1- If a company's operating cycle is much longer than its average payment period for suppliers, it creates the need to borrow money to fund its inventories and accounts receivable. True or false?
2- If the acid-test ratio is less than one, then paying off some current liabilities with cash will increase the acid-test (quick) ratio. True or false?


Answer 1

If a company's operating cycle is much longer than its average payment period for suppliers, it creates the need to borrow money to fund its inventories and accounts receivable is a False statement.

If the acid-test ratio is less than one, then paying off some current liabilities with cash will increase the acid-test (quick) ratio is a false statement.

When an organization's operational cycle is significantly longer than its typical supplier payment time, it becomes necessary to borrow money to finance its inventories and accounts receivable.

What is operating cycle

The time it takes for a business to purchase items, sell them, and get payment for those sales is referred to as an operating cycle. To put it another way, it indicates how long it takes a business to convert its inventories into cash.

The industry will determine how long this operating cycle will be. By providing a sense of whether or not it will be able to pay off any creditors, an understanding of a company's operating cycle will help establish its financial health.

For instance, a short operating cycle for the company means that payments will come in steadily. The more quickly the business generates income, the better off it will be in terms of clearing any outstanding obligations or

When the acid-test ratio is less than one, the purchase of inventory with cash affect each ratio by No change to the current ratio and decrease the acid-test ratio.

What do acid-test ratio and current ratio mean?

While the acid-test ratio is computed as current assets plus inventories divided by current liabilities, the current ratio is equal to current assets minus current liabilities.

Both the current ratio and the acid-quick ratio are crucial for a corporation since they help assess a company's capacity to settle its short-term obligations.

Inconlusion While the acid-test ratio should be reduced, the current ratio should remain constant.

Read more about operating cycle



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assume that you are the ceo of an online retailer looking to expand your services into developing country markets. much of the success of your business model depends on the ability to ship items quickly and without delays as well as provide unrivaled customer service. what concerns might you have entering a developing-country market given your business model? what would you be the necessary conditions for your business to succeed? start by describing your proposed business model.


The main parts of the product, the market, organizational strengths and problems, and how it will be sold should all be included in your business model.

What, in your opinion, is necessary to launch and maintain a successful business?

In order to succeed in business today, you must be adaptable and possess strong organizing and planning abilities. Many people start businesses with the expectation that they can turn on their computers or open their doors and start producing money, only to discover that doing so is much harder than they anticipated.

What are the top three things that make a small business successful?

The three most crucial success criteria for expanding businesses will always be money, marketing, and product, even if each is equally important. The majority of businesses are successful because they offer a decent enough product or service.

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your variable annuity has a mortality and expense risk charge at an annual rate of 2.5%. your average account value during the year is $20,000. what are your mortality and at risk charges for the year?


$500 are your mortality and at risk charges for the year.

Annual administrative fee = Fee rate x Account value

= 0.025 x $20,000

= $500

The value of a variable annuity might change depending on how well an underlying portfolio of subaccounts performs. The insurance business is guarded against unforeseen circumstances, such as the premature death of the policyholder, by the mortality and expense risk charge. The size of the mortality and expenditure risk charge is primarily determined by the applicant's age. The yearly percentage rate is roughly 1.25%.

Variable annuities are different from fixed annuities, which have a predetermined and guaranteed return. A variable annuity's value is determined by the performance of an underlying portfolio of subaccounts that the annuity owner has chosen. On the other hand, fixed annuities offer a return that is assured. Compared to fixed annuities, variable annuities have the potential for higher returns and larger income, but there is also a danger that the account's value would decrease. The principal, or the money you put into the annuity, and the returns that the underlying investments in your annuity produce on that principal over time are the two factors that go into determining the value of a variable annuity.

To know more about Variable annuity visit: https://brainly.com/question/14310110


A golf store pays its wholesaler $40 for a certain club, and then sells it to a golfer for $75. What is the markup rate?.


A golf store buys a certain club for $40 and sell it for $75. The markup rate is 87.5%

The markup rate, usually expressed in percentage, is the difference between what an item costs the vendor and what the buyer pays. The higher the markup, the more profit can be made.

