized from snakes by these characteristics. Some conventional (i.e., non-snake) lizards, however, are missing one or more of these characteristics. As an illustration, glass lizards (Ophisaurus) and other lizard taxa have experienced limb degeneration and loss. Some geckos, skinks, and night lizards have lost their ability to move their eyelids. Some species of the genera Holbrookia and Cophosaurus no longer have external ear holes.

The complete question is:

No two species of anole lizards living in the same geographical location have dewlaps of the same size, shape, or color. Why?

To learn more about lizards click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/11469646


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