The formula to calculate the markup rate is:

Markup percentage = (sales price - unit cost) / unit cost  x 100%

In the given problem, a golf store pays its wholesaler $40 for a certain club, and then sells it to a golfer for $75.


sales price = $75

unit cost = $40

Markup rate = (75 - 40) / 40  x 100%

Markup rate = 35 / 40  x 100% = 87.5%

Learn more about markup rate here:



question 1 on the date of payment, a stock dividend would be recorded with a debit to what account? common stock stock dividends common stock dividends distributable no entry necessary


Entry is not required account would be debited in order to register a stock dividend.

A tracking stock is a special form of equity that a parent company offers and issues to track the financial performance of a divisional section. Tracking stocks typically trade independently from the parent company's shares on open markets. An illustration of stock tracking is: Go. A stock is a colloquial phrase for any company's ownership certificates. On the other hand, a share alludes to a certain company's stock certificate. You become a shareholder if you possess shares of a specific corporation. There are two categories of stocks: ordinary and preferred.

Learn more about stock from



for wickham co., sales is $3,000,000, fixed expenses are $900,000, and the contribution margin ratio is 36%. what is required sales in dollars to earn a target net income of $600,000? group of answer choices $1,666,667 $2,500,000 $4,166,667 $8,333,333


For Wickham co., sales is $3,000,000, fixed expenses are $900,000, and the contribution margin ratio is 36%. The  sales in dollars to earn a target net income of $600,000 is $4,166,667.

Profit margin is a measure of profitability. Calculated as a percentage of profit to sales. There are three types of profit margins: gross profit margin, operating profit margin, and net profit margin. Gross profit margin is calculated as gross profit divided by net sales.

Profit Margin is the percentage of remaining profit from a sale after all costs have been paid. Profit margin can be calculated by subtracting total cost from total revenue and dividing that figure by total cost. The formula is: (Total Revenue - Total Cost) / Total Revenue.

Profit Margin compares profit to sales and indicates how well the company is managing its finances overall. Always displayed as a percentage. There are three other types of profit margins that are useful when evaluating a business. Gross profit margin, net profit margin and operating profit margin.

Learn more about Profit Margin https://brainly.com/question/19865598


neither daniel nor gabrielle has an incentive to increase output further, nor does either have an incentive to decrease output. this outcome is an example of


Neither daniel nor gabrielle has an incentive to increase output further, nor does either have an incentive to decrease output. this outcome is an example of a Nash equilibrium.

There are two types of incentives: intrinsic and extrinsic incentives. Human behavior is motivated by internal motivations. They are often motivated by the work itself or by internal rewards in activities rather than by extrinsic rewards. There are various internal bonuses available.

For example, participating in activities can satisfy people's sense of accomplishment and make them feel good. A person is made to behave in a particular way for his personal gratification when he receives an intrinsic motivation. It turns out that when a person is intrinsically motivated, they will do a particular job for themselves without expecting any external benefits or feeling any external pressure to complete the task.

To know more about Incentive here-



why do stores rarely advertise the full price of big purchases like smartphones?


They provide the impression that the product is inexpensive by merely giving you the monthly payment.

With psychological pricing, the theory is that consumers will perceive the slightly reduced price as being cheaper than it truly is. As an illustration of psychological pricing, consider a product that is priced at $3.99 but is seen by the consumer as costing $3 rather than $4. Depending on the industry and business model at hand, the four main pricing strategies—value-based, competition-based, cost-plus, and dynamic pricing—are all often employed. The goal of psychological pricing is to elicit an emotional response, such as excitement (cheap price), satisfaction (of a need or good value), or interest (ideal price).

Know more about the psychological pricing at: https://brainly.com/question/29735175


What is a club example?


Yacht clubs, country clubs, and golf clubs all are examples of private clubs. Club an organization of people with a common purpose or interest, who meet regularly and take part in shared activities:

An private club is a spot that isn't available to the general population. A confidential individuals club is an association that gives social and different conveniences to individuals who regularly pay a participation charge for access and use.

Private club are places that are not open to the general population. Before an individual can go along with, it should be supported by the remainder of the participation. At the point when somebody goes along with, they ordinarily need to pay a commencement expense and a month to month participation charge.

Clubs should be subsidized basically by duty, levy, and contribution, with a restricted measure of pay from non-part sources and capital increases.

Know more about Clubs - https://brainly.com/question/29546259


A process that exhibits random variability would be judged to be out of control. (True or False)


This claim is untrue. If a process displays random variability, it would not be considered out of control.

What sort of variance is the cause of an uncontrolled process?

A particular cause variation is present when the control chart for a process measure shows a pattern of fluctuation that is not random or points that are drawn outside the control borders. A process measure is deemed unstable or out-of-control when a control chart shows unique cause variance.

What does the term "random variation" in quality control mean?

Random variation: Unpredictable variations in a process's output caused by a variety of insignificant elements, including variations in temperature and humidity. Process variability resulting from a variety of erratic (and insignificant in isolation) fluctuations or change factors that, in reality, cannot be anticipated, detected, identified, or even eliminated.

Learn more about random variability: https://brainly.com/question/13832947


Which tab on College Navigator will give you an estimate of your total costs with your possible financial aid applied?
Financial Aid
Total Cost
Price Estimator
Net Price


The answer is Price estimator

if a consumer has an income of $100, the price of x is $2, and the price of y is $4, what is the maximum quantity of x the consumer is able to purchase?if a consumer has an income of $100, the price of x is $2, and the price of y is $4, what is the maximum quantity of x the consumer is able to purchase?


The maximum quantity of x the consumer is able to purchase is $4

In economics, the word "quantity demanded" refers to the overall amount of an item or service that consumers demand over a specific period of time. Regardless of whether a market is in equilibrium, it is dependent on the cost of an item or service.

The minimum and maximum quantities of a product that a customer may purchase, as well as the number of products that are added with each increment, are specified by a purchase quantity rule. Each simple product and product variation can have a single purchase quantity rule assigned to it. The lowest and maximum quantities in the rule have to be multiples of the increment.

To learn more about quantity refer here:



if the economy is currently in short-run equilibrium at point a, what type of monetary policy would be most effective to bring the economy back to long-run equilibrium?


Short-run equilibrium is when the aggregate amount of output is the same as the aggregate amount of demand. Long-run equilibrium is when prices adjust to changes in the market and the economy functions at its full potential.

Why is equilibrium such a key concept in economics?

For a market to be effective, it must be both efficient and balanced. If a market is currently balancing the amounts provided and sought, it has little incentive to deviate from its equilibrium price and quantity.

What best sums up equilibrium?

To achieve equilibrium, market supply and demand must be balanced, which results in stable price. In general, prices drop when there is a surplus of goods or services, which raises demand, while they rise when there is a shortage, which lowers demand.

To know more about Equilibrium visit:



which term describes a country that has relatively high ratings for per capita income, gdp, and standard of living?


The GDP, productivity, level of life, and per capita income of a developed country are all comparatively high. The country's national statistical office often uses the international standard to compute GDP.

The market worth of all the final goods and services produced and sold (not resold) in a certain time period by countries is measured in dollars using the term "gross domestic product" (GDP). This measurement is frequently changed before it can be trusted as an indicator because of how complicated and subjective it is. To compare living standards between countries, using a basis of GDP per capita at purchasing power parity (PPP) may be more useful, whereas nominal GDP is more useful for comparing national economies on the global market. GDP (nominal) per capita does not, however, reflect differences in the cost of living and the inflation rates of the countries. The contribution of each industry or sector to the overall GDP can also be quantified. The per capita GDP of a region is calculated as the GDP divided by the total population (also called the Mean Standard of Living).

Learn more about standardization here



acbar inc. groups people according to similarity of products, services, customers, clients, or geographic regions. acbar is called a functional structure. true false


Groups human beings in keeping with similarity of products, services, customers, clients, or geographic regions. Acbar is known as a purposeful shape. True.

The required details for functional structure in given paragraph

Companies that produce the equal items constantly and feature recurring operations use a purposeful organizational shape due to the fact its inflexible shape presents predictable stability. An corporation can adapt to any shape it requires. If the commercial enterprise especially handles projects, it'll pick a projectized shape. While an corporation managing operations will stay with a purposeful shape. Your operating fashion contains your organizational shape, defining your function and obligations and shaping the paintings tradition. This tradition consists of the paintings environment, reporting system, hierarchy, etc.  A purposeful shape divides the corporation into departments primarily based totally on their functions. Each is headed via way of means of a purposeful manager, and personnel are grouped in keeping with their roles.

Functional managers generally have enjoy within side the roles they supervise, making sure that personnel are the use of their abilities effectively.

To know about functional structure click here



preparing financial statements at the end of each monthly fiscal period is an application of the accounting concept t or f


True, all the elaboration of financial statements is an application of the accounting concept, the first financial statement that a company must make is the balance sheet.

This allows to have an idea of all the financial processes that took place during the financial year and thus to determine the faults.

What are financial statements?

They are all those accounting reports that are made with the purpose of obtaining an image of the financial situation of the company, thanks to these documents the company analyzes the processes that are executed on a daily basis and makes decisions to make improvements.

Learn more about financial statements in: https://brainly.com/question/26240841


Is economic growth positive or negative?


Economic growth is positive. Economic growth is positive and it mostly depend on the nature of economic growth.

Economic growth can be defined as the increase or improvement in the inflation-adjusted market value of the goods and services produced by an economy in a financial year.

Positive economic growth means an increase in money supply, economic output and productivity. An economy with negative growth rates has declining wage growth and an overall contraction of the money supply. Economists view negative growth as a harbinger of a recession or depression.

To know more about Economic growth here,



machinery was purchased on january 1 for $61,000. the machinery has an estimated life of 7 years and an estimated salvage value of $9,000. double-declining-balance depreciation for the second year would be (do not round your intermediate calculations.) a.$13,448.98 b.$11,448.98 c.$11,948.98 d.$12,448.98


The computation of the depreciation expense for the second year using the double-declining balance depreciation method is shown below:

Depreciation is an accounting technique for spreading out the expense of a tangible item over the course of its useful life. How much of an asset's value has been used is shown through depreciation. It enables businesses to purchase assets over a predetermined length of time and generate income from those assets.

First we have to determine the depreciation rate which is shown below: = One ÷ useful life = 1 ÷ 7 = 14.28% Now the rate is double So, 28.57% In year 1, the original cost is $61,000, so the depreciation is $17,428 after applying the 28.57% depreciation rate And, in year 2, the ($61,000 - $17,428 ) × 28.57% = $12,448

To learn more about depreciation refer here:



true or false
To pay for social insurance programs administered by the Social Security Administration, employers, employees, and the unemployed must contribute.


To pay for social insurance programs administered by social security administration, employers, employees, and unemployed must contribute. - True

In the United States, social insurance programs like the Social Security and Medicare are funded through a combination of contributions from employers, employees, and the self-employed. These contributions are typically deducted from workers' paychecks and matched by their employers.

The funds received through these contributions are then used to pay for the various benefits provided by these programs, such as retirement, disability, and health insurance.  Moreover, few people who are not currently employed, such as those who are unemployed or not working due to a disability, may also be required to contribute to these programs through taxes or other means.

Read more about social insurance programs on:



the world price of a pound of almonds is $4.50. before uruguay allowed trade in almonds, the price of a pound of almonds there was $3.00. once uruguay began allowing trade in almonds with other countries, uruguay began:______.


If the world price of a pound of almonds is $4.50. Before Uruguay allowed trade in almonds, the price of a pound of almonds in Uruguay was $3.00. Once Uruguay began allowing trade in almonds with other countries, Uruguay began : exporting

What is exporting?

Exporting can be defined as the way of sending goods produced or manufacture in your own country to another country.

Based on the scenario Uruguay  tend to began exporting almonds and the price of this almonds per pound in Uruguay increased to  the amount of $4.50 from $3.00.

Therefore we can conclude that Uruguay began exporting almonds.

Learn more about Exporting at:



some people may think that once you’ve studied one city, you’ve studied them all. which is an example of why these people may be misinformed?


Compared to Baltimore, the Bailieues, or suburbs, of Paris are the worst portion of town practically from top to bottom.

False information that is disseminated without the intention to deceive is referred to as misinformation. This definition's second half needs to include a flag because it will be crucial in the future. In our daily lives, false information is frequently circulated. News flash: We humans are not flawless. Everybody is capable of making mistakes. We all have memory loss. Details are misheard or forgotten. We misrepresent information to our pals that we learned via social media or heard on television. Technically speaking, distributing misinformation is what you are doing if you are disseminating false information but are unaware that it is false.

Know more about the Misinformation at: https://brainly.com/question/28287033


nan contributes property with an adjusted basis of $147,600 to a partnership. the property has a fair market value of $236,160 on the date of the contribution. what is the partnership's basis in the property contributed by nan? $fill in the blank 1


The partnership's basis in the property contributed by Nan is $60000.

Property definition describes it as anything over which a business or someone has lawful rights. They may have a few enforceable privileges over the items. Most of the properties incorporate present or destiny financial costs and that is why they may be taken into consideration as assets.

Property is any object that someone or a business has a prison name over. Assets can be tangible items, such as houses, motors, or appliances, or it is able to discuss with intangible objects that bring the promise of future worth, together with stock and bond certificates.

The essential motive of property rights, and their fundamental accomplishment, is that they take away damaging opposition for manipulating monetary resources. nicely-defined and well-included belongings right update competition by way of violence with opposition with the aid of nonviolent method.

Learn more about the property here:-https://brainly.com/question/15401586


what is the risk-neutral valuation of a six-month european put option to sell a security for a price of 100 when the current price is 105, the interest rate is 10%, and the volatility of the security is .30?


We determined the put option's value from the available data to be 4.34. This model is crucial to derivative research since it aids in the pricing of European-style options, which are only executed at expiration.

The likelihood that the option will be taken even before agreement time expires is not taken into account by the model.

The Black Scholes Merton Model is used to calculate the price of the European put option;

In this case, p = put price and X = exercise price.

Risk-free rate, or rc.

Spot price = So

Nd1 and Nd2 normal probability distributions of d1 and d2 with time to expiry equal to T

Q = Given Volatile;

X= $100 \src= 10%

So= $105

six months T

Q= 0.3 Nd1=0.7157 \sNd2=0.6406

The put option is worth 4.34.

To know more about  probability click here



Using the standard 28/36 guidelines, what is the maximum mortgage payment allowed for someone with an annual salary of $73,025? a. $2,190. 75 b. $2,044. 70 c. $1,703. 92 d. $1,217. 08 please select the best answer from the choices provided.


Using the standard 28/36 guidelines, the maximum mortgage payment is $1,703. 92 (option C)

Lenders utilize many criteria to decide whether or not to approve credit applications. One of the most important factors is a person's credit score. Before considering credit approval, they normally require that a credit score fall inside a particular range. However, a credit score is not the only factor to consider.

Another essential component is the 28/36 ratio, which determines a consumer's financial situation.

As part of their screening program, each lender determines their own parameters for housing debt and total debt. This means that household expenses, such as rent or mortgage payments, cannot exceed 28% of monthly or annual income. Likewise, total debt payments must not exceed 36% of income.

In the given problem, the annual salary is  $73,025. Therefore,

monthly salary = $73,025 / 12 = $6,085.42

Maximum mortgage payment = 28% x $6,085.42 = $1,703. 92 (option C)

Learn more about mortgage here:



true or false: based on the fact that both amrit and aideen increased production from the initial cartel quantity, you know that the output effect was larger than the price effect at that quantity.


The statement is True. based on the fact that both Amrit and Aideen increased production from the initial cartel quantity, you know that the output effect was larger than the price effect at that quantity.

Production is the manner of combining diverse inputs, each cloth (including metallic, wooden, glass, or plastics) and immaterial (including plans, or knowledge) so that it will create output. ideally, this output might be an excellent service that has a cost and contributes to the utility of individuals. The region of economics that specializes in production is called production theory, and it is carefully related to the consumption (or patron) idea of economics.

Monetary nicely-being is created in a manufacturing technique, which means all monetary activities that aim immediately or indirectly to fulfill human wants and needs. The degree to which the needs are glad is regularly typical as a degree of economic nicely-being. In production, there are two capabilities that give an explanation for growing monetary well-being. they are enhancing excellent-charge-ratio of products and offerings and increasing earnings from growing and more green market manufacturing or overall production which assist in growing GDP.

To learn more about Production visit here:



Cervantes recently offered 60,000 new shares of stock for sale. The underwriters sold a total of 73,400 shares to the public at a price of $18.20 per share. The additional 13,400 shares were purchased in accordance with which one of the following?

a). Red herring provision
b). Post issue agreement
c). Green shoe provision
d). Qulet provision
e). Lockup agreement


If the underwriters sold a total of 73,400 shares to the public at a price of $18.20 per share. The additional 13,400 shares were purchased in accordance with : c). Green shoe provision.

What is Green shoe provision?

A green shoe provision can be defined as the way in which an underwriter tend to sell more shares  to investors than the shares that was budgeted.

This scenario best illustrate green shoe provision based on the fact that the  plan shares was 60,000 in which the underwriters sold 73,400 shares given us additional shares of 13,400 shares ( 73,400 shares - 60,000 shares).

Therefore the correct option is C.

Learn more about green shoe provision here:https://brainly.com/question/28963925


adding sustainability to the marketing mix can lead to loss of focus on the objective of economic profitability. adding sustainability to the marketing mix can lead to loss of focus on the objective of economic profitability. true false


True - Additionally, incorporating sustainability into the marketing mix may result in a shift away from the primary goal: economic viability as well as profitability.

Marketing activity that leads to outcomes that are not part of the core economic strategy may cause a business to lose focus and misallocate essential resources, which could hurt its profitability.

To ensure a better quality of life for present and future generations, sustainable marketing entails developing and promoting products and services that satisfy consumer and business user needs while responsibly utilizing society's natural, human, and cultural resources. The focal point of this section is to assist students with better comprehension what is implied by economical showcasing and how it varies from conventional advertising.

Sustainable marketing is more than just making an effort to make oneself appear more concerned about social issues or the environment and promoting this to customers. It has more meaning and substance. Sustainability as a key benefit is still in its infancy, and it is still unclear how strong it is in comparison to established benefits like better value, lower price, more convenience, and greater effectiveness. Green products that do not sacrifice any other benefits will often be purchased by many consumers. However, when the green benefit comes at the expense of a higher price or more conventional benefits, the majority of consumers will not purchase.

To know more about sustainability visit



What are the transactions that the balance of payments accounts record?
The ______ account records receipts from exports of goods and services sold abroad, payments for imports of goods and services from abroad, and ______.
A. capital and financial: net interest income paid abroad and net transfers
B. trade; net income received from abroad and foreign investment in the United States
C. current; net interest income paid abroad and net transfers
D. current; net income received from abroad and foreign investment in the United States


The transactions that the balance of payments accounts record.

The current account records receipts from exports of goods and services sold abroad, payments for imports of goods and services from abroad, and  net interest income paid abroad and net transfers.

What kind of transactions are recorded in the balance of payments accounts?

The balance of payments summarizes an economy's international economic dealings. These transactions consist of transfer payments as well as the export and import of products, services, and financial assets (like foreign aid).

What are the balance of payments' four components?

Current Account + Capital Account + Financial Account + Balancing Item = 0 is the formula for computing the balance of payments.

To Know more about current account



Why do US citizens pay taxes?


The United States citizens pay taxes for helps to ensure the roads you travel on are safe and well-maintained.

The taxes are the compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on worker's income and business profits or added to the cost of some goods, services and transactions, higher taxes will dampen consumer spending.

The taxes are used by the government for carrying out various welfare schemes including employment. There are various of employees in various departments and the administrative cost has to be borne by the government.

To know more about taxes here,



what subject area should be on the checklist of criteria for evaluating middlemen servicing a market? question 18 options: 1) flexibility 2) sensitivity 3) cultural empathy 4) productivity 5) breadth of knowledge


4) Productivity is a subject area that should be on the checklist of criteria for evaluating middlemen servicing a market.

By comparing the quantity of goods and services produced (output) with the quantity of inputs required to generate those goods and services, productivity is a measure of economic performance.

Productivity is a measure of how effectively commodities or services are produced. Productivity measurements are frequently expressed as a ratio of total output to a single input or total input used in a manufacturing process, or output per unit of input, usually over a predetermined time period.

The most typical illustration is the (aggregate) measure of labor productivity, of which GDP per worker is an example. The selection of a productivity definition (including those that do not refer to ratios of output to input) depends on the goal of the productivity assessment and/or the availability of data.

To know more about product:



The value of the marginal product of any input is equal to themarginal product of that input multiplied by the:a.additional revenueb.marginal cost of the outputc.change in total profitd.market price of the output


The value of the marginal product of any input is equal to the marginal product of that input multiplied by the market price of the output.

Producing one more unit of production or selling one more unit of a good can both result in marginal revenue. Marginal Product is the term used to describe the shift in output brought on by more labor or production units. Value Marginal Product (VMP) is the result of multiplying the marginal product or output by the cost of the good.

Using the following formula, one may determine the value of a marginal product: Value of Marginal Product = Marginal Physical Product Average Revenue Price of the Product. The market price of the production is, therefore, the statement that makes the statement complete.

Hence the correct option is D

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Place the following events in the life of Osama bin Laden into chronological order.fights against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistandeclares "war" on the United Statesterrorists associated with Al Qaeda commit attacks on U.S. embassies in Africaterrorists associated with Al Qaeda commit the attacks of September 11, 2001 Find all real solutions for the equation n + 20n +96= 0. Employees at a company are given 1,500 to spend on items for the office. They decide to buy a coffee machine and as many bean bags as possible. Bean bags cost 75 with an offer of "Buy at least 15 get 10% off the price." The coffee machine costs 210. How much will they have left over from the 1,500? goods that all people may use free of charge but that are of limited supply, such as fish in the sea or clean drinking water. these goods are called as a penetration tester, you want to improve your password cracking speed by building a specialized system with multiple video boards installed. which tool can take advantage of multiple gpus for password cracking? Who would win the fight between Beowulf and Grendel's mother? A study discussed in the critical thinking box titled ""should social media help to diagnose disorders?"" indicated that people who were depressed _____ than people who were not depressed. The speaker begins the poem by declaring, My Spanish isnt good enough. Why would she feel this way about Spanish, her native language? Explain. water power corporation wants to begin operations that include the discharge of waste into navigable waters. under the clean water act, the company must install certain equipment a. with all deliberate speed after beginning operations. b. before beginning operations. c. only on a voluntary basis. d. only if a regulatory agency challenges the discharge A favorably adjudicated background investigation is required for access to classified information.t/f . the magnetic flux through a loop with a normal vector parallel to a uniform magnetic field will change: a) if the loop is replaced by two loops, each of which has half of the area of the original loop. b) if the loop moves at constant velocity without rotation while remaining within the uniform magnetic field. c) if the loop is rotated about an axis through its center and perpendicular to the loop. d) if the loop is rotated about an axis through its center and in the plane of the loop. write the complete electron configuration for the common monatomic ion formed by the element sodium , na . Elise said that 0.1 equals 1% complete the explanation of her mistake What is the slope of a line parallel to 1 2? This part of the nervous system moves message between the brain and body the color of light that is least useful to a plant during photosynthesis is ?; why do we perceive chlorophyll as being green?; the first step in photosynthesis is the; how is water used in the process of photosynthesis?; which of the following is true regarding these two steps?; the organelle where light energy is converted into a sugar energy is the; which of these does not occur during the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis; which of the following are true regarding photosynthesis and cellular respiration? In contrast to the congressional reconstruction plan, what was the focus of president andrew johnsons plan? Of the following influence tactics, which would be most effective for Malcolm to get his team members to work on the task?A. asking them to participate in planning how the project can be completedB. asking them to complete the tasks due to their loyalty to the projectC. offering them time off after the project is completedD. telling them that if they dont participate, they will be reprimandedE. bringing a member of the board to a meeting to agree with him Robert had 362 in his bank account. He first spent 54 and then 82 how much money does Robert have left Is root 2 a rational number?